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Aerohive PPSK-Guide

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Aerohive PPSK Guide

This guide explains the difference between PPSK (Private Pre-Shared Key) user types, their creation, and the
distribution of PPSK passwords. Aerohive provides two types of PPSK users: cloud and local. Cloud PPSK users are
stored in one central location in the cloud while local PPSK users are stored locally on all APs serving SSIDs that use
PPSKs for user authentication.

The creation of PPSK users can vary widely depending upon who creates them: HiveManager NG administrators,
guest management administrators, and company employees. They can create PPSK users either through the PPSK
user creation tool in the HiveManager NG GUI or through a separate web app. Finally, network users can self-
register and obtain PPSK passwords for themselves through a captive web portal, the iPad Kiosk App (a free app
available for download from the Apple App Store), or the Guest Management Web Application in kiosk mode.

In addition to multiple methods for creating PPSK users, there are multiple methods for distributing PPSK passwords.
They can be sent by email or SMS text message, or they can be printed and handed out.

Document Revision History

Revision Date Notes

01 1/18/2017 Initial version

02 1/26/2017 Added notes about cloud PPSK user group settings and revised contact
instructions for those interested in the Guest Management reference app

03 2/3/2017 Revised the introduction to the device PPSK section

04 3/3/2018 Updated content to reflect changes in the HiveManager NG GUI

To learn more about Aerohive products, visit www.aerohive.com/techdocs

© 2017 Aerohive Networks, Inc.

Aerohive PPSK Guide| 2


Cloud PPSK ...................................................................................................................................................................................3

Creating a Cloud PPSK SSID ..............................................................................................................................................6

Creating a Cloud PPSK User Group .................................................................................................................................7
Creating Cloud PPSK Users ..............................................................................................................................................10
HiveManager NG Administrators ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Guest Management Administrators .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Employees or Guests (Guest Management Web Application)............................................................................................. 16
Self-Registering through a Captive Web Portal ...........................................................................................................20
Self-Registering with the iPad Kiosk App .......................................................................................................................24
Defending against DoS Attacks......................................................................................................................................25
Deleting Cloud PPSK Users ...............................................................................................................................................25

Local PPSK ..................................................................................................................................................................................26

Creating a Local PPSK SSID .............................................................................................................................................27

Aerohive PPSK Guide| 3

For an SSID using standard PSK, all users and devices share the same key (password or passphrase). If a user leaves
or a device is lost or compromised, you must change the shared key for security reasons and reconfigure every AP
and client device with the new key. In addition, all users and devices must share the same user profile, which
assigns them to the same VLAN and applies the same firewall policy, QoS policy, schedule, and SLA. In contrast, for
an SSID using PPSK, every user and device has a unique key. If a user leaves or a device is lost or compromised, you
only need to delete or change the key for that user or device. Additionally, you can assign multiple user profiles to
different PPSK user groups within the same SSID. The advantages of PPSK can be achieved through 802.1X/EAP
authentication. However, PPSKs do not need PKI, certificates, or RADIUS servers, making them simpler to deploy.

Aerohive provides a choice of two types of PPSK (Private Pre-Shared Key) users: cloud PPSK users and local PPSK
users. The key difference between the two types is where they are stored. Cloud PPSK users are stored in Aerohive-
hosted servers within the HiveManager NG cloud platform or—for an on-premises solution—within the HiveManager
NG virtual appliance. Local PPSK users are stored locally on Aerohive APs.

Each PPSK user type serves a purpose and offers different benefits. This guide examines each type and explains
how they work and how to use them.

Cloud PPSK
Key Points: This section explains what cloud PPSK users are, who can create them, and how.

Cloud PPSK provides a flexible and scalable approach to PPSK user management. An admin creates PPSK user
groups that are stored in the cloud. Then HiveManager NG administrators, guest management administrators,
employees, and even network users themselves create PPSK users that HiveManager NG adds to those groups and
maintains within PPSK-to-MAC address binding tables. Each HiveManager NG account can hold up to
approximately 20,000 cloud PPSK users.

Storing PPSK users in a central repository in the cloud instead of on APs themselves provide numerous advantages:

• Because of increased computational resources on HiveManager NG cloud servers, the Aerohive Cloud
Services platform can support many more PPSK users than an AP can.
• People can use PPSKs at multiple sites that advertise the same SSID. To accomplish this with local PPSKs, every
AP at each site would need to store the same set. However, because cloud PPSK users are stored in a central
location and can be accessed from anywhere that permits outbound traffic on TCP port 2083 to the Internet,
people can use them anywhere that links an SSID to the same PPSK user group.
• People can self-register for their own PPSK through a captive web portal, the iPad Kiosk app, and the Guest
Management Web Application (in kiosk mode). Captive web portals and the Guest Management Web
Application can additionally require employee or manager approval before HiveManager NG sends PPSK
passwords to self-registered users.
• Creating, modifying, and deleting cloud PPSK users and user groups do not require any AP updates.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 4

RadSec Proxy Server Election Process

RadSec is a protocol that provides a means to secure RADIUS communications over untrusted networks, and a
RadSec proxy server is an AP that relays RADIUS communications from hive members in the same management
subnet to HiveManager NG over RadSec on TCP port 2083. Each management subnet has two RadSec proxy
servers, which use load balancing to distribute work between themselves. To determine which two APs will be
RadSec proxy servers, the DA (designated AP)—a sort of information hub and decision-maker for all hive members
on the same management subnet—adds up the following scores and chooses the two with the best total:

• The hive member can make a RadSec connection to HiveManager NG on TCP port 2083: +51 points
• The hive member is a portal: +25 points
• The current CPU on the hive member is the lowest of all candidates: +8 points
• The hive member has the greatest percent of free memory in relation to total memory: +10 points
• The hive member is not a DA: +6 points

Note: If a hive member is a BR100, it is excluded from selection.

