A Short Guide To Using The Harvard System

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A Short Guide to
Using the Harvard

MMN/CUZ May 2009


A Short Guide to Using the Harvard System

What is referencing and why should it be used?
Academic work demands that you read widely and consider the work of other writers and
researchers when you are preparing your essays and other assignments. To use this work
without acknowledgement is to steal the ideas of other people and is called plagiarism. It is,
therefore, very important that you acknowledge these ideas and opinions as belonging to a
particular author, as they are considered to be that author‟s intellectual property. This
procedure is called citing or quoting references. By doing this you are making it possible for
readers to locate the source material that you have used. The system of referencing most
commonly used at Cavendish University Zambia (CUZ) is Harvard System.

The Harvard System of Referencing

There are many styles of referencing. At CUZ most of the faculties ask you to use the Harvard
system, which consists of three elements:

 providing the name of the author(s) and the year of publication in the text

 giving the full details of where to find the reference in a separate cited reference list

 providing an additional list, a bibliography, of any additional sources used to

produce your essay but not cited. The purpose of this additional list is to highlight
the breadth and depth of a student‟s preparatory work.

Therefore you may need to produce two separate lists, a cited reference list and a bibliography, in
addition to the brief citation made within the body of the essay. The system varies slightly for
books and for journal articles and there are some more complicated instances such as websites
and government reports. You should always provide references in the following cases:

 direct quotations from another source.

 paraphrased text which you have rewritten and/or synthesised but have based on
someone else's work.
 information derived from other studies.
 statistical information.
 theories and ideas derived from other authors.
 interpretations of events or evidence derived from other sources.
 facts which are not common knowledge.

Consistency and accuracy are important. The same set of rules should be followed every
time you cite a reference. This guide tries to explain what to do, and is arranged in two sections:

A. Citations in the text, and

B. Listing references in the bibliography and cited reference list.

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Section A: Citations in the Text

All statements, opinions, conclusions and so on taken from another writer‟s work should be
acknowledged, whether the work is directly quoted, paraphrased or summarised.

In the Harvard System there are some general guidelines for citing references in the text:

 Quotations
o As a general rule in the University, if the quote is less than a line it may be
included in the body of the text in quotation marks.
o Longer quotations are indented and single-spaced, quotation marks are not
o For citations of particular parts of the document the page numbers etc.
should be given after the year in parentheses (e.g., Zambian Bureau of
Standards 2001, p2).

 Summaries or paraphrases – give the citation where it occurs naturally or at the end of
the relevant piece of writing, page numbers are not required.

 Diagrams, illustrations – these should be referenced as though they were a quotation if

they have been taken from a published work.

 Page numbers – if details of particular parts of a document are required, for example
page numbers, they should be given after the year within the parentheses.

 Electronic Sources – rules for citation in text for printed documents also apply to
electronic documents except where pagination is absent. If an electronic document does
not include pagination or an equivalent internal referencing system, the extent of the
item may be indicated in terms such as the total number of lines, screens, etc., for
example "[35 lines]" or "[approx. 12 screens]".

Cited publications are referred to in the text by giving author’s surname and the year
of publication in one of the forms shown below:

i). If the author’s name occurs naturally in the sentence the year is given in

Note: if you use a quotation you must include the page number/s. If you are referring to a
study as a whole then page numbers are unnecessary.

 In a popular study Harvey (1992) argued that we have to teach good practices…
 As Harvey (1992, p27) said, “good practices must be taught”, and so we…

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ii). If the name does not occur naturally in the sentence, both name and year are given in

 A more recent study (Stevens, 1998) has shown the way theory and practical work
 Theory rises out of practice, and once validated, „returns to direct or explain the
practice‟ (Stevens, 1998, p468).

iii). When an author has published more than one cited document in the same year,
these are distinguished by adding lower case letters (a, b, c, etc.) after the year and
within the parentheses:-

 Johnson (1994a, p31) discussed the subject…

iv). If there are two authors the surnames of both should be given:-

 Matthews and Jones (1997) have proposed that…
 Weir and Kendrick (1995, p88) state that "networking is no longer solely within the
male domain . . ."

v). If there are more than two authors the surname of the first author only should be
given, followed by et al:-

 Office costs amount to 20% of total costs in most businesses (Wilson et al. 1997)
 Wilson et al. (1997) conclude that office costs …

Note: A full listing of names should appear in the bibliography (see section B).

vi). If you refer to an author of a chapter in an edited book, the surname of the chapter
author is given with the year.

