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Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

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Journal of African Earth Sciences

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Comparative geology and metamorphic evolution of the Luswishi Dome,

Copperbelt, Zambia: Implications for exploration targeting
Kabang’u G. Sakuwaha a, b, *, Toru Takeshita a, Ahmed H. Ahmed b
Department of Natural History Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-0808, Japan
Department of Geology, School of Mines, University of Zambia, P.O Box 32379, Lusaka, Zambia


Keywords: The Luswishi Dome forms part of the Neoproterozoic Lufilian Arc which hosts copper-cobalt ores of the Central
Geothermobarometry African Copperbelt. We report new data from a study that combines observations from drill core logging,
Pseudosection petrographic and chemical analyses, geothermobarometry and phase equilibria modelling. Drill core logging
Luswishi dome
identifies lithostratigraphic units which are partially correlated with the Katanga Supergroup based on the
occurrence of regional markers. The Nguba Group constrained by the presence of glacial tillite includes variably
Lufilian orogeny deformed, carbonaceous shales, and carbonates. An underlying sequence of quartzites, metapelites, calc-silicates,
meta-sandstones, shales, dolomites and gabbros is partially correlated with the Roan Group. Overprinting re­
lationships of structures in drill core provide evidence for possible polyphase deformation. Early deformation
generated folds which were overprinted by faults and later by brecciation caused by hydrofracturing during later
deformation, and subsequently metasomatism. Petrographic examinations reveal porphyroblast-inclusion-matrix
relationships which indicate that the area experienced at least two penetrative ductile deformation events, D1
and D2, which are in turn overprinted by brittle structures at D3 and later phases. Thermobarometry calculations
identify peak metamorphic conditions of 580–600 ◦ C with maximum pressures of ~7 ± 1 kbar. Integrating
thermobarometry with pseudosection modelling allows reconstruction of clockwise P-T-d paths consistent with
consumption of epidote, chlorite, muscovite, quartz and low Ca-plagioclase to form biotite, garnet, high Ca-
plagioclase and aluminosilicates. These observations suggest Barrovian intermediate P/T-type metamorphism
which can be attributed to a tectonic scenario of burial under geothermal gradients of ~20–25 ◦ C/km prior to
uplift and erosion. These data complement previous models of regional metamorphism by crustal thickening
during the Lufilian orogeny.

1. Introduction footprints and knowledge of their tectonic and metamorphic evolutions.

The Proterozoic Lufilian Arc of southern Africa located between the
Geological processes responsible for ore mobilizations and formation Congo and Kalahari cratons is one of the segments of the Pan-African
of ore deposits are initiated during orogenic cycles (Hitzman et al., 2010; orogeny which developed during the assembly of the Gondwana su­
McCuaig and Hronsky, 2014). Ore mobilizations are assisted by an percontinent between 650–600 and 500 Ma (Kampunzu and Cailteux,
interplay of processes which focus energy and mass transfer in what is 1999; Porada and Berhorst, 2000). Other Pan-African orogenic belts in
termed “the mineral systems concept”. This concept links elements of southern Africa include the Zambezi Belt, the Damara Belt in Namibia
lithospheric architecture, metal sources, favorable geodynamic triggers, and Mozambique Belt, which all form part of a continuous trans­
fertility, time, and preservation of precipitated ores (Hitzman et al., continental system which records tectonic events related to Gondwana
2005, 2010; McCuaig and Hronsky, 2014). Globally, these factors have amalgamation (see Goscombe et al., 2020 and references therein). The
been identified to be common underlying controls on the formation of Lufilian Arc contains one of the world’s most important sediment-hosted
major sediment-hosted sulfide deposits (Hitzman et al., 2005, 2010). copper-cobalt ore deposits of the Central African Copperbelt (CACB)
Consequently, it appears that constraining space for exploration tar­ found in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), hosted
geting in orogenic belts requires an understanding of mineralization within diverse lithologies at various stratigraphic positions (Broughton,

* Corresponding author. Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8572, Japan.
E-mail address: kabangu_sakuwaha@geol.tsukuba.ac.jp (K.G. Sakuwaha).

Received 23 December 2020; Received in revised form 30 July 2021; Accepted 5 August 2021
Available online 6 August 2021
1464-343X/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

2014; Selley et al., 2018). Comprehensive studies of the basin archi­ amphibolite facies in Zambia (Fig. 1a). The Dome’s region records the
tecture, stratigraphy, structural evolution, geochronology, and ore de­ highest metamorphic conditions although the metamorphism appears to
posit styles in the Lufilian Arc have been well documented by previous be heterogeneous and variable peak P-T conditions spanning 540–750◦
publications (Cailteux et al., 2005; Master et al., 2005; Kipata et al., at 6–13 kbar have been reported from the different domes (Cosi et al.,
2012; Eglinger et al., 2016; Selley et al., 2018). Notably, these re­ 1992; John et al., 2004; Meighan, 2015; Eglinger et al., 2016; Turlin
searchers note that the elements of geology, hydrology, stratigraphy, et al., 2016).
geochemistry, metamorphism, and structural architecture which char­ Despite the heterogeneity, there seems to be a consensus that
acterize the belt all provide unique conditions which exert some primary deformation and metamorphism have played an important role in the
controls on the ore forming processes. ore-forming process of the region. Textural relationships from some of
Ores on the DRC side of the CACB, known as the Katanga Copperbelt the major deposits in Zambia indicate primary ore minerals were formed
are mostly contained in allochthonous dolomitic units within mega­ during diagenesis and later remobilized during the Lufilian deformation
breccias and thrust sheets (Cailteux et al., 2005; El Desouky et al., 2009). and accompanying metamorphism and metasomatism (McGowan et al.,
In Zambia, most ores occur within para-autochthonous meta-sedi­ 2006; Torremans et al., 2013; Eglinger et al., 2016; Turlin et al., 2016).
mentary units and structures which are characteristically associated Published P-T-t paths show continuous mobilization of ore minerals
with low amplitude dome structures in a zone known as the Dome’s from orogenesis, through peak metamorphism and syn-orogenic exhu­
region (Cosi et al., 1992; John et al., 2004). The Luswishi dome forms mation to late recrystallization (Eglinger et al., 2016; Turlin et al.,
part of the Dome’s region which is defined by reworked Paleo-to Mes­ 2015). Furthermore, geochronological studies correlate all of the
oproterozoic basement units uncomformably overlain by rocks of the Dome’s region ores to peak tectonomorphic events between 540 and
Neoproterozoic-to Paleozoic Katanga Supergroup (Cosi et al., 1992; 490 Ma, coincident with the Lufilian orogeny (Sillitoe et al., 2017).
John et al., 2004; Eglinger et al., 2016). Previous studies on meta­ Considering these data, it appears necessary to expand the studies to all
morphism in the Lufilian Arc identify regional Barrovian-type facies parts of the Dome’s region to understand the extent and dynamics of
series characterized by a north to south increase in P-T conditions from metamorphism and any possible mineralization footprints.
Prehnite-pumpellyite facies in DRC to upper greenschist and The target of this research is the Luswishi dome, an area of

Fig. 1. Maps and cross section showing the simplified geology and structural features of the Lufilina Arc and surrounding areas (locality shown in the inset diagram).
(a) Regional geological map of Zambia, modified after Porada and Berhorst (2000), with age constraints from literature (see text). The green and orange dotted lines
represent metamorphic isograds from Eglinger et al. (2016). Insert shows the location of the Lufilian Arc in southern Africa. (b) Cross section cross line A-A′ modified
after Porada. (1989). Abbreviations: Kf-Kafue anticline; Lss-Luswishi dome; Slz-Solwezi dome; Mbz-Mwombezhi dome; Kbo-Kabompo dome. The study area, Lss is
enlarged in Fig. 3. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

exploration interest for several exploration companies although eco­ Berhorst, 2000). During the Lufilian orogeny, the Lufilian Arc under­
nomic ore is yet to be discovered. Previous research identifies similar went a sequence of tectonic events as a consequence of collision between
lithologies and structures to those which host ore deposits elsewhere in the Congo and Kalahari Cratons and amalgamation of Gondwana
the Dome’s region and, evidence of fluid activity has been noted (Kampunzu and Cailteux, 1999; Porada and Berhorst, 2000; Key et al.,
(Macgowan, 2016). However, no studies have been conducted to 2001; Kipata et al., 2012):
establish the metamorphic evolution of the area. To address this point
and provide a better understanding of the geology, we carried out drill • The first deformation event, D1 called the Kolwezian phase initiated
core logging and detailed investigations on the petrology, microstruc­ after ~800 Ma resulted in crustal thickening caused by polyphase
tures, mineral chemistry, quantitative geothermobarometry and phase folding, shearing, and thrusting with northward transport.
equilibria modelling on garnet and/or aluminosilicate-bearing pelites to • The second D2 event named the Monwezi phase caused folding, E-W
identify paragenetic sequences and construct P-T-d paths using Perple_x faulting, strike-slip faulting, and clockwise rotation of crustal blocks
6.6.8 software (Connolly, 2005, 2009). These data provide new which resulted in the convex geometry of the Lufilian Arc. This event
knowledge and contribute to our understanding of the Dome’s region was initiated after 690 Ma accompanied by the emplacement of the
and the Lufilian metamorphism, with implications for further explora­ syn-tectonic Hook granite complex between 570 and 530 Ma (Han­
tion efforts around the Luswishi dome. son et al., 1993; Milani et al., 2015). The event reached peak con­
ditions at ~530 Ma (John et al., 2004a) during the final collision of
2. Regional geological setting the Congo and Kalahari cratons. Widespread hydrothermal activities
and formation of vein mineralization accompanied this and later
The regional setting of the Lufilian Arc is shown in Fig. 1. It is phases.
generally understood that the Katangan stratigraphy was initially • The third D3 event initiated after 540 Ma, called the Chilatembo
deposited in intra-cratonic, fault-controlled subbasins linked to exten­ phase generated transverse folding and structures which crosscut the
sional tectonics associated with the dispersal of Rodinia Supercontinent main Lufilian structural trends.
between 880 and 840 Ma (Kampunzu and Cailteux, 1999; Porada and