After the DA selects two RadSec proxy servers, it waits 30 minutes and calculates their scores again. If another AP
has a score that is more than 15 points higher than one of the current RadSec proxy servers, it takes its place. For
example, if the scores for two RadSec proxy servers are 80 and 81 and another AP gets a score of 96, then this AP
will take the place of the AP with a score of 80 (96 – 80 > 15). If an AP gets a score that is more than 15 points higher
than those of both current RadSec proxy servers, it takes the place of the one with the lower score.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 5

Setup and Authentication Process

Setting up user authentication with cloud PPSKs involves four steps:

1. Creating a PPSK SSID

2. Creating one or more PPSK user groups
3. Creating and adding PPSK users to a group
4. Distributing PPSK passwords to individual users

A HiveManager NG admin must create PPSK SSIDs and user groups. The HiveManager NG admin can also add
users to groups and distribute PPSK passwords. Additionally, to ease the administrative burden on HiveManager NG
administrators, guest management administrators, employees, and users themselves (self-registration) can create
PPSK users, add them to a group, and distribute their passwords.

After users have their own PPSK passwords, they use them when associating and authenticating with an AP. APs
send keying material to a RadSec proxy server that in turn sends it to HiveManager NG. Once HiveManager NG
validates a PPSK user, it sends the AP with which that client is associated a PMK (pairwise master key). Using the PMK,
the AP derives a unique PTK (pairwise transient key) for encrypting/decrypting unicast data traffic. The client derives
the same PMK and PTK. The AP keeps the PMK in its roaming cache and shares it with nearby APs in case the client
roams to them.

The AP with which the client is associated and each hive neighbor with which that AP shares its roaming cache
entries immediately start a timer that counts down in 60-second intervals. If the client is still associated at the end of
an interval, the AP restarts its timer and informs its neighbors that the client is still connected in its next roaming
cache update, which occurs every 60 seconds by default. The neighbors then restart their timers too. If the client
session ends, they all keep the PMK in their caches in case it returns, and they continue counting down for sixty 60-
second intervals. If the client returns within the hour, the client and any of the APs can use their cached PMK. If the
client does not return, they remove the PMK from their caches. The next time the client connects, the AP to which it
associates must repeat the process, contacting HiveManager NG again to get a new PMK.

The interval and timeout are configurable: roaming cache update-interval <number1> ageout <number2>,
where <number1> can be from 10 to 36000 seconds (default: 60) and <number2> can be 1-1000 (default: 60).
Multiplying them together determines when a PMK expires. By default: 60 seconds x 60 = 3600 seconds or 1 hour.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 6

Creating a Cloud PPSK SSID

Key Points: A HiveManager admin creates SSIDs requiring users to submit unique PPSK passwords.

You can create a single SSID that requires users to submit PPSK passwords created by someone else and delivered
to them separately, or you can create a pair of SSIDs: an open self-registration SSID through which users acquire a
PPSK password, and an access SSID through which they submit it to access the network securely. The following
instructions explain how to create the former. For instructions on the latter, see "Self-Registering through a Captive
Web Portal" on p. 20.

1. Log in to HiveManager NG as an admin with read/write privileges, click CONFIGURE, select an existing network
policy or create a new one that supports wireless, and then click Wireless Networks > Add > All other Networks

Wireless Network

2. Enter the following to define an SSID using service PPSKs for user authentication and leave any unspecified
settings at their default values:

Name (SSID): Cloud-PPSK

Note: This is the name for how the object is stored in the HiveManager and HiveOS. You cannot use spaces in
this name.

Broadcast Name: Cloud-PPSK

Note: This is wireless network that the AP advertises over the air. Its name can include spaces.

SSID Usage: SSID Authentication

Private Pre-Shared Key: (select)

Key Management: WPA2-(WPA2 Personal)-PSK

Encryption Method: CCMP (AES)

Set the maximum number of clients per private

Controlling the Number of Clients per PPSK
PSK: By default, APs do not impose a maximum
number of concurrent clients per PPSK user. This is The maximum number of clients per PPSK user is restricted
a simple way of providing PPSK users for variously per SSID and controlled by looking at the roaming cache of
sized groups of visitors, each group getting its own neighboring hive members. A maximum number of clients
per PPSK user is enforced only on an AP and its first-hop
unique PPSK password. A maximum of one
neighbors. It is not enforceable on non-neighboring hive
restricts a PPSK to one client device at a time. You
members. For example, on a school campus with several
can use the same PPSK on more than one device buildings, the PPSK user-per-client maximum would be
but not at the same time. Increasing it to two or enforced on all the APs in the building where a student was
three clients per PPSK user is convenient for using his key (assuming that all the APs in that building were
people with multiple active wireless devices first-hop neighbors). However, if that student shared his PPSK
because they can use the same PPSK password password with other students in various buildings across
on all of them at the same time. campus, the friends could all connect to the same SSID in
their different locations even if doing so exceeded the PPSK
Clear the check box to leave the maximum user-per-client maximum. Users can use the same PPSK
number of concurrent clients per PPSK user as 0 password in different buildings because the control appears
(unrestricted), or select it and enter a number only in neighbors' roaming cache lists.
from 1 to 15 to impose a maximum.

