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Reading Test

In this section, you must demonstrate your ability to read and comprehend English. You will be
given a variety of texts and asked to answer questions about these texts. This section is divided
into three parts and will take 75 minutes to complete.
Do not mark the answers in your test book. Use the answer sheet that is separately provided.

Directions: In each question, you will be asked to review a statement that is missing a word or
phrase. Four answer choices will be provided for each question. Select the best answer and mark
the corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on the answer sheet.

101. Fully ------- the new phone before using it 105. The new album was ------- from previously
for the first time. unreleased songs by the artist.
(A) charge (A) compile
(B) charged (B) compiled
(C) charging (C) compiling
(D) to charge (D) compilation

102. John Peters will receive a significant pay 106. Grant’s academic advisor said that he was
raise ------- he begins his new job. the most ------- student she had ever met.
(A) soon (A) abundant
(B) once (B) brilliant
(C) upon (C) clear
(D) since (D) vivid

103. The development of Pylo-Color paint was a 107. Although many reviewers said the book’s
great ------- for Maliko Inc. since it was characters were simplistic, they praised the
superior to competing products. ------- storyline.
(A) advantage (A) engage
(B) discount (B) engaged
(C) industry (C) engaging
(D) selection (D) engagement

104. Simon Parker contacted Orange 108. Most of the new workers will be offered a
Telecommunications about an error in ------- permanent contract ------- the one-month
monthly bill. probationary period.
(A) him (A) while
(B) his (B) under
(C) he (C) toward
(D) himself (D) following

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109. Richard Sloane ------- the other competitors 115. Employees who have incurred travel
on the quiz show and received the grand expenditures should submit their -------
prize. expense reports to the accounting
(A) outperformed department.
(B) recovered (A) completed
(C) suffered (B) fulfilled
(D) suspended (C) executed
(D) accomplished
110. The reporter ------- apologized for
accidentally calling the company’s new 116. Belinda Mai proofread the company’s
CEO by his predecessor’s name. financial reports ------- before releasing
(A) quick them to the stockholders.
(B) quickly (A) care
(C) quicken (B) caring
(D) quickness (C) careful
(D) carefully
111. The grocery store differentiated itself from
its competitors ------- stocking imported 117. This year’s Brook Prize for Literature -------
foods. to Christine Yamaguchi at a ceremony
(A) of later tonight.
(B) to (A) award
(C) on (B) is awarding
(D) by (C) was awarded
(D) will be awarded
112. Although the laptop is ------- small
compared to others on the market, it is 118. The judge said that the ------- would begin
very powerful. as soon as the attorneys were ready.
(A) usually (A) evidence
(B) exactly (B) law
(C) relatively (C) trial
(D) specifically (D) bench

113. The aquarium ------- the best tourist 119. Gruber Electronics looked forward to the
attraction in the city last month by readers next quarter -------- as analysts had
of the local newspaper. predicted an increase in sales.
(A) rate (A) optimist
(B) rating (B) optimism
(C) be rated (C) optimistic
(D) was rated (D) optimistically

114. ------- recently have the finance employees 120. The two delivery companies announced
begun using the paper shredder, despite it that ------- had decided to merge in the
having been in the office for nearly a year. near future.
(A) Already (A) they
(B) Always (B) them
(C) Before (C) their
(D) Only (D) theirs


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121. Knowing his mother's opinions about pets, 126. The marketing department worked -------
Vladimir did not ------- to ask her if he could the advertising department to find the best
have a dog. way to promote the company’s products.
(A) worry (A) in
(B) bother (B) from
(C) occur (C) beneath
(D) realize (D) alongside

122. Tony Perkins ------- as the most successful 127. The two jobs offered similar salaries, but
salesperson at Cindy’s Car Warehouse for one featured ------- shorter hours and more
two months in a row. vacation time.
(A) will honor (A) suddenly
(B) honors (B) questionably
(C) is honoring (C) directly
(D) has been honored (D) considerably

123. The airline allows passengers to check one 128. Their employment contract states that all
piece of ------- on domestic flights and two research discoveries they make in the
on international flights. corporate laboratory ------- to the company.
(A) lug (A) belong
(B) lugged (B) belongs
(C) lugging (C) belonged
(D) luggage (D) belonging

124. The insurance policy could be voided in 129. The engineer said that it was impossible to
the case of nonpayment or ------- of false add a rooftop pool to the hotel because of
information. the ------- of the water.
(A) handling (A) weigh
(B) submission (B) weight
(C) acceptance (C) weighs
(D) consideration (D) weighed

125. Lynn Ogawa said that ------- Mount Everest 130. Sunnydale Farms was forced to ------- its
was the most difficult and inspiring thing annual tax filings after an error was
she had ever done. discovered by its accounting firm.
(A) scale (A) revise
(B) scaled (B) relieve
(C) scaling (C) repair
(D) have scaled (D) reposition

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Directions: In this part, you will be asked to read four English texts. Each text is missing a word,
phrase, or sentence. Select the answer choice that correctly completes the text and mark the
corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on the answer sheet.

Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice.

Attention All Residents

Over the next two weeks, the maintenance crew will be coming around to perform the yearly
fire safety inspections. Beginning on March 7, the ------- inspections will be conducted between
the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. for all suites located on floors 9 to 18. The remaining floors will
be visited during the same hours on the week of March 14. Accordingly, the workers will need
to ------- all units in the building. Residents do not have to be present at the time of the
inspection. A member of the property management team, who has the legal right to enter all
suites, -------- those doing the inspections. In addition, please keep in mind that it is against the
law to remove the smoke detector in your apartment. -------. Failure to comply with the
municipal fire code will result in strict penalties. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

131. (A) compulsion 133. (A) had accompanied

(B) compulsory (B) to accompany
(C) compulsiveness (C) has been accompanied
(D) compulsively (D) will accompany

132. (A) access 134. (A) Be sure to follow our guidelines
(B) renovate carefully when installing your fire alarm.
(C) vacate (B) This regulation only applies to residents
(D) acquire living on floors 9 to 18.
(C) Modifying the device in any way that
hinders its effectiveness is also illegal.
(D) The latest smoke detection system
costs an additional $20.


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Questions 135-138 refer to the following letter.

Edward Foley
181 Sprucewood Drive
Cleveland, OH 44106

Dear Mr. Foley:

After looking at your yard, I have come up with a quote for your ------- services. The cost for
removing the three trees where the pond will go is $200 each. In addition, the installation fee
for the body of water plus a standard filtration system is $2,800. -------, the full cost is subject
to increase depending on the type and quantity of ornamental plants you would like to add.
-------. Also, when we met last week, you specified that you would like the pond to be bordered
by stones. According to my -------, that will cost an additional $300, including the delivery
charge for the materials. This brings the total base cost of the project to $3,700. Once you
have decided, I will put the order in. You can reach me any time at (216) 555-9876.

Doug Jenkins
Jenkins & Sons Landscaping

135. (A) to request 137. (A) I have enclosed a brochure that may
(B) request help you decide which ones you want.
(C) requesting (B) It is unfortunate that you have hired
(D) requested another landscaper for this project.
(C) We used to have many different
136. (A) However fountain sculptures in stock.
(B) Similarly (D) The work will most likely be completed
(C) For this reason in a few days.
(D) Otherwise
138. (A) capacity
(B) schedule
(C) receipt
(D) estimate

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Questions 139-142 refer to the following article.

Young Writers in the Spotlight

More than 150 college students from the Bayville area came together last Friday for the sixth
annual Young Writers Conference. This year’s event had a variety of offerings. Young adults
had the rare ------- to attend a keynote talk by a best-selling author. ------- the gathering, the
139. 140.
attendees created their own stories by participating in 40-minute workshops led by published
authors. -------. This year’s meeting also included a songwriting class for aspiring musicians. The
session was instructed by Chris Cohen, the lead singer of the local band Steel Pipes, who asked
the participants to brainstorm ideas for songs and write their own lyrics. At the closing ceremony,
Cohen and the students treated everyone to a ------- professional performance. The event
organizers agreed that the conference was the best yet, with many students already looking
forward to next year’s.

139. (A) contribution 141. (A) All of the materials have been loaned
(B) incident by school libraries.
(C) opportunity (B) These will be rescheduled so that more
(D) determination students can take part.
(C) The professional writers spent much of
140. (A) As opposed to the time providing detailed feedback.
(B) During (D) Most of the content was written by
(C) In front of English literature professors.
(D) Despite
142. (A) typically
(B) disappointingly
(C) surprisingly
(D) briefly


해커스 프리미엄 토익 모의고사 Vol.8 21

Questions 143-146 refer to the following memo.

TO: All programmers

FROM: Rachel Lowe
SUBJECT: Feedback on Web site
DATE: June 13

The results of our first user survey are in, and I would like to give you a summary of the most
common complaints. First of all, the majority of ------- found the draft version of the Web site
difficult to navigate due to the small size of the text in the drop-down menus. Many of them
recommended that we use a larger and simpler font as that would make the text more -------.
Additionally, about half of the testers think that we should change the Web site’s color
scheme. The site is intended for buyers of luxury clothing, but it was mentioned that -------
orange and blue design makes the products look cheap. Finally, the newly added shopping
cart feature appears to have a malfunction. -------. I ask that you please consider solutions for
these issues in preparation for our next meeting on Thursday at 1:00 p.m. Thank you, and see
you all then.

143. (A) responses 145. (A) us

(B) responsive (B) them
(C) respond (C) our
(D) respondents (D) their

144. (A) valuable 146. (A) Several people noticed that their items
(B) legible disappeared after being selected.
(C) delicate (B) The feature will be added in
(D) intricate accordance with the results of the
(C) We have received many customer
complaints about this in recent years.
(D) The error is currently in the process of
being fixed by our technicians.

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Directions: In this part, you will be asked to read several texts, such as advertisements, articles,
instant messages, or examples of business correspondence. Each text is followed by several
questions. Select the best answer and mark the corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your
answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following advertisement.