Fig. 2. Simplified stratigraphic column of the Dome’s region modified after (Selley et al., 2018; Cailteux and De Putter, 2019) with age constraints from (Key et al.,
2001; Armstrong et al., 2005). Ng1-Ng and Ku1-Ku1 represent subgroup nomenclatures of the Nguba and Kundelungu Groups in DRC presented by Cailteux and De
Putter (2019). The interpreted stratigraphic positions of the lithologies intersected by the studied drill holes at Luswishi Dome is discussed in section 2.2.

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

The Lufilian Arc is sub-divided into four tectonic zones which from the stratigraphy including the basement and the Grand Conglomérat
north to south are (I) the external fold and thrust belt mostly located on (Broughton, 2014; Selley et al., 2018). This widens the scope for
the Congolese side, (II) the Domes region, (III) the Synclinorial belt, and exploration targeting and calls attention to previously underexplored
(IV) the Katanga high in Zambia (Fig. 1b). The WSW-ENE-trending areas of the region.
Mwembeshi Shear Zone marks the southern boundary of the Lufilina
Arc (Fig. 1). For this study, only the Domes region is discussed. 2.2. Geology of the Luswishi Dome

2.1. Regional geology and stratigraphy of the Dome’s region The Luswishi Dome is characterized by vast areas without outcrop
exposures, which hampers detailed geologic mapping hence the geology
As previous indicated, the Dome’s region is characterized by sub- is not well constrained. However, early mapping reports of the Zambia
basin domains cored by reworked Paleo-to Mesoproterozoic gneisses, Geological Survey Department identify the dome as an inlier of base­
migmatites and schists unconformably overlain by the Neoproterozoic- ment cored by granitic gneisses, granites and pegmatites, rimmed by
to Paleozoic Katanga Supergroup. From east to west, the most impor­ meta-sedimentary sequences of the Katanga Supergroup (Ayres, 1973;
tant domes are the Kafue anticline, Luswishi, Solwezi, Mwombezhi, and Parkin, 1980). Overlying the basement dome are quartzites which are
the Kabompo domes (Fig. 1a). The regional stratigraphy is summarized exposed as a series of ridges and low-laying boulders and cut by a series
in Fig. 2 and briefly discussed in this section. The basement includes the of faults. The quartzites have been described as glassy, coarse-grained
pre-Neoproterozoic quartzites and metapelites of the Muva Supergroup rocks and interpreted to be remnants of the pre-Katanga Muva Super­
deposited between ~1941 and 1000 Ma (Rainaud et al., 2003; Rainaud group (now eroded) which were interfolded with the basement (Ayres,
et al., 2005; De Waele and Fitzsimons, 2007; De Waele et al., 2009) in 1973). The basement dome is uncomformably overlain by lithologic
the Irumide Belt, and correlatives around the Kafue Anticline. The units of the Katanga Supergroup, which include pelitic and calc-silicate
overlying Katanga Supergroup is a succession of continental and marine schists of variable mineralogic composition, quartzites, dolomitic rocks,
meta-sedimentary, carbonate and mafic igneous rocks subdivided into carbonaceous shales and gabbroic bodies correlated with the Dome’s
regionally mappable groups reflecting their original depositional envi­ region stratigraphy based on lithologic similarities (this study). The
ronments (Cosi et al., 1992; Selley et al., 2018). The lowermost unit in basement- Katanga boundary has been defined from airborne geophysics
the Katanga stratigraphy is the Roan Group which encompasses three and soil geochemistry (Fig. 3.). Abundant gabbroic intrusions have been
Subgroups namely the Lower Roan, Upper Roan and the Mwashya mapped in the southwestern area of the dome. The gabbros have been
(Fig. 2). The Lower Roan consists of siliciclastic lithologies which described as having intrusive relationships with both the basement and
include conglomerates of tectonic origin, quartzites, arkoses and shales metasedimentary sequence, and locally scapolitized (Parkin, 1980).
interpreted to represent the earliest syn-rift sediments derived from the Similar gabbros also occur on the eastern side. The geochemical char­
erosion of the basement (Master et al., 2005). Ages of detrital zircons acteristics of the gabbros indicate that they were crystallized from
from the Lower Roan indicate sediment sources include the Paleo­ tholeiitic magmas generated in a rift setting, consistent with other basic
proterozoic (~2081 and 1836) Bangweulu Block, the Lufubu Meta­ rocks in the region (Tembo et al., 1998).
morphic Complex of the Kafue Anticline (Master et al., 2005; Rainaud Away from the described rocks are vast areas of poorly known ge­
et al., 2005), and the ~883 Ma Nchanga Granite (Armstrong et al., ology but drill core from exploration drilling programs conducted be­
2005). The Nchanga Granite is the youngest intrusion in the basement tween 1962 and 2018 is available for research. To our knowledge, no
and hence provides the maximum age for the onset of sedimentation detailed petrologic studies have been published from Luswishi Dome,
(Armstrong et al., 2005). The Lower Roan shale is the main orebody but the cited mapping reports also mention metamorphic mineral as­
member in the Kafue anticline (Master et al., 2005; Broughton, 2014; semblages indicative of amphibolite facies metamorphism (Ayres, 1973;
Selley et al., 2018). The Lower Roan is overlain by the Upper Roan, a Parkin, 1980). These authors report the presence of aluminosilicates in
thick evaporite-bearing sequence of carbonates, mafic intrusions, and quartzite, garnet-kyanite-plagioclase-biotite assemblages in pelitic
mega-clastic breccias whose origin is debated, but largely linked to the schists, and actinolite-tremolite in calc-silicate outcrops. Occurrences of
dissolution of former evaporite horizons after brittle fracturing during copper carbonates and anomalous background metal contents in soils
the Lufilian orogeny (Cailteux et al., 2005). The Upper Roan is overlain and drill holes have also been reported (Ayres, 1973; Parkin, 1980), but
by the Mwashya Subgroup which is made up of platform carbonates, subsequent follow up works have not yielded economic targets.
dolomitic shales, carbonaceous shales, and sandstones and intruded by
~765 Ma mafic volcanics related to a second extensional episode in the 3. Sampling and analytical methods
basin (Key et al., 2001). Overlying the Mwashya is the polymictic glacial
tillite of the Grand Conglomérat unit (also known as the Mwale For­ In this study, we logged 18 drill holes and collected quarter core
mation), interpreted to have been deposited between ~ 735 and 765 Ma, samples from various depths. For each drill hole, lithologic character­
and globally correlated with the ~700–740 Ma Sturtian glaciation (Key istics, structures, and any minerals were noted. Drill hole coordinates
et al., 2001; Master et al., 2005; Batumike et al., 2007; Cailteux and De and detailed lithologic descriptions can be found in the related data
Putter, 2019). The Grand Conglomérat defines the base of the overlying article and supplementary data files. For detailed analyses of selected
Nguba Group (Ng-1), and is overlain by dolomites, limestones, shales, samples (Table 1), the following methods were applied.
and siltstones assigned to two Subgroups, Muombe (Ng-2) and Bunkaya
(Ng-3) (Cailteux and De Putter, 2019). The topmost preserved unit is the 3.1. Chemical analysis of whole rocks and minerals
Kundelungu Group which is similar to the Nguba Group and also consists
of a glacial tillite at the base, the Petit Conglomérat (Kyandamu or Ku-1), Whole rock analyses were conducted by fusion XRF with FeO ana­
correlated with the ~635 Ma Marinoan glaciation (Master et al., 2005; lyses using titration at the Actlabs in Canada. The whole rock data were
Batumike et al., 2007; Selley et al., 2018; Cailteux and De Putter, 2019). recalculated on a molar basis and given in Table 2. Petrographic ex­
The Petit Conglomérat is overlain by pinkish dolomites, shales, dolo­ aminations were conducted using optical microscopy and SEM-EDS,
mitic shales, siltstones, sandstones and oolitic limestones assigned to whereas mineral chemistry data were determined using the JEOL JXA
two Subgroups, Gombela (Ku-2) and Ngule (Ku-3) (Cailteux and De 8800R electron microprobe analyzer (EPMA), operated at 15 keV
Putter, 2019). The Nguba and Kundelungu Groups are mostly exposed in accelerating voltage and 12 nA beam current at Hokkaido University.
the DRC (Master et al., 2005; Batumike et al., 2007; Selley et al., 2018), Natural and synthetic silicates and oxides were used as standards and
and recently revised (Cailteux and De Putter, 2019). Orebodies have conventional ZAF methods applied for matrix correction. Representative
been found in redox and structural zones at various levels throughout EPMA data are given in Tables 3–5.

