10.1007@978 3 030 25506 0
10.1007@978 3 030 25506 0
10.1007@978 3 030 25506 0
in White
Through Fungi
Volume 3: Perspective for Sustainable
Fungal Biology
Series Editors
Vijai Kumar Gupta
Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
Tallinn University of Technology
Akadeemia tee, Tallinn, Estonia
Maria G. Tuohy
School of Natural Sciences
National University of Ireland Galway
Galway, Ireland
About the Series
Fungal biology has an integral role to play in the development of the biotechnology
and biomedical sectors. It has become a subject of increasing importance as new
fungi and their associated biomolecules are identified. The interaction between
fungi and their environment is central to many natural processes that occur in the
biosphere. The hosts and habitats of these eukaryotic microorganisms are very
diverse; fungi are present in every ecosystem on Earth. The fungal kingdom is
equally diverse, consisting of seven different known phyla. Yet detailed knowledge
is limited to relatively few species. The relationship between fungi and humans has
been characterized by the juxtaposed viewpoints of fungi as infectious agents of
much dread and their exploitation as highly versatile systems for a range of
economically important biotechnological applications. Understanding the biology
of different fungi in diverse ecosystems as well as their interactions with living and
non-living is essential to underpin effective and innovative technological
developments. This series will provide a detailed compendium of methods and
information used to investigate different aspects of mycology, including fungal
biology and biochemistry, genetics, phylogenetics, genomics, proteomics, molecular
enzymology, and biotechnological applications in a manner that reflects the many
recent developments of relevance to researchers and scientists investigating the
Kingdom Fungi. Rapid screening techniques based on screening specific regions in
the DNA of fungi have been used in species comparison and identification, and are
now being extended across fungal phyla. The majorities of fungi are multicellular
eukaryotic systems and therefore may be excellent model systems by which to
answer fundamental biological questions. A greater understanding of the cell
biology of these versatile eukaryotes will underpin efforts to engineer certain fungal
species to provide novel cell factories for production of proteins for pharmaceutical
applications. Renewed interest in all aspects of the biology and biotechnology of
fungi may also enable the development of “one pot” microbial cell factories to meet
consumer energy needs in the 21st century. To realize this potential and to truly
understand the diversity and biology of these eukaryotes, continued development of
scientific tools and techniques is essential. As a professional reference, this series
will be very helpful to all people who work with fungi and should be useful both to
academic institutions and research teams, as well as to teachers, and graduate and
postgraduate students with its information on the continuous developments in
fungal biology with the publication of each volume.
Recent Advancement
in White Biotechnology
Through Fungi
Volume 3: Perspective for Sustainable
Ajar Nath Yadav Sangram Singh
Department of Biotechnology Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University
Akal College of Agriculture Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Eternal University, Baru Sahib
Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh, India Arti Gupta
Department of Zoology
Shashank Mishra Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University
Biotech Park Gonda, Uttar Pradesh, India
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
vi Foreword
Biotech Park, Lucknow, UP, India Prof. Pramod Tandon
xii Preface
for their generous assistance, constant support, and patience in initializing the vol-
ume. Dr. Ajar Nath Yadav gives special thanks to his exquisite wife Ms. Neelam
Yadav for her constant support and motivation in putting everything together. Dr.
Yadav also gives special thanks to his esteemed friends, well-wishers, colleagues,
and senior faculty members of Eternal University, Baru Sahib, India.
xiv Contents
Index������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 499
xviii Contributors
xxiv About the Editors
1.1 Introduction
N. Singh (*)
Department of Microbiology, Akal College of Basic Sciences, Eternal University,
Baru Sahib, Himachal Pradesh, India
J. Singh
Department of Biotechnology, School of Bioengineering and Biosciences,
Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Phagwara, Punjab, India
The aromatic nature of lignin is a major obstacle for biodegradation and mineraliza-
tion of lignocellulose (Lewis and Yamamoto 1990; Janusz et al. 2017; Bissaro et al.
2018; Brink et al. 2019). Lignin and its phenolic derivatives are known to inhibit
lignocellulolytic enzymes by adsorption or deactivation. In the biological world,
fungi are considered to be the most prolific producers of lignocellulolytic enzymes
(Blanchette 1991; Conesa et al. 2001; Bouws et al. 2008; Eastwood et al. 2011;
Girard et al. 2013; Edwards et al. 2017; Kameshwar et al. 2019; Yadav et al. 2019a, b).
These eukaryotic organisms play indispensable role in plant matter decomposition,
carbon cycle, and overall nutrients recycling. Most fungi are aerobic and facultative
anaerobic with the exception of strict anaerobic species present in the rumen of
herbivorous animals (Sirohi et al. 2012; Edwards et al. 2017; Hooker et al. 2019).
Filamentous fungi, in particular, secrete abundant enzymes to break down plant
matter and complex materials in the environment which is in turn absorbed through
hypha walls and utilized further for their growth and maintenance (Bouws et al.
2008; Eastwood et al. 2011; Girard et al. 2013; Edwards et al. 2017). Their involve-
ment in plant matter decomposition, association with plant roots as mycorrhiza,
association with photobionts in lichens, and presence in rumen and intestine of
wood-decaying insects are well established, widely reported, and extensively
reviewed earlier by several investigators.
Fungi and bacteria are indispensably involved in degradation of recalcitrant plant
biomass, thus contributing massively to carbon cycle in various ecosystems (Cragg
et al. 2015; Janusz et al. 2017). Surprisingly, animals such as ruminants, termites,
millipedes, and terrestrial isopods are dependent on their respective microbiomes
for lignocellulose degradation as none of them encode the entire enzymatic reper-
toire required for lignocellulose degradation (Sirohi et al. 2012; Edwards et al.
2017; Kameshwar et al. 2019). In this chapter, we will emphasize the roles and
secretomes of wood-degrading fungi and anaerobic rumen fungi associated with
1 Secretomics of Wood-Degrading Fungi and Anaerobic Rumen Fungi Associated… 3
plant biomass degradation. Fungi are among the most diversified and widely studied
Natural Biomass Utilization Systems (NBUS; Eastwood et al. 2011; Girard et al.
2013). Several fungi are equipped with enzymes which empower them to harvest
energy and nutrition from plant biomass, which otherwise indigestible for other liv-
ing organisms (Girard et al. 2013; Edwards et al. 2017; Janusz et al. 2017). Several
fungal species from class Agaricomycetes (Basidiomycota) are closely associated
with wood decay in different ecological niches (Krah et al. 2018). The saprotrophic
members of this class cause decay of dead woods as either white rot or brown rot.
The white rot fungi (WRF) and brown rot fungi (BRF) are the prominent colonizers
which degrade lignocellulose cell wall components of compact wood logs, branches,
and stumps (Martinez et al. 2004, 2009; Girard et al. 2013; Edwards et al. 2017;
Janusz et al. 2017; SistaKameshwar and Qin 2018; Reina et al. 2019) (Fig. 1.1). In
addition to white and brown rot, other wood-decaying manifestations, viz., soft rot
and gray rot, are also exhibited by some members of Basidiomycota and Ascomycota
(Riley et al. 2014).
Anaerobic rumen fungi (ARF) account for 8–20% of total microbial biomass of
rumen and alimentary tract of herbivorous mammals (Sirohi et al. 2012; Edwards
et al. 2017; Kameshwar et al. 2019; Hooker et al. 2019). First described in 1975 by
Colin Orpin (Youssef et al. 2013), these obligate anaerobic, filamentous, and motile
zoospore-forming fungi are assigned to phylum Neocallimastigomycota. Despite
their low numbers (106 per ml of rumen fluid), ARF are key players in lignocellulose
degradation in the rumen as these physically penetrate and disrupt the plant cell walls
and thus facilitate rapid growth of fibrolytic bacteria leading to optimal degradation
and utilization of lignocellulosic biomass (Sirohi et al. 2012; Youssef et al. 2013;
Fig. 1.1 Association of fungi with degradation and depolymerization of woods, fodder, and crop
4 N. Singh and J. Singh
Solomon et al. 2016; Haitjema et al. 2017; Edwards et al. 2017; Hooker et al. 2019).
At present, only 11 genera have been cultured from rumen ecosystem of various
herbivorous animals. These genera are Neocallimastix, Anaeromyces, Caecomyces,
Cyllamyces, Orpinomyces, Piromyces, Buwchfawromyces, Feramyces, Oontomyces,
Pecoramyces, and Liebetanzomyces (Sirohi et al. 2012; Edwards et al. 2017; Hooker
et al. 2019; Li et al. 2019). In the next section, we have discussed the metabolic
capabilities of wood-degrading fungi and ARF involved in plant biomass degradation
and mineralization.
Secretome, a term coined by Tjalsma et al. (2000), represents all the proteins and
cellular machineries which are secreted outside the plasma membrane into the
environment or extracellular matrix by a cell (McCotter et al. 2016). Plants, bacte-
ria, and fungi exhibit their unique and substrate-specific secretome under different
environmental conditions. Fungal secretome, therefore, essentially comprises
extracellular enzymes which are released exterior to the cell wall, usually in the
presence of lignocellulosic plant matter (Bouws et al. 2008; Eastwood et al. 2011;
Girard et al. 2013; Kameshwar et al. 2019). In the past decade, advances in protein
identification techniques and genome sequencing have enabled detailed investiga-
tion of the secretomes of many saprophytic, pathogenic, and symbiotic fungal
species revealing rich, diverse, and highly specific enzymatic profiles. The decon-
struction and mineralization of recalcitrant and indigestible plant biomass require
the synergistic and cooperative action of several hydrolytic, oxidative, and non-
hydrolytic enzymes (Blanchette 1991; Girard et al. 2013; Cragg et al. 2015;
Edwards et al. 2017; Janusz et al. 2017; Bissaro et al. 2018). An extensive knowl-
edge of fungal secretomes involved in recalcitrant plant biomass degradation is of
immense significance in the present scenario where increasing emphasis is devoted
toward sustainable bioeconomy. In the coming sections, we describe different
carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) involved in lignocellulose degradation
(Table 1.1 and Fig. 1.2). According to CAZy database, there are six types of
CAZymes, i.e., glycoside hydrolase (GH), carbohydrate esterase (CE), glycosyl-
transferase (GT), polysaccharide lyases (PL), auxiliary activity (AA), and carbohy-
drate-binding domains (Lombard et al. 2014). It is estimated that the proportion of
secreted proteins in fungal species ranges from 4 to 14% (Lowe and Howlett 2012).
Degradation of recalcitrant plant biomass, viz., dead wood, wheat straw, fodder,
etc., is accomplished by highly coordinated and synergistic actions of multiple
CAZymes exhibiting a combination of oxidative, hydrolytic, and non-hydrolytic
activities (Bugg et al. 2011; Lombard et al. 2014; Janusz et al. 2017; SistaKameshwar
and Qin 2018; Bissaro et al. 2018). The most difficult part of plant cell wall is
lignin and it needs to be degraded before enzyme can access cellulose and
1 Secretomics of Wood-Degrading Fungi and Anaerobic Rumen Fungi Associated… 5
Table 1.1 The enzymatic repertoire of wood-degrading fungi and anaerobic rumen fungi
associated with degradation of recalcitrant lignocellulosic plant biomass
Plant cell wall
component Enzymes involved CAZy families
Cellulose Endo-1,4-β-D-glucanase (EC GH1, GH3, GH5_5, GH5_7,
Exo-1,4-β-D-glucanase (EC GH5_9, GH5_12, GH5_45,
Cellobiohydrolase (EC GH5_48 GH5_74, GH5_131,
β-Glucosidase (EC GH5_148, GH6, GH7, AA3_2,
Cellobiose dehydrogenase AA3_4, AA7, AA8-AA3_1-
Glucose 1-oxidase (CBM1), AA8-AA12-CBM1,
Pyranose 2-oxidase AA9, AA10, AA11, AA13, AA14,
Gluco-oligosaccharide oxidases AA15
PQQ-dependent pyranose dehydrogenase
Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases
Hemicellulose Endo-β-1,4-xylanases (EC GH2, GH5_7, GH5_26, GH27,
β-D-xylosidase (EC GH36, GH35, GH3, GH39, GH43,
1,4-β-D-endo-mannanases (EC GH52, GH10, GH11, GH62,
1,4-β-D-mannosidases (EC GH51, GH54, GH67, GH115,
β-1,4-Galactosidase GH12, GH16, GH74, GH31,
Galactomannan acetyl esterase AA5_2, AA14, CE1, CE1–CE7,
Arabinoxylan arabinofuranohydrolase CE12, CE16, GE/GCE, CE15
Feruloyl esterases
Acetyl esterases
4-O-Methyl glucuronoyl methylesterases
Xyloglucan transferase/hydrolases
Galactose 6-oxidase
Lytic xylan oxidase
Lignin Laccases (EC AA1, AA2, AA3, AA5, AA6
Lignin peroxidases (EC
Manganese peroxidases (EC
Versatile peroxidases (EC
Dye-decolorizing peroxidase (EC
Glyoxal oxidase (EC
Aryl alcohol oxidases (EC
Pyranose 2-oxidase (EC
Cellobiose dehydrogenase (EC
Glucose oxidase (EC
Chloroperoxidases (EC
Glucose dehydrogenase (EC
Aromatic peroxygenases (EC
CAZy carbohydrate-active enzymes, CBM cellulose-binding domains, GHs glycoside hydrolases,
CE carbohydrate esterases, AA auxiliary activities, LPMOs lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases
Sources: Lewis and Yamamoto (1990), Eastwood et al. (2011), Bugg et al. (2011), Lombard et al.
(2014), Hori et al. (2014), Janusz et al. (2017), dos Santos et al. (2018), Bissaro et al. (2018), Brink
et al. (2019), Ralph et al. (2019)
6 N. Singh and J. Singh
Fig. 1.2 The carbohydrate-active enzymes involved in degradation and depolymerization of recal-
citrant plant biomass consisting primarily of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose. White rot fungi,
brown rot fungi, and anaerobic rumen fungi secrete an array either all or some of essentially
involved lignocellulolytic enzymes on variable substrates under in situ and in vitro conditions.
Lignocellulose degradation is achieved by concerted and simultaneous action of several hydrolytic
enzymes, oxidoreductases, peroxidases, free radicals, and other reaction mediators
The number of species of potent wood-degrading fungi is more than 1000; however,
the actual numbers are expected to be much higher. These fungi mainly exhibit
saprotrophic mode of nutrition but sometimes may be showing parasitic attributes
in forest ecosystems (Janusz et al. 2017). Ongoing research based on transcriptome
and secretome has offered considerable insights on enzymatic machinery, and
lignocellulose-degrading capabilities of several fungal species adapted to sapro-
phytic, plant pathogenic, symbiotic, anaerobic, and endosymbiotic life styles
(SistaKameshwar and Qin 2018). Secretomic studies offer deeper insights into
8 N. Singh and J. Singh
Table 1.2 List of some important fungal genome sequences, secretomes, transcriptome databases,
and software packages
Database/authority/Genome Description Weblink
CAZy database Carbohydrate-active http://www.cazy.org/
enzymes database
MycoCosm 1000 Fungal Genomes https://genome.jgi.doe.gov/mycocosm/
Project home
Ohm et al. (2014)
Genome sequence of First-ever genome https://genome.jgi.doe.gov/mycocosm/
Phanerochaete sequence of wood- home, http://genome.jgi-psf.org/
chrysosporium, a white rot decaying fungi Pchrysosporium2_2,
fungus Martinez et al. (2004)
Genome sequence of Postia First genome sequence Martinez et al. (2009)
placenta, a brown rot of brown rot fungi
Genome sequence of Genome sequence of Youssef et al. (2013)
Orpinomyces C1A anaerobic rumen fungus
FunSecKB Fungal Secretome http://bioinformatics.ysu.edu/
Knowledge Base secretomes/fungi.php
FunSecKB2 The Fungal Secretome http://bioinformatics.ysu.edu/
and Subcellular secretomes/fungi2/index.php
Proteome Knowledge
Base 2.1
SRA NCBI Sequence Read https://submit.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/subs/sra
FungiDB – http://fungidb.org/fungidb/
eLignin eLignin Microbial www.elignindatabase.com
Database Brink et al. (2019)
FSD The Fungal Secretome http://fsd.snu.ac.kr/index.php?a=view
Software packages used in transcriptome and secretome data analysis and prediction
1. SignalP v4.1
2. SecretomeP v1.027
3. TargetP v1.1
4. TMHMM v2.0
5. ProtComp v9.0
WRF have the unique distinction of being the only microorganism in the biological
world to completely degrade lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose simultaneously
(Manavalan et al. 2015; Xie et al. 2016). WRF are members of Basidiomycota, the
largest phylum of kingdom Fungi (Blanchette 1991; Martinez et al. 2004; Krah
et al. 2018). During lignin degradation by WRF, the crystalline cellulose with a
bleached appearance is left behind which appears as white rot. This is why these are
called white rot fungi. WRF initiate lignin depolymerization by producing large
amount of free radicals mediated by oxidases and peroxidases (Martinez et al.
2004). With the help of a consortium of enzymes, WRF carry out mineralization of
lignocellulose plant matter to carbon dioxide and thereby ensure continuity of car-
bon cycle in the habitats characterized by forest litter, fallen trees, wooden stumps,
wood logs, etc. In return, WRF fulfil their energy and nutrition requirements from
the same substrate (Blanchette 1991; Martinez et al. 2004; Baldrian and Valaskova
2008; Eastwood et al. 2011; Krah et al. 2018; Bissaro et al. 2018).
WRF from phylum Basidiomycota are reported to efficiently degrade lignin,
cellulose, and hemicellulose present in the plant cell wall manifested through co-
secretory and synergistic action of hydrolytic, oxidative, and non-hydrolytic
enzymes, thus leaving a bleached fibrous residue (Krah et al. (2018). WRF can
uniquely attack lignin barrier first before gaining access to cellulose and hemi-
celluloses of plant cell wall. WRF also produce extracellular reactive oxygen
10 N. Singh and J. Singh
BRF are basidiomycetous fungi which occur as common pests of plants in conifer-
dominated woodlands (Presley and Schilling 2017). BRF decompose wood via
glycoside hydrolase-mediated saccharification and free radical oxidation (Baldrian
and Valaskova 2008). However, compared to WRF, BRF preferentially degrade cel-
lulose and hemicellulose whereas lignin is not depolymerized significantly thus
leaving behind a brownish residue with fragmented appearance (Krah et al. 2018).
Genomic analysis revealed evolution of BRF from WRF by gradual loss of genes
which encode for ligninolytic peroxidases (Januszet al. 2017). Absence of class II
peroxidases and cellobiohydrolases was reported in Wolfiporia cocos (Gaskell et al.
(2016). The important species of BRF are Gloeophyllum trabeum, Postia placenta,
Piptoporus betulinus, Serpula lacrimans, Fomitopsis lilacinogilva, Laetiporus por-
tentosus, Wolfiporia cocos, Fibroporia radiculosa, Dacryopinax primogenitus,
Daedalea quercina, Laetiporus sulphurous, Neolentinus lepideus, Calocera cornea,
Fistulina hepatica, Hydnomerulius pinastri, and Coniophora puteana (Krah et al.
2018; SistaKameshwar and Qin 2018).
Most of BRF are aerobic in nature and contribute a little inside digestive tracts of
herbivorous mammals. WRF vary significantly in terms of substrate specificity and
mechanisms of action. The genomic, phenotypic, and phylogenetic basis of these
variations is yet to be fully understood. Presley and Schilling (2017) studied in vitro
degradation of spruce wafers by two BRF, namely, Serpula lacrymans and
Gloeophyllum trabeum, using a proteomic approach. Upon initial colonization, oxi-
doreductase diversity was observed first followed by higher glycoside hydrolase
activity at later stages. Their findings suggest significant variations in their oxidore-
ductase profiles as indicated by presence of putative copper radical oxidase in S.
lacrymans but absence in G. trabeum. On the other hand, GMC oxidoreductase and
a xyloglucan-specific AA9 family protein were produced by G. trabeum but not by
S. lacrymans. S. lacrymans exhibited higher mannanase activity compared to G.
trabeum which showed elevated xylanase production. Interestingly, GH6 and cel-
lobiohydrolases (CBHs) were not detected in case of S. lacrymans. As compared to
93 proteins identified in S. lacrymans, the protein counts were 209 in G. trabeum.
Overall analysis of their secretomes indicates a two-step brown rot decay mecha-
nism manifested through entirely different biochemical routes. In another BRF spe-
cies Postia placenta from phylum Basidiomycota, 242 putative CAZY-encoding
genes were reported (Martinez et al. 2009). Among these, the number of GHs, CEs,
glycosyltransferases, and polysaccharide lyases were 144, 10, 75, and 6, respec-
tively. In addition, expansin-like proteins, laminarinases, chitinases, endoxylanases,
β-xylosidases, and L-α-arabinofuranosidases were identified. However, the
enzymes/proteins involved in lignin degradation, viz., lignin peroxidase, manga-
nese peroxidase, exocellobiohydrolases, versatile peroxidase, cellulose-binding
domains, and cellulose-binding endoglucanases, were entirely absent. This unique
secretome profile substantiated the non-action of P. placenta against lignin compo-
nents of plant biomass. Gaskell et al. (2016) determined 64 glycoside hydrolases
12 N. Singh and J. Singh
revealed that ARF have the highest number of CAZyme-encoding genes compared
to other fungi. Moreover, the presence of genes for cellulosomes and carbohydrate
transport and metabolism strongly supported their remarkable polysaccharide-
degrading abilities. Surprisingly, the genes encoding for lignin-degrading auxiliary
activity enzymes, such as lignin peroxidase, laccase, manganese peroxidase, versa-
tile peroxidase, aryl alcohol oxidase, glyoxal oxidases, and glucose oxidases, were
completely lacking in their genomes. Among these five ARF species, Neocallimastix
californiae was found to possess the highest number of genes coding for CAZymes
involved in cellulolytic, hemicellulolytic, and pectinolytic activities (Kameshwar
and Qin 2018). A comparative analysis of transcriptome of four ARF, i.e.,
Anaeromyces mucronatus YE505, Neocallimastix frontalis 27, Orpinomyces joyonii
SG4, and Piromyces rhizinflata YM600 revealed that 8.1–11.2% of the entire tran-
scriptome were predicted CAZymes with highest in O. joyonii. About 40–44% of
the CAZymes-encoding contigs had one or more carbohydrate-binding modules
(Gruninger et al. 2018).
1.6 Conclusion
Acknowledgments NS is grateful to The Chancellor, Eternal University, for their financial support
and infrastructural facilities. The authors are thankful to Dr. Sumit Singh Dagar for his valuable
and expert suggestions.
14 N. Singh and J. Singh
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16 N. Singh and J. Singh
2.1 Introduction
The planet ‘Earth’ is endowed with rich wealth of natural resources such as forests,
wildlife, land, soil, air, water, wind, plants and animals. One of the major problems
in present scenario faced by the earth is the contamination of soil, water, and air
with toxic chemicals released from numerous human activities. The battle between
human and natural resources started when humans began living a stable life rather
than a nomadic life. The use, overuse, and now the misuse of natural resources since
the beginning of the civilization have led to its depletion to an extent that today half
of our natural wealth are either depleted or at the edge of depletion (Gosavi et al.
2004). In early times, it was believed that our land and its resources are in abun-
dance and will remain available for decades. However, today, existing state of our
resources shows carelessness and negligence in using them. There are various
anthropogenic activities like use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, release of
industrial waste, burning of fossil fuels, etc. which point toward the exploitation of
natural resources.
Rapid industrialization and the extensive use of pesticides and chemicals in agri-
culture and various fields have been proved to be the major cause of environmental
pollution. The continuous use of organic compounds has become a serious threat to
our eco system. Various industrial and anthropogenic activities have resulted in
increased polluted sites due to ignorance regarding production and proper use and
disposal of hazardous substances. There are various conventional techniques devel-
oped to decontaminate the contaminated sites. Conventional technique mainly
N. Vishnoi
Department of Environmental Sciences, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University,
Lucknow, India
S. Dixit (*)
Department of Botany, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India
removes the contaminated soil to a landfill or covers the contaminated sites but this
may create major risks in the excavation, handling, and transport of hazardous
material. At the same time, these methods are quite expensive and difficult to find
an alternative landfill sites for the final disposal of material. Other techniques like
usage of chemicals for decomposition, UV oxidation and dechlorination, and incin-
eration techniques have been employed and found to be effective in reducing the
level of contaminants chlorinated solvents, petroleum, ketones, polyaromatic hydro-
carbons (PAHs), trinitrotoluene (TNT), inorganic nitrogen, explosives, pesticides,
herbicides and heavy metals, but at the same time, they show several demerits such
as technical complexity, lack of public acceptance, and increased contaminants
exposure to site workers and nearby residents (Vidali 2001). Various physicochemi-
cal treatments such as coagulation with alum or lime followed by adsorption on
powdered activated carbon (PAC) are reported to yield high removal efficiency for
phenolics. But, on the other hand, these processes generate large volume of hazard-
ous sludge also and do not lead to the complete degradation of the contaminants
(Mehta and Chavan 2009). To overcome these problems, an alternative method
known as bioremediation has been used to completely remove or transform the
contaminants into some biodegradable forms. In this technique, natural biological
activity has been used to clean environment and its resources by degrading various
contaminants. It is proved to be a safer, cleaner, economical, and eco-friendly tech-
nology which received a high public acceptance and can often be carried out at any
site. According to Van Dillewijn et al. (2007), “bioremediation” is defined as the
process by which various biological agents primarily microorganisms used to
degrade or detoxify environmental contaminants. Bioremediation agents were
defined as microbiological cultures, enzyme, and nutrient additives that signifi-
cantly accelerate the rate of biodegradation to mitigate the effect of various con-
taminants. Bioremediation has been proved to be more advantageous than
conventional methods due to high efficiency, cost-effectiveness, minimal release of
chemical and biological sludge, selectivity to specific metals, regeneration of bio-
sorbent, and the possibility of metal recovery (Kratochvil and Volesky 1998).
A huge number of microbial enzymes and plant enzymes have been notified to
be implicated in the biodegradation of harmful organic contaminants. Several stud-
ies have proved that enzymes from white-rot fungi are effectual degraders of so
many organic pollutants like dyes, PAHs, phenols, polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs), and TNT (Yadav et al. 2019a, b). Numerous enzymes such as cellulase,
lipase, and protease prove to have the capability to lessen solid contents and number
of pathogens and enhance deflocculation in the sludge. Enzymes like hydrolases
and oxidoreductases are used widely in bioremediation. Extracellular enzymes are
those which are either secreted by the microorganisms (e.g., lignin peroxidase (LiP)
from white-rot fungi) or which go through the aqueous stage during an aerobic sub-
merged fermentation procedure (Bhargava et al. 2003). The extracellular enzymes
have been used in several industries for various applications, but currently they are
used widely for enhancing bioremediation practices. Each and every enzyme gener-
ally has only one particular function, for example, to lessen the activation energy for
the degradation of an intramolecular bond, but few enzymes can act on wide variety
2 Bioremediation: New Prospects for Environmental Cleaning by Fungal Enzymes 19
of varying substrates (Fullbrook 1996; Gianfreda and Rao 2004). These second
types of enzymes are mainly suitable for bioremediation purposes. These enzymes
are capable to react with xenobiotic and synthetic materials and so convert them
from a recalcitrant state to biodegradable form (Bollag 1992; Gianfreda and Rao
2004). Extracellular enzymes allow more competent treatment practices for biode-
gradable matter because they are capable of accelerating the rate of degradation of
these substances. The application of enzymes is gaining much attention because
enzymes can carry out the equivalent or even better function as compared to harsher
chemicals and they also do not produce any type of hazardous waste. While enzymes
are possibly little expensive because of the associated cost of extraction and purifi-
cation process, they can on the other hand tend to be very cost-effective as they
reduce waste disposal and heating requirements (Godfrey and Reichelt 1996;
Gianfreda and Rao 2004).
Fungus acts as an important agent in bioremediation because of their vigorous
morphology and varied metabolic ability. Bioremediation process by using fungi as
a tool for harmful organic remediation is an eco-friendly and sustainable way for
clean-up of contaminated sites. Profound investigation toward this area would
greatly assist in the development of advanced bioprocess technologies to decrease
the level of contamination as well as to find some novel valuable materials. This
chapter emphasizes on the importance of fungal enzymes for efficient bioremedia-
tion of a large variety of environmental pollutant. We will discuss in detail the mul-
tiple approach used by fungi for detoxification of various noxious and recalcitrant
compounds including prominent fungal enzymes such as oxidoreductase, laccases,
catalases, peroxidases, etc.
2.2 Bioremediation
(clean up of pollutants by living
(remediation of pollutants by
enzymes secreted by organisms)
as optimal conditions are necessary for the growth and vital activities of microor-
ganisms. Effective bioremediation often involves the alteration of environmental
conditions to permit growth of microbes and degradation to carry on at a faster rate.
Bioremediation techniques can be classified as in situ and ex situ on the basis of
removal and transportation of wastes (Fig. 2.2). In situ bioremediation technique
involves treatment of contaminated material at the same site, whereas ex situ
involves complete removal of contaminated material from one site to another site
where it has been treated using biological agents. When both the methods have been
compared, it was found that the rate of biodegradation and consistency of process
outcome differ between in situ and ex situ methods. The cost of ex situ bioremedia-
tion is relatively high as compared to in situ due to the cost of excavation of con-
taminated samples for treatment. Both the bioremediation methods depend
essentially on microbial metabolism, but in situ methods are favored over ex situ for
ecological restoration of contaminated site (Vidali 2001).
Microbes are ubiquitous on the biosphere due to their remarkable metabolic
activity and ability to grow in a diversified environmental condition (Yadav et al.
2015a, b, 2017b). The nutritional versatility of microbes can also be exploited for
breakdown of contaminants. Microorganisms act as an effective tool for pollutant
decontamination in soil, water, and sediments as they are advantageous over other
remediation procedures. They restore the original condition of natural surroundings
and prevent further pollution (Demnerova et al. 2005). Several strains of microbes
2 Bioremediation: New Prospects for Environmental Cleaning by Fungal Enzymes 21
In situ
(on site bioremediation)
Ex situ
(off site bioremediation)
Bioremediation can occur naturally on its own (natural attenuation or intrinsic bio-
remediation) or can be spurred via addition of fertilizers for the enhancement of
bioavailability within the medium (biostimulation). There are different types of
techniques under bioremediation processes such as biostimulation, bioattenuation,
bioaugmentation, bioventing, bioleaching, bioreactor and piles (Li and Li 2011). Biostimulation
In this type of technique, specific nutrients at the polluted sites are injected to
stimulate the activity of indigenous microbes. It relies upon the stimulation of
indigenous or naturally existing microbial population by supplying fertilizers,
growth supplements and trace minerals and by providing other environmental
requirements like pH, temperature, and oxygen to accelerate their metabolism rate
and pathway (Kumar et al. 2011; Adams et al. 2015). The presence of minimal
amount of pollutant can also behave as stimulant by turning on the operons for
bioremediation enzymes. This type of strategic pathway is mostly continued with
the addition of nutrients and oxygen in order to help indigenous microorganisms.
These nutrients fulfil the nutritional demand of the microbes and are considered as
the basic building blocks of life. They permit microbial growth by providing the
basic requirement like energy, cell biomass, and enzymes to decontaminate the pol-
luted site. They also need some essential components like nitrogen, phosphorous and
carbon (Madhavi and Mohini 2012).
2 Bioremediation: New Prospects for Environmental Cleaning by Fungal Enzymes 23 Bioattenuation Bioaugmentation
with the indigenous species, predators and also with various abiotic factors. Due to
enhanced degradation properties, genetically engineered microbes have shown
potential for bioremediation of soil, groundwater and activated sludge contaminated
with a broad range of toxicants (Sayler and Ripp 2000; Thapa et al. 2012).
Researchers are continuously diverting their focal point toward the ways to augment
contaminated sites with various other non-native microbes especially genetically
modified microorganisms. The recombinant DNA and other molecular biological
techniques have shown certain advantages: (i) enabled amplification, disruption,
and modification of the targeted genes that encode the enzymes of metabolic path-
ways, (ii) minimized bottlenecks pathway, (iii) enhanced redox and energy genera-
tion, and (iv) played important role in recruiting heterologous genes to give new
characteristics (Liu et al. 2006). It can be said that the process of bioaugmentation
will open a new series of possibilities for future process of bioremediation.
Genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) are those whose genetic mate-
rial has been altered by using various techniques of genetic engineering inspired by
natural or artificial genetic exchange between microbes. This process is known as
recombinant DNA technology. Recombinant DNA techniques or natural genetic
material exchange between organisms resulted in the development of recombinant
living organisms. In the present scenario, scientists are successful in inserting the
suitable gene for the production of particular pollutant-degrading enzyme (Jain
et al. 2010). Recently, a number of opportunities come forward for the improvement
of degradation ability using genetic engineering strategies. The rate-limiting steps
in metabolic pathways can be increased and altered or new pathways incorporated
in microbial strains to enhance their degradation capacities for xenobiotics. Four
strategies are followed in genetic engineering microbes: (1) modification of enzyme
specificity and affinity, (2) pathway construction and regulation, (3) bioprocess
development, monitoring, and control, and (4) bioaffinity bioreporter sensor appli-
cations for chemical sensing, toxicity reduction, and end-point analysis. Vital genes
of bacteria are carried on a single chromosome but genes for enzymes which are
needed for the catabolism of some of the contaminants may be carried on plasmids.
Plasmids have been implicated in the catabolism. Therefore, GEMs can be used
efficiently for biodegradation process to optimize the eradication of hazardous
unwanted wastes, which symbolizes a research frontier with broad implications in
the coming future (Jain et al. 2011; Kulshreshtha 2013).
The major advantage of GEMs is that they accelerate the recovery of contami-
nated sites, increase substrate degradation, display a high catalytic or utilization
capacity with small amount of cell innoculum, and create eco-friendly environmen-
tal conditions by the mechanism of detoxification. The major drawbacks of using
genetic engineered microbes are that they are never used in traditional procedure
and the risk associated with the release of dead cellular mass. Biotic and abiotic
factors are directly correlated and also play significant role in the functioning of
microbes. Introduction of foreign modified strain to the system leads to deleterious
effects on the original structural composition, occurrence, and functional properties
of microbes.
2 Bioremediation: New Prospects for Environmental Cleaning by Fungal Enzymes 25 Bioventing Biopiles
In this technique, soil is excavated and then spread in the form of piles. Biopiles are
also known with other names such as biocells, bioheaps, biomounds, and compost
piles which are employed for reducing petroleum contaminants in excavated soils
during the course of biodegradation. In this technique, air is supplied to the biopile
system during a system of piping and pumps that either forces air into the pile under
positive pressure or draws air through the pile under negative pressure (Delille et al.
2008). The microbial activity is enhanced through microbial respiration which
results in the accelerated degradation of adsorbed petroleum contaminants (Emami
et al. 2012; Kumar et al. 2016).
have been examined to increase the bioremediation potential of fungi for removal of
hazardous and persistent organic contaminants.
The noteworthy role of enzymes obtained from marine fungi and its biotechno-
logical significance were demonstrated by Bonugli-Santos et al. (2015).
Bioremediation properties of enzymes of marine basidiomycetes obtained from
marine sponges and Cerrena unicolor (marine white-rot basidiomycete) were suc-
cessfully examined for decolorization of dyes Remazol Brilliant Blue-R and anthra-
quinone Reactive Blue 4, respectively (Bonugli-Santos et al. 2012). Divya et al.
(2013) documented distinctive feature of marine fungi Trichoderma viride Pers
NFCCI-2745, which was isolated from a phenolic-polluted estuary, for production
of salinity- and phenol-tolerant laccase enzyme. Biotransformation of persistent
organic contaminants like PCB 118 by marine fungi Penicillium sp. and Trichoderma
harzianum can be affected by biostimulation and bioaugmentation process (Verma
et al. 2012; Gao et al. 2013; Vacondio et al. 2015). Several other marine-originated
fungi like Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Mucor and slime mold also showed effec-
tive bioremediation properties in removal of crude oil; however, higher concentra-
tion of crude oil was observed to be toxic for fungi (Hickey 2013).
Microbes colonizing extreme environments are very crucial for various industrial
applications as they produce extremophilic enzymes which depict several unique
properties such as tolerance against temperature, pH and other extreme environ-
mental conditions (Yadav 2018, 2019; Yadav et al. 2016, 2017b; Neifar et al. 2015).
Fungi showed tolerance against high level of toxicants present in the effluent treat-
ment plant and utilized for numerous bioremediation applications. These properties
make them potent candidates for economical, eco-friendly bioconversions of raw
materials into non-toxic forms used in food industries, leather processing, textiles
manufacture, and animal feed preparation (Nigam 2013). Microbes have been
employed for the removal of heavy metal contaminants from environment.
Biosynthesis of nanoparticles provides a safer pathway for metal removal (Sinha
et al. 2014). A psychrophilic fungus named Cryptococcus sp. isolated from deep-
sea sediments showed tolerance and growth in presence of elevated levels of heavy
metals concentration up to 100 mg/L ZnSO4, CuSO4, Pb(CH3COO)2, and CdCl2
(Singh et al. 2013b).
Many hydrolytic enzymes were reported which showed activity under extremo-
philic conditions such as high salinity and crude oil concentration which is a result
of drilling waste from oil belts (Yadav et al. 2017a, 2018). Laccases were observed
to be responsible for bioremediation activity in Pestalotiopsis palmarum in the pres-
ence of wheat bran and production of lignin peroxidases occurred when heavy crude
oil was present in high concentration and it was utilized by fungi as the sole carbon
and energy source (Betancor et al. 2013; Naranjo-Briceno et al. 2013). On the other
hand, enzymes like chitinases synthesized by a psychrophilic fungus named
30 N. Vishnoi and S. Dixit
Fungi are known to build mutual and close association with plants in order to rise
above the barrier of limited growth under varied environmental conditions. A sym-
biotic relationship between plants and fungi is represented by arbuscular mycor-
rhizal fungi (AMF) (Yadav et al. 2019a). In this association, fungus accelerates the
degradation of pollutants by providing higher surface area for absorption through its
hyphae and spores and thereby converts the pollutants into mobile form and binds
to the root. Fester (2013) observed AMF colonization in the root sample of plants
which are utilized for phytoremediation of polluted groundwater in a constructed
wetland. Numerous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi such as Aspergillus nidulans,
Bjerkandera adusta, Trametes hirsuta, T. viride, Funalia trogii, Irpex lacteus, and P.
ostreatus could thrive in the toxic environment of dyes and were employed for
decolorization of textile industry effluents (Tegli et al. 2013). Arbuscular mycor-
rhizal fungus named Rhizophagus custos showed elevated level of tolerance against
anthracene, a polyaromatic hydrocarbon, and converts it to the less toxic anthraqui-
none by-product (Aranda et al. 2013). Quinoa plants showed enhanced uptake of
137 Cesium on loamy soil after being inoculated with a commercial AM product
which also represents mycorrhizal association due to root colonization (Vinichuk
et al. 2013).
Ectomycorrhizal fungi such as Suillus bovinus and Rhizopogon roseolus repre-
senting association with Pinus have been reported for the removal of calcium from
the surroundings. Environmental factors such as pH, type of nutrient and tempera-
ture also play a crucial role in the decontamination process (Sousa et al. 2014).
Other uses of such fungi have been targeted at overcoming technical barriers of
algal bio-fuels and photosynthetic biorefineries by cocultivation of microalgae and
fungi for the complete removal of single algal cells from fermentation medium. This
allowed their extraction and harvesting in a simple manner by simple filtration with
result of increased biomass, lipids, and bio-product yields (Xie et al. 2013). There
are several advantages of coculture studies for bioremediation, but their applications
are complex and require immense understanding about the interaction between
diversified metabolic pathways from different organisms.
2 Bioremediation: New Prospects for Environmental Cleaning by Fungal Enzymes 31
Enzymes are biological moieties which act as a catalyst and modify a reaction’s rate
by providing suitable conditions which reduce the activation energy of the reaction,
without being used with substrates of the reaction. Enzymes are formed naturally by
almost every known organism to help in the processes such as cell synthesis, diges-
tion, and metabolism (Madigan et al. 2003). An enzyme might comprise a protein
or a glycoprotein and a polypeptide moiety. The segments of an enzyme which are
directly involved with the catalytic process are known as active sites (Fig. 2.3).
An enzyme may have other groups associated with the active sites through either
covalent or noncovalent bonds which are crucial for catalytic activity. The protein
32 N. Vishnoi and S. Dixit
Table 2.1 An overview of the potential of common fungal enzymes for bioremediation
SN Enzyme Compound Fungi References
1. Lignin Pyrene Phanerochaete Hammel (1997)
Peroxidase chrysosporium
Aminodinitrotoluenes P. chrysosporium Cameron et al.
Bentazon (herbicide) P. chrysosporium Castillo et al.
Trichlorophenol Cotiolos versicolor, Leontievsky
Panus tigrinus et al. (2000)
Poly aromatic hydrocarbon Pleurotus pulmonarius Lau et al. (2003)
Delor 106 [Polychlorinated Trametes versicolor Novotny et al.
biphenyl (PCB)] (2004)
Phencyclidine (PCP) T. versicolor, Trametes Ford et al.
sp. (2007)
Remazol Brilliant Blue R Irpex lacteus Novotny et al.
PAH P. chrysosporium Wang et al.
2. Manganese Trinitrotoluene (TNT) Nematolloma frowardii Scheibner and
Peroxidase Stropharia Hofrichler
(MnP) rugosoannulata (1998)
Trichlorophenol C. versicolor, Leontievsky
P. tigrinus et al. (2000)
TNT P. chrysosporium Cameron et al.
PAH P. pulmonarius Lau et al. (2003)
Delor 106 (PCB) T. versicolor Novotny et al.
Remazol Brilliant Blue R I. lacteus Novotny et al.
PCP T. versicolor, Ford et al.
Trametes sp. (2007)
PAH Bjercandera adusta Valentin et al.
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, P. pulmonarius Chiu et al.
heavy metals, total petroleum (2009)
Bentazon P. chrysosporium Castillo et al.
PAH P. chrysosporium Wang et al.
Reactive black 5, Veratryl Ceriporiopsis Fernández-
alcohol subvermispora Fueyo et al.
2 Bioremediation: New Prospects for Environmental Cleaning by Fungal Enzymes 33
Complex of
enzyme &
Active sites
Enzyme Oxidoreductases Laccases
diamines, and some inorganic ions (Mai et al. 2000; Ullah et al. 2000; Rodríguez
Couto and Toca Herrera 2006). In spite of oxidation of phenolic and methoxyphe-
nolic acids, laccase also performs the function of decarboxylation and demethyl-
ation. These enzymes participate in the depolymerization of many aromatic
compounds. This enables them to be potent candidates to function as a biocatalyst
in the production of numerous dyes and colorants, thereby reducing the cost and
energy expenditure in their synthesis with no residual material (Polak and Jarosz-
Wilkolazka 2012). These compounds are also utilized by microbes as a nutrient
source or repolymerized to humic materials by laccase (Kim et al. 2002). Laccases
signify an appealing group of ubiquitous, oxidoreductase enzymes among biologi-
cal agents contributing great prospective in biotechnological and bioremediation
applications (Gianfreda et al. 1999).
Their non-specific property for varying range of substrates ultimately makes
them ideal catalyst for numerous industrial applications. Enzymes have been
explored to be used extensively for their efficient bioremediation potential
(Vishwanath et al. 2014). Fillat et al. (2012) demonstrated deinking process in
printed paper on recycling by the enzyme laccases produced by the three fungi
belonging to group basidiomycetes (Trametes villosa, Coriolopsis rigida,
Pycnoporus coccineus) and other to the ascomycetes (Myceliopthora thermophila)
in the presence of synthetic mediators. Due to the synthetic origin of the textile
dyes, they remain unaltered in the environment on exposure to sunlight, water, and
other external factors and thus subsequently impart toxicity to the ecosystem.
Fungal marine laccases were used for the color removal, detoxification, and miner-
alization of Reactive Blue 4 dye in the studies of Verma et al. (2012) and Vishwanath
et al. (2014) for the first time. An endocrine disrupting chemical named Bisphenol
A is degraded by laccase isolated from Fusarium incarnatum as reported by Chhaya
and Gupte (2013). Laccases were found to be produced at low temperature in
Himalayan region by some extremophilic fungi like Penicillium pinophilum (Dhakar
et al. 2014). Less literature is available about the mechanism of laccase under
extreme conditions. However, only few laccases from fungus belonging to the group
ascomycetes like Melanocarpus albomyces and Thielavia arenaria were explored
with crystal nature. They differ from other fungus by having conserved ‘C-terminal
plug’ most likely used in proton transfer processes (Kallio et al. 2011). Changes in
pH can be directly correlated with the substrate specificity and enzyme affinity. An
inhibition in the production of laccase was observed by the presence of various
chemicals like halides, azides, cyanides, and hydroxide (Xu 1996). The synthesis of
laccase in fungi is sensitive to the concentration of nitrogen. High levels of nitrogen
are directly proportional to the production of recombinant. It can be produced by
either homologous or heterologous means (Gianfreda et al. 1999). Laccases show
remarkable potential in bioremediation, but their utilization is limited due to their
low shelf-life. Immobilization or tailoring of enzymes is considered as an appropri-
ate method in order to overcome this problem and enhancing their efficiency (Mate
et al. 2011; Torres-Salas et al. 2013; Patel et al. 2014).
38 N. Vishnoi and S. Dixit Catalase Peroxidases
Peroxidases catalyze the oxidation of lignin and other phenolic compounds at the
expense of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a mediator. These peroxidases
belong to proteins of heme and nonheme nature. The heme peroxidases are divided
into two broad groups. First group is found in animals, plants, fungi, and prokary-
otes while the second group peroxidases have been subdivided into three distinct
classes on the basis of sequence comparison. Class I represents enzymes of intracel-
lular nature including yeast cytochrome c peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase from
plant origin, and gene-duplicated catalase peroxidases from bacteria. Class II repre-
sents fungal-secreted heme peroxidases from P. chrysosporium like lignin
2 Bioremediation: New Prospects for Environmental Cleaning by Fungal Enzymes 39
They belong to the group of heme proteins secreted mainly by the members of
white-rot fungi during their secondary metabolism. These enzymes degrade lignin
and other phenolic compounds in the presence of cosubstrate H2O2 and veratryl
alcohol which acts as a mediator. During the course of reaction, H2O2 gains elec-
trons from lignin peroxidases and thus reduced to H2O. The oxidized form of lignin
peroxidases gained electron from veratryl alcohol and thereafter returns to its origi-
nal reduced state with the formation of veratryl aldehyde. It gets reduced back to
veratryl alcohol by gaining an electron from substrate. This ultimately results in the
oxidation of halogenated phenolic compounds, polycyclic aromatic compounds and
40 N. Vishnoi and S. Dixit
They are an heme group of enzymes produced extracellularly from the basidiomy-
cetes group of fungus responsible for the degradation of lignin which oxidizes Mn2+
to Mn3+ in a multistep manner. Mn2+ initiates the production of manganese peroxi-
dases and also acts as a substrate for it. Manganese peroxidases generate Mn3+
which plays an important role in the oxidation of varying phenolic compounds by
acting as a mediator (Ten Have and Teunissen 2001). Recently, Ceriporiopsis sub-
vermispora was used for the production of enzyme manganese peroxidases which
were modified through genetic manipulation to increase the stability even at acidic
pH 2. The acid-stable nature of Mn2+ and its high oxidizing activity were confirmed
by analyzing its crystal structure as a scaffold. An engineered enzyme of stable
nature was found for oxidizing Reactive Black 5 and veratryl alcohol (Fernández-
Fueyo et al. 2014).
(Whiteley et al. 2002). Enzymes are found to work effectively in diverse environ-
ments especially when they present in immobilized form. This property makes the
enzymes more opposed to hard environmental conditions and can be recycled and
recovered when they are not needed (Gianfreda and Rao 2004). Several workers
found that xenobiotics like phenol, PCBs, herbicides and dyes were degraded by the
laccase (Ullah et al. 2000; Dodor et al. 2004; Novotný et al. 1997; Mougin et al.
2000; Mayer and Staples 2002). Enzymatic degradation of several xenobiotic com-
pounds was found to be a feasible method, but at the same time, the rate of reaction
for each compound should be minimized for a system (Alvarez-Cohen and Speitel
Jr 2001). Enzymatic treatment of contaminated site is an eco-friendly process over
conventional methods. These procedures are relatively time-consuming in compari-
son to conventional methods without imparting deleterious effect on the environ-
ment. Enzymes are proteins with degradable nature, i.e., when they are not recovered,
they are degraded in the nature without leaving any harmful residues. So, enzymatic
processes are found to be an attractive alternative for the decontamination of
contaminated sites.