Stay Cool All Summer Long at Splash!

It’s that time of the year again. Summer has arrived, and the Splash Water Park will be
opening its gates on Saturday, June 1. To celebrate, we are offering a 30 percent discount on
day passes for that day. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to experience our many
attractions, including:
• Rolling Thunder: Are you brave enough to try the tallest waterslide in the state?
• Surfs Up: Enjoy fun for the whole family in our massive wave pool.
• Mellow River: Spend the day floating on a raft along our artificial river.

• Toddler’s Play Zone: Younger kids will love our collection of shallow pools.

In addition, there will be many fun activities arranged for that day, such as games, contests,
and a concert by the popular pop band, The Spirals. And if you get hungry, all five of our
restaurants will offer special deals on June 1 as well. We hope to see you then!

147. What is being advertised? 148. What is NOT indicated about the Splash
(A) A series of outdoor performances Water Park?
(B) A recreational facility’s opening (A) It contains a record-breaking attraction.
(C) A travel package for the summer (B) It features a separate area for children.
(D) A town’s annual community fair (C) It stays open throughout the year.
(D) It includes several dining


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Questions 149-151 refer to the following Web page.

Bayside Wedding Expo

Event Overview List of Exhibitors Purchase Tickets Contact Us

If you are planning a wedding, then you’ll want to attend this event. — [1] — . From April 14 to 18,
over 300 exhibitors—ranging from photographers to caterers to designers—will gather at the Delta
Convention Center in downtown Seattle.

No matter what stage of the planning process you are in, there is something for you here.
Highlights of the expo will include presentations by several of the country’s most successful
wedding organizers and, on the last day, a bridal fashion show. — [2] —. And, of course, there will
be a wide range of industry experts on hand to answer your questions and help make your dream
wedding a reality. Best of all, attendees will receive a coupon book that includes discount offers for
the goods and services provided by the exhibitors. — [3] —.

Tickets for the Bayside Wedding Expo are $20 for individuals and $18 each for groups of four or
more. Buy your tickets in advance on our Web site to receive an immediate discount of $2.50 on
your purchase. — [4] —.

149. What will happen on the final day of the 151. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3]
event? and [4] does the following sentence best
(A) Some outfits will be modeled. belong?
(B) A talk will be given. “All told, you could save over $2,000.”
(C) A photo shoot will be held. (A) [1]
(D) Some gifts will be distributed. (B) [2]
(C) [3]
150. How can people pay less for tickets?
(D) [4]
(A) By using a coupon
(B) By buying ahead of time
(C) By contacting an exhibitor
(D) By signing up in person

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Questions 152-153 refer to the following e-mail.

TO: Jack Devries

FROM: Mandy Gomez
SUBJECT: Suitable Property
DATE: April 11

Dear Mr. Devries,

I just wanted to update you on our search for a commercial property. I have found one that should
make a suitable location for your marketing company’s new branch. It is a three-story building on
Johnson Street that is less than half a block from the Stanford Subway Station. The structure has an
underground garage with enough spaces for the vehicles of your employees and clients. Of course,
the monthly rent is within the budget you specified.
Please let me know if you can visit Chicago next week for a viewing. Any day other than Tuesday
will work for me. I have to represent my company at a local real estate conference then. Feel free to
call me at 555-9039 if you have any questions.
Mandy Gomez

152. What is NOT mentioned about the building 153. Why will Ms. Gomez be unable to meet on
on Johnson Street? Tuesday?
(A) It is near public transportation. (A) She will be attending an event.
(B) It includes a parking facility. (B) She will be inspecting a property.
(C) It has an affordable monthly rental fee. (C) She will be going out of town.
(D) It is located in the city center. (D) She will be visiting a client.


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Questions 154-156 refer to the following information.

Flying with a Pet

At Pacific Airlines, we make every effort to ensure that our passengers’ pets arrive at their
destinations safely. If you are planning to fly with an animal, please note the following:

 rrive early. For domestic flights, pets should be brought to the designated drop-off area
in the airport two hours prior to departure. If you are taking an international flight, you
should arrive three hours early.
 ring the required documentation. At the same time, you must submit documentary
proof attesting to your pet's current medical condition. The document must be issued by a
licensed veterinarian within 10 days of your expected departure. Other documents may be
required for international flights. Call the embassy of your destination country to inquire
about any additional requirements.
 se the right carrier. It must be large enough to accommodate your pet comfortably
and have adequate ventilation. If the carrier has wheels on the bottom, they must be locked
or removed so that the container does not move around while the aircraft is in flight.
 o not administer sleep medication on your pet. Due to the risk of health
complications, Pacific Airlines will not transport any animal that has been artificially

For more information, visit www.pacificairlines.com.

154. What is the main purpose of the 156. What must be submitted before leaving on
information? a scheduled flight?
(A) To report some delays (A) A cash deposit
(B) To identify some problems (B) An emergency contact
(C) To announce a new service (C) A travel itinerary
(D) To present some regulations (D) A health certificate

155. In the information, the phrase “prior to” in

paragraph 2, line 2, is closest in meaning
(A) up to
(B) ahead of
(C) close to
(D) according to

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Questions 157-158 refer to the following online chat.