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Fig. 3. (a) Geological map and (b) Cross section of the Luswishi Dome interpreted from the literature and drill holes. More detailed logs for selected drill holes Fig. 4.

3.2. Geo-thermobarometry 3.3. Pseudosection modelling

Quantitative metamorphic P-T conditions were determined by con­ Pseudosections have been computed using Perple_x 6.8.6 (Connolly,
ventional geo-thermobarometry on garnet-mica schists using the com­ 2005), and the updated 2011 version of the internally consistent ther­
positions of cores and Mg-rich near-rim portions of garnets plus inclusion modynamic database of Holland and Powell, hp62ver.dat (2011). The
and matrix minerals respectively (see Table 6). To test the reliability of Al2SiO5 triple point in this database is constrained at 550 ◦ C and 4.4
the P-T estimates, different calibrations have been applied following the kbar, consistent with Pattison (1992). Computations were conducted as
recommendations of Essene (1989). According to Essene (1989), two or a function of temperature, pressure, and bulk composition in the
more calibrations should give similar results to satisfy necessary mini­ MnNCKFMASHTO (MnO–Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–TiO2–
mum conditions of accuracy. For this study, temperature conditions H2O–O2), for garnet-mica schists and KFMASHTO for the kyanite-mica
estimated on four garnet-mica schists using garnet-biotite (GB) Fe–Mg schists assuming water saturation. The O2 system component repre­
exchange thermometers of Hodges and Spear (1982), Perchuk and Lar­ sents the transformed component Fe2O3 calculated as Fe2O3 = 2FeO
ent’eva (1983), Dasgupta et al. (1991), and Bhattacharya et al. (1992) +0.5O2 to account for ferric iron, Fe3+.
data set calibrations are presented. Pressure estimates were obtained
from the garnet-biotite-muscovite-plagioclase geobarometry 4. Results
calibrations of Holland and Powell (1996), and the
garnet-biotite-aluminosilicate-quartz (GBAQ) geobarometer of Wu 4.1. Descriptions of drill hole geology and lithologic correlations
(2017). This calibration simultaneously iterates the (GBAQ) pressures
and (GB) temperatures of Holdaway (2000) on garnet-biotite-bearing Lithologic logs of selected drill holes are shown in Fig. 4, with broad
assemblages regardless of the presence or absence of muscovite or correlations between the northwest and southeast. Representative rock
plagioclase and has been tested on natural pelites of broad compositions types and structures are shown in Fig. 5, and briefly described in this
and confirmed to be reliable for P-T conditions of 450–950 ◦ C and 1–17 section. Based on our lithologic logging, rocks representing the base­
kbar (Wu, 2017, 2019). The content of ferric iron, Fe3+ in biotite is ment were identified in one drill hole, MP490 from the western side
considered to be ~11.6 mol. % of the total Fe and that of garnet assumed (shown in Fig. 3). This drill hole intersects granitic gneiss, aplite, feld­
to be 3 mol. % of the total Fe, hence the values are set to be 0.116 and 0.03 spathic meta-granite, mafic amphibolite and quartz-biotite schists. A
mol.% respectively for ilmenite- and/or graphite-bearing metapelites, 207Pb/206 Pb age of 1869 ± 8.5 Ma was obtained on zircons from the
whereas those for hematite-bearing metapelites were set to be 0.2 and gneissic interval at 454.8 m (Minerals and Metals Group, MMG, 2017;
0.05 mol.%, respectively based on the designation of Holdaway (2000, unpublished data). Gneisses of similar ages have been reported from the
2001). Kabompo and Kafue basement domes (Key et al., 2001; Master et al.,

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Table 2

Abbreviations for minerals are from Whitney and Evans (2010). Grt, garnet; Amp, amphibole; Crd, cordierite, Bt, biotite; Pl, plagioclase; Ms, muscovite; Chl, chlorite, Qz, quartz, Ep. epidote; Ky, kyanite; And, andalusite;
Whole rock chemistry of the studied samples. Original data including LOI values

are given with the supplementary data files.

Sample ID D438 D440 D452 D482 D472 D490


Mineralogy Grt- Grt- Grt- Ky- Grt- Grt-
Amp mica mica mica mica mica
Fe oxide Oxide (Mol.

Al2O3 9.92 11.36 13.33 9.87 13.33 11.95
CaO 6.47 6.25 2.88 0.97 2.64 2.68

K2O 2.41 2.67 3.68 1.31 3.63 3.14


MgO 10.02 6.89 8.49 30.21 7.40 6.92
MnO 0.18 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.10 0.06

Na2O 2.74 2.21 1.42 1.55 1.81 2.50
SiO2 50.15 62.93 62.24 53.86 62.62 65.47

TiO2 4.38 0.69 0.73 0.45 0.67 0.71

FeO 12.89 6.79 6.50 0.27 7.40 6.09
Fe2O3 0.84 0.16 0.66 1.52 0.40 0.48



Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

MgO/(FeO + 0.44 0.50 0.57 0.99 0.50 0.53

CaO/(CaO + 0.70 0.74 0.67 0.39 0.59 0.52




2005). The granitic rocks are composed of alkaline feldspar augens,

plagioclase, quartz, biotite, minor muscovite, mymekite and sphene in

thin section. This drill hole also contains a paraconglomerate interval

with deformed clasts of granitic composition (Fig. 5b). The conglom­

erate is probably related to the syn-rift basal conglomerate of the Lower


Roan Group. Reconstruction of the lower stratigraphy was crippled by

Tlc, talc; Rt, rutile; Ilm, ilmenite, Ap, apatite; Zrn, zircon; Tur, tourmaline; Mnz, monazite; Cb, carbonate minerals; Gr, graphite.

significant portions of missing and/or mixed core intervals caused by

damage to the old core boxes and by the large spacing of drilling be­



tween drill hole MP490 and other drill holes. In the northwest, drill
holes closest to the dome intersect quartzites, actinolite-tremolite


schists, garnet-bearing schists and other pelitic schists of varying

mineralogic compositions, amphibole-bearing dolomites, calc-silicate


schists and diamictites. The diamictites are metamorphosed (up to

garnet-grade in places; Fig. 5i), poorly sorted, matrix-supported rocks



with polymictic clasts and drop stones now deformed into ellipsoid and
sigmoid shapes which define a foliation (Fig. 5g and h). The cementing


material is graphitic and/or calcareous with sulfides occurring both as

disseminations and as remobilizations in the margins and strain shadows


of the clasts. One drill hole, CL89 intersects a thick poly-lithic breccia

(Fig. 5d) from ~312 to 380 m, containing an amphibole-rich fault gauge


at ~370 m depth. A Cu-sulfide mineralized interval occurs within the


lower contact with, and within the underlying biotite schist. Drill holes

further away from the dome intersect lower metamorphic grade

carbonaceous shales interlayered with dolomites, diamictites, mixed


calcareous-graphitic rocks, meta-sandstones and meta-gabbros. Simi­

larly, drill holes from the southeast which are closer to the basement
LCP-MUJI-DH0003 (171.1 m)
LCP-MUJI-DH0002 (100 m)
LCP-MUJI-DH0003 (272 m)

dome (CZCD0011, CZCD0005, and CZCD0010) intersect garnet ±

kyanite-bearing rocks, whereas drill holes further southeast intersect
CZCD0011 (234.4 m)
CZCD0011 (250.6 m)
CZCD0005 (829.4 m)

lower grade shales, carbonates, meta-siltstones, gabbros, and dia­

mictites. Two drill holes, CZSE0012 and CZSE0014 appear to have been
CL102 (190 m)

CL87 (450 m)
CL87 (92 m)

drilled through some major structures as the core is highly brecciated

and veined. The glacial diamictite is repeated in CZSE0014 (Fig. 4,

arrowed) probably as result of thrust tectonics. The deepest drill hole,

CZSEE0005 (850 m) intersected the diamictite below 750 m depth. This
drill hole intersects cyclic sequences of pelitic schists of variable
Sample ID

mineralogy, meta-siltstones, shales, and thin carbonates which appear to


be repeated by folding, as evidenced by abundant fold structures in the

drill core. Gabbros are green in color, coarse grained (Fig. 5q), and have
intrusive relationships with adjacent strata. Mineralogically, gabbros
Kyanite-mica schist

are composed of calcic amphiboles, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, quartz,

Sampling details.

