Department of Education
Set A
1. Planet Earth is considered uniquely different from any other planets in the Solar system. Which among the given choices correctly supports
the above statement?
A. Earth is the only planet that changes structure.
B. Earth is the only planet that turns around in space.
C. Earth is the only planet that is mostly covered with water.
D. Earth is the only planet that is mostly made from rocks.
2. Which subsystem serves as the protective bubble by holding the air we breathe and protecting us from outer space?
A. atmosphere B. biosphere C. geosphere D. hydrosphere
3. Which property of minerals refers to its resistance to scratching?
A. cleavage B. fracture C. hardness D. luster
4. Which type of igneous rocks based on composition has the highest amount of silica content?
A. felsic B. intermediate C. mafic D. ultramafic
5. What process of chemical weathering is involved when water reacts with one mineral to form a new mineral like feldspar into clay?
A. dissolution B. hydrolysis C. oxidation D. pressure
6. How the conduction in the surface of the earth affects the temperature of our atmosphere?
A. Air molecules come in contact with the warmer surface of the land and ocean resulting to the increase of its thermal energy.
B. Air molecules come in contact with the cooler surface of the land and ocean resulting to the decrease of its thermal energy.
C. Air molecules do not come in contact with the warmer surface of the land and ocean resulting to the increase of its thermal energy.
D. Air molecules do not come in contact with the cooler surface of the land and ocean resulting to the increase of its thermal energy.
7. When water or carbon dioxide is added to hot rocks, the melting points of minerals within the rocks decrease. What process is being
A. flux melting C. heat transfer
B. partial melting D. decompression melting
8. Sam is walking down the river when he sees an unknown metamorphic rock. Which of the following characteristics can help him identify the
type of metamorphism that the rock underwent using a magnifying glass?
A. crystal lattice C. grain size
B. name of the metamorphic rock D. type of mineral present in the rock
9. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an intrusive igneous rock?
A. It is mostly made of magnesium and iron C. It is formed from magma
B. It usually has low density D. It has large crystals
10. There are three distinct types of plate boundaries, which of those types creates zone of tension by moving the plates apart?
A. convergent boundary C. transform boundary
B. divergent boundary D. compressional forces
11. Which of the following statements best describe the principle of original horizontality?
A. Igneous intrusions form horizontal layers.
B. Metamorphic isograds are horizontal before deformation.
C. Sediments are deposited as horizontal layers.
D. Most igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks in Earth's crust form horizontal layers.
12. What is the difference between an absolute date and a relative date?
A. An absolute date refers to a year or a range of years while a relative date indicates a chronological order.
B. A relative date is derived from radiometric dating techniques while an absolute date comes from guesswork.
C. A relative date refers to a year or a range of years while an absolute date indicates a chronological order.
D. An absolute date involves testing of sedimentary rocks while relative date involves testing of igneous rocks.
13. What do you call the method of placing geologic events in sequential order as determined by their position in the rock record?
A. absolute dating C. correlation
B. relative dating D. uniformitarianism
14. Find the right match in the following statement: The Pleistocene ____ belongs to the Neogene _____ of the Cenozoic _____.
A. period; epoch; era C. epoch; period; era
B. era; period; epoch D. era; epoch; period
15. Which of the following hazards undermine the foundations and supports of buildings, bridges, pipelines, and roads, causing them to sink into
the ground, collapse, or dissolve?
A. eutrophication C. liquefaction
B. ground shaking D. pyroclastic density currents
16. Which of the following best explains why Cordillera Administrative Region is considered the most landslide prone provinces in the
A. It is located near the sea
B. It has several active volcanoes
C. It is located near a mountain range
D. It is located near an active fault line
17. Which of the following is considered as the mots flood prone province in the Philippines?
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Directions: Follow the instructions in each test. Answer legibly and silently. Write the letter of the correct answer.
C. Since fewer people were needed to cultivate food, urban societies were developed. For the first time, more people lived in or near major
cities than in farming areas.
D. The development of towns, then cities.
24. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Socialization plays no part in personality formation in individuals.
