Introduction To Oracle 11g SQL Programming: Student Workbook

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Introduction to

Oracle 11g SQL


Student Workbook
Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

Contributing Authors: Danielle Hopkins, John McAlister, and Rob Roselius

Published by ITCourseware, LLC, 7245 South Havana Street, Suite 100, Centennial, CO 80112

Editor: Jan Waleri

Editorial Assistant: Danielle North

Special thanks to: Many instructors whose ideas and careful review have contributed to the quality of this
workbook, including Elizabeth Boss, Denise Geller, Jennifer James, Julie Johnson, Roger Jones, Joe
McGlynn, Jim McNally, and Kevin Smith, and the many students who have offered comments, suggestions,
criticisms, and insights.

Copyright © 2009 by ITCourseware, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo-copying, recording, or by an
information storage retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Inquiries should be
addressed to ITCourseware, LLC, 7245 South Havana Street, Suite 100, Centennial, Colorado, 80112.
(303) 302-5280.

All brand names, product names, trademarks, and registered trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

Chapter 1 - Course Introduction ............................................................................................................. 7
Course Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 8
Course Overview ........................................................................................................................... 10
Using the Workbook ...................................................................................................................... 11
Suggested References ..................................................................................................................... 12

Chapter 2 - Relational Database and SQL Overview ............................................................................. 15

Review of Relational Database Terminology .................................................................................... 16
Relational Database Management Systems ...................................................................................... 18
Introduction to SQL ....................................................................................................................... 20
Oracle Versioning and History ......................................................................................................... 22
Logical and Physical Storage Structures .......................................................................................... 24
Connecting to a SQL Database ....................................................................................................... 26
Datatypes ....................................................................................................................................... 28
Sample Database ............................................................................................................................ 30

Chapter 3 - Using Oracle SQL*Plus ..................................................................................................... 35

SQL*Plus ...................................................................................................................................... 36
The SQL Buffer .............................................................................................................................. 38
Buffer Manipulation Commands ...................................................................................................... 40
Running SQL*Plus Scripts .............................................................................................................. 42
Tailoring Your SQL*Plus Environment ............................................................................................. 44
Viewing Table Characteristics .......................................................................................................... 46
SQL*Plus Substitution Variables ..................................................................................................... 48
Interactive SQL*Plus Scripts .......................................................................................................... 50
SQL*Plus LOB Support ................................................................................................................ 52
Graphical Clients ............................................................................................................................ 54
Labs ............................................................................................................................................... 56

Chapter 4 - SQL Queries — The SELECT Statement ........................................................................... 59

The SELECT Statement ................................................................................................................. 60
The CASE...WHEN Expression ..................................................................................................... 62
Choosing Rows with the WHERE Clause ........................................................................................ 64

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

NULL Values ................................................................................................................................. 66

Compound Expressions .................................................................................................................. 68
IN and BETWEEN ........................................................................................................................ 70
Pattern Matching: LIKE and REGEXP_LIKE ................................................................................. 72
Creating Some Order ..................................................................................................................... 74
Labs ............................................................................................................................................... 76

Chapter 5 - Scalar Functions ................................................................................................................ 79

SQL Functions ............................................................................................................................... 80
Using SQL Functions ...................................................................................................................... 82
String Functions .............................................................................................................................. 84
Regular Expression Functions .......................................................................................................... 86
Numeric Functions .......................................................................................................................... 88
Date Functions ............................................................................................................................... 90
Date Formats ................................................................................................................................. 92
Conversion Functions ..................................................................................................................... 94
Literal Values .................................................................................................................................. 96
Intervals ......................................................................................................................................... 98
Oracle Pseudocolumns ................................................................................................................. 100
Labs ............................................................................................................................................. 102

Chapter 6 - SQL Queries — Joins ...................................................................................................... 105

Selecting from Multiple Tables ....................................................................................................... 106
Joining Tables ............................................................................................................................... 108
Self Joins ...................................................................................................................................... 110
Outer Joins ................................................................................................................................... 112
Labs ............................................................................................................................................. 114

