Ratio-Based Financial Performance Analysis of Pepsi: Mengqi Dong

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Ratio-Based Financial Performance Analysis of Pepsi

Mengqi Dong1,*
School of economics and trade, Guangzhou Huashang College, Guangzhou, 511300, China
Corresponding author. Email:18402418@masu.edu.cn

Pepsi Co is a leading global food and beverage company with a broad portfolio of brands that have won the hearts and
minds of consumers around the world. Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company's performance
remained strong and satisfied consumers. The basic purpose of this report is to gain some professional knowledge about
ratio analysis by understanding the company's performance in the industry. The study collects Pepsi Co's financial data
from 2017 to 2021 and analyzes the company's financial position, liquidity, profitability, and cash flow, as well as any
possible risks to solvency. The results demonstrate Pepsi's financial performance in terms of profitability and liquidity,
is stable and reassuring. However, more concern should be provided on quick debt collection and asset conversion.
Although Pepsi Co's shares are overvalued, it's still a good company to watch for the long term.

Keywords: Financial ratio, Financial statement, Relative valuation

1. INTRODUCTION 1.2. related research

1.1. Background Siekelova et al. studied whether there is a statistically
significant relationship between the timeliness ratio
Pepsi Co is a leading global beverage and snack food representing the ability to pay and the selected financial
company. It is the world's fourth-largest food and indicators, and applied the Pearson correlation coefficient
beverage company. The company is headquartered in to a sample of 9821 Slovak companies. These results can
New York City. Pepsi was founded in 1965 by Pepsi and help enterprises choose the indicators needed to evaluate
Frito-Lay, Inc. Amalgamated. According to the annual customer credit. Research shows that accounts receivable
list of the World's Top 100 Food and Beverage companies management is an important tool to eliminate payment
for 2021 released by Us-based industry media Food risk. Therefore, it is an important part of every
Engineering, Pepsi has overtaken Nestle to become the enterprise's financial management. Accounts receivable
new dominant food and beverage company in the world. are an inherent part of current assets. Commercial credit
Nestle previously topped the list for many years. Nestle should not be granted [1]. Alexander et al. researched that
experienced negative growth in the Chinese market due the use of financial ratios can also motivate farmers to
to the reduction of out-of-home channels and limited consider the results of agricultural management
consumer hoarding during the COVID-19 lockdown sustainability assessment. To this end, the CEO will
during the Chinese New Year in 2020. For comparison, maximize the use of annual data rather than long-term
Pepsi's full-year organic revenue growth was 4.3% in data and benchmark with other farms that may have a
2020. Overall sales rose to about $70.4 billion from about similar structure. Finally, given the positive correlation,
$67.2 billion in 2019. That means Pepsi is one of the food reducing the economic ratio in sustainability assessment
and beverage giants that can grow despite the pandemic. seems to be an option. This will reduce the effort required
Through fundamental analysis and relative valuation, this and encourage more frequent (economic) assessments of
paper explores the changes in Pepsi Co's operating sustainability [2]. Bunia and others conducted a sample
conditions and financial health before and during the survey of 1253 Romanian energy companies. To
epidemic which could be helpful to the company's determine the most powerful engine of rare earth, the
stakeholders. author uses a linear regression model. In addition, three
enterprise groups divided by scale are analyzed to test
whether the enterprise belongs to a specific group and the
differences between ROE factors. Other financial ratios