For bioremediation of various pollutants, fungi have now been proved to play a
noteworthy role. Variety of toxic pollutants, for instance, dyes, pesticides, pulp and
paper industry effluents, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), PAHs, petroleum
hydrocarbons, leather tanning effluents, etc., can be degraded by using different
fungal enzymes. Various fungi like Acrimonium, Aspergillus, and Curvularia were
reported for metal tolerance and metal removal ability (Akhtar et al. 2013). Few
basidiomycetes such as T. versicolor and white-rot fungi P. ostreatus have been
studied for degradation of PAHs in solid-state fermentation during growth phase on
agro-industrial wastes (Rosales et al. 2013). Pollutant from coffee industries like
coffee pulp can also be remediated by using fungi such as Aspergillus restrictus,
Chrysosporium keratinophilum, Fusarium solani, Gliocladium roseum, Penicillium
and Stemphylium under controlled environmental conditions with additional nutri-
ents input (Nayak et al. 2013). A variety of fungi of different groups including
white-rot fungi, Aspergillus, Penicillium, etc. have been reported to degrade and
decolorize diversified pollutants from various industries like sugar mill, textile dye,
paper and pulp industry, and leather tanning industry, which indicate that fungi can
be used for a range of substrates (Bennett et al. 2013; Buvaneswari et al. 2013;
Duarte et al. 2013; Jebapriya and Gnanadoss 2013; Reya et al. 2013; Huang et al.
2014). Bioremediation of PAHs in presence of A. niger and P. chrysosporium
revealed considerable removal of petroleum hydrocarbons from petrol- and diesel-
polluted soil (Maruthi et al. 2013). Some studies showed the complete remediation
of pesticides such as chlorpyrifos and also its metabolite 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridi-
nol (TCP) from contaminated soils by using fungi A. niger JAS1 without any sup-
plementary nutrient input (Silambarasan and Abraham 2013). The degradation of
metabolite TCP by chlorpyrifos-degrading fungal strain was a considerable finding
in view of the antimicrobial property and catabolite repression character showed
by TCP.
Though there have been several reports on the bioremediation potential of fungal
species, profound evaluation of the versatile function of fungi in remediation of
xenobiotic compounds suggesting the descriptive mechanism of fungi for attaining
this task is missing. In the present chapter, we have tried to elaborate the role of
fungal enzymes in bioremediation of synthetic compounds with special prominence
to organic pollutant. Besides enzymes like peroxidases and laccases, some stress
response proteins like ABC transporters also play an active role in the removal of
toxic contaminants in fungi, and there is a demand for exploring these genes for
further applications. Thus, a necessity arises to search new techniques such as
genetically modified microorganisms or making consortia by combining plants,
2 Bioremediation: New Prospects for Environmental Cleaning by Fungal Enzymes 43
Acknowledgments The author Sonal Dixit acknowledges DSKPDF Cell, Pune, India, and
University Grant Commission, New Delhi, India, for the financial assistance in the form of
D.S. Kothari Postdoctoral Fellowship (F4-2/2006 (BSR)/BL/15-16/0156). There are no conflicts
of interest among authors.
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Chapter 3
Genetic Diversity of Methylotrophic Yeast
and Their Impact on Environments
3.1 Introduction
Yeasts are well known for their beneficial activity for humankind by their exploita-
tion and application in the food, beverages and in the production of various types of
biochemicals. Since they contain a significant content of vitamin B, amino acids and
minerals, they can be used as a food supplement also. Moreover, methylotrophic
yeast can be used in the gene regulation study in eukaryotes and as biofactories for
heterologous and homologous proteins (Cremata and Díaz 1999; Negruţă et al.
2010) (Table 3.1). This group of yeast is able to survive by metabolising
3 Genetic Diversity of Methylotrophic Yeast and Their Impact on Environments 55
Table 3.1 Details of various strains of methylotrophic yeast and their genetic diversity
Gene for identification/
Methylotrophic yeast functionality/phylogeny Isolation source Reference
Candida D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA YM agar, 2% Suh and Zhou (2010)
parapolymorpha gene malt agar,
Candida rishirensis D1/D2 domain of LSU rRNA Soil of Rishiri Nakase et al. (2010)
gene island
Hansenula Formate dehydrogenase Methanol-grown Ravin et al. (2013)
polymorpha yeast cells
Hansenula Dihydroxyacetone synthase Methanol-grown Ravin et al. (2013)
polymorpha yeast cells
Hansenula Formaldehyde dehydrogenase Methanol-grown Ravin et al. (2013)
polymorpha yeast cells
Hansenula Whole genome sequence Methanol- and Ravin et al. (2013)
polymorpha DL1 analysis Glucose-grown
yeast cells
Hansenula HpELO1, a fatty acid elongase – Prasitchoke et al.
polymorpha gene (2007)
Kluyveromyces D1/D2 domain of LSU rRNA – Negruţă et al. (2010)
Komagataella phaffii Methanol-inducible gene Culture media Ohsawa et al. (2018)
expression with methanol
Komagataella phaffii KpMit1 transcription factor Culture media Leão-Helder et al.
gene expression with methanol (2003)
Meyerozyma candida D1/D2 domain of LSU rRNA – Negruţă et al. (2010)
Ogataea angusta SSU rRNA gene, internal YM agar, 2% Suh and Zhou (2010)
transcribed spacers (ITS) malt agar,
including 5.8S rRNA gene, cornmeal agar,
and the D1/D2 region of LSU and V8 juice
rRNA gene agar
Ogataea D1/D2 domains of the Soil and tree Limtong et al. (2008)
chonburiensis large-subunit rDNA sequence exudates
Ogataea D1/D2 large-subunit ribosomal From tree Morais et al. (2004)
falcaomoraisii DNA exudates
Ogataea glucozyma, SSU and LLU rRNA – Naumov et al. (2018)
Ogataea haglerorum D1/D2 LSU rRNA gene, Naumov et al. (2017)
sp. ITS1-5.8S-ITS2, and
translation elongation
factor-1α (EF-1 α)
Ogataea henricii, SSU and LLU rRNA – Naumov et al. (2018)
Ogataea minuta SSU and LLU rRNA – Naumov et al. (2018)
Ogataea minuta, SSU and LLU rRNA – Naumov et al. (2018)
Ogataea D1/D2 domains of the Soil and tree Limtong et al. (2008)
nakhonphanomensis large-subunit rDNA sequence exudates
Ogataea D1/D2 large-subunit ribosomal Leaf and rotten Péter et al. (2008)
nitratoaversa DNA and ITS sequence wood
56 M. Kumar et al.
Fig. 3.1 Illustration of methylotrophic yeast diversity based on genes involved in their metabo-
lism and physiology
lignin. Figure 3.1 illustrates the diversity of methylotrophic yeast based on genes
involved in their metabolism and physiology.
Two methylotrophic yeast strains H. polymorpha and P. pastoris were utilised in
the production of heterologous proteins. Apart from this, H. polymorpha is used for
studying gene regulation of enzymes associated with abiotic stress tolerance, meth-
anol metabolism, heavy metal resistance and nitrate assimilation. They are widely
used in the methanol-contaminated waste water treatment also (Kaszycki and
Koloczek 2002; Kaszycki et al. 2001). The methylotrophic yeast has the ability to
grow in extreme environment also. In one of the investigations, three novel strains
of thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast, which belong to genus Pichia, were
reported. The methylotrophic strains were designated as N002, N069 and
PT31T. The Pichia strains were isolated from soil (taken from Thailand) enriched
with methanol. Thermotolerant yeast is found to grow at 20 °C (minimum temp.)
but no limit for the maximum temperature for growth (Arthur and Watson 1976).
According to this definition, methylotrophic yeast growing at 20 °C up to a temp. of
37 °C will be called as a thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast (Limtong et al. 2005).
The presence of helmet-/hat-shaped ascospores, multilateral budding, ubiquinon
58 M. Kumar et al.
Q-7 and negative for Diazonium blue B and urease reactions are the basic character-
istics of genus Pichia. They do not have ballistospore and arthrospores also. The
phylogenetic analysis based on D1/D2 domain of large subunit rDNA revealed the
closeness with Pichia dorogensis. Because of the differences in phenotypic appear-
ance, the above three strains were designated as novel species of Pichia and the
name proposed was Pichia thermomethanolica sp. nov. The type strain is PT31T
(Limtong et al. 2005).
In a report, whole genome sequencing of a methylotrophic yeast H. polymorpha
was performed and total transcripts were analysed from the yeast culture grown in
methanol and glucose as well. A total of 9 Mb size of genome was sequenced for
Hansenula polymorpha DL1.
In a transcriptome analysis of H. polymorpha under methanol growth condition,
40% genome expression has shown the identified unregulated and abundant gene
expression through RNA-seq analysis along with alternate splicing events. From
seven chromosomes of H. polymorpha, different proteins of subtelomeric region
were identified and the evolutionary relationship established revealed the closeness
of H. polymorpha with both non-methylotrophic and methylotrophic yeast Dekkera
bruxellensis and Pichia pastoris respectively. In the investigation, phylogenetic
analysis indicated the methylotrophic evolutionary pattern in filamentous fungi and
yeasts (Ravin et al. 2013).
Evolutionary analysis based on methanol-utilising pathway genes evaluated the
relatedness of methylotrophic yeasts using NCBI nucleotide database and associ-
ated tools. Different genes involved in methanol utilisation pathway such as AOX
(alcohol oxidase), DAS (dihydroxyacetone synthase), FDH (format dehydrogenase)
and DAK (dihydroxyacetone kinase) were identified against BLAST searches.
Using fast minimum evolution algorithm, phylogenetic tree was prepared to see the
evolutionary relatedness. The phylogenetic analysis based on these genes and
MEGA software revealed the position of methylotrophic yeasts (Okonechnikov
et al. 2012).
Methylotrophic yeast was reported to be a suitable expression system also. To
enhance the yields of complex proteins having unnatural amino acids, a recombi-
nant gene expression system was developed in methylotrophic yeast Pichia pasto-
ris. In the investigation, it was emphasised that by modulating aaRS level, the
optimization of expression of unnatural amino acids in the methylotrophic host cell
was done and better than as reported earlier in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Young
et al. 2012). Earlier, S. cerevisiae was considered to be specific for unnatural amino
acids, but in this investigation, it was explained that a mutant of recombinant human
serum albumin with p-phenylalanine is expressed efficiently in the methylotrophic
yeast system and therefore allows the higher production of complex proteins whose
gene expression is difficult in the existing systems (Young et al. 2012).
In a study, the alcohol oxidase activity was analysed in Pichia pastoris on the
basis of two genes AOX1 and AOX2 and their expression analysis in the cell
(Tschopp et al. 1987). The AOX1 gene expression was observed undetectable when
cells are grown in the media with carbon sources other than methanol (Cregg et al.
1989). In a study, the genes encoding polyunsaturated fatty acids are targeted for the
3 Genetic Diversity of Methylotrophic Yeast and Their Impact on Environments 59
Fig. 3.2 Molecular mechanism of methanol-inducible gene expression. (a) Relative expression
levels of H. polymorpha MOX (encoding AOD), C. boidinii AOD1, and C. boidinii DAS1 during
growth on various carbon sources. On glucose-containing media, expression is completely
repressed. When glucose is completely consumed or cells are shifted to glycerol medium, a dere-
pressed level of expression of the AOD genes is induced (derepression) and the extent of derepres-
sion of the AOD genes differs between H. polymorpha and C. boidinii. When cells are grown on
methanol, the maximum level of expression of AOD genes is achieved not only by derepression but
also by methanol-specific gene activation. The induction of DAS1 on methanol medium is achieved
only by methanol-specific gene activation. (b) During growth on glucose, expression of methanol-
inducible genes is repressed. When cells are shifted to methanol, initially, a Trm2p-related dere-
pression event occurs followed by a Trm1p-related methanol-specific gene activation. (Adapted
from Yurimoto et al. (2011))
For the heterologous protein expression and production, Pichia pastoris strain is
generally preferred. In a study, the gene copy number was determined for P. pastoris
along with real-time PCR assay for the quantification of integrated expression cas-
settes (Abad et al. 2010). In yeast methylotrophy, the expression of genes involved
in methanol metabolism is regulated by the presence of carbon source. The expres-
sion and repression of genes were studied by Ohsawa et al. (2018) in which it was
62 M. Kumar et al.
O2 3
1/2 O2 + H2O H2O2 NAD+ NADH
Fig. 3.3 Outline of methanol metabolism in methylotrophic yeasts. Enzymes: ADH (MFS), alco-
hol dehydrogenase (methyl formate-synthesising enzyme); AOD, alcohol oxidase; CTA, catalase;
DAK, dihydroxyacetone kinase; DAS, dihydroxyacetone synthase; FDH, formate dehydrogenase;
FGH, S-formylglutathione hydrolase; FLD, formaldehyde dehydrogenase; GLR, glutathione
reductase; Pmp20, peroxisome membrane protein which has glutathione peroxidase activity.
Abbreviations: DHA, dihydroxyacetone; DHAP, dihydroxyacetone phosphate; F6P, fructose
6-phosphate; FBP, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate; GAP, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate; GS-CH2OH,
S-hydroxymethyl glutathione; GS-CHO, S-formylglutathione; GSH, reduced form of glutathione;
GSSG, oxidised form of glutathione; RCOOOH, alkyl hydroperoxide; Xu5P, xylulose 5-phosphate.
(Adapted from Yurimoto et al. (2011))
discussed that a significant and maximum gene expression was observed in the
presence of methanol, whereas a low level of gene expression was observed in the
absence of methanol (derepression). The characterisation and identification of vari-
ous transcription factors involved in the expression and regulation of methanol-
inducible gene expression was done by Ohsawa et al. (2018). Transcription factors
KpMit1, leads to the repression of methanol-inducible gene expression or the pres-
ence of glucose leads to the repression of methanol-inducible gene expression
(Hartner and Glieder 2006; Yamashita et al. 2009). Transcription factors such as
KpMit1 in Komagataella phafi (Wang et al. 2016) and KpPrm1 in Candida boi-
dinii (Sahu et al. 2014) along with Hap complex are involved in methanol induc-
tion, whereas transcription factors like KpMxr1 and CbTrm2 are involved in
derepression (Lin-Cereghino et al. 2006). KpMxr1 and CbTrm2 are homologues to
S. cerevisiae Adr1.
In a recent investigation, the function of a gene encoding Hac1 transcription
factor was characterised in thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast Ogataea thermo-
methanolica TBRC656 (OtHAC1). Hac1 generally triggers the unfolded protein
response pathway in yeasts. Under the characterisation study of this gene, the
comparative proteomic analysis was done between OtHAC1 mutant and wild-type
Ogataea strain. About 400–500 proteins were detected and gene encoding Hac1
annotated different functions involved in transcription, translation, oxidative stress
3 Genetic Diversity of Methylotrophic Yeast and Their Impact on Environments 63
Fig. 3.4 Biotechnological application of methylotrophic yeast. (Adapted with permission from
Kuroda and Ueda (2011))
sectors as well as in environment for sustainable future (Rastegari et al. 2019; Yadav
et al. 2019a, b).
The genetically engineered thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast strains are
reported to have properties of bioremediation (Kour et al. 2019; Suman et al. 2016;
Yadav et al. 2018). Particularly chromate bioremediation was observed in Hansenula
polymorpha which triggers the many fold enhanced gene expression of FCb2 gene
coding flavocytochrome b2 enzyme as compared to parental strain (Smutok et al.
2011). The flavocytochrome b2 enzyme is known to be specific for L-lactate. In the
presence of L-lactate, the enzyme flavocytochrome b2 leads to the reduction of
chromate by living cells. Pichia pastoris is reported to be involved in the degrada-
tion of azo dyes and anthraquinone dyes and bioremediation of different xenobiotic
compounds (Colao et al. 2006). In the production of fungal laccase, the expression
3 Genetic Diversity of Methylotrophic Yeast and Their Impact on Environments 65
of lccI gene was done in Pichia pastoris from cDNA synthesised from the white rot
fungus Trametes togi.
Methylotrophic yeast isolated from oil-contaminated soil has distinct enzymatic
activity and identified as Trichosporon cutaneum. Later, the identification was con-
firmed by ribosomal DNA-based molecular characterisation. In the isolate, methanol
assimilation was found and can use formaldehyde also as a source of carbon sub-
strate along with other carbon substrates like ethanol, glycerol, glucose and other
petroleum derivatives. The microorganism was proved as an extremophile. In the
isolate, different enzymatic activities were observed such as formaldehyde reduc-
tase, unspecific aldehyde dehydrogenase and formaldehyde dehydrogenase activity.
Therefore, the biochemical, metabolic and physiological characteristics of methylo-
trophic isolate explore the new possibilities in the field of environmental biotech-
nology (Kaszycki et al. 2006).
Pichia pastoris is well-known yeast used in the production of animal contaminant-
free hydroxylated collagen. The enzyme-based and molecular methods are utilised
in the production and selection of triple-transformed Pichia pastoris strain, useful
in the expression of P4H (prolyl 4-hydroxylase) tetramer obtained from marine
sponge Chondrosia reniformis along with a hydroxylated collagen from the same
animal (Pozzolini et al. 2015).
The environmental pollutants like household, industrial wastes and oil spills cost
a lot to the sustainability of environment, and therefore some strains of methylotro-
phic yeast were found to be a better alternative for the bioremediation of these
potent pollutants. The restoration of ecological balance is achieved by diminishing
the level of environmental pollution. Methylotrophic yeast are able to degrade a
number of xenobiotic compounds as a source of carbon. Methylotrophic strains
such as Rhodosporidium, Pichia, Trichosporon, Rhodotorula and Yarrowia are able
to degrade xenobiotic compounds like phenol, aromatic compounds and polar com-
pounds. The degradation intensity decreases from n-alkanes to polar and aromatic
carbon substrates (Csutak et al. 2010).
Genetically engineered methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha is known
for the development of lactate-selective microbial biosensor. This thermotolerant
yeast was utilised for the overproduction of lactate:cytochrome c-oxidoreductase
enzyme system [FC b(2)] by overexpression of the CYB2 gene encoding FC b(2).
The strong alcohol oxidase promoter of H. polymorpha controls the gene expression
of HpCYB2 gene, and it was transformed into the host methylotrophic yeast strain
H. polymorpha C-105 (gcr1 catX) in the absence of catalase activity and with glu-
cose repression. Using a cathodic electrodeposition polymer, the cells are immobil-
ised over graphite base. The redox mediator phenazine methosulphate used with
this reacts with FC b (2) inside the cell in the presence of L-lactate. A higher Km
value is observed in a biosensor based on recombinant methylotrophic yeast with a
higher linear range towards lactate (Smutok et al. 2011).
Now it is very clear that methylotrophic yeast can be exploited as a suitable
microbial culture used in the heavy-load wastewater treatment process. The pure
monoculture of yeast can be utilised as a biofilter for the treatment of concentrated
wastewater. The dilution of contaminants is done through degradation of wastes
generated as a result of several technological processes. In earlier reports, it was
66 M. Kumar et al.
illustrated that up to 10 g/l of formaldehyde can be diluted with the help of these
biofilters. Moreover, methylotrophic yeast can be useful in the bioremediation of
soil contaminated with oil (Kaszycki et al. 2006). Since methylotrophic yeast is
well known for the production of heterologous proteins, they can change the prod-
uct or compounds after processing due to genetic changes in their genome. Yeast
cells do not contain pyogenes, pathogens, and viral inclusions and therefore can be
used in the production of therapeutic administration. Earlier it was assumed that
mainly S. cerevisiae was utilised for the production of pharmaceutical proteins but
later methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha was used widely in modern
genetics for the production of pharmaceuticals. Hansenula polymorpha possess
especial advantageous characteristics as a host cell for the production of pharma-
ceuticals proteins. The pharmaceutical protein production system based on methy-
lotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha has been established for different vaccines,
serum proteins and other important therapeutics. In future, different products based
on H. Polymorpha will be introduced to market after preclinical and clinical trials
(Gellissen and Melber 1996).
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Chapter 4
White Rot Fungi and Their Enzymes
for the Treatment of Industrial Dye
4.1 Introduction
Dyes are organic colourants, which are indispensable, as they are widely used in all
fields of industry to envisage a colourful world. Among the different classes of dyes,
azo dyes are most commonly used in textile industry, and nearly 10–15% of the dye
stuffs used do not bind to the fabrics. The unabsorbed dyes were released into sew-
age treatment systems and in other water resources of the environment (Anliker
1979; Chudgar 1985; Zollinger 1961). It was shown that in environment, an
unchanged azo dye was subjected to a reductive transformation of the azo bond. The
reductive ring cleavage of the azo linkage is due to unspecific cytoplasmic reduc-
tases, resulting in the formation and accumulation of colourless aromatic amines
(Chung 2000). The resultant products formed may be toxic, mutagenic and carcino-
genic to animals and humans. Biological degradation is a popular, viable and attrac-
tive technology that uses the metabolic potential of microorganisms. In recent days,
the potential of white rot fungi for the degradation of recalcitrants is gaining
White rot fungi (WRF) that come under the division Eumycota are heteroge-
neous group of fungi having capacity to degrade a wide variety of recalcitrant com-
pounds. It contains the mushrooms, puffballs, conks and crust-like fungi which are
used as food source. The xenobiotic degradation capacity of the WRF fungi may be
due to extracellular, non-specific enzymes. Recently, white-rot fungi and their
ligninolytic enzymes, including laccase, manganese peroxidase (MnP) and lignin
peroxidase (LiP), as well as H2O2-producing oxidases, were explored intensively for
the degradation of a wide range of xenobiotics. These fungi are having the capacity
to break down the lignin in wood without degrading cellulose, and sometimes
both lignin and cellulose will be degraded. The non-specific enzymes enable a number
of advantages which are not been found in other bioremediation systems.
The white rot fungus oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) prefers lignin instead
of polysaccharides during the degradation. Some of the commonly cultivated
Pleurotus ostreatus and other oyster mushrooms will not grow on living trees. They
are not parasitic and attack only already dying trees from other causes. During the
degradation, the phenyl propane alkyl side chains found abundantly in the lignin was
decayed by WRF. One other white rot fungus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, shows
no preference to lignocellulosics. Armillaria spp. is a white rot fungus called as honey
mushroom which is notorious for attacking living trees. Turkey tail, artist’s conk and
tinder fungus are some of the other white rot fungi involved in degradation.
Colour has become an important aesthetic factor in the textile world. Different dyes
and pigments are used as colourants, which are based on two major chemistries: azo
and anthraquinone. Among these two, azo dyes are largely used in textile industries,
and many of these dyes enter wastewater treatment facilities (Chung et al. 1978;
Sudhakar et al. 2002). These dyes exhibit high resistance to microbial degradation
in wastewater treatment systems and retain their colour, structural integrity upon
exposure to sunlight, soil, bacteria and human sweating. Synthetic fabrics like
nylon, rayon and polyester necessitate the production of new dyes that can bind with
these materials strongly. In addition, updating of azodyes to match the changing
social scenario, ideas and styles is also a must. Nearly 1,00,000 commercially avail-
able dyes (7 × 105 metric tons) are produced annually (Zollinger 2003). More than
8000 chemicals associated with textile dyeing process are listed in the Colour Index.
Brighter, longer-lasting colours with better binding ability are often necessary to
satisfy the emerging demand.
A multitude of dyes were used in textile industry and different classes of these
dyes include azo, acid, reactive, metal complex, disperse, vat, mortant, direct, basic,
suphur, etc. (Vijaya et al. 2003). These dyes are usually aromatic and heterocyclic
compounds (Vyas and Molitoris 1995) and some are toxic and carcinogenic.
Azo dyes contain one to many N=N double bonds, hence many different struc-
tures are possible (Cripps et al. 1990; Zollinger 2003). For example, monoazo dyes
have only one N=N double bond, while diazo and triazo dyes containing two and
three N=N double bonds, respectively. The azo groups are linked to aromatic het-
erocyclic or enolizable aliphatic groups, but also attached with benzene and naph-
thalene rings (Zollinger 2003). Aromatic heterocyclic, enolizable aliphatic groups
side chains are necessary for imparting the dye colour, with different shades and
brightness. Dye molecules are generally described as chromogen, which contains
nucleophiles often referred to as auxochromes and the aromatic groups are called as
chromophores. Synthesis of most azo dyes involves diazotization of a primary
aromatic amine, followed by coupling with one or more nucleophiles. Amino- and
hydroxyl- groups are the commonly used coupling components. Because of the
4 White Rot Fungi and Their Enzymes for the Treatment of Industrial Dye Effluents 75
Indian dyestuff industry produces around 60,000 metric tons of dyes, which is 6.6%
of total colourants used globally (Teli 2008). Today India exports dyes to USA,
Turkey, Bangladesh, China and Germany on which once dependent for imports. The
various dyes and dyestuffs used in India are azodyes, disperse dyes, ingrain dyes,
naphthols, vat dyes, reactive dyes, pigment emulsion, sulphur dyes and other dyes.
The type of dyes and chemicals used in the textile industry are found to differ
depending on the fabrics manufactured (Table 4.3). The quantity of wastewater pro-
duced from composite industries (cotton and synthetics) was estimated as 840 m3/
day, with synthetic industry alone 180 m3/day. The textile processing and blending
industry produces about 150 m3/day and 1500 m3/day, respectively, whereas wool-
len industry uses 2700 m3/day (Sarayu and Sandhya 2012).
Among high water-consuming industries, dye industry is also one, which dominates
in Coimbatore, Tiruppur and Erode districts of Tamil Nadu. Substantial volume of
water and numerous chemicals are used to each kilogram of hosiery. Nearly 200–
300 litres of water is consumed for a kilogram of yarn and 75–90% of which is
discharged as effluent containing organic and inorganic pollutants (Banat et al.
1997). Dyes have strong staining properties and they are visible even at a concentra-
tion of 1 ppm. The volume of waste water generated from textile industry is very
Table 4.2 Structure of synthetic dyes used in textile industries
Name of dyes Chemical structure
Reactive Orange 96 (N=N)
Bromothymol Blue
Reactive Orange 16
Disperse Violet 93
Amaranth dye
Congo Red
Remazol Black 5
Reactive Orange 16 s
78 D. Periasamy et al.
Table 4.3 Type of dyes and chemicals used by the Indian textile industries
S. No. Dyes Fabrics References
1. Acid, metal–complex and reactive Wool, Chavan
Silk (2001),
2. Reactive, direct, vat, sulphur, indigo, etc. Cotton Ghaly et al.
3. Cellulosics and pigments All kinds (2014),
of Teli (2008)
4. Cationic Acrylics
5. Reactive dyes (Remazol, Procion MX and Cibacron F), direct Cellulosic
dyes (Congo Red, Direct Yellow 50 and Direct Brown 116), fibres
Naphthol dyes (Fast Yellow GC, Fast Scarlet R and Fast Blue
B) and indigo dyes (Indigo White, Tyrian Purple and Indigo
6. Acid dyes (azo dyes, triarylmethane dyes and anthraquinone Protein
dyes) and Lanaset dyes (Blue 5G and Bordeaux B) fibres
7. Dispersed dyes (Disperse Yellow 218 and Disperse Navy 35), Synthetic
basic dyes (Basic Orange 37 and Basic Red 1) and direct dyes fibres
high, and the average concentration of 300 mg/L was also reported in many indus-
tries. Until recently, the waste water generated from these industries were dis-
charged into sewage, running or stagnant water bodies and adjoining waste lands
without proper treatment. Due to high composition, variety and colour intensity,
wastewater from textile industry cannot be treated satisfactorily.
However, due to stringent environmental regulations and awareness, the dye
industries waste water is treated at Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP) or at
individual factory premises before recycling. Perhaps, before the introduction of
CETP or individual treatment plants, sizeable land area was contaminated already
by this industrial waste water. The physicochemical characteristics of untreated textile
and dye industries effluent indicate that it will have deleterious effect on soil and soil
biological properties. The concentrations of most of the chemical parameters of the
waste water were well above the critical limits fixed by Central and State Pollution
Control Board of India. Characterizing the untreated textile and dye industry waste
water, Gupta (1992) reported a pH range of 10–11.5, electrical conductivity in the
range of 8.5–13.9 dS/m and BOD in the range of 400–800 mg/L. Besides high-sol-
uble salts, the effluent also contains toxic trace metals such as lead (1.3 mg/L) and
chromium (5–20 mg/L) beyond the critical limits (Kothandaraman et al. 1976). Dye
effluent with a pH of 4–12, colour to the level of 500–2000 Pt-Co units, Chromium
(VI) 1–4 mg/L and sulphide 0–50 mg/L was reported by Puscas et al. (2003)
(Fig. 4.2). The following steps are involved in the dyeing process:
(a) Scouring – The raw material, mainly the hosiery cloth, is subjected to the
scouring operation for eliminating the cotton impurities by boiling the cloth in
a vessel at about 80 °C for about three hours.
(b) Bleaching – H2O2 and caustic soda of 3% strength is mixed in the vessel thor-
oughly prior to carrying out the scouring operation.
4 White Rot Fungi and Their Enzymes for the Treatment of Industrial Dye Effluents 79
(c) Neutralizing with acid and washing – The contents are washed using the
alkaline water followed by the acid-wash for neutralizing and again the wash-
ing operation is repeated. After the final washing of the bleached cloth, the
dyeing operation is carried out by transferring the material into the dyeing vat.
(d) Dyeing – The dyeing solution is prepared by dissolving the dyes as per the
recipe for a particular shade in the winch along with the salts such as sodium
chloride (40–60 g/lit strength) and soda ash for exhaustion and fixing the dyes,
respectively. The dyeing operation is done at 70 °C and for about three hours to
achieve the desired shade.
80 D. Periasamy et al.
Textile industry wastewater contains dyes to the level of 20–200 mg/L, and about
10–20% of the dyes are present in effluents along with other organic and inorganic
accessory chemicals. Reactive dyes, sodium chloride, soda ash, caustic soda, wet-
ting oil, industrial soap powder, hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, softening agent and
fixing agents are some of the accessory chemicals used in textile industries. Tiruppur
has large sources of bleaching and dyeing industries which generate between 100
and 120 MLD of effluents. Due to poor dyeing process in the textile industry,
10–15% of the dyes are lost in the effluents of textile units, rendering them highly
coloured (Boer et al. 2004; Vaidya 1982). It is estimated that 280,000 tons of textile
dyes are discharged in such industrial effluents every year worldwide (Maas and
Chaudhari 2005). The raw effluent samples were collected based on composite
sampling method from Tirupur. The samples were collected on hourly basis and
homogenized, and then the representative samples were analysed (Table 4.4.)
With the advancement of biotechnological tools, the use of fungi or bacteria, often
in combination with physico-chemical processes were used eco-efficiently for com-
bating this pollution source (Yadav et al. 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019a, b). Among those
microorganisms, WRF are most efficient in breaking down synthetic dyes. These
established a diverse eco-physiological group comprising mostly basidiomycetous
(and, to a lesser extent, litter-decomposing) fungi capable of extensive aerobic lignin
mineralization and depolymerization. This property is based on one or more extra-
cellular lignin-modifying enzymes (LMEs) produced by white rot fungi, and these
enzymes are also capable of degrading a wide range of xenobiotics (Beydilli et al.
1998; Borchert and Libra 2001; McMullan et al. 2001; Robinson et al. 2001;
Willmott et al. 1998; Zissi and Lyberatos 2001).
In 1896, laccase was identified first time in fungi by both Bertrand and Laborde.
Most of the laccases have been widely isolated from fungal origin specifically from
white rot fungi belonging to Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes and Basidiomycete
(Gochev and Krastanov 2007). Many other earlier studies also reported laccase
production from white rot fungi (Kiiskinen et al. 2004) such as Phlebia radiata
(Niku-Paavola et al. 1988), Trametes versicolor (Bourbonnais et al. 1995) and
Pleurotus ostreatus (Palmieri et al. 2000). Some of Trichoderma sp. are also studied
as laccase source. For example, T. harzianum (Hölker et al. 2002), T. atroviride
(Hölker et al. 2002) and T. longibrachiatum produced higher amount of laccase.
Velázquez-Cedeño et al. (2004) observed that the laccase synthesis was found to be
higher in mixed cultures than the pure cultures. Liophora terristrus, Phanerochaete
chrysosporium, Lenzitis betulina and Stereum ostrea (Viswanath et al. 2008) are
4 White Rot Fungi and Their Enzymes for the Treatment of Industrial Dye Effluents 81
some of the important Basidiomycetes which have been reported as the sources of
WRF possess not only laccases, it also possess a wide range of various enzymes
such as extracellular ligninolytic enzymes (manganese peroxidase, lignin perox-
ides) and hydrolytic enzymes (cellulase, xylanase, pectinase) (Teerapatsakul et al.
2007). The expression pattern of enzymes mainly depends on the organism itself.
Certain WRF produce manganese peroxidase and lignin peroxidase, but not laccase;
meanwhile, others produce laccase and manganese peroxidase, but not lignin per-
oxidase (Hatakka 1994). Therefore, among various types of WRF, some can decom-
pose all of the lignocellulose components in wooden material, while some can
degrade hemicellulose and lignin (Fang et al. 2008). These enzymes are mostly
important in industrial purpose and have a great potential in the processes of degra-
dation of recalcitrant substances (Tortella et al. 2008).
WRF can degrade lignin and a range of diverse environmental pollutants by means
of their extracellular ligninolytic systems. Purified forms of LiP have been found to
directly oxidize recalcitrant xenobiotic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons, chlorophenols and azo dyes (Collins et al. 1997). LiPs are proposed
to oxidize lignin with free radicals generated through oxidation of various secreted
metabolites (e.g. veratryl alcohol). The most effective stimulant was found to be
veratryl alcohol, a secondary metabolite produced by ligninolytic cultures of WRF
(Sugiura et al. 2003). Veratryl alcohol plays an important role in LiP catalysis. LiP
is oxidized by H2O2 to form a two electron intermediates, compound I, which oxi-
dizes substrates by one electron, forming the more reduced enzyme intermediate,
compound II. Compound II can then oxidize substrates by one electron, returning
the enzyme to the ferric state. However, compound II has a very high reactivity with
H2O2; therefore, in the presence of a poor substrate and excess H2O2, it is instead
converted to an inactive form of the enzyme, compound III. Veratryl alcohol, when
present, is a more favourable substrate for compound II and functions to convert it
to the resting enzyme, completing the catalytic cycle (Vasina et al. 2017) (Fig. 4.3).
4.5.3 Laccase
characteristic blue colour. The enzymes lacking a blue copper atom are called yellow
or white laccases (Diamantidis et al. 2000). Typically laccase-mediated catalysis
occurs with reduction of oxygen to water accompanied by the oxidation of substrate.
Laccases catalyse the oxidation of a broad range of substrates such as ortho and para-
diphenols, methoxy-substituted phenols, aromatic amines, phenolic acids and sev-
eral other compounds coupled to the reduction of molecular oxygen to water with
one-electron oxidation mechanism (Morozova et al. 2007). Laccase is most widely
distributed in a wide range of higher plants, fungi and bacteria. Laccases are secreted
out in the medium extracellulary by several fungi during the secondary metabolism
but not all fungal species produce laccase such as Zygomycetes and Chytridiomycetes.
Fungi belonging to Deuteromycetes, Ascomycetes as well as Basidiomycetes are
known producers of laccase (Sadhasivam et al. 2008). Laccase is currently the focus
of much attention because of its diverse applications such as dye decolourization,
waste detoxifications and bioremediation applications (Fig. 4.5).
Secretion and synthesis of these enzymes are often stimulated by limited levels of
nutrients such as nitrogen or carbon sources. Production of manganese peroxide and
lignin peroxide is generally induced by agitation in submerged white rot fungi liq-
uid culture, while laccase production is frequently enhanced by agitation. These
features are considered as important roles in the process design and optimization of
fungal treatment of colour-containing effluents (Wesenberg et al. 2003). While sev-
eral studies were devoted to bio-decolourization of the textile azo dyes, far less
4 White Rot Fungi and Their Enzymes for the Treatment of Industrial Dye Effluents 85
attention has been paid to synthetic dye bath effluent in which the presence of salts
and high dye concentration may be inhibitory to biological agents (Faraco et al.
2009; Gomaa et al. 2008). Different WRF and their enzymes involving in dye deg-
radation are given in Table 4.5.
Laccase production of white rot fungi mainly depended on the condition of fungal
cultivation and media supporting. Lignolytic systems of WRF were mainly stimu-
lated during the secondary metabolic phase and were prompted by nitrogen concen-
tration or when sulphur or carbon became limiting. Fungi produced lower
concentration of laccase, but higher concentrations can be attained with the addition
of supplements to media like veratryl alcohol, 2,3xylidine and lignin. Response
surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize the decolouration of the diazo
dye Reactive Black 5 (RB5) by crude laccase from the white rot fungus Trametes
pubescens (Roriz et al. 2009). Laccase production of white rot fungus (Pycnoporus
sanguineus) and its growth in a bubble column reactor were studied. Different
inducers like copper sulphate, ethanol, saw dust and superficial gas velocities are
used to increase the growth and laccase production (Karim and Annuar 2009).
The laccase production was influenced by the sources of nitrogen used in the media.
Peralta-Zamora et al. (2003) isolated four WRF, and Lentinus edodes displayed the
greatest decolourization ability both in terms of extent and rapidity of decolouriza-
tion. The dyes used were Reactive Red 195 (0.025%), Reactive Blue 19 (0.05%),
86 D. Periasamy et al.
Table 4.5 White rot fugal species and their enzymes involving in dye degradation
Organisms Enzymes Dye Reference
Dichomitus Manganese- Cresol RedTPM, Brilliant Green Périé and Gold
squalens peroxidase (TPM), Crystal Violet (TPM), OrangeII (1991)
(N=N), Congo Red (N=N)
Bjerkandera adusta Lignin Reactive Violet 5 (N=N), Kaal et al.
peroxidase Reactive Orange 96 (N=N), (1995)
Reactive Black 5 (N=N), Reactive Blue
38 (PC)
Reactive Blue 15 (PC) and Remazol
Brilliant Blue RPAQ, Poly R-478
Pleurotus eryngii Lignin Reactive Violet 5 (N=N), Reactive Blue Heinfling et al.
peroxidase 38PC by MnP Reactive Black 5 (N=N) (1998)
Bjerkandera adusta Manganese- Reactive Black 5 (N=N), Reactive Heinfling et al.
peroxidase Violet 5 (N=N), Reactive, Blue 38PC (1998)
Pleurotus and versatile Dyes Mester and
Bjerkandera peroxidases Field (1998)
Irpex lacteus Laccase Naphtol Blue Black (N=N), Methyl Novotný et al.
Red (N=N), Congo Red (N=N), (2000)
Remazol Brilliant Blue R (PAQ),
Copper (II)
phthalocyaninetetrasulphonic acid
Tetrasodium salt (MC), Bromophenol
Blue (TPM),
Poly R-478 (PAQ)
Phanerochaete Manganese- Azure Blue, Azo dyes, Cresol Red Cameron et al.
chrysosporium peroxidase (TPM), Bromophenol Blue (TPM), (2000)
Crystal Violet (TPM)
Irpex lacteus Lignin Methyl Red (N=N), Naphtol Blue Novotný et al.
peroxidase Black (N=N), Congo Red (N=N), (2000)
Blue (TPM), Remazol Brilliant Blue R
(PAQ), Copper (II) phthalocyaninetetra
sulphonic acid tetrasodium salt(MC)
and Poly R-478(PAQ)
Phanerochaete Lignin Azo dyes, Azure Blue, Cresol Red Cameron et al.
Chrysosporium peroxidase (TPM), Crystal Violet (TPM), (2000)
Bromophenol Blue (TPM)
Phlebia (Merulius) Lignin Cibacron Red, Remazol Red, Remazol Kirby et al.
Tremellosa peroxidase Navy Blue Cibacron Orange, Remazol (2000)
Golden Yellow, Remazol Blue,
Remazol Black B,
Remazol Turquoise Blue
4 White Rot Fungi and Their Enzymes for the Treatment of Industrial Dye Effluents 87
Reactive Black 5 (0.05%) and Reactive Yellow 145 (0.05%). The colour removal by
fungal hyphae is mainly by the mechanism of degradation by extracellular and
intracellular enzymes (Chagas and Durrant 2001). In a nitrogen-deficient mineral
salts medium, Robinson et al. (2001) studied four WRF, Bjerkandera adusta,
Phlebia tremellosa, Pleurotus ostreatus and Coriolus versicolor, for testing their
ability to produce manganese peroxidase (MnP), lignin peroxidase (LiP) and lac-
case. B. adusta and P. tremellosa were selected, on the basis of their high enzyme
production potential, for the degradation of five dyes in an artificial textile effluent.
In N-rich (C:N ratio, 11.6:1 and N-limited, 116:1) conditions, degradation experi-
ments were carried out to examine degradation potential. At a dye concentration of
100 mg/litre, in N-rich media, P. tremellosa degraded 79% in 9 days, B. adusta
degraded 85% of the dyes in 7 days, and in N-limited conditions, 86% of the
effluent was degraded in 9 days by B. adusta and 74% by P. tremellosa in 11 days.
The results revealed that addition of nitrogen had no significant effect on dye degra-
dation percentage by B. adusta, with a slight increase for P. tremellosa and nitrogen
supplementation reducing the decolourization time.
In nitrogen-limited glucose ammonium media, Phanerochaete sordida deco-
lourized dye mixtures (reactive textile dyes, including azo and anthraquinone dyes
200 mg/L each) within 48 h by 90%. Manganese peroxidase (MnP) was engaged in
dye decolourization by P. sordida. Wastewaters from textile industries often contain
polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) which inhibited MnP reaction system and decolourization
(Reactive Red 120) potential of Phanerochaete sordida. Addition of Tween 80 to
the mixtures in the occurrence of PVA improved the decolourization of RR120
which showed that PVA could hinder with lipid peroxidation or consequent attack
to the dye (Harazono and Nakamura 2005). D’Souza-Ticlo et al. (2006) reported the
effect of KNO3, glycine, glutamic acid, corn steep liquor and beef extract under
stationary conditions. The cultures were oxygenated every third day with pure oxy-
gen for 1 min using Pasture pipettes and Tygon tubing under sterile conditions. They
obtained when glutamic acid was used as nitrogen source.
4 White Rot Fungi and Their Enzymes for the Treatment of Industrial Dye Effluents 89
Blánquez et al. (2008) showed that T. versicolor was able to continuously deco-
lourize a spent dyeing bath from a textile factory under non-sterilized conditions for
15 days in a 10-L air-pulsed bioreactor, attaining colour reduction levels between 40
and 60%. Nutrients were added at the start-up period (3 days) of the experiment,
and thereafter sterilized glucose was added. Therefore, although the author stated
that T. versicolor was able to treat successfully real industrial wastewater in con-
tinuous mode (HRT 48 h), the operation time was very short (15 days), and, in addi-
tion to this, bacterial contamination in the feeding tank was detected from day 10.
The ability of C. versicolor to decolourize the textile effluents collected from 5
different textile industries was tested. However, addition of starch (1% w/v) as a
carbon source was required to obtain significant decolouration levels (84% in
3 days) (Asgher et al. 2008). Phenol-degrading white rot fungus T. versicolor was
isolated from paper mill. 14C synthetic lignin mineralization assay showed that it
assimilated 24.3% of total label. During 5 days of incubation period, 71% of
p-hydroxybenzoic acid was utilized when glucose was used as a co-substrate and
56% degradation of protocatechoic acid using fructose (Udayasoorian and Prabu
Azo dye (RB5) wastewater is usually neutral to alkaline. However, though fungi
grow optimally under weakly acidic conditions, the azo dyes were degraded even in
a slightly alkaline pH range (pH 7–8). P. sordida PBU 0057 yielded 100% decolou-
ration in 72 hours over the pH range 6–8, while P. chrysosporium reached the maxi-
mum (96%) by 96 hours, though lesser (93%) at pH 8 (Forgacs et al. 2004).
Selvakumar et al. (2013) studied treated textile wastewater in a batch reactor with
Ganoderma lucidum. Under optimized conditions (pH 6.6; temperature 26.5 °C;
dye wastewater concentration 1:2; agitation speed 200 rpm), a maximum decoloura-
tion of 81.4% and a COD reduction of 90.3% were found. Therefore, dilution and
decreased pH of the original effluent were necessary for maximum decolouration
and COD reduction.
90 D. Periasamy et al.
textile effluent, with yeast extract being a better nitrogen source than ammonium
tartarate. Rita de Cássia et al. (2013) study reported the LiP, Lac and MnP activities
of Curvularia lunata URM 6179 and Phanerochaete chrysosporium URM 6181 at
the end of textile effluent treatment in aerated and non-aerated bioreactors. Both
fungi showed higher activity of laccase but under different conditions: 2020 U/l for
the P. chrysosporium URM 6181 in aerated bioreactor and 2100 U/l for the
Curvularia lunata non-aerated bioreactor. Low LiP activity was observed for both
fungi strains. The activity of MnP was more evidenced in treatment with C. lunata
URM 6179. Activities of 7000 U/l for MnP and 8000 U/l for LiP in treatment
employing Lentinus strains, and 2000 U/l for Lac in treatment employing Coriolopsis
byrsina were found. The higher production of MnP and Lac was found in culture
medium containing wheat T. harzianum bran and glucose (Gomes et al. 2009). The
fungus Mucor racemosus CBMAI 847 produces 898.15 U/l of laccase in medium
containing 23% salinity and 4.5 mg/ml wheat bran while Cladosporium cladospo-
rioides CBMAI 857 produces 4.63 U/l.
El Monssef et al. (2016) study observed that the production of laccase enzyme
was higher at 35 °C and pH 5 after 6 days. The highest activity of laccase was
achieved at 35 °C and pH 5 during the reaction. FTIR analysis revealed that the
structure of extracted fungal pigments has aromatic ring and phenols group. Crude
laccase was capable to decolourize different pigment structures. The enzyme
showed great decolourization efficiency towards the extracted yellow pigment pro-
duced from Asp. terrus and Asp. ochareceous treated by 200 μl of partially purified
enzyme. Toxicity evaluation showed a final product detoxification (Ellouze and
Sayadi 2016). On the other hand, the fungal decolourization of RBBR has been
reported for other strains such as Ischnoderma resinosum, Dichomitus squalens, P.
ostreatus and Pleurotus calyptratus. Kunjadia et al. (2016) studied the role of ligni-
nolytic enzymes of Pleurotus spp. grown with azo dyes. The results indicated that,
WRF P. sapidus, P. ostreatus and P. florida were tested for ligninolytic enzyme
activity and their role in dye degradation. Percentage of decolourization clearly
showed higher removal of Coralene Golden Yellow (CGY) by P. ostreatus. Laccase
activity in cultures during dye decolourization was significantly higher compared to
MnP, suggesting the important role of laccase in dye degradation process.
Meanwhile, no LiP activity was found in any of the cultures. It is clear that enzymes
such as LiP, MnP and laccase play an important role in dye metabolism by WRF. P.
ostreatusis is the best fungal species out of all three studied organisms for lignino-
lytic activity and degradation of azo dyes.
Reductions in the oxygen demand and carbon content of azo dye wastewaters, sub-
sequently treated with aerobic conditions, are well cited in previous studies (Horning
1977; Loyd 1992; McCurdy 1991). Due to the toxicity and xenobiotic nature,
4 White Rot Fungi and Their Enzymes for the Treatment of Industrial Dye Effluents 93
degradation of azo dyes is indeed an uphill task. Now it had been well documented
that azo dyes can be degraded by microorganisms.
Due to their recalcitrant nature, azo dyes often pass through activated sludge
facilities with no or little reduction in colour (Cariell et al. 1995); however, some
researchers observed slight colour reductions in their findings (Zissi and
Lyberatos 2001). Effluents containing dyes are hardly decolourized by conven-
tional and biological wastewater treatments (Shaul et al. 1991; Willmott et al.
1998). In addition to their adverse impact and their visual effect, many synthetic
dyes are toxic with high chemical oxygen demand, carcinogenic and muta-
genic properties (Chung et al. 1978; Michaels and Lewis 1985). Also, the higher
volumetric discharge of industrial effluent in combination with severe legisla-
tion makes the searching of suitable treatment technologies an important prior-
ity (O'neill et al. 2000). Reduction of azo and other dyes with chemical and
physical methods requires highly expensive reagents and catalysts (Robinson
et al. 2001).
Usage of dyes and pigments are enormous in the paper, plastic, textile, cosmet-
ics, pharmaceutical and food industries (Levin et al. 2004). Based on toxicity and
carcinogenic nature of dyes and pigments, biodegradation of these synthetic dyes
may involve (Revankar and Lele 2006) WRF which are better dye-degraders than
prokaryotes. Extracellular non-specific LME system present in WRF plays a
major role in degrading a wide range of dyes (Christian et al. 2005). Most of the
former dye decolourization experiments were based mainly on Phanerochaete
chrysosporium and Trametes versicolor (Toh et al. 2003). However, other WRF
including Phellinus gilvus, Pleurotus sajor-caju, Pycnoporus sanguineus (Balan
and Monteiro 2001), Dichomitus squalens, Irpex flavus, Daedalea flavida,
Polyporus sanguineus (Chander 2007; Eichlerova et al. 2006; Gill et al. 2002),
Funalia trogii ATCC200800 (Özsoy et al. 2005), Ischnoderma resinosum
(Eichlerova et al. 2006) and Ganoderma sp. WR-1 (Revankar and Lele 2006) have
been experimented to have higher dye decolourization rates than P. chrysosporium
and T. versicolor.