Chapter 7 - Aggregate Functions and Advanced Techniques ................................................................ 117

Subqueries ................................................................................................................................... 118
Correlated Subqueries .................................................................................................................. 120
The EXISTS Operator ................................................................................................................. 122
The Aggregate Functions ............................................................................................................... 124
Nulls and DISTINCT ................................................................................................................... 126
Grouping Rows ............................................................................................................................ 128
Combining SELECT Statements ................................................................................................... 130
Labs ............................................................................................................................................. 132

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

Chapter 8 - Data Manipulation and Transactions ................................................................................. 135

The INSERT Statement ................................................................................................................ 136
The UPDATE Statement ............................................................................................................... 138
The DELETE Statement ............................................................................................................... 140
Transaction Management .............................................................................................................. 142
Concurrency ................................................................................................................................. 144
Explicit Locking ............................................................................................................................ 146
Data Inconsistencies ..................................................................................................................... 148
Loading Tables From External Sources ......................................................................................... 150
Labs ............................................................................................................................................. 152

Chapter 9 - Data Definition and Control Statements ............................................................................ 155

Datatypes ..................................................................................................................................... 156
Defining Tables ............................................................................................................................. 158
Virtual Columns ............................................................................................................................ 160
Constraints ................................................................................................................................... 162
Inline Constraints .......................................................................................................................... 164
Modifying Table Definitions ........................................................................................................... 166
Deleting a Table Definition ............................................................................................................. 168
Controlling Access to Your Tables ................................................................................................. 170
Labs ............................................................................................................................................. 172

Chapter 10 - Other Database Objects ................................................................................................ 175

Views ........................................................................................................................................... 176
Creating Views ............................................................................................................................. 178
Updatable Views .......................................................................................................................... 180
Sequences .................................................................................................................................... 182
Synonyms ..................................................................................................................................... 184
Labs ............................................................................................................................................. 186

Appendix A - The Data Dictionary ...................................................................................................... 189

Introducing the Data Dictionary ..................................................................................................... 190
DBA, ALL, and USER Data Dictionary Views .............................................................................. 192
Some Useful Data Dictionary Queries ........................................................................................... 194

Solutions ............................................................................................................................................ 197

Index .................................................................................................................................................. 215

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

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Chapter 1 Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Course Introduction

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

Course Objectives

 Describe the features of a Relational Database.

 Interact with a Relational Database Management System.

 Use SQL*Plus to connect to an Oracle database and submit SQL statements.

 Write SQL queries.

 Use SQL functions.

 Use a query to join together data items from multiple tables.

 Write nested queries.

 Perform summary analysis of data in a query.

 Add, change, and remove data in a database.

 Manage database transactions.

 Work in a multi-user database environment.

 Create and manage tables and other database objects.

 Control access to data.

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Chapter 1 Course Introduction

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

Course Overview

 Audience: This course is designed for database application developers.

 Prerequisites: Familiarity with relational database concepts.

 Student Materials:

 Student workbook

 Classroom Environment:

 One workstation per student

 Oracle 11g

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Chapter 1 Course Introduction

Using the Workbook

This workbook design is based on a page-pair, consisting of a Topic page and a Support page. When you
lay the workbook open flat, the Topic page is on the left and the Support page is on the right. The Topic
page contains the points to be discussed in class. The Support page has code examples, diagrams, screen
shots and additional information. Hands On sections provide opportunities for practical application of key
concepts. Try It and Investigate sections help direct individual discovery.

In addition, there is an index for quick look-up. Printed lab solutions are in the back of the book as well as
on-line if you need a little help.

The Topic page provides The Support page has

the main topics for additional information,
classroom discussion. examples and suggestions.

