1 s2.0 S0009261422000513 Main
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Keywords: In this work, a cost-effective and ecologically friendly way was chosen for the preparation of magnesium oxide
Co-precipitation (MgO) and gadolinium doped MgO (Gd3+-doped MgO) nanoparticles. The Gd3+ ions caused a shift in the
Photocatalyst acceptor level, which is proved by the obtained band gap values of the samples which is found to be reduced for
Gd-doped MgO
Gd3+-doped MgO rather than pure MgO. Three bands related to F + and F oxygen deficiency defects may be seen
UV irradiation
in the photoluminescence spectra of produced nanomaterials. Crystallinity, particle size, and surface area, of
these synthetic photocatalyst were all measured. The photo activity of Gd3+-doped MgO with different weight
percent (1, 3, and 5) of Gd3+ has been studied in Methyl Orange (MO) and Methylene Blue (MB) degradation.
The photocatalytic behavior of magnesium oxide nanoparticles and rare earth element Gd3+-doped magnesium
oxide was studied, and the photocatalytic rate was enhanced by doping of gadolinium under UV radiation was
observed. The impact of operational variables like pH and PZC was evaluated. When the efficiency of all pro
duced nanoparticles was compared, it was discovered that the 5 wt% Gd-doped MgO nano powder performed
better rather than the rest of the materials.
1. Introduction facts, in the area of environmental cleanup, the photocatalysis has ac
quired a lot of interest which using low-cost light sources or everlasting
Researchers have been inspired in recent centuries by the remarkable sunlight to degrade organic contaminants without producing hazardous
characteristics of nanomaterials to create simpler and less expensive residues [6,7].
ways for producing nanostructures of technologically significant mate Researchers are interested in developing efficient and cost-effective
rials. Owing of their potential uses in catalysts, solid electrolytes, color photocatalysts for the catalytic photodegradation method. Photo
display, solar energy converters, flat panel displays, optical amplifiers, degradation using synthetic catalysts is a heterogeneous process in
photodiodes, host material in solid-state lasers, electroluminescent de which the light-absorbing photocatalyst is in solid phase and an organic
vices, and solar cells, metal oxide nanomaterials have gotten a lot of pollutant is in a gaseous or liquid phase [8]. For photodegradation of
interest [1–5]. Organic dyes that are used in the textile and dye in organic dyes semiconductor metal oxides have been extensively
dustries have an impact on both humans and aquatic ecosystems. In the researched as synthetic photocatalysts. CuO, ZnO, TiO2, WO3, Fe2O3,
realm of environmental restoration, the extraction of organic pollutants and other metal oxides were utilized as active photocatalyst nano
from the outflow of industrialized waste water has gotten a lot of materials for the decomposition of organic pollutants [9 –14]. For its
consideration. The biodegradation rate is poor for the carbon content of distinctive mechanical, chemical, electrical, and optical characteristics,
organic dyes, so that it is hazardous to the environment. To eliminate MgO is a well-examined photocatalyst and the major reasons for the
organic contaminants, variety of methods has been used, including acceptance of MgO materials have been recognized as their low cost and
adsorption, filtering, flotation, and chemical oxidation. Nevertheless, biocompatibility. The interdisciplinary uses of MgO, such as transparent
the majority of the methods listed above need an expensive treatment ceramics, paint, superconductor goods, refractory, pollution absorbent,
procedure and also creates dangerous by-products. As a result of these and plasma display panel were investigated based on its photocatalytic
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: srineyvas@yahoo.co.in (K. Neyvasagam).
Received 25 October 2021; Received in revised form 10 January 2022; Accepted 16 January 2022
Available online 28 January 2022
0009-2614/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Vijaya Shanthi et al. Chemical Physics Letters 792 (2022) 139384
Fig. 1. (a, c) XRD patterns of MgO and Gd doped MgO nanoparticles, (b) Variation in lattice constant (a) with respect to Gd3+ content.
