Employee Assistance Program Literature Review

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Crafting a literature review, especially on topics as intricate and nuanced as Employee Assistance

Programs (EAPs), presents a unique set of challenges. This process demands not only a
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to critically evaluate a wide
range of sources, synthesize diverse perspectives, and present a coherent narrative that contributes to
the existing body of knowledge.

The complexity of writing a literature review on EAPs lies in the multifaceted nature of these
programs themselves. EAPs are designed to help employees deal with personal problems that might
adversely impact their work performance, health, and well-being. This includes a broad spectrum of
services, from counseling and mental health support to financial and legal assistance. Given the
variety of services offered and the range of potential outcomes, researchers must delve into literature
spanning psychology, human resources, organizational behavior, and more. This interdisciplinary
approach can significantly increase the difficulty of conducting a thorough review.

Moreover, the evolving nature of EAPs, influenced by changes in work environments, societal
attitudes towards mental health, and advancements in technology, means that literature in this field is
both vast and dynamic. Keeping up with the latest research, while also understanding historical
contexts, requires diligent and ongoing effort.

Given these challenges, individuals tasked with creating a literature review on EAPs might find the
process daunting and time-consuming. For those looking to ensure their review is both
comprehensive and of high quality, seeking professional assistance can be a wise decision. One
recommended service for this purpose is ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔, a platform known for its expertise in
academic and professional writing. Opting for professional support can not only alleviate the burden
associated with the intricate process of literature review writing but also enhance the overall quality
and impact of the final document.
The Kendall rank correlation was used as the inferential statistics. Vickery, Ph.D. What is an EAP?.
A POSITIVE method of helping to solve performance problems and to help people help themselves.
Despite in a few cases, the study reveals a general concord with Herzberg’s reasoning vis-a-vis the
factors leading to staff satisfaction or dissatisfaction. EAP services typically will not be more than
three sessions per specific individual concern. Moreover, the relationship between employee relations
and employee performance is explored in-depth. Regression analysis results indicate that
compensation and wor. The result of PLS SEM shows that work environment as the strongest driver
factor of employee engagement. As it is known to all that human beings are not machines who can
start working within seconds or at a push button. At any given time, it is estimated that at least 10
percent of all employees are experiencing some type of severe personal problem.9 It is this small
fraction that accounts for up to 90 percent of the total number of absences in the workplace. Further,
plans are developed to resolve these issues and help employees live a better life. Social Posts Create
on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. The findings of this research may serve as a valuable
contribution to the uplifting of the library profession in India. Personally distressed employees have
been shown to perform at a level 35 percent below the average employee.10 This group is a
company’s biggest liability when they could be an asset with proper, confidential and free guidance.
In the long run, employees experience calm in their lives and their productivity at works soars
through the roof. EAPs keep identities confidential, usage reports will never tell you who,
specifically. For that, you’ll need to hire full-time or part-time professional counselors, create the
paperwork, and manage everything by yourself. Without people working around the workplace turns
hostile. Basic characteristics, working attitudes, and expectations of this group of employees will
also be highlighted. Embed Host your publication on your website or blog with just a few clicks. We
conclude that despite of the large set of available methods and approaches which holistically
measure and determine employee productivity, its management is very complex and demanding. This
study reveals that a good employee relation has influence on employee performance. The purpose of
this paper is to discuss the importance of worker relations and proposes a new three-component
model of worker relations which embraces the relationships that employees have with their co-
workers, supervisor and the organisation. Benefits of Employee Assistance Program How Does EAP
Work. There were differences in job training satisfaction, however, when examined with job type, job
status, and job tenure. Integrating the programs reduces administrative costs and improves efficiency
which lessens employer expenses. Employees are the lifeblood of a company, whether they’re
advancing or compromising growth. What are the main aims of the employee assistance program.
EAP’s are becoming an ever increasing larger element of the employees benefit packages which are
used by both large and small businesses to attract the better qualified candidates. The confidence
measurement assessed how confident the trainee was with answers given. The study covered few
branches of Indian Public sector steel industries like RSP, BSP, NINL and few Private sectors like
Tata Steel, Tata Refractory Ltd., Adhunik Steel And Sree Metaliks ltd.