Grt-mica schist
Grt-mica schist

Grt-mica schist
Grt mica schist

sphene, epidote, accessory apatite, carbonates, phlogopite and opaques.

Grt-amp shist
Mica schist
Mica schist

Texturally, most rocks exhibit penetrative foliation and contain

Rock type

Crd schist
Table 1

quartz-carbonate ± (pyrite-pyrrhotite) veins which are either parallel to

the general foliation or deformed into ptygmatic structures (e.g., Fig. 5l).

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Table 3
Representative plagioclase EPMA analyses for the studied samples.
Sample D440 D440 D452 D472 D472 D472 D490 D490

Area inclusion matrix matrix corona inclusion matrix matrix inclusion

SiO2 57.33 61.86 53.05 57.09 55.38 58.04 59.58 59.57
Al2O3 24.28 24.65 30.29 25.42 25.08 25.31 25.43 25.66
CaO 13.69 8.82 12.86 11.31 12.55 9.63 7.92 8.03
Na2O 4.00 4.67 4.28 6.97 6.47 6.96 7.45 7.38
K2O 0.30 0.12 0.05 0.06 0.72 0.07 0.10 0.09
Total 99.59 100.12 100.53 100.84 100.20 100.01 100.47 100.73
Cations (Ox = 8)
Si 2.60 2.73 2.39 2.56 2.52 2.60 2.65 2.64
Al 1.30 1.28 1.61 1.35 1.35 1.34 1.33 1.34
Fe(ii) 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca 0.66 0.42 0.62 0.54 0.61 0.46 0.38 0.38
Na 0.35 0.40 0.37 0.61 0.57 0.61 0.64 0.63
K 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.00
An 64.35 50.62 62.22 47.14 49.97 43.19 36.79 37.38
Ab 34.00 48.55 37.48 52.58 46.64 56.45 62.67 62.14
Or 1.65 0.82 0.30 0.28 3.39 0.36 0.55 0.48

Table 4
Representative garnet EPMA analyses for the studied samples.
Sample D440 D440 D452 D452 D452 D472 D472 D490 D490

Area core rim core mantle rim core rim core rim

SiO2 36.26 35.95 36.17 36.19 36.15 35.98 36.34 36.08 36.16
TiO2 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.06 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.02
Al2O3 20.51 21.14 20.04 20.17 21.06 21.30 21.47 20.51 20.68
FeO 29.27 31.31 31.12 33.07 32.04 31.30 31.49 30.11 31.99
MnO 4.54 2.03 2.87 0.75 1.46 1.74 0.91 4.09 2.51
MgO 1.49 1.70 2.04 2.87 3.70 2.75 3.16 1.84 2.45
CaO 7.86 7.95 7.70 6.99 5.72 6.91 6.65 7.30 6.34
Total 100.01 100.17 100.03 100.09 100.16 100.05 100.09 100.04 100.16
Cations (Ox. 12)
Si 2.92 2.88 2.91 2.89 2.87 2.87 2.89 2.90 2.90
Ti 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00
Al 1.94 2.00 1.90 1.90 1.97 2.00 2.01 1.94 1.95
Cr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fe3 0.21 0.24 0.28 0.30 0.28 0.25 0.20 0.24 0.25
Fe2 1.76 1.86 1.81 1.91 1.85 1.84 1.89 1.78 1.89
Mn 0.31 0.14 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.12 0.06 0.28 0.17
Mg 0.18 0.20 0.24 0.34 0.44 0.33 0.37 0.22 0.29
Ca 0.68 0.68 0.66 0.60 0.49 0.59 0.57 0.63 0.54
XAlm 62.82 67.20 65.48 69.06 67.54 66.83 67.63 64.23 68.02
XPrp 5.72 6.50 7.64 10.67 13.89 10.48 12.09 6.99 9.30
XGrs 21.60 21.87 20.77 18.69 15.45 18.92 18.29 19.94 17.28
XSps 9.86 4.42 6.11 1.58 3.11 3.77 1.98 8.84 5.40
XFe 0.91 0.90 0.88 0.85 0.81 0.85 0.83 0.89 0.87

Open, asymmetrical folds are abundant throughout the drill core and holes from the southeastern side intersect rocks belonging to the Nguba
often overprinted by faults and carbonate-filled extensional structures Group. Similar lithologies were observed in drill holes ZNADD0001 – 05,
(Fig. 5i and j). In massive dolomites and quartzites, folding appears to be LCP-MUJI-DH0002, and 005 and the top of CL89. The more clastic in­
accommodated by thin tightly folded amphibole-rich layers and veins (e. tervals interbedded with quartzites in northwestern drill holes may
g., Fig. 5k). Brecciation occurs either by mechanical fragmentation or by represent part of the Mwashya Subgroup. The gabbros are correlated to
hydrofracturing. Mechanical breccia zones are inferred to represent the ~765 Ma Mwashya volcanics mapped in western Zambia (Key et al.,
fault zones, whereas hydro-fractured zones are inferred to indicate late 2001). According to these authors, the mafics volcanics mark the top of
fluid activity probably resulting from release of fluid pressures during the Mwashya, and thus provide a minimum age for the deposition of the
unroofing. In fluidized breccias, individual rock fragments preserve Roan Group. Drill hole CL87 was excluded from correlations as it was
relict sedimentary layering and/or metamorphic foliations and are missing significant intervals of drill core but shown only to indicate the
cemented by carbonates ± sulfides or amphiboles (e.g., Fig. 5 o, p). positions of the sampled intervals.
In terms stratigraphy, significant parts of the Dome’s region stra­
tigraphy described in section 2.1 were not observed at Luswishi, prob­ 4.2. Petrography and microstructure descriptions
ably because they were never deposited in this part of the basin,
truncated by faults or not reached by drilling. Only drill hole MP490 Petrographic and textural features of the studied samples are
intersects probable Lower Roan and basement lithologies. Lithologies described below. The analyzed samples represent the variety of schists at
representing the Upper Roan were not observed. We correlate the glacial Luswishi which include one sample representative of garnet-amphibole
diamictite to the Grand Conglomérat diamictite and interpret that drill schists (D438); four samples representative of garnet-mica schists

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Table 5
Representative muscovite and biotite EPMA analyses for the studies samples.
Sample D440 D452 D472 D490

Mineral Bt Ms Bt Bt Ms Bt Bt Ms Bt Bt Ms

Area matrix matrix matrix incl matrix matrix incl matrix matrix incl matrix

Oxide (wt.%)
SiO2 35.19 46.36 36.07 36.14 46.36 35.78 35.74 46.83 36.22 37.20 50.25
TiO2 2.11 0.93 1.64 1.85 0.93 1.83 1.77 0.67 1.68 2.24 0.82
Al2O3 18.70 33.84 19.58 19.32 33.84 18.05 18.24 35.11 18.44 14.66 31.54
FeO 16.04 1.22 17.66 16.73 1.22 18.55 17.96 1.18 18.53 14.62 1.08
MnO 0.08 0.02 0.07 0.10 0.07 0.10 0.02 0.00
MgO 12.90 1.12 14.22 12.96 1.12 12.27 12.22 1.04 11.92 17.48 1.80
CaO 0.03 0.04 0.08 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03
Na2O 0.06 0.78 0.16 0.22 0.78 0.17 0.18 0.80 0.12 0.19
K2O 11.14 11.13 8.16 9.60 11.13 9.94 10.11 10.99 10.64 10.82 10.78
Total 96.24 95.43 97.58 96.95 95.43 96.72 96.33 96.65 97.55 97.17 96.45
Cations (O = 22)
Si 5.28 6.20 5.27 5.34 6.20 5.37 5.37 6.17 5.39 5.49 6.58
Al 3.31 5.33 3.37 3.36 5.33 3.19 3.23 5.45 3.24 0.25 4.86
Ti 0.24 0.09 0.18 0.21 0.09 0.21 0.20 0.07 0.19 2.55 0.08
Fe(ii) 2.01 0.14 2.16 2.07 0.14 2.33 2.26 0.13 2.31 1.80 0.12
Mn 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00
Mg 2.89 0.22 3.10 2.85 0.22 2.74 2.74 0.21 2.65 3.85 0.35
Ca 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00
Na 0.02 0.20 0.04 0.06 0.20 0.05 0.05 0.20 0.04 0.05
K 2.13 1.90 1.52 1.81 1.90 1.90 1.94 1.85 2.02 2.04 1.80
XMg 0.59 – 0.59 0.58 – 0.54 0.55 – 0.53 0.68 –

Fig. 4. Broad lithologic correlations between selected drill holes from the southeastern (a) and northwestern (b) sides of Luswishi dome. The angled labels at the top
indicate drill hole names, labels in callouts indicate positions of samples analyzed for this study, and depth marks (in m) are indicated on the left side of each
drillhole. All drill holes were originally angled but plotted vertically for the purpose of this study. Drill hole collar details are available here. Note drill hole CZSE0014
intersects the Grand Conglomerat diamictite twice (arrowed) and the deepest drill hole CZCD0005 (850 m) intersects the diamictite at greater depth (~750 m).