At present, much attention has been concentrated on fungal decolourization
processes, especially on WRF due to their capacity of production of non-specific
enzymes, such as lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase and laccase, which act
as sorbents and detoxify many toxic aromatic compounds. Several research find-
ings indicate that WRF and their biodegradation/biotransformation capacity could
be an excellent candidate for dye removal (Gomaa et al. 2008; Rita de Cássia et al.
2013; Wesenberg et al. 2003). Among the different groups of fungi, Phanerochaete
chrysosporium is an effective dye-degrading microorganism. P. chrysosporium
has become known as a model system in textile, pulp and paper mill wastewater
bioremediation. P. chrysosporium is a basidiomycete fungus able to detoxify com-
plex compounds such as starch, cellulose, pectin, lignin and lignocelluloses in
textile dye wastewater (Senthilkumar et al. 2014). This fungus emerges to be the
best choice to degrade complex wastewater in the treatment process and disposal
of textile and related wastewater.
94 D. Periasamy et al.
Much research on dye degradation has been reported by many scientists with indi-
vidual dyes or under simulated condition by WRF, but under dye industry, wastewa-
ter treatment was reported only in limited extent. Application of WRF at industrial
scale under non-sterilized condition is a big technical challenge. In addition, the
chemistry of intermediates formed during the degradation was also in its infant
stage. Bioassay studies of treated dye wastewater should also be established. Aquatic
fungi and their ability to produce several non-specific enzymes may serve as a new
resource to treat textile industry wastewater. Presence of degradative plasmid encod-
ing for such environmentally significant genotype of azo dye degradation opens up
the possibilities of genetic transfer of this character into other microorganisms,
which can act as a valuable tool in the remediation of azo dye-polluted habitat.
Increasing the contribution of small and medium enterprises of textile, chemical and
pharmaceutical in total exports of India is vital to India’s future economic growth.
Detailed scientific studies with natural dyes have established that in most cases their
properties are comparable to those of synthetic dyes. Therefore, if natural dyes have
to be commercialized, they need to conform to the same stringent standards of per-
formance that are applied to synthetic dyes. It thus follows that much more research
and developmental effort needs to go in this area.
Acknowledgement The authors are grateful to the Department of Environmental Sciences, Tamil
Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, for providing laboratory facilities. The authors extend
their gratitude to Mrs. P. Divya and Mr. P. Sivasamy for providing textile wastes-related data.
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Chapter 5
Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory
for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse
Industrial Applications
5.1 Introduction
Mushrooms have been recognized as important food and medicine in many ancient
civilizations (El Enshasy et al. 2013). These are based on their high nutrient con-
tents of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and many other growth-pro-
moting ingredients (Eleftherios et al. 2014; Maftoun et al. 2015). Nowadays, of
thousands types of mushroom studied, Pleurotus sp. is considered as one of the top
three economically important and widely grown mushrooms beside Agaricus and
Lentinula. Pleurotus ostreatus (widely known as oyster mushroom) gained more
interest in the recent years not only because of their high nutritional value but also
due to the high content of bioactive polysaccharides and other metabolites of high
medicinal values. These compounds exhibited immunomodulatory, antitumor,
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihyperglycemic, antihypocholesterolemic,
H. El Enshasy (*)
Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM),
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
School of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia
City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications, New Burg Al Arab,
Alexandria, Egypt
e-mail: henshasy@ibd.utm.my
F. Agouillal
Research Unit on Analysis and Technological Development in Environment (URADTE),
Centre de Recherche Scientifique et Technique en Analyses Physico-Chimiques (CRAPC),
Tipaza, Algeria
Z. Mat · R. A. Malek · S. Z. Hanapi
Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM),
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Lignins constitute with cellulose and hemicelluloses the three major components of
lignocellulosic biomass. They are the second most abundant terrestrial polymers
and carbon source after cellulose (Evers et al. 1999; Boerjan et al. 2003). In 1813,
A. P. de Candolle has firstly named the substance as “lignine” based on the Latin
word lignum which means “wood.” He described lignin as a fibrous, tasteless mate-
rial, insoluble in water and alcohol, but soluble in weak alkaline solutions and which
can be precipitated from solution using acid. The typical composition of the dry
weight of wood, considered as a whole, is about 50% cellulose, 25% lignin, 20–25%
hemicellulose, and 1–4% pectin (Camarero et al. 2014).
O. M. Leng
Harita Go Green Sdn. Bhd., Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
D. J. Dailin
Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM),
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
School of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia
D. Sukmawati
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
5 Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse… 103
Fig. 5.1 The chemical structure of the primary lignin building blocks and their corresponding
lignin polymer monomeric units (Zakzeski et al. 2010; Abdel-Hamid et al. 2013)
104 H. El Enshasy et al.
The first strategy acts on gasifying lignin allowed to synthesize gas or degraded
by pyrolysis to a mixture of small molecules. The second strategy turns, in the first
step, the functional groups present into the lignin monomers’ simple aromatic com-
pounds such as phenol, benzene, toluene, and xylene. In a second step, bulk and fine
chemicals are produced using catalytic technology developed for petroleum refiner-
ies. Finally, using highly selective catalysts in a one-pot approach, the third strategy
converses directly the biomass to valuable chemicals (Karam and Nicell 1997;
Doherty et al. 2011; Thakur et al. 2014; Chatterjee and Saito 2015; Liu et al. 2015).
Then, several value-added chemicals are produced including:
1. Lignin: as a filler or additive in polymers and biopolymers – usually at less than
20–30% of total weight
2. Lignin-derived functional materials such as carbon fibers, activated carbon,
adhesives, and foams
3. Lignosulfonates: as dispersants, water reducer in concrete, additive in coal-water
slurry, or viscosity reducer
In addition, in light of renewed interest in promoting value-added applications of
lignin, it is expected recently lignin nanoparticles will play a vital role in promoting
lignin valorization in polymer industry (Stark et al. 2015).
Lignin is a complex polymer with very low degradation rate in nature. The biodeg-
radation which is carried out by wood-rotting fungi constitutes a key step for carbon
cycling in nature, as well as for the industrial use of plant biomass by increasing
accessibility to cellulose. It is an oxidative process that has been investigated for
decades as a model for biotechnological application in the pulp and paper indus-
tries, animal feeding, and bioethanol production. Ligninolytic oxidoreductases (lac-
cases and different types of peroxidases) secreted by wood-rotting fungi are the sole
enzymes able to oxidize the phenylpropane lignin units (Schwarze 2007; Yadav
et al. 2016, 2018). However, different enzymes have been reported for their role in
lignin degradation such as lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase (MnP),
aryl alcohol oxidase (AAO), and glyoxal oxidase (GLOX) as shown in Fig. 5.2.
The main enzymes associated with lignin degradation are laccases, lignin peroxi-
dases, and manganese peroxidases; while some white-rot fungi produce all the three
classes of enzymes, others produce only one or two (Hatakka 1994). Laccases are
multicopper enzymes, which catalyze the oxidation of phenolic compounds includ-
ing a range of dyes with concomitant reduction of oxygen (Eggert et al. 1996;
Chivukula and Renganathan 1995; Munoz et al. 1997). Recent interest in laccase is,
in part, a consequence of the findings that the substrate range of laccase can be
expanded to include non-phenolic dyes, eventually in the presence of suitable medi-
ators (Bourbonnais and Paice 1990).
5 Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse… 107
Fig. 5.2 Lignin-degrading enzymes’ actions. LiP lignin peroxidase; MnP manganese peroxidase;
AAO aryl alcohol oxidase; GLOX glyoxal oxidase; VP versatile peroxidase; MED mediator.
(Modified from Abdel-Hamid et al. 2013)
Enzyme Mushroom Substrate/media
(EC number) type composition Enzyme activity Cultivation conditions/parameters References
P. ostreatus Chemically defined 900 U L−1 Submerged cultivation for 25 days in dark at Kamitsuji et al.
ATCC 66376 glucose-based medium 28 °C and pH 4.5 (2005)
P. ostreatus Rice bran 7300 U L−1 Submerged cultivation for 28 days in dark at Tsukihara et al.
dikaryotic 28 °C (2006a)
strain #261
ATCC 66376
P. ostreatus Wheat straw 692 U mL−1 Solid-state fermentation for 7 days at 30 °C Ashger et al.
IBL-02 (2013)
Versatile P. eryngii Cotton stalks 178.9 U mL−1 Submerged cultivation at 25 °C Min et al. (2010)
peroxidase (accession
(EC number
P. ostreatus Cotton stalks 0.16 U mL−1 Submerged cultivation in dark for 10 days at Salame et al.
(accession 28 °C (2012)
Aryl alcohol P. eryngii Sterile wheat straw 0.04 U g−1 Cultivation using SSF method Camarero et al.
oxidase ATCC 90787 (1999)
P. ostreatus Semi-synthetic medium 300 U L−1 Submerged cultivation for 24 days in dark at Feldman et al.
(accession supplemented with 30 °C (2015)
number different inducers:
CECT20311) tyrosine, VA, and benzyl
P. ostreatus Saw dust-based medium 211 U L−1 Submerged cultivation in dark for 20 days Sannia et al.
(strain with addition of (1991)
Florida) inducers VA, olive oil,
Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse…
and tween 80
Table 5.1 (continued)
Cellulase P. ostreatus Rice straw 3.51 U ml Cultivation for 14 days at 37 °C and pH 5.5 Khalil et al.
(EC (Jacquin ex (2011)
Fr.) Kummer
Endoglucanase P. ostreatus Avicel PH101 2.46 U ml−1 Submerged cultivation for 12 days at 27 °C Daba et al.
(EC (Jacq.) and pH 5.5 (2011)
P. Kumm.
NRRL 366
Exoglucanase P. ostreatus Avicel PH101 1.80 U ml−1 Submerged cultivation for 12 days at 27 °C Daba et al.
(EC (Jacq.) Rice straw and pH 5.5 (2011)
P. Kumm.
NRRL 366
P. ostreatus
Endoglucanase P. ostreatus Avicel PH101 4.02 U g−1 SSF cultivation for 20 days at 20 °C Sherief et al.
(EC (2010)
Exoglucanase Rice straw 6.01 U g−1
CMCase Saw dust 13.21 U g−1
Cellulase P. ostreatus What bran 1.25 U ml−1 Submerged cultivation system Radhika et al.
LCJ 183 (2013)
P. ostreatus Spent mushroom 1.67 U g−1 Submerged cultivation Lim et al. (2013)
P. ostreatus Sisal leaf and Sisal bole 3.73 U g−1 SSF for 30 days at 26–30 °C and 87% Raymond et al.
HK-37 humidity (2015)
P. ostreatus Papain waste and rice 14.2 U g−1 SSF, for 7 days cultivation at 28 °C Rashad et al.
NRRL 366 straw (2009)
Pectinase Pleurotus 30% sisal leaf 8.28 U g−1 SSF for 30 days at 26–30 °C and 87% Raymond et al.
Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse…
Serine protease P. ostreatus Basal medium (potato 2.5 U mg−1 Submerged cultivation in dark for 3 days at Palmieri et al.
(EC (Jacq.:Fr.) dextrose broth, yeast 27 °C (2001)
Kummer extract
Metalloprotease P. ostreatus Medium containing 120 U ml−1 Submerged cultivation for 7 days at 28 °C Genier et al.
Serine protease (PLO 06, (glucose 10 g /l; yeast (2015)
(EC 3.4.21) GenBank extract, 10 g/l;
accession K2HPO4, 5 g/l; and
number MgSO4, 0.10 g/l)
P. ostreatus Potato peel waste 4 U L−1 SSF for 23 days at 25 °C Ergun and Urek
(Jacq.) (2017)
Amylase P. ostreatus Rice bran 220 μmol/min/mg Obtained from the fruiting bodies grown by Akinyele et al.
(EC 3.2.1.x) SSF (2010)
P. ostreatus Spent mushroom 2.97 U g−1 Obtained from the fruiting bodies grown by Lim et al. (2013)
compost (SMC) SSF
P. ostreatus Potato peel waste 6 U L−1 SSF for 23 days at 25 °C Ergun and Urek
(Jacq.) (2017)
Lipase P. ostreatus Using chemical defined 0,93 U mg−1 Produced in immobilized cell cultivation Wijayati et al.
(EC medium system (2017)
P. ostreatus Medium supplemented 30 U L−1 Submerged fermentation (SF), 5 days of Guarino and
Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse…
Fig. 5.3 Representation of a native fungus laccase from Trametes hirsute (Left), showing the cop-
per ions organization (Right). http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/explore/jmol.do?structureId=3FPXopt=3
nized three-dimensionally with two other residues are weakly coordinated from the
axial position. One of these residues is isoleucine, and the other can be phenylala-
nine, leucine, or methionine depending on the type of laccase characterized and
reduction potential (Rodgers et al. 2010; Rivera-Hoyos et al. 2013). Several authors
have reported that more than one laccase isozyme is secreted by fungi (Soden and
Dobson 2001; Hoshida et al. 2001; Palmieri et al. 2003; Rodrïguez et al. 2008). At
least, eight different laccase isoenzymes are produced by P. ostreatus and six of
which have been isolated and fully characterized (Giardina et al. 1999; Pezzella
et al. 2009; Palmieri et al. 1993, 1997, 2003). The most abundant protein present in
the P. ostreatus cultures is POXC (59-kDa with pI 2.7). The enzymes POXA1b and
POXA1w have a similar molecular weight around 61 kDa, while POXA2, POXB1,
and POXB2 isoenzymes are of higher molecular weight around 67 kDa. POXA3a
and POXA3b are heterodimers and composed of small (16 or 18 kDa) and large
(61 kDa) subunits (Palmieri et al. 1997; Giardina et al. 1999).
However, several studies reported that P. ostreatus produces mainly three laccase
isoenzymes called POXCs (Giardina et al. 1996): POXA1w, the white laccase iso-
enzyme with a singular metal content (Palmieri et al. 1997); POXA1b, the more
stable isoenzyme at alkaline pH (Giardina et al. 1999); and the heterodimeric lac-
case isoenzyme POXA3 (Palmieri et al. 2003; Giardina et al. 2007; Faraco et al.
2008) with two forms, POXA3a and POXA3b (Palmieri et al. 2003; Giardina et al.
2007), that exhibit unusual structural features, being heterodimeric enzymes
(Wahleithner et al. 1996; Yaver et al. 1996). These laccase isoenzymes are endowed
with quaternary structure, consisting of two subunits of different molecular weights
(Faraco et al. 2008). Palmieri et al. (1997) reported that the two laccase isoenzymes
116 H. El Enshasy et al.
P. ostreatus grows naturally on tree stumps and can be easily cultured in the labora-
tory scale. However, most of mushroom cultivars usually use cereal straw-based
substrates (Arjona et al. 2009). Different parameters influence the laccase
5 Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse… 117
It has been reported that increasing the concentrations of glucose, wheat bran, urea,
yeast extract, KH2PO4 and inoculums can increase laccase production (Krishna
et al. 2005a; Fernández-Fernández et al. 2013). The works of Ardon et al. (1998)
and Krishna et al. (2005b) show that the maximal laccase production by P. ostreatus
was obtained within the pH range of 5.0–5.5 in submerged culture. Another study
carried out by Terrón et al. (2004) reported that the presence of nine different aro-
matic compounds, including p-coumaric acid, guaiacol, and ferulic acid, can
enhance laccase activity. Zhuo et al. (2017) studied the effect of aromatic com-
pounds on the transcript levels of laccase genes, and the results have confirmed the
previous results of Nyanhongo et al. (2002) who used ferulic acid as an effective
laccase inducer and show that ferulic acid and vanillic acid have the most pro-
nounced stimulatory effect on laccase gene transcription (Zhuo et al. 2017;
Nyanhongo et al. 2002). Krishna et al. (2005a) reported on the positive effect of
2,5-xylidene addition to culture media after 96 h on laccase production. However,
the inducers’ effects depend on the chemical structure, concentration, and time of its
introduction into the production medium (Pointing et al. 2000; Sethuraman et al.
1998). The production of laccases in P. ostreatus is regulated by the presence of
copper. Therefore, the two dimeric isoenzymes POXC and POXA1b have been
detected only in the presence of copper (Palmieri et al. 2000, 2003).
Since the nineteenth century, laccases are considered as the most effective green
catalyst by many researchers (Javed et al. 2017). Due to their nonspecific and high
oxidative capacity, laccases present a high potential in many industrial and biotech-
nological applications with a great market demand for commercial applications in
detergent, food, cosmetic, paper/pulp, and textile industries. In addition, they have
also many applications in soil bioremediation and wastewater treatment (Shah and
Nervd 2002). Recent studies showed also the potential use in pharmaceutical indus-
tries based on the enzyme ability for transformation of antibiotics and steroids
(Cohen et al. 2002; Wu and Nian 2014; Pezzella et al. 2013; Yadav et al. 2017a, b).
5 Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse… 119
Fig. 5.4 Different synthetic dyes degraded by extracellular laccase from P. ostreatus
cross-link biopolymers (Javed et al. 2017). It was also used to preserve and to
increase juice stability by reducing the oxidation of phenolic compounds, the for-
mation of polyphenol and protein is delayed, and there are many studies which
show that laccases can be used for food preservation/stabilization process (Osma
et al. 2010; Sammartino et al. 1998). Biofuels
Lignocellulosic materials are the most reliable feedstock for bioethanol and other
organic alcohol production in biofuel industries (Kour et al. 2019a). However, based
on the complexity of the material, it requires pretreatment of biomass to eliminate
lignin and thus expose the cellulose/hemicellulose to hydrolytic enzymes. An inter-
esting research showed that P. ostreatus enzymes have potential application in bio-
ethanol production process (Yu et al. 2009). The results showed that the combination
of ultrasonic pretreatment with enzymatic hydrolysis of rice hull showed a maximal
yield by using laccases followed by lignin peroxidase and Mn peroxidase (Yu et al.
One of the most widely used substrates for P. ostreatus cultivation is wheat
straw, especially in European country. As a white-rot fungus, it can be cultivated
of agro-industrial lignocellulosic wastes (Sanchez 2010). It also has been
described as selective and simultaneous lignocellulose degrader (Banfi et al.
2015). P. ostreatus start to grow at first by easily utilizable and soluble materials
from intra- and intercellular spaces from the plant substrate tissues. After nutri-
ent depletion, the fungal biomass starts to degrade the plant cellulose and lignin
polymers for further growth (Banfi et al. 2015. Lignin degradation is an oxida-
tive and nonspecific process usually carried out by white-rot fungi. Ligninolytic
enzymes, LiP, manganese peroxidase (MnP), and laccase, catalyze the one-elec-
tron oxidation of lignin units producing aromatic radicals that lead to non-enzy-
matic depolymerization. Ligninolytic enzymes, LiP, are the only enzyme able to
oxidize directly non-phenolic ones in the presence of certain compounds (Sarkar
et al. 1997). However, P. ostreatus produces two manganese peroxidase (MnP)
isoenzymes when grown in solid stationary condition on poplar sawdust
(Giardina et al. 2000).
oxidizes a variety of phenolic substrates (Hotrichter 2002). MnP catalyze the oxida-
tion of several monoaromatic phenol and dyes but depends on both divalent manga-
nese and certain types of buffer. This enzyme has been shown to have the ability to
oxidize non-phenolic substrates in the presence of mediators. Due to the intense
activity in oxidizing a wide variety of aromatic compounds, it exhibited many
potential industrial applications. Mushrooms also produce aryl alcohol oxidase
(AAO), an enzyme participating in hydrogen peroxide production. MnP production
by different Pleurotus species, which were grown in both submerged and solid-state
culture, was shown (Stajic et al. 2006a, b). MnP are considered to be the key
enzymes in the lignin degradation system (Irie et al. 2001). The ability to synthesize
MnP is common among distinct taxonomical groups of basidiomycetes. In addition,
there are fungal MnP producers from rather exotic habitats such as decaying sea
grass, cooling tower wood, and brown coal. The molecular weight of MnP is usually
within the range between 38 and 62.5 kDa, but most purified enzymes have Mwt
around 45 kDa. MnP is often produced in multiple forms, and these isoforms differ
in their isoelectric points which are usually rather acidic (pH 3–4).
The first study reported on the presence of versatile peroxidases (VP) in Pleurotus
eryngii was revealed by Martinez et al. (1996), and the complete purification of the
enzyme was carried out by Min et al. (2010). To date, little evidence has been found
associating versatile peroxidase in Pleurotus sp. except in few researches estab-
lished for P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius (Moreira et al. 2007). Versatile peroxi-
dases are glycoprotein with hybrid properties, included in a group of H2O2-dependent
ligninolytic heme peroxidases (POXs) also known as lignin manganese peroxidases,
5 Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse… 125
The biochemical properties of only a few versatile peroxidases of Pleurotus sp. have
been analyzed and studied in details especially in P. eryngii, which is superior than
VP reported in P. chrysosporium (Camarero et al. 1999; Min et al. 2010). However,
the Pleurotus VP isoenzymes were first described as MnP isoenzymes due to their
similarity to Mn-oxidizing activity (Martínez et al. 1996). This has shown that VPs
have high affinity for manganese and dyes, and strongly oxidized 6-dimethoxyphenol
(DMP) and veratryl alcohol (VA) in a manganese-independent reaction (Moreira
et al. 2005). The catalytic cycle of VP consists of three steps as described clearly in
Bjerkandera adusta influenced by pH-independent and pH-dependent steps in the
conversion process (Ertan et al. 2012). The cleavage of H2O2 by heme Fe3+ to Fe4+
led to the formation and reduction of compound I and II intermediates. With the
excessive of H2O2 in the absence of reducing substrate at low pH (3.0-3.5), the con-
version of compound II to compound III will be carried out which lead to the inac-
tivation of the enzyme (Fig. 5.6). This supports the theory of involvement of LiP and
MnP in the catalytic cycle activities of VP (Wong 2009).
Comprehensive and complete genome sequences for P. ostreatus were done in JGI
(U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Joint Genome Institute; http://
genome.jgi-psf.org). This facilitated the identification of nine genes encoding mem-
bers of short MnP- and VP-encoding gene family in the inventory of heme
126 H. El Enshasy et al.
H2O2 H2O O •+
Fe(III) Fe(IV)
pH independent
VAD Mn+3
+ Mn+3
O2 O
Fe(III) Fe(IV)
2H2O excess
VP-III (compound III) MnP-II / Lip-II (compound II)
Fig. 5.6 Catalytic cycle of VP involving the activities of LiP and MnP; VA veratryl alcohol; VAD
veratryl aldehyde (Ertan et al. 2012)
have 40 kDa molecular weight and isoelectric point of 4.1. ABTS (2-azino-bis-
(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) is the best to be used as a substrate, and the
maximal enzyme activity was achieved at 50 °C, pH 3.0 (Min et al. 2010).
5.5.3 Applications of VP
Pleurotus sp. has been described as being able to degrade lignin selectively. The
limited attack to cellulose makes them very interesting in different physicochemical
and biotechnological pretreatment applications related to the use of plant biomass,
including the integrated lignocellulose biorefineries for the future production of
chemicals, materials, and biofuels. The versatile catalytic of VP in biotechnological
and industrial application is due to its high redox potential and unique characteris-
tics in degrading the aromatic compounds without the use of redox mediators and
the presence of polyvalent catalytic sites (Ravichandran and Sridhar 2016). The
ability to direct degradation of a variety of recalcitrant compounds that other peroxi-
dases are not able to oxidize directly represents VPs as unique enzymes. Their
potential applications are not limited to Mn (II) oxidation only but also extend to
VA; phenolic, non-phenolic, high molecular weight compounds; as well as dyes in
Mn-independent reactions (Wong 2009).
In dye treatment, the capacity of P. ostreatus in the degree of decolorization is
depending on the type and concentration of dyes, the ligninolytic enzymes pro-
duced, and reaction conditions. An example of this is the study carried out by
Vishwakarma et al. (2012) in which the treatment of azo dye (direct blue 14) with
enzymes of P. ostreatus has been reported. They reported that immobilized enzymes
can reduce color up to 99% only in 18 hours. However, in contrast to Kahraman
et al. (2012), the color reduction of indigo carmine dye varied from 93% to 64% as
concentration was increased from 50 to 500 mg/L when using dead biomass. The
ability of P. ostreatus to degrade aromatic pollutants such as 2,4-dichlorophenol
(2,4-DCP) and benzo(a)pyrene ([B(a)P] was reported by Rodrıguez et al. (2004).
An increasing number of studies have found that versatile peroxidase from Pleurotus
represents an important preference with respect to LiP since no mediator such as
veratryl alcohol could be used.
Aryl alcohol oxidase cooperates with laccase and other peroxidase in the production
of hydroxyl radical, which is believed to be involved in the initial attack of lignocel-
lulosic materials. This is to prevent the repolymerization of laccase oxidation prod-
ucts to occur in order to sustain the lignin degradation process (Goswami et al.
2013). During degradation by Pleurotus species, H2O2 is generated from the expense
of benzylic or other p system-containing primary alcohols such as p-anisaldehyde
and p-anisyl alcohol into corresponding aldehydes (Ferreira et al. 2015). They point
out that in addition to p-anisyl alcohol, the enzyme also oxidizes other polyunsatu-
rated primary alcohols; where flavin reduction by substrate oxidation and re-
oxidation of the reduce enzymes by oxygen before the release of the aldehyde
product. Aromatic radicals that are produced during the reaction then act to catalyze
subsequent degradation, which further generated potentially toxic molecules as
defensive tool for the cells from the environment (Li et al. 2015).
oxidase (SCAO), long-chain alcohol oxidase (LCAO), and secondary alcohol oxi-
dase (SAO) (Goswami et al. 2013). However, SCAO and LCAO are reported as
intracellular in nature. The crystalline structure of AAO was revealed in P. eryngii
by Fernández et al. (2009) which confirmed to share similar fold topology with
other members of the glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger (Frederick et al. 1990)
and choline oxidase from Arthrobacter globiformis (Quaye et al. 2008). The use of
single-wavelength anomalous diffraction of a selemethionine derivative obtained by
Escherichia coli expression and in vitro folding had identified that this monomeric
enzyme has two additional structural elements existing in the surroundings of its
active site that modulate the access of substrates, which is absent in the structure of
model GMC oxidoreductase glucose oxidase (Fernández et al. 2009). These two
domains were defined as FAD-binding domains, which interact non-covalently with
the proteins, and substrate-binding domain, with a type of funnel-shaped channel
that led the connection between the solvent and the flavin cofactor (Hernández-
Ortega et al. 2012). The unique properties of AAO associated with its active site,
which is able to bind over a wide range of aromatic ligands, include competitive
inhibitors such as chavicol (4-allylphenol) and p-anisic (4-methoxybenzoic) acid,
while 4-methoxybenzylamine was observed to be the best uncompetitive inhibitor
(Ferreira et al. 2005). Until recently, there has been little interest in AAO. Aryl alco-
hol oxidases from P. ostreatus monomeric glycoproteins were reported to have
67 kDa molecular weight, with optimum pH, and the temperature was found to be
around 6 and 40 °C, while Km value of AAO for oxidizing veratryl alcohol was
determined to be 0.6 mM, respectively (Kumar and Rapheal 2011).
aromatic aldehydes and acids that being reduced to alcohol substrates, and aromatic
fungal metabolites, respectively (Hernández-Ortega et al. 2012).
CPO of L. fumago have been identified with 21 amino acid N-terminal signal pep-
tide and 52 amino acid C-terminal propeptide (have chaperon-like function). Its
molecular structure has also been experimentally established and is available in
5 Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse… 131
Protein Data Bank. Therefore, despite the low amino acid sequence (approximately
20%), its structure has been used as template to get the theoretical models for the
three putative P. ostreatus heme-thiolate peroxidases. Ruiz-Dueñas et al. (2011)
studied homology models of the three P. ostreatus heme-thiolate peroxidase and the
crystallographic model of CPO from L. fumago in detail. It has been shown that all
models have cysteine as axial heme ligand. The surrounding residues which stabi-
lize the cysteine-ligand loop by hydrogen bonding are conserved at the proximal
side. The presence of Ala and Cys residues contiguous to the axial Cys in 114464
could reinforce the hydrogen-bonds structure at this site. The models also show that
Glu, Ser, and His are responsible for cation coordination in CPO and suggest differ-
ent catalytic properties (activation rate and mechanism, substrate specificity, etc.)
from P. ostreatus heme-thiolate peroxidases (Ruiz-Dueñas et al. 2011).
Peroxidases and peroxygenases are beneficial biocatalyst and can play big role in
the chemical modification of wide range of organic substrates, including regioselec-
tive and stereoselective oxygenations, which are difficult to do using conventional
chemical reaction (Martínez et al. 2014). As a green technology, enzymes can act as
catalyst in chemical syntheses to perform reactions under mild conditions, environ-
mental friendly, and characterized by high specificity and selectivity compared to
traditional chemical methods. The advantages of this enzyme are involvement in the
production of fine chemical and the possibility to catalyze unspecific chlorination
reaction. In addition, it also suitable in bromination and iodation of electrophilic
organic substrates via hypohalous acid as actual halogenating agent (Hofrichter and
Ullrich 2006).
et al. 2013; Daba et al. 2011; Sherief et al. 2010), pectinases (Masutti et al. 2015;
Raymond et al. 2015; Morales Huerta et al. 2014; Sherief et al. 2010), proteases
(Ergun and Urek 2017; Genier et al. 2015; Lebedeva and Proskuryakov 2009;
Palmieri et al. 2001), amylases (Ergun and Urek 2017; Lim et al. 2013; Akinyele
et al. 2010; Rashad et al. 2009), and lipases (Wijayati et al. 2017; Guarino and
Sannia 2013).
This part describes other biocatalyst produced by P. ostreatus under different
cultivation strategies as well as the purifications process. The secretion of these
cocktail of enzymes is dependent on the medium composition, pH, and temperature
as well as the mycelial growth. For many researchers, solid-state fermentation (SSF)
is the most appropriate method for mushroom cultivation to scale up and the pro-
duction of extracellular enzymes such as laccase, manganese peroxidase, xylanase,
cellulose, and amylase (Koyani and Rajput 2015). This is supported by the utiliza-
tion of inexpensive lignocellulosic which can stimulate enzyme synthesis and sup-
porting fungal growth (Koyani and Rajput 2015).
5.8.1 Cellulases
Cellulases (EC are known as hydrolase enzymes that cleave cellulose by
catalyzing a series of cellulolytic reactions. Cellulases can be classified under dif-
ferent types such as (i) endoglucanases, endo-1,4-β-glucanase, carboxymethyl cel-
lulose (CMCase), β-1,4-glucanase, endo-1,4-β-D-glucanase, β-1-4-endoglucan
hydrolase, β-1,4-glucanase, cellobiohydrolases (CBH), and exogluconases, exocel-
lulases, and β-glucosidases. Generally, cellulases were produced by most of the
fungi and have the potential to degrade cellulose; at the same time, the same fungus
can secrete other enzymes to hydrolyze lignin and hemicelluloses (Khalil et al.
2011). Different cellulases have been produced and isolated from P. ostreatus as
reported by many authors using SSF and submerged cultivation system and sum-
marized in Table 5.1. Several studies reported the potential use of green substrate,
which is in the form of agriculture wastes, for the production of cellulases by P.
ostreatus (Radhika et al. 2013; Rodrigues da Luz et al. 2012). However, growth
phase is critical factor governing the enzyme production in SSF. Singh et al. (2003)
reported that cellulase production was highest during fruiting phase of strain
Pleurotus sp. Furthermore, cellulases are widely used in textile industries, as well as
detergent industries. In addition, they have also many applications in paper/pulp
industries and pharmaceutical industries.
5.8.2 Xylanases
Xylanases are enzymes which are able to break down the linear polysaccharide
β-1,4-xylan into xylose monomer and were classified into two major families
based on their protein sequence alignment. The two protein sequence alignments
5 Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse… 133
5.8.3 Pectinases
The presence of extractive substances, derived from wheat bran and grape stalks
(Massutti et al. 2015), sawdust (Sherief et al. 2010), sisal leaf (Raymond et al. 2015)
as well as cell immobilization in polyurethane foam (PUF) (Morales et al. 2014), in
culture medium can increase the production of pectinase by P. ostreatus. Sherief
et al. (2010) reported on the cultivation of commercial strain of P. ostreatus on lig-
nocellulosic rice straw and sawdust in plastic bags. The highest pectinase obtained
was 21.42 U g−1 after 35 days in case of saw dust, and 13.80 U g−1 after 20 days
incubation in rice straw culture. However, pectinase production by P. ostreatus is
not widely studied like other enzymes in spite of its importance based on its wide
use in textile industry, food processing industries, and for wine and juice clarifica-
tion (Tapre and Jain 2014; Pasha et al. 2013; Jayani et al. 2005).
Pectinylase (PL) EC can only be produced by a small number of micro-
organisms such as Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Fusarium (Rashad et al. 2011;
Buyukkileci and Fernandez-Lahore 2011). Pectinylase is a pectinase which is only
able to degrade highly esterified pectin into small molecules via β-elimination with-
out methanol production. It was reported that P. ostreatus has also the capacity to
produce PL. The produced enzyme had molecular weight of 23 KDa (Rashad et al.
2011). This pectin lyase showed high level of activity, with biochemical character-
istic with alkaline pH (7.5), high optimum temperature (60 °C), and good affinity
toward citrus pectin. Higher pectinase production was obtained by substrates from
food processing at different varieties which is orange peel, lemon peel, apple pom-
ace, and sugarcane bagasse using submerged fermentation by P. ostreatus NRRL-
366. The best substrate is lemon peel, giving 1750 U of exopolygalacturonase
(exo-PGase and 750 U of pectin lyase (PL) per 1 g wet substrate after cultivation for
only 4 days (Rashad et al. 2010).
5.8.4 Amylases
Amylases (EC 3.2.1.x) or amylolytic enzymes are widely used for starch hydrolysis
into glucose oligomers and glucose monomer. Amylases can be divided into four
types of enzymes which hydrolyze different linkages and form various products.
They are (i) α-amylase, β-amylase, glucoamylase, and pullulanase. Amylase can
secrete from plants, microorganism and animals and share at least 30% of the world
enzyme market (Deljou and Arezi 2016). However, enzymes from mushroom
sources have subjected applications in industrial part. Amylase has a great potential
application in industrial such as food, textile, paper, fermentation, detergent, and
pharmaceutical industries.
The production of β-amylase (Akinyele et al. 2010) and α-amylase (Ergun and
Urek 2017; Lim et al. 2013: Rashad et al. 2009) has been reported from the species
P. ostreatus (Table 5.1). α-Amylase is an enzyme with a potential to breakdown the
α-1,4-glucosidic linkage of starch to produce small molecules such as maltose and
malto-oligosaccharides (Deljou and Areze 2016). The isolation and characterization
of the β-amylase was reported from the edible mushroom, P. ostreatus by Akinyele
5 Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse… 135
et al. (2010). The purification of amylase enzyme has been achieved by ion exchange
chromatography method. The final finding was proven that the purified α-amylase
by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE SephadexA 50 and gel filtration is ther-
mostable with high potential for industrial use. The recent study of Ergun and Urek
(2017) showed that the maximal amylase activities were obtained in SSF after
7 days of cultivation using dry potato peel waste after pretreatment with potassium
5.8.5 Proteases
Interestingly, these enzymes involved in POXA1b degradation and play a key role
in the regulation of laccase activity and thus involved in lignin degradation by P.
ostreatus. Furthermore, this finding was similar in the regulation of laccase enzyme
in cultures of Trametes versicolor and Phanerochaete chrysosporium (Dosoretz
et al. 1990). The purified serine protease (PoSI) was reported to have an isoelectric
point of 4.5 and Mwt of 75 kDa, which is larger than other fungal proteases (Palmieri
et al. 2001; Dohmae et al. 1995; Mellon and Cotty 1996).
Metalloprotease is defined as protease enzymes with catalytic mechanism
involve metal ions and mostly require zinc or cobalt for activity. PoFE (a fibrinolytic
protease) consisting of 19 amino acids with N-terminal sequence of
ALRKGGAAALNIYSVGFTS. Enzyme activity was increased by the addition of
Ca2+, Zn2+, and Mg2+ ions, which is similar to the metalloprotease, extracted from
fruiting body of P. ostreatus (GenBank Accession No. AAU94648.1) (Shen et al.
2007). In another study by Liu et al. (2014), they successfully purified fibrinolytic
protease enzyme which exhibited thermostability up to 40 °C and pH optimum of 7.4.
This result for optimum pH was similar to other fibrinolytic enzymes from Cordyceps
militaris, Armillaria mellea, and Tricholoma saponaceum and application for medi-
cal applications, for thrombolytic treatment (Liu et al. 2014). In general, proteases
from P. ostreatus have molecular weight between 18.2 and 75 kDA (Liu et al. 2014;
Yin et al. 2014; Lebedeva and Proskuryakov 2009; Shen et al. 2007; Palmieri et al.
2001; Shin and Choi 1998; Dohmae et al. 1995). However, different types of protease
produced by P. ostreatus are presented in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2 Characteristics and potential application of some proteases from Pleurotus ostreatus
Purification conditions
Proteases of Yield Isoelectric Potential
Pleurotus sp. (%) Fold kDa point pH Temp application References
Metalloprotease 6.5 876 32 ND 6.5 35 °C Thrombolytic Shen et al.
therapy (2007)
Heart disease
Metalloprotease 7.54 147 18.2 8.52 7.4 40 °C Fibrinolytic Liu et al.
therapy (2014)
Serine protease 13 70 75 4.5 7–8 ND Acting as Palmieri
(PoSi) regulatory role et al. (2001)
for laccase
Metalloproteases Maintenance Dohmae
ProA 8 262 30 9.0 6.5 cellular disorder et al. (1995)
ProB 8 34.8 19 8.35 5.6
ProC – – 42.5 – 5.6
Cysteine protease 4 238 ND ND 5.5– 37 °C Cell Shin and
6.5 germination, Choi (1998)
Aspartic protease ND ND 35.3 4.57 ND ND Cheese making Yin et al.
industry (2014)
ND not determined or data not given in this study
5 Pleurotus ostreatus: A Biofactory for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes of Diverse… 137
5.8.6 Lipases
Acknowledgments The authors would like to express their sincere acknowledgment for the sup-
port of MOE and UTM-RMC (Malaysia) through HICOE grant no. R.J130000.7846.4J262.
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Chapter 6
Extracellular Fungal Peroxidases
and Laccases for Waste Treatment:
Recent Improvement
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Laccases
and phenol from the effluent by producing extracellular enzymes like laccase,
manganese peroxidase, and lignin peroxidase. Several studies suggested that fila-
mentous fungi are the best choice than bacteria for the removal of soil pollutants
because fungi can reach the pollutant efficiently than bacteria (Rubilar et al. 2008;
Kour et al. 2019; Yadav et al. 2018). For example, laccase activity was detected in
the cultures of fungi belonging to Basidiomycetes, Ascomycetes, and Deuteromycetes
family (Table 6.1). The highest amount of laccase is produced by white-rot fungi
(Leonowicz et al. 1997). Laccase enzyme has been reported in many fungal species
such as Trichoderma reesei (Levasseur et al. 2010), Xylaria polymorpha (Nghi et al.
2012), Lentinus tigrinus (Pozdnyakova et al. 2006), Pleurotus ostreatus (Zhao et al.
2017), Cerrena unicolor (Kim et al. 2002) T. versicolor (Minussi et al. 2007;
Rogalski et al. 1991), Trametes pubescens (Shleev et al. 2007) Melanocarpus albo-
myces (Kiiskinen et al. 2002), Magnaporthe grisea (Iyer and Chattoo 2003),
Aspergillus flavus PUF5 (Priyanka and Uma 2017), Trametes hirsuta (Tapia-Tussell
et al. 2011), Trametes ljubarskyi (Goh et al. 2017), Aspergillus flavus (Kumar
et al. 2016), etc. Further, Abd El Monssef et al. (2016) reported that the genus
Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Rhizopus, and Trichoderma
also produce laccases.
Other than fungi and plants, laccase enzyme has been reported from bacteria
(Santhanam et al. 2011) (Yadav et al. 2016, 2019a, b), lichens (Laufer et al. 2009)
and sponges (Li et al. 2015a). Moreover, polyphenol oxidases with laccase-like
activity have been found in oysters (Luna-Acosta et al. 2010) and insect cuticles
(Lang et al. 2012). Functions of laccase enzymes are based on their source and the
stage of life of the organism producing them.
positioned close to Type 3 copper. Type 3 copper is a binuclear center that showed
maximum absorbance at 330 nm in its oxidized form (Matera et al. 2008; Decker
and Terwilliger 2000). Laccase molecular weight was determined to be in the range
of 60–390 kDa (Kalme et al. 2009). The pH values vary between pH 4.32–6.51 and
pH 5.32–6.19 (Cázares-García et al. 2013; Moreno et al. 2017). The catalytic
domain of laccase is moderately conserved in diverse fungal species, and the rest of
the enzyme structure shows high diversity (Gochev and Krastanov 2007; Moreno
et al. 2017). However, laccases with variants in the active site are also reported in
Pleurotus ostreatus (Palmieri et al. 1997). In this fungus, enzymes lacking the maxi-
mum absorption around 600 nm are usually classified as “yellow” or “white” lac-
cases. Difference in the active center might confer these laccases have different
functional properties of interest. Similar white laccase has also been reported in
Deuteromycete fungus and Myrothecium verrucaria NF-05 (Zhao et al. 2012).
These white laccases contain only one Cu, one Fe and two Zn atoms (Palmieri et al.
1997; Zhao et al. 2012), but laccase enzyme of Phellinus ribis has one manganese
atom instead of T1 copper atom (Min et al. 2001). Many fungi have variable number
of laccase genes and they are typically inducible.
Laccases have several biological functions such as lignification of plant cell walls
(O’Malley et al. 1993), lignin biodegradation, detoxification of lignin (Baldrian
2006), virulence factors (Williamson et al. 1998), and copper and iron homeostasis
(Stoj and Kosman 2003). Further, laccases have potential applications in bioreme-
diation, paper pulp bleaching, finishing of textiles, biofuel cells, etc. Laccases
exhibit transformation reactions like oxidation of functional groups to the hetero-
molecular coupling for production of new antibiotics derivatives or the catalysis of
key steps in the synthesis of complex natural products (Xenakis et al. 2016).
However, fungal laccases are largely used for removal of phenols which present in
wastewater (Pang et al. 2016). The following are the significant areas of laccase
The growing fungi are used for waste (harmful pollutants) treatment. In this method,
the fungal cells can adapt in the pollutant containing environment, utilize the harm-
ful pollutants as carbon and energy requirements by synthesizing the specialized
degradative enzyme, and digest or transform the pollutants to harmless. The intro-
duced organisms produced enzyme that co-metabolized the targeted contaminants
(Mugdha and Usha 2012). White-rot fungus Trametes versicolor is able to remove
humic acids from a real humic-rich industrial-treated wastewater of a food-
processing plant (Mostafa Zahmatkesh et al. 2017).
Enzymes extracted from organisms are used to treat toxic pollutants as a pure form
or crude extract. This method is advantageous, because of the following: (1) there is
no need of acclimatization of source organisms to the toxic environment, (2) addi-
tional nutrients are not essential, (3) growth supportive environment is not required,
(4) the growth rate of the source organism does not affect the amount of available
enzyme to treat the effluent, (5) usage of cell-free enzyme makes it easier to stan-
dardize optimum treatment conditions, and (6) it is easy to handle and monitor the
process (Karam and Nicell 1997). Crude enzyme extract is the least processed but
contains active form of the enzyme. It is used to treat large-scale effluent treatment.
Although usage of pure enzyme is highly expensive, crude enzyme preparation at
larger volume should be used for industrial effluent treatment. In general, enzyme
function is based on their conformation, under extreme conditions such as very high
or low pH and temperature, high ionic strength, high concentrations of reactants,
and presence of inhibitors; the structure of free enzyme may be modified and the
enzyme becomes nonfunctional (Karam and Nicell 1997). Besides, use of free
enzyme is hard to be taken from the residual reaction system for reuse (Wang et al.
2008). Therefore, immobilized preparation of enzymes and the whole-cell biomass
for repeated long-time usage have been developed.
Colors and dyes are commonly used in textile, paper, food, cosmetics, and pharma-
ceutical industries. There are above 1,00,000 different human-made synthetic dyes
available on the market, and worldwide, its production is around 7,00,000 tons/year
(Hao et al. 2000). Wastewater from textile industries carries 10% of the dye stuffs
which has been a significant cause of environmental pollution. Most of the synthetic
dyes are lethal to living organisms due to their toxic and carcinogenic properties.
The removal of dyes from industrial wastewaters could be very important due to
their toxicity and carcinogenicity. The structural complexity of dyes makes effluent
treatment difficult by conventional physicochemical methods due to their high cost
and low effectiveness. Laccases are promising tools for the detoxification of dyes
(Table 6.3) because it has shown efficient decolorization of different industrial dyes
at low concentrations (Rodriguez et al. 1999; Reyes et al. 1999) without generation
of harmful aromatic amines (Chivukula and Renganathan 1995; Wong and Yu 1999).
Dye degradation ability of laccase depends on physiochemical parameters such
as cell aging, concentration of dye, immobilized cells, etc. (He et al. 2004; Kalyani
et al. 2008). Laccase from Polyporus rubidus showed efficient decolorization of
industrially important synthetic textile dyes in broad range of concentration without
the use of redox mediators (Bayoumi et al. 2014). Immobilized laccase of
Paraconiothyrium variabile has pH and thermal stability and exhibited efficient
decolorization of Acid Blue 25 and Acid Orange 7 (Mirzadeh et al. 2014). Complete
decolorization of malachite green was achieved with Cerrena sp. laccase CLEAs
(cross-linked enzyme aggregates) at 60 °C (Yang et al. 2017a). Trametes versicolor
CBR43 can decolorize different types of dyes such as acid disperse and reactive
textile dyes by producing laccase and Mn-dependent peroxidase (Yang et al. 2017b).
Laccase enzyme from Cerrena unicolor strain GSM-01has been purified and identi-
fied that laccase is a monomeric protein of 63.2 kDa, their optimal pH and tempera-
ture is 2.6 and 45 °C, respectively and effectively decolorize bromothymol blue,
evans blue, methyl orange, and malachite green (Wang et al. 2017).
Large amount of phenolic compounds such as lignin and their derivatives contain-
ing effluent has been discharged from the paper industries. Commonly, chemical
bleaching method is used to remove lignin. In this process, chlorine is used, but
chlorine formed bond with lignin and produce toxic organochloro-complexes like
chlorolignins, chlorophenols, chloroguiacols, and chloroaliphatics. Large volume
6 Extracellular Fungal Peroxidases and Laccases for Waste Treatment: Recent… 163
of dark colored wastewater is produced at the end of bleaching process. Dark colored,
toxic wastewater of paper industry are highly hazardous and also create environ-
ment pollution. Physical and chemical methods such as ultrafiltration, ion exchange,
lime precipitation and aerated lagoons, and activated sludge methods are used to
treat wastewater, but they are ineffective and expensive. This triggers the use of
microbial laccase enzymes which fulfills the whole requirement and delignification,
separates wood into its constituent fibers and lessens the toxic wastewater forma-
tion. Laccase-mediated delignification was introduced in the 1900 and uses media-
tors to oxidize the phenolic compound, lignin.
The laccase enzyme itself can effectively break phenolic compound due to its
high redox potential. The incorporation of mediator along with laccase increases the
availability and dimension of the enzyme against non-aromatic ring-containing
compounds. Several mediators ABTS, HBT, N-hydroxyacetanilide (NHA), and vio-
luric acid have been used in delignification process. Effective mediators commonly
164 Shanmugapriya S. et al.
catechin, and L- DOPA) at their low concentrations (Singh et al. 2010). Oktem et al.
(2012) immobilized laccase enzyme on Whatman filter paper No. 1 with coloring
agent MBTH (3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone) that is used for the identification of
oxidation products of phenols by developing maroon-green colors.
6.4 Peroxidase
Peroxidases are classified into two types based on the presence or absence of heme
group. They are (1) heme peroxidases and (2) non-heme peroxidases (Passardi et al.
2007a, b). Most of the known peroxidase are heme-containing peroxidases (>80%).
Small proportion of the non-heme peroxidases such as thiol peroxidase, alkylhydro-
peroxidase, and NADH peroxidase existed. Heme peroxidases have further been
classified into two superfamilies. They are (i) peroxidase-cyclooxygenase super-
family (PCOXS) and (ii) peroxidase-catalase superfamily (PCATS) (Passardi et al.
2007a, b; Zamocky and Obinger 2010) (Fig. 6.3).
Non-animal (plant, fungal, and bacterial) heme peroxidases come under this super-
family. At first, based on the sources of peroxidase, this superfamily peroxidase was
called as the plant, fungal and bacterial heme peroxidase. But, the name of this
superfamily was altered as peroxidase–catalase superfamily after identification of
new cnidarians peroxidase. The non-animal peroxidases are further divided into
three classes. They are Class I, II, and III peroxidases (Pandey et al. 2017).