Tanya Stewart 9:33 a.m. Derek . . . We need to make some changes to the presentation
we’re giving on Monday. I just spoke with Mr. Harper, and he wants
us to include any data or analysis that we can gather from social

Derek Parker 9:40 a.m. That makes sense. I think it will improve our presentation if we
discuss what people are sharing about us online.

Tanya Stewart 9:42 a.m. Yeah, that’s what I thought. Why don’t we get together this
afternoon to discuss how to proceed?

Derek Parker 9:44 a.m. I’m attending a workshop after lunch. How about tomorrow
morning? 9:30 works for me.

Tanya Stewart 9:47 a.m. OK. I’ll book the conference room for that time. Do you have the full
analysis reports from each of the social media Web sites that we’re
on? It might be a good idea to go through them before we start

Derek Parker 9:49 a.m. Actually, no. I only have the one-page summary showing the
number of visits we get on each site, but not much more detail than
that. Could you send it to me?

Tanya Stewart 9:50 a.m. Sure. Check your e-mail in about 10 minutes.

157. At 9:44 a.m., what does Mr. Parker most 158. What will Ms. Stewart send by e-mail?
likely mean when he writes, “I’m attending (A) A presentation summary
a workshop after lunch”? (B) A detailed document
(A) A video presentation will not be ready. (C) A customer complaint
(B) A conference room will not be (D) A monthly invoice
(C) A meeting time is not convenient.
(D) An assignment deadline is not


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Questions 159-160 refer to the following notice.

From August 27 until September 4, the third floor of the library will be
closed as workers will be installing a new ceiling. We regret any
inconvenience this work may cause, but it is necessary to ensure
everyone's safety. During this period, additional desks will be set up
on the second and fourth floors for the use of library patrons. In
addition, our collection of newspapers and magazines will be moved
from the third floor to temporary shelves set up near the main

If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to one of our

staff members at our checkout desk. You may also visit our Web site,
which features details about this project as well as other planned
facility upgrades. Thank you.

159. In the notice, the word “regret” in 160. What is mentioned about the library’s Web
paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning site?
to (A) It has a variety of new features for
(A) mourn for users.
(B) disapprove of (B) It contains an updated map of the
(C) apologize for building.
(D) look back on (C) It includes information about future
(D) It provides details about employees.

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Questions 161-164 refer to the following form.

North Star Yoga – Registration Form

Fresno Branch
The wait is over! After two months of construction, our newest studio is now accepting registration for
classes. To participate, please complete and submit this form. All classes begin on March 1.

Personal Information
Name: Amy Lee
Address: 1827 Field Street, Fresno, CA 93704
Telephone Number: 555-0394
E-mail Address: alee@cabletek.com

Beginner  Intermediate 
Wed and Sat, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Mon and Thu, 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
$87 per month $90 per month

Advanced  Lunchtime Stretch (All levels) 

Tues and Thu, 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Mon to Fri, 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
$95 per month $65 per month

If you sign up for more than one class, we’ll reduce the total owed for that month by 10 percent. Please
note that payment is due by the 15th each month. We accept cash, check, and credit card payments
both online and at any of our locations throughout California. The fee is only refundable if you notify us
a minimum of five days before the first day of the class.

Please check our Web site, www.northstaryoga.com, for detailed information about our instructors. All
have taught yoga professionally for at least five years prior to coming to North Star Yoga.

161. What is stated about North Star Yoga? 163. What must Amy Lee do to qualify for a
(A) It has recently expanded. discount?
(B) It will hire new instructors. (A) Use a particular payment method
(C) It will redecorate a studio. (B) Join multiple classes
(D) It has launched a new Web site. (C) Submit the form before a deadline
(D) Visit another branch
162. What is implied about Amy Lee?
(A) She has already contacted an 164. According to the notice, what qualifies a
instructor. yoga instructor to teach at North Star
(B) She is interested in an evening class. Yoga?
(C) She has some knowledge of yoga. (A) Attendance at a North Star training
(D) She has lived in Fresno for many course
years. (B) Evidence of classroom experience
(C) Completion of an international program
(D) Membership in a professional


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Questions 165-167 refer to the following customer review.

Restaurant Name: The Seville Grill

Reviewer: Gerald Banner
Score: 2/5

My wife and I decided to try The Seville Grill for our 10th anniversary because we
both enjoy Spanish cuisine and there are few local restaurants that specialize in it.
The dining area was clean, and the atmosphere was very pleasant. We particularly
enjoyed the band that played traditional folk songs.

Unfortunately, the food did not meet our expectations. We ordered several
appetizers and were disappointed that they did not taste fresh. For example, the
garbanzo bean dip tasted like it had been made two or three days in advance.
Furthermore, our entrées were not well prepared—the chicken my wife ordered was
overcooked, and the sauce on my seafood dish was far too salty. When
I complained to the waiter, I was informed that the kitchen had just closed, so our
entrées could not be replaced. Instead, he gave us a free bottle of the house wine.
Given the price of our meal, this was unacceptable, and, as a result, we will not be
returning to the restaurant again.