(D440, D452, D472 and D490); four other samples without garnet but brackets below the drill hole name (Table 1).
contain cordierite (D462), mica and epidote (D492 and D495); and
kyanite (D482). For each sample, the depth (in meters) is indicated in

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Fig. 5. Core photographs showing representative lithologies and structures decsribed in the text. Dril hole name and depths shown on each sample. (a) Microcline-
rich augen gneiss in contact with an aplite of simialar mineral composition; (b) Meta-conglomerate; (c) Quartzite; (d) Breccia; (e) Actinolite-tremolite schist; (f)
Garnet-bearing schsit with rounded garnet porphyorblasts; (g) Glacial diamictite with flatted clasts which define foliation, note sulfides in the strain shaows of the
clasts; (h) Schistose garnet-bearing diamictite with sigma porphyroclast showing evidence of having been rotated; (i) Folded meta-sandstone with faulted limbs; (j)
Folds in carbonaceous rock defined by calcite-pyrite and pyrrhotite veins, cut by fracture cleavage; (k) Dolomite with folded amphibole layers, (l) ptygmatically
folded quartz vein in a pelitic schist; (k) Quartz-mica shist with schistose foliation defined by aligned micas; (m) folded rock with sandy and pelitic layers which form
part of a limb of an open fold with cleavage cutting across foliation (S0/S1); (n) Schistose mica schist; (o and p) Fluidized breccias with rock fragments preserving
relict layering/foliations; (q) Hornblende rich gabbro; (r) Graphitic shale with sulfide-filled fractures.

4.2.1. Garnet-amphibole schists (D438) clase, muscovite, occasional chlorite ± kyanite or andalusite, and
The mineral assemblage in this group includes carbonate minerals graphite. Inclusion minerals are dominated by epidote (mainly zoisite),
(calcite and ankeritic dolomite and apatite) along with albite, quartz, quartz, plagioclase, and graphite. Accessory minerals include rutile,
and minor biotite in the matrix. Sample D438 contains large garnet ilmenite, tourmaline, zircon, and Fe-sulfides (pyrite, pyrrhotite and rare
porphyroblasts with diameters up to 10 mm (Fig. 6), intergrown with chalcopyrite). The microstructure of these samples is characterized by
hornblende, and rimmed by plagioclase feldspar. Garnet porphyroblasts porphyroblast-matrix relationships which indicate progressive syn-
are fractured and partly altered, with new minerals precipitated along deformational growth of garnet (Fig. 7). These textures have been
the fractures indicating fluid infiltration (Fig. 6b). However, major used to deduce some metamorphic and deformational histories of the
element mapping on the garnets indicates that the primary growth samples as follows. The first deformation, D1 is recorded by the aligned
zoning (evidenced by increase of Mg on the rims) is still preserved albeit inclusion minerals inside the garnet porphyroblasts, also interpreted to
patchy owing to dissolution and volume replacement by fluid action. represent the first metamorphic event, M1. The second deformation, D2
is represented by the foliated matrix minerals which wrap around the
4.2.2. Garnet-mica schists (D440, D452, D472 and D490) garnet porphyroblasts either in continuity with the inclusions (syn-
This group consists of smaller garnet porphyroblasts rimmed by deformational) or obliquely oriented relative to the D1 minerals (syn-to
foliated matrix assemblages which include quartz, biotite, fine plagio­ post-deformational). The garnets in these samples also show partial

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Fig. 6. (a) Photographs showing the texture of the garnet-amphibole schist (D438) in (a) handspecimen, and (b) X-ray compositonal maps showing the relative
concentrations of the major elements, Mg, Ca, Fe and Mn in garnet.

resorption to form feldspathic corona-like textures around the garnet Therefore, the sample’s texture may also be attributed to Mg-
porphyroblasts (Fig. 6-c and f). These type of reaction textures have been metasomatism and the prograde reaction:
identified elsewhere and have been attributed to decompression re­
muscovite + chlorite + quartz→kyanite + cordierite + biotite + fluid (3)
actions such as:
Kyanite has numerous tiny inclusions of fine mica, quartz, and
Grossular + Kyanite + Quartz→Anorthite (1)
opaque minerals. Some of the kyanites elsewhere in the sample are
which results in destabilization of garnet relative to plagioclase e.g. completely replaced by the alteration assemblage and late-stage cordi­
(John et al., 2004a; Le Bayon et al., 2006). erite overgrows the matrix and retrograde assemblage. Interpreted
paragenetic sequences are shown in Fig. 9.
4.2.3. Supporting evidence from associated rocks
Fig. 8 presents photomicrographs of samples representing non- 4.3. Whole rock chemistry
garnet-bearing schists in the study area. These include banded biotite-
grade metapelites called biotite schists (D492 and D495) consisting of The compositions of the different rock types generally reflect the
the assemblage biotite, quartz, chlorite, muscovite, and epidote (Fig. 8a, rock’s mineralogic compositions as follows. Garnet-amphibole schist
c); a metapelite with porphyroblasts of cordierite overgrowing a finely (sample D438) has lower SiO2 than the garnet-mica schists (50 mol.%
banded assemblage consisting of quartz, micas and minor carbonates compared to > 62 mol. %). This sample possibly has a mafic protolith as
and opaques, called cordierite schist (D462, Fig. 8b); and a kyanite-mica the contents of CaO, TiO2 and FeO are also relatively higher owing to the
schist with centimeter-sized kyanite porphyroblasts which are twinned presence of abundant calcic and mafic minerals respectively (Table 2).
and surrounded by pinitic alteration aggregates of sericite, chlorite, talc Garnet schists containing aluminosilicate (D452 and D472) contain
and quartz, called kyanite-mica schist (D482, Fig. 7d). The alteration relatively higher Al2O3 (13.33 mol. %) than other garnet schists whereas
aggregates separate the kyanites from the matrix assemblage consisting MnO of all samples is generally low (<0.5 mol.%). The kyanite-mica
of mica, talc quartz, albite, hematite, and accessory tourmaline and schist (D482) contains significantly higher MgO (30.21 mol %)
rutile. The sample is characteristically similar to the white schists compared to 6.89–10.02 mol. % in other studied samples, but Al2O3
described from other areas in the Dome’s region and the Zambezi Belt content is comparable. FeO in this sample is significantly low (0.27%)
(John et al., 2004a), where this type of microstructure is attributed to whereas Fe2O3 is slightly higher than other samples owing to the pres­
decompression after peak metamorphism by the reaction: ence of hematite.

talc + kyanite + quartz →cordierite (2) 4.4. Mineral chemistry

Although this sample may also be interpreted by reaction (2), the
bulk rock composition (shown in Table 2) has high Mg content (30.2 This section presents a summary of the chemistry of major minerals
Mol.%), which is significantly higher than the other studied samples. contained in the studied samples. Representative EPMA analyses are
given in Tables 3–5 and additional data have been provided with the

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Fig. 7. Photomicrographs of the studied garnet-mica schists showing the porphyroblasts-matrix relationships described in the text; (a, b) D452; (c, d) porphyroblast
and matrix domains in sample D472; (e) D440; (f) D490. Abbreviations of minerals are shown in the caption of Table 1.

associated data article. porphyroblasts. Chemically, plagioclase occurring as inclusions in

garnet is more anorthitic (XAn = 48.91–72.36) than plagioclase in the
4.4.1. Garnet matrix (XAn = 30.43–50.01), or plagioclase occurring as coronas (XAn =
Garnets are typically almandine rich with XAlm = 62–70, XPyp = 43.20–47.50).). Table 3 presents representative plagioclase
6–14, XGrs = 14–23, XSps = 2–10. They are concentrically chemically compositions.
zoned, showing evidence for typical prograde growth during increasing
P-T conditions, consistent with interpretations of Spear (1993). EPMA 4.4.3. Amphibole
X-ray mapping and quantitative analyses along line profiles indicate Amphiboles are mainly Ca-rich hornblende and occur as porphyro­
core to rim increase of almandine and pyrope, whereas spessartine, blasts or as part of the matrix assemblage in garnet-amphibole schists
grossular, and Fe/(Fe + Mg) decrease from core to rim with thin re­ represented by sample D438. Chemical analyses of the amphiboles
versals at the rims suggesting elemental diffusion (Fig. 10). (Fig. 11b) plot in the pargasite field on the classification scheme of Leake
et al. (1997). Chlorine and fluorine were not routinely analyzed and
4.4.2. Feldspar hence the calculations were done using the corrections for the
Feldspar is predominantly ternary plagioclase with variable anor­ O-equivalency of F and Cl.
thite and albite compositions (Fig. 11a). Amphibole-bearing garnet
schists contain albite (XAb = 95–99), whereas garnet-mica schists consist 4.4.4. White mica
of intermediate plagioclase (XAñ 34–71.68). Texturally, plagioclase in White mica is dominated by muscovite with minor paragonite and
the studied samples occurs as individual grains in the matrix as por­ celadonite components (Fe + Mg > 0.3). Texturally, muscovite occurs as
phyroblasts, inclusions in garnet or as retrograde coronas around garnet part of the foliated matrix, as interstitial crystals, or as fine dispersed

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Fig. 8. Photographs showing the appearance of other associated schists in thin section. (a) D492 biotite-quartz-epidote schist (LCP-MUJI-DH0003_ 272 m); (b) LP/HT
grade cordierite schist with some Crd porphyroblasts pseudo morphed by hornblende (D462-LCP-MUJI-DH0002_100 m); (c) D495 biotite-chlorite-muscovite-epidote
schist (CL102_190 m); (d) D482-kyanite-mica schist (CL87_450 m). See Fig. 4 for the localities of samples.