 Describing the requirements of occupational therapy Yerxa (1983) indicated that…

Note: Section B describes how this should be referenced in the bibliography.

vii). If you are citing more than one reference at the same place in the text, they should
be listed in chronological date order, with the earliest first.

 Isaac (1988), Jones (1994) and Atkinson et al. (1996) inform us that…

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viii). If the work is anonymous then “Anon” should be used.

 In a recent article (Anon, 1998) it was stated that…

ix). If it is a reference to a newspaper article with no author the name of the paper can be
used in place of “Anon”.

 More people than ever seem to be using retail home delivery (THE TIMES, 2009, p3)

Note: You should use the same style in the bibliography.

x). If you refer to a source quoted in another source you cite both in the text:-

 A study by Smith (1960 cited in Jones 1994, p24) showed that…

Note: You should list only the work you have read, in this case Jones, in the bibliography.

xi). If you refer to a contributor in a source you cite just the contributor:-

 According to Bantz software development has been given as the cornerstone in this
industry (1995, p99).

Note: See Section B below for an explanation of how to list contributions (chapters in
books, articles in journals, papers in conference proceedings) in the bibliography.

xii). If you refer to a person who has not produced a work, or contributed to one, but who is
quoted in someone else’s work it is suggested that you should mention the person’s
name and cite the source author:-

 Richard Hammond stressed the part psychology plays in advertising in an
interview with Marshall (1999).
 In a recent article by Marshall, Richard Hammond said “Advertising will always
play on peoples‟ desires”, (1999, p67).

Note: You should list the work that has been published, in this case Marshall, in the

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Section B: Listing References In Both the Bibliography & Cited

Reference List


i). A book by a single author:

Recognised format:
Author‟s Surname, first name initials. (Year of publication) Title, Edition (if not the first),
Place of publication: Publisher.

 Charlesworth, E.A. (1986) Stress management, London: Souvenir Press.
 Fonteyn, D. (1985) Classroom control, London: Methuen/British Psychological
 Torkildsen, G. (2005) Leisure and recreation management, 5th ed. London: Routledge
 Gottfried, R.S. (1983) The Black Death: natural and human disaster in Medieval Europe,
London: Macmillan.

ii). A book by two authors:

Recognised format:
1st Author‟s Surname, first name initials. & 2nd Author‟s Surname, first name initials. (Year
of publication) Title, Edition (if not the first), Place of publication: Publisher.

 Burns, N. & Grove, S. K. (1997) The practice of nursing research: conduct, critique &
utilization, 3rd ed., London: Saunders.
 Ponton, G. & Gill, P. (1993) Introduction to Politics, 3rd ed., Blackwell.
 Mercer, P.A. & Smith, G. (1993) Private view-data in the UK, 2nd ed., London: Longman.
 Grey, H. & Freeman, A. (1988) Teaching with stress, London: Paul Chapman.

iii). A book by more than two authors

Note: You should not use the abbreviation, "et al." (= et alii = and others) in the full reference. But you
should use it in brief in-text references.

Recognised format
1st Author‟s Surname, first name initials, 2nd Author‟s Surname, first name initials, and nth
Author‟s Surname, first name initials. (Year of publication) Title, Edition (if not the first), Place
of publication: Publisher.

 Hall, C.M., Timothy, D.J. & Duval, D.T. (2004) Safety and security in tourism: relationships,
management, and marketing, Binghamton: Haworth.
 Tesson, M., Degenhardt, L. & Hall, W. (2002) Addictions, Hove: Psychology Press.

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iv). An edited book

Recognised format:
1st Author‟s Surname, first name initials. and 2nd Author‟s Surname, first name initials. eds,
(Year of publication) Title, Edition (if not the first), Place of publication: Publisher.

 Basford, L. and Slevin, O. eds., (1995) Theory and practice of nursing: an integrated approach
to patient care, Edinburgh: Campion.
 Singh, B.R. ed. (1994) Improving gender and ethnic relations: strategies for schools and further
education, London: Cassell.

v). A chapter from an edited book

Recognised format
Contributing author‟s Surname, initials. (Year of publication) Title of contribution, followed by
In: Surname and Initials of editor(s) of publication followed by ed. or eds. if relevant Title of
book, Place of publication: Publisher, Page number(s) of contribution.