characteristics [15 –18]. Particularly, photodegradation investigations Efficiency of MgO nanoparticles as a photocatalysts is critically
of a variety of dyes, notably methyl orange, methylene blue, congo red, influenced by their surface characteristics, such as surface shape,
by Dobrucka; Aziz and Karim; and Karthik et al. respectively have been porosity, and surface area. The technique of synthesis, such as sol–gel,
performed out successfully utilizing MgO NPs as a photocatalytic ma hydrothermal, sonochemical, [30 –31] etc., has a significant impact on
terial [19 –21]. Conversely, the photocatalytic use of MgO nanoparticles the surface characteristics and shape of MgO nanoparticles. Since they
is severely restricted due to its large band gap. Furthermore, only a low require complex technology, intense temperature, and various chem
quantity of active free radicals was produced due to its high rate of icals as surfactants or templates, most synthesis techniques are not
electron–hole (e–h) pair recombination results in less photocatalytic applicable to commercial scale. Meanwhile, the wet chemical precipi
effectiveness. To overcome this issue, many researchers employing tation technique for MgO nanoparticle synthesis has numerous benefits,
doping of other metal ions into the host material having wide band gap. including a one-step procedure, technological simplicity, cheap cost and
Specifically, an auxiliary band structure is created below the conduction large scale production. In connection, with the above-mentioned facts
band of host material while doping of additional metal ions into its the goal of current study is to improve the photocatalytic properties of
crystal lattice, which aids in the harvesting of greater electromagnetic MgO nanoparticles by utilizing suitable rare earth metal ion Gd (gado
spectrum. Furthermore, oxygen vacancies are also produces in the linium) to restrict the recombination of electron – hole and also
crystal framework due to metal ion doping, which improves the catalytic increasing the light absorption capacity MgO nanoparticles. The syn
activity of that material. thesized photocatalyst is examined with various characterization tech
Rare earth metal ions doping have lately gained a lot of interest in the niques and are discussed in the following sections.
realm of photocatalysis. The inclusion of rare earth metal ions reducing
electron-hole pair coupling and also enhances photocatalytic perfor 2. Materials
mance. The partially filled 4f orbital structure of rare earth metals is
advantageous for trapping electrons, which improves catalytic activity The reagents and chemicals used in this study comprised magnesium
by reduces charge carrier recombination. To increase the degrading ef chloride hexahydrate [MgCl2⋅6H2O], gadolinium chloride hexahydrate
ficiency of TiO2, and ZnO many rare earth elements such as Erbium, [GdCl3⋅6H2O], ethanol (C2H5OH), methyl orange [C14H14N3NaO3S],
lanthanum, gadolinium, and samarium have been adopted as dopant. and methylene blue [C16H18ClN3S], which were bought from Sigma
For example, Sm-doped ZnO, La-doped TiO2, Er- doped ZnO, Gd-doped Aldrich AR grade with 99.9% and employed without purification.
TiO2, are reported in literatures, in which the authors studied the pho
tocatalytic activities among various dyes and established the synergistic 2.1. Method of preparation
effects of RE metal ions [22 –25]. Among the RE metal ions, Gd (gado
linium) with partially-filled f orbitals has a largely favorable influence Utilizing magnesium chloride as an Mg2+ ion source and sodium
on electrical, magnetic and luminescent characteristics when employed hydroxide as an OH‾ source the magnesium oxide nanoparticles were
as a dopant [26 –28]. According to Yayapao et al, the rate constant for made. 0.1 M magnesium chloride was diluted in 200 ml distilled water
Gd doped ZnO was around 2.72 times greater than pure ZnO under UV using the standard laboratory method. With constant stirring, a 30 ml of
radiation in methylene blue degradation [29]. 4 M sodium hydroxide solution was dropped into the produced
R. Vijaya Shanthi et al. Chemical Physics Letters 792 (2022) 139384
R. Vijaya Shanthi et al. Chemical Physics Letters 792 (2022) 139384
Fig. 3. (a) UV-DRS absorbance spectrum of MgO and Gd doped MgO nanoparticles, (b) Tauc’s plot of MgO and Gd doped MgO nanoparticles.
R. Vijaya Shanthi et al. Chemical Physics Letters 792 (2022) 139384
Fig. 5. SEM micrographs of (a) Pure MgO, (b) 1 wt% Gd: MgO, (c) 3 wt% Gd: MgO, (d) 5 wt% Gd: MgO nanoparticles.
Fig. 6. EDAX spectra of (a) Pure MgO, (b) 1 wt% Gd: MgO, (c) 3 wt% Gd: MgO, (d) 5 wt% Gd: MgO nanoparticles.
R. Vijaya Shanthi et al. Chemical Physics Letters 792 (2022) 139384
Fig. 7. N2 adsorption/desorption plot of (a) Pure MgO, (b) 1 wt% Gd: MgO, (c) 3 wt% Gd: MgO, (d) 5 wt% Gd: MgO nanoparticles.