Fig. 9. Interpreted paragenetic sequences of the analyzed samples.

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Fig. 10. Garnet compositional line profiles corresponding to each of the studied garnet-mica schist samples (a.) D440; (b) D452; (c) D472; (d) D490.

inclusions within plagioclase porphyroblasts. Muscovite also occasion­ brownish. No major systematic compositional differences occur between
ally occurs as precipitates along veins and microfractures. Chemically, these two types of chlorite, but chlorite occurring as rims is interpreted
muscovite contains ~6–6.3 Si (apfu) and Fe + Mg ~ 0.2–0.6 apfu as being late and part of the retrograde assemblage based on its textural
(Fig. 11c, calculated by O = 22). relationships with other minerals. Chlorite analyses are available in the
online data files. Early chlorite defines matrix foliations along with other
4.4.5. Biotite silicate minerals and interpreted to be part of the prograde assemblage,
Biotite defines metamorphic foliation along with other minerals, or participating in garnet-forming reactions such as,
occurs as inclusions, or as porphyroblasts. Biotite consists of interme­
plagioclase ​ + ​ chlorite ​ + ​ muscovite ​ = ​ biotite ​ + ​ garnet (4)
diate aluminum compositions between phlogopite and eastonite [Al =
2.5–3.5] (apfu) calculated by O = 22 (Fig. 11d). Some compositional
4.4.7. Other associated minerals
variations were observed between lithology types with XMg [XMg = Mg/
Other silicate minerals in the studied samples include aluminosili­
(Mg + Fe2+)] contents showing distinct populations. Biotite in garnet-
cate kyanite and andalusite (Al2SiO5), with almost pure compositions
mica schists has XMg compositions of 0.5–0.6 whereas biotite in
(Al2O3 = 61–64 wt% and SiO2 = 35–38 wt%) with minor incorporations
garnet-amphibole-bearing schists contain lower Mg (~0.4). All biotite
of Cr2O3 and TiO2 attributed to the presence of tiny oxide inclusions.
compositions plot below the biotite-phlogopite boundary (XMg = 0.7).
Kyanite occurs as a matrix mineral in sample D452. Andalusite was
found in the matrix of a sample D472 along with plagioclase, biotite,
4.4.6. Chlorite
muscovite, chlorite (D472). Epidote and zoisite are common as part of
Chlorite occurs mainly as part of the foliated matrix or as retrograde
the inclusion assemblages in garnet-mica schists and as matrix minerals
rims around other minerals. Where it occurs as a matrix phase, chlorite is
in mica schists. Scapolite occurs as alteration aggregates after plagio­
colorless or green. In contrast, retrograde chlorite is pale green or
clase, causing the affected rocks to develop a characteristic “spotted”

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Fig. 11. (a) Compositional variations of plagioclase feldspar in garnet-amphibole schists (D438), and garnet mica schists after Warnsloh (2015). (b) Compositions of
amphibole contained in garnet-amphibole schist (D438) expressed as numbers of (Na + K) in A sites and Si atoms per formular unit, modified after Deer et al. (2013).
(c) Compositional variations of muscovite. (d) Compositional variations of biotite.

texture. Zircons occur in garnet-mica schists where they form pleochroic 4.5. Geothermobarometry results
halos in biotite.
Non-silicate minerals at Luswishi include carbonates (calcite, dolo­ The calculated P-T values from conventional thermobarometry
mite and Fe-dolomite), and accessory phases are dominated by Fe–Ti indicate growth of garnet at increasing metamorphic conditions
oxides rutile (TiO2), hematite (Fe2O3), magnetite (Fe3O4) and ilmenite (Table 6). Temperature estimates from the various thermometers
(FeTi2O5). Sulfide minerals are dominated by pyrite (Fe2S) and pyr­ consistently show increasing core to rim conditions of ~428–550 ◦ C and
rhotite (Fe(1-x)S) which occur both as part of the matrix assemblage and ~497–586 ◦ C, respectively. The spread of estimated temperatures from
as inclusions in metamorphic porphyroblasts. Chalcopyrite is rare in the the various calibrations are small, with standard deviations of 8–16 ◦ C,
studied samples, mainly occurring as precipitates in crosscutting veins hence satisfying the minimum conditions for reliability as discussed in
and fractures. Graphite is ubiquitous in the study area, occurring as part Essene (1989). Similarly, pressure estimates from the two barometers
of the inclusion and matrix assemblages, indicating that the sediments indicate increasing core to rim conditions, with maximum conditions at
were originally rich in carbonaceous material. Minute monazite grains ~6–7.7 kbar. The values from the barometer of Wu (2017) yield pres­
were observed in garnet-mica shists. sures ~1 kbar lower than the estimates from the calibrations of Holland
and Powell (1995), but within the ±1.5 kbar margin of error for the Wu
(2017) barometer.

Table 6
Calculated results of thermobarometry. Abbreviations: Wu17: (Wu, 2017): HS82: (Hodges and Spear, 1982), PL82: (Perchuk and Larent’eva, 1983), Dasg91:
(Dasgupta et al., 1991); B92-HW and B92-GS: (Bhattacharya et al., 1992), HP95: (Holland and Powell, 1996)
Sample D440 C D440 R D452 C D452 R D472 C D472 R D490 C D490 R

T (◦ C)
Wu17 448 506 487 567 554 583 506 539
B92-HW 440 508 489 576 558 590 493 537
B92-GS 436 500 493 590 565 599 486 539
Dasg91 418 489 462 576 552 593 485 522
HS82 399 495 455 569 552 597 478 525
PL83 424 487 464 545 528 555 481 515
Mean ± Std Dev 428 ± 16 497 ± 8 475 ± 15 571 ± 14 552 ± 11 586 ± 15 488 ± 9 529 ± 9
Pressure (bar)
Wu17 4275 5197 5028 6596 6442 7130 5438 6046
HP96 5740 6590 6050 6690 6520 7790 5130 7120

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Fig. 12. Pseudosection models for sample D490; (a) P-T pseudosection with inferred P-T region from the observed thin section assemblage, geothermobarometry
constraints and a proposed T-P path. (b) T-XMg diagram showing the evolution of the mineral assemblage for the modelled bulk composition (Mg = 0.53) at constant
P (7 kbar) and increasing T, corresponding to the dashed vertical line.

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Fig. 13. Modelled volume isomodes showing the variation in modal amounts of the main silicate phases for sample D490; (a) Muscovite; (b) chlorite; (c) Zoisite; (d)
Plagioclase; (e) Biotite; and (f) Garnet as a function of P and T.

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Fig. 14. Modelled garnet and anorthite compositional isopleths for Sample D490 showing the predicted zoning as a function of P and T; (a) Pyrope; (b) Almandine;
(c) Grossular; (d) Fe/(Fe + Mg); (e) Anorthite, and (f) Spessartine.

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Fig. 15. Pseudosections showing stable mineral assemblages computed for (a) D472; (b) D452; (c) D440; in the MnNCKFAMSHTO system (all fields include biotite,
H2O fluid and quartz). (d), D482 in the KFMASHTO system (all fields include hematite, quartz and H2O fluid). Where applicable, the proposed P-T paths are based on
thin section assemblages and reaction textures.