Java Servlets Chapter 2 Servlet Basics

Code examples are in a

The Servlet Life Cycle Hands On:
fixed font and shaded. The
 The servlet container controls the life cycle of the servlet. Add an init() method to your Today servlet that initializes a on-line file
bornOn date, then name
print the bornOn dateis listed
along with the current date:
 When the first request is received, the container loads the servlet class above the shaded area.
and calls the init() method.
Topics are organized

For every request, the container uses a separate thread to call

first (), secondthe() andmethod.

service() public class Today extends GenericServlet {
private Date bornOn;

third ()level
the servlet is unloaded, the container calls the destroy()
public void service(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
method. {
// Write the document
 As with Java’s finalize() method, don’t count on this being
Callout boxes point out
out.println("This servlet was born on " + bornOn.toString());
out.println("It is now " + today.toString());

 Override one of the init() methods for one-time initializations, instead of

important parts of the
public void init() {
bornOn = new Date();
using a constructor. example code.
} The init() method is
called when the servlet is
loaded into the container.
 The simplest form takes no parameters.

public void init() {...}

 If you need to know container-specific configuration information, use

the other version.

public void init(ServletConfig config) {...

 Whenever you use the ServletConfig approach, always call the

superclass method, which performs additional initializations.


Screen shots show

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examples of what you
Pages are numbered should see in class.
sequentially throughout
the book, making lookup

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

Suggested References

Celko, Joe. 2005. Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming. Academic Press/
Morgan Kaufman, San Francisco, CA. ISBN 0123693799

Celko, Joe. 2006. Joe Celko's SQL Puzzles and Answers. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA.
ISBN 0123735963

Churcher, Clare. 2008. Beginning SQL Queries: From Novice to Professional. Apress, Inc.,
Berkeley, CA. ISBN 9781590599433

Date, C.J. and Hugh Darwen. 1996. A Guide to The SQL Standard, Fourth Edition. Addison-
Wesley, Reading, MA. ISBN 0201964260

Freeman, Robert G. 2004. Oracle Database 10g New Features. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media,
Emeryville, CA. ISBN 0072229470

Gennick, Jonathan. 2004. Oracle Sql*Plus Pocket Reference, Third Edition. O'Reilly & Associates,
Sebastopol, CA. ISBN 0596008856

Gennick, Jonathan. 2004. Oracle SQL*Plus: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition. O'Reilly &
Associates, Sebastopol, CA. ISBN 0596007469

Gruber, Martin. 2000. SQL Instant Reference, Second Edition. SYBEX, Alameda, CA.
ISBN 0782125395

Kline, Kevin. 2004. SQL in a Nutshell, Second Edition. O'Reilly & Associates, Sebastopol, CA.
ISBN 0596004818

Kreines, David. 2003. Oracle Data Dictionary Pocket Reference. O'Reilly & Associates, Sebastopol,
CA. ISBN 0596005172

Loney, Kevin. 2004. Oracle Database 10g: The Complete Reference. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media,
ISBN 0072253517

Mishra, Sanjay. 2004. Mastering Oracle SQL, Second Edition. O'Reilly & Associates, Sebastopol,
CA. ISBN 0596006322

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Chapter 1 Course Introduction

Your single most important reference is the SQL Reference book, which is part of the Oracle Database
Online Documentation. You may have received this on CD-ROM with your Oracle distribution. If not, you
can access it online at Oracle's web site. This is the official, complete description of Oracle's implementation
of SQL. It includes many examples and discussions.

An easy way to find it is to go to:

Find the documentation for your version of Oracle. Locate the SQL Reference, and open the HTML table
of contents.

If you have web access in the classroom, open a browser now and find the SQL Reference. Set a browser
bookmark, and have the SQL Reference at hand throughout this class.

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

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Chapter 4 SQL Queries — The SELECT Statement

Chapter 4 - SQL Queries — The SELECT



 Retrieve data from a table using the SQL

SELECT statement.

 Filter the returned rows with a WHERE clause.

 Locate fields which have not yet been populated.

 Combine multiple search criteria in a WHERE

clause using logical operators.

 Use the IN and BETWEEN operators to match

a column against multiple values.

 Use wildcards to search for a pattern in

character data.

 Sort the output of a SELECT statement.