 Bantz, C.R. (1995) Social dimensions of software development, In: Anderson, J.A. ed.
Annual review of software management and development, Newbury Park, CA: Sage, pp502-
 Weir, P. (1995) Clinical practice development role: a personal reflection, In: Kendrick, K.,
Weir, P. and Rosser, E. eds. Innovations in nursing practice, London: Edward Arnold. pp5-
 Offee, C. and Ronge, V. (1982) Theses on the theory of the state, In: Giddens, A. and
Held, D. eds. Classes, Power and Conflict, Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp74-98.
 Forster D. (1995) Setting for health promotion, In: Pike, S. and Forster, D. eds. Health
promotion for all, Livingstone, Edinburgh: Churchill, pp143-155.

Journal articles

i). Printed journal

Recognised format:
Author‟s Surname, Initials. (Year of periodical issue in which article appeared) Full title of
article, Full Title of Journal, volume(issue if available), page numbers of whole article, (including
its notes and references).

Note: Some journals do not specify an issue number, in these instances use the Volume followed by the
date shown on the journal.

 Evans, W.A. (1994) Approaches to intelligent information retrieval. Information processing
and management, 7(2), pp147-168.

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 Michelson, L. and Wood, R. (1980) Behavioural assessment and training of children's

social skills. Progress in Behavior Modification, Vol. 9, August, pp242-292.
 Stroud, L. (2005) MMR – public policy in crisis: whose tragedy?, Journal of Health
Organization and Management, 19(3), pp252-260.

ii). Online journal

a) accessed via an online database

Recognised format:
Author Surname, Initial. (Year) Title of article. Journal title, Volume(issue), pages if given.
Source: Database name [online].

 Bryd-Bredbenner, C, Wong, A. & Cottee, P. (2000) Consumer understanding of US and
EU nutrition labels. British Food Journal, 103(8), pp615-629. Source: Emerald Fulltext
 Redman, G. M. (1997) LPN-BSN: education for a reformed healthcare system. Journal of
Nursing Education, 36(3), pp121-7. Source: CINAHL [online].
 Rasid, Z.M. and Parish, T.S. (1998) The effects of two types of relaxation training on
students' levels of anxiety. Adolescence. 33(129), p99. Source: EBSCO EJS [online].

b) accessed via a website

Recognised format:
Author Surname, Initial. (Year) Title of article, Journal title [online], Volume, (issue), location
within host (pages), Available from: <URL of document> [Accessed date].

 Caspi, A. & Gorsky, P. (2006) Online deception: prevalence, motivation and emotion.
Cyber-Psychology and Behaviour, [online], 9(1), pp46-53. Available from:
<http://www.liebertonline.com/toc/cpb/9/1> [Accessed 5 July 2006].
 Martin, E.W. (1996) The legislative and litigation history of special education, The Future
of Children [online], 6(1), pp25-39. Available from:
<http://www.futureofchildren.org/sped/02_sped.pdf> [accessed 25 November 1996].

Newspaper articles

i). A Printed Newspaper

Recognised format:
Author‟s Surname, initials. (or NEWSPAPER TITLE) (Year of publication) Title of article, Title of
newspaper, Day and month, Page number/s.

 Hanjalika, T. (2006) Exam „spy‟ traps school cheats, Times of Zambia, 16 June, p3.
 THE POST (1992) Picking up the bills, The Post, 4 June, p11.

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 Banda, J. (2008) Zanaco's most valuable home draw, Zambia Daily Mail, 2 October, p12.

ii. An Online Newspaper

a) accessed via a database

Recognised format:
Author Surname, Initial. (or NEWSPAPER TITLE) (Year) Title of article. Title of Newspaper,
Volume,(issue), pages if given .Source: Database name [online].

 FINANCIAL TIMES (1998) Recruitment: lessons in leadership: moral issues are
increasingly pertinent to the military and top corporate ranks. Financial Times, 11
March, p32. Source: LEXIS NEXIS [online].

b) accessed via a website

Recognised format:
Author Surname, Initial. (or NEWSPAPER TITLE) (Year) Title of article, Title of Newspaper
[online], Day and Month, Available from: <URL> [Accessed date].

 Hooper, J. (1997) Collision in Mediterranean kills 280, The Observer [online], 5 January.
Available from: <http://www.observer.co.uk> [Accessed 15 April 1997].


