Advanced Manufacturing For Nuclear Energy: JOM, Vol. 71, No. 8, 2019
Advanced Manufacturing For Nuclear Energy: JOM, Vol. 71, No. 8, 2019
Advanced Manufacturing For Nuclear Energy: JOM, Vol. 71, No. 8, 2019
8, 2019
Ó 2019 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
1.—Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA. 2.—Electric Power Research Institute, Char-
lotte, NC 28262, USA. 3.—e-mail: 4.—e-mail:
Traditional large light-water nuclear reactors, material properties. The present special topic,
such as boiling water reactors (BWR) and pressur- Advanced Manufacturing for Nuclear Energy, covers
ized water reactors (PWR), have been generating ongoing research efforts to develop, understand, and
electricity since the late 1950s. In the USA, nuclear utilize these unconventional manufacturing meth-
power produces 20% of the electricity. However, the ods to fabricate reactor components and advanced
construction of new reactors has been stalled in the nuclear materials. All the authors are active in this
USA since the 1990s, primarily because of the field, and thus this topic aims to provide the breadth
competition with other means of energy. While and depth of the ongoing R&D activities in advanced
many operating reactors are facing retirement, high manufacturing for nuclear applications
initial capital investment limits the utilities to build Powder metallurgy-hot isostatic pressing (PM-
new large reactors generating electricity via the HIP) has been demonstrated by EPRI to produce
steam cycle. To maintain the nuclear share in the net or near-net-shape structural and pressure retain-
energy portfolio, there are strong interests in ing components. This advanced manufacturing pro-
smaller, simpler, and more efficient nuclear power cess has been implemented in multiple ASME code
units for generating electricity and processing heat. cases and is currently being evaluated as the candi-
A number of advanced reactor concepts, including date manufacturing method to fabricate reactor
small modular reactors (SMR) and GEN IV pressure vessel elements for SMRs and GEN IV
advanced reactors (e.g., sodium metal fast reactor, reactors. While the basic material properties of PM-
molten salt reactor, gas-cooled reactor), are under HIP components are often comparable to or exceed
consideration. To support the deployment of these those of forged and cast materials, concerns exist
advanced reactor designs, the nuclear industry and regarding the long-term thermal aging behavior and
US government are seeking new ways to manufac- irradiation properties. The first article by Getto et al.,
ture nuclear components for plant construction, ‘‘Thermal Aging and Hall–Petch Relationship of PM-
reactor internals, fuel claddings and assemblies, HIP and Wrought Alloy 625,’’ investigated the effects
sensors, and instruments and to reduce the overall of short-term (100 h) thermal aging on both PM-HIP
cost and deployment time. and wrought Inconel Alloy 625. The study focused on
Figure 1 provides a broad overview of advanced the evolution of grain structure and mechanical
manufacturing technologies that are currently being response measured by nanoindentation. No clear
developed or assessed by nuclear industry. These difference between PM-HIP and wrought versions
technologies include powder metallurgy, metal addi- was observed in terms of grain orientation, morphol-
tive manufacturing (mainly laser based powder bed ogy, size distribution, and hardness and elastic
fusion process), a variety of new welding and modulus. The study confirms that PM-HIP material
cladding technologies, and modular construction performs comparably to or better than its wrought
methods. Many of these have gained or are currently counterpart under all the tested aging conditions.
pursuing ASME code cases and regulatory approval GEN IV advanced reactors pose great challenges
for nuclear use. While some of these manufacturing to the selection of structural materials because of
methods have been used in other industries such as the high operating temperature and radiation dose.
aerospace, the nuclear industry requires a different Advanced structural alloys have been developed to
set of manufacturing requirements, regulation, and overcome the challenges in these extreme service
environments. These materials include 9Cr-1Mo
steel, HT-9 steel, oxide dispersion strengthened
Xiaoyuan Lou is the JOM advisor for the Nuclear Materials Committee of (ODS) alloy, and high-entropy alloys (HEA). How-
the TMS Structural Materials Division, and guest editor, along with David
Gandy, for the topic Advanced Manufacturing for Nuclear Energy in this ever, these advanced materials are hard to make by
Fig. 1. A few nuclear advanced manufacturing technologies that are currently under development or assessment..