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

4.6. Phase equilibria modelling 5. Metamorphic evolution

Stable mineral assemblages predicted by pseudosection modelling The metamorphic evolution of the studied samples is interpreted by
for each sample (Figs. 12–15) are displayed for the given bulk rock integrating the results of the calculations from conventional thermo­
compositions in Table 2. Major system reaction lines are highlighted by barometry, microstructural observations, garnet zoning and constraints
thicker colored lines and P-T paths are proposed where appropriate. from phase equilibria modelling.
Fig. 12 presents P-T and T- XMg pseudosections for sample D490. The T-
XMg pseudosection highlights the influence of bulk XMg [MgO/(MgO +
FeO)] on the stabilities of the mineral assemblages. The T- XMg model 5.1. Prograde evolution
was calculated at a fixed pressure of 7 kbar, and two bulk compositions
corresponding to XMg = 0 and XMg = 1 following the methods described The prograde evolution of the mineral assemblages for sample D490
in Tinkham et al. (2001). Phases and solution model labels used for this (XMg = 0.53), at constant pressure and increasing T corresponds to the
modelling are given in Table 7. Mineral abbreviations have been dashed vertical line and the thin section (plus inclusion) assemblage are
adopted from Whitney and Evans (2010). highlighted by the black dashed polygons (Fig. 12). All fields in Fig. 12a
include quartz, biotite, and fluid. Within the zone of the thin section
assemblage, zoisite is predicted at lower temperature (below the purple
line, Fig. 12b) than the matrix assemblage, consistent with the occur­
rence of zoisite as inclusions Isopleths of grossular and almandine
intersect at P-T conditions which are nearly consistent with the calcu­
Table 7
lated P-T conditions (Table 6). The P-T path for this sample is proposed
Solution models used for phase equilibria modelling. Details of the solution
as indicated by the dashed arrow (Fig. 12a). The interpretation is further
models can be found here.
supported by modelling mineral modes (molar volumes) which high­
Phase Solution Model label References light how major phases evolve with changing P and T (Fig. 13). High
Biotite Bio (HP) (Holland and Powell, 2011) concentrations are assigned warm colors and low concentrations cool
Garnet Gt (HP) (Holland and Powell, 2011) blues. Since minerals grow in the direction of increasing moles, Fig. 13
Chlorite Chl (HP) (Holland and Powell, 2011)
clearly indicates that muscovite (a), chlorite (b), epidote (c) and low Ca-
Chloritoid Ctd (HP) (Holland and Powell, 2011)
Cordierite hCrd (Holland and Powell, 2011) plagioclase are the main reactants, whereas biotite (e), garnet (f), and
Ternary feldspar Feldspar (Fuhrman and Lindsley, 1988) high Ca-plagioclase are produced during prograde metamorphism.
Staurolite St (HP) (Holland and Powell, 2011) Furthermore, molar volume isopleths of garnet components and
White Mica Pheng (HP) (Holland and Powell, 2011) anorthite in plagioclase were modelled to explore the zoning trends
Orthopyroxene Opx (HP) (Holland and Powell, 2011)
Talc talc (Holland and Powell, 2011)
(Fig. 14). In Fig. 14, pyrope (a) and almandine (b) are predicted to in­
crease with increasing T until ~550 ◦ C where they get deflected.
Almandine goes through a maximum at ~550 ◦ C but pyrope continues
to increase with increasing temperature. In contrast, grossular (c) and

Fig. 16. Proposed P-T paths for the samples analyzed

in this study in comparison to other studies. The dark
shaded areas correspond to the P-T constraints from
thermobarometry, and the light shaded regions
represent pseudosection predictions of the observed
thin section assemblages. P-T paths from previous
studies (shown in grey), all derived from samples
collected from the domes west of Luswishi, whereas
those from this study are shown in black and blue,
and labeled by sample numbers. (For interpretation of
the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

Fig. 17. Photographs showing the appearance of

zones affected by fluids in drill core; a) from drill hole
CZSE0012 (137–146.6 m); b) CZSE0014 (165–171
m); c); Photomicrograph showing a the texture of a
graphite-rich rock deformed and cut by veins along
which sulfides and muscovite have precipitated
(CZSE0014_ 163 m); d) Photomicrograph of a meta­
somatized zone from the altered interval collected
from (CZSE0014_295 m), with later chlorite and
muscovite overgrowing earlier minerals; e) Irregular
quartz-carbonate veins in an altered interval at the
top of drill hole CZSE0012.

XFe (d) reduce in the direction of increasing T, whereas anorthite (e) pseudosection modelling predicts kyanite-bearing assemblages at
increases in the direction of reducing or constant P and increasing T until considerably higher P-T conditions than those obtained from conven­
the zoisite-out conditions are encountered. When zoisite reacts out, tional geothermobarometry (Fig. 15b). In this sample, kyanite occurs in
plagioclase becomes more anorthite rich, reaching a maximum (0.29) at the matrix and strain shadows of garnet intergrown with muscovite. A
the zoisite-out line, after which anorthite begins to reduce. Therefore, second generation of garnet (Grt 2) porphyroblasts which are smaller
anorthite components become available from the breakdown of zoisite. and inclusion-free also occur. Furthermore, garnet microstructure of
The reduction in anorthite after the zoisite-out reaction line implies that sample D452 reveals an internal foliation defined by the long axis of
plagioclase starts to react by removal of anorthite to form garnet by the inclusion trails (S1) in garnet 1 which are obliquely oriented to the
reaction. matrix foliation (Fig. 7a and b). This microstructure may be interpreted
to indicate that the sample continued to deform after garnet 1 growth,
high Ca − plagioclase + chlorite + muscovite
hence the discrepancy between the conventional thermobarometry re­
= biotite + low Ca − plagioclase + garnet (5) sults and pseudosection modelling for this sample maybe attributed to a
prolonged metamorphism. This would imply that kyanite persists
Reaction (5) requires increasing temperature, but from Fig. 14,
metastably at low P-T conditions. Evidence for the prolonged meta­
anorthite growth and grossular consumption also require decompres­
morphism is also shown by the strong zoning pattern of MnO (Fig. 10b).
sion. These observations indicate that while the volume of plagioclase
Despite the differences among the studied samples, most of the
increases in the presence of garnet, the plagioclase in equilibrium with
described observations clearly indicate that the prograde metamorphic
garnet rims also becomes richer in the anorthite component. Grossular
evolution of the studied samples occurred under conditions of increasing
shows an opposite trend to that of anorthite as follows. Garnet initially
P-T and was accompanied by deformation.
nucleates with high XGrs (>0.50) and then gradually reduces until the
zoisite-out line where it reaches 0.27 and then reducing more rapidly
after this line. Isopleths of spessartine (f) are parallel to those of garnet 5.2. Retrograde evolution
vol. % (Fig. 13f). This may be explained by zoning. Since MnO is pref­
erentially incorporated into garnet cores, garnet zoning causes the sys­ Retrograde metamorphism is interpreted from the reaction textures
tem to become less MnO-rich for the subsequent garnet growth. The of resorption of garnet to form plagioclase, and from the presence of low-
isopleth models are generally consistent with the observations from pressure minerals. For sample D472 (Fig. 15a), the retrograde path is
natural zoning (Fig. 10). Isopleths models are used as reliable indicators interpreted from the overgrowths of andalusite in the matrix assemblage
of P-T changes, and the described trends indicate prograde growth of and the resorption of garnet to form retrograde plagioclase around
garnet (Spear, 1993). Applying isopleth modelling to other samples re­ garnet as evidenced by the sample texture (Fig. 7 c, d). This garnet
veals similar relationships in sample D472 (Fig. 15a). For the rest of the resorption texture has also been observed in sample D490. This texture is
samples, only almandine and grossular isopleths are shown. attributed to destabilization of garnet leading to an increase in the
For the kyanite bearing garnet-micas schist sample (D452), modal abundance of plagioclase relative to garnet, consistent with
decompression. Garnet in sample D440 records growth zoning