© The Author(s) 2022

Y. Jiang et al. (Eds.): ICEDBC 2022, AEBMR 225, pp. 477–484, 2022.
478 M. Dong

were introduced into the study. The purpose is to identify its peers, as well as SWOT analysis, relevant industries,
financial indicators that have a significant impact on the and industry profiles. The second part introduces some of
return on equity (ROE) of the Romanian energy sector. the company's main financial ratios and compares them
Literature shows that companies with higher ROE with its main competitor Samsung. Using the company's
usually have certain competitive advantages and can reporting indicators, try to estimate Apple's financial
obtain higher profits, to bring higher returns to investors. position and possible short-term future potential. The
Therefore, five indicators/ratios considered to have a third part is Apple's forecast and provides information
significant impact on ROE were used in this study. The about future expectations. The fourth part introduces
results show that asset turnover, P / E ratio, book value, various evaluation models (DCF, DDM, RIM, and P / E)
and leverage ratio have the greatest impact on the rate of used by the author and their evaluation results. Each
return, indicating that asset turnover and P / E ratio have result represents an estimate of the intrinsic value of
the greatest impact on the rate of return [3]. Apple's share price. To overcome the limitations of the
model, one method used by researchers is to estimate the
Lachowitzer collected relevant quantitative and
average value of prices. This report can be used as an
qualitative data from 2014 to 2018 to better understand
example to illustrate the limitations of equity valuation
the current financial environment of the otter tail
based on various assumptions and the model coordination
company. Courtney evaluated the otter tail and compared
problems caused by inconsistent valuation processes [8].
it with the current share price in the same period.
Courtney said that as of December 31, 2018, the current Lorentzen uses the company's free cash flow
selling price of otter tail's shares was $48.64. According discounted cash flow model for valuation. To challenge
to Courtney's valuation, the value of the company's shares or strengthen the valuation results of discounted cash
on that day was $33.41. This shows that otter tail's stock flow, this paper proposes a relative valuation model using
is currently overvalued, so Courtney will advise investors multiples. The P / E ratio is based on Coca-Cola's main
to sell otter tail's stock [4]. competitors and companies with similar characteristics.
The reasonable price of the evaluation is USD 53.82.
Alneyadi et al. discussed and analyzed the financial
Finally, the results are compared with the valuation of
performance of Emaar real estate in the past four years
Barclays, an internationally renowned investment bank.
(2017-2020) using the financial ratio method. Aimar
The results were lower than the recommendations of
properties are one of the largest multinational
investment banks. The possible explanation is different
construction companies in the UAE and are famous for
assumptions about the rate of income growth [9].
building the world's largest shopping and entertainment
center. In this case, all financial ratios are derived from Ginting analyzed the financial performance from
Reuters' annual balance sheet, income, and cash flow 2012 to 2017 based on the ratio of PT. Mustika Ratu,
statement. The report shows the company's success and TBK. The data analysis techniques used in this study are
areas for improvement [5]. qualitative and descriptive analysis. As a result, TBK's
financial performance fluctuated year by year from 2012
Arnott et al. Studied the two relative valuation
to 2017. As for the impact of PT's financial ratio volatility,
predictors and the subsequent return of smart beta
from 2012 to 2017, TBK was affected by several external
strategy, as well as the impact of price on stock selection
and internal factors of the company, requiring PT to take
and asset allocation. Like asset allocation and stock
further measures to improve the company's performance.
selection, relative valuation can predict the long-term
TBK meets the market demand and is close to the market
future returns of strategies and factors, although not
itself [10].
accurate and without significant short-term impact,
sufficient to increase substantive value [6].
1.3. Objective
Almenhali et al. conducted a study based on Tesla's
financial analysis to understand its financial situation This study selected Pepsi Co as the research object,
from 2017 to 2020. More specifically, in terms of analyses the financial data of the company from 2017 to
liquidity, cash flow and debt, Tesla's financial 2021, compares it with the competitors and the industry
performance is sustainable for four years with no indicators, and explores the principle of the change of
liquidation risk on debt solvency. On the contrary, the financial indicators. The structure of this paper is mainly
author found that Tesla suffered huge losses in asset use, composed of three chapters: a summary of financial
accounts receivable management, and net profit margin. statement analysis, financial analysis, and the resulting
Therefore, it is suggested that the management pay more suggestions. The first chapter introduces the analysis
attention to capital and asset management, pay attention method, detailed ratio, and relevant evaluation methods
to the timely recovery of accounts receivable and cost for analysis. The second chapter applies analytical
control, and improve operational efficiency and improve methods to practice. The third chapter describes the
long-term profit prospects [7]. Vasilaki and tsakalidis results of the analysis and the possible explanations
studied the valuation of Apple stock. The first part of the behind the results and summarizes the conclusions and
report introduces the business profile of the company and suggestions of the analysis.
Ratio-Based Financial Performance Analysis of Pepsi 479