conventional manufacturing methods such as metal greater advantage over conventional thermal spray
casting. Their unique microstructural features can or cladding to manufacture the ODS alloys. The
be diminished by the long thermal cycles and slow article written by Lenling et al. presented their
cooling during the casting process. Novel manufac- initial results using a powder-based cold spray
turing methods with shorter thermal history are process to manufacture ODS steel-cladded tubes.
needed. The next two articles by Kundu et al. and The main goal of this study was to establish a
Yan et al. investigated the possibility of using spark parametric understanding of the substrate mate-
plasma sintering (SPS) to consolidate prealloyed rial, gas preheat temperature and composition, and
powders to form structural materials. The study by feedstock powder size on the resulting microstruc-
Kundu et al. mainly focused on the effects of ball ture of the as-deposited and post-annealed materi-
milling and SPS parameters on the microstructural als. While further optimization is ongoing, the study
characteristics and mechanical properties of Fe-9Cr confirmed the feasibility of the cold spray process for
alloy. Fe-9Cr alloy by SPS yielded good material manufacturing ODS alloys.
density and a higher hardness value than its cast Below is the list of papers published under this
counterpart, mostly contributed by its finer grains JOM topic of Advanced Manufacturing for Nuclear
and Cr-rich oxide dispersion in the matrix. This Energy. To download any of the papers, follow the
study also confirmed the first stage of solid-state URL
sintering by SPS was primarily dominated by ge/1 to the table of contents page for the August
diffusion along the grain boundaries. The third 2019 issue (vol. 71, no. 8). We believe these studies
article by Yan et al. evaluated the fabrication of can further stimulate interest from the JOM com-
ODS austenitic steels and CoCrFeNi high-entropy munity and provide critical knowledge to support
alloys by the same SPS approach. Both materials the development of new manufacturing technologies
are of strong interest in this community. Both ODS for future nuclear power.
steel and HEA produced by SPS exhibited excellent
mechanical properties. The fine microstructure in ‘‘Thermal Aging and the Hall–Petch Relation-
the ODS steel was thermally stable at up to 1100°C. ship of PM-HIP and Wrought Alloy 625’’ by
The study also confirmed the HEA yielded a single Elizabeth Getto, Brian Tobie, Esteban Bautista,
face-centered cubic phase after the manufacturing Alexander L. Bullens, Zachary T. Kroll, Michael
process involving gas atomization, mechanical alloy- J. Pavel, Keyou S. Mao, David W. Gandy, and
ing, and SPS. The studies by Kundu and Yan add Janelle P. Wharry
important data sets to establish the process-struc- ‘‘Development of Fe-9Cr Alloy via High-Energy
ture–property relationship for the use of SPS in Ball Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering’’ by
manufacturing advanced nuclear materials. Arnab Kundu, Anumat Sittiho, Indrajit Charit,
In recent years, cold spray has been studied as a Brian Jaques, and Chao Jiang
new cladding and repairing technique because of its ‘‘Fabrication of ODS Austenitic Steels and
intrinsic low processing temperature, which offers CoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloys by Spark Plasma
Sintering for Nuclear Energy Applications’’ by
2836 Lou and Gandy
Xueliang Yan, Xiang Zhang, Fei Wang, Taylor Jeffrey Graham, Peter Hosemann, David Hoel-
Stockdale, Yuris Dzenis, Michael Nastasi, and zer, Stuart Maloy, and Kumar Sridharan
Bai Cui
‘‘Manufacturing Oxide Dispersion Strengthened
Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with re-
(ODS) Steel Fuel Cladding Tubes Using the Cold
gard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional
Spray Process’’ by Mia Lenling, Hwasung Yeom, affiliations.
Benjamin Maier, Greg Johnson, Tyler Dabney,