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

(Fig. 10a), but the texture in section also indicates retrograde break­ equilibrium compositions. Bulk compositions determined by XRF may
down of garnet to form biotite, plagioclase, and quartz (Fig. 7e). Epidote result in flawed isopleth thermobarometry and discrepancies between
occurs both as an inclusion and as a matrix phase, consistent with the observed and predicted mineral assemblages (Palin et al., 2016; Spear
pseudosection predictions for sample D440 (Fig. 15c). The calculated P- and Wolfe, 2018). Uncertainties may also arise from EPMA analytical
T conditions (Table 7) for this sample may not represent equilibrium errors, geological bias, and human error.
conditions as they plot below the garnet-in isograd. The P-T conditions Nevertheless, the described observations allow reconstruction of
of this sample are probably better constrained by intersection isopleths. clockwise P-T paths with peak metamorphic conditions of 530–570 ◦ C
Furthermore, the garnet zoning profiles in all the samples show some and 7 kbar for the garnet-mica schists (Fig. 16). The proposed shapes and
elevation of Mn and Ca on the outer part of the rims, indicating retro­ slopes of the paths are consistent with regional metamorphic evolution
grade re-equilibration by diffusion processes resulting in the release of characterized by syn-orogenic loading and ductile deformation, fol­
Fe, Mg, Si, and Al, leaving Mn and Ca locally enriched at the rims. lowed by unroofing. Detailed structural analysis was outside the scope of
For the kyanite-mica schist sample (D482), retrogression has been the study, but the observations from crosscutting relationships in drill
interpreted from the thin section texture which indicates consumption of core, sample microstructures, and geothermobarometry may be linked
kyanite, and overgrowth of low-pressure minerals, typical of decom­ to the regional D1-D2 deformation phases described in section 2, and
pression (Fig. 8d). However, the Mg-rich bulk composition of this further studies are required.
sample also indicates possible Mg-metasomatic overprint (Table 2). For comparisons, P-T paths from previous published studies are also
Pseudosection modelling for this sample predicts the retrograde shown in Fig. 16. Previous studies report higher peak P-T conditions of
assemblage in the cordierite-bearing zone (Fig. 15d), with the possible ~640–660 ◦ C and 9–10 kbar from the three domes west of Luswishi
peak kyanite-forming conditions inferred at higher P but within similar (Cosi et al., 1992; John et al., 2004a; Eglinger et al., 2016). These au­
T conditions as the retrograde assemblage. thors attribute this metamorphism to burial during subduction of the
Congo craton 533 ± 2 Ma, followed by retrograde metamorphism during
6. Discussion and comparison with other studies syn-orogenic exhumation around 500 to 530 Ma. In contrast, meta­
morphic conditions in the Kafue dome located east of the Luswishi dome
The data presented in this study indicates that the geology of the record lower biotite grade greenschist metamorphism related to remo­
Luswishi Dome is comparable to other parts of the Dome’s region. Based bilization of ores during 580–520 Ma (in Turlin et al., 2015 and refer­
on the occurrence of the glacial diamictite, most of the drill holes logged ences therein). Together, evidence from previous studies and this study
intersected lithologies which are correlated to the Nguba Group and indicate that while metamorphic conditions in the Lufilian Arc increase
partly to the Roan Group, (probably the Mwashya Subgroup). Probable from north to south (Fig. 1), metamorphic conditions within the Dome’s
basement and lower Katanga lithologies were only represented in one region also increase from east to west and hence not heterogenous as
drill hole (MP490). The drill core also reveals structures which provide previously indicated.
evidence for deformation at Luswishi. Fold repetition of lithologies and
the presence of abundant parasitic and ptygmatic folds in drill core 7. Exploration considerations
provide evidence for possible polyphase ductile deformation at Lus­
wishi. The folds are overprinted by faults and brittle extensional frac­ Mineralization in the prospects and deposits of CACB occur as either
tures filled by calcite ± quartz ± sulfides. A later fluid-assisted event disseminated, stratiform sulfides or as quartz-carbonate-sulfide veins
overprints earlier formed structures, completely removing evidence of (Sweeney et al., 1991; Cailteux et al., 2005; Sillitoe et al., 2017).
earlier structures in some drill holes. Although the origin and timing of mineralization has been debated for
Petrographic examinations and thermobarometry analyses identify several years with different metallogenic models supporting late
that the samples analyzed in this study experienced metamorphic P-T diagenetic or syn-orogenic (Molak, 1995; Cailteux et al., 2005; Selley
conditions of ~430–590 ◦ C and ~5–7 ± 1 kbar. Two metamorphic et al., 2018; Sillitoe et al., 2017a), a number of studies indicate that
events associated with penetrative ductile deformation can be deduced formation of mineralization in the CACB involved multistage processes
from the present study. The first M1 event is recorded by the aligned during the evolution of the basin (Selley et al., 2018; El Desouky et al.,
inclusion trails in metamorphic porphyroblasts and high Mn-garnet 2009; Hitzman et al., 2010). Stratiform and strata-bound ore bodies
cores. The second event is recorded by near-rim enrichment of Mg and have been previously interpreted to predate orogenesis but evidence has
Fe garnet, and matrix assemblages forming S2 foliations which wrap also been shown to indicate deformation during the Lufilian orogeny
around garnet porphyroblasts. Integrating these observations with played a major role in the development of mineralization in most parts
pseudosection modelling indicates prograde metamorphism by con­ of the CACB (Hitzman et al., 2005; McGowan et al., 2006). The exhu­
sumption of epidote, chlorite, muscovite, low Ca-plagioclase to form mation stage of the Lufilian orogeny has been proposed as a trigger
biotite, garnet, high Ca-plagioclase in garnet-mica schists. In the which initiated convection currents and basin-wide fluid circulation
kyanite-mica schist (D482), peak conditions are recorded by the kyanite- which resulted in the remobilization of pre-existing disseminated sul­
biotite-chlorite-hematite assemblage and retrogression by the break­ fides in the basin (Hitzman et al., 2005, 2010). According to these au­
down of kyanite, possibly assisted by Mg-metasomatism and growth of thors, the remobilization of primary sedimentary mineralization took
talc and cordierite during unloading. Retrograde metamorphism in place during Lufilian orogeny triggered by deformation and associated
garnet-mica schists is characterized by the consumption of garnet to mafic igneous activity. The presence of major structural discontinuities
form plagioclase, and other low-grade minerals. Evidence from sample such as fault zones and thrusts provided pathways for deposition of
D452 indicates prolonged deformation after peak garnet 1 conditions, ore-bearing fluids. The Lumwana deposit located in the Mwombezhi
with growth of a garnet 2 and kyanite. The paragenetic sequence dome has similarly been interpreted to be a syn-metamorphic remobi­
recorded by sample D452 may imply that the calculated P-T conditions lization of former stratiform sediment-hosted sulfides (Turlin et al.,
represent part of the retrograde evolution, and not peak conditions. 2015). Furthermore, geochronological studies on the major Dome’s re­
Therefore, it may be possible that the earlier subducted rocks which gion orebodies identifies identical parageneses and zoning patterns in
were metamorphosed under higher pressure and temperature conditions both the disseminated and structure-hosted Cu–Co mineralization which
were juxtaposed against the later subducted rocks metamorphosed were constrained to the period spanning 540-495 Ma, contemporaneous
under lower pressure and temperature conditions during exhumation with the Lufilian orogeny (Sillitoe et al., 2017). At the studied parts of
(cf. Fig. 17 of Eglinger et al., 2016), although there are no independent the Luswishi, no economic mineralization occurs but minor sulfide
age data to support this hypothesis. However, it is also possible that the minerals (mainly pyrite and pyrrhotite) have been observed in drill core
bulk rock compositions used for pseudosection modelling may not be the and thin sections where they occur in veins, fractures, or as fine

K.G. Sakuwaha et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (2021) 104349

disseminations (Fig. 5). works, analytical works, and drafting of the manuscript.
Comparatively more sulfide minerals were observed within brittle Toru Takeshita: Supervision of field work and formal analyses, re­
structural zones associated with albite and/or carbonate alteration views and editing of the manuscript.
(Fig. 17). These brittle structures are steep, sub-parallel to the drill core Ahmed H. Ahmed: Conceptualization of the study and field work
axis and they overprint other structures. These structures may be related support.
to a post-orogenic episode probably in response to pressure release.
Affected rocks have characteristic metasomatic textures with the orig­
inal rock textures completely obliterated, and contain abundant cross- Declaration of competing interest
cutting quartz-carbonate ± muscovite veins e.g., in drill holes
CZSE00012 and CZSE0014 (Fig. 17a and b). On the western side of the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
dome, a chalcopyrite mineralized zone occurs in a biotite schist just interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
below a thick tectonic breccia occurring at ~312–380 m depth in drill the work reported in this paper.
hole CL89 (Fig. 5d). Considering the described features, it appears
necessary to conduct a more detailed analysis of structures and associ­ Acknowledgements
ated fluid activity to establish their implications for sulfide mineraliza­
tion. As stated in the introduction, the mineral systems concept requires The manuscript benefited from constructive reviews by four re­
consideration of key elements of fertility, favorable lithologic architec­ viewers. The study was sponsored by Japan International Corporation
ture, and transient dynamics (Hitzman et al., 2005, 2010; McCuaig and Agency, JICA through Kizuna program (Human Resources development
Hronsky, 2014). Most importantly, the formed ores must be preserved in for the mining sector) through a scholarship to Kabang’u G. Sakuwaha.
favorable structures or redox horizons. Therefore, prospects for future We thank the University of Zambia, School of Mines for the logistical
exploration at Luswishi must identify potential sites of preservation of support during the field study and sample preparation in Zambia. The
the expelled fluids such as large-scale structural zones. Given that the Minerals and Metals Group, MMG, the Zambia Consolidated Copper
drill core has been extensively sampled and now artificially modified, Mines, ZCCM staff at the Kalulushi core storage facility, Mr Kelvin
stereographic analysis of structural measurements from archived dril­ Chembe Mwamba and the Nkokola Copper Mines are thanked for
ling records may better define the structures. granting us access to study areas and drill core. We thank H. Nomura and
K. Nakamura for thin section preparation work and A. Matsumoto for
8. Conclusions help with EPMA and SEM-EDS analyses. We thank Professor Toshiaki
Tsunogae for assisting with monazite analysis.
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