Class-I: They are intracellular peroxidases. It includes cytochrome c peroxidase
(CCP1), ascorbate peroxidases and catalase peroxidase.
Class-II: They are extracellular fungal peroxidases, like the lignin (LiP) and man-
ganese (MnP) peroxidase. Both are secreted by white-rot fungi and involved in
the degradation of lignin. Versatile peroxidases (VP; EC displayed a
hybrid molecular structure between LiPs and MnPs (Pérez-Boada et al. 2005).
This group of peroxidases plays a major role in lignin biodegradation.
Class-III: They are extracellular plant peroxidases. This includes horseradish per-
oxidases (HRP), peanut peroxidase (PNP), soybean peroxidase (SBP), etc. They
play a major role in plant physiological processes such as cell wall metabolism,
lignification, suberization, auxins metabolism, wound healing, etc. Class II and
Class III peroxidases contain a N-terminal signal peptides, disulfide bridges, gly-
cans, and calcium in their structure (Pandey et al. 2017).
168 Shanmugapriya S. et al.
Fig. 6.5 Catalytic cycle of a LiP-mediator oxidation system. VA-OH veratryl alcohol, VA-CHO
veratryl aldehyde
compounds like LiP. It was first identified in the white-rot fungus Pleurotus eryngii
(Martinez et al. 1996). It was first purified from the fungi Bjerkandera (Moreira
et al. 2007) and can transform lignin even in the absence of an external mediator. It
is found in Physisporinus vitreus (Kong et al. 2017), Phlebia radiata, P. pulmo-
narius, and Galerina marginata (Kinnunen et al. 2016). VPs can oxidize wide range
of substrates with low and high redox potentials. Generally, VPs have hybrid molec-
ular structures of LiP and MnP and provide multiple binding sites for the substrates
(Camarero et al. 1999). VPs are superior than other peroxidases, because VPs effi-
ciently oxidize phenolic compounds without the use of veratryl alcohol or Mn(II)
that are needed for LiPs and MnPs activity, respectively (Ruiz-Duenas et al. 2009).
Because of the catalytic versatility, VPs have been involved in the different biotech-
nological applications. VP can oxidize not only Mn (II), but also veratryl alcohol,
phenolic, non-phenolic and high molecular weight compounds, including dyes in
Mn-independent reactions (Asgher et al. 2008; Wong 2009). Like MnP, commercial
applications of VPs are limited, because of their unavailability in large quantities
which can be overcome by the use of DNA recombinant technology (Ruiz-Duenas
et al. 2009).
Dye is a synthetic colored substance and is used by various industries to color paper,
cotton, polyester, nylon, silk, leather, plastics, hair, etc. to which the dye binds and
becomes an integral part. When unbound synthetic dyes are released into water,
they cause pollution and cause skin allergy, cancer, and chromosomal aberrations
for human beings and also affect plants that reduce photosynthetic activity by
reflecting sunlight and affect germination rate of plants. Fungi can rapidly become
172 Shanmugapriya S. et al.
Humic substances (HS) are formed from microbial breakdown of dead plant matter,
mainly from lignin. HS tend to be polydisperse polymers of aromatic and aliphatic
units that have been synthesized from the polymerization of intermediate lignin
degradation products (Abdel-Hamid et al. 2013), and the polymer is physically and
chemically structurally complex (Niladevi 2009). HS are existing in soil, marine,
and groundwater environments and wastewater from industrial and municipal water
treatment (Abdel-Hamid et al. 2013). In the pulp and paper industry, HS are pro-
duced from the chemical treatment of wood and removed using membrane filters
during wastewater treatment, but they form biopolymer and produce blockage of
filter leads to decrease of filtration flux rates (Sutzkover-Gutman et al. 2010). The
enzymes are applied to remove the HS in ecofriendly method with low cost
(Cavicchioli et al. 2011). Peroxidases catalyze H2O2-dependent oxidation of aro-
matic polymers, including HS, by generating radicals which can break aromatic
rings, ether and carbon–carbon bonds, and by causing demethoxylation (Wong
2009; Abdel-Hamid et al. 2013). Versatile peroxidase oxidizes complex polymeric
humic substances (HS) derived from lignin (humic and fulvic acids) and industrial
wastes (Siddiqui et al. 2014).
174 Shanmugapriya S. et al.
The herbicide atrazine was converted to the less toxic compounds desethyl atrazine
and hydroxyatrazine (N-dealkylated and hydroxylated metabolites, respectively),
by the fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Atrazine removal corresponded to the
production of LiP and MnP from the fungus (Mougin et al. 1994). LiP and MnP of
white-rot fungus P. chrysosporium can degrade the herbicide and isoproturon in
in vitro and in vivo conditions (Del Pilar et al. 2001). MnPs from P. chrysosporium
have the ability to break bentazon in the presence of mediators like Mn(II) and
Tween 80. The herbicide glyphosate was oxidized by MnP that is produced by
Nematoloma frowardii (Pizzul et al. 2009). This information evidently indicates the
prospective application of lignin-degrading enzymes in the treatment of herbicides
contaminated soil and water. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) such as
anthracene and pyrene are highly hydrophobic, but they are oxidized by MnP and
LiP of wood rotting fungus Nematoloma frowardii. In the presence of low molecu-
lar mediator substances, the substrate range and the oxidation rate of LiP, MnP is
increased (Günther et al. 1998). When endocrine-disrupting chemicals and trace
organic contaminants like pharmaceuticals and personal care products are released
into water, it leads to bioaccumulation, acute, and chronic toxicity to aquatic living
organisms and also causes severe effect on human health. Podoscypha elegans
degrades lignin and organic pollutant by producing nonspecific extracellular ligni-
nolytic enzymes such as laccase, lignin peroxidase (LiP) and manganese peroxidase
(MnP). It can be used for the removal of pollutants from the environment (Nikki
Agrawal et al. 2017). MnP from Pleurotus ostreatus could detoxify aflatoxin B1
(AFB1) depending on the enzyme concentration and incubation period (Yehia
Ramy Sayed 2014). Non-lignolytic filamentous fungus Penicillium sp. CHY-2 can
degrade different aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Penicillium sp. CHY-2 effi-
ciently degrades decane than octane, dodecane, ethylbenzene, butylbenzene, naph-
thalene, acenaphthene, and benzo[a]pyrene by producing MnP enzyme. The relative
molecular mass of MnP enzyme from Penicillium sp. CHY-2 is estimated to be
36 kDa, and the native form of MnP is a monomer (Govarthanan et al. 2017).
Fungal laccases and peroxidases are a promising biocatalyst, used as a better alter-
native for conventional chemical processes in the treatment of lignin degradation,
wastewater treatment, decolorization, and detoxification of textile dyes and bio-
sensor preparation to detect the environmental pollutant. Their substrate range is
fairly wide and immobilization technology increases enzyme stability and to
achieve its reuse.
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Chapter 7
Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation
of Contaminated Soil
7.1 Introduction
Fungi are varying in size and shape and are known as eukaryotes. Individual cells of
fungi vary in its size such as yeasts. The chains of elongated cells stretch for miles
(Alberts et al. 2013). The saprophytic fungi grow on dead organic matter, whereas
others are parasites. These are absorptive heterotrophs that secrete digestive enzymes
and break down the organic matters into substrates, and then absorb easily available
molecules of organic matters (Sankaran et al. 2010). The fungal hyphae have large
surface areas and small volumes which improve the absorptive capability of the
fungi (Wright and Upadhyaya 1998). The bioremediation (mycoremediation) has
been progressively renowned by the potential of fungi (Igiehon and Babalola 2017).
Other explanation also describes why the fungi are perfect organisms for the myco-
remediation (bioremediation), and why they may be superior to other microorgan-
isms such as bacteria, algae, and plants under various situations (Harms et al. 2011).
The mycelial network of fungal organizations has capability to penetrate into soils
and contact spaces of soil pores (Boswell et al. 2007). The fungal mycelium can
performance as a component, and mature surrounding the hurdles, recycled dead
hyphae and reallocate properties and development to resource-rich zones of the soil.
In comparison to various other eukaryotes, the cells of fungal hyphae display the
indeterminate growth, so the division of cells takes place continuously in the hyphae
of a mycelium, providing the mineral components accessible in the substrate (Miller
and Fitzsimons 2011). The fungal mycelium in drier soils or soils holding the
P. Chandra (*)
Department of Environmental Microbiology, School for Environmental Sciences, Babasaheb
Bhimrao Ambedkar (A Central) University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Plant Pathology, School of Agriculture, MPDC, University of Lucknow,
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
nutrient patches locally may be benefitted. This is because their mode of growth
permits them to associate with soil openings for their growth (Tsing 2012). The
fungi have more potential to tolerate high concentrations of toxins compared to
bacteria (Gonzalez-Chavez et al. 2004).
Furthermore, several secondary metabolites are produced by the fungi for the
bioremediation of polluted soils, and the enzymes secreted are particularly signifi-
cant, and several of them lack substrate specificity and they are released as exoen-
zymes into the substrate (Cohen and Hadar 2001). Generally, the fungi depend on
the degradation of macromolecules extracellularly, and a large quantity of enzymes
is produced and secreted into the substrate (Girish and Kemparaju 2007). In the last
years, emergent pollutants are of great interest (Bosco and Mollea 2019). Among
them, endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pharmaceutical personal care
products (PPCPs) generated from human being chemicals are significant due to
their biological effects on nontarget organisms; particularly, the endogenous hor-
monal effects, antagonized or simulated to EDCs, are toxic at very low concentra-
tions to the organisms (Duarte et al. 2018). Bisphenol A, Estrone, 17 β-estradiol, 17
α-ethinylestradiol, and triclosan are detected in soil and studied mostly. Due to the
irrigation of contaminated wastewater, EDCs and PPCPs enter mainly into the soil
ecosystem (Dodgen et al. 2014; Ying and Kookana 2005; Chen et al. 2010). The
ligninolytic fungi have the capability to convert EDCs, permitting a decrease in
their ecotoxicity or the endocrine-disrupting activity; furthermore, the capability of
degradation by the heterogeneous class of PPCPs is also reported to occur broadly
by unspecific enzymatic systems (Cajthaml 2015; Rodarte-Morales et al. 2011;
Yadav et al. 2018).
In any geophysical area, the variation in living organisms taken together abundantly
is known as biodiversity (Sogin et al. 2006; Rana et al. 2019b). However, most of the
fungi are not observable by the naked eye and must be considered under a micro-
scope. The cultivable fungi can be recognized due to the sporulation (Tibbett and
Carter 2008; Yadav et al. 2017). The fungi are superior to bacteria, viruses, and other
smaller forms of life such as viroids (Parlevliet 2002). Approximately, 72,000 named
species of fungi are recognized, and some new species are being added at the rate of
about 700 to 1500 each year (Tortella et al. 2005; Yadav et al. 2019a, b). About
63,500 species of fungi have been labeled, in which 13,500 are found to be associ-
ated with algae as lichens. Sometimes, these organisms are termed the lower fungi
such as Zygomycetes and Chytridiomycetes or higher fungi such as Ascomycetes
and Basidiomycets (Blackwell 2011). They are classified as enzymatic machinery.
The name white rot is given for rot fungi that decay the lignin and brown rot for those
that decay only the cellulose. This difference is reflected in the overall appearance of
the rotten wood (Rytioja et al. 2014). The brown rot fungi are known as soft rot fungi,
which decompose only the cellulose, but they attack damper wood, and decay
7 Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil 191
ordinarily occurs only near the wood surface (Enespa and Chandra 2017). Currently,
the fungal potential for bioremediation (mycoremediation) has been gradually
renowned. The bioremediation of hydrocarbons is based on biodegradation, and so it
is involved in a partial or a complete breakdown of the relevant pollutants (Alvarez
et al. 2017; Rastegari et al. 2019). Fundamentally, this mechanism is different from
bioaccumulation which designates the capability of some fungi to accumulate or
hyperaccumulate various metals inside the cell from the soil (Alvarez et al. 2017).
Generally, based on catalytic reaction activity, these enzymes are divided into six
classes: oxidoreductases (EC 1), transferases (EC 2), hydrolases (EC 3), lyases (EC
4), isomerases (EC 5), and ligases (EC 6) as expressed in (Table 7.1) (Alexander
et al. 2017; Kour et al. 2019b; Rana et al. 2019a; Suman et al. 2016; Yadav 2019).
The fungal extracellular enzymes mostly belong to two classes of enzymes. They
are oxidoreductases and hydrolases. The transfers of hydrogen or oxygen atoms or
electrons from one substrate to another are oxidation and reduction reactions,
known as oxidoreduction reactions and are catalyzed by oxidoreductases catalase
(Lucas et al. 2008). The cleavages of chemical bonds by the addition of water are
hydrolysis reactions and are catalyzed by hydrolases catalase. In the growing phase
of fungi, various extracellular of enzymes are produced, and they degrade various
polymers (Leonowicz, et al. 2001). In the lignin degradation, the oxidoreductases
enzymes are involved, since lignin cannot be utilized as a source of energy or car-
bon by the fungi. The cellulose and hemicellulose enzymes have the capability for
growth after degradation of complex lignocellulose structure in the plant cell wall
(Kirk and Farrell 1987). The hydrolases catalyze lignin degradation and further
break down to cellulose and hemicellulose (Langston et al. 2011).
Lignin is the most complex natural polymer formed from the random polymeriza-
tion of phenyl propanoid units. Lignin-modifying enzymes (LMEs) are known as
extracellular nonspecific oxidative enzymes, which have the capability of degrada-
tion to lignin by radical reactions (Joy et al. 2015). Four copper ions per molecule
are found in laccases known as phenol oxidases. The oxygen is reduced to water due
to catalysis by laccases and supplemented by the oxidation of various phenols
(Galhaup and Haltrich 2001). A low redox potential has been seen in the laccases,
but other organic compounds are also oxidized in the presence of redox mediators,
such as 2, 2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) and
1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT) (Camarero et al. 2007). The peroxidase enzymes are
MnPs, LiPs, and VPs, which have heme protein (protoporphyrin IX containing Fe2+-
ion as a central atom) as their prosthetic group (Table 7.2). The Mn2+ ions are oxi-
dized to Mn3+ ions which are catalyzed by MnPs, and stabilized by chelation with
the organic acids. The one-electron oxidation of both phenolic and non-phenolic
aromatic compounds is catalyzed by LiPs (Ye et al. 2010). VPs have both catalytic
activities of MnP and LiP, and are known as hybrid peroxidases. The non-ligninolytic
heme-containing peroxidases are also produced by the Coprinopsis cinerea, which
are dye-decolorizing peroxidases (DyP) and peroxidase (CiP). The smaller dye
molecules and phenols are oxidized by the CiP, whereas the DyP also have the abil-
ity of oxidizing complex dye molecules (Liers et al. 2013). Moreover, the lignin
degradation is also shown by intracellular cytochrome P450 monooxygenases. The
lipophilic compounds are also catalyzed by the monooxygenation of P450 enzymes,
and they may degraded to lignin and other organic compounds together with peroxi-
dases (Wittich 1998). The catalytic similarities have been shown in extracellular
aromatic peroxygenases (APO) and intracellular P450s. In Agrocybe aegerita and
Coprinellus radians, the APOs activities have been described (Pecyna et al. 2009).
LMEs used in several applications are potential industrial enzymes used in process-
ing industries of paper and pulp, for example, in the functionalization of lignocel-
lulosic materials, biobleaching, biopulping, pitch removal, and alteration of wood
7 Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil 193
Table 7.2 Extracellular oxidative enzymes of fungi and their environmental applications
activity Reaction mechanism Occurrence in fungi References
Laccase O2-dependent one-electron Basidiomycota and Ray et al. (2014)
oxidation of various phenols. Ascomycota, in most
Extended substrate range in the WRF and LDF
presence of redox mediators.
Mostly acidic and rarely in
neutral pH range
Manganese H2O2-dependent one-electron Basidiomycota, Zhang et al.
peroxidase oxidation of Mn2+ to Mn3+, common in WRF and (2014)
(MnP) chelated Mn3+ oxidizes phenolic LDF
compounds, acidic pH range
Dye- H2O2-dependent one-electron Basidiomycota and Merckx (2013),
decolorizing oxidation of organic compounds, Ascomycota Salvachúa et al.
peroxidase decolorizes Reactive Blue 5, (2013)
(DyP) additional hydrolyzing activity,
acidic pH range, also very low
Coprinopsis H2O2-dependent one-electron Basidiomycota, only in Floudas et al.
cinerea oxidation of various phenols, C. cinerea (2012), Millati
peroxidase acidic and alkaline pH range et al. (2011)
Versatile Reaction mechanism of both Basidiomycota, only in Datta et al. 2017,
peroxidase MnP and LiP, acidic pH range Pleurotus sp., Kinnunen et al.
(VP) Bjerkandera sp. and (2017), Pollegioni
Trametes versicolor et al. (2015)
fibers (Ferhan 2016), improving the contaminated soil from effluents and its biore-
mediation by enhancing the enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic substrates
(Pérez et al. 2002). The laccases and MnPs are the strategic fungal enzymes for the
bioremediation (Reddy 1995). All white rot fungi produce laccase and MnP; they
are more widespread among LiP produced by WRF (Christian et al. 2005).
Particularly, the activity of LiP has been identified only in a few experiments from
the soil. Moreover, Pleurotus sp., Bjerkandera sp., and Trametes versicolor pro-
duced only versatile peroxidase (VP) (Hofrichter 2002).
For the degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose from wood or plant litters, the
fungi utilize various extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. The chains of single cellulose
are connected together with the bonds of hydrogen to form microfibrils (Lynd et al.
2002). Three different types of cellulases are required for the degradation of cellulose
namely endoglucanase (EC, exoglucanase (cellobiohydrolase, EC,
and β-glucosidase (EC, and they act synergistically (Schwarz 2001).
Endoglucanases hydrolyze β-1, 4-glucosidic linkages in noncrystalline sections of
the cellulose chain internally, which results in a decrease in the chain length and an
194 P. Chandra and Enespa
The removal of pollutants from the soil and water by the fungal microorganisms is
known as bioremediation. There are two methods, namely, in situ and ex situ, to remove
pollutants from various sites. If the contaminated material is treated onsite, the method
is known as in situ method, and if the treatment of contaminated material is done
7 Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil 195
elsewhere, the method is known as ex situ method (Mueller et al. 1989). The bioreme-
diation methods are known to degrade toxic organic materials, for example, from oil
spills, pesticides, and industrial waste and heavy metals at the molecular level and
convert them into less toxic compounds (Boopathy 2000). The bioremediation is the
full mineralization of contaminants, that is, their transformation to CO2, H2O, N2, HCl,
by the various fungal strains (Rhodes 2014). The heavy metals and radioactive cations,
of course, cannot be decayed, but can be reduced into forms of low solubility, for
example, by a change in the oxidation state, such as U (IV) (in UO2), so that it may be
less harmful in the soil or might be physically unconcerned by mycoremediation,
which involves the harvesting of plant or fungus (Gavrilescu et al. 2009; Glasser 2001).
The elements with metallic properties and have atomic number > 20 are known as
heavy metals. Certainly, the metal conversion is the normal mechanism in the soil.
However, the high concentrations of heavy metals can be toxic for the living cells
such as plants, animal, and microbes (Lasat 1999). The most common heavy metal
pollutants in the environment are As, Sr, Cs, U, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn. Some
of these metals are micronutrients and are necessary for the growth and develop-
ment of plants, for example, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Co, while others have unknown
biological function, such as Cd, Pb, and Hg (Alloway 2013). Heavy metals enter
into the environment or soil by both natural and anthropogenic sources (Duruibe
et al. 2007). The weathering minerals, erosion of rock, and volcanic activity are the
most significant natural sources, and the mining, smelting, electroplating, use of
pesticides and fertilizers, as well as biosolids in agriculture, sludge dumping, indus-
trial discharge, atmospheric deposition are the anthropogenic sources (Ali et al.
2013; Barsainya et al. 2016). The anthropogenic and manmade sources of several
heavy metals in the environment or soil are presented in Table 7.3.
Table 7.3 Anthropogenic and natural sources of heavy metals in the soil
Heavy Effects on
metals Sources microorganisms Effects on human being References
Zinc (Zn) Mining, oil Inhibits growth, Kidney and liver failure, Karwade
refinery, death, decrease in lethargy, macular et al. (2018)
plumbing, Brass biomass degeneration, metal fume
manufacturing fever, prostate cancer,
seizures, vomiting Ataxia,
depression, gastrointestinal
irritation, hematuria,
icterus, impotence
Lead (Pb) Battery Inhibit enzyme Learning deficits, reduced Shawai
manufacture, activitiesand fertility, renal system et al. (2017)
herbicides and transcription, and damage, risk factor for
insecticides, aerial denatures nucleic Alzheimer’s disease,
emission from the acid shortened attention span,
combustion of anorexia, chronic
lead petrol nephropathy, damage to
neurons, high blood
pressure, hyperactivity,
Chromium Fly ash, paints Growth inhibition, Irritation of the skin, Dhal et al.
(Cr) and pigments, inhibition of itching of respiratory tract, (2013)
tannery industry, oxygen uptake, liver diseases, lung cancer, Chandra
steel industries elongation of lag nausea, renal failure, and Singh
phase reproductive toxicity, (2014)
chronic bronchitis,
diarrhea, emphysema,
Mercury Release from Disrupt cell Dizziness, dysphasia, Ali et al.
(Hg) Au–Ag mining membrane, inhibits gastrointestinal irritation, (2013)
and coal enzyme function, gingivitis, kidney problem,
combustion, decrease population loss of memory, pulmonary
medical waste, size, denature edema, reduced immunity,
Power plants protein sclerosis ataxia, attention
emissions deficit, blindness, deafness,
decrease rate of fertility,
Nickel Nonferrous metal, Inhibit enzyme Chest pain, dermatitis, Bhatnagar
(Ni) paints, porcelain activities, oxidative dizziness, dry cough and and
enameling, stress, disrupt cell shortness of breath, Minocha
electroplating, membrane headache, kidney diseases, (2010)
lung and nasal cancer,
nausea, cardiovascular
7 Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil 197
are also involved. The arbuscular mycorrhizae showed specific role in the host plant
on exposure to heavy metal and depend on various environmental factors, such as
the ecotypes and the plant species, the fungal species and the ecotype, the availabil-
ity of metal, edaphic conditions of soil, such as the fertility of soil, and the growth
conditions of plants like intensity of light or density of root (Khan 2005; Hall 2002).
Likewise to PGPR, numerous mechanisms have been assumed for the direction of
toxic metal and the allocation in plant roots in the presence of AMF, including the
binding of heavy metals to the cell wall and their deposition in the vacuoles of AMF
(Chandra and Enespa 2016), the sequestration of metals with the help of sidero-
phores in the soil or into the root apoplasm, the binding of metals to metallothio-
neins or phytochelatins inside the fungal and plant cells, and the transporters of
metals at the tonoplast of both plants and fungi catalyze the transport of metals from
the cytoplasm (Neagoe et al. 2013; Jan and Parray 2016).
compounds, temperature, pH, and interrelationships with other fungi are the main
factors which influence the production of enzymes (Mata et al. 2010). The lignino-
lytic and cellulolytic extracellular enzymes are controlled at the transcription level
by the heavy metals and during the course of their action (Lee et al. 2012). The
energy flux in the ecosystem influences the effect of heavy metals on the enzyme
activities. A positive regulation of laccase and isoenzymes on the copper application
has been reported in P. ostreatus study (Baldrian 2003). With increasing Cd concen-
tration, the Mn-peroxidase activity decreased, and the activities highly increased of
endo-1, 4-l-glucanase, 1, 4-l-glucosidase and laccase in the presence of metal
(Kapahi and Sachdeva 2017). The P. sajor-caju laccase isozyme genes (phenol oxi-
dase A1b (POXA1b), POXA2, and POXC) that are regulated at the transcriptional
level in response to copper and manganese have been reported. The energy flux in
the ecosystem influences the effect of heavy metals on the enzymes activities
(Goudopoulou et al. 2010). A positive regulation of laccase and isoenzymes on the
copper application has been reported in P. ostreatus study (Palmieri et al. 2003).
With increasing Cd concentration, the Mn-peroxidase activity decreased, and the
activities highly increased of endo-1, 4-l-glucanase, 1, 4-l-glucosidase and laccase
in the presence of metal (Kapahi and Sachdeva 2017). The P. sajor-caju laccase
isozyme genes (phenol oxidase A1b (POXA1b), POXA2, and POXC) that are regu-
lated at the transcriptional level in response to copper and manganese have been
reported (Goudopoulou et al. 2010). It has also been reported that the activity of
laccase decreases immediately and reduces the stability of the enzyme after the
addition of Hg. Stimulatingly, Cu and Hg increased the activity of MnP slightly
(Zeng et al. 2012). At low concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Hg, the activity of MnP
decreased when it is incubated in the presence of all three metals, due to the syner-
getic effects of the heavy metals (Aragay et al. 2011; Dwivedi and Enespa 2014).
And Mn has also been found to affect MnP gene transcription, and the activity of
enzyme in a positive way in some Pleurotus spp. has been reported (Cohen et al.
The progeny of Pleurotus eryngii was incubated in the Zn-, Cu-, Co-, Cd-, and
Ni-enriched substrate and assessed for the effect on morphology and physiology.
During the incubation stage in Ni and Cu, the concentration of laccase activity
decreased, and completely inhibited during the fruiting stage (Baldrian 2003). The
effects of inhibition were more noticeable when multi-metal solution exposure
takes place. For the consideration of a fungal species as a biosorbent, the desorption
of the adsorbed metal ions and their successive reuse and the productivity of the
biomass in biosorption need to be taken into account (Volesky and Holan 1995).
The desorption in the acidic solution has been described to be more effective than
that in the alkaline desorption solution. Under acidic conditions, the protons partici-
pate for the sites releasing metal ions in the medium (Mohan and Pittman 2007). A
97% desorption of the adsorbed Hg from the immobilized and heat-treated P. sajor-
caju resulted when eluted with HCl. P. ostreatus, using HCl for a contact period of
1 h only showed that 99% Pb could be desorbed (Akar et al. 2008). P. florida could
be regenerated and reused for the biosorption of Pb for six times using biomass. The
59% generation rate of Cu has been reported for P. mutilus (Kapahi and Sachdeva
7 Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil 199
The fungi are very resourceful and have a wide range of adaptability and quick
responsiveness to stress condition, environmental adversities, and exciting climatic
conditions. The reduction of complex hydrocarbons and the chains of hazardous
substances into simpler, nontoxic, biodegradable form to tidying the environment
can be achieved with the help of fungal strain (Dubos 1987). Various fungi also have
excellent capability to binding with metallic ions, which comprise the efflux of
metal ions outside the cell and buildup, and construct the metal ion complex inside
the cell; later, they reduce the toxic metal ions to a nontoxic state (Hajipour et al.
2012). Various mechanisms have progressed by which they can immobilize, mobi-
lize, or renovate the metals and make them inactive or tolerate the uptake of heavy
metal ions (Fig. 7.1) (Prado et al. 2015). The mycoremediation mechanism adopted
by fungi includes
Exclusion: Due to the formation of a permeable barrier, the metal ions are kept away
from the target sites.
Extrusion: By the active transport, the metal is pushed out of cells.
Fig. 7.1 Bioremediation mechanism of heavy metals by fungi (modified and adopted from
Chandra and Enespa 2019)
200 P. Chandra and Enespa
The hazardous organic compounds are released by the industry and other sources to
soil in the form of wastewater and the solid waste (Wuana and Okieimen 2011). This
hazardous substance may be heavy metal, pesticides, and herbicides and they can accu-
mulate in other organisms through the food chain and have the capability of long-range
transport and are classified as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) by the Stockholm
Convention, 2001 (World Health Organization 2010). After its 5th meeting, there are
22 organic compounds that are currently classified as POPs; some are directly pro-
duced by the chemicals and some are generated as a form of by-products of reactions
(Schwarzenbach and Gschwend 2016). The by-products formed in the industrial pro-
cesses are polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
(PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), carcino-
genic polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and certain brominated flame-retardants
(Roots 2004). The POPs include some pesticides also, such as dichlorodiphenyltrichlo-
roethane (DDT), and some organometallic compounds, for example, tributyltin (TBT).
In transformers and capacitors, the PCBs were widely used as coolants and insulating
fluids (Darbre 2015). PCBs are common contaminants in many former industrial soils
due to their widespread use. PCBs are problematic to be degraded by bacteria because
due to the formation of toxic chlorobenzoic acids (CBAs), the PCBs are not easily
degraded by bacteria which have a tendency to accumulate in soils polluted with PCBs
(Mikszewski 2004). However, the ligninolytic fungi have capability to further reduce
CBAs while instantaneously transforming PCBs (Peu 2014). So, the “emerging con-
taminants” increased in the environments (Petrie et al. 2015).
Previously, these chemicals were not detected in the natural water, but discovered
currently such as plasticizers (also known as Bisphenol A (BPA), flame-retardants,
pesticides, pharmaceuticals products such as antibiotics and other personal care
products (Loraine and Pettigrove 2006). They naturally disrupt the endocrine system
or cause other long-term effects to human being or other living organisms in very low
7 Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil 201
concentrations (Colborn et al. 1993). For instance, Bisphenol A has estrogenic activ-
ity even at pico- to nano-molar concentrations (Wetherill et al. 2007). BPA is known
not for the estrogenic activity since 1993, but it is still used to create polycarbonate
plastics and epoxy resins, and reactions can be found in many other consumer prod-
ucts such as water bottles and coatings inside food and beverage cans (Vandenberg
et al. 2007). During washing with hot water or in alkaline or acidic conditions, BPA
leaches out from these materials (Howdeshell et al. 2003). Furthermore, BPA is not
completely degraded in the treatment of wastewater, and thus BPA can spread into
the aquatic environment through the wastewater effluent. BPA and other emergent
contaminants could be degraded in municipal wastewaters with the help of LMEs
(Tijani et al. 2013). In the degradation of BPA with the help of MnP, it was observed
that the treatment after 90 min. with MnP resulted in 100% reduction of estrogenic
activity and 98% degradation of BPA (Kabiersch et al. 2011).
In the arctic environment where the natural reduction is extremely slow, the long-
range transport is the most important source for pollutants. The sources of long-range
transport are previously used chemicals and already-existing environmental pollution
due to their long life spans after the restriction and the production of many POPs
(Wania 2003). So, it is necessary to treat the soils affected with POPs with special
treatment techniques to remediate the contaminants. The fungal enzymes can provide
new approaches to treat polluted soils or wastewaters (Gomes et al. 2013). There is a
potential to use fungal mycelia to treat POP soils, including PCB, PAH-, and PCDD/
F-contaminated soils, and fungal enzymes to clean up effluents, to degrade emerging
contaminants in municipal wastewaters, synthetic dyes in textile industry wastewa-
ters, and lignin in pulp mill wastewaters (Anasonye et al. 2014; Anasonye et al. 2015).
Based on their morphological, physiological, and genetic features, the fungi are
considered unique organisms. They are able to colonize in natural environments
(soil, air, water) and are known as omnipresent, and they maintain the ecosystem’s
equilibrium (Barea et al. 2005). Fungi develop their unique bioremediation proper-
ties due to adaptation to their environments. Based on laboratory studies, it is known
that all the natural organic compounds can be degraded by various fungal species
due to the production of enzymes such as amylases, lipases, and proteases and that
allow them to use substrates as fats, proteins, and starches (Shah et al. 2008). The
pectin, cellulose, and hemicelluloses can be used by some other species as a carbon
source. The natural complex polymers are degraded by some main fungal strains
and may be resistant to microbial attack, such as keratin, chitin, and lignin (Walker
and White 2011). Generally, on the basis of reactions, the enzymes are divided into
six classes such as catalyze: oxidoreductases (EC 1), transferases (EC 2), hydro-
lases (EC 3), lyases (EC 4), isomerases (EC 5), and ligases (EC 6) (Andreini et al.
2008). Mostly, the extracellular fungal enzymes are categorized into two enzyme
classes: oxidoreductases and hydrolases. The oxidation or reduction reactions, that
202 P. Chandra and Enespa
is, transfer of hydrogen or oxygen atoms or electrons from one substrate to another
are carried out by oxidoreductases (Madhavi and Lele 2009). The cleavage of chem-
ical bonds by the addition of water is hydrolysis reaction that is done by the hydro-
lases. In their growth environment, extracellular enzymes are produced by the fungi
to degrade various polymers (Lucas et al. 2008). In lignin degradation, oxidoreduc-
tases enzymes are involved. The lignin cannot be used as a source of energy or
carbon by the fungi. The complex lignocellulose structure of the plant cell wall has
capability to use cellulose and hemicellulose for the growth. The breakdown of cel-
lulose and hemicellulose is catalyzed with hydrolases (Pérez et al. 2002).
The PAHs are also formed due to the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing
fuels, including fossil fuels, wood, or other biomass, and are also present in crude
oil and coal (Huber et al. 2006). The PAH contamination can be either long-winded
contamination in urban surface soils, which receive a continuous input of pyrogenic
PAHs from the emissions to air, or the contamination from a point source like gas-
works soil or oil-polluted soil. In sawmill soil, PAH contaminations originate from
coal-tar creosote, which completely consists of PAHs, and is commonly used to
preserve wood and in the making of waterproof crossties and power line poles
(Winquist et al. 2014). The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US
EPA) (Article IV) has listed 16 PAHs of special concerns. The α-benzopyrene is
considered as the most carcinogenic PAH-compound associated with five benzene
rings (Ramesh et al. 2004). The PAHs are resistant to microbial degradation due to
their complex structure with two or more fused benzene rings and low water solubil-
ity (Haritash, and Kaushik 2009). The diffuse contamination of PAH in surface soils
has been observed and PAHs like phenanthrene, fluoranthene, and pyrene can be
degraded by soil microorganism, while the benzo (a) anthracene and benzo (a)
pyrene are examples of more recalcitrant high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs that
are biodegraded very slowly in the soil (Tian et al. 2008). The ligninolytic fungi
have a capability to degrade and mineralize the PAHs and the mechanism is thought
to be similar to that of lignin degradation.
The oxidation of PAHs is catalyzed by peroxidases or laccases and results in the
formation of PAH-quinones that can be further oxidized (Haritash, and Kaushik
2009). LMEs might have an important role in the initial attack on HMWPAHs in
soil. Since the LMEs are extracellular, they have capability to diffuse effectively to
the highly immobile HMW PAHs. The resulting metabolites are more water-
soluble, and thus, more bio-accessible (Turja et al. 2013). The formed compounds
can be substrates for many bacteria, but they may also be further degraded by fun-
gal intracellular enzymes, such as cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase (Saratale
et al. 2011). When the degradation of several PAHs by Irpex lacteus was deter-
mined, the structures of some of the metabolites suggested the involvement of both
LMEs and cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase. In addition to mineralization, a
7 Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil 203
significant fraction of PAHs are incorporated into humic substances during the
bioremediation (Covino et al. 2016).
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) belong to the most toxic compounds such as
polychlorinated dibenzo furans (PCDF) and dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD). Two aro-
matic rings with one to eight chlorine atoms are found in PCDD/Fs (Seo et al. 2009).
Chlorine groups have toxic congeners in all of the 2,3,7,8 positions (7 PCDDs and
10 PCDFs), and 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD) is the most
toxic congener (Safe 1993). By multiplying their concentration with a Toxic
Equivalency Factor (TEF) (Article III), the toxicity of other congeners is compared
to that of 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD. By adding up all the 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD equivalents of all
the individual congeners, the total toxic concentration (expressed as World Health
Organization – Toxic Equivalent, WHO-TEQ) can be calculated (Giesy and Kannan
1998). The compounds PCDD/Fs are chemically stable in structure and poor bio-
availability, so the degradation rate of these compounds is very slow in nature.
PCDD/Fs are tightly adsorbed on soil particles, and absorbed into organic matter in
soils and sediment due to its highly hydrophobic nature (Anyasi and Atagana 2011).
In industrial processes, the PCDD/Fs are almost exclusively produced as by-
products, for example, the municipal waste incineration, chlorine bleaching of
paper and pulp, manufacturing of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides (Mezcua
et al. 2012). In Finland, the main source of PCDD/F pollution was the production
and use of a chlorophenol-containing wood preservative (Ky-5) during 1940–1984
(Salo et al. 2008). The composition of Ky-5 in chlorophenols is 2, 3, 4,
6-tetrachlorophenol (55%), 2, 4, 6-trichlorophenol (36%), and pentachlorophenol
(7%) (Anasonye et al. 2014). Furthermore, in Ky-5, the PCDD/Fs were found as
impurities. Over the past several decades, most of the chlorophenols in these con-
taminated sawmill soils have volatilized, leached, and biodegraded (Josefsson et al.
2016). In the top soil with hepta and octachloro dibenzo furans (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,
8-HpCDF and OCDF) as the main congeners, still, the PCDD/Fs continue to be the
main source for the contaminations (Seike et al. 2007). Additionally, severe PCDD/F
contamination is also found in Kymijoki River sediments due to sawmill soils.
The Plant situated of Ky-5 along the river and a fire in the plant in 1960 caused a
large spill in the environment (Karademir et al. 2013). It is observed that several
white rot fungi (WRF) to degrade all congeners of PCDD/Fs have been reported,
even the ones with maximum amount of chlorine atoms (Anasonye et al. 2015).
Additionally, to extracellular LMEs, some WRF have also intracellular P450, and
the LMEs attack co-metabolic lyon-chlorinated dioxins under aerobic conditions.
P450 enzymes of fungi, together with peroxidases, are also involved in the degrada-
tion of lignin. Probably, P450 enzymes and extracellular enzymes are involved with
later stages of degradation of chlorinated dioxins by WRF (Anasonye et al. 2014).
Several fungi used for the biodegradation of pesticides are given in Table 7.4.
204 P. Chandra and Enespa
The enzymes are categorized into six general groups according to the Commission on
Enzymes of the International Union of Biochemistry. The enzymes catalyzing oxidation–
reduction reactions are known as oxidoreductases, and those catalyzing a chemical group
from one molecule to another are known as transferases; the hydrolytic enzymes are
known as hydrolases; those catalyzing the addition of functional groups to double bonds
or vice versa are known as lyases; those catalyzing the intramolecular rearrangements are
known as isomerases; and those enzymes catalyzing the condensation of two molecules
coupled with the cleavage of a pyrophosphate bond of ATP or similar triphosphate are
known as ligases (Karigar and Rao 2011; Faber and Faber 1992). Hydroxylation of aro-
matic rings is catalyzed by oxygenases and is initiated by various enzymes. One oxygen
atom is inserted into their substrates from the monooxygenase types, in another process,
7 Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil 205
CH3 – CO – SCoA
CO2 + H2O
two oxygen atoms are inserted into their substrates by dioxygenase-type approach
(Ullrich and Hofrichter 2007). Consequently, in a series of reactions, they are converted
into 2-ketoadipate or another compound and the ring is cleaved. And these compounds
can be consumed by the fungi or other microorganisms (Fan and Krishnamurthy 1995).
The biodegradation process of naphthalene is displayed in Fig. 7.2.
For the bioremediation, the use of microbes is tormented with several rate-limiting fac-
tors. For the detoxifications of hazardous substance, various limitations apply to using
microbes. To the production of microbial culture, an expensive and long-approaching
process may be used (Hamelinck et al. 2005). Moreover, severe surroundings such as
chemical shock, pH and temperature, hazardous toxins, predators, and high dose of the
pollutants or their products may permanently damage or metabolically deactivate
microbial cells (Burridge et al. 2010), and the difficulty in continuing active cells dur-
ing the conveyance to the contaminated sites also limits the use of whole-cell purifica-
tion machineries (Raafat et al. 2008). The other factors that could control the use of
microbes include restricted mobility of the cells within the soil, the alternate carbon
sources, and the weakness of the inoculated microorganisms in competition with the
native population (Nannipieri et al. 2003). The biotransformation is involved in a series
of catalyzed enzymes reactions. If the enzyme reactions (preferably immobilized) are
206 P. Chandra and Enespa
used instead of the microbes, most of these hostile factors can either be eliminated or
mitigated (Kumar et al. 2015; Kour et al. 2019a). The bio-oxidation catalyst causes a
host of reactions by the enzymes. Specificity is shown by the enzymes and is character-
ized as they show an ideal temperature and pH for their actions (Denard et al. 2013).
The other catalysts, similarly, accelerate the reaction rate of chemical by lowering the
activation energy for a specific reaction.
Currently, in the world, contamination and its remediation have received considerable
attention due to the fact that numerous heavy metals cannot be degraded in the whole
environment and these metals lie in the soil. Various approaches have been followed
successfully to generate various plants and sites that have the capability to propagate in
polluted soils of metals and accumulate or tolerate the stress of metals. Naturally, the
microbial approaches for the remediation of heavy metal tolerance are an eco-friendly
and economical approach. Subsequently, the heavy metal uptake by plants and their
tolerance depend on various environmental factors, and interactions between plant and
fungi can play an important role in successful survival and growth of plants in contami-
nated soils. The plant growth-promoting microbes also assist plant growth by changing
the bioavailability of heavy metal due to various enzymatic activities of fungi. These
beneficial effects demonstrated by fungus, together with the interrelationship between
heavy metal tolerance and plant growth-promoting capability, indicate that their exploi-
tation in remediating metal-contaminated soils might have significant potential in the
near future. The synergistic approach of plant and fungi and their metal mobilization
mechanism, transformation, and detoxification have been observed. Further, observing
and handling the fungal and heavy metal remediation involve categorization of the fate
and behavior of the compounds of interest in the environment. So, these highlights rep-
resent the importance of a consistent link among the research and development for the
valuation and management of unindustrialized metal contaminants and the tools, appa-
ratus, and knowhow that contribute toward the contentment of these experiments.
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Chapter 8
Bioremediation of Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Contaminated Soil
Through Fungal Communities
8.1 Introduction
Table 8.1 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including some heterocyclic and their details health
risk, and environmental data
Chemical Ranking Molecular Environmental
Compound structure positionb formula/(Mw) Health riska dataa
Naphthalene 81 C10H8/128.174
Fluorene 9 C13H10/166.223
Benzo(a) 38 C18H12/228,2879
8 Bioremediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Contaminated Soil… 219
Benzo[g,h,i] 9 C22H12/276.338
perylene (PAHs)
(Zhang and Tao 2009). Once in the atmosphere, small PAHs and gaseous PAHs
can be volatilized and transported over long distances, influenced by certain mete-
orological conditions. Small PAHs can then be degraded by different reactions
such as photodecompositions and/or chemical oxidation, defining the PAH half-
life in the atmosphere, until they are absorbed into particles, where further degra-
dation could be completely inhibited. At this point, the small PAHs are deposited
onto terrestrial, lacustrine, and marine surfaces (Fig. 8.1). Heavy PAHs can be
transported in settling atmospheric particles which contribute to the depositions in
soils and sediments (Wilcke 2000). Thus, PAHs can be dispersed locally and inter-
continentally via atmospheric and aquatic transport (Becker et al. 2006). In soils,
PAHs result mostly from atmospheric deposition and tend to be absorbent to soils
particles. This absorption is strongly influenced by the soil composition, particle
size, and organic carbon content. Retention of PAHs in organic matter and soil
particles contributes to the aging of soils with PAHs, and as a result, the ability for
PAH-degrading microorganisms decreases and they are accumulated (Loehr and
Webster 1996).
220 U. Conejo-Saucedo et al.
Fig. 8.1 Main sources of PAH in the environment: (1) forest fires, (2) volcanic eruptions, (3)
combustion of fossil fuels, and (4) accidental spills during storage, transport, and disposal of
fossil fuels
Microorganisms are found in all ecosystems and are essential biological compo-
nents to their functioning. Microorganisms are involved in the nutrient cycling
which contributes to biogeochemical processes in the biosphere. Microbial metabo-
lism which drives degradation and transformation processes depends on the interac-
tions and the relationships between microbes and substrate availability. The
combination of microorganisms which comprises the microbial community includes
bacteria, archaea, fungi, and microeukaryotes (Fuhrman 2009; Yadav et al. 2019a,
b). The first person to observe and discuss the microbial community was Clements
(1916), who considered the community as a supraorganism with levels of
8 Bioremediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Contaminated Soil… 221
In the last decades, a number of approaches have been developed based on genetic
diversity. These include omics technologies, which are useful in understanding the
cellular and molecular behavior of the communities, especially during a bioremedia-
tion event. Thus, if metagenomics supply the genetic profile of the fungi involved in
a polluted soil, metatranscriptomics reveal information related to gene expression
profiles in active populations of the mycobiome involved, for example in signaling,
or in the degradation and metabolism of PAHs. Metaproteomics then show the pro-
tein expression profile as a response to a specific compound and function, integrat-
ing intermediates and final products in pathways through metabolomics (Kachienga
et al. 2018; Kotoky et al. 2018). In addition, sequencing technologies have allowed
for the elucidation and annotation of several genomes at increasing rates. The “1000
Fungal Genome project” represents a strong push to obtain a number of new genomic
sequences to include in a large-scale catalogue of fungal species (https://genome.jgi.
doe.gov/programs/fungi/1000fungalgenomes.jsf) (Grigoriev et al. 2014).
The application of these technologies has become an indispensable tool in bacte-
rial soil ecology, but its use in studies of fungal communities has so far been limited.
8 Bioremediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Contaminated Soil… 223
Extracellular mechanism for elimination of PAHs in fungi involves the use of low-
specific enzymes as main component (Morelli et al. 2013). White-rot fungi (WRF)
are the most important representatives of this kind of fungal elimination systems
due to their ability of producing a set of extracellular lignin-modifying enzymes
such as laccase, manganese peroxidase (MnP), and lignin peroxidase (Winquist
et al. 2014; Yadav and Yadav 2015) and unspecific peroxygenases, versatile peroxi-
dases, and decolorizing-type peroxidases (DyP-type) (Kües 2015). These kinds of
enzymes can transform and/or mineralize the phenolic polymer components in
wood that have complex and heterogeneous matrices, making them ideal tools for
the degradation of a variety of aromatic compounds (Anastasi et al. 2013). From
this point of view, WRF have shown promise for application in the bioremediation
of PAH contaminated soil and water by employing these enzymes and focusing on
improving the removal rates, while continuing to evaluate kinetic parameters, reus-
ability and efficiency (Xuanzhen et al. 2014; Lee et al. 2014; Bautista et al. 2015;
Godoy et al. 2016). However, studies in fungal diversity by culture independent
techniques show that in polluted environments, some of the main fungal populations
are fungi lacking of these enzymes (D'Annibale et al. 2006). Another element of
extracellular systems in the elimination of PAHs is the use of cell wall and mem-
brane components as biosorbent systems (Harms et al. 2011). This physicobio-
chemical surface phenomenon considers the electrostatic interaction of biomass
with contaminants involved to gauge the removal of the pollutant and could be
8 Bioremediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Contaminated Soil… 225
complemented by bioremediation (Ding et al. 2013; Tony et al. 2014). The use and
production of fungal biosurfactants to improve extracellular uptake of xenobiotic
compounds by biomass is one branch of bioaugmentation, and may play a role as an
element that can improve the overall degradation of the xenobiotics in question
(Lladó et al. 2013a). In this context, an emulsifying effect was observed in the bio-
degradation of ring-PAHs by Pleurotus ostreatus D1, due to the production of natu-
ral biosurfactants. The author suggested that the presence of this element increases
the solubility and bioavailability of the pollutants and/or increase the production of
extracellular enzymes for the elimination of the PAHs (Nikiforova et al. 2009).
Fig. 8.3 Proposed phenanthrene degradation pathway in fungi (Marco-Urrea et al. 2015)
226 U. Conejo-Saucedo et al.
In the last two decades, the interest in the use of biotechnologies, destined to recover
contaminated environments from hazardous aromatic pollutants such as PAHs, has
increased. The analyses of metagenomics in hydrocarbon-polluted areas have pro-
vided information about the richness and diversity of the autochthonous community
in this type of environment, the genes involved in the degradation, the protein
expression, and the final product generated. Several investigations have focused
their attention on the study of the fungal diversity in PAH contaminated soils
(Cerniglia and Sutherland 2010; Mineki et al. 2015; Sawulski et al. 2015; Siles and
Margesin 2018; Yadav et al. 2017b).
Fungi, as a part of a community focused on PAH degradation, have an important
role as the main degraders or/and complement of communities of bacteria and com-
plex eukaryotes for elimination of hydrocarbons aromatic derivatives (Zafra et al.
2014; Vasudevan et al. 2018). Borowik, et al. (2017) analyzed the effect of diesel oil
contamination on the diversity of fungal communities in soils. After 270 days, the
degradation of the PAHs with four rings was 64%; in PAHs with five rings was 28%;
and in PAHs with six rings was 16%. However, the colony development index for
fungi increased significantly, while the diversity index decreased, indicating a direc-
tional selection. In recent studies, Biache et al. (2017) analyzed the impact of PAH
contamination on the abundance of microbial communities, and the communities’
degradation capacity for the PAHs. The results showed differences in the degrada-
tion rates according to the distribution, the availability of PAHs, and the three soils
that were evaluated; reaching 98%, 76%, and 34% of degradation, respectively
(Biache et al. 2017).
