Strat. MM
Strat. MM
Strat. MM
Strategic marketing planning - is a process of Strengths - What does the company do best?
writing and following a plan to reach a specific goal. What is your company’s unique selling point?
To increase revenue, profits, and achieve greater Weaknesses - What areas does your organization
visibility, discourage competitors and improve need to improve? What resources do you lack?
appearance through a total rebranding. Opportunities - what opportunities can you take
- Seeks to anticipate future industry trends. advantage of based on your strength?
- Organization creates vision , articulates its Threats - What threats do your weaknesses
purpose and set strat. Goals that are long- expose you?
term and forward focused.
- Inform operational goals and incremental
milestones that need to be reached. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR AND MARKET
Environmental analysis - also called
environmental scan, is a strategic tool used to Market Research - process of collecting and
identify and assess all external and internal analyzing data about a particular market. It involves
elements in a business environment. the use of various research methods such as
- Examines organizational and industry surveys, focus groups, interviews, and data
factors that can possibly or negatively affect analysis, to gain insights into consumer
the business and its success. preferences, behavior and attitudes.
Consumer Behavior - the study of how people
TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS make decisions about what they buy, why they buy
● PESTLE it, when they buy it and how they use it. It is
● SWOT ANALYSIS influenced by a variety of factors including personal
preferences, cultural values, social influences, and
PESTLE ANALYSIS economic factors.