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

The SELECT Statement

 SQL data retrievals are done using the SELECT statement.

 Data retrievals are also called queries.

 A SELECT statement may make use of several clauses, but minimally must
include the following two:

SELECT [DISTINCT] {item_list | *}

FROM table;

 The SELECT clause specifies which data values will be retrieved, and will be
followed by either an item_list or a *.

 * represents all the columns in table.

 item_list is a column, an expression, or a comma-separated list of any

combination of these.

 Oracle will return each item in item_list under a column heading of the
same name, unless an alias is specified.

 Use DISTINCT to eliminate duplicate rows from the displayed results.

 The FROM clause specifies one or more sources, typically tables, from which
to retrieve data.

 A heading may be overridden with a column alias, a word used to replace the
default heading.

SELECT description name,
price orig_price,
price * .75 sales_price
FROM product;

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Chapter 4 SQL Queries — The SELECT Statement

The SELECT statement may query one or many tables. The data that is retrieved may be thought of as a
virtual table (i.e., one that exists in memory only until the query completes). This virtual table is also
referred to as the query's result set.

The SELECT statement can be used to retrieve data from any or all columns from a table. For example,
the following SELECT will display a list of everything about every store in the database:

FROM store;

The query below will list each state (once) in which our company has stores:

FROM store;

This query will retrieve each store's number and location.

SELECT store_number, city, state
FROM store;

Oracle allows column aliases to contain spaces. You must use double quotes if the alias includes one or
more spaces.

SELECT description AS name,
price AS orig_price,
price * .75 AS "Sales Price"
FROM product;

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

The CASE...WHEN Expression

 The CASE expression is used to evaluate a column or expression against

various values.

CASE [expression]
WHEN value THEN result
WHEN value THEN result
ELSE result

 A CASE expression results in a single value, either from one of the

WHEN clauses, the ELSE clause, or otherwise a NULL.

 The simple CASE expression evaluates one expression and compares it for
equality with the value of each of the WHEN clauses.

SELECT id, pay_amount, CASE pay_type_code
WHEN 'S' THEN 'Salaried'
WHEN 'C' THEN 'Commissioned'
WHEN 'T' THEN 'Temporary'
WHEN 'H' THEN 'Hourly'
ELSE 'Unknown Pay Type'
FROM employee;

 A searched CASE evaluates the condition in each of the WHEN clauses, taking
the first one that's true.

SELECT id, pay_amount,
CASE WHEN pay_type_code='S' THEN 'Salaried'
WHEN pay_type_code='C' THEN 'Commissioned'
WHEN pay_type_code='T'
AND pay_amount < 8 THEN 'Poorly Paid Temporary'
WHEN pay_type_code='T' THEN 'Temporary'
WHEN pay_type_code='H' THEN 'Hourly'
ELSE 'Unknown Pay Type'
FROM employee;
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Chapter 4 SQL Queries — The SELECT Statement

A simple CASE expression can be rewritten as a searched CASE, but a searched CASE can't always be
rewritten as a simple CASE:

SELECT account_number, account_name, balance,
CASE WHEN balance > credit_limit - 100
THEN 'Reaching Limit'
END warning, credit_limit
FROM account;

Other Functions

Before implementing the ANSI-standard CASE construct, Oracle supplied other functions. You will still
find these used in current and legacy applications, though developers will probably choose the CASE
expression for new code.

NVL() will replace a null value with another value, or leave a non-null value alone.

SELECT id, NVL(store_number, 999) store FROM employee;

COALESCE() returns the first non-null value in a list of values.

SELECT COALESCE(delivery_date, est_delivery_date) delivery_date
FROM order_header;

DECODE() is more general than NVL() in that it will search through a list of values to determine what
value to return. Values not found will return NULL.

SELECT DECODE(state, NULL, '?', 'UT', 'Utah') state FROM vendor;

NULLIF() will return a null if both values are the same; otherwise, it will return the first value.