In nature, the biodegradation of PAHs occurs among different microbial com-
munities and is not restricted to single microbial species. Thus, cometabolism of
PAHs will result in multitudes of high-polarity metabolites more easily degradable
by lower species in the taxonomic class. Consequently, in a mixed microbial popu-
lation, initial cometabolic transformation may pave the way for subsequent attack
by another organism, resulting in a synergism of fungi-bacteria/bacteria-fungi for
the elimination of PAHs (Vasudevan et al. 2018). This step is essential for the
8 Bioremediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Contaminated Soil… 227
Two of the most used fungal bioremediation technologies for PAH removal in situ
are bioaugmentation and biostimulation. While the process of bioaugmentation
implies the introduction of a group of microbes that have the ability to survive in a
contaminated environment and carry out the bioremediation process, during bios-
timulation, the autochthonous microorganisms receive nutrients for an adequate
growth and metabolic rate in order to increase the efficiency of degradation (Vidali
Contaminated soils are an excellent source of adapted microorganisms (Björklöf
et al. 2009; Bourceret et al. 2016). For this reason, several studies have been carried
228 U. Conejo-Saucedo et al.
With the even growing emphasis on green technologies, the novel field of
bioremediation has introduced opportunities for discovery in biological sciences.
The inclusion of and focus on fungi in studies of microbial bioremediation can serve
to add to understanding not just xenobiotic metabolism, but also aid in the under-
standing of microbial interactions in both laboratory and natural settings.
Importantly, scientists may better be able to observe how fungal communities func-
tion and impact their environment on a larger scale. Isolating specific fungi can have
its place in discovering the single players in a systemic whole, but ultimately, the
consensus shows that fungi, bacteria, and plants work best all together in contami-
nant purification.
Nonetheless, individually and within these systems of microbial communities,
through applying surveys using omics techniques, scientists may be able to uncover
levels of enzymatic processes behind PAH degradation. Additionally, studying
fungi in polluted settings can carry insights that explicitly speak to the ability of
species to adapt to stress in their habitats, as fungi have shown to be more resilient
and adaptive in polluted settings. Researchers using omics techniques could ulti-
mately pinpoint specific molecular adaptations that operate to augment chances of
survival in PAH contaminated environments. Perhaps genetic engineers can even
come to apply these mutations to organisms in degradation consortiums, to design
whole, synergistic microbial communities for the complete removal of anthropo-
genic PAHs in contaminated habitats. In this way, fungi serve an important role in
the biological and chemical rehabilitation of terrestrial and aquatic environments
for a restoration of native ecological equilibrium in contaminated sites.
Acknowledgments The authors gratefully thank the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
(MINECO) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funds for the Ramón y Cajal con-
tract of EA (RYC-2013-12481). UC and DRO thank CONACyT Mexico for the postdoctoral fel-
lowship (230592/209148/473970; 231581/454815, respectively). HPS acknowledges the Fulbright
Program (PS00247479) for the Open Study/Research Grant. We would like to acknowledge the
Environmental Microbiology Research Group [RNM-270] of the University of Granada (Spain).
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Chapter 9
Role of Fungal Enzymes
for Bioremediation of Hazardous
9.1 Introduction
Hazardous chemicals may be defined in terms of any waste material that would
be a present or future threat to organism or to the environment. It can also be
defined as unwanted materials that exhibit hazardous characteristics (Wu et al.
2008; Gnanasalomi et al. 2013). Agricultural practices, industrial processes, and
the use of variety of chemicals in different extents of our routine life result in the
deliberate or accidental release of potent chemicals (i.e., lethal to humans) into the
environment. These hazardous chemicals can be transported via atmosphere and
water as well and, in many cases, find their way into sediments and soils after their
release in environment. Environmental hazardous chemicals of particular interest
are mainly pollutants including petroleum hydrocarbons, halogenated solvents from
industrial sources, endocrine-disrupting agents and drugs, explosives, chemicals
from agricultural activities, heavy metals, metalloids, and radionuclides (Harms
et al. 2011; Kumar and Sharma 2018; Kumar et al. 2018). A number of activities
including anthropogenic activities (e.g., agricultural practices) and industrial pro-
cesses (e.g., mining and metal processing, petrochemical and industrial complexes,
industry effluents, chemical weapons production, pulp and paper industries, dye
industries, and industrial manufacturing) are responsible for the pollution in the
environment. These chemicals may affect the health of humans, plant, and animals
and also affect the environment for several causes (Rao et al. 2010). Among all envi-
ronmental hazardous chemicals, some substances are potentially toxic and present
in the environment and affect microbial organisms, plants, animals, humans, soil,
sediments, water, and air. These toxic substances are very often present not only as
mixtures of different organic compounds but also of organic and inorganic ones.
Because the number of industries increases day by day, a large amount of waste
materials has been let out into the environment. These wastes are very toxic and
persist in environment for a long time. They can enter into the food chain from
soil and water even after their use. These chemicals have also the capability to bio-
accumulate within the cells of organism. Thus, biomagnifications occur over the
period because of the increasing levels of toxic compounds within the body. These
hazardous pollutants are flammable, explosive in nature, corrosive, toxic, and bioac-
cumulative. Sometimes, eutrophication takes place due to the presence of inorganic
pollutants, and acute and chronic diseases occur due to exposure to these pollutants
(Gnanasalomi et al. 2013).
Bioremediation is a process mediated by microorganisms that transform or
degrade contaminants into nonhazardous or less hazardous substances. The efficient
capability of bioremediation of pollutants in many organisms like bacteria, fungi,
algae, and plants has been reported (Vidali 2001; Leung 2004; Karigar and Rao
2011). The bioremediation process primarily depends on action of microorganisms
and which convert hazardous chemical to innocuous products by enzymatically
attacking on the hazardous chemical. An effective bioremediation can only exist
where environmental conditions favor microbial growth and activity. Often, the
applications of bioremediation involve the manipulation in the environmental con-
ditions which allow microbial growth and rapid degradation of chemical. Generally,
degradation of pollutants is a very slow process. Only some certain fungal species
have been reported as potent pollutant degraders. Some of these strains are working
as some effective bioremediation agents only under laboratory conditions. The envi-
ronmental factors like pH, temperature, oxygen, soil structure, moisture and appro-
priate level of nutrients, poor bioavailability of contaminants, and presence of other
toxic compounds limit the fungal growth. However, the microorganisms can grow
in environmental conditions, but most of them prefer optimal ideal condition that is
difficult to maintain outside the laboratory (Dua et al. 2002; Dana and Bauder 2011).
Most bioremediation systems operate under aerobic conditions, but anaerobic envi-
ronments may also permit microbial degradation of recalcitrant molecules. Fungi
rely on the participation of different intracellular and extracellular enzymes, respec-
tively, for the remediation of recalcitrant and lignin and organopollutants (Hammel
1997; Karigar and Rao 2011) (Table 9.1).
biomass, and dry weight is 50–1000 μg per g and 2–45 t per ha, respectively. The
hyphae length for arable, pasture and forest top soils can be up to 102 m per g,
103 m per g, and 104 m per g, respectively (Ritz and Young 2004).
Some classes of fungi tolerate optimal environmental conditions such as tem-
peratures (−5 to +60 °C) and pH (1–9) and grow at a water activity of only 0.65, or
with 0.2% oxygen. Morphologically, fungal species vary in shape and size widely
from unicellular (microscopic organisms) to multicellular forms (easily seen with
the naked eye). Individual cells range from 1 μ to 30 μ. Molds and yeasts are exam-
ple of microscopic fungi. The kingdom fungi is estimated to contain about 80,000–
100,000 described species. Most of them are pollutant degraders and belong to the
phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, followed by the subphylum mucoromyco-
tina (Harms et al. 2011).
Among all the fungal groups, meiosporic ascomycetes and mitosporic ascomycetes
account for about 64% of all described fungal species and also the largest fungal
group in terrestrial and aquatic environments (Shearer et al. 2007). Numerous mem-
bers of the subphylum Pezizomycotina (the most diverse group of the filamentous
ascomycetes) attack environmental organic hazardous. For example, species of the
genera Cladophialophora and Exophiala belong to order Chaetothyriales and
assimilate the toluene (Prenafeta-Boldú et al. 2006). Aspergillus and Penicillium
spp. belong to order Eurotiales and degrade pollutants such as aliphatic hydrocar-
bons, chlorophenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pesticides, syn-
thetic dyes, and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) (Hofrichter et al. 1994; Pinedo-Rilla
et al. 2009; Prince 2010).
This diverse group includes microorganisms that can exist in both reproductive
states, i.e., anamorph and teleomorph states, making their classification extremely
9 Role of Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Hazardous Chemicals 241
difficult (Hibbett and Taylor 2013). This phylum contains parasitic, symbiotic, or
saprotrophic lifestyles of microorganisms and morphologies such as unicellular in
yeast and multicellular in filamentous, and dimorphic fungi can exist as mold/
hyphal/filamentous form or as yeast. Studies on the fungal diversity in some anthro-
pogenically polluted samples, including activated sludge or wastewater-treatment
plants indicate ascomycota as the dominant phylum (Weber et al. 2009; Evans and
Seviour 2012; Maza-Márquez et al. 2016). These groups of fungi have been studied
for the involvement of the intracellular enzymes such as Cytochromes P450 (CYP),
manganese peroxidase, or laccase that have degradative capability of aromatic sub-
stances such as PAHs, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and diverse xenobiotic compounds
(Marco-Urrea et al. 2015; Aranda 2016; Bovio et al. 2017). However, ascomycetes
are able to degrade a large number of compounds.
The phylum Basidiomycota constitutes roughly 34% of all described fungal species.
Basidiomycetes are mostly inhabiting in terrestrial environments and are rarely in
aquatic environments (Lynch and Thorn 2006). The group of macro- and microor-
ganisms having characteristic features such as formation of basidia, a bottle-shaped
cell structure containing haploid and sexual basidiospores, is the basidiomycota
division of fungi. The most fungi of basidiomycota group pass between a dikaryotic
state and diploid growth to asexual reproduction by conidia with the subsequent
formation of basidiospores during their life cycle (Alexopoulos et al. 1996). Due to
ecosystem balance and their environmental relations, these fungi have established
and enhanced different systems such as cycling of carbon and nitrogen sources. The
main mechanisms involved in the degradation of hazardous chemicals including
PAHs and aromatic compounds by using basidiomycota fungi are groups of extra-
and intracellular oxidoreductases like laccases, peroxidases, and CYPs. These
enzymes break down and modify the bonds of different compounds, mainly by
extracellular pathways (Schmidt-Dannert 2016). Several kinds of LME and fungal
mediators (Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Phlebia ochraceofulva, Pycnoporus
sanguineus, Pleurotus ostreatus, and T. versicolor) have been studied in relation to
the biodegradation of PhACs in the white-rot fungi (Yadav et al. 2006; Cajthaml
et al. 2009; Díaz-Cruz et al. 2015) (Fig. 9.1).
Fig. 9.1 The biochemical pathway of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon biodegradation by fungi
(Harms et al. 2011)
saprophytes, and pathogens, members of Mucorales group (core group of the tradi-
tional Zygomycota) are facultative parasites/saprobes in nature. Cunninghamella
elegans, member of Mucorales, have the ability to reproduce regioselective and
stereoselective transformations in mammal enzymatic systems due to this nature; it
has been extensively used as model fungi in different studies on the metabolism of
xenobiotics. The subphylum Mucoromycotina part of the basal fungal lineage
accounts for less than 1% of all described. In this subphylum, the genera
Cunninghamella, Mucor, and Rhizopus (members of the order Mucorales) include
degraders of PAHs, pesticides, textile dyes, and TNT (Scheibner et al. 1997; Pinedo-
Rilla et al. 2009; Prince 2010). The high ability of this fungus group to transform a
broad range of compounds has been studied in detail. The mechanism involved in
the biotransformation of PAHs by C. elegans includes phase I and phase II reac-
tions. The phase I reaction includes oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis that gener-
ate hydroxylated metabolites such as 2-hydroxycarbamazepine, hydroxyflumequine,
hidroxywarfarin, etc. and sulfoxidated products such as chlorpromazine sulfoxide.
These reactions are highly regio- and stereoselective. Sometimes, these compounds
undergo phase II reactions to form conjugated metabolites such as fluoresomidearyl
glucoside. Other representatives of Mucoromycotina such as Umbelopsis ramanni-
ana and Mucor rammanianus have been investigated in microbial transformations
of carbamazepine (Kang et al. 2008) and fluoroquinolones, such as sarafloxacin and
enrofloxacin, respectively (Parshikov et al. 2000, 2001).
9 Role of Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Hazardous Chemicals 243
Fig. 9.2 Mechanism of bioremediation of hazardous chemical used by fungi (Deshmukh et al.
244 N. Singh et al.
9.3.1 Laccase
9.3.2 Catalase
9.3.3 Tyrosinases
9.3.4 Peroxidase
9.3.6 Monooxygenases
Monooxygenases are classified into two subclasses based on the presence cofactor:
flavin-dependent monooxygenases and P450 monooxygenases. Oxygenases are grouped
into two categories, the monooxygenases and dioxygenases, on the basis of number of
oxygen atoms used for oxygenation. The enzymes of this group are generally cell
bound. They play a key role in the metabolism of organic compounds by increasing
their reactivity or water solubility or bringing about cleavage of the aromatic ring.
Oxygenases have a broad substrate range and are active against a wide range of com-
pounds, including the chlorinated aliphatic. The desulfurization, dehalogenation, deni-
trification, ammonification, hydroxylation, biotransformation, and biodegradation of
various aromatic and aliphatic compounds are catalyzed by monooxygenases. These
properties have been explored in recent years for important application in biodegrada-
tion and biotransformation of aromatic compounds (Arora et al. 2010).
Fungi possess complex oxidative and hydrolytic enzymatic systems for detoxifying
toxic compounds in the environment. Besides these systems, certain fungi possess
intracellular networks which constitute the xenome, consisting of cytochrome
(CYP) P450 monooxygenases for dealing with diverse range of pollutants. The fun-
gal cytochrome P450 system can serve as versatile catalyst for region- and stereo-
specific oxidation of nonactivated hydrocarbons and can be ideal substitutes for
chemical catalysts (Urlacher and Girhard 2012). Ichinose (2013) has highlighted
the significance of cytochrome P450 systems in metabolism of series of endogenous
and exogenous compounds. CYP63A2 P450 monooxygenase from white-rot fun-
gus P. chrysosporium oxidized crude oil aliphatic hydrocarbon n-alkanes, endocrine-
disrupting long-chain alkylphenols (APs), and mutagenic/carcinogenic fused-ring
high molecular weight PAHs (HMW-PAHs) (Syed et al. 2013). Preinduction of the
P450 monooxygenase before application in degradation studies could result in
enhanced PAH removal. Enhanced removal of pollutants also achieved by molecu-
lar tools aimed at rapid and over production of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase
(Bhattacharya et al. 2013; Guengerich and Munro 2013; Theron et al. 2014)
9.3.9 Nitroreductases
Among the enzymes identified as involved in the degradation of TNT are the nitro-
reductases. This group of enzymes reduces a wide range of nitroaromatic com-
pounds such as nitrofurazones, nitroarenes, nitrophenols, and nitrobenzenes
including explosives such as TNT, RDX, and GTN.
TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene) degradation by fungi is initiated by mycelia bound
nitroreductases which reduce TNT to hydroxyl amino dinitro toluene and aminodi-
nitrotoluenes. Further degradation of these products and mineralization is achieved
through the activity of oxidative enzymes especially lignin degrading enzymes (lig-
nin and manganese peroxidases). Nitroreductases have generated a significant
amount of interest recently for application in bioremediation of nitroaromatic com-
pounds (Spain 1995).
focused on the redesign of various features of the enzymes involved in the bioreme-
diation of persistent organic pollutants, including the enzyme expression level,
enzymatic activity, and substrate specificity. Now, with the recent advances in bio-
molecular engineering, the prospect of short circuiting the process of natural evolu-
tion to degrade environmental xenobiotic pollutants has been created.
Acknowledgments NS and AK are grateful to the University Grant Commission, New Delhi, for
providing financial assistance in the form of a Research Fellowship. The authors acknowledge
UGC-SAP and DST-FIST for the support to the Department of Biochemistry, University of
Allahabad, Allahabad, India. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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256 N. Singh et al.
Sushma Mishra, Deepika Goyal, Amit Kumar, and Prem Kumar Dantu
10.1 Introduction
Cellulose, the chief chemical constituent of primary cell walls, forms the most
abundant group of carbohydrates produced by plants. For example, the cellulose
content forms ~90% in cotton fibres, 40–50% in wood and approximately 57% in
dried hemp. In contrast to starch, cellulose is an unbranched linear polymer of
D-glucose units linked by β(1→4) glycosidic linkages between C#1 of one glucose
and C#4 of the next glucose (Shahzadi et al. 2014). In fact, it is these beta linkages
present between the monomer units that enable the formation of long, rigid chains
of cellulose microfibrils that bear numerous intra- and intermolecular hydrogen
bonds. The chains are oriented in parallel and form highly ordered, crystalline
domains that are responsible for high tensile strength of plant cell walls (Beguin and
Aubert 1994; Shahzadi et al. 2014). In nature, cellulose is degraded mainly by fungi
and bacteria. The degradation of cellulose to glucose molecules is catalysed by the
synergistic activity of three individual enzymes (Fig. 10.1): endoglucanase
(1,4-β-D-glucan hydrolase, EC, exoglucanase (1,4-β-D-glucan glucohy-
drolase EC and β-glucosidase (β-D-glucoside glucohydrolase EC3.2.1.21)
(Dashtban et al. 2010; Tiwari et al. 2013; Seo et al. 2013; Lambertz et al. 2014).
Exoglucanases, also known as cellobiohydrolase, hydrolyse cellulose polymers
from the ends releasing mainly cellobiose, a disaccharide consisting of two
β-glucose molecules. Endoglucanases hydrolyse glucosidic bonds at random posi-
tions in cellulose chains to generate oligosaccharide chains of different length, also
β 1,4-glucosidic bond
Glucose monomer
Fig. 10.1 Cellulose degradation by the synergistic action of endoglucanase, exoglucanase and
Table 10.2 Optimum physical parameters for industrial production of β-glucosidases from
microbial sources
Preferred Preferred
carbon nitrogen Preferred Preferred
Microorganisms source source temp. pH References
Aspergillus niger Wheat bran Ammonium 30 °C 5.5 Raza et al. (2011),
sulphate Vaithanomsat et al.
Penicillium Sucrose Sodium nitrate 28 °C 4.0 Jeya et al. (2010), Jeya
purpurogenum and Lee (2013)
Candida peltate Glucose and – 50 °C 5.0 Saha and Bothast
xylose (1996), Rajoka et al.
Fusarium Corn stover Urea 25 °C 5.0 Gao et al. (2012)
proliferatum and wheat
Chaetomium Cellulose Peptone, yeast 45 °C 5.5 Venturi et al. (2002)
thermophilum extract
Aspergillus Glucose Ammonium 30 °C 3.0 Yadav et al. (2016a, b)
protuberus sulphate
Penicillium Maltose Ammonium 70 °C 5.0 Ng et al. (2010)
citrinum sulphate
The use of cellulases in biotechnology began in the early 1980s in animal feed and
food industry (Chesson 1987; Thomke et al. 1980). Subsequently, these enzymes
were used in textile, laundry as well as in pulp and paper industries (Godfrey et al.
1996; Wong and Saddler 1992). Today, β-glucosidases are also used for production
of biofuels, detoxification of cassava cyanogenic glucosides and in the treatment of
Gaucher’s disease (Cairns and Esen 2010; Prasad et al. 2012). The catalytic activity
of β-glucosidases include hydrolysis of β(1–4), β(1–3), β(1–6) and β(1–2) gluco-
sidic linkages in aryl-, amino-, or alkyl-β-D-glucosides, cyanogenic glucosides, and
disaccharides, polysaccharides and glucose-substituted molecules. Apart from
hydrolysis of sugars, some mutant β-glucosidases have been reported to catalyse
synthetic reactions of sugars by reverse hydrolysis and transglycosylation
(Mackenzie et al. 1998). Due to the diverse types of reactions and substrates of
β-glucosidases, they have several industrial applications, some of which have been
described below.
262 S. Mishra et al.
Lignocellulose refers to the woody parts of plants, mainly agricultural residues like
wheat stems, corn stalks and leaves, and forestry wastes like wood shavings from
logging. The lignocellulose, which is generally considered to be ‘plant waste’ and
discarded, could be converted into energy sources. These so-called second-
generation biofuels have many advantages in comparison to first-generation biofu-
els that were derived mainly from food crops (Sanderson 2011; Guo et al. 2015;
Prasad et al. 2014; Rastegari et al. 2019; Prasad et al. 2019; Yadav et al. 2017a,
2018). Apart from being a renewable and sustainable way of energy production, the
bioconversion of lignocellulose into ethanol has an additional advantage of solving
the problem of waste disposal of agricultural residues and other biomass
(Khan et al. 2018, 2019). Lignocelluloses, chemically made up of cellulose,
hemicellulose and lignin, which when converted into fermentable sugars, could be
used to produce liquid fuels like ethanol or oil and gaseous fuels like biogas and
electricity (Menon and Rao 2012; Prasad et al. 2009, 2013; Kour et al. 2019a; Rana
et al. 2019a, b). Briefly, the lignocellulose is first subjected to heat and acid or
ammonia to separate lignin, thereby exposing cellulose and hemicelluloses.
Thereafter, the combined action of exoglucanase, endoglucanase and β-glucosidases
converts this polymer into glucose sugar, which could then be fermented to give rise
to ethanol or the longer chain alcohol butanol. The pentose and hexose obtained
after cellulose degradation could be fermented to ethanol by the action of yeast
and certain enzymes. The preferred physical conditions required by some of the
commonly used microbial sources of β-glucosidases for lignocelluloses degradation
are mentioned in Table 10.2.
The bioconversion of lignocellulose involves two steps: hydrolysis of cellulose
in lignocellulosic biomass to produce reducing (fermentable) sugars, and fermenta-
tion of the sugars to ethanol (Sun and Cheng 2002). An outline of steps involved in
biomass degradation is presented in Fig. 10.2. Briefly, plant parts are first cut into
small size by either milling or chipping, followed by a pre-treatment step using
either physical or chemical agents. The pre-treatment step mainly disrupts the close
inter-component association between main constituents (cellulose, hemicellulose,
lignin) of the plant cell wall (Jönsson and Martín 2016). Some of the most com-
monly used pre-treatment methods include acid hydrolysis with mineral acids/
organic acids, steam heating followed by sudden decompression, hydrothermal pro-
cessing and oxidative methods (Jonsson and Martin 2016). These methods basically
aim to remove hemicelluloses and/or lignin from the lignocellulosic matrix, thereby
facilitating the subsequent enzymatic degradation of cellulose to D-glucose.
Together, endoglucanases, exoglucanases and β-glucosidases make a potent sys-
tem for cellulose degradation. These three enzymes could be present either as mul-
tienzymatic complex called cellulosome or exist as individual enzymes (Bae et al.
2013). Being the terminal enzyme in cellulose degradation pathway, β-glucosidases
play a critical role in this process (Bhatia et al. 2002). If β-glucosidases are not pres-
ent in sufficient amounts, not enough glucose will be produced, and cellobiose will
10 Biotechnological Applications of β-Glucosidases in Biomass Degradation 263
Fig. 10.2 Various steps involved in degradation of plant biomass. The pre-treatment of lignocel-
lulosic biomass could be done either by physical, chemical or biological methods. Subsequently,
the plant biomass is subjected to cellulase degradation to convert cellulose to sugars, which could
be fermented to yield ethanol
Apart from ethanol, which forms the primary product of lignocellulose degradation,
the by-products could be used to generate a number of organic chemicals. For
example, the fermentation of hexoses and pentoses obtained after cellulose degrada-
tion could be used to produce lactic acid by using the bacteria, Bacillus coagulans
(Patel et al. 2006). Likewise, the lignocelluloses conversion of palm waste produces
264 S. Mishra et al.
Bifidobacterium bifidum Daidzin, genistin Daidzein, Genistein Anticancer, osteoporosis, You et al. (2015)
Bacteroides Daidzin, genistin, glycitin Daidzein, Genistein, Anticancer, osteoporosis, Byun et al. (2015)
thetaiotaomicron Glycitein antihypercholesterolaemia
Aspergillus terreus Daidzin, genistin, glycitin Daidzein, Genistein, Anticancer, osteoporosis, Yan et al. (2016)
Glycitein antihypercholesterolaemia
266 S. Mishra et al.
Cassava is a carbohydrate-rich food and a source of food for ~500 million people in
the world. Cassava fruit contains cyanogenic glycosides like linamarin and lotaus-
tralin, which have been reported to cause Konzo syndrome, a human central nervous
system disorder (Vasconcelos et al. 1990). Although certain glucosidases are natu-
rally present in cassava roots, their insufficient expression leaves a significant part
of the cyanogenic glycosides in the processed food. Therefore, an additional treat-
ment of cassava with β-glucosidases has the potential of detoxifying and liberating
these cyanogenic glycosides, thereby improving its nutritional quality (Gueguen
et al. 1997; Maduagwu 1983).
Waste paper causes environmental pollution; its recycling can solve the two-
dimensional problem of forest wood consumption and waste management. Removal
of ink from paper is the most challenging obstacle, which could be overcome by
using enzymes. The enzymatic method for waste paper recycling has been reported
to be efficient in solving this problem. The enzyme preparations for waste paper
recycling contain cellulase, β-glucosidase and hemicellulase (Prasad et al. 1992;
Pathak et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2013).
Apart from the hydrolytic activity, β-glucosidases also exhibit synthetic activity
(through reverse hydrolysis and transglycosylation), leading to the production of
oligosaccharides and alkyl and aryl β-glucosides (Ahmed et al. 2017). Alkyl glu-
cosides like hexyl, heptyl and octyl glucosides are biodegradable and, therefore,
find wide applications as emulsifier and antimicrobial agents (Bankova et al.
2006). Synthetic glucosides are also used in the preparation of therapeutic drugs
like heparin and acarbose. They act as probiotic agents and increase the number of
useful microorganisms in human gut. Some of the in-planta functions of these
oligosaccharides include fertilisation, embryogenesis and cell proliferation (Singh
et al. 2016; Krisch et al. 2010). Galacto-oligosaccharides and isobutyl-galacto-
sides are synthesised from lactose in water-organic media by the action of
β-glucosidase produced by Aspergillus oryzae (Bankova et al. 2006). Arbutin-β-
glycoside was found to be synthesised via the transglycosylation reaction of
β-glucosidase produced by Thermotoga neapolitana to manufacture a skin whiten-
ing agent, and these products were checked for their melanogenesis inhibitory
activities (Jun et al. 2008).
10 Biotechnological Applications of β-Glucosidases in Biomass Degradation 267
In addition to the above limitations, the activity of cellulases could also be inhibited
by non-productive binding to lignins and residual hemicelluloses (Rahikainen et al.
2013; Pareek et al. 2013). Other factors limiting plant biomass degradation include
relatively low activity of currently available hydrolytic enzymes, high cost of
enzyme production and thermal inactivation of enzyme (Sun and Cheng 2002). The
optimum fermentation conditions vary with species and other controlling parame-
ters like source of carbon and nitrogen used in media. The carbon source may con-
tain some contaminants in the form of secondary metabolites and chemicals that can
interfere with the rate of β-glucosidase enzyme production. Therefore, a thorough
screening of these secondary metabolites/inhibitors and their subsequent degrada-
tion or inactivation is crucial for the optimum enzyme production. Research should
also be focused on the possibility of temperature stress on the yield and activity of
β-glucosidase. Thermal inactivation of β-glucosidase is a major roadblock towards
achieving high enzyme efficiency. The thermal stability of β-glucosidases could be
enhanced by recombinant DNA technology and genetic modification of microbial
strains. Precise genome editing using site-specific nucleases like CRISPR/Cas9 is a
suitable option to achieve this goal. The other major hurdles in the commercial
β-glucosidase production are product inhibition, low product yields and high cost of
enzyme production. The search for better alternatives to the currently available
enzyme preparations should be highly promoted. Isolation of novel fungal species
having higher β-glucosidase activity would contribute towards revolutionising the
field of lignocellulose-mediated production of biofuels.
Researchers are trying to engineer cellulases with high specific activity, high thermal
stability, high adsorption capacities, high catalytic efficiency and lower end-product
inhibition. Some of the major limitations in cellulase- or β-glucosidase-mediated
biomass degradation have been addressed by using approaches like increasing the
production of β-glucosidase through strain improvement by mutagenesis, co-cultiva-
tion of microbes in fermentation to increase the quantity of desirable components of
cellulase complex, improving the performance of existing lignocellulose-degrading
enzymes by genetic engineering, and finally, metagenomics approach that involves
identification of novel β-glucosidases by DNA analysis of environmental samples.
These approaches have been described below.
10 Biotechnological Applications of β-Glucosidases in Biomass Degradation 269
10.5.1 Co-culturing
Table 10.4 Studies done on β-glucosidase isolated from different strains of Trichoderma
Trichoderma strain β-Glucosidase Isolation strategies References
T. citrinoviride Extracellular Protein purification, biochemical Chandra et al.
β-glucosidase and proteomic characterisation (2013)
T. reesei TrBgl2 Mutational studies involving active Lee et al. (2012)
site residues of the enzyme
T. reesei QM9414 bgl1 Overexpression of bgl1 from Dashtban and
Periconia sp. in T. reesei QM9414 Qin (2012)
under T. reesei tef1 promoter
Recombinant T. bgl1 Construction of T. reesei strain Nakazawa et al.
reesei strain, expressing Aspergillus aculeatus (2012)
X3AB1 bg1 under control of xyn3 promoter
T. reesei bgl I Molecular cloning and expression in Chen et al.
Pichia pastoris (2011)
T. reesei CL847 BGL1 Protein purification and kinetic Chauve et al.
characterisation (2010)
T. reesei β-Glucosidase Molecular cloning and expression in Murray et al.
(cel3a) T. reesei (2004)
T. ressei β-Glucosidase Molecular cloning, expression in E. Saloheimo et al.
BGLII (Cel1A) coli and characterisation (2002)
T. harzianum C-4 Protein purification and biochemical Yun et al. (2001)
T. reesei BGL2 Molecular cloning and expression in Takashima et al.
Aspergillus oryzae (1999)
T. harzianum 1,3-β-Glucosidase Protein purification and Lorito et al.
strain P1 characterisation (1994)
T. reesei QM9414 Aryl-β-D- Protein purification and Chirico and
glucosidase characterisation Brown (1987)
T. viride β-Gluc I Protein purification and biochemical Beldman et al.
characterisation (1985)
270 S. Mishra et al.
10.5.3 Mutagenesis
The inherently low β-glucosidase activity of T. reesei has been improved by muta-
genesis through the use of chemical mutagens and UV radiations. The T. reesei
RUT-C30 mutant was reported to produce 4–5 times higher β-glucosidase than wild
T. reesei (Montenecourt and Eveleigh 1979). In another study, T. atroviride were
modified through mutagenesis by the use of N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine
and UV light, and these mutants were found to have high cellulolytic activity than
wild types (Kovacs et al. 2008). Apart from random mutagenesis through the use of
physical and chemical mutagens, site-directed mutagenesis has also been used to
enhance cellulase activity. In one of the study, Mahadevan et al. (2008) altered the
amino acids around the active site of endoglucanase of Thermotoga maritima creat-
ing a mutant which displayed 10% higher activity than the wild-type enzyme.
Similarly, mutation of the conserved residue F476 to Y476 from Cel9A of
10 Biotechnological Applications of β-Glucosidases in Biomass Degradation 271
Thermobifida fusca displayed 40% improved cellulase activity. This was achieved
through the integration of computer modelling with site-directed mutagenesis
(Escovar-Kousen et al. 2004).
The first-generation biofuels, obtained primarily from food crops such as grains,
sugar beet and oil seeds, have raised a number of concerns in terms of food security,
climate change mitigation, economic growth and sustainability. Most of these con-
cerns could be addressed through the use of second-generation biofuels that involve
272 S. Mishra et al.
the use of non-food biomass like cereal straw, bagasse, forest residues and other
lignocellulosic materials. This would also serve as an attractive alternative for dis-
posal of non-edible portions of plants. However, compared with the production of
ethanol from food crops, the use of lignocellulosic biomass is more complicated
because the polysaccharides are more stable and the pentose sugars are not readily
fermentable by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Several biotechnology-based approaches
are being used to overcome such problems, including the development of microbial
strains, use of alternative yeast species that naturally ferment pentose sugars and the
engineering of enzymes that are able to break down cellulose and hemicellulose into
simple sugars. Many fungal species are reported to produce various isoforms of
β-glucosidases. Thus, it is of utmost importance to screen the best yielding isoform
for a particular species. In addition, the thermal stability of β-glucosidases could be
enhanced by recombinant DNA technology and genetic modification of microbial
strains. Precise genome editing using site-specific nucleases like CRISPR/Cas9 is a
suitable option to achieve this goal. The other major hurdles in the commercial
β-glucosidase production are product inhibition, low product yields and high cost of
enzyme production. The search for better alternatives to the currently available
enzyme preparations should be highly promoted. Isolation of novel fungal species
having higher β-glucosidase activity would contribute towards revolutionising the
field of lignocellulose-mediated production of biofuels. To conclude, the lignocel-
lulosic biomass holds a large potential to meet the energy needs of the world
without compromising food security.
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Director, DEI, for his continuous support
and encouragement. SM is grateful to Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Deemed University, Agra,
for sanctioning the Research Project, DEI/Minor Project/2017-18 (iv), as a start-up grant.
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Chapter 11
Role of Fungi in Climate Change
Abatement Through Carbon Sequestration
11.1 Introduction
Atmospheric CO2 concentration (ppm)
Fig. 11.1 Trends of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere at Mauna Loa. (Source: NOAA 2019)
oxide (6%), and chlorofluorocarbons (2%), are likely to affect agricultural produc-
tivity and food security adversely through climate change (Ranjan and Yadav 2019;
Malyan 2018; Fagodiya et al. 2017a; Kumar et al. 2016, 2017b; Pathak et al., 2016;
Gupta et al. 2015, 2016; Kumar and Malyan 2016; IPCC 2014; Bhatia et al. 2013a,
b). Malyan et al. (2016a, b) quoted that the rise in atmospheric greenhouses gases
may result in rising of global mean temperature up to 1.5 °C by the end of the
twenty-first century. Among all greenhouse gases, CO2 only accounts for 76%, so it
is considered most important. At the beginning of industrial revolution, atmospheric
CO2 concentration was 280 ppm (Rastogi et al. 2002), and it has now increased to
410 ppm in March 2019 (Fig. 11.1). The annual mean growth rate (differences in
CO2 concentration between the last month of the year [December] and the first
month [January] of that year) was monitored by Global Monitoring Division of
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at Mauna Loa site. The
rate of growth was 0.54 ppm/yr. in 1960 and it increased to 2.10 ppm/yr. in 1983
(Fig. 11.2). The growth rate of CO2 in the atmosphere was 2.98 ppm/yr. in the year
2016, and it might rise over 3 ppm/ yr. in few upcoming years (NOOA 2019). The
CO2 growth rate is increasing continuously due to many anthropogenic actions,
including fossil fuel combustion, deforestation, forest fire, automobile, etc.
Soil, plant, and ocean are the major natural sink for atmospheric CO2. Recently,
the scientific community enhanced the work on mitigating climate change and
global warming by reducing atmospheric CO2 concentration through carbon seques-
tration (Bhattacharyya et al. 2018; Mukherjee et al. 2018). Soil acts as both source
(soil respiration) and sink (carbon sequestration) for CO2, and soil respiration con-
tributes to 20% of the total CO2 emission to the atmosphere (Kumar et al. 2017a, b;
Gupta et al. 2016; Rastogi et al. 2002). The global soils hold 3.3 times (2500 Gt C)
as compared to carbon present in the atmosphere (Lal 2014). Out of 2500 Gt, soil
11 Role of Fungi in Climate Change Abatement Through Carbon Sequestration 285
3.5 2.98
3 2.1
ppm per year
Fig. 11.2 Growth rate of carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa, Hawaii. (Source: NOAA 2019)
organic matter (SOC) and soil inorganic carbon retain 1550 Gt and 950 Gt, respec-
tively (Lal 2014). The world soil pool of C is 4.5 times the size of C present in
biomass (Lal 2014). In the soil carbon sequestration, biological soil crust plays a
significant role. Soil fungi especially arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance the soil
carbon sequestration in different types of ecosystems. The objective of this study is
to assess the carbon sequestration potential of fungi in soils and the factors affecting
Carbon is the major building block in all living organisms. It exists in many forms
such as soil organic matter, plant biomass, and CO2 in the dissolved form in water
and gas in the atmosphere. Carbon in soil is more than the total carbon in the atmo-
sphere and plants biomass. Numerous small fungi in the soil, consist of hyphae that
use carbon as a building block (Fig. 11.3). When this hypha dies, it is easily decom-
posed and its carbon is stored as soil organic matter for a long time (Treseder and
Holden 2013). The process of long-term storage of carbon in the soil, terrestrial
biomass, or the ocean so that the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere will be slowed
down or reduced is known as carbon sequestration. In other words, carbon seques-
tration is defined as “the capture and secure storage of carbon that would otherwise
be emitted to or remains in the atmosphere” (FAO 2000). In carbon sequestration,
fungi play a significant role in the northern hemisphere of the Earth which help to
combat global warming. In soil, fungi do symbioses association (mycorrhizal fungi)
with plant roots and help the plants to utilize the nutrients from the soil. As a result,
mycorrhizal fungi stimulate the plant’s growth which results in the faster removal of
atmospheric CO2 through its conversion into plant biomass. There is a different
pathway of converting the atmospheric CO2 to plant biomass (Fellbaum et al. 2012).
286 S. K. Malyan et al.
soil crust Plants
Carbon sequestration in
organic matter of soil
The photosynthates of the host plant are transferred to the intraradical hyphae
followed by extraradical hyphae before it releases to the soil (Fig. 11.4). Carbon
sequestration in soil depends on the volume and hyphal biomass of fungi (Solaiman
2014; Zhu and Miller 2003).
Fungus is a nonchlorophyllous organism and is heterotrophic (requires an organic
source of carbon) in nature, i.e., it obtains its food from either dead organic matter
(saprophytic) (Chaubey et al. 2019) or from the autotrophic/heterotrophic associates
11 Role of Fungi in Climate Change Abatement Through Carbon Sequestration 287
Friedlingstein, et al. 2006; Ussiri et al. 2006). Global forest soils efflux into the
atmosphere through belowground respiration has been estimated to be approximately
24 Pg C y−1 in which mycorrhizal fungi contribute about 16% (Zhang et al. 2007;
Hu et al. 2005). Thus, increasing the sequestration potential of the mycorrhizal
fungi can reduce the contribution drastically.
Fungi have high plasticity and they easily adapt to adverse conditions in the soil. A
diverse range of fungi is found in almost every type of ecosystem owing to the fact
that fungi can adapt to a wide range of temperature and pH (Frac et al. 2018; Frac
et al. 2015). Fungi activity in soil is affected by abiotic (physical disturbance, soil
temperature, soil pH, soil texture, moisture, and salinity) and biotic (plant and other
organisms interaction) factors, and it may influence the carbon sequestration activity
of fungi (Kour et al. 2019; Rana et al. 2019; Yadav et al. 2017, 2018, 2019; Farc et al.
2018; Rouphael et al. 2015; Posada et al. 2008; Treseder and Allen 2000) (Table 11.1).
Some factors affecting fungi activity in the soil are discussed below in brief.
11.3.1 Temperature
The Northern hemisphere consists of 67.3% of total Earth’s landmass; Moritz et al.
(2002) reported that global warming has led to a rise in temperature by ~1.5 °C.
The IPCC (2007) predicted that by the end of 2100, the temperature may elevate to
additional 4–7 °C which will affect all the ecosystem services. There are contradictory
reports on the effect of soil temperature on the fungal diversity and activity
(Rosenstock et al. 2018; Solley et al. 2017; Allison and Tresseder 2008; Fujimura
et al. 2008; Zogg et al. 1997; Yadav et al. 2018). On one hand, some studies have
reported significant changes in fungal activity; to the contrary, some others could
not assess any change related to temperature. This suggests that the effect of tem-
perature is species-specific. In Tundra, Fujimura et al. (2008) observed no change in
fungal diversity even after soil warming. Warming of soil samples taken from the
environment resulted in a significant change in fungal community of soil (Zogg
et al. 1997). Rosenstock et al. (2018) observed that the soil warming from a range
of 0–5.5 °C above the control has no or limited effect on the growth of ectomycor-
rhizal and no effect on community composition and fungal carbon sequestration in
Picea sitchensis forest soils (Rosenstock et al. 2018).
11.3.3 Soil pH
Soil pH is the primary factor affecting fungal activity in the soil and provides an
environment that is essential for carbon sequestration in soil. Minor increases in pH
are associated with higher root colonization by fungi in acidic soils with less phos-
phorus availability (Ge et al. 2017; Oehl et al. 2005).
11.3.4 Fertilizer
(Sarabia et al. 2017). Mycorrhiza increased the P availability for host plant, and in
return, fungi get the photosynthetic product and result in more development of
hyphae which increases the soil carbon sequestration. Aliasgharzad et al. (2018)
reported that application of 20 mg-P kg−1 soil showed positive fungal root growth
while increasing the P dose to 40 mg kg−1negatively affected the growth rate of
fungi (Table 11.1).
11.3.5 Pesticide
11.3.6 Moisture
Soil moisture is an important constituent for the growth of the soil fungi. The soil
fungi and degradation of the rhizo-deposition material is highly influenced through
the moisture percentage. The decrease in the moisture percentage can directly limit
the availability of organic matter to the fungi, so that the rate of degradation can
decrease and ultimately the growth of soil fungi can also get limited. Therefore,
moisture also directly controls the soil temperature and soil heat flux. Moreover, the
higher the soil temperatures, the lower is the soil moisture, especially in the topsoil
horizon, and ultimately the lower will be the soil fungi due to the scarcity of the
food material.
At certain places and in some of the ecosystems, fungi can play an important role in
the sequestration of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere by playing principal
roles in fixation of organic matter in the soil and degradation. However, the mechanism
11 Role of Fungi in Climate Change Abatement Through Carbon Sequestration 291
of sequestration is not yet fully understood. There are certain avenues that need to
be explored in order to have a deeper understanding of this phenomenon. Some of
the gaps that have been observed from literature to direct the future research have
been summarized as follows:
(i) The quantified contribution of soil and mycorrhizal fungi in different ecosys-
tems and various associations has not yet been evaluated and reported. This
quantification can serve a major role to define the direction of the soil and
mycorrhizal fungi as a carbon sequestrate.
(ii) The minimizing of the respiratory losses of soil and mycorrhizal fungi can also
enhance the carbon sequestration potential. Therefore, future research should
be conducted in this direction.
(iii) The role and potential of different fungal communities along with different
types of soil and mycorrhizal fungi can also serve to enhance the carbon
sequestration in different ecosystems.
(iv) The factors influencing growth of fungi such as soil moisture, soil temperature,
CO2 enrichment, quality of rhizo-deposition, and precipitation changes control
the heterotrophic respiration. Thus, the impact of these factors with respect to
the soil and mycorrhizal fungi can also lend a hand to understand their behavior
in changing the environment.
(v) Relevant studies in different interactions, i.e., moisture vs mycorrhizal diversity,
soil temperature vs mycorrhizal composition and diversity, and soil tempera-
ture vs moisture, are very limited in respect of the soil fungal respiration and
also poorly understood.
(vi) Contribution of mycorrhizal association on carbon storage in contaminated/
mineral/nutrient-rich soil is not available.
Therefore, future research in this direction can help in improved understanding
of the mechanism of fungal carbon sequestration.
11.5 Conclusions
Based on this study, the following conclusions can be drawn. The global soil carbon
is more than the carbon present in the atmosphere, but the rising temperature due to
global warming has the potential to affect the fungal diversity and fungal activity. The
rate of soil carbon sequestration by fungi depend upon direct (quality and quantity of
hyphae) and indirect (soil pH, texture, moisture, soil management, physical distur-
bance, pesticide application, etc.) factors of the ecosystem. There are three important
strategies to combat climate change: development of less or zero carbon fuel, limiting
of fossil energy use, and carbon dioxide sequestration from atmosphere or emission
point source through abiotic (engineered) or biotic methods (photosynthesis).
Soil carbon sequestration by fungi in soil is the environmentally sound method to
reduce the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.
292 S. K. Malyan et al.
Acknowledgments The financial support to the first author, Sandeep Kumar Malyan, provided
by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Israel, under ARO-Postdoctoral
Fellowship-India and China, is highly acknowledged. The authors are also very thankful to the
Central MugaEri Research and Training Institute, Central Silk Board, Lahdoigarh, Jorhat-785700,
India, for having provided the necessary support.
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Chapter 12
Microbial Enzymes and Their Application
in Pulp and Paper Industry
12.1 Introduction
A. Yakubu
Department of Science Laboratory Technology, College of Science and Technology,
Jigawa State Polytechnic, Dutse, Nigeria
U. Saikia · A. Vyas (*)
Department of Microbiology, School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Lovely Professional
University, Phagwara, Punjab, India
e-mail: ashish.vyas@lpu.co.in
removed from wood in chemical pulping and pulp in bleaching. Lignin likely
evolved in part as a deterrent to microbial degradation, and it continues to be an
impediment to biotechnological processing of wood and pulps. During the last
decade, the number of possible applications of enzymes in paper and pulp indus-
tries in which many are of commercial quantity has grown rapidly. These include
xylanase for enzymatic bleaching, lipase for pitch removal, as well as cellulase and
hemicellulase for freshness enhancement (Kirk et al. 1996).
Globally, our lives are somewhere governed by little inscriptions laid on paper in
one way or the other. The major domains of public sector are reliant on paper and
paper products directly or indirectly. The history of paper dates back almost
2000 years, while the manufacturing process happened to be reported in China
when inventors imprint their writings on crafted cloth sheets. The knowledge of
papermaking then became popularized through westward and eventually reached
India around 605 AD. A wide variety of raw materials used in the papermaking
process include cellulose originated from agriculture waste, forests, and wastepa-
per, noncellulosic coal, talcum powder, etc. However, raw materials like wood logs
and its waste, bamboo, wastepaper, bagasse, and agricultural residues like bran of
wheat, rice straw, grasses, and seaweed are majorly used in the process. The basic
product coming out during paper processing is the cellulosic pulp which is used in
papermaking and as animal feedstock. Pulp being a lignocellulosic fibrous material
separates the cellulosic fibers from wood logs, fibers, wastepaper, and rags. Two
steps are involved in pulp production: wood pulping and pulp bleaching (Fig. 12.1).
Both processes require high-energy input and reagents which leads to the produc-
tion of significant amount of gaseous, liquid, and solid wastes that need to be treated.
Biotechnological approaches provide substantial solution of the aforementioned
problem. Lignin degradation by white-rot fungi has been intensively studied for
biotechnical applications such as biopulping, biobleaching, and treatment of pulp
mill effluents. Also, lignolytic enzymes and hemicellulases provide a prospective
way to decrease the usage of hazardous bleaching reagents and to make an improve-
ment in the quality of bleached pulp (Tavares et al. 2014). The application of
icrobial enzymes in paper and pulp industries has increased rapidly which lead to
the decrease of adverse effect on ecosystem due to the increased awareness of sus-
tainability issues (Yadav et al. 2019a, b). Utilization of these microbial enzymes
also leads to the decrease in energy consumption, processing time, and amount of
chemicals in deinking wastepaper. They are equally used to aid deinking and bleach
in paper and pulp industry as well as waste treatment by increasing biological oxy-
gen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD).
It is difficult to deink laser-printed office papers by employing the conventional
method of deinking. Due to higher demand of laser printers and copy machines
every year, there has been an increase in the amount of nonimpact printed papers
entering the recycled papers. It is challenging for the inventors to remove ink from
these papers. The reason is primarily due to the strong adherence of the toner par-
ticles to the paper surface. The photocopier printers are indulged in using thermo-
setting toners made up of synthetic polymers as ink. Due to applying high amount
of heat during inking, the ink particles become physically bonded to the paper mak-
ing it difficult as well as expensive to remove by conventional method.