Enable Captive Web Portal: Leave it toggled OFF to allow authenticated PPSK users onto the network directly
after submitting a valid key. Toggle it ON to require authenticated PPSK users to accept a network use policy
agreement displayed on a captive web portal before APs allow them onto the rest of the network.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 7

The next step is to create one or more PPSK user groups as explained in the next section. Then, after creating user
groups, return to the SSID and either assign a default user profile for all user groups or assign a different user profile
to each user group based on user group membership. By linking multiple user groups to a single SSID, you can
assign each group with a different user profile to provide unique traffic settings such as user VLAN and firewall
policies. In addition, reducing the number of SSIDs that each AP broadcasts conserves airtime that management
frames from the additional SSIDs would otherwise have consumed. For instructions, see "Creating a Device PPSK
SSID" on p. 27.

Creating a Cloud PPSK User Group

Key Points: A HiveManager admin creates PPSK user groups and links them to PPSK SSIDs.

Service PPSK user groups are like containers into which PPSK users can be added. Only HiveManager NG
administrators can create users groups, but then HiveManager NG administrators, guest management
administrators, employees, and even users themselves can add PPSK users to them.

To create a service PPSK user group within the context of the SSID you defined in the previous section, click Add in
the Authentication Settings: User Groups section.

Optionally, you can create a service PPSK user group by logging in to HiveManager NG as an admin with
read/write privileges and then clicking CONFIGURE > Users > User Groups > Add. If you create PPSK user groups
outside the context of an SSID, you must reference them from within one or PPSK SSIDs later.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 8

Enter the following, leave other settings at their default values, and then click Save:

User Group Name: Enter a name for the PPSK user group. It can be up to 32 characters long without spaces.

Password DB Location: CLOUD (This stores the PPSKs in the cloud rather than on local Aerohive APs.)

Password Type: PPSK

Enable CWP Register: Select this check box for the user group to be eligible for use in a captive web portal that
includes PPSK self-registration. If this check box is cleared, the user group will not appear in the User Groups
drop-down list in the New Guest Access SSID dialog box when Guests can self-register, then sign in is selected.

Note: For information about the other settings for a service PPSK user group, see the Configuring a User Group
Help topic.

Delivery Settings

Text Messages (SMS): To send PPSK passwords to users by SMS, select the check box and then choose
Default PPSK SMS Template from the drop-down list.

Email: To send PPSK passwords to users by email, select the check box and then choose Default PPSK Email
Template from the drop-down list.

Note: If you want to make different templates and use those instead the predefined ones, navigate to
Configure > Common Objects > Basic > Notification Templates, define the templates you want, and then
choose them from the drop-down lists. For information about creating custom SMS and email templates,
see the Configuring a Notification Template Help topic.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 9

HiveManager NG only applies expiration

settings to device RADIUS users and
ignores them when the user group is
any other type.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 10

Creating Cloud PPSK Users

Key Points: Depending on how you set up administrative privileges, HiveManager NG administrators, guest
management administrators, employees, and wireless users can all create cloud PPSK users.

There are several ways to create cloud PPSK users, depending on the role of the person creating them. However, in
all cases, a HiveManager NG administrator must first create one or more PPSK SSIDs and cloud PPSK user groups
and link the user groups to the SSIDs as described above. The SSIDs can include a captive web portal through
which users self-register and obtain PPSK passwords on their own, or they can simply require users to submit
passwords obtained by email, SMS, or printout. An admin might create PPSK users and distribute their passwords to
users, or users can use the iPad Kiosk App to do that for themselves.

HiveManager NG Administrators

A common use of PPSKs is to secure wireless access for a permanent group of users, such as employees. In this case,
a HiveManager admin creates a PPSK SSID and one or more cloud PPSK user groups as described in the previous
sections. He then adds users to the groups and distributes the PPSK passwords to users to submit when
authenticating themselves as follows:

1. Log in to HiveManager NG as an admin with read/write privileges.

2. To add users in bulk, click CONFIGURE > Users > Users > Bulk Create, enter the following and then click Save:

Create account in user group: Choose a previously defined cloud PPSK user group from the drop-down list.

User name Prefix: Add a prefix such as something that indicates the user group to all users created in bulk.

Number of Accounts: Enter the number of cloud PPSK users you want to create up to 1000 maximum.

Email User Account info to: Enter the email address of the person to whom you want to send PPSK users.

As soon as you click Save, HiveManager NG sends a .csv file with ta list of all the PPSK users you created.