SELECT product_id, NULLIF(quantity_on_hand, 0) quantity FROM inventory;

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

Choosing Rows with the WHERE Clause

 Use the WHERE clause when only a subset of all the rows in a table is

SELECT {item_list | *}
FROM table
[WHERE conditions];

 The WHERE clause is evaluated once for each row in table.

 conditions will be one or more expressions that will evaluate to either true, false,
or neither (null).

 If the WHERE clause evaluates to true, then the current row is returned
in the result set.

 Operators that may be used in the WHERE clause include:

= equal to

!=, ^=, <> not equal to

>, < greater than, less than

>=, <= greater than or equal to, less than or equal to

 Any character string values in conditions must be enclosed within single quotes.

 Database data inside single quotes is case sensitive.

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Chapter 4 SQL Queries — The SELECT Statement

To display all information for each store with a store number less than 4, enter the following:

FROM store
WHERE store_number < 4;

To display each store's number, location, and phone number in the state of Nevada, enter the following:

SELECT store_number, street, city, area_code, phone_number
FROM store
WHERE state = 'NV';

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

NULL Values

 A null is the absence of a value.

 Null values are not equal to 0, blanks, or empty strings.

 Compare null values with the IS operator.

FROM person

 The IS operator will result in either true or false.

 To search for any non-null values, use IS NOT NULL.

FROM person
WHERE phone_number IS NOT NULL;

 NULL is not the same as a "false" value, but it isn't a "true" value, either.

 NULL means "unknown;" any operation with a NULL (other than IS or

IS NOT) yields a NULL.

FROM person
WHERE phone_number = NULL;

 This will never be true, even for rows with null values in the
phone_number column!

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Chapter 4 SQL Queries — The SELECT Statement

To display a list of people who have middle initials, enter the following:

SELECT lastname, firstname, mi, area_code, phone_number
FROM person

To display a list of employees who are not managed by employee 7881:

FROM employee
WHERE supervisor_id != 7881 OR
supervisor_id IS NULL;

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

Compound Expressions

 Use logical operators to group conditions in a WHERE clause.

 NOT will negate the condition following it.

 AND will result in true if both conditions are true for a row.

 OR will result in true if either condition is true for a row.

 The logical operators are evaluated based on precedence: NOT has the highest
precedence, then AND, and then OR.

 If a WHERE clause contains both an AND and an OR, the AND will
always be evaluated first.

FROM person
WHERE lastname = 'Johnson'
OR lastname = 'Johanson'
AND firstname = 'Carole';

 This query will find Carole Johanson, as well as anyone with the
last name of Johnson.

 Use parentheses to override the precedence of these operators.

FROM person
WHERE (lastname = 'Johnson'
OR lastname = 'Johanson')
AND firstname = 'Carole';

 This query will find all people with a firstname of Carole and a
lastname of either Johnson or Johanson.
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Chapter 4 SQL Queries — The SELECT Statement

The query below will find all accounts having a minimum $1000 credit limit that have a non-zero

SELECT account_number "ACCT NUMBER",
account_name name,
credit_limit limit,
FROM account
WHERE credit_limit >= 1000 AND
balance > 0;

When an employee enters data into the system, a field for which there is no data may be skipped or
have a 0 entered. When checking on the status of a store's inventory, the query below will display any
products at each store that may be running low in inventory and haven't yet been reordered:

SELECT product_id, store_number
FROM inventory
WHERE quantity_on_hand < 20 AND
(quantity_on_order = 0 OR
quantity_on_order IS NULL);

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming


 Use the IN (or NOT IN) operator to compare a column against several possible

SELECT lastname, firstname
FROM person
WHERE state IN ('CA', 'CO');

 IN is equivalent to ORing several conditions together.

SELECT lastname, firstname
FROM person
WHERE state = 'CA'
OR state = 'CO';

 Use the BETWEEN operator to compare a column against a range of inclusive


SELECT lastname, firstname
FROM person
WHERE id BETWEEN 6900 AND 7000;

 The AND is part of the BETWEEN operator.