B. Large-scale complex societies that are not culturally homogenous usually have unanimous agreement about what should be the shared
C. Successful socialization can result in uniformity within a society.
D. b and c
25. Social change is best defined as the transformation of ______ over time.
A. culture and social institutions
B. religion and politics
C. families and small towns
D. the economy and society
26. Mary is deciding what course to pursue in college; but before making a decision, she took some time to reflect and consider the effects to
make the proper choices. What did Mary apply?
A. Responsibility
B. Self -reflection
C. Self - awareness
D. Self – consciousness
27. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Unlike other animals, human infants are born with a culture.
B. Human infants come into the world ready to learn a culture but are not born with one.
C. Socialization is another word for acculturation.
D. b and c
28. Indigenous people have their own culture that others do not understand but some people make fun of them. How can you show that you
appreciate the Indigenous people?
A. By respecting the Indigenous culture and its people
B. By fighting those people who make fun of Indigenous people.
C. By cursing and making fun of their culture and their identity
D. By learning how to interact with Indigenous people.
29. Among the statements below, what best describes intersubjectivity?
A. Intersubjectivity is about how humans treat plants.
B. It is a state of sharing of subjective states by two or more individuals.
C. It is about how we judge other people.
D. We treat others as objects in intersubjective relationships.
30. Which statement is incorrect about intersubjectivity?
A. Love is an important aspect in intersubjective relationships.
B. We cannot help but be sensitive to the existence of the other.
C. We can put ourselves in the shoes of others.
D. I can disregard others as much as I want
31. Instead of showing mercy, many people make fun of persons with disabilities. What can you do to make things better?
A. Fight those people who make fun of PWDs.
B. Follow the crowd and laugh at PWDs.
C. Just ignore it and it will pass.
D. Advocate the PWDs and orient people about disabilities.
32. Many say that poor people are poor because of their mentalities. Do you agree with this?
A. No, because being poor does not measure a person’s intelligence.
B. Yes, because poor people can’t afford to go to school.
C. Yes, because they chose this kind of life, it means they are not smart.
D. No, because not all people remained poor, some of them prospered in life.
33. This refers to the ability to make choices and perform actions. It is an intrinsic and essential property of the human person.
A. Freedom
B. Free Will
C. Psychological freedom
D. Voluntarism
34. A type of freedom from physical restraint.
A. Moral freedom
B. Physical freedom
C. Psychological freedom
D. Voluntarism
35. This is the kind of freedom which allows a person to perform actions which he or she considers right and wise.
A. Freedom of choosing
B. Voluntarism
C. Psychological freedom
D. Moral Freedom
36. It is the ability to act out one’s free will and self-determination.
A. Volunteerism
B. Responsibility
C. Psychological freedom
D. Voluntarism
37. This means that a person is being accountable for his or her actions and their consequences.
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A. Responsibly
B. Responsibility
C. Irresponsibleness
D. Voluntarism
38. What was inspired by the culture and ideas of the Ancient Greek civilization?
A. The Renaissance
B. The Enlightenment
C. The Dark Ages
D. The Age of Imperialism
39. According to Plato, what are 'innate ideas'?
A. The concepts that are present in our minds at birth.
B. The concepts that are developed in our minds during our childhood.
C. The concepts that stay in our mind until we get older.
D. The concepts that are temporary instead of permanent in our minds.
40. Which of the following statements represents the Essentialism ideology?
A. Boys and girls are born with thoughts that make them men and women respectively.
B. Both girls and boys can develop different thoughts that are not necessarily related to the idea of men and women in society.
C. The perspective of 'masculine' or 'feminine' behaviors is totally made by society.
D. The thoughts that define babies change depending on the country where they were born.
41. Which of the following works were written by Jean Paul Sartre?
A. 'Existentialism and Humanism' and 'Being and Nothingness'
B. 'The Second Sex' and 'Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter'
C. 'Philosophy and Feminist Thinking' and 'Feminist Philosophers'
D. 'The Concept of Minds' and 'Dilemmas'
42. In order to properly function in our daily lives, we must rely on some of our beliefs. This description corresponds to _____.