Recognised format:
Originator‟s Surname, first name or initials (may be cartographer, surveyor, compiler, editor,
copier, maker, engraver, etc.) (Year of publication), Title, Scale (should be given normally as a
ratio). Place of publication: Publisher.

 Mason, James (1832) Map of the countries lying between Spain and India, 1:8,000,000.
London: Ordnance Survey.

Conference papers or conference proceedings

Recognised format:
Contributing author‟s Surname, Initials. (Year of publication), Title of contribution, followed by
In: Initials. Surname of editor of proceedings, (if applicable) followed by ed. Title of conference
proceedings including date and place of conference, Place of publication: Publisher, Page
numbers of contribution.

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 Silver, K. (1991) Electronic mail: the new way to communicate, In: D.I. Raitt, ed., 9th
International Online Information Meeting, 3-5 December 1990 London, Oxford: Learned
Information, pp323-330.
 Banks, S. (1998) Networked Lifelong Learning: innovative approaches to education and training
through the Internet: Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference held at the University of
Sheffield, Sheffield: University of Sheffield.
 Grunwald, P. (1984) Car body painting with the spine spray system, In: N. Martensson,
ed., Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Robot Technology, 7th,
Gothenburg, Sweden, 2-4 October, Industrial Robot Technology. IFS, pp633-642.
 Oakley A. and Rajan, L. (1989) The social support and pregnancy outcome study, In: S.
Robinson, A. Thomson & V. Tickner, eds. Research and the midwife conference: proceedings
1988, Privately published.

i). Video Conference

Recognised format:
Contributing author's Surname, Initials. (Year of conference), Title of conference [online], video
conference, date of conference. Available from: <URL>. [Accessed date].

Bolton, D. (2005) Referencing the Harvard way, [online], video conference, 1 April. Available from:
<http://www.glos.ac.uk/videoconferences> [Accessed 14 February 2006].

Government Publications

Note: In broad terms White Papers contain statements of Government policy while Green
Papers put forward proposals for consideration and public discussion. They are cited in the
same way.

i). A White Paper

Recognised format:
Name of issuing body (Year of publication) Title of publication, Report Number (where relevant),
Place of publication: Publisher.

 Department of Health (1996) Choice and opportunity: primary care: the future, Cm.3390,
London: Stationery Office.
 Department of the Environment (1984) Disposal facilities on land for low and intermediate-
level radioactive waste: principles for the protection of the human environment, London:
 Department of Health (1993) Changing childbirth: report of the Expert Maternity Group
(Chairwoman J. Cumberlege), Vol. 1, London: HMSO.

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ii). A Green Paper

Recognised format
Name of issuing body (Year of publication) Title of publication, Report Number (where relevant),
Place of publication: Publisher.

 Department of Health (1998) Our Healthier Nation: a contract for health, Cm 3854. London:
Stationery Office.
 House of Commons (1992) The Health Committee second report: Maternity services, Vol. 1
(Chairman N Winterton), London: HMSO.
 Department of Health (1991) The Health of the Nation: a consultative document on a health
strategy for England, London: Department of Health/HMSO.

iii). An Act of Parliament

These should be cited in the text with the full title, including the year of enactment, for example
Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act 1979.

Acts do not need to be listed in the references. However an example would be:
 Great Britain (1990) National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990, Chapter 19,
London: HMSO.

iv). A Law Report

Be aware that there is a hierarchy of authority when citing UK and/or Zambian cases. It is
preferable to cite from the Official Law Reports if the case has been published there. If not, then
the Weekly Law Reports should take preference. If neither has reported the case, then the All
England Law Reports should be cited, followed by the more specialised sets of law reports
(Family Law Reports, Lloyd‟s Law Reports, Criminal Law Reports, etc.)

When citing a case you should include:

 Case name (in italics and v used for versus).
 Date of the case in brackets (place in square brackets if the volume fails to identify the
case; place in parentheses if the year identifies the case).
 The volume number of Law Report (if reported).
 The name/abbreviation of the Law Reports (if reported).
 The page number of the case (if reported).
 The abbreviation of the court where the case was decided (post 1865 only).
 The page/paragraph number(s) of the passage you are referring to (often called the
„pinpoint‟), if applicable.