 Make sure that lower values appear before higher ones:

SELECT invoice_number, order_date
FROM order_header
WHERE order_date BETWEEN '01-NOV-95' AND '01-DEC-95';

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Chapter 4 SQL Queries — The SELECT Statement

To display the same information for both Washington and Colorado, enter the following:

SELECT store_number, street, city, area_code, phone_number
FROM store
WHERE state = 'WA' OR state = 'CO';

An equivalent query makes use of the IN operator:

SELECT store_number, street, city, area_code, phone_number
FROM store
WHERE state IN ('WA', 'CO');

To list all store locations in California outside the 415 and 213 area codes:

SELECT store_number, street, city, area_code, phone_number
FROM store
WHERE area_code NOT IN ('213', '415')
AND state = 'CA';

To display a specific vendor's products that fall in the $100 to $500 price range:

SELECT description, price
FROM product
WHERE vendor_id = 'IBM' AND price BETWEEN 100 AND 500;

To display all orders placed between July 20, 1996 and August 1, 1996:

SELECT invoice_number, customer_id, order_date
FROM order_header
WHERE order_date BETWEEN '20-JUL-1996' AND '01-AUG-1996';

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

Pattern Matching: LIKE and REGEXP_LIKE

 The LIKE operator provides pattern matching for character data.

 With the LIKE operator, you can use wildcards:

 % Matches zero or more characters.

 _ Matches exactly one character and is position-dependent.

SELECT vendor_id, name
FROM vendor
WHERE name LIKE '%Software%';

 The string containing wildcards must be enclosed in quotes.

 Beginning with Oracle 10g, you may also use regular expressions to find string

 The REGEXP_LIKE operator works like a function that takes two arguments,
the string to search in, and the pattern to look for.

SELECT firstname
FROM person
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(firstname, '^Ste(v|ph)en$');

 Use full regular expression syntax, similar to Perl, to find very complex

 REGEXP_LIKE returns a boolean value that can be tested in a

WHERE clause.

 See Appendix C in the SQL Language Reference for Oracle's regular

expression syntax.

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Chapter 4 SQL Queries — The SELECT Statement

SELECT id, firstname, lastname
FROM person
WHERE lastname LIKE 'M%ll_';

This query will match names such as:

------- ------------- ---------------
6873 L. E. McAnally
8993 Madonna Mullally
9166 Angie Matilla
9412 Bruce McNally
9845 Neil Montville

Or, to find names that end in son:

SELECT id, lastname, firstname
FROM person
WHERE lastname LIKE '%son';

If you need to include the % or _ characters in the search pattern, specify an escape character. An escape
character removes the special meaning of the character following it. For example, to locate vendor
company names that contain an underscore, modify the query with an escape parameter.

FROM vendor
WHERE name LIKE '%\_%' ESCAPE '\';

To find names that contain a single quote, escape the single quote with another single quote:

SELECT id,lastname,firstname
FROM person
WHERE lastname like '%''%';

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming

Creating Some Order

 Data is not physically stored in a table in any specified order.

 Unless the table is an Index-Organized Table (IOT), records are usually

appended to the end of the table.

 The SELECT statement's ORDER BY clause is the only way to enforce

sequencing on the result set.

 The ORDER BY clause may be included in the SELECT statement:

SELECT {item_list | *}
FROM table
[ORDER BY column [ASC | DESC],...];

 column can either be the name or the numeric position of the column in
the item_list.

 The result set is sorted by the first column name in the ORDER BY clause.

 If there are duplicate values in the first sort column, the sort is repeated
on the second column in the list, and so on.

 The rows may be sorted in ascending (the default) or descending order.

 ASC and DESC may be applied independently to each column.

 NULL values will be sorted after all non-NULL values in ASC order (and
before all non-NULLs when you use DESC).

