Literature Review of Oedipus Rex
Literature Review of Oedipus Rex
Literature Review of Oedipus Rex
timeless tragedy by Sophocles is a cornerstone of classical literature, rich with themes, symbolism,
and historical significance. Delving into the depths of scholarly analysis requires meticulous research,
critical thinking, and articulate writing skills.
The process of writing a literature review for "Oedipus Rex" involves thorough examination of
various academic sources, including essays, articles, books, and critical analyses. Scholars and critics
have explored numerous facets of the play, such as its themes of fate, free will, and the nature of
truth, as well as its dramatic structure, character development, and cultural context.
Analyzing these diverse perspectives and synthesizing them into a coherent narrative requires not
only a deep understanding of the text itself but also the ability to contextualize it within broader
literary and historical frameworks. Moreover, crafting a literature review demands precision in citing
sources, organizing ideas, and presenting arguments with clarity and coherence.
Given the intricacies involved in writing a literature review on "Oedipus Rex," it's understandable
why many students and researchers may find themselves grappling with the task. To alleviate the
challenges and ensure a well-crafted review that does justice to the complexity of the play, seeking
professional assistance can be invaluable.
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These would be accompanied by the music of an aulos, a double pipe similar to a modern oboe.
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unavailable. The Oracle of Delphi however tells him he is doomed to kill his father and marry his
mother and he abandons his adopted family, thinking he is protecting them. The plays also include a
kommos, in which the main character(s) lament in song with the chorus. There is no reason to believe
that any of his requests would remain unaccepted. Contrast this with the blind prophet Tiresias who
is able to see the truth and tell the clear-sighted Oedipus what he knows after warning him that
despite being able to see, he can’t see the truth. Later, he solved the riddle of the Sphinx and his
reward for freeing the kingdom of Thebes from the Sphinx’s curse was the hand of Queen Jocasta
(actually his biological mother) and the crown of the city of Thebes. For the best experience on our
site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. They provide an appropriate shift between the
titanic, heroic figure of Oedipus and the mass of common humanity represented by the two
shepherds in Oedipus Res. Overjoyed, Jocasta sends for Oedipus, glad that she has even more proof
in the uselessness of oracles. However, it produces some wrong impression on the readers who may
think that Oedipus has now been insignificant. The dialogue of the plays is written in meter, but was
spoken, like the plays of Shakespeare, whereas the choral odes were written in a more complicated
meter for the chorus to sing and dance. Oedipus is blind to all the hints that he should drop the
search or at least guess at the outcome and fights until the bitter end when all he can do is admit he
is at fault. He then forces Creon to exile him as required by the Oracle. One night while Jocasta got
him drunk, Laius disregarded the prophecy and Oedipus was conceived. This ode must not be
regarded as reflecting the final mood and impression of the play, for the impression is as much of the
greatness of the human spirit as of the insignificance of man and the transitoriness of his happiness.
This may seem to be only possible conclusion of the play; yet, little consideration would show that
this view is incorrect. He prays for the witness to deliver him from guilt and from banishment. This
end makes it clear that Sophocles keeps Oedipus in focus of attention throughout the last scene.
Every guide includes important quotes to help students with writing papers. Excessive desires even
for good things such as, knowledge angers the gods and bring men to ruin. Oedipus threatens him
with death, and finally Teiresias tells him that Oedipus himself is the killer, and that his marriage is a
sinful union. Hubris against the gods is generally considered a character flaw of the heroes in Greek
tragedy and the cause of their destruction. Jocasta comes back out of the palace, on her way to the
holy temples to pray for Oedipus. But something about her story troubles Oedipus; she said that
Laius was killed at a place where three roads meet, and this reminds Oedipus of an incident from his
past, when he killed a stranger at a place where three roads met. Homer and Epic Poems The ancient
Greeks traced all their literary traditions back to the author of two epic poems, the Iliad and the
Odyssey. In final despair, Oedipus takes two long gold pins from her dress, and plunges them into
his own eyes. It is easy to think him as a broken man as the words of Oedipus also at first reflect the
same despair. This shows that he is still a man of decisive action. The prophecy was thus fulfilled,
although none of the main characters were aware of it at this point.