3. To add users individually, click CONFIGURE > Users > Users > Add, enter the following—only the user name and
password are required—and then click Save:

Create account in user group: Choose one of the PPSK user groups you created previously.

Name: Enter a name for the PPSK user. This name appears in any messages sent to the email address in the
Deliver Password section. The email messages, which contain login credentials and wireless connection
instructions, begins with "Welcome <this_name>". When you choose Name in the User Name drop-down list, this
field is required. Otherwise, it is optional and if left empty, whatever you define as the user name—email
address, phone number, or other—is used in the email message. The name can be up to 32 characters
including spaces.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 11

Organization: (optional) For permanent users, leave this empty.

Purpose of visit: (optional) For permanent users, leave this empty.

Email Address: Leave this empty or enter the user's email address. This is only required if you choose Email
Address in the User Name drop-down list.

Phone Number: Leave this empty or enter the user's mobile phone number, including country code. This is only
required if you choose Phone Number from the User Name drop-down list.

Note: HiveManager NG does not necessarily deliver the PPSK password to the email address or phone number
(as a text message) defined here. These are primarily for tracking purposes. See Deliver Password below.

User Name: Choose one of four identifiers from the drop-down list: Email Address (default), Name, Phone
Number, or Other. If you select Other, you must enter another type of user identifier, such as Jane's iPhone,
Guest, or <organization_name> in the additional field that appears.

Password: Enter a text string that will be the PPSK or click Generate to have HiveManager NG generate one

Description: (optional) Enter any notes about the user for future reference.

Deliver Password

Email Address: Enter the email to which HiveManager NG sends the PPSK password when you click the
envelope icon ( ) on the Users page. It does not have to be the same as that for the user. For example,
this might be the address of someone in the HR department or that of someone else who will distribute it.
This field is auto-populated if you have already entered an email address above. This option only appears if
you previously selected Email in the Delivery Settings section in the user group configuration.

Text Message: Enter the phone number to which HiveManager NG sends the PPSK password when you
click the text message icon ( ) on the Users page. Be sure to include the country code. This option only
appears if you previously selected Text Messages (SMS) in the Delivery Settings section in the user group
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 12
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 13

Guest Management Administrators

Guest management administrators are people who can only create PPSK users and distribute PPSK passwords
through limited administrative access to the HiveManager NG GUI or through the Guest Check-in Web App. Both
options are described below.

Note: Guest management administrators can also log in to HiveManager NG through the iPad Kiosk App to allow
wireless users to create their own PPSK users as described in "Self-Registering with the iPad Kiosk App" on p. 24.

Limited HiveManager NG GUI Access for Creating PPSK Users

First, a HiveManager NG admin creates an employee group and adds the email addresses of employees whom
the admin wants to grant guest management permissions. Then the admin creates guest management accounts
for these employees. The employees receive an email from HiveManager NG with a link to create a password. After
that, they can log in and create PPSK users.

1. Log in to HiveManager NG as an admin with read/write privileges, click admin_name > Global Settings >
Credential Distribution Groups > Add, enter the following, and then click Save:
Group Name: Enter a descriptive name such as Guest-PPSK-Creators.
Admin Account: Guest Management Role User
Guest Management User:
Enter the email addresses of
one or more people whom
you want to create and
distribute PPSK users.
Credential Restriction
Restrict the number of
credentials per employee
to: (select) Enter a
number from 1 to 99999
depending on how many
PPSK users you want each
guest management
admin to be able to
create. This limit is applied
to the number of
concurrently active PPSK
users. When a user expires,
it no longer counts toward
this maximum. (When
using the Aerohive iPad
Kiosk app, everyone who
self-registers does so under the login of the guest management admin who launches the app on the iPad.
Therefore, make sure that he or she can create plenty of PPSK users.)
Registration Operation
Email Approval: (clear)

Note: Currently only the Guest Management Web Application supports email approval. If you select Email
Approval and a guest management admin belonging to this employee group enters an email address in the
"Here to Visit" field in the Register a Guest form, HiveManager NG sends an email requesting approval to that
address. Once the recipient clicks Approve in the email, HiveManager NG activates the PPSK user.

Enable User Groups: Select all the PPSK user groups for which the administrators specified in the Guest
Management User field can create users.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 14

2. Click Account Management > Add and create guest management accounts for the people whose email
addresses you put in the employee group.

After you create each account, HiveManager NG automatically sends a message to the email address
associated with it, prompting the recipient to set up a password and access the Configure > Users page to
create PPSK user accounts for visitors.

Guest Check-in Web App

In addition to the built-in PPSK user creation interface, guest management administrators can create PPSK users
through the Guest Check-in Web App. This web app is intended for use by lobby or front desk personnel to check in
visitors individually and in bulk and deliver PPSK user credentials to them.

For bulk creation, you can import a .CSV file with PPSK user creation details. It also supports various PPSK delivery
methods: email, SMS, and print.

The Guest Check-in Web App is available at https://guest-checkin.aerohive.com. Guest management

administrators log in with their HiveManager NG admin name and password. They are then prompted to choose
which VHM to authorize, which is important for people with access to multiple VHMs.