 British Railways Board v Pickin [1972] AC 765 (HL) 766-768
 Mercantile Credit Co Ltd v Garrod [1962] 3 All ER 1103 (QB)
 Re Travel Mondial (UK) Ltd [1991] BCC 224 (Ch) 226
 Slazenger & Sons v Spalding & Bros [1910] 1 Ch 257 (Ch)
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For further information on legal referencing please see


Publications by corporate bodies

Recognised format
Name of issuing body (Year of publication) Title of publication, Place of publication: Publisher,
Report Number (where relevant).

 Health Visitors' Association (1992) Principles into practice: an HVA position statement on
health visiting and school nursing, London: Health Visitors' Association.
 Independent Television Commission (ITC) (1991) The ITC code of advertising standards and
practice, London: ITC.

Theses or Dissertations
Recognised format:
Author‟s Surname, initials. (Year of publication) Title of thesis/dissertation. Designation, (and
type). Name of institution to which submitted.

 Mukunsha, C. (2007) The Impact of Copyright Legislation on the Music Industry in Zambia.
Unpublished MBA dissertation. Cavendish University - Zambia.
 Hull, A.P. (1988) Changing Patterns of Accessibility and Mobility in Sixteen Parishes in East
Kent, 1973-1982. PhD thesis. Liverpool Polytechnic.
 Ntambo, M.M. (2009) Apostle Paul’s Explanation of Sin Problem and the Good News of
Justification: An Exegetical-Theological Study of Romans 1:18 – 5:21 and its Relevance in
Africa. Unpublished MBS thesis. Bible University.

Recognised format:
ORIGINATOR (the name of applicant) (Year of publication) Title of patent, Series Designation,
(which may include full date).

 PHILIP MORRIS INC. (1981) Optical perforating apparatus and system, European patent
application 0021165 A1, 1981-01-07.

Non-print materials (Film/TV/Interviews)

i). Film

Recognised format:
Title (Year - For films the preferred date is the year of release in the country of production.)
Material designation, Subsidiary originator - Optional but director is preferred, Production
details – place: organisation.

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 Macbeth (1948), Film, Directed by Orson Welles, USA: Republic Pictures.
 Birds in the Garden (1998) Video, London: Harper Videos.

ii). Programmes and series, including radio

Recognised format:
Series title, Episode number, Episode title (should normally be given as well), the transmitting
organisation and channel, the full date and time of transmission.

 Yes, Prime Minster, Episode 1, The Ministerial Broadcast, TV, BBC2, 1986 Jan 16.
 News at Ten, ITV, Jan 27 2001, 2200 hrs.
 The Nuclear Age, Episode 3: Europe goes nuclear UK, ITV, 26th October 1988.
 Woman's Hour, BBC Radio 4, 1996 Feb 19, 1030 hrs.

iii). Contributions (for example interviews)

Recognised format:
Individual items within a programme should be cited as contributions. The reference should
begin with the name of the person interviewed.

 Porrit, J. (1991) Interview by Jonathan Dimbleby, In: Panorama, BBC 1, 18 March.
 Blair, T. (1997) Interview, In: Six O’clock News, TV, BBC1, Feb 29, 1823 hrs.

iv). Personal Interviews

Recognised Format:
Name of person interviewed: Surname, Initials. (Year) Type of interview (personal or telephone
interview). Interview date.

 Mitchell, J. (2006) Personal interview. 15th February.

Electronic material
Important note: Standards for citing electronic sources are still being developed and therefore
there is currently no agreed standard method for citing electronic sources of information. This
document follows the practices most likely to be adopted and is intended as guidance only.
Those intending to use such citations in papers submitted to scholarly journals should check
whether an alternative method is used by that journal.

Because fixed standards for electronic references do not yet exist, it is important to apply a
consistent style throughout your references. This enables your reader to understand and trace
your sources. If you are unable to write a complete reference because the information is not
available, then write as full a reference as possible.

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The following guidelines apply for web pages:

 Indicate the exact URL of the web page and the date you visited it
 Do not split the URL over a line. If this is not possible, do so after a forward slash

i). A website/page or e-book

Recognised format:
Author/editor Surname, Initial. (Year) Title [online], (Edition), Place of publication: Publisher (if
ascertainable). Available from: <URL> [Accessed date].

