Medical Robots
Medical Robots
Medical Robots
Medical robotics is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on developing electromechanical
devices for clinical applications. The goal of this field is to enable new medical techniques by
providing new ca-pabilities to the physician or by providing assistance during surgical
procedures. Medical robotics is a relatively young field, as the first recorded medical
application occurred in 1985 for a brain biopsy. It has tremendous potential for improving the
precision and capabilities of physicians when performing surgical procedures, and it is
believed that the field will continue to grow as improved systems become available. This
chapter offers a comprehensive overview about medical robotics field and its applica-tions. It
begins with an introduction to robotics, followed by a historical review of their use in
medicine. Clinical applications in several different medical specialties are discusssed. The
chapter concludes with a discussion of technology challenges and areas for future research
The word “robot” originated from a 1922 play called “Rossum’s Universal Robots (R.U.R.)”
by Karel Capek (Capek 2001). The play was about a future in which all workers are
automatons, who then revolt when they acquire souls. This idea was further proved by
the introduction of Maria, the first female robot on the silver screen, in Fritz Lang’s silent
science fiction movie ‘Metropolis’, which was released in 1927. A Few years later, in 1959,
John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky established the Artificial Intelligence lab at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The first modern robotic hand was created
by Heinrich Erst in 1961. The first industrial robot was invented in 1962 and named as
‘Unimate’. General Motors used the robot to perform repeti-tive or dangerous tasks on its
assembly line
Robots are filling an increasingly important role of enhancing patient safety in the hurried
pace of clinics and hospitals where attention to details and where reliability are essential. In
recent years, robots are moving closer to patient care, compared with their previous role as
providing services in the infrastructure of medicine. Examples of past use are in repetitive
activities of cleaning floors and washing equipment and carrying hot meals to patients‟
bedside. What is new is finding them in clinical laboratories identifying and measuring blood
and other specimen for testing, and in pharmacies counting pills and delivering them to
nurses on „med-surg-units‟ or ICU‟s. Or bringing banked blood from the laboratory to the
ED, surgery or ICU for transfusions. Robots are being used as very accurate „go-fors‟! An
early active robot, „Robodoc‟ was designed to mill perfectly round lumens in the shafts of
fractured bones, to improve the bonding of metal replacements such as for femur heads and
knee joints. The future of this system remains uncertain because of questions about the
ultimate beneficial outcomes. The reasons behind the interest in the adoption of medical
robots are multitudinous. Robots provide industry with something that is, to them, more
valuable than even the most dedicated and hardworking employee - namely speed, accuracy,
repeatability, reliability and cost-efficiency. A robotic aid, for example, one that holds a
viewing instrument for a surgeon, will not become fatigued, for however long it is used. It
will position the instrument accurately with no tremor and it will be able to perform just as
well on the 100th occasion as it did on the first
The field of medicine has also been invaded by robots. They are not there to replace doctors
and nurses but to assist them in routine work with precision tasks. Medical robotics is
a promis-ing field that really took off in the 1990s. Since then, a wide variety of medical
applications have emerged: laboratory robots, telesurgery, surgi-cal training, remote
surgery, telemedicine and teleconsultation, rehabilitation, help for the deaf and the blind,
and hospital robots. Medical robots assist in operations on heart-attack victims and make
possible the millimeter-fine adjustment of prostheses. There are, however, many challenges
in the widespread implementation of robotics in the medical field, mainly due to issues such
as safety, precision, cost and reluctance to accept this technology. Medical robotics includes a
number of devices used for surgery, medical training, rehabilitation therapy, prosthetics,
.and assistance to people with disabilities
Would you trust your life to a robotic surgeon? How about your mental health? While some
may be uncomfortable with the idea of a robot performing their surgery or comforting them
in times of stress, it is becoming increasingly commonplace in the world of healthcare, where
interest in (and funding for) medical robots within the field of biomedical engineering is
There are good reasons for engineers to develop medical robots for use in healthcare. Unlike
human beings, robots are tireless, and their "hands" never shake. They can perform precise
movements even beyond the human range of motion and be present with patients for as long
as necessary. Plus, they can automate lower-level or repetitive tasks and leave the high-level
work to humans.
Here are four robots currently being implemented in hospitals and treatment centers to
improve quality of care and patient outcomes
It is unthinkable, but true More than 250,000 people die in the U.S. each year from medical
errors, some of which are likely preventable.1 While this is a broad category encompassing a
range of different problems, it's certainly true that the more control surgeons have in their
operations, the better. The da Vinci Surgical System, a multi-armed wonderbot, is being used
.to reduce surgical errors and make surgery less invasive for thousands of patients
The da Vinci Surgical System gives surgeons more precise control for a range of procedures.
Using magnified 3D high-definition vision and controls that strap to a surgeon's wrists and
hands, the da Vinci System makes tiny, exact incisions that human hands might not otherwise
be able to make. This offers enhanced control to surgeons and, since the surgery is less
invasive than traditional surgery, a faster healing time for patients
To combat this elemental problem, the Xenex, an automated and portable robot, is used to
disinfect entire hospital rooms in minutes using pulsed, full-spectrum UV rays that kill a
range of infectious bacteria. It's designed to reduce HAIs such as Methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) by killing the microorganisms that cause them, which can be
.particularly resistant to treatment
The CyberKnife
The Cyberknife is a robotic surgery system that delivers radiation therapy to tumors with sub-
millimeter precision.5 Invented in the 1990s, the CyberKnife system is now being used to
treat cancer at hospitals and treatment centers all over the U.S. Not a knife per se, the system
is a radiation source mounted on a robot, which allows for a targeted beam of radiotherapy
that maneuvers and adapts quickly. It can deliver radiation to a tumor (malignant or benign),
repositioning itself at many minutely different angles to target the tumor from all sides
.without having to reposition the patient
The CyberKnife has allowed for treatment of tumors in areas of the body that were once
surgically complex to operate on, including the prostate, head, neck and liver. This "surgery"
is actually non-invasive and minimizes the exposure of healthy organs and tissues to
radiation. What's more, the CyberKnife has been shown to be remarkably effective in the
long term for prostate cancer, although long-term control of other cancers have not been
You may never think about it, but transporting supplies, meals and other materials around the
hospital is a drag on efficiency. One estimate shows that a typical 200-bed hospital moves
meals, linens, lab samples, waste and other items the equivalent of 53 miles per day.7 Enter
TUG, an autonomous mobile robot developed by Aethon Inc. to ferry supplies to where they
are needed, freeing employees from heavy physical loads and allowing them to focus on
.patient care
When the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center at Mission Bay opened in
2015, it rolled out 25 TUG robots to improve their transportation operations.8 They are
programmed with the hospital's floor plan and are also equipped with a variety of sensors to
ensure they don't run into anything on their way to the lab. They also kindly ask people to
stand aside as they move into congested hallways