Note: VHM stands for virtual HiveManager and refers to a HiveManager NG account.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 15

After logging in to the web app, click New Visitor, enter the following information for the visitor, and then click Enter:

To import users in bulk, click the gear icon and then choose Settings.

Click CSV File and save it to your system.

Add entries with information in the provided columns: CompanyName, WhomToSee, Name, Email, Phone, Type.
(Remember to include the country code at the start of each phone number.)

Click Import CSV on the web app dashboard, navigate to the file you saved, and select it.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 16

Employees or Guests (Guest Management Web Application)

HiveManager NG can integrate with a guest management web application—a reference app available from
Aerohive—that validates employee credentials on a corporate Active Directory server and then allows them to
create PPSK users for guests and their own personal wireless devices. The web application can function in two
modes: employee sponsorship and kiosk. In employee sponsorship mode, employees interact with a Web UI to
create PPSK users. In kiosk mode, employees (or HiveManager NG administrators) can activate a kiosk on a web
browser running on a dedicated computer so that guests can create their own PPSK users.

The setup for allowing validated employees to create PPSK users involves two steps: (1) installing an application on
a web server and (2) integrating HiveManager NG through PingFederation with an Active Directory domain
controller. The major steps are described below.

Note: The setup requires the participation of Aerohive Engineering, especially for the integration of HiveManager
NG with Active Directory. If you are interested in this, contact your Aerohive account representative.

Installing the Web App

You must install the web application on a Tomcat web server running on a Unix/Linux server at your own site. You
can then customize the web pages with which employees interact so they match your corporate brand. The web
server will forward employee login requests and PPSK user definitions over HTTPS to HiveManager NG.

The Linux/Unix server must be running CentOS v5.8 with Tomcat v7 and Nginx v0.8.55 or later web servers installed. If
necessary, you can download the required software from the following sites:

CentOS: https://wiki.centos.org/Download

Nginx: http://nginx.org/en/download.html

Tomcat: http://www.davidghedini.com/pg/entry/install_tomcat_7_on_centos

In addition to the software listed above, the server also requires Java 7 and Maven v3.0.3 or later to compile and
deploy the web application.

1. After the environment is set up, contact your Aerohive account representative to obtain the web application
source code and download it to a directory on your local computer.
2. Change your current directory to …/hive-ref/guest-mgmt-ref-app/
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 17

3. To build the project, run mvn clean install

The built web app is now located in …/hive-ref/guestmgmt-ref-app/target/guestmgmt-ref.war

4. Copy the war file from target/guestmgmt-ref.war on your computer to the webapps directory on the
Tomcat server; for example, /opt/tomcat_instance1/webapps
5. Define the following configuration file and save it on your Tomcat server. Its default location is


# Guest Management Reference Application #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #

# Deployment mode
# Enable kiosk mode or use employee-sponsored registration
# Specify the passcode to launch the kiosk. (Only required for kiosk mode.)
# Three login types are supported: 1. VHM 2. PINGFED 3. LDAP
# 2 & 3 are connected to Active Directory.
# Customer's API account information
# Contact Aerohive to create API account (required).
# API URL prefix (don't change)
# HiveManager NG server information (required)
# Check with your HiveManager NG administrator.
# Specify the HiveManager NG global server.
# For cloud services, it is https://cloud.aerohive.com
# For on-premises, it is https://<HMNG-server-adress>
# Specify the customer's regional server.
# For cloud services, it is https://<regional-dc>.aerohive.com
# For on-premises, it is https://<HMNG-regional-server-adress>
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 18

# Specify the customer's ownerId.

# Active Directory and PingFederate information
# This is required for enabling Active Directory login.
# The customer needs to preconfigure the customer's ADFS with
# Aerohive's PingFederate service before this.
# Check with Aerohive Support and your HiveManager NG administrator.
# Specify the customer's PingFederate/ADFS URL.
# PingFederate URL example: https://<ping-federate-service>?PartnerIdpId=http://<customer-idp-
# Specify the customer's LDAP/ADFS URL.
# LDAP ULR example:
# Application web server attributes (required)
# Enable to accept a self-signed certificate for SSL. Default is true.
# Specify the application server address.
# Specify the application URL prefix.
# Only modify this when choosing a different URL for the application.
# Specify the application's cookie expiration time (in milliseconds).
# System Internal attributes
# Do not modify the section below.
# API Request Headers
# API HMNG Account Login
# OAuth Token Exchange
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 19

6. Start or restart your Tomcat server by running service tomcat7 restart

The following is the source code directory structure:

Under root /guestmgmt-ref-app/
- /pom.xml The Maven file for compilation and deployment
- /src/ All Java and Web UI source files
- /target/ Target files from running the Maven command