2. FINANCIAL INDICATORS ANALYSIS Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio 

Net Credit Sales
Average Accounts Receivable (4)
2.1. Common size analysis Inventory Turnover 
Average Value of Inventory (5)
The aim of using the common size analysis is to see
how a firm's capital structure compares to rivals. The Current assets
Current ratio 
common size analysis represents the percentage of each Current liabilities (6)
line of the financial statements in the basic amount of the
Cash  Marketable securities  Account receivable
period. Using horizontal common-size analysis helps Quick ratio 
Current liabilities (7)
compare line item ratios across several years to look for
recurring trends. It is supported by the data from three Solvency ratio:
financial statements. The three financial statements are
the income statement, the balance sheet, and the cash Total debts
Debt - to - asset ratio 
flow statement. Total assets (8)

2.2. Ratios analysis 2.3. Relative valuation

Ratio analysis is used to examine a company's The relative valuation includes the analysis of PE
financial statements, including profitability ratio, activity ratio, PB ratio, PEG ratio, EV/EBITDA, and other
ratio, liquidity ratio, and solvency ratio, to determine the valuation methods. The main method is to compare the
company's future performance. company's historical data or compare data of the industry
Profitability ratio: to determine the company's position in the industry.


Net profit margin   100
Revenue (1) INC, INC.
Net Income 3.1. Common size analysis
Return on Assets 
Total Assets (2)
The balance sheet reflects the composition and status
Net Income of the assets of the corporate, the total liabilities at a
Return on Equity 
Shareholde rs' Equity (3) certain date and their structure, reveals the source and
composition of the assets, explains, evaluates, and
Activity ratio: forecasts the short-term solvency of the corporate.
Table 1. The balance sheet of Pepsi Co, Inc (million)

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Total assets 79,804 77,648 78,547 92,918 92,377
Total current assets 31,027 21,893 17,645 23,001 21,783
Total fixed assets 39,106 40,164 43,003 46,340 46,828
Total liability 68,823 63,046 63,679 79,366 76,226
Total shareholders' equity 10,981 14,602 14,868 13,552 16,151


2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Total assets Total current assets Total fixed assets

Total liability Total shareholders' equity

Figure 1. Each indicator growth rate from 2017 to 2021 (%)

480 M. Dong

Throughout the balance sheet and the growth rate of shareholders' equity has grown more than total assets
each indicator for the last five years, Pepsi Co had two most of the time, which shows that Pepsi's financial
negative growth in total assets in 2018 and 2021, the main position is relatively stable.
is the decrease of current assets. During the same period,
The income statement is a statement that reflects the
the total liability also has been negative growth of varying
operating results of an enterprise within a certain
degrees. It reflects a reduction in liability leads to a
accounting period. It reflects the source and composition
decrease in total assets. Although the growth rate of other
of corporate profits, and can also be used to analyse the
indicators is flat and stable, the growth rate of liability is
profitability of the enterprise and forecast the future cash
still higher than total assets, it can be considered that this
flow of the enterprise.
situation has brought some pressure to the company's
financial risk control. Except in 2017 and 2020, total

Table 2. Income statement of Pepsi Co, Inc from 2017 to 2021 (million)

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Net income 4,908 12,559 7,353 7,175 7,679
Revenue 63,525 64,661 67,161 70,372 79,474
COGS 28,796 29,381 30,132 31,797 37,075
SG&A 24,453 25,170 26,738 28,495 31,237
Interest expenses 4,694 -3,370 1,959 1,894 2,142

‐0.5 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Net income Revenue COGS SG&A Interest expenses

Figure 2. Each indicator growth rate from 2017 to 2021

As shown in Figure 2, there was a significant increase income growth rate is not very fast, so it should
in net income in 2018 compared to 2017, which increased strengthen the management of the company.
by 1.56%. However the growth of total operating income
in 2018 is not obvious, it is due to a sharp rise in interest 3.2 Ratios analysis
expenses. The performance of revenue in 2021 is mainly
due to the improvement of net income and interest The profitability ratios, activity ratios, liquidity ratios,
expenses. Over the past five years, net income growth has and solvency ratios, can analyze the enterprise's ability to
been slower than revenue, it is mainly caused by the quick obtain profits, reflect the enterprise's capital turnover
growth of three expenses. In general, the company's situation, and explain the enterprise's ability to repay
financial situation is relatively stable, and there is no short-term debt and long-term debt.
trend of increasing financial risks. However, Pepsi's net