Conclusion With a decent employee assistance program, you can experience better performance,
higher growth, and above all, a happier and healthier workforce. Most offer to arrange an
appointment with a substance abuse treatment center, mental health care professional, financial
advisor, etc. Alcohol has a major impact on the lifestyle of its consumers. A Compliance EAP is
designed to be a cost-effective way for employers to comply with government regulations generally
regarding substance abuse in the workplace or the perception that systematic drug testing is needed
in a particular job description at that company. Makwana AI-enhanced title Literature Review for
Employee engagement Full description Save Save Literature Review for Employee engagement For
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Page You are on page 1 of 7 Search inside document. The Results have shown most of them library
professionals are 31-40 age groups, Sixty- four percent of them had 11 to 15 years of service.
Moreover, these services can trickle down to employee spouses, dependents, and extended family.
The findings of this research may serve as a valuable contribution to the uplifting of the library
profession in India. By quantifying HRM determinants and equating it to satisfaction of employees,
the study has discovered and established that status of ERM in the state PSUs is not very good and
measures of HR practices are not being implemented as they should be. This research is concerned
with the satisfaction of librarians with regard to users, reading habits, provision of conveniences,
their salary, up gradation in rank and professional progress. This article presents the results of a study
of employees of two university libraries in Bangladesh (Rajshahi University Library (RUL) and
Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology Library (RUETL)). The EAP provides
counseling, education, and consultation services to improve job performance, worker health, and the
wellbeing of the employee. The study set out to understand the satisfaction rates of the library
employees using eight dimensions of job satisfaction, including working environment, wages,
promotion, supervision, nature of the job, training facilities, library rules and regulations, and social
status. In addition, EAPs are sometimes offered as a piece of the. A few of their key specialties
include: Mental health counseling Life coaching Organizational training and development Critical
incident response Medical advocacy According to their website, they have a staggering 99%
customer retention rate and a 7-second response time. There are many factors that lead to employee
engagement. The Kendall rank correlation was used as the inferential statistics. John Harvanko State
EAP Director Michael Schmitz State EAP Director. Then, follow-up on the progress of the program,
identify trends and investigate troubling numbers. There were differences in job training satisfaction,
however, when examined with job type, job status, and job tenure. Finally, it was suggested that
future researchers should investigate profoundly to come up with notable empirical results. It is also
very essential for the professionals to satisfy their own requirements because only satisfied
professionals can give new services to the end user. A qualitative methodology, namely, hermeneutic
phenomenology, approach is undertaken with Herzberg’s two-factor theory employed in designing
the interview protocol. Without people working around the workplace turns hostile. Danh Gia S?c
Kh?e Sinh Thai N?n Day Song Ba Lai Thong Qua Qu?n Xa Tuy?n Trung S?ng T. This should detail
things like how your employees can access the EAP services, privacy concerns, additional
information, and FAQs. 3. Track the Progress Last but not the least, with your EAP framework in
place, it’s time to measure its effectiveness. The researcher found the significant relationship between
work engagement and job performance. Employers can select from a wide list of EAP providers.
Employers benefit because the workers that utilize the program experience fewer and shorter-lived
problems that might otherwise have interfered with their job performance which ultimately lowers
productivity and decreases the bottom line profits. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. It is also very important for the professionals to satisfy their own
needs because only satisfied professionals can provide innovative services to the end user. After
taking this certification course, you'll better understand how to become a great HR Generalist and a
letter of certification to showcase to employers and colleagues. Over the past two decades or so,
EAP’s have expanded both in number and capacity to serve differing employee needs. EAP is not
intended to be a long-term counseling service (see BPPM 60.86 ), but rather to provide initial
assessment, consultation, and referral. It is much essential that employees share a healthy and happy
relationship with each other at the workplace. Employee assistance programs were first conceived as
a response to the immense impact that employee substance abuse had the company profit-line.
