Geovariances Plug Isatis in Your Reservoir Modelling-3

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Plug Isatis Geostatistics Software

in Your Reservoir Modeling Cycle

Data Reconciliation  Define the bedding geometry. Choose

between parallel and proportional layering.
Integration of 2D and 3D data sets (2D or 3D
 Build the 3D model of lateral and vertical
seismic data, well logs, faults, grid).
facies distributions over the field from the
(local) Vertical Proportion Curves. Possibility to
Data Quality Control use a 2D facies proportions constraint
 Investigate and clean your data with Isatis derived from seismic.
unique Exploratory Data Analysis interactive  Distribute the facies over the 3D grid using
module. the stochastic simulations. The various available
 Analyse the relationships between variables. techniques allow adapting the facies modeling
to the amount of information (spatial
 Analyse the spatial correlations between
variability, 3D facies proportion) and geology
complexity (objects, facies transition, …).
 Characterize the spatial behaviour of your data
(variography and modelling).
Petrophysical Modeling
Time-to-Depth Conversion  Populate the grid with petrophysical properties
(porosity, permeability, water saturation) from well
and Structural Modeling logs using data integration techniques.

 Coherent 3D velocity cube estimation from  Get optimistic and pessimistic

2D or 3D seismic velocities. scenarios with the appropriate stochastic
simulation method.
 Handle 2D and 3D faults from variography to
kriging and simulations.  Constrain petrophysical modelling by facies
 Perform optimal 2D & 3D time-to-depth
conversion by using multivariate kriging
techniques controlled by seismic. Reservoir Volumetrics
 Identify and process misties between well and  Compute accurate volumes by zone, facies,
seismic depths through multivariate kriging stratigraphic units taking into account the
techniques. uncertainties on surfaces, fluid contacts and/or
 Quantify the uncertainties on surfaces using petrophysical properties in an optimal way through
appropriate stochastic simulation algorithms. the Volumetrics application.
 Get the probability distribution of GRV, HCPV,
Facies Modeling STOIIP, GIIP.
 Determine the reservoir closure and
 Put the model in the original stratigraphic
identify the spill points with Isatis specific
system by flattening the 3D grid.
Isatis Overview
Data Integration  Surface and properties modeling: turning bands,
 Import and export interfaces with most Oil & Gas market collocated co-simulations, simulations with external drift,
formats (ASCII, Arcview Shapefile and grids, CMG, DXF- Sequential Gaussian Simulations (SGS). Cloud Transform
Autocad, Eclipse, Excel, Geoshare, LAS, ODBC, NetCDF, simulations.
SEG-Y, VIP, Z-Map Plus) and professional packages (Irap  Facies modeling: Sequential Indicator Simulations (SIS),
Classic, Roxar RMS). Truncated Gaussian Simulations (TGS), Plurigaussian
 Direct link from/to ISATIS database in SKUA-Gocad®, the Simulations (PGS), Boolean simulations, Multiple-point
RML®, Petrel® and DecisionSpace® Geosciences. simulations, Flumy, reservoir model for meandering
channelized systems.
Data Management  Possible use of 2D or 3D faults in estimation procedures.
 Integrated database to save data and derived properties Quantification of Uncertainties
reusable later in the workflow.
 Parameter files and journaling file system for automatic  Probability maps, quantile maps, risk curves.
procedures using batch.  Volumetrics. Spill Points calculation.

Data Quality Control and Spatial Analysis 3D Viewer

 Unique ability of interactive and dynamically linked  Representation of 3D punctual
basemaps, histograms, scatter diagrams, H-scatter plots, data, wells/boreholes data, 3D
QQ-plots and PP-plots, variogram clouds, experimental models, 2D surfaces, 2D/3D
variograms and related functions in any direction of space. polygons, 2D/3D faults, 3D
Boxplots, swathplots. Experimental variograms on large wireframes.
grids.  Visualization of 3D neighbourhoods.
 Unique ability of picking data in the linked graphic windows  Many features such as clipping, slicing, zooming, filtering,
for identifying possible outliers or anomalous data. database inquiry.
 Unfolding/Folding.  Easy export of any graphic page in standard image
 2D/3D isotropic/directional
variogram, identification of
directions and scales of
System Requirements
continuity through unique 3D Operating systems
interactive variogram map.
Available on PC Intel/AMD Windows 7 or 8, 32-bit or 64-bit
Variogram modelling on
(recommended) or Linux Red Hat Enterprise 5 (or 6) or
large grids using FFT.
equivalent (64-bit). Isatis on Windows OS requires the PC X
 Simple and cross-variogram server Exceed V14+.
automatic fitting. Exhaustive set of models with no
limitation in the choice of nested variograms. Hardware
Full Range of Estimation Methods  Processor: Pentium ~1Ghz (Windows)
 Memory: 1 GB required
 Ordinary/simple kriging/IRF-k. Punctual/block estimation.
Drift estimation. Collocated co-kriging. Kriging with
 Hard Drive: 200 MB of disk space
external drift. Kriging with Bayesian drift. Stationary/non
stationary models.
Reprise Manager licensing system (by Reprise Software)
 Univariate/multivariate kriging.
allowing flexible use on any system. Single-user or site
 Global Trend Modeling. Universal Kriging. license system. Dongle-based license. License borrowing
 Kriging with local parameters. enabling temporary check out of a license for working
 Powerful search neighborhood control. offline.
 Automatic factorial kriging (MAAFK) for extracting
common/different components from two grid datasets.
 Possible use of 2D or 3D faults in estimation
Consulting Training
Our highly experienced consultants provide a wide
Stochastic Simulations range of top quality services for beginners and
specialists in Geostatistics: one-to-one technical
 Conditional/non-conditional simulations.
support, mentoring, training workshops, consulting.
France - Avon-Fontainebleau - +33 (0)1 6074 9090
Australia – West Perth - +61 (0)8 9321 3877 -

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