Fig. 5(a-d) shows SEM images of MG, GMG1, GMG3, and GMG5
nanopowders at 1 μm range. Within the nanoscale domain, the synthe
sized nanomaterial is made up of randomly scattered larger spherical
particles. During synthesis, nanoparticle agglomeration and the forma
tion of non-uniform crystalline grains were observed. The catalyst par
ticle size and shape did not differ significantly among the nanoparticle
studied, although the degree of agglomeration increased somewhat as
the Gd3+ concentration rose. The agglomeration of nanoparticle
increased the cluster formations, which might lead to spongier surface of
the material. The SEM images of the prepared nanopowder reveal the
slightly rough surface with porous nature of the particles. This porous
nature paved a way for more active sites to adsorb dye molecules. In
reality, high surface area to volume ratio of nanoparticles has a high
surface energy, which causes agglomeration of the nanoparticles, which Fig. 8. Pore size distribution of MgO and Gd doped MgO nanoparticles.
is typical in nanopowders. EDAX spectra were used to determine the
chemical compositions of produced MG, GMG1, GMG3, and GMG5
nanopowders, as displayed in Fig. 6(a-d). In Gd doped MgO nano
powders, these spectra revealed the existence of Mg, O, and Gd, but the
spectrum of undoped MgO nanopowder revealed just oxygen and
magnesium ions. The EDAX data indicates that Gd3+ was effectively
Table 2
adopted as a dopant in the MgO crystal lattice.
The comparative measures on BET measurements of the materials.
Material BET analysis
3.6. Brunauer emmett and teller (BET) characterization
Pore volume (cm3g− 1) Pore size (nm) Surface area (m2g− 1)
In general, a nano catalyst’s surface area is one of the most signifi MgO 0.1217 21 78.3
cant factors that influence its efficiency and activity in a reaction. The 1 wt% Gd: MgO 0.1571 24 91.7
BET technique, which is founded on the theoretical concept of a 3 wt% Gd: MgO 0.1894 30 142.2
5 wt% Gd: MgO 0.2268 33 194.4
monolayer creation in the physical adsorption of gas molecules, is
R. Vijaya Shanthi et al. Chemical Physics Letters 792 (2022) 139384
Fig. 9. UV absorbance spectrum of MO dye with catalyst (a) Pure MgO, (b) 1 wt% Gd: MgO, (c) 3 wt% Gd: MgO, (d) 5 wt% Gd: MgO nanoparticles at
normal condition.
regarded the most practical approach for measuring surface area [45]. to the conduction band (CB) of the photo-catalyst which generates the
The nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms of all MG, GMG1, GMG3, holes in the VB, referred to as holes in valance band, are two common
and GMG5 nanopowders are respectively shown in Fig. 7 (a-d). Ac mechanisms of photo deterioration. The holes in the valence band and
cording to the IUPAC classification, pure and Gd3+-doped MgO nano independently roaming electron in the CB can either reunite and the
particles possess type IV adsorption–desorption isotherms. The H3 received light energy is discharge as heat radiation, or subsequently
hysteresis loops were also identified, according to the IUPAC classifi interact to generate reactive agents such as hydroxyl radical (OH•) and
cation. Fig. 8 reveals the pore size distribution of MG, GMG1, GMG3, superoxide ion (O2• − ). The organic molecules are oxidizing in an un
and GMG5 nanopowders comparatively. Table 2 lists all surface pa selective manner by these reactive species. The deterioration reached a
rameters of MG, GMG1, GMG3, and GMG5 nanopowders, including maximum magnitude as the Gd3+ concentration rose. The degradation
average pore size, surface area, and pore volume, and compare them to effectiveness of GMG5 was 81% and 83%, for MO and MB dye respec
the equivalent values of pure MgO nanopowder. The amount of adsor tively which was greater than that of pure MgO catalyst when the same
bed gas grew as the quantity of Gd3+ ions rose, and the hysteresis loops quantity of catalyst was loaded and the reaction duration was the same
got wider throughout a range of relative pressures. The increased surface and is calculated from the plot between C/C0 and reaction time as shown
area with higher ion concentration is acknowledged with these findings in Fig. 11 (a, b). This is supported by the fact that the primary peak of
[46]. This finding shows that even at small dosage of Gd3+ ions, the MO and MB dye fell to its lowest level after 160 min, indicating that the
doping operation increases the surface area of MgO nanopowder. The GMG5 nano-catalyst attained the maximum efficiency. This might be
average pore diameters for MG, GMG1, GMG3, and GMG5 nanopowders because the band gap narrowing in Gd3+-doped ZnO increases the ab
were determined using the BJH technique. All of the samples had sorption of light photons, the DRS studies reveals this. 5 wt% Gd3+-