165. What is mentioned about The Seville Grill? 167. What did the waiter provide to Mr. Banner?
(A) It mainly serves local cuisine. (A) A complimentary beverage
(B) It opened 10 years ago. (B) A price reduction
(C) It added tables to its dining room. (C) A free appetizer
(D) It featured live music. (D) A takeout menu

166. Why was Mr. Banner unhappy with his

(A) It was not cooked thoroughly.
(B) It was not seasoned properly.
(C) It was not made with fresh ingredients.
(D) It was cold when it arrived.

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Questions 168-171 refer to the following article.

Grants for Young Filmmakers

In a press release issued on May 11, the National Arts Council announced that it will start
providing financial support to young filmmakers to create documentaries. — [1] —. Grants of
$30,000 will be awarded to five individuals between the ages of 20 and 30 who successfully
complete the application process.
According to Jacob Lee, the director of the organization, the goal of the program is to offer
encouragement to talented young artists. — [2] —. In a recent interview, Mr. Lee said, “Although
documentaries do not receive a great deal of public attention, they are important forms of cultural
expression. These films provide more than just factual information; they present unique
perspectives and ways of relating to the world around us.” — [3] —. He went on to add, “Ensuring
that a new generation of filmmakers produces these works is an important objective of our
Ever since he became the head of the National Arts Council, Mr. Lee has been trying to draw
attention to film and other types of electronic media. This stands in sharp contrast to his recent
predecessor, Sandra Levine, who had a clear preference for supporting more conventional art
forms such as painting and sculpture. — [4] —. While Mr. Lee’s approach does have its critics, he
has been praised for expanding the scope of the National Arts Council’s activities to address the
needs of a more diverse group of artists.
Anyone interested in applying for a grant should visit the organization’s Web site to get
information about the process and download the necessary forms. The deadline is June 3.
Successful candidates will be notified by July 15, and the funds will be dispersed on August 2.

168. What is NOT mentioned about the National 170. What is expected to happen in August?
Arts Council? (A) A film festival will be held.
(A) It launched a new funding initiative. (B) A new head will be appointed.
(B) It has a program for a specific age (C) Selected artists will receive monetary
group. aid.
(C) It has shifted focus away from (D) Chosen interns will begin their work.
traditional arts.
(D) It is financed by the government. 171. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3]
and [4] does the following sentence best
169. What is implied about Jacob Lee? belong?
(A) He has already selected grant “At the same time, it is to promote an
recipients. underrated film genre.”
(B) He recently began working in a new (A) [1]
position. (B) [2]
(C) He has hired additional staff members. (C) [3]
(D) He produced several documentaries. (D) [4]


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Questions 172-175 refer to the following chain of text messages.

Steven Johnson7:23 a.m.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be at the
convention center at 8. I’m stuck in traffic on the
Park Street Bridge right now, so I’m running late. Is our
company’s booth ready for the trade show?

Pam Martinez7:24 a.m.

Almost. I’m just testing the audio-visual equipment.
But there’s a problem. I left the brochures about our
products at the office.

Katherine Olson7:25 a.m.

I’m at the office now. Where are they?

Pam Martinez7:28 a.m.

They’re in the lobby, next to the receptionist’s desk.
Two boxes.

Katherine Olson7:29 a.m.

No problem. I can get them to the center by 8:30.
Will that be too late?

Steven Johnson7:33 a.m.

That’s fine. The doors won’t open until 9, so we have
plenty of time.

Pam Martinez7:34 a.m.

One more thing. Apparently there was a mix-up with
our payment. One of the center’s representatives
told me that our payment only covers one day, but
I know we were charged for two.

Katherine Olson7:36 a.m.

OK. I’ll stop by the administration desk when I get
there. I have the receipt, so I should be able to sort
that out quickly.

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172. What type of event is being discussed? 174. When will the public gain access to the
(A) A sales seminar facility?
(B) A company workshop (A) At 8:00
(C) A press conference (B) At 8:30
(D) An industry exhibition (C) At 9:00
(D) At 9:30
173. At 7:25 a.m., what does Ms. Olson most
likely mean when she writes “I’m at the 175. Why will Ms. Olson visit the administration
office now”? desk?
(A) She will arrive later than expected. (A) To request document copies
(B) She will participate in a meeting. (B) To resolve a billing concern
(C) She will pick up some materials. (C) To make a payment
(D) She will speak with a receptionist. (D) To inquire about parking


해커스 프리미엄 토익 모의고사 Vol.8 33

Questions 176-180 refer to the following schedule and e-mail.