A. Hume's approach to skepticism
B. Descartes' approach to awareness
C. Kant's approach to understanding
D. Leibniz's approach to mind
43. Which political philosophy advocated for a revolution that results in the seizure of property from the wealthy as well as the abolishment of
private property rights and class distinction?
A. Marxism
B. Neo-Republicanism
C. Libertarianism
D. Capitalism
44. Death was simply equated to the stopping of heartbeat and breathing. This meaning is _____________meaning of death.
A. Dictionary
B. Legal
C. Traditional
D. Webster.
45. According to Aristotle, everything strives towards the end. What Greek word did he use to describe the process which means “to become
its essence"?
A. entelechy
B. entilenchy
C. enthelenchy
D. entelency.
46. This method looks at the world or at any object as a problem, detached from the self and fragment. This is the foundation of scientific
knowledge. Subject does not enter into the object investigated. The data of primary reflection lie in the public domain and are equally available
to any qualified observer
A. first reflection
B. second reflection
C. primary reflection
D. secondary reflection
47. This reflection is concerned not with objects but with presences. It recaptures the unity of original experience. It does not go against the date
of primary reflection but goes beyond it by refusing to accept the data of primary reflection as final.
A. First reflection
B. Second reflection
C. Primary reflection
D. Secondary reflection
48. This pertains to the personal life, and precisely therein is fulfilled the essence of humanity created according to the image of God.
A. eternal life
B. reincarnation
C. death
D. transcendence
Directions: Shade the letter of the correct answer on the answer sheet provided. Do not write or leave any marks on this test paper.
1. Which 21st century literary genre of fiction focuses on young women and their emotional lives?
Department of Education, Schools Division of Ormoc City
A. Flash Fiction
B. Chick Lit
C. Manga
D. Doodle Fiction
2. Flash fiction is a genre of fiction, defined as a very short story. Which of the following is NOT true about a Flash Fiction?
A. It is an imaginative literature of extreme brevity.
B. The successful hallmark of a flash fiction is its twist at the end of the story.
C. Flash fiction presents the story with the fewest words possible.
D. It does not give out a complete plot.
3. Jane is fond of frequently updating her online personal diary. She considers it a place to express her thoughts, feelings, and experiences
for the day. Which of these literary genres can she best make?
A. Doodle Fiction
B. Flash Fiction
C. Graphic Novel
D. Blog
4. How are blogs and hyper poetry similar?
A. Both need to have access through social networks because these literary genres are modern, therefore it is posted on the internet or
social media.
B. Both of them are uploaded regularly on social networks.
C. Both of them incorporate doodle writing, drawings and handwritten graphics in place of the traditional font.
D. Both of them are forms of fiction that deal principally with the impact of actual or imagined science upon society or individuals.
5. How are Manga and Doodle Fiction different from each other?
A. Instead of using a traditional font, graphics are handwritten in Manga while Doodle Fiction uses a highly distinct Japanese art
technique to draw the visuals.
B. Manga is used to describe a type of popular fiction targeted at younger women while Doodle Fictions are generally stand-alone stories
with more complex plots.
C. Manga is almost always printed in black and white and uses a highly distinct Japanese art technique to draw the visuals while Doodle
Fiction uses traditional fonts and graphics that were handwritten.
D. Doodle Fiction is used to describe a type of popular fiction targeted at younger women while a Manga is a generally stand-alone story
with a more complex plot.
6. Which of the following is a true statement about world literature?
A. World literature speaks to only the people of one country.
B. World literature deals with issues particular to the country where it was written.
C. World literature is widely read beyond the borders of the country where it was written.
D. World literature is written in a language other than English then translated into English.
7. Which book contains a number of speeches by Confucius written down by his disciples?
A. Analects C. Great Learning
B. Doctrine of Mean D. Spring and Autumn Annals
8. Africa is the second largest continent after Asia. Most of Africa lies within the tropical region. It contains an enormous wealth of mineral
resources like fossil fuels, metallic ores, and gems. Which statement does not talk about Africa?