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Chapter 4 SQL Queries — The SELECT Statement

To display each store's number and location in descending order by state, and ascending order by city
in each state, enter the following:

SELECT store_number, city, state
FROM store
ORDER BY state DESC, city ASC;

The description, and original and sale price of an item may be displayed in descending price order with the

SELECT description, price,
price * .75
FROM product

An equivalent, and usually more readable, form of the above makes use of column aliases:

SELECT description Name, price Original_Price,
price * .75 sales_price
FROM product
ORDER BY sales_price DESC;

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming


Write queries to:

‚ Retrieve a list of all store locations and their manager's ids.

(Solution: store.sql)

ƒ List the states in which there are stores, listing each state only once.
(Solution: store_states.sql)

„ List the states in which there are people, listing each state only once.
(Solution: person_states.sql)

List the people who live in Glendale, California.

(Solution: glendale.sql)

† List the last name, first name, city, and state of everyone who lives in a city that starts with
"Las" or "Los" or "San".
(Solution: las_los_san.sql)

‡ Show which stores, if any, have no store manager.

(Solution: no_manager.sql)

ˆ Write a query that displays the account name and type. Use CASE...WHEN to show the account
(Solution: account.sql)

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Chapter 4 SQL Queries — The SELECT Statement

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Chapter 10 Other Database Objects

Chapter 10 - Other Database Objects


 Hide the complexity of your tables

from users.

 Provide selective access to portions

of your tables.

 Create convenient views of your data.

 Create auto-incrementing values for

numeric data.

 Create synonyms for table names.

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming


 Views are virtual tables.

 A view is created and stored in the database as a SQL query.

 A view's data consists of the results of the defining query on its base tables.

 Base tables are those used within the defining SELECT statement.

 Advantages of views include:

 Security — A user's access to a database may be restricted by using

views. Views containing only certain rows and/or columns of tables may
be created, prohibiting the user from seeing the base table details.

 Simplicity — A view may be created from a complex query, presenting

the results as a table.

 Consistency — Changes to underlying structures may be hidden by using


 Disadvantages of views include:

 Performance — Queries against views must still be performed against the

underlying base tables and could result in complex joins.

 Restrictions — Some views will be inherently read-only.

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Creating Views

 A view is created and stored in the database as a SQL query:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] VIEW view_name [(column_list)]

AS SELECT statement;

 This creates a phone list view based on data in the person table:

CREATE VIEW phone_list (name, phone)
AS SELECT lastname || ', ' || firstname,
'(' || area_code || ')-'
|| SUBSTR(phone_number,1,3) || '-'
|| SUBSTR(phone_number,4)
FROM person;

 A view is queried with a SELECT statement, just like a table.

FROM phone_list
WHERE upper(name) LIKE 'SMIT%';

 A view's data does not exist until it is referenced.

 A view is removed with the DROP statement:

DROP VIEW view_name;

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CREATE VIEW nevadaphone
AS SELECT lastname, firstname, area_code, phone_number
FROM person
WHERE area_code = '702';

person id lastname firstname mi street city state zip area_code phone_number

42 Dobbs Barb D 314 Maple Reno NV 702 5550912

nevadaphone lastname firstname area_code phone_number

Dobbs Barb 702 5550912

CREATE VIEW phone_list (name, phone)

AS SELECT lastname || ', ' || firstname,
'(' || area_code || ')-'
|| SUBSTR(phone_number,1,3) || '-'
|| SUBSTR(phone_number,4)
FROM person;

person id lastname firstname mi street city state zip area_code phone_number

42 Dobbs Barb D 314 Maple Reno NV 702 5550912

Dobbs , Barb ( 702 )- 555 - 0912

phonelist name phone

Dobbs, Barb (702)-555-0912

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Updatable Views

 Views may be used just like tables, with some restrictions.

 Queries on a view may only return columns listed in the view definition,
that is, the items in the SELECT list of the view's defining query.

 Updates can be made to columns derived from plain columns in the base tables.

UPDATE nevadaphone
SET phone_number = '3585544'
WHERE lastname = 'Johnson'
AND firstname = 'Jack';

 All other columns are read-only.