Portland Art Museum

Special Exhibits – Summer Schedule

Date Exhibit Description

This exhibit shows a collection of works
by 19th-century Australian landscape
June 7 – June 21 The Open Land
painter Dennis Larkin, including several
unfinished pieces.
Discover American pop art from the
1960s and 1970s. Curator Gina Davis has
June 22 – July 10 Pop Goes the Art selected pieces from 25 different artists to
showcase the fun and playful spirit of this
period in art history.
Don’t miss this exhibit by contemporary
sculptor Brian Kilgore, whose innovative
July 11 – August 8 Motionless Bodies work has the art world intrigued. Come to
the opening and take advantage of an
opportunity to meet the artist in person.
Organized in collaboration with the
National Gallery, this exhibit features the
August 9 – August 27 Works in Progress preliminary sketches used to create some
of the most famous paintings of the Italian

To: Zoe Yoon <z.yoon@harbor.university.edu>

From: Bill Morales <bmorales@pam.com>
Subject: Museum Tour
Date: May 15

Dear Ms. Yoon,

Thank you for your interest in visiting the Portland Art Museum. In answer to your question,
we would be happy to arrange a tour for June 29. Unfortunately, we do not offer a group
discount. But the regular price of admission includes access to our special exhibit, and a
museum staff member will be available to guide you and your students through the facility at
no additional charge.

Please let me know the number of people who will be participating in this tour by June 15 so
that I can make the necessary preparations. If you have any further requests or questions, feel
free to send me an e-mail or call me at 555-0393. Thank you.


Bill Morales
Assistant curator, Portland Art Museum

34 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com
176. What is implied about Mr. Kilgore? 179. Who most likely is Ms. Yoon?
(A) He donated a sculpture to a museum. (A) A student
(B) He lectures on the history of art. (B) A curator
(C) He has had a long career as a painter. (C) An artist
(D) He will attend a showing of his work. (D) An instructor

177. What is mentioned about the exhibit Works 180. What is Ms. Yoon requested to do?
in Progress? (A) Indicate the size of a group
(A) It features pieces from different (B) Specify the details of an event
periods. (C) Confirm the date of a visit
(B) It is not covered by the regular (D) Transmit a copy of a form
admission fee.
(C) It includes a workshop for students.
(D) It is a joint project of two organizations.

178. Which exhibit will Ms. Yoon most likely

(A) The Open Land
(B) Pop Goes the Art
(C) Motionless Bodies
(D) Works in Progress


해커스 프리미엄 토익 모의고사 Vol.8 35

Questions 181-185 refer to the following e-mail and announcement.

To: Keith Vargas <k.vargas@hammondgroup.com>

From: Cody Boyer <c.boyer@hammondgroup.com>
Date: October 1
Subject: Flu Shot Days Announcement
Attachment: FluShotDays

Dear Keith,
I have attached a copy of this year’s Flu Shot Days announcement for people working in Hammond
Group’s Seattle office. The success of this program depends on the human resources department
playing an active role in promoting it, so I need your team’s help spreading the information. Could
you notify everyone about this event and encourage them to participate?
On the announcement, you’ll notice some codes. Managers can see who are scheduled to receive
shots at a particular time by entering the code on our Web site. For instance, if you look up code
THO15 on the site, you would see the names of all employees registered to receive shots on
October 15 between 11:30 A.M. and 1:30 P.M., in the auditorium right above your office. That’s all for
now. Thanks and let me know if you have questions.
Cody Boyer
Hammond Group Headquarters


It’s time for the annual Hammond Group Flu Shot Day. As you know, the schedule differs
according to which branch you are in. Below is the schedule for the Seattle office, which
offers employees there four opportunities to get a flu shot.

If you know which day you would like to receive your flu shot, register at www.
hammondgroup.com/flushotdays to save time. You will need to provide your insurance
information. If you choose to drop in to the clinic without registering, the process will take
longer because staff will need to verify your insurance coverage before administering the

Flu Shot Days Clinic Schedule

Date Code Time Where

October 12 MO12 7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Hubbard Atrium, Third Floor
October 15 THO15 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Stevenson Auditorium, Seventh Floor
October 21 WO21 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Conference Room 805, Eighth Floor
October 26 MO26 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Lobby, First Floor

36 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com
181. What is the purpose of the e-mail? 184. How can workers save time when getting
(A) To request assistance their flu shots?
(B) To provide medical information (A) By visiting early in the morning
(C) To announce a client's visit (B) By enrolling on a Web site
(D) To change an event plan (C) By paying an extra fee
(D) By contacting a physician
182. Who most likely is Mr. Vargas?
(A) An employee at a head office 185. On which floor does Mr. Vargas most likely
(B) An owner of a local business work?
(C) A doctor from a flu shot clinic (A) The first floor
(D) A worker in human resources (B) The second floor
(C) The sixth floor
183. What is suggested about the Hammond (D) The seventh floor
(A) It recently got a new insurance
(B) It is testing a new vaccine product.
(C) It has offices in several locations.
(D) It conducts Flu Shot Days twice a year.


해커스 프리미엄 토익 모의고사 Vol.8 37

Questions 186-190 refer to the following brochure, e-mail, and notice.