A. Africa’s weather is humid and hot.
B. Africa is rich in natural resources.
C. Africa is an archipelago.
D. Africa is second to Asia in size.
9. Why is the use of vernacular and the inclusion of local color most appreciated in the Afro-Asian region?
A. Africans and Asians use these tools as a show of rebellion to those who have pulled them apart from their true identity.
B. The use of local language and details of rural life setting connects non-native English speakers to their national identity.
C. Using English language in their writing reminds them of past struggles adjusting to a culture different from their own.
D. Local color and vernacular remind Africans and Asians of their original beliefs and practices away from the influences of colonizers.
10. Which of the following correctly states why literary writers use figures of speech?
A. Literary writers use figures of speech to puzzle the readers.
B. Literary writers use figures of speech to lengthen their works.
C. Literary writers use figures of speech to make their works popular.
D. Literary writers use figures of speech to enhance the artistic quality of their works.
11. Which of the following is NOT a multimedia format that a learner can use to interpret literary texts?
A. blog
B. slogan
C. Text Tula
D. Tag Cloud
12. The use of multimedia enhances the teaching of lessons and aims to _____ who are engaged in learning.
A. further confuse learners
B. further educate learners
C. further entertain with computer gaming world
D. further waste learner’s time
13. To make creative multimedia output, we can import images, audio, and video clips; however, we have to _________ to avoid plagiarism.
A. leave web pages
B. cite the sources
C. ignore the links
D. screenshot the images
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14. John makes his project in 21st Century Literature. He is asked to make a creative representation of his chosen literary text by applying
multimedia and ICT skills. He uses an electronic medium for recording, copying, replaying, and moving of visual media. What is he using?
A. video
B. ag cloud
C. mind mapping
D. PPT presentation
15. Which of these statements is TRUE?
A. All multimedia formats are hard to use.
B. Multimedia uses animation and audio only.
C. Learners can make use of only one multimedia format.
D. Studying literature becomes more exciting due to multimedia support.
16. Which of the following best describes anaphora?
A. repetition of a phrase in a direct row
B. repetition of a phrase at the end of sentences
C. repetition of a phrase in the middle of sentences
D. repetition of a phrase at the beginning of sentences
17. Which of the following should not be considered in reading through a biographical context?
A. educational background
B. figurative language
C. political
D. social
18. Africa is the second largest continent after Asia. Most of Africa lies within the tropical region. It contains an enormous wealth of mineral
resources like fossil fuels, metallic ores, and gems. Which statement does not talk about Africa?
A. Africa’s weather is humid and hot.
B. Africa is rich in natural resources.
C. Africa is an archipelago.
D. Africa is second to Asia in size.
19. Why is the use of vernacular and the inclusion of local color most appreciated in the Afro-Asian region?
A. Africans and Asians use these tools as a show of rebellion to those who have pulled them apart from their true identity.
B. The use of local language and details of rural life setting connects non-native English speakers to their national identity.
C. Using English language in their writing reminds them of past struggles adjusting to a culture different from their own.
D. Local color and vernacular remind Africans and Asians of their original beliefs and practices away from the influences of colonizers.
20. How will you modernize a classical literary piece without losing its original sense?
A. Develop a game based on the storyline, but you may change the main conquest depending on the interest of gamers.
B. Convert the story into a graphic novel, but make sure to add your personal touch so you won’t have to worry about plagiarism.
C. Rewrite an updated version for the sake of the modern-day readers and upload it to a platform they usually use, such as wattpad.