Known as the Life Advisor EAP, the claims that about 94% of participants managed to overcome
their problems through its short-term counseling sessions. Moreover, you can even include specific
questions about your new EAP. View All Thank You Please check your email for a confirmation
message shortly. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The Kendall rank correlation was used as the inferential
statistics. The researcher found the significant relationship between work engagement and job
performance. There are many factors that impinge upon employees in their daily execution of duties
that affect output. Traditionally, EAP programs focus on eliminating many of the heavy hitters when
it comes to compromised productivity or quality of life. Statistics provide indisputable evidence that
employees who experience ongoing personal and medical problems negatively impact an employer’s
profit margin. A simple survey could help you decide based on the types of assistance your
employees are looking for. As an example, a counselor might have an ulterior motive to refer
employees to a certain health care provider. In such circumstances, they find it difficult to
concentrate on work and often get restless at their workplace. From coping with addictive behaviors
and substance abuse to managing work-life balance, CuraLinc Healthcare solves a wide spectrum of
personal issues. Employee relations deal with avoiding and resolving issues concerning individuals
which might arise out of or influence the work scenario. Certificate HR Generalist Certification
Course Become a Certified HR Generalist. From the questionnaire nine factor of job satisfaction are
assessed among the library professionals. EAPs are providing an ever-widening array of services that
help employees stay physically and mentally healthy and thus more productive at work and more
content with their private and professional lives. The employee and manager strong relationship leads
the employee satisfaction and also decrease the level of stress and employees who become
comfortable or satisfy who never intend to leave an organization and that thing decrease the
turnover cost and organization become successful to retain an active employee in an organization.
The growth and development of any economy depends up on its volume of successful
manufacturing industries. Vickery, Ph.D. What is an EAP?. A POSITIVE method of helping to solve
performance problems and to help people help themselves. To make matters a bit worse, there is a
stigma around discussing money problems. Employees don’t feel comfortable discussing their
financial hurdles or burdens with human resources. How well employers create a positive work
environment which satisfies the emotional needs of the employees will influence to a great extent the
level of organizational productivity. EAP services typically will not be more than three sessions per
specific individual concern.
Furthermore, in training program it is supportive for companies to emphasis on knowledge, expertise
and ability of employees. In these instances, employees will often receive a selection of (at least
three) vetted, local referrals for comparison within their area of concern. Productivity is also
increased when employees are satisfied as absentee rates decrease and employee turnover is reduced.
It is increasingly rare that individuals stay close with another for a long enough period of time to be
able to speak about the most personal of issues. In respect to this, the paper seeks to explore the
relationship between effective employee relations and organizational performance. In a modern firm,
the labor composition is undergoing drastic changes, with an increased share of Millennials or
Generation Y. Personally distressed employees have been shown to perform at a level 35 percent
below the average employee.10 This group is a company’s biggest liability when they could be an
asset with proper, confidential and free guidance. The literature review establishes that while job
analysis is recognized as important for HR activities, there is limited empirical research directly
linking job analysis to improved job performance. Select the newsletters you’re interested in below.
This research is concerned with the satisfaction of librarians with regard to users, reading habits,
provision of conveniences, their salary, up gradation in rank and professional progress. Using
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as a tool to analyze the data, this research aims to confirm a
model of factors than influencing employee engagement, that is the work itself, working
environment, leadership, opportunity for personal growth, and opportunity to contribute. Millennials
individuals with birth years between 1980-2000 recruited with Information Technology and
Information System enabled services sector of Poona, National Capital Region, Gurgaon, Bangalore,
Ahmedabad were considered for the same. TABLE OF CONTENTS Previous How to Become an
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adaptive curriculum and led by leading industry experts. Employers that provide some type of EAP
do so because it saves money in both a direct and indirect manner. Also, fair policies and practices
exhibited by the management of the organisation to create equal opportunities and provide equal
treatment to employees with no bias which promotes a positive attitude towards organization and
work among employees. HR Administrator HR Generalist Behavioral Interview Questions Human
Resources Manager HR Manager Overview HR Manager Career Path How to Become a HR
Manager HR Manager Interview Questions HR Manager Resume HR Manager Cover Letter HR
Manager Skills HR Manager Salary HR Manager Job Description HR Specialist vs. Many
experiences negatively affect an employee’s state of mind such as accidents or injuries, natural
disasters, layoffs, uncomfortable workplace situations, etc., which lowers productivity costing
employers many thousand of dollars simply because they do not have access to EAP’s that could
have dealt with the problem early on thus preventing or at least mitigating negative outcomes.
