7 The Wonder Called Sleep
7 The Wonder Called Sleep
7 The Wonder Called Sleep
Q. Why does the body become alert and active after sleep?
Ans. The body and brain get sufficient rest during sleep and the body recovers from
fatigue making it alert and active again.
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Q. What do doctors say about dreams?
Ans. Certain doctors have found that one’s dreams reveal a great deal about one’s
problems and that if understood correctly they can provide a key to the solution of those
Q. Enlist the changes that occur in our body when we sink deep into
Ans. Sleep is a necessary activity is our life. When we enjoy more and more sound sleep,
our temperature and blood pressure both go down, our muscles relax and heartbeat
becomes slower. Sleep also brings relaxation to the ever-active brain which slows down so
that we could not think and put pressure on our mind. During our sleep we are not in the
position to think or act consciously. When we wake up after a sound sleep, our
temperature and blood pressure rise to normal. Our heartbeat and breathing also become
normal and there is no botheration in our mind and we are fully awake and have forgotten
most of the dreams. Such are the blessings of sleep.
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