A biological process using enzymes had been evaluated which implied positive
results in deinking process of different types of wastepaper. One of the major
advantages of using enzymes is production of minimum treatment effluent, and it
is also less harmful to the environment. The most important step involved in recy-
cling process is removal of ink from the paper (Table 12.1). Several enzymes like
cellulase, hemicellulase, α-amylase, lipase, xylanase, and other lignolytic
enzymes are involved in the biological process of deinking. The enzymatic treat-
ment is favorable because enzymes are eco-friendly in nature and during its pro-
cessing ink detachment occurs without any discharge of harmful chemicals, thus
rendering our environment green. Most of the cited studies reported deinking of
mixed office waste consisting of photocopier paper using commercially available
enzymes (Roushdy 2015). India generates approximately 36.5 million tons of
municipal solid waste annually, of which 14.6 million tons consist of paper
wastes. The Indian Agro and Recycled Paper Mills Association (IARPMA) esti-
mated that India is among the countries with low recycling of waste of wastepa-
pers (26%) as compared to countries like China (38%), Thailand (45%), and
Germany (80%). Based on the shortage of raw materials, resources, and high
demands being imposed on green plants, Indian paper industries are facing many
challenges on daily basis. One of the attractive solution to these problems in India
is the recycling of municipal office waste (MOW) papers but still very difficult to
remove nonimpact ink. Deinking process which involves the removal of printed
ink from used paper involves dislodgement of ink particles from fiber surface and
the separation of dispersed ink from the fiber suspensions by washing and flota-
tion (Tavares et al. 2014).
In chemical deinking process, industries used high quantity of chemicals
such as chlorine, chlorine-based derivatives, sodium hydroxide, sodium car-
bonate, sodium silicate, hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorite, and chelating
agents, which lead to hazardous effluent disposal problems (Vega et al. 2012;
Pala et al. 2004). For these reasons, biological deinking by using microbial
300 A. Yakubu et al.
Table 12.1 Microbial enzyme and their applications in pulp and paper industry
Microorganism Enzymes Application References
Commercial enzymes Cellulase Ink removal, freshness, and Pathak et al.
reduction of drainage time (2011)
Trichoderma Cellulase and Improved drainage, high deinking Pathak et al.
harzianum xylanase efficiency, brightness, and reduction (2014)
of drainage time
Commercial enzymes Cellulase Not good if specks surface of the Tsatsis et al.
deink paper are used (2017)
Commercial enzymes Cellulase Detach significant amount of ink Zhang et al.
from ONP/OMG (2008)
Aspergillus niger Cellulase and Enhanced optimum deinking Lee et al.
hemicellulase efficiency (2007)
Streptomyces sp. Xylanase Biobleaching effect Li et al.
L22001 (2010)
Bacillus altitudinis Xylanase Potential for biodeinking and Adhyaru
biobleaching et al. (2017)
Bacillus sp. CKBxID Xylanase Deinking agent of recycled Maity et al.
wastepaper (2012)
Alkalothermotolerant Xylanase and Commercially viable with better Singh et al.
pectinase paper quality (2012)
Aspergillus niger Xylanase Deink old newspaper with improved Desai and
brightness, removal of surface ink Iyer (2016)
particles from ONP pulp
Aspergillus nidulans Xylanase Reduction of ink and increased Taneja et al.
brightness of recycled paper (2002)
Commercial enzymes Laccase and Deink old newspaper Xu et al.
hemicellulase (2011)
Commercial enzymes Cutinase and Increase brightness and ink removal Wang et al.
amylase (2018)
Commercial enzymes Amylase and Improve brightness Gil et al.
cellulase (2013)
enzymes which act directly either on the fiber or on the ink film becomes more
attractive. For example, hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicellulose brings
detachment at fiber/ink interbonding regions and finally releases ink particles
into the suspension when treated with cellulase/hemicellulase enzymes (Lee
et al. 2007). Microbial enzymes can also detach small fibrils from the surface
of the ink particles; hence, they can change the usual hydrophobicity of the
particles, which brings about their separation in the flotation/washing step.
These enzymatic technologies have been described as especially advanta-
geous in deinking high-quality wastepapers, whose reuse is usually limited as
the nonimpact inks (toners) polymerize onto the paper surface using thermo-
plastic binders during the high-temperature printing process. In the chemical
deinking process, the toner particles usually remain large, flat, and rigid and
separate very poorly from papers during the fiber/ink separation stages (Jiang
and Ma 2000).
12 Microbial Enzymes and Their Application in Pulp and Paper Industry 301
Twelve bacterial culture has been isolated from alkaline sediments from Lonar Lake
in Maharastra India. Based on 16S rRNA sequencing, biochemical characterization,
and phylogenetic analysis, all the isolates were identified. For the first time in Lonar
lake, bacteria such as haloalkaliphilic Marinobacter excellens, Alkalimonas dela-
merensis, Roseinatronobacter monicus, and Rhodobaca bogoriensis were identified
(Borgave et al. 2012). In another research conducted by Kladwang et al. (2003),
about 490 alkaline-tolerant fungi from a natural environment using petri dishes con-
taining potato dextrose agar medium buffered at pH 11.0 were identified. Many of
the alkaline tolerant fungi has been isolated from fifty one samples from different
habitats of Thailand. This research indicated that a good source of alkaline enzyme
production can be found from alkaline-tolerant fungi isolated from tree holes in
alkaline and acidic environments. A bacterium Bacillus pumilus SV-205 produces
xylanase in an optimized fermentation condition. A medium containing a mixture of
yeast extract and peptone yields high xylanase as compared to other combinations.
High pH stability over a range of 6–11 in 24 h is the major characteristic feature of
this enzyme which can also maintain 65% activity after 2 h incubation at 60 °C
(Nagar et al. 2012).
In Barabanki district of Uttar Pradesh, India, George et al. (2001) isolate a novel
alkalothermophilic actinomycete with optimum growth at pH 9 and 50 °C from self-
heating compost. Thermomonospora sp. was able to produce 23 IU/ml carboxy-
methyl cellulase (CMCase) enzyme purified under fractional ammonium sulfate
precipitation followed by cellulose affinity chromatography and Sephacryl S-200
gel filtration. The enzyme retained 100% activity at 50 °C for 72 h and had half-
lives of 7 and 3 h at 60 and 70 °C, respectively. The enzyme activity was tested as
an additive to laundry detergents based on its stability in the presence of commercial
detergents viz. Ariel, Henko, and Surf Excel. During an investigation exploring pos-
sible sources of novel thermophilic species in natural products, a novel thermophilic
and alkaliphilic actinomycete capable of producing alkaline cellulase from soil of a
tropical rain forest in Yunnan province, China, was isolated and identified (Wu et al.
2018). The whole-cell hydrolysates were found to contain glucose and ribose. The
organism was identified as Genus Streptomyces based on 16S rRNA gene sequence
analysis. Organism formed a distinct phyletic line together with closely related type
strain called Streptomyces burgazadensis ZIR7 T. Strain named Streptomyces ther-
moalkaliphilus represent a novel species in the genus Streptomyces based on its
phenotypic, chemotaxonomic, and phylogenetic characteristics.
Bilanenko et al. (2005) reported an isolate representing the group Ascomycete
from saline soda soils of Central Asia and Africa. The bacterium described as
Heleococcum alkalinum sp. novel was isolated on alkaline agar with carboxymethyl
cellulose (CMC) and was a dominant species in samples of soda soils with pH >10
and relatively high salinity. It shows an alkali-tolerant adaption by growing within the
pH range of 6.7–10.8. This cellulolytic activity of an alkaliphilic obligate anaerobic
bacterium, Z-7026, which was isolated from the microbial community of soda-lake
302 A. Yakubu et al.
sediments belonging to the cluster III of Clostridia with low G + C content was
investigated by Zvereva et al. (2006). The bacterium has the ability of growing in
media with cellulose or cellobiose as the sole energy source. The maximum growth
rate on cellobiose was found at a pH range of 8.5–9.0, while that of cellulase synthe-
sis, assayed by using a novel fluorimetric approach, was observed at pH 8–8.5. In the
laboratory, bacterium Penicillium citrinum (MTCC 6489) was previously isolated
from soil producing an alkali-tolerant and thermostable cellulase (Dutta et al. 2008).
The study reports the presence of alkali-stable cellulase from alkali-tolerant fungus
Penicillium citrinum for the first time, which may have potential effectiveness as
additives to laundry detergents.
According to Vyas and Lachke (2003), two extracellular alkali-stable 1,4-β-d-
glucan-4 glucanohydrolase (EC3.2.1.4) fractions, namely, EndoA and EndoB, were
separated from the culture filtrate of an alkalotolerant Fusarium strain. These
enzymes are found to be suitable for deinking mixed office wastepapers leading to
the increase in brightness with decrease in ink counts of the recycled paper. Probable
mechanism of enzymatic deinking process was schematically presented based on
the distinct properties of endoglucanases. Picart et al. (2007) reported one fungal
strain from subtropical soils on the medium supplemented with rice straw exhibit-
ing high cellulase activity. Using isoelectric focusing, zymography, and sodium
dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, these new strains were identi-
fied as Penicillium sp. CR-316 and Penicillium sp. CR-313 which indicated that the
strains secreted multiple enzymes that hydrolyze cellulose. Crude cellulose pro-
duced by Penicillium sp. CR-316 has potentials in industrial applications since it
showed activity and stability at high temperature and produced a thermostable cel-
lulase. Kalpana and Rajeswari (2015) has isolated Streptomyces from agricultural
waste capable of producing enzymes for degrading xylan. Streptomyces sp are vital
source of enzymes involved in lignocellulosic degradation. Isolate was reported to
grow on different types of feedstuffs such as oat spelt xylan, sugarcane molasses,
tomato pomace, rice bran, wheat bran, and sawdust under submerged fermentation
The xylanase activity in each production medium was confirmed by measuring
the amount of reducing sugars liberated from the medium by the DNS method using
crude extract which was found to have an application in deinking of newsprint.
Nadagouda et al. (2016) isolate cellulase enzyme from Trichoderma viride GSG12
under solid-state fermentation technique using cheap and readily available agricul-
tural waste material called rice bran. This indicates the possibility of using rice bran
to produce cellulase using Trichoderma viride under solid-state fermentation. The
finding shows that cellulase production can be influence by optimal pH, initial
moisture level of the medium, incubation temperature, inoculum size, and incuba-
tion time. The optimum pH, initial moisture level, incubation temperature, and
inoculums size were 5.5, 70%, 32 and 2 × 108 spores/flask, 120 h, respectively.
Increased enzyme production was favored by supplement of lactose and corn-steep
solid to the rice bran.
From various mangrove sites in the Philippines, conventional as well as analyti-
cal profile index (API) were used to characterize and phenotypically identify five
12 Microbial Enzymes and Their Application in Pulp and Paper Industry 303
promising cellulase producing bacterial strains. The finding provide data regarding
species of Bacillus producing cellulase enzyme and additional knowledge regarding
the bacterial diversity of mangrove forests in the Philippines (Tabao and Monsalud
2014). Makky and Abdel-Ghany (2009) described old newspaper (ONP) waste as a
carbon source for growing Bacillus subtilis where avicelase and carboxymethylcel-
lulase (CMCase) enzymes are estimated in the culture filtrate. Bacillus subtilis
CMCase has more activity at optimal temperature and pH than Avicelase. Deinking
with these enzymes brings about an increase in brightness of the sheet effective
removal of ink particles and also prevents redeposition onto the fiber surfaces. These
findings indicate that enzymatic deinking can perform better than the conventional
chemical method. Bacillus halodurans was purified to homogeneity to produce an
extracellular haloalkaline cellulase by bioconversion of lignocellulosic waste by
(Annamalai et al. 2013).
The enzyme has retained up to 80% activity at 80 °C, 12% and 35% temperature,
pH and NaCl with optimum of 60 °C, 9.0 and 30% respectively. When detergents
and organic solvents such as n-hexane, acetone and acetonitrile are present, the
enzyme was found to be stable. This indicates that a purified cellulase produce from
Bacillus halodurans utilizing ligncellulosic biomass could be of great potentials in
industrial process. Maitan-Alfenas et al. (2016) used Aspergillus nidulans to isolate
and characterize xylanase in Pichia pastoris. At 60 °C and 7.5 as well as 50 °C and
6.0 temperature and pH, respectively, this enzyme has its optimum activity which is
completely inhibited by SDS and HgCl2. Another important bacterium capable of
producing an extracellular and thermostable xylanase enzyme is Bacillus pumilus
ASH when grown on solid-state fermentation (SSF). When wheat bran is moistened
with deionized water at a substrate to moisture ratio 1:2.5 (w/v), higher xylanase
activity is obtained with optimum production temperature of 37 °C. The enzyme
activity was slightly lower in solid-state fermentation (SSF) than in submerged fer-
mentation technique, but the ability of the organism to produce such a high level of
xylanase at room temperature, with deionized water and with no addition of any
mineral salts in SSF, could lead to substantial reduction in the overall cost of enzyme
Microbial cellulases have been focused as the important biocatalysts being multi-
plex in nature and bearing extensive applications. Cellulase and hemicellulase
enzymes are both synthesized by fungi and bacteria as seen in Table 12.2. These
microorganisms can be aerobic, anaerobic, mesophilic and thermophilic. Among
them, the most commonly studied fungal genera are Thermomonospora,
Trichoderma, and Aspergillus. Fungal and bacterial cellulases are structurally simi-
lar (Fig. 12.2). Fungal cellulase having two domains: a catalytic domain and a cel-
lulose binding module. Commercially, cellulase enzymes have been accessible for
30 years or more, and these enzymes have been used for study purpose as well as
304 A. Yakubu et al.
Fig. 12.2 A simplified schematic representation of the enzymatic action of cellulase, involving
exoglucanase, endoglucanase, and β-glucosidase
Despite the fact that cellulase enzymes were able to remove a significant amount of
ink from ONP/PMG, they have low efficiency than using conventional methods of
either sulfite or alkaline deinking chemistry. None of the three cellulase enzymes
tested were able to separately deink aged ONP/OMG, and a poor deinkability was
also observed by using either sulfite or alkaline chemistry. However, the research
indicates a significant increase of deinking when a combination of enzyme and sul-
fite is applied which provide a potential strategy of achieving effective deinking of
old newspapers at neutral pH.
Enzymatic deinking has added advantages over conventional deinking viz.
Reduced alkali usage, improving fiber brightness, and greater strength property.
Moreover, enzymatic deinking process also prevents alkaline yellowing and reduces
environmental pollution. However, excessive use of enzymes can be degradable as
it might lead to significant hydrolysis. With the aim of increasing the rate of produc-
tion, cellulase has been pursued by several mills in improving the drainage. These
enzymes are also used in the production of easily biodegradable stationary objects
including paper towels and sanitary paper (Kuhad et al. 2011). Laccase mediator
system was used in a study conducted to identify the similarity on the application of
cellulase/hemicellulase for deinking printed fibers from newspapers and magazines.
In this regard, commercially available endoglucanase and endoxylanase activities
and a commercial laccase were evaluated in the presence of synthetic or natural
mediators. They concluded that factors to be considered for the application of enzy-
matic deinking processes in addition to enzymes include ink types, printing m ethods,
and fiber/ink separation process (Ibarra et al. 2012). Lee et al. (2007) also developed
a laboratory procedure for enzymatic deinking of wastepapers using cellulase and
hemicellulase enzymes produced from Aspergillus niger. Using an optimized floa-
tation system of 6.0 and 45 °C pH and temperature, respectively, an optimum deink-
ing efficiency with these enzymes was enhanced to 95%. The deinked papers are
found to have similar properties with commercial papers indicating the effective-
ness of the developed enzymatic process.
Xylanase comprises the hydrolytic enzymes which are capable of breaking the β-1,4
backbone of the multiplex plant cell wall polysaccharide. Xylan is the second larg-
est polysaccharide after cellulose (Yadav et al. 2017, 2018). A diverse array of
microorganisms like bacteria, actinomycetes, yeast and fungi are involved in the
hydrolysis of hemicellulose as indicated in Table 12.2. Wood is processed for
debarking, chipping and screening. Then a chip undergoes steaming process so that
the microorganisms become lesser in number. After this, the chips are allowed to
cool down and inoculated with biopulping fungus. The biopulping process is cost
effective and technologically feasible. The main advantage is the decrease in con-
sumption of energy as well as the increase in mill consumption. The processes also
lead to enhancement in the properties such as strength of the paper, and reduced
308 A. Yakubu et al.
environmental impacts (Khonzue et al. 2011). From the past studies, it has been
concluded that pre bleaching method with xylanase enzyme is cheaper and eco-
friendly. It also decreases the significant amount of chemicals which are indulged in
order to get brightness in chemically bleaching process. In conventional method of
paper making process, the manufacturers use hazardous chemicals which impart
negative impact to the environment.
A high amount of xylanase enzyme was produced from Bacillus pumilus SV-205
using optimized fermentation conditions. The bacterium secretes maximum amount
of cellulase free xylanase in combination with yeast and peptone which also
enhanced highest xylanase production that differ from other combinations. The
enzyme maintained a thermal stability of 65% activity after incubation at 60 °C for
2 h (Nagar et al. 2012). Li et al. (2010) isolate xylanase with biobleaching potentials
on wheat straw pulp from Streptomyces L2001 with stable optimum temperature of
70 °C and pH of 5.3. High production of xylanase from another bacterium called
Bacillus altitudinis DHN8 followed by its purification and application was pre-
sented by Adhyaru et al. (2017). Using response surface technology, enzyme yield
was improved by optimizing submerged fermentation conditions which includes
incubation time, temperature, agitation speed, sorghum straw, inoculum size, and
gelanin. This leads to twofold increase in activity based on the abovementioned
optimized conditions as compared to activity in one factor at a time optimization.
The research indicates a potential use of Bacillus altitudinis for biodeinking and
For pollution free environment, the recently employed technique is the recycling
of civic paper waste by enzyme based technology. In these regards, a newly isolated
bacterium for recycling of laser jet paper waste was isolated for its potential ability
to purify xylanase enzyme by Maity et al. (2012).This potent xylanase producing
bacterium from microbial consortia of termite gut was identified as Bacillus sp
CKBx1D based on 16S rRNA sequence. Response surface methodology was the
technique used to optimize all operational parameters, while purified enzyme mix-
ture was used for laser printed paper waste deinking potentials. This deinking poten-
tial was detected from the enzyme at a pH of 6.8 with 72 h continuous shaking at
constant temperature of 35 °C. Hence, the bacterial isolate and its xylanase enzy-
matic system could efficiently be used in recycling paper waste as deinking agent.
Using cheap agricultural residue, pectinase and xylanase enzymes were isolated for
the first time from alkalo thermotolerant bacterial strain with potentials of deinking
capabilities. The enzymes may also play important role in making enzymatic deink-
ing an eco-friendly having 50% decrease of chemicals, commercially viable with
better paper quality (Singh et al. 2012). According to (Gessesse and Mamo 1999),
overall cost of xylanase enzyme production from Bacillus sp. AR-009 can be greatly
reduce using solid-state fermentation technique. This bacterium has the ability to
produce dry bacterial bran xylanase activity when grown in solid-state fermentation
and produced a high bacterial bran xylanase activity with wheat bran as substrate.
The ability of the organism to produce high xylanase activity at alkaline pH and
lower wheat bran to moisture ratio could have a potential advantage in minimizing
the risk of contamination. In addition, the cost of downstream processing during
12 Microbial Enzymes and Their Application in Pulp and Paper Industry 309
product upgrade and that of waste treatment steps can be greatly reduce since the
enzyme can be produce with a least quantity of liquid.
Dutta et al. (2007) studied the culture filter of Penicillium citrinum grown on
wheat bran bed in solid-state fermentation to purify an extracellular xylanase
enzyme. Moderately thermostable xylanase showed optimum activity at 50 °C at
pH 8.5. Purification and characterization of this novel endoglucanase free alkaliphi-
lic xylanase from the alkali tolerant fungus P. citrinum were discovered for the first
time which may have potential implications in paper and pulp industries. Desai and
Iyer (2016) isolate cellulase free xylanase enzyme from fungi for deinking of Old
News Paper (ONP) pulp. Aspergillus niger strain DX-23 from the total 16 fungal
producing enzyme isolates had a maximum xylanase of 48.9 ± 0.02 Uml−1. The
enzyme deinked ONP pulp efficiently with improved brightness after optimization
and subsequent H2O2 treatment as compared to untreated pulp. According to (Taneja
et al. 2002), an alkaline thermostable xylanase was produced by alkalophilic fungi
called Aspergillus nidulans KK-99 in an alkaline medium consisting of wheat bran,
KNO3, pH 10.0 and temperature of 37 °C. this partially purified enzyme was stable
at a pH range of 4.0–9.5 and temperature of 55 °C and reach optimum activity at a
pH 8.0 and same temperature of 55 °C where decrease of ink and brightness of
recycled paper was achieved by this enzyme treatment. An investigation in to xyl-
ano pectinolytic enzymes for deinking of school wastepaper was conducted by
Shatalov and Pereira (2008). This biodeinking in combination with conventional
deinking approach leads to an increase in BOD and COD values of effluent as
compare to use of only conventional deinking method. The usage of xylanase
enzymes in deinking process has some limitations depending on different parame-
ters. These comprise different factors like narrow pH ranges, thermal instability, no
proper end product, and cost of production of enzyme.
Biological treatment using xylanase enzyme has proved to be helpful in both
reducing the costs and also improved the quality of the fiber. Xylans are highly
available to hydrolytic enzymes as they are not having a complex structure.
Therefore, its specific activity becomes two to three times higher as compared to
crystalline cellulose form (Shatalov and Pereira 2008). In order to obtain whiter and
brighter pulpy matter to process better quality paper, it becomes necessary to sepa-
rate the residual lignin with the use of bleaching method (Azeri et al. 2010). The
most important advantages of biobleaching include: (a) Reduction in the use of the
bleaching chemicals, (b) Enhanced quality of the paper and pulp, (c) Improving
whiteness and brightness of the pulp, and (d) Decrease effluent toxicity and pollu-
tion load.
Laccase is the oldest and widely studied enzymatic system discovered for the first
time in 1883 by Yoshida from the exudates of Japanese lacquer tree called Rhus
vernicifera. In 1985, Bertrand discovered it as a metal containing oxidase, while in
310 A. Yakubu et al.
1896, it was demonstrated by both Bertrand and Laborde to be present in fungi. The
redox potential is found to be higher in fungal laccases rather than bacterial or plant
laccases up to 800 mV. Therefore, these are found to be beneficial in lignin degrada-
tion or in the eradication of phenolic toxins arising during lignin degradation.
Laccase is found to be present in higher plants and fungi such as basidiomycetes,
white root fungi and ascomycetes. White rot basidiomycetes are responsible for
efficient degradation of lignin and the enzymes involved in lignin degradation
includes lignin peroxidases, manganese dependent peroxidases and laccases. Also,
fungal laccases have been involved in cellular processes in many ways including
sporulation, plant pathogenesis and other specificity. Woody chips when pretreated
with lignolytic fungus leads to increase in the strength of the pulp while decrement
in the requirement of energy for the mechanical pulping process.
The most widely studied application of laccase in this industry is bleaching of
kraft pulp. It was studied that when SL4, a lignolytic fungal strain, was applied, it
reduced 25% usage of chlorine during bleaching of kraft pulp and produced 1.8 unit
brightness (Kaur and Nigam 2014). C. albidus responsible for producing laccase
helps in the reduction of lignin content found in the eucalyptus wood and happen to
be useful in the process of biopulping. Fungal laccases also efficiently remove toxic
effluents coming from the pulp mills which contain a significant number of phenolic
compounds and chlorolignins. Laccase mediated biobleaching process is a friendly
way to improve pulp and paper production.
The ink removal capability of laccase and xylanase enzymes from an alkalo-
philic bacteria on recycled old newspaper (ONP) in combination with physical
deinking method of sonication and microwaving were investigated. Parameters such
as PH, enzyme dose as well as treatment time of these enzymes were optimized
statistically using Response Surface Methodology in which any mediator supple-
mentation for deinking was not required. Optimization of these deinking parameters
were conducted statistically using response surface methodology in which for the
first time laccase did not need any mediator supplementation (Virk et al. 2013). An
enzyme showing alkaliphilic laccase activity was purified from the culture superna-
tant of Myrothecium verrucaria 24G-4 by (Sulistyaningdyah et al. 2004). The
enzyme was very stable in alkaline conditions with an optimum pH of 9.0 and was
able to remove synthetic dyes under the same conditions which confirm the function
of this enzyme in alkaline environment.
Amylases hydrolyze starch molecules and give diverse array of products including
dextrin and glucose units (Fig. 17.2). Microbial amylase enzymes are available in
market in large number and they are replacing chemicals involving hydrolysis of
starch. The first commercially produced microbial enzyme was amylase which was
of fungal origin in 1894 and used as therapeutic aid to cure digestive disorder.
Nearly 25% of the global enzyme comprises amylase. Enzymatic pretreatment of
12 Microbial Enzymes and Their Application in Pulp and Paper Industry 311
wastepaper pulp was conducted for deinking process at neutral conditions using
amylase and cellulase enzymes and ethoxylated fatty acids as surfactant. At a tem-
perature of 40 °C, this enzymatic deinking process was conducted by flotation con-
sistency of 0.8% within 6 min (Gil et al. 2013). In a future work, effectiveness of
combine enzymes in removal of waste photocopy paper and other wastepapers mix-
tures is expected to be discussed.
Amylases are distributed in plants, animals and microbes. However, amylases
produced by microbes are replacing the chemical processing methodology indulged
in paper industries due to cost effectiveness and technical advantages. Amylases
classified into two types on the basis of catalysis, endoamylase and exoamylase.
Endoamylases carry out hydrolysis in a random manner while exoamylases hydro-
lyze from the nonreducing end. Endoamylases results in oligosaccharides with
branching of different chain length and exoamylases forms short end products.
Main fungi involve in the production of industrially important enzymes are
Aspergillus niger, A. oryzae, and A. flavus. Also these fungi are capable of produc-
ing large quantities of amylases which can be used commercially. Aspergillus niger
having significant amount of hydrolytic capacities in the production of α-amylase
(Sahni and Goel 2015)
Sakthivel et al. (2010) isolated and screened some bacteria that inhabit decaying
vegetables for the production of amylase enzyme. Enterococcus pseudoavium is the
only specie identified to have a relatively higher amylase activity of the bacterial
species tested. Four days after growth, the organism deinked pulp completely when
grown with paper pulp. When cultured with paper pulp, the bacterial culture immo-
bilized in sodium alginate beads can decolorize this paper within 4 days. This shows
the ability of extracellular amylase produced from Enterococcus pseudoavium to
effectively deink and decolorize paper pulp within 4 days of incubation. The role of
α-amylases in the paper industry as shown in Table 17.4 is to modify starch of
coated mixed paper which comprises production of lower viscous, starch with high
molecular weight, deinking, drainage and cleaning of paper. The coating tends to
make the paper smoother and stronger, to improve the quality of writing. Since the
viscosity of natural starch remains high enough for paper sizing and this can be
changed by degradation of the polymer with the use of α-amylases in the batch or
continuous culture. Starch being good sizing agent helps in giving fine finish of the
paper, improvement of the paper quality, and reusability, besides behaving as a per-
fect paper coating (Singh et al. 2012).
Lipases are the enzymes which hydrolyze long chain triglyceride and constitute as
one of the most focal biocatalysts for biotechnological applications. It was first
found to be present in pancreas by J. Eberle in 1834 and during 1856 by C.I Bernard.
Under aqueous conditions, they are able to release fatty acids and glycerol by acting
on carboxyl ester bonds present in triacylglycerol (Gupta 2004). These are serine
312 A. Yakubu et al.
hydolases and are able to work independently without the use of any cofactor.
Microbial lipases play an important part in the field of biotechnology due to its
versatility and ease of mass production. It has got wide enzymatic properties. Both
bacterial lipase and fungal lipase are widely used in different industries. Lipase
producers include bacteria, fungi, yeast, and actinomycetes. Examples of fungi pro-
ducing lipase are Acinetobacter radioresistens, Aeromonas hydrophila, Aspergillus
oryzae (Andualema and Gessesse 2012).
Wood is the cheap source of paper pulp and pitch describes the hydrophobic
contents of wood (triglycerides and waxes). These are appearing to create serious
problem in the paper processing. The problems might be sticky deposits and holes
or spots in the finish product. However, lipases remove the pitch from the pulpy
matter during the process of paper making process. Around 90% of triglycerides
present in the pitch get hydrolyzed into glycerol, monoglycerides, and fatty acids by
lipase enzymes which are having less stickiness and more hydrophilic character
(Jaeger and Reetz 1998). In Japan, a paper industry called Nippon Paper industries
developed a method to control pitch that utilizes the Candida rugosa fungal lipases
to hydrolyze up to 90% of the woody triglycerides present. Lipases have many
advantages in general as its utility increase the rate of pulping, enhancing whiteness
and intensity power, decrement in the usage of chemical, equipment with prolong
life, reduction in the level of pollution in the wastewater, saving energy utility, and
time and reduction in the composite cost. Pseudomonas sp. (KWI-56) has an added
advantage as addition of its lipase to the deinking process leads to increase in the
whiteness of the paper and reduce usage of residual inking. A thermophilic isolate
of Bacillus coagulans BTS-3 can be used to screen alkaline lipase. The bacterium
can be enhanced substantially when parameters like nitrogen source, carbon source,
and initial pH of culture medium were consecutively optimized. Enzyme activity of
culture medium was obtained in 48 h at 55 °C and pH 8.5 with refined mustard oil
as carbon source and a combination of peptone and yeast extract as nitrogen sources.
Maximum activity of the enzyme was achieved at 55 °C temperature and 8.5 pH and
was also stable between the pH range of 8.0 and 10.5 at temperatures up to
70 °C. This purified lipase enzyme indicates a variable hydrolytic activity toward
various 4-nitrophenyl esters (Kumar et al. 2005).
Cutinase and other microbial enzymes have also play a vital role in recycling of
wastepaper (Table 17.2). For the first time, Wang et al. (2018) reported the effect of
cutinase enzyme on the deinking of mixed office wastepaper (MOW). Combination
of cutinase, amylase, and some complicated surfactants can be used to replace the
conventional chemical deinking methods at neutral deinking process. When these
enzymes are treated in combination of surfactants mixed with pulp and office waste-
paper at a temperature of 50 °C for 30 min, the brightness, ink removal rate, tensile
index, and tear index of the deink paper will increase significantly. Hemicellulase
12 Microbial Enzymes and Their Application in Pulp and Paper Industry 313
was combined with laccase mediator system (LMS) by Xu et al. (2011) to deink old
newsprint (ONP). The result indicates the effective residual ink concentration was
lower as compared to pulp deink with hemicellulase or LMS individually. According
to this study, an environmentally friendly and effective deinking method can be
achieved when cutinase and amylase enzymes combine with cardanol polyoxyeth-
ylene ether and other surfactants.
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Chapter 13
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi-Mediated
Mycoremediation of Saline Soil: Current
Knowledge and Future Prospects
13.1 Introduction
The explosive rise of global population led to the increased exploitation of natural
resources in response to the high demands for food, energy, and other things. Soil is
the ultimate source of nutrients for the plant kingdom. The weathering of rocks
present in the earth’s crust forms soil. The rocks are composed of minerals and the
process of weathering occurs continuously. The soil has different concentrations of
these minerals. If any specific type of minerals has a greater concentration, then it
changes the quality of soils. For example, the saline soil holds a greater salt concen-
tration; the acidic soil has low pH and sodic or alkaline soil possess high pH. The
soil salinization is a serious problem for arable lands, which decreases the produc-
tivity of agricultural products. According to some reports, the soil salinization is
gradually increasing in many parts of the world, mostly in arid and semiarid regions
(Giri et al. 2003; Al-Karaki 2006). The amount of evaporation causes increased salt
concentration or precipitation amount leading to a decrease in salt concentration in
a given land area (Mahajan and Tuteja 2005). Salinization of land is a global prob-
lem, which is rapidly increasing. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
estimated that approximately 20% of agricultural land and 50% of cropland in the
world is facing salt stress (Flowers and Yeo 1995). The extent of salt-affected soils
is highest in the Asia Pacific region including Australia. The countries like Argentina,
Australia, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Thailand, former Soviet Union,
and the United States of America (USA) are predominantly affected by soil saliniza-
tion. Salt-affected soils are occupied about 7% of the earth’s land surface
(Ruiz-Lozano and Azcon 2000) and about 5% of the total cultivated land around the
world, i.e., 1.5 billion hectares (Sheng et al. 2008).
In India, about 30 million hectares of coastal land is barren and uncultivable due
to salinity. Soil salinization in arid and semi-arid regions is one of the major prob-
lems, which impose a challenge for sustainable agriculture in irrigated production
systems. Plant growth is directly affected by high levels of sodium chloride and
other salts in the soil (Yadav et al. 2019a; Yadav and Saxena 2018; Yadav et al.
2015). The area of saline soil is rapidly increasing because of climate change, saline
irrigation, and high evaporation, which induce salt accumulation in the soil, thus
causing a significant decrease in irrigation practices. According to Kohler et al.
(2009), saline soils and saline irrigation constitute a serious production problem for
vegetable crops, as saline conditions are known to suppress plant growth particu-
larly in arid and semiarid areas. The high salt concentration is deposited in the soil
to generate a low water potential zone in the soil, making it difficult for the plant to
absorb water and nutrients.
The basic physiology of salt and drought stress overlaps, therefore salt stress
essentially results in a water-deficit condition in the plant that takes the form of a
physiological drought (Mahajan and Tuteja 2005; Yadav 2017; Yadav and Yadav
2018). Wang et al. (2003) anticipated that the increased salinization of arable land
would result in 50% land loss by the middle of the twenty-first century. The signifi-
cance of soil salinity in agricultural yield is crucial (Tester and Davenport 2003)
which negatively affect the establishment, growth, and development of plants, lead-
ing to huge losses in productivity (Mathur et al. 2007). Irrigated land is only 15% of
the total cultivated land but has at least twice the productivity of rainfed and accounts
for one-third of the world’s food supply (Munns 2005). The three main direct effects
of salt on plant growth are (a) reduced osmotic potential of soil, causing a decrease
in the amount of water availability to plant, leading to physiological drought; (b)
toxicity of excessive Na+ and Cl− ions in the cell, causing disruption of enzyme
structures and other macromolecules, damage to cell organelles and plasma mem-
brane, as well as disruption of photosynthesis, respiration, and protein synthesis
(Feng et al. 2002); and (c) nutrient imbalance in the plant caused by nutrient uptake
leading to ion deficiencies (Adiku et al. 2001). The plants must maintain lower
internal osmotic potentials to prevent water movement from roots into the soil (Feng
et al. 2002).
The general response of plants to high soil salinity is reduced growth (Ghoulam
and Foursy 2002). At low or moderate salt concentration, plants adjust osmotically
and maintain the potential for water influx (Gunes et al. 1996). High salt concentra-
tions disturb membrane integrity and interfere with internal solute balance and
nutrient uptake, causing nutritional deficiency symptoms similar to drought (Grattan
and Grieve 1999). Grattan and Grieve (1999) reported that high NaCl uptake com-
petes with the uptake of other nutrient ions, such as K, Ca, N, and P, resulting in
nutritional disorders and eventual reduction in yield and quality. In most cases,
salinity decreases the concentration of P in plant tissues (Kaya et al. 2001). Osmotic
stress, ion imbalances, and direct toxic effects of Na+ and Cl− ions on the metabolic
processes are most important and widely studied physiological impairments caused
13 Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi-Mediated Mycoremediation of Saline Soil: Current… 321
by salt stress (Munns 2005). Cusido et al. (1987) revealed that salinity inhibits the
plant growth by affecting water absorption, protein biosynthesis, and by N as well
as CO2 assimilation.
Certain halophytes are also known to remediate soil salinity. Gallagher (1985)
and Glenn and O’Leary (1985) searched for new salt-tolerant crop plants that could
deal with saline soils and minimize the crop loss. Development of salt-tolerant crop
varieties through breeding programs is underway. To challenge the detrimental
effects of salinity, a salt-tolerant perennial rye-grass (Lolium perenne) was obtained
by transforming rice vacuolar membrane Na+/H+ antiporter gene via Agrobacterium-
mediated transformation. The salt tolerance of perennial ryegrass was improved by
overexpression of the Na+/H+ antiporter gene (Wu et al. 2005). Most of such suc-
cessful methods are costly and beyond the economy of several developing nations
(Cantrell and Linderman 2001). Hence, an alternative attempt is needed to chal-
lenge the deleterious effects of saline soils by inoculating salt-tolerant AMF in the
agricultural crops.
External and internal microorganisms in their natural environment colonize
plants. Under stress environment, plant performance could be improved by the
deliberate introduction of some microorganisms in rhizosphere. The AMF associa-
tion with plants is one such association that could mitigate several types of plant
stress. The AMF is associated with the roots of over 80% terrestrial plant species
including halophytes, hydrophytes, and xerophytes (Mathur et al. 1999; Yadav et al.
2019b, c; Hejiden et al. 1998). The AMF form a symbiotic relationship with the
plants in which the plant supplies carbohydrate to the fungi while the mycorrhizal
fungi extend the surface area of roots, thus increasing their ability to absorb nutri-
ents and water from the soil. These fungi constitute an integral component of the
natural ecosystem and are known to exist in saline environments (Giri et al. 2003).
The AMF holds the potential to reduce the impact of salinity-induced stress on
plants. The AMF associations often result in greater yield of crop plants even under
saline conditions. The AM fungi widely exist in salt-affected soils (Juniper and
Abbott 1993). To some extent, AM fungi are considered as bio-ameliorators of
saline soils (Azcon-Aguilar and Barea 1997; Rao 1998). The AMF is increasingly
being considered for mycoremediation of soil salinity. According to Kohler et al.
(2009), the use of plant symbiotic microorganisms, especially AM fungi, is useful
in developing strategies to facilitate plant growth in saline soils.
The AMF maintains physiological and biochemical processes of the host plant.
In salt-stressed soil, PO43− ions usually precipitate along with Ca2+, Mg2+, and Zn2+
and remain less available to plants (Azcon-Aguilar et al. 1979). However, AMF
symbiosis in plants enhance the uptake of less mobile phosphorus by extending
their external hyphal network beyond nutrient depletion zones. Apart from salt
stress mitigation, AMF also improves plant growth and hormonal status, increases
nutrient acquisition, maintains osmotic balance and reduces ion toxicity (Juniper
and Abbott 1993). It also stabilizes soil for plant growth by producing glomalin, a
substance that binds soil aggregates (Wright and Upadhyaya 1998). The purpose of
this chapter is to outline the current state of knowledge on soil salinity mycoreme-
diation. This chapter highlights interaction mechanisms between AMF and
322 D. Kumar et al.
The AMF are soil fungi that form a mutualistic symbiosis with the plant roots. It is
reported that AMF occurs in most of the plant species and taxonomically the sym-
biotic associations of AMF with the plants are widespread in nature (Schwab et al.
1991). The AMF occurrence is too diverse from geography and plant taxonomy
point of view. However, it has become possible to define two morphological types,
the Arum-type and the Paris-type. These types were named after the plants in which
they were first described for Arum maculatum and Paris quadrifolia (Cavagnaro
et al. 2001). Smith and Smith (1997) found that the morphology of the AMF sym-
biosis with the angiosperms depends on plant taxa (plant species). It was concluded
that 30 families belong to Arum-type, 41 to Paris-type and 21 families form either
an intermediate morphology or had members with both Arum and Paris-types. The
plant largely controls AMF morphology through the presence or absence of exten-
sive air-spaces in roots (Brundrett and Kendrick 1990).
The general morphology of AMF can be differentiated into six different types:
1. The intracellular hyphae forming coils often found in the outer layers of cortical
2. The intercellular hyphae
3. The intracellular hyphae with numerous ramifications, i.e., the arbuscules
4. The inter- or intracellular hypertrophied hyphae, i.e., the vesicles
5. The extracellular ramified hyphae, i.e., branched-absorbing structures (BAS)
6. The resistance propagules, i.e., the spores
The AMF spores are capable of independent germination. However, AMF devel-
opment is hindered for their inability to complete the life cycle in the absence of
host and the fungus start producing vigorous mycelia. This is because the AM fungi
coevolved along with host plants and require each other for mutual development
(Remy et al. 1994; Redecker et al. 2000). The AMF has different survival strategies
like regulation of infection structure (Giovannetti et al. 1994), the ability of multiple
germinations (Koske 1981), induction of energy-saving mechanism of spores ger-
minate in the absence of the host (Logi et al. 1998), etc. In addition, the ability to
form wide hyphal networks by pre-symbiotic and symbiotic mycelia represents a
fundamental mechanism for increasing the chances of AM symbionts to contact
host roots (Giovannetti et al. 1999).
The hyphae of AM fungal soil propagules and asexual spores or mycorrhizal
roots begin the establishment of AMF symbiosis by colonizing on compatible plant
13 Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi-Mediated Mycoremediation of Saline Soil: Current… 323
roots. Even dead roots from annual plants might be a good source of AMF growth
because roots protect the fungus from environmental hazards until new hyphae
grow out of the roots and colonize plants (Requena et al. 1996). The hyphae of fun-
gus penetrate the plant cortex through an aspersorium to form distinct morphologi-
cally special structures like inter- and intracellular hyphae, coils, and arbuscules.
Out of these structures “arbuscules” are specialized hyphae similar to haustoria of
plant pathogenic fungi. They are presumed to be the main site of nutrient exchange
between the plant and the fungus (He and Nara 2007). After host colonization, the
fungal mycelium grows out of the root, exploring the soil in search of mineral nutri-
ents to colonize other susceptible roots (Breuninger and Requena 2004). The fungal
life cycle completes after the formation of asexual chlamydospores on the external
mycelium. The life cycle and different morphological parts of AMF are shown in
Fig. 13.1.
Fig. 13.1 Showing the life cycle of AM fungi and different morphological parts of AMF. (From
Porcel et al. 2012)
324 D. Kumar et al.
The interactions between plants and AMF affect the plant ecophysiology and have
the following consequences on nutrition, growth, competition, stress tolerance, fit-
ness, and soil structuring:
1. Enhanced uptake of low mobile ions
2. Improved quality of soil structure
3. Enhanced plant community diversity
4. Improved rooting and plant establishment
5. Improved soil nutrient cycling
6. Enhanced plant tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress
Soil salinity negatively impacts the host plant and associated AMF by inhibiting
colonization capacity, spore germination, and growth of fungal hyphae. It was
reported that AMF colonization on plant roots is reduced in the presence of NaCl
(Ojala et al. 1983; Poss et al. 1985; Duke et al. 1986; Rozema et al. 1986; Menconi
et al. 1995; Juniper and Abbott 2006; Giri et al. 2007; Sheng et al. 2008). The higher
NaCl concentrations directly affect fungal growth and metabolism (Juniper and
Abbott 2006) and could suppress the formation of AM (Tian et al. 2004; Sheng et al.
2008). The variable behavior of AM fungi in a similar ecosystem could be associ-
ated with soil salinity (Kilironomos et al. 1993) and some other environmental fac-
tors (Carvalho et al. 2001).
In the presence of higher concentrations NaCl, the germination of spores is
delayed (Cantrell and Linderman 2001). The rate of germination and maximum
germination of AMF spores may also depend on the salt type. According to Juniper
and Abbott (1993), the sodium salts like NaNO3 and Na2SO4 with osmotic potentials
similar to NaCl impart differential effects on the rate and germination of spores.
Jahromi et al. (2008) studied in vitro effects of salinity on the AM fungus, Glomus
intraradices and observed that there was no significant difference in hyphal length
and BAS between control (no salt) and 50 mM NaCl, but a significant decrease in
hyphal length and the number of BAS at 100 mM NaCl was observed. All these
results indicate that soil salinity directly affects fungal development by reducing
fungal mycelia formation and host root colonization.
However, contrary to the mentioned reports, increased AMF sporulation and
colonization under salt stress were reported by Aliasgharzadeh et al. (2001). Yamato
et al. (2008) reported that AM colonization rates were not reduced in coastal vegeta-
tions of Okinawa Island, Japan even when treated with salinity as high as 200 mM
of NaCl. The variation in the results invites researchers to look out for salt-tolerant
AMF species and to test mycorrhizal isolates that could maintain colonization
capacity and symbiosis efficiency under salinity.
For remediating the harmful effect of salinity, the AMF colonization plays a very
crucial role in plants. The AMF protects the symbiotic plants against salt stress. It
was demonstrated that the symbiosis results in increased uptake of nutrient, accu-
mulation of osmoregulator compounds, increase in photosynthetic rate, and water
use efficiency (Andrea et al. 2016). It was suggested that salt stress remediation by
AMF results from a combination of nutritional, biochemical, physiological, and
molecular effects (Atakan et al. 2018). However, remediation effect on plant devel-
opment depends on the AMF species (Marulanda et al. 2003, 2007; Wu et al. 2007).
Several workers reported that AMF-inoculated plants grow better than
13 Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi-Mediated Mycoremediation of Saline Soil: Current… 327
non-inoculated ones under salt stress (Al-Karaki 2000; Giri et al. 2007; Sannazzaro
et al. 2007; Zuccarini and Okurowska 2008). Hajiboland et al. (2010) reported that
although high salinity reduces dry matter production of tomato cultivars; however,
in all treatments, mycorrhizal plants grow better by improving plant nutrient uptake,
especially P (Smith and Read 1997). Many other workers related improved growth
of mycorrhizal plants in saline conditions with the mycorrhiza-mediated enhance-
ment of P nutrition in plants (Hirrel and Gerdemann 1980; Ojala et al. 1983; Pond
et al. 1984; Poss et al. 1985; Al-Karaki 2000; Verma et al. 2017; Yadav et al.
2018; Kour et al. 2019; Rana et al. 2019a, b).
Table 13.1 Showing the effect of different AMF on enhancement tolerance of several plants
growing under salt stress
Plant species AMF species Effect of AMF on plant References
Glycine max Glomus etunicatum Increase the uptake of P, K, Ca, Sharifi et al.
and Zn (2007)
Gossypium Glomus mosseae Increase the uptake of P, Na, and Tian et al. (2004)
arboretum Cl
Lycoperssicon Glomus mosseae Increase the uptake of P and Na Al-Karaki (2000)
Esculentum and decreases the uptake of Cu
and Zn
Acacia nilotica Glomus fasciculatum Increase the uptake of Cu, Na, Giri et al. (2007)
and P
Acacia Glomus fasciculatum Increase the uptake of P and Na Giri et al. (2003)
auriculiformis and Glomus
Citrus karma Mixed inoculum of Increase the uptake of N and P Murkute et al.
Glomus sp. and (2006)
Gigaspora sp.
Zea mays Glomus mosseae Increase the uptake of P and Feng et al.
increases soluble sugar and (2002)
electrolyte concentrations
Sesbania Glomus macrocarpum Increase the uptake of N and Mg Giri and Mukerji
aegyptiaca (2004)
Ocimum Glomus macrocarpum Increase the uptake of N and Mg Zuccarini and
basilicum Okurowska
Musa sp. Glomus intraradices Increases the uptake of K and Cl Yano-Melo et al.
Lactuca sativa Glomus clarum Increase the uptake of K Ruız-Lozano
et al. (1996)
Lactuca sativa Glomus sp. Increases transpiration, stomatal Ruız-Lozano
conductance, and water use et al. (1996)
The strategies adopted by the plant to remediate soil salinity include (1) synthesis
and accumulation of compatible solutes, (2) control of ion uptake by roots and
transport to plant tissues for ion homeostasis, (3) fine regulation of water uptake and
distribution to plant tissues by the action of aquaporins, and (4) reduction of oxida-
tive damage through improved antioxidant capacity. Additional plant responses
include selective build-up or exclusion of salt ions, maintenance of photosynthesis
at values adequate for plant growth, changes in membrane structure and synthesis of
phytohormones (Turkan and Demiral 2009). Many studies were done to understand
330 D. Kumar et al.
mechanisms for enhanced salt tolerance of AMF plants (Al-Garni 2006). The AMF
facilitate plants by enhancing nutrient mobility, improving water uptake through
extended fungal hyphae that act as root hairs, boosting root hydraulic conductivity,
and by maintaining osmotic balance by enhancing K+/Na+ ratios and lowering accu-
mulation of Na+ in the host plant shoots. Among the mechanisms, the best charac-
terized biochemical response of plant cells is osmotic stress in which accumulated
inorganic ions like Na+ and compatible organic solutes like proline, glycine betaine,
and soluble sugars were studied (Flowers and Colmer 2008). The compatible sol-
utes can accumulate to high levels in the cells without disturbing intracellular bio-
chemistry (Bohnert and Jensen 1996) and, consequently, protect subcellular
structures, mitigate oxidative damage caused by free radicals, and maintain the
enzyme activities under salt stress (Yokoi et al. 2002).
The salt-accumulated soil has negative water potential, which implies less avail-
ability of soil water to the plant leading to the dehydration of the plant cells.
Therefore, plants must respond accordingly by decreasing their water potential to
maintain a favorable concentration gradient. Osmotic adjustment or osmoregulation
is the most important mechanism adopted by plants to reduce osmotic potential in
which some inorganic ions like Na+ and K+ and compatible organic solutes accumu-
late in the cells (Morgan 1984; Hoekstra et al. 2001). Among them, proline, beta-
ines, sugars (fructose, sucrose, and glucose), and complex sugars (trehalose,
raffinose, and fructans) are some compatible solutes that chiefly accomplish this
function in halophytes. The two major osmoprotectant osmolytes include proline
and glycine betaine (N, N, N-trimethylglycine betaine) which are synthesized by
plants in response to stress. These osmoprotectants help in maintaining the osmotic
status of the cell to ameliorate abiotic stress. Proline plays a role in scavenging free
radicals, stabilizing subcellular structures, and buffering cellular redox potential
under stresses. The salinity stress-responsive genes whose promoters contain
proline-responsive elements (ACTCAT) are also induced by proline (Chinnusamy
et al. 2005). Proline is an important osmoprotectant that plays a vital role in stabiliz-
ing subcellular structures, buffering cellular redox potential under stress and in
scavenging free radicals (Chen and Dickman 2005). In higher plants, proline is
synthesized from glutamic acid by the actions of two enzymes, pyrroline-5-
carboxylate synthetase (P5CS) and pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (P5CR).