D. Consider filming, but take the context of the culture you will be releasing the material. Names and formality of language may be
21. Which of the following is not the purpose of critical reading?
A. Readers read texts critically for amusement.
B. Readers read texts critically to learn new information.
C. Readers read texts critically to learn more about culture and society.
D. Readers read texts critically for better understanding of their meaning.
22. Which of the following correctly states why literary writers use figures of speech?
A. Literary writers use figures of speech to puzzle the readers.
B. Literary writers use figures of speech to lengthen their works.
C. Literary writers use figures of speech to make their works popular.
D. Literary writers use figures of speech to enhance the artistic quality of their works.
23. Which of the following is not true about the importance of critical reading in literature?
A. Critical reading is done to make a literary work popular.
B. Critical reading develops one’s critical thinking skills and makes one keen to details.
C. Critical reading enables readers to understand and appreciate a piece of literature further.
D. Critical reading enables readers to write a critical review or analysis of a piece of literature.
24. It is a play that deals with contemporary social issues.
A. The World is an Apple C. A New year’s Gift
B. A Rose for Emily D. My father goes to court.
25. Pahiyas Festival is known in the whole Quezon Province as a Thanksgiving Festival to honor “San Isidro Labrador”. What is the name
of the rice-wafer used in decorating the house façade during Pahiyas Festival?
A. Hiyas C. Kising
B. Kiping D. Pahiyas
26. It is known as the art of embroidery that is identified as a past time for women?
A. Pananahi C. Pagbuburda
B. Pagsusulsi D. Pagbabatok
27. It is a technique made by sticking various flat elements like printed illustrations and photographs into a flat surface.
A. Collage B. Frottage
C. Montage D.. Trapunto
28. This art is obtained through rubbing a crayon or a pencil on a piece of paper over an object or image.
A. Collage B. Frottage
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C. Montage D. Trapunto
29. The first recorded taka was by a woman named ___________.
A. Maria Bague C. Maria Makiling
B. Maria Dizon D. Maria Sinukuan
30. Which is not true about warm colors?
A. happiness C. excitement
B. violence D. dependability
31. Which is true about Neoplasticism?
A. straight lines and primary colors.
B. tapping into the unconscious mind to release creativity.
C. emphasizing the expressions of the self and emotions.
D. showing all of the possible viewpoints of a person or an object all at once
32. Which of the following is classified as “two-dimensional” art?
A. Pottery C. Paintings
B. Sculpture D. Installation Art
33. An art that emphasizes the expressions of the self and emotions.
A. Fauvism C. Neoplasticism
B. Abstract expressionism D. Cubism
34. A color that brings a calming effect to the mind.
A. Cool colors C. Warm colors
B. Bright color D. Dark colors
35. The technique that looks like they are made from cubes and other geometrical shapes.
A. Fauvism C. Neoplasticism
B. Abstract expressionism D. Cubism
36. Which of the following is not considered as a warm color?
A. Blue C. Orange
B. Red D. Yellow
37. This is a technique of rubbing with crayon on a piece of paper which has been placed over an object or an image.
A. Decoupage C. Frottage
B. present times D. mind
38. The most exciting components of a painting is _________
A. Technique C. Color
B. Design D. Medium
39. Sculptors used pieces of junk to produce _______________.
A. poetry C. novel
B. painting D. junk art
40. The detailed analysis and assessment of something refers to ____.
A. correlation C. criticism
B. cringe D. critique
41. The attribute of an art material to be easily acquired by the artist without much effort or difficulty refers to____.
A. accessibility C. mastery
B. appropriateness D. practicality
42. The art technique’s functional and sensible applicable for the creation of the conceived art work refers to _____.
A. accessibility C. availability
B. affordability D. practicality
43. The manner and ability by which an artist employs the technical skills of a particular art refers to ______.
A. art critique C. art signature
B. art form D. art technique
44. Paying attention to the kind art materials and the way they were used as well the art techniques that was applied, are some of the ways of
A. collating C. criticizing
B. cringing D. critiquing
45. Which of the following endeavors to shave bamboo, layering to make twists and delicate whirls to arrive at the novel craftsmanship in this
A. puni C. pagbuburda
B. pabalat D. singkaban
46. What is the traditional art of leaf folding?
A. ochiba C. origami
B. pabalat D. puni
47. Which of the following is the sequenced to produce the following application techniques? Taka Making
I. Glued with paste.
II. Molded from wood carving.
III. After drying, the paper was removed from the molder.
IV. Reassembled, dried, and painted in a decorative pattern.
48. Which of the following is the sequenced to produce the following application techniques? Palayok Making
I. Put the clay on the potter’s wheel, buff, and smoothen the pot.
II. Drying takes only one day if it is sunny and bake in the kiln for eight hours.
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III. It will be painted with latex or acrylic paint, or coated with a glaze to make it shine.