 Shea, J. (2004) White falls to Pinches [online], BBC. Available from
<http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_sports/snooker/3640685.stm>, [accessed 22
April 2006].
 Holland, M. (2002) Guide to citing Internet sources [online], Poole: Bournemouth
University. Available from:
> [Accessed 4 November 2002].
 J SAINSBURY PLC (2005) Annual report and financial statements 2005 [online], J Sainsbury
plc. Available from
<http://www.j-sainsbury.co.uk/ar05/index.asp?pageid=64> [Accessed 1 June 2006].
 The University of Sheffield Library (2001) Nursing and Midwifery in the Library and on the
Internet [online], Sheffield: University of Sheffield. Available from:
<http://www.shef.ac.uk/library/subjects/subnurse.html> [Accessed 4th July 2001].
 BOOTS GROUP PLC (2006) Corporate social responsibility: process and policy [online], Boots
Group plc. Available from <http://www.boots-csr.com/main.asp?pid=783> [Accessed
30 June 2006].
 Food Standards Agency, (2003) What is BSE? [online]. Available from:
<http://www.foodstandards.gov.uk/bse> [Accessed 12 June 2003].

ii). A Journal/Newspaper accessed from an online database

See previous sections for Journals and Newspapers.

iii). An email

Recognised format:
Author/Sender (author‟s email address), (Date of message - Day Month Year), Subject of the
message, [online]. Email to recipient‟s initials surname (recipient's e-mail address).

 Lowman, D. (deborah_lowman@pbsinc.com), (4 April 2000), RE: ProCite and Internet
Referee, [online]. Email to P. Cross (pcross@bournemouth.ac.uk).
 McConnell, D. (d.mcconnell@sheffield.ac.uk), (28th November 1997) Follow up to your
interview [online]. Email to L. Parker (l.a.parker@sheffield.ac.uk).

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iv). An image

Recognised format:
Author, Initials. (Year) Title of image [online image]. Available from: <URL> [Accessed date].
 Greenwich2000 (2000) The World’s biggest dome – ―Millennium experience‖ [online image].
Available from:< http://www.greenwich2000.com/millennium/dome/> [Accessed 1
December 2000].
 Beaton, C. (2002) Coco Chanel [online image]. Available from
<http://www.gnam.arti.beniculturali.it/IVSeCultura/coco.htm> [Accessed 30 January

v). A CD-ROM

Recognised format:
Author/Editor. (Year) Title [type of medium CD-ROM], (Edition), Place of publication:
Publisher (if ascertainable). Available from: Supplier/Database identifier or number
(optional), [Accessed Date (optional)].

 MacLeod, D. (1996) PM plan for tests at five is shelved [CD-ROM], Guardian, 9 January
1996, p6.
 Hawking, S.W. (1994) A brief history of time: an interactive adventure [CD-ROM], Crunch

Non-Academic Resources
For articles in non-academic sources, such as a local newspaper or manual, the structure and
order is dependent on the availability of detail. Choose the most relevant of the guidelines
above and follow it as far as possible.

Possible formats:
 Title of newspaper or publication (Year of publication) Title of article, day and month
(if given), page number(s).
 Author of article (Date of newspaper or publication), Title of article, Title of newspaper or
publication, day and month (if given), page number.

Possible Examples:
 Hackney Today (1998) Fifty Years on Windrush Season, (Issue 45), June, pp10-11
 Olympus (2006) Autofocus, Camedia C2000 Zoom Digital Camera Instructions,p88.
 Grooms, M. (2006) Homeschooling babies [online], Bella, June. Available from
<http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art44445.asp> [Accessed 14 July 2006].

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This document is neither original nor exhaustive. Rather it is a summary from a number of
sources, a compilation of the best and most necessary concepts from each source.

I have relied very heavily on Harvard System of Referencing Guide by Anglia Ruskin University,
Learning Services Study Guides—Bibliographies and Referencing: Harvard Style (anonymous),
References/Bibliography Harvard Style by University of Queensland and Library and Learning
Resources of University of the Arts –London, London College of Arts, Camberwell College of
Arts, Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, Chelsea College of Arts and Design.

I would recommend that the more serious students acquire and read them.


Beckenham: CBD Research Ltd. HMSO Annual Catalogue. London: HMSO.

Blaxter, L., Hughes, C. and Tight, M. (1996) How to Research. Buckingham: Open University
Dane, F.C. (1990) Research Methods. California: Brooks and Cole.
Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. and Lowe, A. (1991) Management Research: An Introduction.
London: Sage.
Henderson, S.P.A. and Henderson, A.J.W. (eds.) (1998) Directory of British Associations and
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MMN/CUZ May 2009

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