Overexpression of P5CS gene in transgenic tobacco increases the production of
proline that helps in salinity tolerance (Kishor et al. 1995). Proline concentration
also increases during AMF colonization on plants. Several authors reported higher
proline concentration in AMF plants than in non-AMF plants at different salinity
levels (Sharifi et al. 2007; Talaat and Shawky 2011). In addition, another osmoregu-
lator named betaines also stabilize the structures and activities of enzymes, protein
complexes and maintain the integrity of membranes against the damaging effects of
13 Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi-Mediated Mycoremediation of Saline Soil: Current… 331
excessive salt (Gorham 1995). The AMF plants increase the accumulation of beta-
ines under salt stress (Al-Garni 2006).
The increase in sugar content is found to be positively correlated with the mycor-
rhization of the host plant as reported by Thomson et al. (1990). Porcel and Ruiz-
Lozano (2004) reported increased sugar concentrations in soybean roots colonized
with Glomus intraradices subjected to drought stress. The positive correlation
between sugar content and mycorrhization is due to the sink effect of the fungus
demanding sugars from the shoot tissues (Augé 2000). The increased sugar accu-
mulation in plants may also be due to AMF-facilitated starch hydrolysis. However,
some authors reported negative correlations between AMF colonization and sugar
accumulation in host plants. Pearson and Schweiger (1993) reported a reduction in
carbohydrate content with an increase in the percentage of root colonization. Sharifi
et al. (2007) observed no role of soluble carbohydrates in the responses of AM
(colonized by Glomus etunicatum) soybean plants to salinity. Polyamines
The polyamines are small organic cations necessary for eukaryotic cell growth. The
three main polyamine types existing in plants are putrescine (Put), spermidine
(Spd), and spermine (Spm). The plant-secreted polyamines play a major role against
a wide array of environmental stresses like salinity (Delauney and Verma 1993),
high osmolarity (Besford et al. 1993), and antioxidative stress (Kurepa et al. 1998).
They are also candidates for the regulation of root development under saline situa-
tions (Couee et al. 2004). Under salinity stress plants reduce the concentration of
free polyamine. The polyamine increases membrane stability and show a significant
effect on H+/ATPase and Ca2+/ATPase transporters during salinity stress (Pottosin
and Shabala 2014).
Many phytohormones regulate cell division, plant growth, fruit ripening, stem elon-
gation, and other biochemical function. Out of these, ABA responds against abiotic
stress, and its concentration rise when plants experience stress. The ABA promotes
stomatal closure to reduce water loss. It also induces the expression of stress-related
genes and diminishes the environmental damage (Evelin et al. 2009). A report
showed that AMF plants change the ABA concentration under the saline condition
(Estrada-Luna and Davies 2003). It was observed that ABA concentration in AMF
plants decreased in lettuce plants colonized by G. intraradices (Jahromi et al. 2008).
The AMF-infected plants experience less environmental stress and, as a result,
accumulate less ABA. Evelin et al. (2009) observed the effect of AMF species on
ABA content varies with the host plants. As AM fungi help in remediating the salin-
ity effect, therefore could be used as agents for salinity-induced remediation.
332 D. Kumar et al.
A number of biotic, abiotic, and xenobiotic stresses can be linked to some degenera-
tive reactions that produce the ROS such as superoxide (O2−), hydroxyl radicals
(OH−), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and singlet oxygen in plants. These are produced
as reaction by-products of electron transport chains of chloroplast and mitochondria
where oxygen and electrons react to form ROS (Scandalios 1993). The plant ROS
production must be minimized because hydroxyl radical and singlet oxygen are
highly reactive and damage life-giving biomolecules (Jakob and Heber 1996). The
O2− and H2O2 are especially toxic ROS compounds that initiate cascade reactions,
resulting in the production of the hydroxyl radicals. According to Bowler et al.
(1992), free radicals and their derivatives are dangerous and reactive and could
damage biomolecules through lipid peroxidation, denaturation of proteins, and
DNA mutation.
Plant cells contain an array of protective and repair mechanisms that mini-
mize oxidative damage. According to Smirnoff (1993), the repair mechanisms
can be divided into two categories: (a) systems that scavenge activated oxygen
species which include carotenoids, glutathione, tocopherols, ascorbic acid, fla-
vonoids, and anthocyanins (Wu and Xia 2006) and (b) systems which possess
ROS-scavenging antioxidative enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD), cat-
alase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APOX), glutathione reductase, dehydro-
ascorbate reductase, monodehydroascorbate reductase, guaiacol peroxidase,
oxidized glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, and the enzymes involved in the
ascorbate-glutathione cycle (Alguacil et al. 2003). Like other abiotic stresses,
salinity also induces oxidative stress in plants (Hajiboland and Joudmand
A correlation between antioxidant capacity and salinity tolerance was
reported in several plant species (Nunez et al. 2003; Turkan and Demiral 2009).
The reports suggest that AMF symbiosis helps plants to remediate salt stress by
enhancing the activities of antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase
(SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APOX), glutathione reductase,
dehydroascorbate reductase, monodehydroascorbate reductase, and guaiacol
peroxidase (Porcel et al. 2003; Garg and Manchanda 2009; Talaat and Shawky
The AMF inoculation of host plants enable them to maintain higher electrolyte con-
centration that improves the integrity and stability of the cell membrane.
Consequently, the electrical conductivity of mycorrhizal roots was found to be
higher than the non-mycorrhizal roots (Garg and Manchanda 2008). The mycor-
rhizal roots of Cajanus cajan showed higher relative permeability than non-
mycorrhizal plants at different levels of soil salinity (Garg and Manchanda 2008).
Kaya et al. (2009) reported the electrolyte leakage of 31.66 and 42.45, respectively,
in leaves of Capsicum annum treated with 50 mM and 100 mM NaCl, while the
AMF-inoculated plants had a relatively lower electrolyte leakage of 26.87 and
30.98, respectively. This suggests that AM plants have lower root plasma membrane
electrolyte permeability than the non-mycorrhizal plants. The increased membrane
stability has been attributed to mycorrhiza-mediated enhanced P uptake and
increased antioxidant production (Feng et al. 2002).
The water is essentially needed to mobilize plant nutrients. In saline soils, Na+
and Cl− ions bind with water and create a physiological drought-like condition
for plants (Fuzy et al. 2008). Several studies indicate that AMF colonization
can help plants to remediate the physiological drought. It has been reported
that plants inoculated with AMF maintain relatively higher water content
334 D. Kumar et al.
(Colla et al. 2008; Jahromi et al. 2008; Sheng et al. 2008). This is facilitated
by the improved hydraulic conductivity of the root at low water potential
(Kapoor et al. 2008). The improved root conductance is associated with a lon-
ger root and an altered root system morphology induced by AMF (Kothari
et al. 1990).
The AMF plants exhibit a higher stomatal conductance to increased leaf transpi-
ration (Jahromi et al. 2008; Sheng et al. 2008). Mycorrhizal plants hold lower
osmotic potential that is maintained by fungal accumulating solutes, resulting in
improved plant osmotic adjustment. Lower water saturation deficit and higher tur-
gor potential of AMF plants also improve their water status (Al-Garni 2006). All the
improved parameters facilitated by mycorrhizal colonization enable the host to uti-
lize water more efficiently and allow them to maintain a lower intercellular carbon
dioxide concentration. As a consequence, the gas exchange capacity increases in the
mycorrhizal plants.
The beneficial effects of the AMF symbiosis on plant salinity tolerance are assessed
by measuring plant growth, water status, or the expression of plant-specific stress-
related genes. The effects of AMF on plant responses to salinity stress are difficult
to measure due to the complex nature of the association. The heterokaryotic and
obligate nature of AMF also creates difficulty in understanding plant molecular
changes. However, molecular studies on salt tolerance by AMF are speeding up for
holistically understanding the mechanism of salt stress remediation by AM symbio-
sis. The expression and overexpression studies of proteins like Δ1-pyrroline-5-
carboxylate synthetase (P5CS), aquaporins, cation channels and transporters, late
embryogenesis abundant protein (LEA), and ABA synthesis in AMF plants treated
with salinity stress are underway (Hanin et al. 2011).
The PC5S enzyme catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of proline.
Proline is the widespread osmoprotectant in plants. The PC5S has two catalytic
sites: (1) γ-glutamyl-kinase and (2) glutamic-γ-semialdehyde-dehydrogenase. The
P5CS catalyzes the first two steps of proline biosynthesis from glutamate using
γ-glutamyl-kinase and glutamic-γ-semialdehyde-dehydrogenase activities. The last
step of proline biosynthesis is catalyzed by the Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate reduc-
tase (P5CR) that reduces the Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate to proline (Hu et al. 1992).
Yoshiba et al. (1995) observed that the P5CS-encoding gene is induced by drought
stress, salinity, and by ABA treatment in Arabidopsis thaliana. The P5CS-encoding
gene is of key importance for the biosynthesis of proline in plants (Abraham et al.
2003). The overexpression of the P5CS-encoding gene in transgenic tobacco plants
increase proline production, which confers plant tolerance to osmotic stress (Kishor
et al. 1995). Jahromi et al. (2008) reported the higher expression of Lactuca sativa
P5CS gene in non-AMF plants at 50 mM NaCl and 100 mM. Aquaporins
general aquaporin blocker mercury ions (Maggio and Joly 1995). In general, AMF
differentially exerts control over the expression of different members of the large fam-
ily of aquaporins (Ouziad et al. 2006). The AM-plant symbiosis enhances the expres-
sion of PIP genes, and its product contributes in regulating root water permeability to
tolerate salinity-induced osmotic stress (Aroca et al. 2007). Such differences could be
a consequence of the mode of salt stress in plants. Sarda et al. (1999) observed com-
plex and differential expression pattern members of the large family of aquaporins in
tested plant species. This highlights the complex regulation of aquaporin genes in
response to the AMF symbiosis under abiotic stress with osmotic component.
Close (1996) reported the accumulation of proteins groups called late embryogenesis
abundant (LEA) proteins in mature plant seeds, responsible for desiccation tolerance.
During cellular dehydration, the LEA proteins maintain the structure of other pro-
teins, vesicles, or endomembrane constituents required for the sequestration. In addi-
tion, the LEA proteins help in absorbing water and also function as molecular
chaperones (Koag et al. 2003). The reports show that overexpression of LEA proteins
in plants and yeasts confer tolerance to osmotic stress (Imai et al. 1996; Babu et al.
2004). Dehydrins belong to LEA group 2 and represent the most noticeable soluble
proteins induced by dehydration stress. Biochemically, the activities of dehydrins are
diverse because they have multiple existences on the target sites (euchromatin, cyto-
sol, and cytoskeleton). Studies show increased gene expression of the LEA genes
during AMF symbiosis under salt stress. However, LEA gene expression and its effect
on AMF symbiosis under salt stress is not fully understood. Porcel et al. (2005)
cloned two dehydrin encoding genes from Glycine max (gmlea8 and gmlea10) and
one from L. sativa (lslea1) to analyze their response against drought stress of AMF-
infected soybean and lettuce plants. Results demonstrate that the levels of LEA tran-
script accumulation in soybean and lettuce plants colonized by G. mosseae or G.
intraradices were considerably lower than corresponding non-AMF plants.
It is suggested that the accumulation of LEA proteins is not a mechanism by
which the AMF symbiosis protects their host plant. The results suggest that mycor-
rhizal plants were less strained by drought stress through primary drought-avoidance
mechanisms. Jahromi et al. (2008) reported that LEA is expressed under salt stress
and is induced at lower rates in AMF plants.
In soil the sodium uptake and distribution within the plant is responsible for their
sensitiveness to salts. Plants survive high salinity by restricting root entry of Na+
and by allocating Na+ within the leaf to sequester into the vacuole. The Na+/H+
13 Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi-Mediated Mycoremediation of Saline Soil: Current… 337
Ion influx is essential for signal transduction. Cyclic nucleotide-gated ion chan-
nels (CNGCs) are one of the potential pathways for ion uptake (Talke et al.
2003). Cyclic nucleotides monophosphate (CNMP) has only recently been
accepted as an important secondary messenger that might be involved in plant
response to biotic and abiotic stress. Donaldson et al. (2004) demonstrated that
rapid increase in cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels in Arabidopsis
thaliana are related to salt and osmotic stress, and these findings are consistent
with another finding according to which cAMP and cGMP improve tolerance to
salt stress (Maathuis and Sanders 2001). Interestingly, improved salt tolerance is
correlated with the cNMP-dependent decrease of channel opening probability
and the reduced influx of Na+ (Rubio et al. 2003). Members of the CNGC family
belong to the group of nonselective cation channels which enable the uptake of
Na+, K+, and Ca2+ (Kaplan et al. 2007). Plants hold a structure where CNGC and
cyclic nucleotide-binding domains occur in the cytosolic C-terminus of overlap-
ping regions. The Arabidopsis CNGC gene family is made of 20 members (Maser
et al. 2001). The ability of CNGCs to transport cations play a role in mediating
various environmental stresses, plant defense responses, and development
(Borsics et al. 2007). Kugler et al. (2009) reported upregulation of AtCNGC19
and AtCNGC20 in Arabidopsis thaliana shoots toward elevated NaCl. Salt
induction of CNGC20 was also observed in the shoot. No differences in K+ and
Na+ contents of the shoots were measured in homozygous T-DNA insertion lines
for CNGC19 and CNGC20, respectively, which developed a growth phenotype
in the presence of up to 75 mM NaCl similar to that of the wild type.
All these results suggest that CNGC19 and CNGC20 channels are involved
in salinity response of different cell types in the shoot. Both the channels
assist the plant to survive toxic effects caused by salt stress probably by real-
338 D. Kumar et al.
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should be accomplished in combination with measurements of sodium and
potassium content in different plant tissues. This will allow us to understand
the effect of AMF symbiosis on Na+ and K+ uptake, distribution, and compart-
mentalization within the plant cell and may shed light on the mechanisms
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Chapter 14
Fungal Enzymes for Bioconversion
of Lignocellulosic Biomass
14.1 Introduction
In the PCW, lignin surrounds cellulose along with mainly hemicellulose and pectin
forming a matrix, its degradation leading to the major loss of utilizable wood and
concern for plant pathogenesis (Bholay et al. 2012). In Fig. 14.1, the structure and
composition of primary and secondary cell wall of plant was depicted with the
enzymes responsible for the degradation of the constituents. In the subsequent sec-
tion, a brief synopsis of those enzymes is discussed.
14.2.1 Ligninase
Fig. 14.1 Organization and composition of primary and secondary cell wall of plant with the
arrangement of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, and lignin moieties, along with respective degrad-
ing enzymes
352 S. Mondal et al.
The first altered enzyme (compound I) catalyzes the production of free radical
(S•) and the second altered form of the enzyme (compound II) with an electron shift
from the substrate (SH: reduced substrate):
Compound I + SH → Compound II + S •
Ligninin Peroxidase This enzyme was first isolated from fungi Phanerochaete
chrysosporium in 1983 (Tien and Kirk 1988). LiPs are chemically oligomannose-
type glycoprotein with a MW that varies from 38 kDa to 43 kDa (Schmidt et al.
1990). LiP is having low optimum pH 3–4.5 and comparatively elevated redox
potential. This particular character of LiP makes it an important part of ligninolytic
system. LiP oxidizes both phenolics and nonphenolics. The catalytic reactions car-
ried out by LiP are involving cleavage of the propyl side chains, oxidation of benzyl
alcohols, hydroxylation of benzylic methylene groups, phenol oxidation, as well as
cleavage of aromatic ring in nonphenolic lignin compounds (Renganathan et al.
1985; Umezawa and Higuchi 1987).
Manganese Peroxidase Kuwahara first discovered manganese peroxidase in
1984 from Phanerochaete chrysosporium (Plácido and Capareda 2015). They are
glycoproteins with a MW ranging from 38 to 62.5 kDa. MnP especially favored
Mn(II) as its reducing substrate. MnP oxidizes Mn2+ to Mn3+, with the help of
organic acid chelators, viz., oxalate, malonate, glyoxylate, etc., and in turn oxi-
dizes several compounds randomly via hydrogen and electron abstraction (Glenn
and Gold 1985). The organic acids also assist the relief of Mn3+ from the catalytic
site. The one-electron oxidation of Mn2+ to Mn3+ is a multistep reaction as follows
(Niladevi 2009):
14 Fungal Enzymes for Bioconversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass 353
Laccase Although laccases originated in plants, bacteria, and insects, the leading
producers of these enzymes are fungi. In 1983, laccase was first time isolated from
Rhus vernicifer (Japanese lacquer tree). Later, both Bertrand and Labrode in 1896
individually isolated laccase from fungi. In a holoenzymatic monomeric form of
fungal laccase (MW 60–85 kDa), generally it has four copper atoms (Coll et al.
1993) arranged in three groups: T1, T2, and T3 (Leontievsky et al. 1997). Laccase
catalysis involves (i) reduction of the T1 copper by reducing substrate; (ii) internal
electron shifting from T1 to T2 and T3 copper; and (iii) reduction of oxygen to
water at T2 and T3 (Archibald et al. 1997). Laccase certainly attacks the phenolics
of lignin, followed by Cα oxidation, aryl-alkyl cleavage, and Cα–Cβ cleavage. The
spectrum of substrate accessibility of laccase expanded toward the nonphenolic
constituents of lignin with the help of mediator such as ABTS and HBT. ABTS-
mediated oxidation of nonphenolic substrate is associated with an electron transfer
mechanism (Fabbrini et al. 2002; Baiocco et al. 2003). ABTS is first oxidized to the
radical cation (ABTS.+) and subsequently to dication (ABTS2+) with redox poten-
tials of 4.72 V (ABTS/ABTS.+) and 8.85 V (ABTS.+/ABTS2+), respectively
(Bourbonnais et al. 1998). The dicationic active intermediate is predominantly lia-
ble for the oxidation of the nonphenolic compounds. Fungal laccases are mono-
meric or homodimeric glycosylated protein having fewer monosaccharides
(10–25%), such as mannose, arabinose, fucose, galactose, and glucose. Glycosylation
is mainly subjected to secretion, proteolytic susceptibility, copper retention, activity,
and thermostability (Xu 1997).
14.2.2 Cellulase
14.2.3 Pectinase
According to their mode of action, the pectinase enzyme is basically divided into
three categories: pectin esterase, hydrolases, and lyases (Sharma et al. 2013; Garg
et al. 2016) (Kour et al. 2019b).
Pectin Esterase Pectin esterase (PE, EC carried out de-esterification
reaction of the methoxy group of pectin resulting in pectic acid. The MW of major-
ity of microbial PEs ranges between 30 and 50 kDa, and the optimum pH for enzyme
activity ranges between 4.0 and 7.0 (Hadj-Taieb et al. 2002).
Hydrolases Hydrolases, namely, polygalacturonases and polymethylgalacturo-
nases, hydrolyze the α-(1,4)-glycosidic bonds in pectic acid and pectin, respec-
tively. There are three types of polygalacturonase: endopolygalacturonase
(endo-PG, EC cleaves pectic acid randomly and produces oligogalactu-
ronates, exopolygalacturonase 1 (exo-PG1, EC catalyzes the terminal
cleavage of polygalacturonic acid from the nonreducing termini and produces
14 Fungal Enzymes for Bioconversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass 355
14.2.4 Hemicellulases
been found to be secreting LiP and MnP along with laccase. In disparity to white-rot
fungi, which are mainly found on deciduous (angiosperms) wood, brown-rot fungi
primarily grow on conifers (gymnosperms) (Gilbertson 1980). Brown-rot fungi
cause the breakdown of wood carbohydrates leading to brown-colored rot due to the
remaining oxidized lignin (Cowling 1961). Due to the cellulose breakdown, the
decayed wood represents a cross-checking pattern with cracks and clefts; this phe-
nomenon is known as “cubical” brown rot. These include Gloeophyllum trabeum,
Postia placenta, Fomitopsis lilacinogilva, Laetiporus portentosus, Piptoporus betu-
linus, and Serpula lacrymans. The roles of ligninolytic enzymes of fungal origin
include lignin degradation, breakdown of plant’s toxic products, and spore/fruiting
body formation (Dos Santos et al. 2007).
Fungi contributes lion’s share in the worldwide cellulose breakdown. This is
particularly important in forest ecosystem, where fungi are the chief decomposers
of cellulose (Alexopoulos et al. 1996). Many fungal strains synthesized cellulases
as inducible enzymes at the time of their growth in the presence of cellulosic com-
ponents. For cellulase production, fungi are more preferable than bacteria because
(a) bacterial cellulase usually lacks one of the three cellulolytic activities, i.e., FPase
activity, (b) downstream processing of fungal cellulase is much easier than bacterial
cellulases, and (c) the activity of fungal cellulase is far greater than that of the bacte-
rial cellulase (Sajith et al. 2016; Tomme et al. 1995). Most extensively studied cel-
lulolytic fungal genera are classified as soft-rot fungi like Aspergillus niger (Ong
et al. 2004), A. nidulans (Kwon et al. 1992), A. oryzae (Takashima et al. 1998), A.
fumigatus (Ximenes et al. 1996), Fusarium solani (Wood and McCrae 1977),
Humicola grisea (Takashima et al. 1996), Melanocarpus albomyces (Miettinen-
Oinonen et al. 2004), Penicillium brasilianum (Jørgensen and Olsson 2006),
Trichoderma reesei (Saloheimo et al. 1988), T. viride (Khokhar et al. 2012), T. har-
zianum (Galante et al. 1998), Chaetomium cellulyticum (Fähnrich and Irrgang
1981), Neurospora crassa (Romero et al. 1999), C. thermophilum (Li et al. 2009),
Thermoascus aurantiacus (Kalogeris et al. 2003), Mucor circinelloides (Saha
2004), and Paecilomyces inflatus (Kluczek-Turpeinen et al. 2007); brown-rot fungi
like Coniophora puteana (Schmidhalter and Canevascini 1992), Poria placenta
(Highley 1977), Tyromyces palustris (Yoon and Kim 2005), and Fomitopsis sp.
(Deswal et al. 2011); and white-rot fungi, viz., Phanerochaete chrysosporium (Jäger
et al. 1985), Sporotrichum thermophile (Kaur et al. 2004), Agaricus arvensis (Jeya
et al. 2010), Pleurotus ostreatus (Khalil et al. 2011), and Phlebia gigantea (Niranjane
et al. 2007).
Microbial sources of pectinolytic enzymes include filamentous and nonfilamen-
tous bacteria, yeasts, and filamentous fungi. Most extensively studied cellulolytic
fungal genera are Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus, A. flavus, A. oryzae, A. sojae,
Penicillium viridicatum, P. chrysogenum, P. atrovenetum, Rhizomucor pusillus,
Trichoderma viride, Phytophthora infestans, etc. (Couri et al. 2000; Phutela et al.
2005; Demir et al. 2012; Silva et al. 2002; Banu et al. 2010; Siddiqui et al. 2013;
Irshad et al. 2014).
The xylanolytic enzymes are widely distributed among fungi. Industrially impor-
tant xylanases are preferentially obtained from thermophilic organism. Some fungal
358 S. Mondal et al.
The aforementioned enzymes have versatile fields of application (Fig. 14.2) in dif-
ferent sectors either in purified or in cocktail form. In the following section, the
prime applications are stated.
The combustion of fossil fuel has a serious impact on atmospheric CO2 levels and is
an important agent to man-made global climate change (Topakas et al. 2013).
Production of biofuels overcomes this issue, but the major problem in producing
biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass is the processing cost rather than availability
and cost of feedstock (Lynd et al. 2008). To reach the sufficient level of biofuels
production to compete with fossil fuels, the ability of transforming lignocellulosic
biomass to monomeric sugars must be enhanced by producing enzymes of cost-
effective and greater specific activities (Galbe et al. 2007; Kour et al. 2019a;
Rastegari et al. 2019)
360 S. Mondal et al.
Fig. 14.2 Different fields of application of enzymes associated with lignocellulosic biomass
The mechanical pulping process involving refining and grinding of the woody raw
material assists pulps with fine particles of greater amount of bulkiness and stiffness
(Bhat 2000). Wood fiber has a multilayered structure consisting primarily of cellu-
lose, hemicellulose, and lignin. In pulp and paper industry, enzymes related to lig-
nocellulosic biomass breakdown aid biomechanical pulping for prospering the
rough mechanical pulp (Bedford et al. 1997), hand-sheet strength characteristics
(Akhtar 1994), deinking of reprocessed papers (Pere 1995), and elevating drainage
waste effluent from paper mills (Prasad et al. 1992).
Lignin is an insoluble complex biopolymer of phenolic compounds. Conventional
methods for delignifying paper pulp include either chlorinated or oxygenated
agents (Bajpai and Bajpai 1992). Albeit effective, these methods have severe dis-
advantages such as environmental pollution, weakening the cellulose fiber strength,
etc. Enzymatic delignification procedure overcomes these problems and has the
14 Fungal Enzymes for Bioconversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass 361
Along with progressive health-conscious civilization, fruit and vegetable juice prep-
arations gain huge impact on both the human health and industrial sector. Fruit and
vegetable juice production at industrial level needs detailed knowledge about the
methods of extraction, clarification, and stabilization. During the early 1930s, when
fruit industries were just blooming to produce juice, many difficulties were encoun-
tered, such as the yields were low and clarity of fruit juices was not to a receivable
362 S. Mondal et al.
One of the vital applications of laccase in alcoholic beverage industry is wine stabi-
lization. Wine aroma depends on the alcohol and organic compounds, whereas phe-
nolic compounds determine the color and taste of the wine. Availability of metal ions
(like copper and iron), enzymes, amino acids, proteins, aldehydes and polyphenols
in wine causes oxidative reactions, resulting in turbidity, aroma, color intensification,
and flavor changes. This oxidative phenomenon is called maderization. In compari-
son to the conventional chemical treatment of Riesling wine with sulfur dioxide and
polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), the polyphenol content, sensorial quality, color, and
haze stability were uplifted with laccase treatment (Madhavi and Lele 2009).
14 Fungal Enzymes for Bioconversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass 363
Laccases play an essential role in preventing back staining of printed or dyed tex-
tiles. Laccases in washing solution thoroughly bleach released dyestuff, leading to
the reduction in energy, processing time, and water needed to obtain textile up to
satisfactory level. Laccase-based bleaching system replaced the traditional chemical
oxidation step and showed its potentiality to bleach the indigo dye in denim and
acquire various bleached outlooks on the fabric (Madhavi and Lele 2009).
Conventional stonewashing of jeans included amylase-mediated dispel of starch
coating followed by pumice stone-mediated machine washing of jeans. In commer-
cial sector, cellulases find its role by biopolishing the cotton and various other
cellulose-based fabrics and biostoning of jeans. During the biostoning procedure,
cellulases attack the cotton fabrics and split the tiny fiber endings on the yarn sur-
face which leads to dye slacking causing easy removal during washing by mechani-
cal friction. The benefits associated with cellulose-based treatment include less
harm to the cotton fibers, less intensive work, and improved production efficiency
of the machines in an environmentally protected manner (Sukumaran et al. 2005;
Uhlig 1998). Acidic cellulases are particularly helpful in improving softness and
water-absorbing properties of fibers, sharply reduce the propensity for pill forma-
tion, and give a bright and cleaner surface feature with reduced fuzz (Sreenath et al.
1996). Endoglucanases-rich cellulase preparations are efficient in biopolishing by
improving look, color, and feel without any chemical anointment of fibers (Galante
et al. 1998). In regular washing, the cotton clothes became fluffy and dull which is
chiefly due to the partially loosed microfibrils on the clothes surface. Application of
cellulase causes removal of those microfibrils, thereby retaining a smooth surface,
original color, and appearance to the clothes (Hebeish and Ibrahim 2007; Ibrahim
et al. 2011). Infliction of cellulase also helps in softening the clothes by removing
dirt particles entrapped within microfibril network.
364 S. Mondal et al.
these precursors to the end product (Yaropolov et al. 1994). Catechins found in tea,
vegetables, and herbs consist of small amount of tannins. The antioxidative property
of catechin makes them beneficial for healing several diseases including cancer,
cardiovascular diseases, and inflammatory diseases. The antioxidative property of
catechin can be upgraded by the oxidation of laccase and producing catechins in
numerous goods with amplified antioxidative capability (Kurisawa et al. 2003).
Erb-Downward et al. (2008) reported that laccase was involved in the creation of
immunomodulatory prostaglandins. Laccase of oyster mushroom can obstruct hep-
atitis C virus penetration into hepatoma and peripheral blood cells (El-Fakharany
et al. 2010). Laccase of edible mushroom Agrocybe cylindracea was reported to
inhibit HIV-1 reverse transcription (Hu et al. 2011).
Cellulases are applied to synthesize chitosan with antibacterial, immunomodula-
tory, and antitumor activities (Qin et al. 2004; Wu and Tsai 2004). Cellulases are
directly applied to human for the treatment of phytobezoars. A phytobezoar is a
calculus formed in the gastrointestinal tract that consists of swallowed foods of
plant origin, such as indigestible vegetables and/or fruit fibers. Few medical compli-
cations are healed by using cellulases alone (Pinos et al. 2015). Cellulases cause
breakdown of biofilm by attacking cellulose which is one of the vital constituents in
the matrix of biofilm (Flemming and Wingender 2010; McCrate et al. 2013).
Pathogenic microbes construct biofilms, allows spreading and protecting them-
selves. It is a matter of concern because maximum drugs are incapable to penetrate
the biofilm structure. Several studies and patents suggested that the direct insertion
of cellulases acts as antibiofilm agent for medical implants (Loiselle and Anderson
2003), diverse prosthetic materials (Rajasekharan and Ramesh 2013), treatment of
cystic fibrosis (Ma et al. 2009; Rajasekharan and Ramesh 2013), treatment of noso-
comial infections (Huertas et al. 2014), among others.
Endoxylanase-catalyzed xylan hydrolysis results in xylooligosaccharides (XOs).
Xylan results in the formation of xylose, arabinose, and methyl-d-glucuronic acid-
bearing XOs (Goswami and Rawat 2015). XOs have numerous impacts in various
fields like agricultural, food pharmaceuticals purposes, and feed formulations
(Vazquez et al. 2000). XOs have prebiotic action as food additives by improving the
intestinal health by flourishing the growth of health-beneficial Bifidobacteria (Fooks
and Gibson 2002). XOs are applied as dietary supplements due to their instrumental
effect on gastrointestinal tract and may decrease the threat of colon cancer
(Whitehead and Cotta 2001). Acceptance of XOs is due to the allowable odor and
noncarcinogenic nature (Kazumitsu et al. 1987; Kazumitsu et al. 1997). XOs have
low calorific value and therefore are applied as antiobesity diet products (Taeko
et al. 1998; Toshio et al. 1990).
Non-digestibility of pectin in the gut of human makes it as a dietary fiber by
increasing the viscosity in the intestinal tract. Enhancement of the viscosity of the
intestinal tract results in reduced cholesterol absorption by increasing the excretion
of neutral sterols and fecal bile acids, by intervening with the formation of micelles,
and/or by reducing the diffusion rate of bile acid and cholesterol-carrying micelles
through the bolus, therefore curtailing the incorporation of cholesterol and bile
acids. High amount of negative charges on demethylated pectin makes them as a
366 S. Mondal et al.
weak cation exchanger, and therefore, at favorable pH, they chelate toxic ions.
Intestinal bacteria easily ferment demethylated pectins, subsequently producing
short-chain fatty acids, propionate, butyrate, and acetate. These products protect the
bowel against inflammatory diseases, and also regulate the insulin release and appe-
tite by modulating the release of gut hormones (Tolhurst et al. 2012).
step in wood handling (Bajpai 1999). Alkaline pectinases and cellulases are
employed for the extraction of viruses in pure form when the viral particles are
present in phloem (Jayani et al. 2005).
A leading problem of our present world is contamination of air, soil, and water by
harmful chemicals which may have catastrophic influence not only on human health
but also their surrounding environment. Unrelenting legislation have been executed
on industries for treating their waste effluents before ultimate discharge into the
Fungal laccases are employed for the detoxification and decolorization of
industrial effluents as well as wastewater treatment (Chandra and Chowdhary
2015). Major environmental role of laccases is the remediation of toxic soils
involving the oxidation of toxic organic chemicals, such as polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons, chlorophenols, organophosphorus compounds, lignin-related
structures, phenols, and azo dyes in free or immobilized state (Saratale et al.
2011; Khan et al. 2013). Gaitan et al. (2011) found that laccase of Trametes
pubescens can degrade mixture of pentachlorophenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol, and
2,4,6-trichlorophenol. Saparrat et al. (2010) reported that the water-soluble
fraction of “alpeorujo,” a by-product pulled out during the olive oil extraction,
can be detoxified by laccase. Zhao et al. (2010) studied that the application of
laccase in soil causes the degradation of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane. Along
with the biodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by laccase, treatment of the same
can weaken the bisphenol-A-mediated cancer cell propagation (Bolli et al.
2008). Pozdnyakova et al. (2006) reported the biodegradation of polycyclic aro-
matic hydrocarbons like fluoranthene, anthracene, fluorene, phenanthrene,
pyrene, and perylene using synthetic mediator-based laccase production by
Pleurotus ostreatus.
The wastes from agricultural fields, agroindustries, and forests contain a huge
mass of unprocessed or underprocessed cellulose, resulting in environmental pollu-
tion (Milala et al. 2005). At present these biowastes are judiciously applied to pro-
duce valued products, viz., enzymes, biofuels, sugars, nutrients, biochemicals, as
well as cheap substrate for fermentation and improved animal feeds (Kuhad et al.
2010; Kuhad et al. 1997; Karmakar and Ray 2011; Humpf and Schreier 1991; Gupta
et al. 2009).
Hemicelluloses (xylan)-rich agrowastes are treated with xylanase to convert
xylan into xylose which are subsequently employed for the production of biogas,
enzyme (xylanase), and other value-added products (Stalin et al. 2012; Fang
et al. 2010).
The wastewater discharged from the citrus fruit processing industries contains
large amount of pectinaceous substances which are not fully decomposed during the
activated sludge treatment process (Tanabe et al. 1986). Vegetable food processing
14 Fungal Enzymes for Bioconversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass 369
Acknowledgement The authors are grateful to the Department of Science and Technology and
Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal, India for financial assistance (Memo No: 532/(Sanc.)\ST/P/
S&T/2G-48/2018 dated: 27/03/2019).
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Chapter 15
Bioconversion of Biomass to Biofuel Using
Fungal Consortium
15.1 Introduction
The global economy is highly influenced by fuel energy. Global pollution and
energy consumption expanded tremendously during the last two decades which
led to exhaustion of fossil fuels, resulting in emerging of energy crisis.
Therefore, there is a need to search for alternative new energy sources and
technologies which have increased logistically in recent years. The entire globe
depends on petroleum as a sole energy source. The high usage of petroleum has
led to adverse impact on environmental issues such as catastrophic emission of
greenhouse gases (Hill et al. 2006). In India, the required petroleum is imported
from Middle East; these high imports of petroleum significantly influence the
Indian economy. Many attempts are being done to search for alternative fuel
sources in transportation sector, such as diesel, gasoline and natural gas
(Tabassum Ansari and Choube 2012). But no fuel exhibits unique feature like
petroleum such as high energy density, compatibility with vehicles, and being
in liquid state. Developed countries like the United States, Europe, Brazil, and
China invented new technologies such as solar, hydro, and wind energy usage
as an alternative to petroleum or alternative liquid fuels such as butanol, etha-
nol, methane, and CNG. Among all the liquid fuels, ethanol occupies the first
place by its unique properties.
Ethanol exhibits almost similar properties with petroleum. It can mix with gasoline
and reduce emission of smog by unburned hydrocarbons and CO (carbon monox-
ide) from vehicles. Ethanol blending with gasoline enhances octane number and
oxygen content of fuel (Limayem and Ricke 2012). The specific properties of etha-
nol like high octane number, water free, low flame temperature, high gas volume
change, high heat of vaporization, and total combustibility make it convenient to use
as automotive fuel (Balan et al. 2013). Ethanol is a transparent liquid, with mild
odor boiling temperature at 78 °C and freezing temperature at −112 °C. Energy
Policy Act of 2005 in the United States, demands the blending of 7.5 billion gallons
of alternative fuels by 2012. Global rapid depletion of fossil fuels has increased the
demand for alternate fuels. The usage and production of ethanol have to be increased
markedly (Haghighi et al. 2013).
The production of ethanol is not sufficient to meet today’s demand. Industrial
ethanol production is obtained from coarse grains (56%), cane (32%), molasses
(4%), wheat (3%), nonagricultural substrates (3%), and sugar beet (2%) (Tabassum
Ansari and Choube 2012). Economically feasible ethanol production from cellu-
losic wastes is one of the best ways (Rastegari et al. 2019). Nowadays, integrated
biomass system is being used for production of biofuel through biotechnological
process. Lignocellulosic biomass provides competitive renewable resource for gen-
eration of ethanol in an eco-friendly manner. This technology ensures increased
energy security and economic progress and eliminates problems of solid waste
management (Das and Singh 2004). According to the studies by Sanchez and
Cardona (2008), 73.9 Tg of dry crop waste and 1 × 1010 MT weed biomass is pro-
duced annually.
Numerous edible crops like cane, corn, beet, and sorghum are used in ethanol com-
mercial production. In this technology, the raw material cost is very expensive. This
leads to food insecurity and very high cost of food products. Therefore, plant biomass
(lignocelluloses waste) has become an inexpensive carbon source for the production
of ethanol. The lignocellulosic wastes such as agricultural residues like corn stover,
corncobs, rice straw, wheat straw, sugarcane bagasse, rice husk, wheat husk, and weed
biomass like Lantana camara, Prosopis juliflora, Saccharum spontaneum, Eichhornia
crassipes, etc. are promising substrates for the production of ethanol.
It was estimated that there was 90% increase from the existing levels on the India’s
dependency on oil imports by 2020 AD. In order to reduce the oil imports, India
proposed an EBP (ethanol blending program report 2014–2015) during the year
2002 with 5% blending of ethanol in petrol which is mandatory in nine major sugar-
producing states (Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh,
15 Bioconversion of Biomass to Biofuel Using Fungal Consortium 383
Maharashtra, and Union Territories). In the year 2008, Indian Government intro-
duced a “National Biofuel Policy” for blending of petrol with 20% ethanol
(Tabassum Ansari and Choube 2012). To fulfill the supply of bioethanol, it is highly
essential to search for new cost-effective raw materials like agricultural residues and
weeds. Global ethanol production is around 30 billion liters per year. Global ethnaol
production is around 30 billion litters per year, in this, the United States occupies a
major share (53%), followed by Brazil (21%), Europe (6%), China (7%) and India
(3%). In India, the main source of ethanol production is by molasses (80%) and
grains (20%). The production of bioethanol in India is around 2.4 billion liters
per annum.
The industrial production of bioethanol by biotechnological process using micro-
organisms and gross productivity ranges from 75% to 90%, and the remaining small
fraction of production is from chemical technology by ethylene hydration reactions
(Mc. Millan 1997). Currently, ethanol production is by sugarcane and corn in devel-
oped countries like the United States and Brazil (Limayem and Ricke 2012). The
first-generation biofuels are the results of bioconversion of edible food crops (sug-
arcane, corn), the second-generation biofuels are from nonedible sources like agri-
cultural and nonagricultural residues, and third-generation biofuels are from algal
biomass (Bacovsky et al. 2010; Yewale et al. 2016; Kim and Dale 2004; Chen et al.
Hard wood angiosperms such as a poplar, eucalyptus, and beech wood are rich in
cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Efficient conversion of ethanol production
from hard wood spent sulfite liquor (HSSL) using Pichia stipitis, Candida shehatae,
and Pachysolen tannophilus was reported (Jeffries et al. 2007). HSSL contains high
amount of microbial inhibitors. Biofuel production from renewable plant sources is
an attractive and alternative process in many countries. Mainly, three substrates like
sugars, starches, and cellulose are used for ethanol production in a cost-effective
manner. Among these, cellulose materials are renewable and plenty. The agro-
residues such as sugarcane bagasse, corncobs, corn fiber, corn stover, wheat straw,
rice straw, forestry, paper pulp, weed plants, sawdust, sorghum straw, cotton seeds,
sunflower seed coats, kitchen waste, and fruit and vegetable waste are collectively
known as organic biomass (Lin and Tanaka 2006). The plant biomass is an attractive
feedstock for ethanol production consisting of rich carbohydrate composition in
various polymeric complex forms (lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose).
Pretreatment process is necessary to use available carbohydrates in biomass. The
current technologies are not cost-effective process for commercialization of bio-
ethanol. Elaborate investigations have been done from the past two decades by
many researchers for value addition of lignocellulosic biomass (Zhang et al. 2014;
Yewale et al. 2016). Weed, starch, and by-products of paper industry were used for
ethanol production which includes spent sulfite (Pereira et al. 2013).
384 P. J. Cherukuri and R. C. Akkina
strains and release of hexose (glucose) sugars. These sugars are converted to ethanol
by fermentation process using yeast strains such as Saccharomyces and Candida sp.
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used for ethanol production from glucose as
carbon source. This strain is unable to utilize xylose as carbon source. The Candida
and Pichia sp. of yeast are used to convert pentose sugars to ethanol by biotechno-
logical process (Steven and Lee 1990).
The lignocellulosic biomass derived from plant biomass is initially treated by chem-
ical or enzymatic or by both methods. By this degradation, polymeric forms of
biomass such as lignin, cellulose, and hemicelluloses are digested to release mono-
meric sugars. These monomeric sugars are further fermented by microorganisms to
produce bioethanol (Claudio et al. 2011).
The pretreatment methods are classified into three types:
1. Physical process: Physical process such as steam explosion or auto-hydrolysis,
carbon dioxide explosion, ammonium fiber/freeze explosion, and liquid hot
2. Chemical process: Chemical process consists of wet oxidation ozonolysis, acid
pretreatment, alkaline pretreatment, and organosolv.
3. Biological process employed by microorganism or their enzymes (Buruiana et al.
The pretreatment of starch substrates includes digestion by gasification of ligno-
cellulosic materials by acid or enzymatic hydrolysis for solubilization of cellulose.
Novel pretreatment methods such as ultra-sonication, nano-technological methods,
and microwave digestion processes are used for pretreatment of lignocellulosic bio-
mass in order to improve the bioethanol production and reduce inhibitors. After this
treatment process, the obtained slurry contains two different types of fractions: one
is liquid fraction consisting xylose and small amounts of glucose, galactose, and
arabinose, and another is solid fraction containing lignin and cellulose material. The
potential utilization of these two (hemicellulosic and cellulosic) fractions of bio-
mass is one of the cost-effective method for ethanol production (Agbogbo and
Wenger 2007).
Optimization by screening the efficient strains and maintaining the culture condi-
tions can make this process more effective and reduce the treatment time. The gov-
erning process parameters include biomass type, nature, and composition, and
physical parameters include incubation temperatures, pH, incubation time, moisture
386 P. J. Cherukuri and R. C. Akkina
process has ample advantages over chemical process such as simpler technique, less
energy utilization, less wastage, and absence of inhibitors. In this process, various
strains of WRF that include Pleurotus ostreatus, Cyathus stercoreus, Ceriporiopsis
subvermispora, Trametes versicolor, and Phanerochaete chrysosporium are used
for conversion of biomass to ethanol production (Nigam and Pandey 2009).
Several studies have proved that co-culture studies are promising processing meth-
ods for production of ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass. Development of fungal
consortium has played a significant role for the conversion of polymeric fractions of
lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose into sugars. This consortium includes lignin-,
cellulose-, hemicellulose-degrading white-rot fungi and ethanol producing efficient
strains. Examples including P. chrysosporium, Pleurotus ostreatus, Pycnoporus cin-
nabarinus and Cyathus stercoreus are able to produce lignin-degrading enzymes.
Laccases are involved in degradation of lignin and show activity with lignin peroxi-
dase and manganese peroxidase (Binod et al. 2010). Cellulose-degrading enzymes
endoglucanases, cellobiohydrolase, and β-glucosidease are produced by a number
of fungal species. Hemicellulose-degrading enzymes are xylanases and β-xylosidases
and produced by Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma reesei fungal strains (Zhang et al.
2012; Kour et al. 2019; Rana et al. 2019a, b).
Currently, genetic engineering techniques are widely used for bioconversion of
value-added products from lignocelluloses biomass. Transfer of genes encodes
xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase from Pichia stipitis to S. cerevisiae
(wild strain) for utilization of xylose for enhanced production of ethanol (Agbogbo
and Wenger 2007). In industrial scale, it is expensive to maintain the biochemical
and fermentative characters of recombinant strains. Due to this disadvantage, a co-
culture process (both glucose- and xylose-utilizing strains) is cost-effective method
for ethanol production along with enzyme-producing white-rot fungi (Cheng et al.
2010). Various factors influencing the production efficiency of the strain include
oxygen, aeration, agitation, pH, temperature, concentration of carbon source, inhib-
itor presence in hydrolysate, and medium components (Sreenivas Rao et al. 2006).
isoenzymes (LiP, MnP) but not laccase. Other WRF were able to produce laccases.
Based on the enzyme production, WRF are categorized into three main groups: (1)
lignin-manganese peroxidase (P. chrysosporium, Phlebia radiata), (2) manganese
peroxidase (Dichomitus squalens, Rigidoporus lignosus), and (3) lignin peroxidase
(Phlebia ochraceofulva and Junghuhnia separabilima). These enzymes are able to
degrade various types of plant polymers (Heinzkill 1998; Yadav et al. 2016)
(Table 15.1).
The yeast cells have the sense to identify the sugar-rich environment. This intensity
by the yeast can affect the enzyme activity during biochemical processes, change of
translation by mRNA, stability of protein degradation, and concentration of metab-
olites (Yadav et al. 2017, 2018). After glucose uptake then enters the glycolytic
pathway and is converted to pyruvate and produces ATP and then coupled to inter-
mediate products and reducing power through NADH for biosynthetic pathway.
Pyruvate in glycolysis enters TCA cycle or fermentative pathway. In alcoholic fer-
mentation, decarboxylation of the pyruvate gives acetaldehyde by pyruvate decar-
boxylase enzyme. This enzyme converts acetaldehyde to ethanol by reduction of
NADH to NAD+, from one molecule of glucose to two CO2 molecules and ethanol
is formed.
The second abundant sugar, from hemicellulosic fraction of biomass, is xylose.
Xylose is a five-carbon sugar molecule, utilized through pentose phosphate pathway
in fungi. The xylose transportation in fungi is followed by two different mecha-
nisms. Pichia stipitis and Candida spp. follow proton symport (PS) mechanism,
whereas Saccharomyces cerevisiae follows facilitated diffusion system (FDS) for
transport of xylose. The PS transport is for pentose sugars and FDS transport for
both hexose and pentose sugars. The medium consisting of low quantities of hex-
15 Bioconversion of Biomass to Biofuel Using Fungal Consortium 391
Cellulose Hemicellulose
transporter Xylose Acetate
Cellobiose Xylitol Acetyl-CoA
oses will inhibit xylose transport by FDS mechanism. In fungi xylose metabolism,
xylose is converted to xylulose through xylitol by xylitol dehydrogenase, and then
xylulose is phosphorylated and enters to pentose phosphate cycle. Conversion of
xylose to xylitol in the presence of xylose reductase utilizes NADH or NADPH as a
cofactor. In anaerobic or microaerophilic conditions, yeast utilizes NADH for con-
version. High expression of xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase will tend to
enhance the ethanol production. Co-current isomerization of xylose and co-fermen-
tation of xylose and glucose increase the production of ethanol (Fig. 15.1).
input lead to release of inhibitors and pollutants. The development of fungal consor-
tium consists of lignin-, cellulose-, and hemicellulose-degrading strains in combi-
nation with ethanol-producing strains (from hexoses and pentoses) which can
achieve the global demand for ethanol production. The enzymes like laccases, cel-
lulases, and xylanases play a significant role for the digestion of lignocellulosic
plant biomass by eco-friendly manner. Several advantages were reported by fungal
consortia which include high adaptability, productivity, and efficiency of the pro-
duction. This process is also considered as inexpensive and eco-friendly. The future
prospect for ethanol production using fungal consortium is a need to development
of unique fungal consortia with noncompetitive synergistic fungal strains for pro-
duction of lignocellulosic digestive enzymes along with efficient ethanol-producing
strains. Standardization of co-culture studies for optimization of digestive enzymes
and ethanol production, optimized conditions for microbial growth, and metabolite
production (enzymes) were varying from one strain to another. In co-culture studies
(development of fungal consortium), physical factors (temperature, pH, agitation,
moisture levels, surface area, and SSF) and chemical factors such as carbon source,
nitrogen sources, minerals, salts, and their concentrations need to standardize for
commercial production of ethanol. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation
have enhanced the yield.
