MELC: Explain how fossil records, comparative anatomy and genetic information provide evidence for evolution. S10LTIIIf-39
Sources of Evidence for Evolution origin but different functions. Examples: forelimbs of dog, big, lizard
and whale, which are structurally the same but functionally different.
Organisms inhabiting the earth have changed overtime,
their structures, traits, and abilities allowed them to adapt and survive
in their environment. Data from the fossil records, anatomy and
morphology, embryonic development and biochemistry could be
analyzed to demonstrate if evolution of life on earth has taken place.
a. IMPRINTS OR IMPRESSION- shallow external molds left analogous structure, structures of unrelated species may look
by animal or plant tissues with little or no organic materials alike because the structure is adapted to similar function.
present Examples: wings of birds, bats and insects that have the same
b. COMPRESSION- the other side with more organic function but different in origin.
material The front limbs of man, cat, horse, bat, whales and other
mammals are made up of same kinds of bones, they just vary only in
size and function differently. The presence of homologous structure
is a strong indicator that organism evolved from common ancestors.
This type of evolution is called divergent evolution.