The injury to Oedipus's ankles is a proof to the truth of his tale, because the baby's feet had been cut
through the ankles. Her riddle solved, the Sphinx threw herself from a cliff, and Oedipus was
crowned king of Thebes. These should be regarded as separate works and not episodes in a serial. In
the last scene, he wins over the command of the Oracle against the will of Creon. Scholars have
spent millennia debating Sophocles’ intentions and how he achieved such a powerful effect. He
demands that directions of the Oracle should be acted upon at once. This shows that he is still a man
of decisive action. The Oracle of Delphi however tells him he is doomed to kill his father and marry
his mother and he abandons his adopted family, thinking he is protecting them. Both her and
Oedipus' life are ruled by Fate and by the Gods and they have no choice but to act as bravely as
possible. Oedipus first expresses his grief and paid over his blindness. In the story, King Oedipus
discovers that he has inadvertently killed his father and married his mother. Its most significant
response is when Oedipus and Jocasta have expressed irreverent thoughts against the oracles. Yet
Laius was killed by robbers, not by his own son, proof that the oracle was wrong. Professional actors
from the American Players Theatre recreate Sophocles’ pulsing, iambic rhythms with vitality and
hypnotic forward momentum. When Oedipus has almost passed a sentence upon Creon, Jocasta
arrives on the scene and first talks to the Chorus. Other odes comment on the action that has taken
place after the last ode and build an atmosphere appropriate to that stage of the play. The Oracle said
that the polluter of the land must be banished or killed. The functions of the Chorus are very well
performed in Oedipus Rex. Still it troubled him, and he eventually went to an oracle to determine his
true lineage. It plays the role of a peace-maker between the king and Creon and succeeds in getting
the king’s pardon for the latter. Like Lucifer before his fall, Oedipus also thought of himself as a
divine being. If this is the case, Oedipus will be forever banished both from Thebes (the punishment
he swore for the killer of Laius) and from Corinth, his hometown. How can we sympathise with a
man who killed his own father and married and impregnated his own mother. Oedipus is the most
pertinent example: While on the road to Thebes he meets King Laius of Thebes and kills him over
which of them has the right of way. A servant enters and explains that Jocasta, when she had begun
to suspect the truth, had ran to the palace bedroom and hanged herself there. As she asked Oedipus
why he had conceived such a terrible hatred against Creon, he readily replied that he would answer
the question. But, soon after this, we find that blindness was his own choice. He speaks, as before, on
the basis of his own intelligent mind. We may think that a recently blinded man finds him unable to
adjust the changed surroundings. Some were clear, Full of wretchedness, dreadful, unbearable: As,
that I should lie with my own mother, breed Children from whom all men would turn their eyes; And
that I should be my father’s murderer.
Skim the text for 2 minutes and answer the following questions. The play also goes into a motif
concerning sight and blindness as there are literal and metaphorical references to eyesight throughout
it. Hubris Hubris, or hybris, is exaggeraged self pride of self-confidence, which often results in fatal
retribution One example is Achilles dragging Hector's corpse around the wall of Troy in Homer's
Iliad. There is no reason to believe that any of his requests would remain unaccepted. This prophecy
so frightened Oedipus that he left his hometown and never returned. A person who could not, in
normal circumstances, curb his passion was amenable to reason as he was in touch with his wife.
Having clear vision is a metaphor for being insightful and full of knowledge, but Oedipus, who is
known for being clear-sighted is blind to the entire truth throughout the story. The play's use of
dramatic irony heightens the impact of the tragic events that unfold throughout the course of the
play. Although often translated as “tragic flaw,” hamartia does not indicate a deep or abiding
personality failure, such as “pride” or “lust,” but means a mistake of perception or recognition,
although scholars debate the precise meaning and scale of this mistake. He says that his blindness
was not predicted by Apollo. But Oedipus presses the shepherd, threatening him with torture or
execution, until it finally emerges that the child he gave away was Laius’ own son, and that Jocasta
had given the baby to the shepherd to secretly be exposed upon the mountainside, in fear of the
prophecy that Jocasta said had never come true: that the child would kill its father. Many of the lines
spoken by Oedipus Rex, as well as, other characters are very ironical. It would be a mistake to call
his three Theban plays a trilogy, as they were written in different stages in the career of the dramatist.
It doesn’t suggest that Peter was a puppet of predestination and he did so by his own free will. It
was an utterly baseless fear, and yet Oedipus was about to kill Creon. The very thing that was sought
to be avoided by so many people was ultimately fulfilled because of the desire to avoid it. Because,
Creon tells him try not to rule in every thing. He reminds Creon that he is now in place of father to
these children and must take care of them. Oedipus, the king of Thebes, has sent his brother-in-law,
Creon, to the house of Apollo to ask the oracle how to end the plague. The Chronicles of Narnia By:
C.S. Lewis. The Golden Compass By: Phillip Pullman. Creon asked if the king looked absolutely
serious while making the charge and they rightly say that it is not for them to look into the eyes of his
master when he speaks. The god dismissed my question without reply; He spoke of other things. But,
soon afterwards the picture changes and we see Oedipus once more hopeful and confident. He
increased the number of speaking parts in the tragedy. Humanities I. World Literature- vocabulary,
grammar, essay writing, researching and composing a research paper (AP prep through Humanities
IV). It was then that Oedipus’ suspicion was almost confirmed. It provides the former with an
accessible pace and style and useful background knowledge. Download Free PDF View PDF
Oedipus Rex Ezema Emmanuel C Download Free PDF View PDF (Book Review) A New
Interpretation of Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus: In the Light and Darkness of Apollo Shigenari
Kawashima (translated by Naoko Yamagata) The Edwin Mellen Press, 2014. However, the blind
prophet Tiresias warns the current king, Oedipus, that he really doesn’t want to know who caused it.
Performed at one of the major festivals of the city, the Great Dionysia, each tragedy was part of a