Table 3. Profitability ratios of Pepsi Co, Inc from 2017 to 2021

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Net profit margin 0.077 0.194 0.109 0.102 0.097
Return on Assets 44.19% 98.52% 49.92% 50.42% 51.65%
Return on Equity 6.34% 15.90% 9.37% 8.30% 8.22%
Ratio-Based Financial Performance Analysis of Pepsi 481





2017 2018 2019 2020 2021


Net profit margin Return on Assets Return on Equity

Figure 3. Profitability ratios growth rate from 2017 to 2021

The stronger the profitability of the enterprise, the because of the substantial increase in net income in that
higher the return to shareholders, and the greater the year. This shows that the benefit created by unit sales,
value of the enterprise. The net profit margin, ROA, and unit assets, and unit equity is increasing. In the following
ROE showed a big leap from 2017 to 2018, with the index years, the above indicators declined slightly but generally
growth rate reaching 1.52, 1.23, and 1.51 respectively. remained at a stable level. It also reflects the state of weak
Reviewing Table 1, it is not difficult to find that it is growth.

Table 4. Activity ratios of Pepsi Co, Inc from 2017 to 2021 (time)

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

A/R turnover 9.26 9.13 8.98 8.67 9.30
Inv turnover 10.15 9.67 9.32 8.47 8.70

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

A/R turnover Inv turnover

Figure 4. Activity ratios growth rate from 2017 to 2021

The account receivable turnover shows the flexibility inventory in working capital is gradually increasing, and
of accounts receivable, and the inventory turnover shows the operating capacity is weak. However, the A/R
the speed of selling inventory. In the four years before turnover and Inv turnover are positive growth under the
2021, the A/R turnover and Inv turnover are negative COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2021, which shows
growth, which shows that the recovery capacity of Pepsi’s strong ability to deal with systemic risk.
accounts receivable is poor, the amount used for

Table 5. Liability ratios of Pepsi Co, Inc from 2017 to 2021

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Current ratio 1.51 0.99 0.86 0.98 0.83

Quick ratio 1.37 0.85 0.7 0.81 0.67

482 M. Dong

‐0.10 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Current ratio Quick ratio

Figure 5. Liability ratios growth rate from 2017 to 2021

The Current Ratio is a measure of an enterprise's ratio has been declining for nearly five years and began
ability to pay off current liabilities by cashing in working to fall below 1.5 in 2018, indicating that the risk of capital
capital, reflecting the enterprise's solvency in the short chain rupture is increasing. The quick ratio is also
term. The quick ratio can be used to indicate the number declining year by year, indicating that the short-term
of current assets with good liquidity to pay off recent solvency of Pepsi Co is becoming weaker and weaker.
liabilities. As can be seen from table 5, Pepsi Co's current

Table 6. Solvency ratios of Pepsi Co, Inc from 2017 to 2021

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Debt to assets ratio 86.24% 81.19% 81.07% 85.42% 82.52%




2017 2018 2019 2020 2021




Figure 6. Solvency ratios growth rate from 2017 to 2021

The debt to assets ratio is an important indicator of the method of P/E, P/B, and PEG ratios to evaluate the
solvency ratio. It reflects how much of an enterprise's investment value of Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and Nongfu spring
total assets are obtained by borrowing. It can be seen in companies.
table 6 that the debt to assets of Pepsi Co is much higher
The formula for P/E, P/B, and PEG ratios:
than 70%, reflecting the high financial risk and weak
long-term solvency. Market Price per Share
P/E Ratio 
Earnings per Share (9)
Market Price per Share
P/B 
4.1 Valuation ratios Book Value per Share (10)
Valuation ratios usually select the average value of Price/ Earnigs per Share
comparable companies and industries as the comparable PEG 
EPS Growth (11)
benchmark to measure and evaluate whether the
enterprise valuation is reasonable. This paper adopts the
Ratio-Based Financial Performance Analysis of Pepsi 483

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