Under /src/main/
- /java Java source code
- /java/com/aerohive/partner/rest/ Aerohive REST API objects
- /java/com/aerohive/partner/web/ Defines the app workflow following the Spring MVC framework
- /java/com/aerohive/partner/web/ApolloApiProxyController.java Aerohive API proxier
- /java/com/aerohive/partner/web/ViewController.java Controls the web page view and flow
- /java/com/aerohive/partner/web/auth/ Implements OAuth token exchanges and logout logic
- /java/com/aerohive/partner/web/util Implements utilities
- /resource Configuration and log properties
- /webapp/ Web app sources based on the JavaScript Dojo framework
- /webapp/resources/ All Web UI source code
- /webapp/resources/images/ Image files shown in the Web UI; you can change the logo and other
images by replacing files with same file names
- /webapp/resources/css/ Style files, where you can customize colors, fonts, and so on
- /webapp/resources/i18n/ Internationalization and localization messages; support for more
languages is possible by adding localized JavaScript files by language code
- /webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml Defines servlet attributes and application servlet mapping
- /webapp/WEB-INF/views/ JavaScript files for launching the web page
- /webapp/WEB-INF/config/ Spring Bean configuration files

Linking HiveManager NG with Active Directory

The second part of the setup is to define a relationship through PingFederation between HiveManager NG and the
Active Directory database where you store employee user accounts to validate login credentials. To complete this
step, you must work closely with Aerohive Engineering.

After a user is authenticated, the web app on the Tomcat server displays a page for creating a PPSK user. The
employee can create and delete users and the web app relays the information over HTTPS to HiveManager NG.
For a large organization that already has Active Directory user accounts in place, it is convenient to use
PingFederation to have HiveManager NG communicate with Active Directory. This way, if new people join the
company and existing employees leave, you only need to update the Active Directory database to control their
ability to create PPSK users.

Note: A HiveManager NG admin who logs in through the app is directed directly to HiveManager NG, not to Active
Directory through PingFederation. HiveManager NG admin accounts are stored on HiveManager NG, not on the
Active Directory server. Only employee accounts are stored there.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 20

Self-Registering through a Captive Web Portal

Key Points: Wireless users can self-register and obtain PPSK passwords through a captive web portal.

Network users can create their own PPSK users. When they first associate with an AP and open a web browser, the
AP directs them to a captive web portal that it is hosting on a built-in web server. The captive web portal prompts
them to register and then provides them with PPSK passwords.

1. As a HiveManager NG admin, log in to HiveManager NG, create a cloud PPSK user group as described
previously in this guide, and select Enable CWP Register.
2. Within a network policy, click Wireless Networks > Add > Guest Access Network, enter the following, and then
click Save:

SSID Name: Enter the name of the SSID configuration object used within HiveManager and HiveOS. It can be
the same as the one advertised for users or it can be different.

SSID Broadcast Name: HiveManager automatically fills in this field with the same name as that entered in the
SSID Name field above. This is the name of the SSID that guests access after they self-register.

Secured Network: (expand section)

Guests can self-register and then sign in. As an option an employee can approve: (select)

Add employee approval: If you do not want employees to approve guest registration requests, leave it
as is. On the other hand, if you want employees to approve them, click and add one or more domain
names to the list. Employees belonging to a listed domain can then approve guest self-registrations.

Guest Self-Registration SSID: Enter the name of the SSID that guests first use to self-register for a PPSK.

Note: If you want to customize the colors, fonts, and some of the content on the captive web portal
landing, success, and error pages, click Customize Captive Web Portal.

Set the maximum number of clients per private PSK: Restrict the number of client devices that can use the
same PPSK. By default, no limit is imposed.

Pre-Defined Settings

Pre-Defined Settings: If you want to use the default user profile for guest access, do not click this button. If
you want to create and apply a new user profile, click it, enter a new name in the Name field, choose a
different VLAN, and then click Save.

Authentication DB

Cloud: (leave selected; it is the only available choice)

User Groups

Choose a previously defined service PPSK user group. If you do not see a group that you want in the drop-
down list, click User Group Settings and define a new one.


To make the SSID available all the time, leave the schedule toggled OFF. To limit availability to certain times,
toggle the schedule ON and set the days and times when it is available.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 21

This configuration adds two SSIDs to the network policy: an open SSID that users initially access to self-register
and obtain a PPSK password through a captive web portal (Guest-Registration) and a secure SSID that they
subsequently access by submitting their passwords and through which they reach the rest of the network
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 22

3. Upload the configuration to your access points.

When a user connects to the open SSID, a captive web portal appears with a self-registration form. (Note that
the phone number must include the country code and omit punctuation such as dashes and parentheses.)

After the user completes the form and clicks Register, the AP sends a PPSK user request to one of the two
RadSec proxy servers in its management subnet. The RadSec proxy server forwards it to HiveManager NG,
which creates a PPSK user and returns a PMK and password to the AP, which displays the password briefly
before quickly reverting to the registration form. If you enabled employee approval (and added the domain
name of employees' email addresses to the Guest Access Approver Email Domain List), HiveManager NG sends
an approval request like the following to the email address entered in the fifth field of the registration.

Hi, <employee_name>:

Click Approve to activate access for the following user:

User Name: Grace James

Email Address: grace.james22@gmail.com
Phone Number: 6505676122
Expiration: No limit.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 23

The email message comes from Aerohive Networks with the subject Approve User Credential. After the
employee clicks Approve, HiveManager NG sends an email or SMS text message with the PPSK password to the
user. The user can then copy the password, connect to the secure access SSID, and paste or type it in when
prompted for a password.

If you did not enable employee approval, HiveManager NG sends an email or SMS text message with the PPSK
password to the user immediately after a successful registration.