Employees are the lifeblood of a company, whether they’re advancing or compromising growth.
Besides the employee assistance program benefits listed above, with an EAP in place, you can also
reduce the risk of workplace violence, attract competent profiles, and then, experience a rise in
performance levels. 7 Best Providers of Employee Assistance Programs 2024 While you can create
an in-house program, it’s better to opt for a third-party service provider. The paper recommends that
managers should properly connect with their employees and create an enabling environment where
employees will feel at home discharging their duties. A series of field studies were conducted to
determine if there are indeed large differences in the level of engagement between the generations.
The research method used is a Systematic Literature Review of relevant research. The job
satisfaction of its employees can impact the performance of a library. Your employees will be happier
at the office and in the long run, you’ll experience a higher employee retention rate. Going through
these Employee Assistance Programs one gets to recognize that the larger the size of the company,
the more complex the program involved is (Mannion, 2014). Video Say more by seamlessly including
video within your publication. Parallel to that, you could partner with a vendor to offer your
employees free access to a gym and trainers, something you don’t have the resources to build and
maintain on-site. Each measurement was assigned a value of high, medium, or low. As it is known to
all that human beings are not machines who can start working within seconds or at a push button.
This is another option for small businesses, as it can help expand the EAP services you offer while
still being budget-conscious.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. Moreover, these services can trickle down to employee spouses,
dependents, and extended family. Instead, these reports show you how many employees are. On the
contrary, a lot of thought goes into it given the strict policies and requirements surrounding it. Then,
internal communication has a positive and significant effect on millennial employee engagement.
Download Free PDF View PDF Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology Job
satisfaction among Female Library professionals working Central University Libraries of Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh: A study MAHENDER PRATAP SINGH This study
focus on the status of Job Satisfaction among female Library Professionals of B.H.U, Varanasi, Uttar
Pradesh, India. Finally, it was suggested that future researchers should investigate profoundly to
come up with notable empirical results. The result of the research showed that the human relations
done by the Sub-District Head had not been fully implemented based on the principles in human
relations. Flat fees can make it easier to budget, but you may end up paying for services you don’t
use. The researcher found the significant relationship between work engagement and job
performance. Due to the associated costs, most small businesses shy away from a fully in-house
EAP. Some companies may offer an on-site gym, daycare, cafeteria, masseuse, mental health
counselor, and other wellness services. To achieve a common goal, mutual respect and a sense of
safety are must at the workplace. This decision depends on your budget, special requirements, and
policies. They are well-qualified, highly proficient, dynamic, and multi-tasking. By helping
employees address their issues and concerns, you can increase retention by gaining the trust and
loyalty of your employees. They offer innovative and custom assistance solutions to both employees
and students. Some of the past study findings will be used to measure the rising trend of Millennial
employee engagement in the firm. Fill out the form and one of our representatives will contact you
within one business day. The research conducted concluded that the right work engagement program
makes Millennial employees in the banking industry find meaning in their work, and gain pride as
part of the workplace to jointly achieve the company's vision and mission. Certificate HR Business
Partner Certification Become a Certified HR Business Partner. Companies should respond to the
roll-out of a new EAP in much the same way it would any other major introduction to the company.
EAP provider should give you regular usage reports covering a specified time. Contact information is
provided for you at the end of this orientation. agenda. The EAP: What is it. Employees can self-
refer or may be directed to the EAP by a supervisor or manager. In an economic climate
characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, organizational productivity plays
a more central role in determining success. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most underused services in
organizations. EAP services typically will not be more than three sessions per specific individual
concern. HR Administrator HR Generalist Behavioral Interview Questions Human Resources
Manager HR Manager Overview HR Manager Career Path How to Become a HR Manager HR
Manager Interview Questions HR Manager Resume HR Manager Cover Letter HR Manager Skills
HR Manager Salary HR Manager Job Description HR Specialist vs. Many experiences negatively
affect an employee’s state of mind such as accidents or injuries, natural disasters, layoffs,
uncomfortable workplace situations, etc., which lowers productivity costing employers many
thousand of dollars simply because they do not have access to EAP’s that could have dealt with the
problem early on thus preventing or at least mitigating negative outcomes.

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