Hartford Language Academy

Spanish Classes Offered in June

Beginner Spanish: This is an introductory course for individuals with no background in Spanish.
Correct pronunciation is emphasized through interactions with the teacher.
Instructor: Maria Lopez
Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays-9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Intermediate Spanish: This is designed for those who have had some exposure to the Spanish
language. Students will acquire the vocabulary and grammar necessary for everyday
Instructor: Samuel Gomez
Schedule: Mondays and Thursdays-1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Conversational Spanish: Advanced students have the opportunity to put their language skills to
use. Students will divide into small groups and role-play common business and social situations.
Instructor: Mateo Garcia
Schedule: Wednesdays and Fridays-3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Business Spanish: The focus is on providing the communication tools necessary in a corporate
setting. Students will be expected to give a formal presentation in Spanish.
Instructor: Gabriel Torres
Schedule: Mondays and Fridays-8:00 to 10:00 a.m.

To: Jackie Hong

From: Peter Murray
Date: May 15
Subject: Language Course
Attachment: Course Descriptions

Dear Ms. Hong,

I was informed by your department manager that you would be leaving for an overseas assignment to Costa
Rica for three months, to oversee development of the company’s newest resort property. He mentioned that you
speak Spanish but would benefit from a refresher course that provides an opportunity to use the language in a
business context. He asked me to arrange it for you.
I contacted the Hartford Language Academy, and it offers two options that meet this requirement. Could you
look at the attachment to this e-mail and let me know which you prefer? I suggest that you take the afternoon
one because it provides a wider variety of learning opportunities.
The registration deadline is May 25, so I’ll need an answer before then. Of course, the company will pay for all
fees and materials.
Thank you,
Peter Murray

38 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com
Hartford Language Academy
Notice of Instructor Change
May 23
One of our instructors, Samuel Gomez, will be taking a long-term leave of absence due to health issues,
effective immediately. The class that Mr. Gomez was scheduled to teach has been assigned to the
current instructor of the introductory one instead. Also, please note that there will be some changes
to the course content. You should review the updated syllabus that will be posted on the academy’s
online message board on May 27. If you have already purchased the textbook, don’t worry—it will not
be changed.
The management of the Hartford Language Academy would like to apologize for any inconvenience
that this situation may cause and provide assurances that we are doing everything possible to
minimize its impact on students. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us
at 555-0392. Thank you.

186. In the brochure, the word “acquire” in 189. What is implied about Maria Lopez?
paragraph 2, line 2, is closest in meaning (A) She will take extended leave.
to (B) She will change a time schedule.
(A) win (C) She will lead an orientation session.
(B) buy (D) She will teach multiple courses.
(C) take
(D) gain 190. What are students instructed to do?
(A) Purchase a new textbook
187. What is NOT true about Ms. Hong? (B) Enroll in a different course
(A) She will be working in a foreign (C) Participate in an online class
country. (D) Read a revised document
(B) She will be managing a facility’s
(C) She will be developing a new training
(D) She will not be required to pay for a

188. Which course does Mr. Murray

(A) Beginner Spanish
(B) Intermediate Spanish
(C) Conversational Spanish
(D) Business Spanish


해커스 프리미엄 토익 모의고사 Vol.8 39

Questions 191-195 refer to the following advertisement, form, and e-mail.

Escape to the Sunset Lodge!

Located two hours away by car from San Diego and overlooking beautiful Break Point Beach, the
Sunset Lodge is the perfect place for a short getaway or even a long holiday. The hotel was built
just three months ago and features clean and modern rooms with top-notch facilities. In
addition, it includes a pool, spa, and gym.
From May 25 until June 31, we are running two promotions:
Multi-Night Specials
Book any room and receive a 20 percent discount on a two-night stay and a 25 percent discount
on a three-night stay. Note that this offer is not valid for stays including Friday, Saturday, or
Suite Plus
If you stay in one of our luxurious suites, you’ll have access to a complimentary mini-bar that
includes an assortment of gourmet snacks and beverages. You’ll also be able to order breakfast
from our room service menu from 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. at no charge.
To make a reservation, please visit www.sunsetlodge.com today.

Sunset Lodge-Reservation

Personal Information
Name: Leon Barr Address: 23 Elm St. Portland OR 97201
Telephone: 555-7364 E-mail: lbarr@dsm.com
Room Type: Suite Check in: Wed June 2 Check out: Sat June 5 Number of Guests: 2

Amount Owed Payment Details

Rate: $235 X 3 nights Credit Card: CityPlus
Tax: $75.00 Cardholder: Leon Barr
Number: 45827292
Total: $780.00 Expires: 01/2020

Special Requests
I need to arrange transportation to and from the airport, so please send me information about your
shuttle bus service. Also, as I am a light sleeper, I would like my room to be far from the pool or any
other areas of the hotel that are noisy in the mornings. Thank you.