Copy the PPSK from the email or SMS text

message and paste or type it in here.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 24

Self-Registering with the iPad Kiosk App

Key Points: The iPad kiosk is a simple way for users to self-register and create their own PPSK users.

This app is intended for use in unattended lobby areas, or in reception areas where guests register themselves for
temporary wireless access at the organization they are visiting.

The guest management administrator who sets up the app on an iPad must log in first, choose his or her
HiveManager NG account, and authorize the app to communicate with it. (For security, use a guest management
admin account instead of a HiveManager NG admin account with full access rights to HiveManager NG.)

Next, a list of credential types (PPSK user groups) for which the admin can create PPSK users appears. The admin
chooses one PPSK user group and then taps the check mark icon to lock the app to the guest management
administrator's account and the selected PPSK user group. Then everyone else who self-registers does so under that
administrator's login. Therefore, it is important that he or she can create plenty of PPSK users.

The app supports visitor sign-in using an email or phone number, an optional employee lookup and approval
process (using LDAP), and various PPSK password delivery methods: SMS, email, print, and QR code for Androids.

It is possible to exit the app by rebooting the iPad or double-clicking the Home button and sliding the app off
screen. However, by putting the iPad in Guided Access mode, you can lock the screen so that users cannot switch
to another app:
1. Press the Home button and then tap Settings > General > Accessibility.
2. Enable Guided Access, select Passcode Settings > Set Guided Access Passcode, and then enter a passcode.
3. Return to the home screen and tap the Aerohive Kiosk icon to launch the app.
4. Triple-click the Home button. In the Hardware Buttons Options menu, disable Sleep/Wake Button so that people
cannot turn off the iPad. Also, enable Keyboards and Touch so they can enter information as they register. Then
tap Start to enter Guided Access mode.
5. To exit, triple-click the Home button, enter the passcode, and then tap End.

The Aerohive iPad Kiosk app is available on the app store and works on iPads running iOS 8.0 or later.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 25

Defending against DoS Attacks

Key Points: This section describes the HiveManager NG defense mechanism against DoS attacks.

When HiveManager NG authenticates a PPSK user, it must check a large list to see which PPSK password matches
the one that the user submitted. If users repeatedly submit incorrect passwords or those for deleted or expired PPSK
users, it could introduce a DoS (denial of service) attack.

To prevent such an attack, HiveManager NG temporarily puts the MAC address of a client device that keeps failing
authentication into a sandbox, which is sometimes referred to as jail or black list. Each HiveManager NG account
maintains one sandbox per SSID. By default, a user can fail authentication 10 times in 7 minutes. After that,
HiveManager NG puts the MAC address of the client device into the sandbox and blocks any future authentication
attempts for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, it releases the MAC address. For all authentication attempts,
HiveManager NG first checks the client MAC address against the list in the sandbox for the corresponding SSID.

Deleting Cloud PPSK Users

Key Points: This section describes the behavior to expect when you delete PPSKs of actively connected clients.

To delete one or more PPSK users, click Configure > Users > Users, select the check boxes of the PPSK users you want
to delete, and then click the Delete icon ( ). If a user's client is currently associated with an AP in an active
session when you delete a PPSK user, the AP will not immediately end the session by deauthenticating the client.
HiveManager NG tracks the session of each client in its accounting log ( admin_name > Global Settings > Logs >
Accounting Logs), updating log entries at 10-minute intervals by default. The next time HiveManager NG updates
an accounting log entry and discovers that a PPSK user has been deleted for an active session, it sends a request to
the AP to deauthenticate the client. As a result, APs deauthenticate clients at 10-minute intervals from the start of
their sessions. After an AP deauthenticates a client, the user will have to register again the next time he or she

The following command changes the accounting interval:

security-object <name> security aaa radius-server account-interim-interval <number>

The <number> value can be from 10 to 1,000,000,000 seconds. The default is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

To deauthenticate a client immediately, enter the following set of three commands in which <mac_addr> is the
MAC address of the client device:
clear auth roaming-cache mac <mac_addr>
clear auth roaming-cache mac <mac_addr> hive-neighbors
clear auth local-cache mac <mac_addr>
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 26

Local PPSK
Local PPSK authentication works well with a limited number of users. Most APs can store up to 9999 PPSK users with
the exception of the AP100 series (AP121, AP122, AP130, AP141), which can store up to 4096. If you need an AP to
support more than 4096 or 9999 different PPSK users (across multiple user groups), then you should use cloud PPSK
instead. Like cloud PPSK user groups, Aerohive also limits the number of users in a local PPSK user group to 1000.

Setting up local PPSK user authentication involves five components:

• Creating a PPSK SSID

• Creating one or more PPSK user groups
• Adding PPSK users to the groups
• Distributing PPSK users to APs
• Distributing PPSK passwords to individual wireless users
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 27

Creating a Local PPSK SSID

The following instructions explain how to create a PPSK SSID and user groups, add users to the groups in bulk, assign
user profiles based on the group to which users belong, and upload the configuration to your APs.