average pore diameters of less than 50 nm and greater than 2 nm, doped MgO has a larger surface area than MgO, which might contribute
indicating that they are all mesoporous in nature. These findings to greater efficiency. The activity of MgO nanopowder is clearly
demonstrate that the lower particle size is responsible for the higher enhanced by a modest number of Gd3+ ions (1 wt%), which might be
surface area of Gd3+-doped MgO nanoparticles, as verified by SEM and attributed to a segregation of photo-generated electrons and hole by
XRD studies. trapping level created in the material. In PL studies the electron trapping
is evident by the suppression in fluorescence intensity for the doped
4. Photocatalytic studies samples. The Gd3+ ions existing on the MgO surface must interact with
the electrons supplied to the oxygen molecules to create oxidative agents
Figs. 9 & 10 (a-d) compares the degradation UV spectrum of MO and such as the superoxide radical ion (O2• − ), as explained by the reaction
MB dyes using MG, GMG1, GMG3, and GMG5 nanopowders respectively process below:
with irradiation durations of 160 min. A heterogeneous process in which
light-absorbing photo-catalyst is a solid material and an organic Synthesized nano catalyst + hν → h+ (vb) + e− (cb) (5)
pollutant contains in the liquid or gaseous phase is defined as catalytic Gd3+ + e− → Gd2+ (6)
photo deterioration. Stimulation of electrons from the valence band (VB)
R. Vijaya Shanthi et al. Chemical Physics Letters 792 (2022) 139384
Fig. 10. UV absorbance spectrum of MB dye with catalyst (a) Pure MgO, (b) 1 wt% Gd: MgO, (c) 3 wt% Gd: MgO, (d) 5 wt% Gd: MgO nanoparticles at
normal condition.
Fig. 11. (a) Plot between C/C0 and time for MO dye with different catalyst, (b) Plot between C/C0 and time for MB dye with different catalyst,
Gd2+ + O2 → O2• −
+ Gd3+ (7)
O2 + e− → O2• −
(super oxide anions) (8)
O2• −
+ MO & MB → H2O + Mineralized intermediates + CO2 (16)
O2 •−
+ H2O → HO2 + OH • •
Adsorption of H2O or OH at valence band holes on the surface of
2HO2• → H2O2 + O2• (10) Gd3+-doped MgO might create active •OH species. Because of the
instable Gd2+ ions, electron-hole recombination is quicker which may
e− + O2 → OH− + OH• (11) quickly transfer electrons form Gd ions to oxygen molecules. This is
e− + H2O2 → OH− + OH• (12) because the partly filled f-orbital in Gd3+ in doped MgO nanopowders,
traps conduction band electrons and prevents valence band hole re-
h+ + OH− → OH• (13) coupling. However, the unstable electrons of Gd2+ state, which has
readily triggers an electron release, resulting in O2• − and ultimately
h + H2O → H + OH + •
•OH radicals.
OH + MO & MB → H2O + Mineralized intermediates + CO2 (15)
R. Vijaya Shanthi et al. Chemical Physics Letters 792 (2022) 139384
Fig. 12. (a) Point of zero charge measurements of MgO and Gd doped MgO catalyst, (b) Percentage of degradation of MO and MB dye with catalyst 5 wt%Gd: MgO at
different pH.
4.1. Determination of PZC value of the produced catalyst material negative at pH above the PZC. Here the salt titration method is applied
for analyzing the PZC of the MG, GMG1, GMG3, and GMG5 nano
The pH levels at which the surface charge of the elements equal zero powders. To determine the PZC a graph is plotted between initial pH
under specified circumstances are known as points of zero charge (PZC). value (pHi) and the difference in pH after the addition of nanoparticles
This does not imply that no charge at pH of PZC on the surface, but (ΔpH). According to the Fig. 12a, the estimated PZC of the pure MgO
rather that it means equally distributed negative and positive charges on nanopowder is pH 11.11, which is close agree with the previous reports
the surface of the material. PZC readings might aid in the optimal [47 –49]. It is noted from the graph that the PZC of the doped material
choosing of a solution’s pH value for the treatment of dye degradation. get reduces on the increase of Gd3+ concentration and it is pH 10.09 for
For metal oxide catalysts, a solution pH above PZC values would be GMG5 material. Here we examine the photocatalytic performance of the
optimal for treating cation-contaminated effluents, whereas a solution prepared photocatalyst by degrading both cationic (MB) and anionic
pH below PZC values would be better for capturing anions. This is due to (MO) dyes. So it is essential to note both the highest surface positive pH
the fact that the catalyst’s surface charge is positive below PZC and value as well the highest surface negative pH value and it is found to be
Fig. 13. UV absorbance spectrum with catalyst 5 wt% Gd: MgO of (a) MO dye at pH 4 (b) MB dye at pH 12, (c) Plot between C/C0 and time for MO dye with different
catalyst, (d) Plot between C/C0 and time for MB dye with different catalyst.