 You cannot update a view it if contains:

 Any clause which causes an aggregation of data to occur, such as:

 Aggregate function

 Views that have more than one base table in the FROM clause of their
SELECT statement are updatable with some restrictions:

 You can only affect fields from one of the base tables in one UPDATE
statement to the view.

 Any table which is not key-preserved cannot be updated through the view.

 A key-preserved table has only one record in the result set for each
row in the orignial database table.
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View definitions are stored within the Data Dictionary as the defining SELECT statement. If any of the base
tables change, you may have to DROP and CREATE the view again.

You may inspect a view's underlying definition by looking in the Data Dictionary.

FROM user_views
WHERE view_name = 'PHONE_LIST';

The following view joins two tables.

AS SELECT id, pay_amount, pay_type_name
FROM employee e JOIN pay_type p USING (pay_type_code);

Updates to the employee table through the view will succeed because it is key-preserved; each employee
in the view corresponds to one employee in the employee table.

SET pay_amount = pay_amount * 1.1
WHERE id = 7881;

Updates to the pay_type table will fail, since each pay_type record may appear multiple times in the view

SET pay_type_name = 'Exempt'
WHERE pay_type_name = 'Salaried';

Running this UPDATE produces the following error message:

SET pay_type_name = 'Exempt'

ERROR at line 2:
ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming


 An Oracle SEQUENCE is a database object from which multiple users may

generate sequential integers.


 NEXTVAL — Increments the sequence, then returns its newly

incremented value.

INSERT INTO po_header

VALUES (po_seq.NEXTVAL, 'MOT', 1,sysdate, .09);

 The first call to NEXTVAL will increment the sequence to its

starting value.

 CURRVAL — Returns the current value of the sequence.

INSERT INTO po_item (po_number, product_id,

vendor_part_number, quantity)
VALUES (po_seq.CURRVAL, 'BORL0000014',
261984, 5);

 You may change a sequence definition:


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Chapter 10 Other Database Objects

Options for sequences include:

START WITH n Defaults to 1.

INCREMENT BY n Defaults to 1. This can be a negative value to create a descending


CYCLE | NOCYCLE When MAXVALUE or MINVALUE (in descending sequences)

is reached, the sequence starts cycling again at the beginning



CACHE n | NOCACHE Caches 20 numbers by default.

ORDER | NOORDER Guarantees that sequence numbers are generated in the order that
they were requested. Default is NOORDER.

When caching sequence numbers, Oracle stores the numbers in memory, which can improve
performance. However, if the instance fails, the numbers are then lost upon startup, causing a gap in the

You must have CREATE SEQUENCE privileges to create a sequence in your own schema, and
CREATE ANY SEQUENCE privileges to make a sequence in someone else's schema.

NEXTVAL and CURRVAL may be used in the following:

 A SELECT list.
 The SET clause of an UPDATE.
 The VALUES list of an INSERT.

NEXTVAL and CURRVAL may not be used in some cases, including:

 Aggregated SELECT statements, using GROUP BY, DISTINCT, etc.

 A WHERE clause.
 A subquery.
 A query on a view.

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming


 A synonym provides an alternate, more convenient name for an existing Oracle



FOR table;

 A public synonym is accessible to every user of the database.

 A private synonym is accessible only to its owner and the owner's


CREATE SYNONYM inv FOR inventory;

 Database administrators create PUBLIC synonyms to avoid the use of dot



FOR dobbs.person;

 When one user owns all of the tables that everyone accesses, PUBLIC
synonyms allow easy use of those tables from any login.

 You must have CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM privileges to create a

public synonym.

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Introduction to Oracle 11g SQL Programming


‚ Create a view called order_check that will list the invoice number, store number, customer id,
order date, and the date of the Monday following the estimated delivery date of orders in the
order_header table.
(Solution: order_check.sql)

ƒ Using the view you just created, list all the orders from the San Francisco store.
(Solution: order_check2.sql)

„ Create a private synonym called vend for the vendor table. List all records from the vendor
table using this synonym.
(Solution: vendor.sql)

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