1. Log in to HiveManager NG as an admin with read/write privileges, click CONFIGURE, select an existing network
policy or create a new one that supports wireless, and then click Wireless Networks > Add > All other Networks

Wireless Network
2. To define an SSID using local PPSKs, enter the following and keep the default values for all other settings:

Name (SSID): Local-PPSK

Note: This is the name for how the object is stored in the system. You cannot use spaces in this name.

Broadcast Name: Local-PPSK

Note: This is wireless network that the AP advertises over the air. Its name can include spaces.

SSID Usage: SSID Authentication

Private Pre-Shared Key: (select)

Key Management: WPA2-(WPA2 Personal)-PSK

Encryption Method: CCMP (AES)

Set the maximum number of clients per private PSK: By default, APs do not impose a maximum number of
clients per PPSK. You can keep this setting or limit one or more clients per PPSK based on how many wireless
devices individual users typically connect to the network.
Clear the check box to leave the maximum number of clients per PPSK as 0 (unrestricted), or select it and enter
a number from 1 to 15 to impose a maximum.
Enable Captive Web Portal: Leave it toggled OFF to allow authenticated PPSK users onto the network directly
after submitting a valid key. Toggle it ON to require authenticated PPSK users to accept a network use policy
agreement displayed on a captive web portal before APs allow them onto the rest of the network.
3. In the Authentication Settings section, add a device PPSK user group by clicking Add under User Groups.

New User Group

4. Enter the following and then click Save:
User Group Name: Enter a name for the PPSK user group. It can be up to 32 characters long without spaces.
Password DB Location: LOCAL (This stores the PPSKs locally on Aerohive APs rather than in the cloud.)
Password Type: PPSK

Note: For information about the password and expiration settings, see the Configuring a User Group Help topic.

Delivery Settings

Text Messages (SMS): To enable HiveManager NG to send PPSK passwords to users by SMS, select the
check box and then choose Default PPSK SMS Template from the drop-down list.

Email: To enable HiveManager NG to send PPSK passwords to users by email, select the check box and
then choose Default PPSK Email Template from the drop-down list.

Note: If you want to make different templates and use those instead the predefined ones, navigate to
Configure > Common Objects > Basic > Notification Templates, define the templates you want, and then
choose them from the drop-down lists. For information about creating custom SMS and email templates,
see the Configuring a Notification Template Help topic.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 28

Wireless Network

5. To add more device PPSK user groups, repeat the previous steps.
6. You can add users to the local PPSK user group you just created one by one or in bulk.

To add users singly, click Add in the # of Users column and define each one individually. This approach can
work if you only have a few users but is impractical for larger numbers.

To add users in bulk, click Save to save your SSID configuration, and then click Users > Users > Bulk Create.


7. Enter the following and then click Save:

Create account in user group: Choose the name of the PPSK user group you created in the previous section.

User Name Prefix: Enter a prefix to append to all PPSK user names, such as "Guest".

Number of Accounts: Enter the number of device PPSK users to add to the user group. It can be from 1 to 1000.

Email User Account info to: Enter the email address of the person to whom you want to email PPSK user
account information.

Note: As soon as you click Save, HiveManager NG sends a .csv in an email attachment to this email address.
The recipient can then distribute the PPSK passwords to users out of band.

8. To return to the PPSK SSID configuration, click Network Policies > policy_name > Wireless Networks > ssid_name.

Wireless Network

9. Scroll down to the User Access Settings section and then click + to create a user profile that APs will apply to
users that successfully authenticate with their PPSKs.

Create User Profile

10. Configure the default user profile for the SSID and then click Save. For information about the many settings in a
user profile, see the Adding a New User Profile section in the Viewing the User Profile List Help topic.

Wireless Network

If you assigned multiple PPSK user groups to the SSID, you can assign each one its own user profile that defines a
VLAN, firewall and QoS policies, availability schedules, SLA level and actions, and traffic limits based on data or
time. Assigning different groups of users to different VLANs offers an added benefit of keeping broadcast domains
small to limit broadcast and multicast traffic to reasonable levels so that they do not negatively affect overall
network performance.

11. To assign different user profiles to different PPSK user groups, select Apply a different user profile to various
clients and user groups in the User Access Settings section and then click Add.

Create User Profile

12. Create a user profile that you want to apply to one of the PPSK user groups and then click Save.

Wireless Network

13. Scroll down to the User Access Settings section, and then click the Add a user profile assignment rule icon ( )
in the Assignment Rules column for the user profile that you want to apply to one of the PPSK user groups.

User Profile Assignment

14. Enter a name and description of the assignment rule and then click + > User Group.
Aerohive PPSK Guide| 29

User Group

15. Select the check box of the user group to which PPSK users must belong for the AP to assign the user profile to
them and then click Select.

User Profile Assignment

16. Make sure that the user profile assignment rule you just defined is listed and then click Save.

Wireless Network

17. To assign different user profiles to other user groups, repeat the previous four steps.

18. After you finish assigning user profiles to all the PPSK user groups, save the SSID by clicking Save.

19. To upload the network policy and PPSK users to your APs, click Deploy Policy.

Deploy Policy

20. Select the check boxes of all the APs to which you want to upload the network policy and PPSK users and then
click Upload.

Device Update

21. Select Update Network Policy and Configuration, select Delta Configuration Update, and then click Perform

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