40 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com
To: Leon Barr <lbarr@dsm.com>
From: Beth Porter <customerservice@sunsetlodge.com>
Date: June 7
Subject: Previous Stay

Dear Mr. Barr,

I am writing in response to the e-mail you sent on June 6 regarding your stay at the Sunset
Lodge. First of all, I am sorry that the room was not up to your standards. Specifically, you
mentioned that the faucet in the bathroom leaked and the air conditioner did not function
correctly. I have asked our maintenance manager to address these problems immediately. To
compensate you for the inconvenience, we have refunded the cost of one night’s
accommodation. Please check your credit card statement to confirm that this was done. I would
like, however, to point out that the charge for the breakfast you ordered to your room on June 4
at 11:30 a.m. was not an error. Please refer to the terms of the promotion.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Beth Porter

191. What is indicated about the Sunset Lodge? 194. What is the purpose of the e-mail?
(A) It offers fitness classes for guests. (A) To explain a refund process
(B) It has not been in business long. (B) To promote a special offer
(C) It does not have valet parking. (C) To respond to a complaint
(D) It has only a few available rooms. (D) To confirm a payment

192. Why is Mr. Barr ineligible for a discount? 195. Why was Mr. Barr charged for breakfast on
(A) His reservation is for more than one June 4?
guest. (A) He had it delivered to the pool area.
(B) His stay is not long enough. (B) He ordered it too late.
(C) His stay includes a Friday and (C) He referred to the wrong menu.
Saturday. (D) He did not submit a request.
(D) His payment is made with credit card.

193. What does Mr. Barr request?

(A) A poolside suite
(B) A quiet location
(C) A shuttle bus ticket
(D) A wake-up call


해커스 프리미엄 토익 모의고사 Vol.8 41

Questions 196-200 refer to the following article, e-mail, and Web page.

Blackstone Entertainment Acquires Core Systems

By Sandra Parker
At a press conference on September 3, Donald Hong, CEO and founder of Blackstone Entertainment,
announced that his company has taken over the mobile application development firm Core Systems.
Blackstone Entertainment is one of the dominant gaming companies, with revenues in excess of $160
million annually for the last five years. However, there was concern among investors that as more and
more people switch to playing games on smartphones and tablets, the company’s focus on PC and game
console products would hinder future growth. Mr. Hong said that the acquisition of Core Systems
addresses this issue by bringing into his company a talented team of programmers with a proven track
record of creating successful mobile applications. Included in this group are Danielle Meyers, the
designer of the hit role-playing game Morning Star; Bill Waters, a talented programmer; and Jared
Collins, who will head Blackstone Entertainment’s new mobile division. Blackstone Entertainment
plans to release its first mobile game in December.

To: Sandra Parker <sparker@bostonsun.com>

From: Jason Kowalski <jkowalski@blackstone.com>
Date: September 5
Subject: Merger Article

Dear Ms. Parker,

I would like to thank you for the coverage of Blackstone Entertainment’s purchase of Core
Systems. This deal will enable our company to remain the industry’s leader for years to come,
and it is important that investors and customers are made aware of it. However, the article
you wrote includes a couple of errors. First of all, there is a typo regarding the company’s
earnings. Our annual revenues have exceeded $260 million for five years straight now. In
addition, you reported that Jared Collins will lead our mobile division. Given the success of
Morning Star, we felt that the designer of this game should be put in charge.

I would appreciate it if you would publish corrections as soon as possible in both the print
and online versions of your publication. Thank you.


Jason Kowalski
Public relations manager

Blackstone Entertainment
About Us | Recent Releases | Upcoming Games | Order Now!

Open Skies
Fly over 60 aircraft, from airliners to jet fighters, in a beautiful 3D environment. Complex controls
and accurate airplane performance make this a challenge even for experienced pilots.

Genre: Flight simulator

Platform: Game Console

42 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com
Major League
Take control of your favorite baseball team and see if you can make it through the regular season
to win the national championships. Includes an online multiplayer mode.
Genre: Sports
Platform: PC

Super Cart
Race against your friends on one of seven tracks. Each win earns you in-game currency that can
be used to upgrade your vehicle.
Genre: Racing
Platform: PC

Silver Tower
Solve a series of increasingly difficult mazes. Compete with other gamers to see who can finish
each level of the tower in the shortest amount of time.
Genre: Puzzle
Platform: Mobile

Click the game title for more details!

196. What happened on September 3? 199. In the Web page, the word “challenge” in
(A) A company relocated its offices. paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning
(B) A software product was released. to
(C) A media event was held. (A) difficulty
(D) A new CEO was introduced. (B) claim
(C) competition
197. Who will be appointed head of Blackstone (D) question
Entertainment’s mobile division?
(A) Donald Hong 200. Which game will likely be released in
(B) Danielle Meyers December?
(C) Bill Waters (A) Open Skies
(D) Jared Collins (B) Major League
(C) Super Cart
198. Why did Mr. Kowalski write the e-mail? (D) Silver Tower
(A) To negotiate some terms
(B) To point out some mistakes
(C) To request some information
(D) To confirm a decision

This is the end of the test. You may review Parts 5, 6, and 7 if you finish the test early.

해커스 프리미엄 토익 모의고사 Vol.8 43

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