IV. Passing the clay through the mill and shape it in a mold made from “Plater of Paris”.
Directions: Read each item carefully and blacken the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
1. This type of literacy identifies what the information is for, where to find it, and how to evaluate it.
A. Media Literacy
B. Information Literacy
C. Technology Literacy
D. Digital Literacy
2. The medium of communication that requires face to face interaction using one’s voice as the tool to deliver the message.
A. Digital/Interactive Communication
B. Conversation
C. Public Speaking
D. Digital Art
3. The following are possible sources of information, EXCEPT:
A. Newspaper
B. Television
C. Printer
D. Smartphones
4. Which of the following is an example of technology used as a medium of communication?
A. Newspaper
B. Television
C. Laptop Computers
D. Smartphones
5. An information literate person should first understand the situation or problem to figure out what specific type of information he or she needed.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Neither True or False
6. It is defined as the imparting and exchanging of information or news.
A. Communication
B. Public Speaking
C. Media
D. Information Sources
7. Physical things such as tarpaulin billboards, posters, in-package information contained in product packaging are example of what medium of
A. Visual Art
B. Physical Medium
C. Digital/Interactive
D. Documents/Letters
8. This is considered the oldest form of Media.
A. Print
B. Visual Art
C. Physical Medium
D. Digital/Interactive
9. It is the ability of an individual, either working independently or with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and effectively use technological
A. Media Literacy
B. Information Literacy
C. Technology Literacy
D. Digital Literacy
For items 10-13. Given below are situations that depict a specific literacy that an individual exhibits. Identify if it is Media Literacy, Information
Literacy, Technology (Digital) Literacy, or Media and Information Literacy.
10. In order to add related literature to his Practical Research project, Donnie accesses Google Scholar, and reads through various journals and
studies that may help him in his research.
A. Information Literacy
B. Media Literacy
C. Media and Information Literacy
D. Technology (Digital) Literacy
11. The Grade 12-Patience class of Ms Apolonio have registered themselves to an online portal called Edmodo, in order to connect themselves
periodically, share assignments and even collaboratively work on a project, without meeting face to face.
A. Information Literacy
B. Media Literacy
C. Media and Information Literacy
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D. A and C only
26. You reported a topic in science which included research finding of another teacher coming from the same school. Is this under fair use
A. Yes, because this is for academic purposes
B. No, because permission must be sought first
C. Yes, because the teacher is from same school
D. No, because the reporter did not cite the source
27. Is it OK to login in social media without using your real name?
A. Yes, because no one would know it is me
B. No, because that will become a poser-account
C. Yes, as long as I do not have other account and not using other people details
D. No, as long as I am not using my real name this is unethical
28. You saw from a series of posts that a schoolmate is being targeted of what seems to be cyberbullying posts made by a classmate. As a Media
and Information Literate individual, what should you do?
A. Call the attention of your classmate to remove derogatory post at once
B. Click the “Like” button on the post of your classmate berating your schoolmate
C. Click the “Dislike” button on the post of your classmate berating your schoolmate
D. Tell your schoolmate to retaliate by hacking into the account of your classmate
29. Fair use allows use of a work without permission from the owner for ______.
A. Non-monetary gain
B. Personal, education or similar purpose
C. Use with proper citation
D. All of the above
30. The government already developed related laws defining copyright infringement and other related activities as crimes yet these crimes still
subsist. What do you think is the reason?
A. The law did not define substantial illegal activities
B. There is a deeper social related problem underlying the copyright infringement issues
C. The law did not provide punishments
D. The law must provide corporal punishments such as death sentence
31. Philippines was considered the Texting Capital of the World and now is considered the Social Media Capital of the World. What does this
mean to Filipino people?