R. Vijaya Shanthi et al. Chemical Physics Letters 792 (2022) 139384
Fig. 14. Radical scavenging experiment for (a) MO dye and (b) MB dye with 5 wt% Gd: MgO.
pH 4 and pH 12 respectively. This was proved experimentally with surface. The highest positive charged surface of the GMG5 catalysts is
GMG5 catalyst and is discussed in the forthcoming section. obtained at pH 4 as per the PZC plot so that the degradation of MO dye is
extreme at this pH 4. On the other side the maximal degradation was
achieved for MB dye is at pH 12. This is somewhat because of at pH 12
4.2. Effect of solution pH on degradation process the surface charge of the GMG5 catalysts highly negative as proved from
PZC plot. Due to this high negative charge of the GMG5 catalysts and the
Fig. 12b shows the impact of the reaction solution pH on photo cationic nature of MB dye, the maximum coulombic interactions was
catalytic degradation effectiveness of MO and MB dye with GMG5 exhibits and leads to this maximal degradation at pH 12. The UV spec
catalyst as a function of time. At pH 4, the maximum efficiency was trum for the degradation of MO and MB dye with GMG5 catalysts at their
achieved for MO dye. Furthermore, the rate constant was at its highest at respective pH values are illustrated in Fig. 13 (a, b) and their corre
pH4. The photocatalytic decomposition of MO is lesser at other pH sponding plots between relative concentration differences as a function
values. This may be explained by the fact that MO molecules have a of reaction time is depicts in Fig. 13 (c, d).
negative charge while the surface of GMG5 is positively charged below
PZC that is below pH 10.09 in this study. Through the coulombic in
teractions between the GMG5 catalysts particle and the dye molecule at
pH 4, methyl orange anions are readily adsorbed onto the catalyst
Fig. 15. Comparative rate constant plots of (a) MO dye and (b) MB dye. (c, d) Error bar chart of rate constant for MO and MB dye.
R. Vijaya Shanthi et al. Chemical Physics Letters 792 (2022) 139384
Table 3 MgO and Gd3+-doped MgO nanostructures. High surface area and
Comparison table on photocatalytic activities of MgO and Gd doped MgO porous structure of 5 wt% Gd3+-doped MgO nanopowder is proven by
nanoparticles. BET findings. Thus these high optical absorption capability, high surface
Dye Samples Rate constant (R2) Degradation area and porous structure of 5 wt% Gd3+-doped MgO nanopowder
(k) (s− 1) value % resulted in efficient photocatalytic degradation of MO and MB dye. The
MgO 4.27 × 10-3 0.93852 52.54 PZC of the MgO and Gd3+-doped nanoparticles was estimated and with
Methyl 1 wt% Gd: MgO 5.31 × 10-3 0.94071 57.37 those results the impact of solution pH was well studied. Based on this
Orange 3 wt% Gd: MgO 8.07 × 10-3 0.98921 71.87 work our findings should make it possible to consider Gd3+-doped MgO
5 wt% Gd: MgO 11.26 × 10-3 0.98933 81.66
as a potential option for photocatalysts and other light harvesting
5 wt% Gd: MgO 14.01 × 10-3 0.99381 88.56
at pH 4 application.
MgO 4.04 × 10-3 0.9638 49.97
Methylene 1 wt% Gd: MgO 4.51 × 10-3 0.94875 51.70 Declaration of Competing Interest
Blue 3 wt% Gd: MgO 7.31 × 10-3 0.98992 67.94
5 wt% Gd: MgO 11.17 × 10-3 0.98884 83.38
5 wt% Gd: MgO 15.53 × 10-3 0.96449 92.46
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
at pH 12 interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
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