A. Doing business through social media is a viable choice
B. There will be no more “long distance relationships”
C. There are more people using social media than the population of the country
D. Cybercrimes become apparent
32. In Philippine History, which of these events are testament to the power of media and technology?
A. Text Brigade that resulted to EDSA 2
B. La Liga Filipina
C. YouTube song covers by indie artists
D. ZTE Broadband Deal
33. How does Citizen Journalism affect the society?
A. It provides venue for ordinary citizen to become newscasters
B. It provides participatory environment
C. People’s opinions can either be presented or censored
D. It empowers people to do citizen’s arrest
34. Which of these shows convergence of devices indicating “Internet of Things”?
A. Smart Phones connected to a Bluetooth speaker
B. Fax Machine
C. Drone enabled CCTV
D. Advanced Anti-Burglar Systems with multichannel alert and response systems
35. Why do you think human has not been completely cloned as of date?
A. Statement is wrong because technology may exist already because of the large portfolio of technological development currently existing
B. Technology advancements have not reached to human segments yet
C. It is unethical and ungodly to create such technology
D. Human is very intricate and complicated creature ever made
36. Which of these may be possible in the very near future?
A. Time travel
B. Human Teleportation
C. Responsive Holographic Interfaces
D. Contactless Mind Reading
37. Which of these is equivalent to the statement: “All media messages are constructed”?
A. Every information is created by human through processing raw data
B. We can understand every media message regardless of who sent it
C. Everything is subject to academic discussion
D. Construction of messages is done by a few selected people
38. Your friend who is in a hurry left his credit card and ask you to purchase something at Shopee. You saw that the item has a Cash-on-Delivery
(COD) scheme. What should you do?
A. Proceed with the order and payment as he requested through the card he gave to you
B. Proceed with the order but use COD because you cannot use his credit card details despite his explicit consent
C. Do not proceed with the order and wait until he comes back
D. Do not proceed with the order but take note of his credit card details
39. You as a source of information is what kind of media?
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A. Traditional Media
B. Indigenous Media
C. New Media
D. a and b
40. Media convergence is the co-existence of traditional and new media allowing flow of information. Which of the following is an example of a
media convergence of 2 media producing a new media?
A. Picture + mimeograph = YouTube
B. Book + Novel = RSS
C. Radio + Internet = PodCast
D. Maps + Wiki = Wattpad
41. In motion media, which of the following is not part of the formal production of animations.
A. animators sketch major scenes; inbetweeners fill in the gaps
B. background music and background details are added
C. drawings are rendered
D. actors are filmed on on-site location
42. In creating a podcast, which of the following is not part of the general procedure in creating it.
A. Filming or recording the video
B. Planning or choosing a topic
C. Pre-recording or choosing your equipment and software for recording
D. Creating your Podcast or audio recording and converting to MP3
43. Segue is a type of transitions which is also one of the principles of audio or sound. Which of the following is the characteristic of Segue?
A. one element stops, the next begins.
B. one element fades out, the next fades in, and they overlap on the way.
C. First element fades to inaudible before the second element begins.
D. V-Fade with some silence between elements.
44. One of the principles of sound design where it refers to the aspect of sound recording and reproduction concerning the perceived spatial
locations of the sound source(s), both literally (e.g. separation of left and right sound elements) and in depth (e.g. bass sound supplement).
A. Mixing
B. Stereo Imaging
C. Transition
D. Pace
45. In Manipulatives/Interactive media, which of the following is not a characteristic of online shopping.
A. get product recommendations
B. track delivery
C. play with others
D. compare features of similar items
46. A platform of interactive media which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting.
A. Role-playing games (RPG)
B. Video games (multi-player)
C. Virtual reality and immersive environments
D. Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG)
47. A computer-generated simulation of a three dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way
by a person using special electronic equipment.
A. Role-playing games (RPG)
B. Video games (multi-player)
C. Virtual reality and immersive environments
D. Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG)
48. An image or portion of an image that changes in appearance when the mouse cursor moves over it.
A. Slideshow
B. Flip cards
C. Hotspot
D. Rollover