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Chapter 16
Role of Fungi in the Removal of Heavy
Metals and Dyes from Wastewater
by Biosorption Processes
16.1 Introduction
World population is increasing day by day; hence, to meet the demand of the growing
population, clean water is the major concern. Water is being polluted by human acti-
vates and industrial discharges. These pollutants are categorized into three major
groups: organic, inorganic, and biological particles. Heavy metals and dyes as waste
from various industries including textile, pharmaceutical, leather, etc. are the major
pollutant present in water (Burakov et al. 2018). Heavy metal ions are elements from
the fourth period of the periodic table, mostly chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni),
copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg). Removing heavy
metals is necessary because they are toxic substances with carcinogenic nature that
should not to be discharged directly into the environment. Conventional techniques like
membrane separation, precipitation, coagulation, and flocculation are widely used for
removal of heavy metals (Azimi et al. 2017; Marzougui et al. 2017). Biosorption is
preferred over these conventional techniques due to high affinity, capacity, and selectiv-
ity of the materials from the solution. There are different mechanisms involved in bio-
sorption phenomenon (Fig. 16.1). There are different kinds of adsorbent available for
wastewater treatment. Adsorbents are broadly classified into conventional and noncon-
ventional. Biosorbents are nonconventional adsorbents and have several advantages
over other conventional and nonconventional methods (Fig. 16.2).
Microorganism is one type of biosorbents that has been used for wastewater
treatment. Many living or dead microorganisms such as bacteria, fungus, and
algae are widely used for heavy metal removal because of high adsorption capacity,
low cost, and its availability in large quantities (Kour et al. 2019a; Rastegari et al.
2019). However, it suffers from some of the drawbacks like waste may be con-
verted into more potential toxic compounds. Most of the microorganism-based
methods deal with discoloration of dye instead of removal of dye or other wastes.
Dyes are mostly used in textile, leather, and pharmaceutical industries. Discharge
of dyes directly into the water bodies causes threats to aquatic fauna and flora as
it interferes with gas solubility. Higher concentration of dyes resulted in carcino-
genicity and toxicity. Use of fungi for wastewater treatment is one of the promis-
ing alterative to physical and chemical process (Couto 2009; Yadav et al. 2016,
2019b). Classification of dyes according to the chemical structure is depicted in
Fig. 16.3.
However, nanomaterial-based approaches of wastewater treatment are consid-
ered more useful as they allow comparatively better removal of wastewater (Masoudi
et al. 2018). With advances in nanotechnology, more and more useful nanomaterials
such as graphene, carbon nanotubes, and fullerenes are being produced for waste-
water treatment. Along with wastewater treatment, these nanomaterials are also use-
ful for various other environmental applications (Hegab et al. 2018; Nyairo et al.
2018; Park et al. 2017). Figure 16.4 shows nanomaterials used for heavy metal treat-
ment of water. Synthesis of bionanocomposite is now in practice for wastewater
treatment. Wang et al. (2018) reported the removal of methylene blue by adsorption
on yeast composite assisted with Fe2O3 nanoparticles. Figure 16.5 shows the scheme
diagram for the synthesis of bio-nanocomposites.
16 Role of Fungi in the Removal of Heavy Metals and Dyes from Wastewater… 399
Fig. 16.2 Various methods for wastewater treatment methods (Crini et al. 2018)
Fungi are osmo-heterotrophic eukaryotes placed in the kingdom Fungi. The fungal
cell wall is composed of acid polysaccharides such as chitin (a polymer of acetyl-
glucosamine unit), and chitosan, which is characterized by phosphate, amine, and
400 A. Kumar et al.
Fig. 16.3 Classification of dyes according to the chemical structure (Yagub et al. 2014)
Fig. 16.4 Nanomaterials for heavy metal treatment of water (Lu and Astruc 2018)
Fig. 16.6 (a) The units of a chitin polymer molecule. (b) Chitosan is deacetylated chitin. (c) Binding
of metal anions on chitin or chitosan (Kotrba 2011)
402 A. Kumar et al.
For removal of dyes from wastewater, different forms of fungal sorbents are used
such as fungal pellets, mycelium, or dead fungus by many researchers (Yagub et al.
2014). Many molds and filamentous microorganisms such as Aspergillus niger,
Penicillium simplicissimum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Termitomyces clypeatus,
Penicillium brevicompactum, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Trichoderma, etc. are used
for removal of heavy metals and dyes (Rana et al. 2019a, b; Yadav et al. 2019a, b).
Fungus can survive in the presence of high metal concentration. So it can be used
for heavy metal removal from wastewater. Heavy metal adsorption by fungi through
ion exchange and coordination is due to the presence of chitin–chitosan, glucuronic
acid, phosphate, and polysaccharides present in/on the cells of fungi. Different
kinds of functional groups such as amine, carboxyl, hydroxyl, phosphate, and sulf-
hydryl pay a vital role in the adsorption of heavy metals and dyes by fungal stains
(Yin et al. 2018). Fungi especially white-rot fungi and their enzymes (laccase, lignin
peroxidase, and Mn peroxidase) can be used to bioremediate various xenobiotics
and wastewaters (Kour et al. 2019b; Yadav et al. 2017a, b; 2018). Figure 16.7 shows
the schematic diagram of adsorption mechanism model.
Fig. 16.7 (a) Schematic diagram of adsorption mechanism model. (b) SEM images of fungus
mycelia and (c) dyes adsorbed onto fungus mycelia (Li et al. 2019)
increases in their size and mass. Thus, in the absence of mass transfer limitations,
the radius of the microbial pellet increases linearly with time.
= k=
p cons tan t (16.1)
The growth rate of mold colony can be expressed as follows:
dM dR
= ρ 4π R 2 = kp 4π R 2 ρ (16.2)
dT dt
= γ M 2/3 (16.3)
where γ = kp(36πρ)1/3
The mass of spherical pellet as a function of time is given as follows:
3 3
γt γt
M = M 01/ 3 + ≈ (16.4)
3 3
404 A. Kumar et al.
where M0 is the initial mass which is very small as compared with the M and there-
fore M varies with cubic power with time.
Surface modification of biomass is one of the strategies used for adsorption of heavy
metals and dyes. Various pretreatment methods such as acid, base, and thermal
treatment are used for surface modification of biomass to enhance the adsorption
capacity of biomass (Yin et al. 2018) as shown in Fig. 16.8.
Biomass treated with acid improved the positive charge density on the surface which
provide strong electrostatic attraction for negatively charged heavy metal ions.
Biomass treated with alkali may increase negative charge on the surface of biomass
to enhance the electrostatic attraction for positively charged heavy metal ions.
Fig. 16.8 Enhancing heavy metal removing efficiency of biomass through surface modification
(Yin et al. 2018)
16 Role of Fungi in the Removal of Heavy Metals and Dyes from Wastewater… 405
The porosity and surface area of biomass can be enhanced by thermal treatment for
adsorption capacity of biomass. The thermal treatment can also increase the surface
functional groups by adding metal-binding groups.
∆G = − RT ln K (16.5)
∆G = ∆H − T ∆S (16.6)
∆S ∆H
ln K = − (16.7)
where ∆G0 (J/mol) is Gibb’s energy, R is the ideal gas constant (8.314 J/mol K), T
is temperature in Kalvin (K), ∆S0 (J/mol K) is adsorption entropy, and ∆H (J/mol)
is adsorption enthalpy.
K can be obtained from qe/Ce, while the values of ΔH0 and ΔS0 were determined
from the slope and intercept of the van’t Hoff plot of ln K versus 1/T.
The negative values of ΔGo suggested the spontaneous behavior of adsorption
process. The positive values of ΔHo indicate the endothermic process for the adsorp-
tion of metals and dye. The positive value of ΔSo suggested the increasing random-
ness between the solid and solution interface during the adsorption process.
406 A. Kumar et al.
Several mathematical models have been developed by the researchers to validate the
process of adsorption (Lei et al. 2018). Kumari and Abraham (2007) describe bio-
sorption of anionic textile dyes by nonviable biomass of fungi and yeast.
The Freundlich model assumes that the adsorbent surface is heterogeneous and
sorption on its surface is multilayer.
qe = K f c1/e n (16.8)
ln qe = ln K f + ln ce (16.9)
bqm ce
qe = (16.10)
1 + bce
Ce Ce 1
= + (16.11)
qe qm ( qm .b )
RL = (16.12)
(1 + bC0 )
where RL values indicate the type of adsorption to be irreversible (RL = 0), favorable
(0 < RL < 1), linear (RL = 1), or unfavorable (RL > 1), and C0 is the initial metal or
dye concentration (ppm).
16 Role of Fungi in the Removal of Heavy Metals and Dyes from Wastewater… 407
ln qe = ln qD − BD RT ln 1 + (6.13)
C e
where BD is related to the free energy of adsorption and qD is the D-R isotherm con-
stant related to the degree of adsorption by the adsorbent.
The Temkin isotherm is based on the assumption that heat of adsorption would
decrease linearly with increase of coverage of adsorbent due to adsorbate/adsorbent
The linearized Temkin isotherm equation
qe = QT ln K T + QT ln Ce (16.14)
where QT = RT/bT, bT is the Temkin constant related to the heat of adsorption (kJ/
mol), KT is the Temkin isotherm constant (l/g), R is the gas constant (8.314 J/
mol · K), and T is the Kelvin temperature (K).
Adsorption kinetics was studied by Bayramoglu and Yilmaz (2018). Aljeboree et al.
(2017) have described the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order kinetics and
equilibrium study for the adsorption of textile dyes on coconut shell activated
log ( qe − qt ) = log qe − (16.15)
t 1 t
= + (16.16)
qt k2 qe2 qe
where qt and qe (mg/g) are adsorbed lead amount at time t (h) and equilibrium and
k1 (1/h) and k2 (g/(mgh)) are the rate constant for the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-
second-order adsorption kinetics, respectively.
Elovich equations
1 1
qt = ln (αβ ) + ln t (16.17)
β β
408 A. Kumar et al.
For most adsorption process, the amount of adsorption varies almost proportional
with t1/2 .
qt = K diff t 1/ 2 + C (16.18)
where qt is the adsorption capacity at time t, t1/2 is the half-life time in second, and
Kdiff (mg/g min1/2) is the rate constant of intraparticle diffusion.
To find out the rate constants, plot qt versus t1/2 gives a linear relationship, and
Kdiff can be determined from the slope of the plot.
Arrhenius equation is to determine the adsorption activation energy using the
kinetic data. The kinetic constants (k) at each temperature are derived from the
intraparticle diffusion models.
k = Ae RT
ln k = ln A − (16.20)
Several techniques are used for the characterization of fungal biosorbent, namely,
ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission
electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX),
Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR),
Zeta potential analyzer, particle size analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry
(DSC). Figure 16.9 shows the determination of the basic properties of an adsorbent
by multifarious techniques.
16 Role of Fungi in the Removal of Heavy Metals and Dyes from Wastewater… 409
Adsorption studies are mainly done through batch and column study such as packed
bed study.
Adsorption of the heavy metals on fungal biomass is carried out in batch mode until
equilibrium is established. The adsorption capacity of each metal ion adsorbed by
the fungal biomass is determined (qe, mmol g−1) as the difference between their
initial and final concentrations as given by Karunanayake et al. (2018) and Liu et al.
(2018). Schematic diagram of batch biosorption equilibrium experimental proce-
dure is represented in Fig. 16.10.
410 A. Kumar et al.
Solute Agitation
C0 initial
Filtrate analyzed
Cf Final
Qe = (C0 − Ce ) × (16.21)
C0 − Ce
Decolourization Rate ( % ) = × 100% (16.22)
where Co and Ce (mg L−1) are the initial and equilibrium concentrations after adsorp-
tion and Qe (mg g−1) is the equilibrium adsorption capacity. V (L) is the volume of
acid dye solution, and m (g) is the mass of the adsorbents.
The fixed-bed column is made of a glass tube and packed with fungal biosorbent.
The effluent samples are collected periodically from the bottom of the column dur-
ing the experiment to determine the concentration of each collected sample
(Fig. 16.11). A 45 mL of sample is placed in the Teflon liner with 4 mL of 15.9M
HNO3 and 1 mL of 12.1M HCl. The final extract was filtered through 0.45 μm
syringe filter and analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrophotom-
etry (ICP-MS) (Östman et al. 2017).
16 Role of Fungi in the Removal of Heavy Metals and Dyes from Wastewater… 411
Fig. 16.11 Schematic representation of the fixed-bed experimental setup (Hethnawi et al. 2018)
The Thomas model can be implemented to analyze the breakthrough curves and
adsorption capacity for sorbent.
412 A. Kumar et al.
Inlet concentration
Breakthrough Elution
curve curve
Fig. 16.12 Schematic diagram of packed column arrangement with biosorption breakthrough and
elution curves (Vijayaraghavan and Yun 2008)
C k qm
ln 0 − 1 = Th 0 − kTh C0 t (16.23)
where C0 and C are the inlet and the effluent solute concentrations at any time
t (m); kTh is the Thomas model constant (mL m−1 mg−1); q0 is the maximum
solid-phase concentration of solute (mg g−1); and M is the total mass of the
adsorbent (g).
The model constants kTh and q0 can be determined from slope and intercept of a
plot of ln[(C0/C) – 1] against t, respectively.
The BDST model is used to predict the column performance of any bed length, if
data for some depths are known.
N0 Z 1 C
t= − ln 0 − 1 (16.24)
C0ϑ K a C0 Cb
where t is the service time (h), N0 is the adsorption capacity (mg cm−3), Z is the
height of column (cm), Cb is the breakthrough sorbate concentration (mg L−1), ϑ is
the linear velocity (cm h−1), and Ka is the rate constant (L mg−1 h−1) at time t.
16 Role of Fungi in the Removal of Heavy Metals and Dyes from Wastewater… 413
The kinetic data was fit using the nonlinear form of the PFO and PSO models,
where the best-fit was estimated by coefficient of determination (R2) as validated by
Jawad et al. (2019).
n =1
∑ ( qt .meas − qt .cal )
R = 1−
2 n
( )
N =1 2
∑ qt .cal − qt .cal
qt.meas and qt.cal are the measured and calculated adsorption capacity at time t, and n
is the number of observations.
Chi-square and the normalized standard deviation are used to validate the kinetic
models as cited by Inyinbor et al. (2016).
(q − qcal )
i =1
χ 2
=∑ (16.26)
n qcal
∆qe ( % ) = 100
(q exp − qcal ) / qexp
N −1
where N is the number of data points, while qexp and qcal are experimentally deter-
mined quantity adsorbed at equilibrium and calculated quantity adsorbed at equilib-
rium, respectively.
Several factors affect the process of biosorption (Dhankhar and Hooda 2011; Arief
et al. 2008; Bankar and Nagaraja 2018). Common factors are as follows:
(i) Type and nature of biomass
(ii) Initial solute concentration
(iii) Biomass concentrations (biosorbent dose/solution volume) in solution
(iv) Physicochemical factors like temperature, pH, and ionic strength
where qde is the quantity desorbed by each of the eluent and qad is the adsorbed
quantity during loading.
For the growth of fungus, different bioreactor configurations such as stirred tank
reactor (STR), bubble column, airlift, and fluidized bed reactors are used. These
reactors are used for wastewater treatment. Figure 16.13 shows fungal pellet reactor
for removal of pollutants in wastewater, although batch reactors are also used for
wastewater treatment (Espinosa-Ortiz et al. 2016).
(i) STR: Stirred tank reactor is widely used for culturing fungal pellets and com-
monly used for removal of heavy metals and dyes during wastewater treatment.
(ii) Bubble column bioreactor: Bubble column reactor belongs to the category of
multiphase reactors, and it is advantageous for the use of fungal pellets to treat
pollutants from wastewater.
(iii) Airlift bioreactor: Airlift bioreactor is similar to bubble column bioreactor but
contains draft tube which is always an internal or an external tube to improve
circulation and oxygen transfer. It is used for wastewater treatment.
(iv) Fluidized bed reactor: The fluidized bed reactor is characterized by its plug
flow nature of fluid movement inside the reactor. The fluidization occurs when
solid material (i.e., biomass) is suspended in an upward-flowing stream of
fluid, which can be either liquid or gas. These reactors are used in wastewater
Methods exist for wastewater treatment, but they have some disadvantages like
chemical methods used chemicals that are threat to environment. Biological meth-
ods have advantages over chemical methods. Fungal biomass can be a novel inex-
pensive biosorbent for removal of heavy metals and dyes from aqueous solution.
The structural arrangements of various functional groups collectively make fungal
biomass a good biosorbent. Actually, the sorption (adsorption/absorption) is affected
by interaction of waste material with functional groups of fungal biomass with various
waste materials.
16 Role of Fungi in the Removal of Heavy Metals and Dyes from Wastewater… 415
Fig. 16.13 Fungal pellet reactor for removal of pollutants in wastewater (Espinosa-Ortiz
et al. 2016)
Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to the School of Bioengineering and Biosciences,
Lovely Professional University, India, for providing library facilities.
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Chapter 17
Impact of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
(AMF) in Global Sustainable
17.1 Introduction
S. Kumar (*)
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, India
J. Singh
Department of Biotechnology, School of Bioengineering and Biosciences,
Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Phagwara, Punjab, India
Fig. 17.1 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi interacted with plant growth-promoting bacteria
(Beneficial microorganism) in the mycorrhizosphere affecting soil properties and quality.
(Modified from Jeffries et al. (2003))
continuous husbandry of single crop may affect the community composition pattern of
AM fungi in different soil types.
Describing the diversity of AM communities at sites becomes, therefore, an
important step in determining the effect of different agricultural practices. Mycorrhizal
communities are site-specific, and each species can be affected in several ways by
different agricultural management practices. Agricultural practices such as tillage,
fertilization, and crop rotation affect the structure of AMF communities. There are a
number of reports that have described AM community composition in differently
managed ecosystems, as briefly shown in Table 17.1. In recent years, organic farming
practices have gained importance in many industrialized countries for the conserva-
tion of natural resources and reduction of environmental degradation (Maider et al.
2002; Yadav et al. 2017, 2018, 2019b). Several reports concluded significantly
greater AMF colonization in organically managed soil which further enhances
microbial activity and biodiversity (Maider et al. 2002; Kumar and Adholeya 2016).
In contrast, very few studies have dealt with structural and functional differences
among AM fungi in different land-use systems. The screening and identification, and
multiplication of diverse AMF species occurring over a broad range of land-use
intensity will contribute to meeting the future need for sustainable development.
The obligate symbiotic nature of AM fungi has greatly hindered their use in agricul-
ture, agroforestry, and the commercialization of inocula. Additionally, biodiversity
of AMF species is measured mainly by extracting, counting, and identifying their
field-collected asexual spores containing limited taxonomic characters. To over-
come this limitation, new methodologies have been required that allow studies of
different aspects of life cycle of AM fungi. For this purpose, in the last few decades,
17 Impact of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) in Global Sustainable Environments 421
Table 17.1 A summary of number of AMF species reported in different land-use system
Number of AM Trap culture
Habitats species used References
Bamboo Forest, Taiwan 14 – Wu and Chen (1986)
Old meadow, Quebec 13 – Hamel et al. (1994)
Grassland, North Carolina, USA 23 + Bever et al. (1996)
Tallgrass prairie, Kanas, USA 14 – Bentivenga and Hetrick
Sonoran deserts crub, Arizona, 7–-9 + Stutz and Morton
USA (1996)
Sand dune, Rhode Island, USA 6 – Koske and Halvorson
Sao Paulo, Brazil 19 – Trufem (1995)
Santa Catarina, Brazil 12 – Stürmer and Bellei
Sandy soil, Hel Peninsula, Poland 34 – Blaszkowski (1994)
Native vegetation, Cultivated Soil, 46 – Blaszkowski (1993)
Native woodland, Florida, USA 10 + Schenck and Kinloch
Malus domestica orchards, USA 3–6 + Miller et al. (1995)
Wheat monoculture, Cultivated 24 – Schalamuk et al. (2006)
Amazon forest, Colombia 18 – Peňa-Venega et al.
Western Brazilian, Amazon 54 – Stümer and Siqueira
Changins, Canton Vaud, 26 + Mathimaran et al.
Switzerland (2005)
Native forest and grassland in 08 Xu et al. (2017)
southeast Tibet
Cr contaminated site of Jajmau, 07 + Akhtar et al. (2017)
Kanpur, India
Modified from Douds and Millner (1999)
a number of reports are available (Schenck 1982; Brundrett et al. 1994; Clapp et al.
1996; Verma and Adholeya 1996) that deal with isolation and enumeration of AM
fungal propagules, propagation of AM propagules in greenhouse pot culture, and
finally, storage of fungal material for germplasm collection, which required thor-
ough understanding of AM fungal life cycle and growth pattern.
The most intensively used pot-culture technique consisted of growing bait plants in
field-collected soil. It allows the sporulation and multiplication of AM fungal propa-
gules (spores and colonized roots) present in the collected soil sample. The
422 S. Kumar and J. Singh
collected soil sample was frequently diluted with a variety of inert substrates
(Feldman and Idczak 1994; Lilly and Santhanakrishnan 1999), sterilized sand
(Bragaloni et al. 1998; Gaur and Adholeya 2002), vermiculite, or Terra green
(Baltruschat 1987). This propagation approach multiplies AM species of unknown
It is well known that pot culture established from multiple spores setup from field
soil may contain more than one species/isolate of AM fungi. Establishment of a
single-spore culture is the same like pot culture but, as their name implies, it is initi-
ated using single spore. Single-spore culture of AM fungi constitutes valuable
resource, not only for plant growth experiment but also for taxonomic and bio-
chemical studies. Several techniques were reported for establishing monosporic
culture from germinated and ungerminated spores by Hepper (1984) and Brundrett
17 Impact of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) in Global Sustainable Environments 423
and Juniper (1995). Later, more improved methods for hypha and single-spore
propagation were described by Fracchia et al. (2001). Single-spore culture using
healthy-looking AM spores was collected from pot culture and originated from field
soil usually with high success rate (80%) particularly for ‘aggressive’ species of
Glomeromycota (Walker 1999). However, the success rate for the development of
monosporic culture using field-collected spore is only 1%. This may be due to con-
tamination of (1) fragment of hyphae, (2) other species sporulating inside dead
spores, and (3) production of a culture of a species other than the one thought to
have been used for inoculation.
Many soils of tropics are low in soil biodiversity and prone to degradation because
of soil moisture stress, low nutrient capital, high erosion, low pH, high P fixation,
and low amount of soil organic matter (Sanchez et al. 2003; Kour et al. 2019; Rana
et al. 2019a, b). In the last decade, intensive use of inorganic fertilizers and pesti-
cides along with introduction of new high-yielding cultivar had overcome these
constraints (Dalgaard et al. 2003). However, at the same time, decline in quality and
fertility of soils leads to gradual decline in household food production in tropic and
subtropic ecosystems. Several recent studies have demonstrated that AM fungi are
common and ecologically important in tropical ecosystems; and they co-occur with
mixture of plant species; maintain soil fertility; guard against erosion; and fully
utilize soil resources (Alttieri 2004).
Almost all tropical plants have mycorrhizal association. There are 102 AM
fungi reported in diverse tropical habitats from India (Ragupathy and
Mahadevan 1993; Manoharachary et al. 2005). The occurrence of AM fungi in
a forest and also coastal regions of Andhra Pradesh was reported by
Manoharachary and Rao (1991); distribution and identification of AM fungi in
the rhizosphere soils of the tropical plains were done in Tamil Nadu, India, by
Ragupathy and Mahadevan (1993); and from natural forest regions in the Old
Delhi Ridge, Saraswati Range of Haryana, by Thapar and Uniyal (1996).
Diversity of AM fungi has also been studied in the coastal sand dunes of the
west coast of India (Beena et al. 2000); in deciduous forests in Dharwad dis-
trict of Karnataka (Lakshman et al. 2001); in the Western Ghats of Goa (Khade
and Rodrigues 2003); and in coastal saline soils of Kerala, South India,
(Karthikeyan and Selvaraj 2009).
The AM biodiversity in rhizospheric soil of plant Leucaena leucocephala
was studied from the agricultural field of Bangalore and reported by Nalini
et al. (1987). Diversity of AM fungi was studied in the pot-culture setup from
the agricultural field soil of different wheat-growing regions of India by Singh
and Adholeya (2002). A subsequent study by Sunil Kumar and Garampalli
424 S. Kumar and J. Singh
Wastewater discharged from textile and dye industries is the major cause of serious
environmental hazards. Many physical and chemical methods have been used to
detoxify the wastewater, but unfortunately, due to high operating costs and complex
operational process, a suitable alternative will be required; also, these methods do
not take away dyes completely. In contrast, introduction of biological organism,
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), has enormous potential to enhance phytoac-
cumulation process of heavy metal by naturally grown plant species in
426 S. Kumar and J. Singh
Identification and
multiplication Field inoculation
under in-Vitro with AM fungi
Mycorrhizal Technology
diversity of
AMF using
different AM fungal
concentration spore
of heavy
metal Trap
Climate change and food security have now become major problems mainly in
developing countries. Therefore, there is need to fulfill demand of growing popula-
tion of developing countries by increasing food production through high-input agri-
cultural practices and at the same time by minimizing negative environmental
impact (Foley et al. 2011; Rillig et al. 2016). Holistic use of several beneficial
microorganisms may lead to minimization of environmental pollution and conser-
vation of soil ecosystem. Moreover, many microbes symbiotically associated in soil
life play a role as major pillars in conservation agriculture. Among these symbioses,
a well-known player is mycorrhiza, the extensive symbiotic association of fungi
with roots of higher plant (Smith and Read 2008). AM fungi offer several benefits
to the plants: (1) improved nutrient uptake, (2) faster growth, (3) greater drought
resistance, (4) protection from pathogens, (5) increased seedling survival, (6)
improved soil structure, and (6) greater resistance to invasion by weeds. Colonization
of the root system by AM fungi confers benefits directly to the host plant growth and
development, through the acquisition of phosphate and other mineral nutrients from
the soil. In addition, colonization may also enhance the plant’s resistance to biotic
and abiotic stresses (Newsham et al. 1995). AM fungi also develop an extensive
hyphal network out with the plant root system, which makes a significant contribu-
tion to the improvement of soil texture and water relationship (Bethlenfalvay and
Schuepp 1994). Mycosorption using AM fungi in heavy metal-contaminated soil
showed significantly greater accumulation as compared with plant noncolonized
with AM fungi (Utomo et al. 2014). Therefore, AM fungi constitute an integral and
important component of ecosystems and may have significant applications in sus-
tainable agricultural system (Schreiner and Bethlenfalvay 1995). Current produc-
tion technique of mycorrhizal inocula presents with certain limitations with regard
to purity and quality. Moreover, Cardoso and Kuyper (2006) suggested that side by
side with mycorrhizal technology, mycorrhizal management practices may increase
crop production through intensive use of agroforestry. They also concluded that
sustainable conservation of soil ecosystem may be possible through mycorrhiza-
tion, multi cropping, and crop rotation practices.
430 S. Kumar and J. Singh
This chapter suggests that the presence of AMF increases the efficiency of plants for
the removal of heavy metals from toxic environment. Study revealed that plant species
diversity would increase the diversity of AMF in soil and contribute to the efforts to
restore degraded lands. Review dealt with selection and multiplication of AMF from
wasteland sites and the manner in which we can use them for future revegetation pro-
grams. The characterization and identification of AMF adapted from harsh conditions
of soils/area affected by industrial effluents can be put to use for future utilization of
the reclaimed areas for the successful management of revegetation programs.
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Chapter 18
Fungal Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal-
Contaminated Resources: Current
Scenario and Future Prospects
18.1 Introduction
Phytoremediation is the technique in which living plants are used for remedia-
tion of the contaminated soils, water, sediment, and ecosystem (Cunningham and
Ow 1996). The utilization of fungus for remediation of the contaminated
A. Kumar
Host Plant Section, Central Muga Eri Research & Training Institute, Central Silk Board,
Lahdoigarh, Jorhat, Assam, India
K. P. Arunkumar
Central Muga Eri Research and Training Institute, Central Silk Board, Jorhat, Assam, India
A. K. Chaturvedi
Water Management (Agriculture) Division, Centre for Water Resources Development and
Management, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
K. Yadav
Department of Botany, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
S. K. Malyan
Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Research Organization
(ARO), The Volcani Center, Rishon LeZion, Israel
P. Raja
ICAR-IISWC, Regional Centre, Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
R. Kumar · S. A. Khan
Centre for Environment Science and Climate Resilient Agriculture, ICAR-Indian Agricultural
Research Institute, New Delhi, India
K. K. Yadav
Institute of Environment and Development Studies, Bundelkhand University,
Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India
K. L. Rana · D. Kour · N. Yadav · A. N. Yadav (*)
Department of Biotechnology, Akal College of Agriculture, Eternal University, Baru Sahib,
Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh, India
resources is fungal phytoremediation. Fungi survive about 5300 years (Gams and
Stalpers 1994). Armillaria bulbosa is the longest and largest living fungal spe-
cies in the world (Smith et al. 1992). Fungi play vital role in all ecosystems and
are capable of regulating the nutrient as well as energy flow through their myce-
lial networks, and hence, they are considered as natural and true ecosystem engi-
neers (Lawton and Jones 1995). The ecological and biochemical capacity of
fungi to degrade environmental chemicals and decrease the risk associated with
metals and metalloids through chemical modification or its bioavailability makes
them as a potent bioremediation agent. However, to date, the ecological demands
and ecophysiological strengths of fungi in bioremediation have not been poten-
tially explored. Unlike bacteria, the fungal phytoremediation does not require
absolute water phase as fungus can grow in the air-water interface. However, the
water phase acts as a carrier for nutrient transport for hydrophobic organic
Interaction of fungi with metals includes mobilization and immobilization in
the mycosphere, sorption to cell walls, and uptake into fungal cell. Thereafter,
chemical transformation, translocation, and metabolization along with reactions
of pollutants on fungal enzymes such as extracellular oxidoreductases/cell-bound
enzymes allow fungi to act on various metal pollutants (Harms et al. 2011;
Prakash 2017). Hence, the role of filamentous fungi becomes important where
translocation of essential factors necessitates for the transformation or detoxifica-
tion of environmental chemicals. Conversely, requirement of fungal degradation
is needed for pollutant classes, i.e., dioxins, 2, 4, 6-trinitrotoluene, synthetic
drugs, or endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in medium as these are ineffi-
ciently degraded by bacteria (Harms et al. 2011; Macellaro et al. 2014; Mnif et al.
2011). Fungi can be used in the treatment of contaminated soil surface with
organic/metal contaminants, water streams with trace organic contaminants and
removal of metals from water stream, VOCs from air, and organic pollutants using
isolated extracellular enzymes instead of whole fungi (Nguyen 2015; Pinedo-
Rivilla et al. 2009).
Conversely, an increasing trend toward energy- and cost-efficient passive phy-
toremediation methods for the reclamation of contaminated natural resources,
i.e., land, water, and air is the need of hour. The low degree of mechanical inter-
vention in natural attenuation of natural resources especially soils favors the
importance of filamentous fungi in sustainable fungal phytoremediation (Harms
et al. 2011). Another aspect involves arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal asso-
ciation with plants, as these are integral, functioning parts in plant roots and
enhance plant growth even under highly contaminated soils with heavy metals.
AM fungi play an important role in metal tolerance and accumulation of heavy
metals in the plants root growing on heavy metal-contaminated soils. Hence, iso-
lation of stress-adapted indigenous AM fungi could be targeted as a potential
biotechnological tool for inoculation of plants for degraded ecosystems. Major
role of AM fungi attributed to the secretion of glomalin (a glycoprotein), stabiliz-
18 Fungal Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Resources: Current… 439
ing the aluminum in soil and in the roots of Gmelina plants, has been reported
(Dudhane et al. 2012). There are several fungal species such as A. niger, A. pul-
lulans, C. resinae, F. trogii, G. lucidum, Penicillium sp. (Loukidou et al. 2003;
Say et al. 2003), R. arrhizus, and T. versicolor, which efficiently recover heavy
metals from the contaminated environment. Heavy metal bioaccumulation poten-
tial of A. versicolor was observed 6 for 50 mg/L Cr (VI) and Ni (II) and 5 for Cu
(II) ions with the 99.89, 30.05, and 29.06% removal yield, respectively at optimal
pH by Taştan et al. (2010). Kumar Ramasamy et al. (2011) found that Aspergillus
fumigates is very suitable for removal of Pb (II) ions from the electronic waste
aqueous solution (containing Pb 100 mg/L) through batch sorption with adsorp-
tion capacity of 85.41%. El Zeftawy and Mulligan (2011) found that micellar-
enhanced ultrafiltration MEUF could treat phosphorous-rich heavy metal
wastewater with a transmembrane pressure of 69 kPa, at 25 °C and pH 6.9.
Häyrynen et al. (2012) observed that pressure and cross-flow velocity signifi-
cantly affects the flux of Cd and Cu in MEUF purification methods, while P was
not retained (Landaburu-Aguirre et al. 2012). Thus, potential application of
MEUF for heavy metal decontamination of nutrient-rich wastewaters has been
recently justified (Mani and Kumar 2014).
18.2.1 Anthropogenic
Based on the relative higher densities (3.5–7.0 g/cm3), atomic weights, or atomic
numbers (>20), metals are termed as heavy metals. Some heavy metals are essen-
tial nutrients (Fe, Co, Zn), relatively harmless (Ru, Ag, and Id), but potentially can
be toxic in larger amounts or certain forms. Conversely, heavy metals, such as Cd,
Hg, and Pb, are highly poisonous. The common source of heavy metals is antisep-
tics, fertilizers, sedimentation, cars, golf clubs, mobile phones, plastics, self-
cleaning ovens, solar panels, and particle accelerators (Gupta et al. 2018; Singh
et al. 2013; Hübner et al. 2010; Singh et al. 2017; Yadav et al. 2018b, c)
(Table 18.1). The potential sources are atmospheric deposition; automobile
exhausts, metal industries, mine spoils, river dredging and urban refuse disposal,
pyrometallurgical industries, and fossil fuel combustion are also the main sources
of heavy metals (Lottermoser 2010a, b; Matta et al. 2018; Prasad 2001)
(Table 18.1). Industries such as microelectronics, plastics, refinery textiles, wood
preservatives, agrochemicals (fertilizers and pesticides), sugar-based industries
and waste disposal sewage sludge, landfill leachate, and fly ash disposal are also
some of the chief sources of the heavy metals (Bhatia et al. 2015; Gupta et al.
2018; Singh et al. 2013a; Kumar et al. 2016; Singh and Kumar 2006; Yadav et al.
2018b, c) (Fig. 18.1).
440 A. Kumar et al.
Table 18.1 Sources of heavy metals and respective anthropogenic activities (adapted and modified
from Yadav et al. 2017)
Heavy metals Anthropogenic activities
Antimony Alloys, Britannia metal, electrical applications, flame-proof pigments and glass,
(Sb) pewter, medicines for parasitic diseases, queen’s metal, semiconductors
Arsenic (As) Geogenic processes, fuel, smelting operations, thermal power plants
Beryllium Alloy, electrical insulators in power transistors, moderator, nuclear power plants
Cadmium e-waste, incinerations and fuel combustion, paint sludge, waste batteries, Zn
(Cd) smelting
Chromium Mining, industrial coolants, chromium salt manufacturing, leather tanning
Cobalt (Co) Ceramics, glass industry, metallurgy (in super alloys), paints
Copper (Cu) Mining, electroplating, smelting
Iron (Fe) Alloys, cast iron, construction, machine manufacturing, steel, transportation,
wrought iron
Lead (Pb) Alloys, antiknock agents, cable sheathings, ceramics, glassware, lead-acid
batteries, plastic, ordinance, pigments, solder, tetramethyl lead, pipes
Manganese Alloys, antiknock agents, batteries, catalysts, coating welding rods,
(Mn) ferromanganese steels production, fungicides, pigments, dryers, wood
Mercury(Hg) Catalysts, dental fillings, fungicides, electrodes, electrical and thermal
measuring apparatus, metals extraction by amalgamation, mobile cathode
production, mercury vapor lamps, pharmaceuticals, oscillators, scientific
instruments, solders, rectifiers, X-ray tubes
Molybdenum Alloys, cast irons, catalysts, corrosion inhibitors, dyes, electroplating, flame
(Mo) retardants, lubricants, nonferrous metals, smoke
Nickel (Ni) Alloys, arc-welding, catalysts, computer components, electroplating, Ni/Cd
batteries, paint pigments and ceramics, rods, surgical and dental instruments,
ceramic molds, and glass containers
Selenium (Se) Dandruff treatment glass industry, inorganic pigments, lubricants, photoelectric
and photo cells, rubber production, semiconductors, stainless steel, thermo-
elements, and xerographic materials
Stannum (Sn) Brasses, bronzes, catalysts, dental amalgam, pesticides, pewter, stabilizers,
tin-plated steel
Titanium (Ti) Ti as alloy in aeronautics nucleation, catalyst, deep temperature thermometers,
electronics industry, glass ceramics, infrared optical systems, low melting
glasses, semiconductors, supraconductors, UV-filtering agents, white pigments
Vanadium (V) Alloys, catalyst, steel production
Zinc (Zn) Electroplating, smelting
Water contamination due to heavy metals is a known threat and has been attributed
to anthropogenic sources involving untreated domestic and industrial wastewater
discharges, chemical spills, and agricultural residues (Malyan et al. 2014;
18 Fungal Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Resources: Current… 441
Fig. 18.1 Overview of sources of heavy metal pollution and its agroecological consequences.
(Source: Srivastava et al. (2017))
Tchounwou et al. 2012). The outcome is poor water quality, degradation, and water
borne-human health risks even at lower doses of heavy metals (Kumar et al. 2014;
Micó et al. 2006; Wongsasuluk et al. 2014). Major heavy metals such as lead, mer-
cury, chromium, cadmium, copper, and aluminum for water contaminations are
originated through anthropogenic activates and natural incidents like seepage from
rocks, volcanoes, and forest fires. Over a time period, heavy metals enter in the
food chain through water, and there chronic effects could be manifested for many
years and may exert several threats such as mental disorders, pain in joints, gastric
disorders, and even cancer. Human population living near industries are more sus-
ceptible to heavy metal toxicity. Along with that, pregnant women and malnutri-
tioned children are more vulnerable to heavy metal toxicity. Freshwater bodies are
heavily affected by pathogens from untreated wastewater and heavy metals from
mining and industrial release (Caravanos et al. 2016). It has been reported that
more than 80% of the world’s wastewater is released to the environment without
treatment, which is the major cause of nearly 58% diarrheal disease (major cause
of child mortality) (Connor et al. 2017). Hence, it is of utmost importance in the
coming future to mitigate this global threat of water toxicity with proper remedia-
tion measure, and techniques are required for the treatment of water. In that con-
text, fungal phytoremediation serves as an environment-friendly, pocket-friendly,
and reliable technique.
442 A. Kumar et al.
Heavy metal contamination in soil and water resources affects growth and yield per-
formance as well as nutritional quality of plants to a great extent. For the plants
which are grown in close vicinity to the contaminated soil and water or at the con-
taminated site, metals cause physiological dysfunctioning and biochemical
18 Fungal Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Resources: Current… 443
Fig. 18.2 Trophic transfer of toxic HMs from soil to plants to humans and organism’s food to
humans and their toxicity. (Adapted with permission from Saxena et al. (2019))
alterations (Sharma et al. 2012a; 2012b). In case of vegetables requiring high mois-
ture percentage, the use of heavy metal-contaminated irrigation water is one of the
major causes for high metal toxicity in plants. Some of the heavy metals at a lower
concentration are required for optimum performance of plants; however, excess
amount may cause toxicity, e.g., chromium (Yadav et al. 2018b, c). Common fea-
tures pertaining to metal toxicity are reduced biomass reduction, leaf chlorosis, and
root growth and seed germination inhibition (Ghani 2011). Cr toxicity considerably
affects the physio-biochemical processes in barley, cauliflower, citrullus maize,
wheat, and vegetables (Ghani 2011). ROS signalling and oxidative damage affect
enzymes like catalase; cytochrome oxidase and peroxidase with iron as their compo-
nent are affected by chromium toxicity. The catalase activity stimulated with an
excess supply of chromium-inducing toxicity has been studied, concerning nitrate
reductase activity, photosynthesis, photosynthetic pigments, and protein content in
algae (Nath et al. 2008). Pb and Cd also affect the gas exchange attributes, ROS sys-
tem, cause chlorophyll deterioration, and ultimately the overall performance of major
agricultural crop worldwide (Anjum et al. 2015; Mobin and Khan 2007; Pinho and
Ladeiro 2012; Zhu et al. 2007). The microbes are ubiquitous in nature and have been
reported from diverse sources including extreme habitats (Yadav et al. 2015a, b, c,
2017b) and as plant microbiomes (Kour et al. 2019b; Yadav 2018; Yadav et al. 2016).
These microbes have potential applications in agriculture, industry, pharmaceutical,
and environment (Kour et al. 2019a; Yadav et al. 2017a, 2018a, 2019a, b).
444 A. Kumar et al.
HMs limitation
Major world mine in (ppm)
HMs Sources Target organs Harmful effects countries EPA WHO
As Pesticides and wood Pulmonary, As (especially as arsenate) is a phosphate analog China, Chile, Morocco, 0.10 –
preservatives nervous system, which interferes with oxidative phosphorylation and Russian Federation
skin ATP synthesis
Cd Paints and pigments, plastic Renal, skeletal Cd is carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, and China, Korea, Japan, 5.0 0.05
stabilizers, electroplating, pulmonary endocrine disruptor; Cd interferes with calcium Mexico, Canada
incineration of Cd-containing regulation in livings; renal failure and chronic
plastics, phosphate fertilizers anemia
Cr Tanneries, steel industries, fly Pulmonary Cr causes hair loss, nephritis, cancer, and ulceration South Africa, – 0.02
ash in humans Kazakhstan, India,
Turkey, Russian
Cu Pesticides, fertilizers Liver, kidney, Elevated Cu levels may cause brain and kidney Chile, China, Peru, 1.3 2.0
blood damage, liver cirrhosis and chronic anemia, stomach Australia, the United
and intestinal irritation States
Hg Release from Au-Ag mining Nervous system, Anxiety, autoimmune diseases, depression, China, Kyrgyzstan, 2.0 –
and coal combustion, medical renal balancing difficulty, drowsiness, fatigue, hair loss, Chile, Russian
waste insomnia, irritability, memory loss, recurrent Federation
infections, restlessness, vision disturbances,
tremors, temper outbursts, ulcers and damage to
brain, kidney and lungs
Ni Industrial effluents, kitchen Pulmonary, skin Allergic dermatitis known as nickel itch; inhalation Philippines, Russia, – 0.2
appliances, surgical can cause cancer of the lungs, nose, and sinuses; Brazil, Indonesia,
instruments, steel alloys, cancers of the throat and stomach have also been Canada, Russia
Fungal Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Resources: Current…
Table 18.2 (continued)
HMs limitation
Major world mine in (ppm)
HMs Sources Target organs Harmful effects countries EPA WHO
Pb Aerial emission from Nervous system, Impaired development in children, reduced China, Australia, the 15 0.01
combustion of leaded petrol, hema-topoietic intelligence, loss of short-term memory, learning United States, Peru,
battery manufacture, system, renal disabilities and coordination problems; causes renal Mexico
herbicides and insecticides failure; increased risk for development of
cardiovascular disease
Zn Fertilizers Brain, respiratory Over dosage can cause dizziness and fatigue China, Australia, Peru, 0.5 –
tract India, the United States
Mn Industrial dust and fumes Nervous system Central and peripheral neuropathies South Africa, Australia, – –
Sources: Ali et al. (2013); Mahurpawar (2015); Yadav et al., 2017; Gupta et al. 2018; Rajendran et al., 2003; USGS, 2012
A. Kumar et al.
18 Fungal Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Resources: Current… 447
Table 18.3 Categorical classification of fungal species targeting metal remediates for fungal
Species Metals remediate References
Agaricus bisporus Ni, Cu, Pb, Mn, Cd, Nagy et al. (2014)
Zn, Hg, Fe
Agaricus bitorquis Cu, Zn, Fe, Cd, Pb, Ni, Lamrood and Ralegankar
Alternaria alternata Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni Seshikala and Charya (2012)
Armillaria mellea Ni, Cu, Pb, Mn, Cd, Zn Ita et al. (2008)
Ascochyta betae Cr Seshikala and Charya (2012)
Aspergillus fumigatus Cu, Cd, Ni, Co, Pb Rao et al. (2005)
Aspergillus flavus Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb Thippeswamy et al. (2012a)
Aspergillus foetidus Cr Prasenjit and Sumathi (2005)
Aspergillus fumigates Pb Kumar Ramasamy et al. (2011)
Aspergillus niger Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Pal et al. (2010)
Aspergillus ochraceus Cr Seshikala and Charya (2012)
Aspergillus oryzae Cr Nasseri et al. (2002)
Aspergillus terreus Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr Seshikala and Charya (2012)
Aspergillus versicolor Cr, Ni, Cu Taştan et al. (2010)
Aspergillus versicolor Pb Çabuk et al. (2005)
Candida tropicalis Zn Akhtar et al. (2008)
Candida utilis Cr Pattanapipitpaisal et al. (2001)
Circinella sp. Ni Alpat et al. (2010)
Cladonia rangiformis (lichen) Pb Ekmekyapar et al. (2012)
Cladosporium resinae Cu Gadd and de Rome (1988)
Cunninghamella echinulata Pb, Ni, Zn Shouaib et al. (2011)
Curvularia lunata Cu, Cr, Cd Seshikala and Charya (2012)
Drechslera rostrata Cr Seshikala and Charya (2012)
Fusarium oxysporum Cr Amatussalam et al. (2011)
Fusarium solani Cr, Zn, Ni Sen and Dastidar (2011)
Ganoderma lucidum Cu Muraleedharan et al. (1995)
Ganoderma lucidum, Penicillium sp. Ar Loukidou et al. (2003)
Gliocladium sp. Cu Tahir (2012)
Lactarius piperatus Cd Nagy et al. (2014)
Lentinus edodes Cd, Pb, Cr Tu and Huang (2005)
Metarhizium anisopliae Pb Çabuk et al. (2005)
Mucor hiemalis Cd, Cu Srivastava and Hasan (2011)
Mucor rouxii Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn Majumdar et al. (2010)
Mucor sp. Cu Tahir (2012)
Neurospora crassa Pb, Cu Kiran et al. (2005)
Penicillium canescens Cr Say et al. (2003)
Penicillium canescens As, Pb, Cd, Hg Say et al. (2003)
Penicillium chrysogenum Cu, Ni, U, Cr, Th, Zn, Tan and Cheng (2003)
Cd, Pb
448 A. Kumar et al.
Table 18.4 Some commonly used fungal species, for mechanistic understanding on growth
conditions, enzyme production, type of compound degradation, and key references
Growth condition
Fungal species required Enzymes produced Compound degraded Reference
Phanerochaete Lignin peroxidases Xenobiotic Paszczynski
chrysosporium and manganese compounds and Crawford
peroxidases (1995)
Aspergillus Grows best in Laccase Removing Ghosh and
flavus cereals nuts surfactants and dyes Ghosh (2018)
Bjerkandera Commonly grows Lignin peroxidases Xenobiotic Rhodes (2014)
adusta on dead wood compounds
Fusarium Grows in desert, Endoglucanase Degrades silver Danesh et al.
oxysporum temperate, and (2013)
tropical, soils of
Rhizopus Arises from Lipases Heavy metals like Fourest and
arrhizus nodes where Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb Roux (1992)
rhizoids are borne Also remediated
uranium- and
thorium-affected soil
less concentration of contaminants due to their small biomass while fungi can accumu-
late more due to their some molecular mechanisms. Hence, intervening the interaction
of hyperaccumulator plant with fungi and other legume plant and herbs could help us
to use it as a potent strategy for phytoremediation (Yang et al. 2016). Therefore, further
exercise is required for explaining the molecular mechanisms underlying.
Several factors influencing the fungal phytoremediation include species of plant and
fungi, their association strength, plant-soil interaction, physical and chemical proper-
ties of soil, and biophysical aspects such as temperature, pH, salinity, soil microbes,
and metal characteristics (Fig. 18.4). Temperature
The fungi are having their different temperature range for growth based on different
habitat, such as mesophilic (5–35 °C), psychrophilic (below °C), thermophilic
(above 40 °C), etc. With the change in the temperature, the bioavailability of the
characteristics Humidity Temperature Air Rainfall Sunlight
Rootzone Root Redox activity
Exudation pH
characteristics depth potential
Amount Cation
Chelator Chelation Time of
of Toxicity exchange
characteristics application
chelator capacity
Pollutant Nature of
of metal Bioavailability
characteristics pollutants
Phytoremediation and
Fig. 18.4 Relationships among the factors affecting phytoremediation efficiency. (Adapted with
permission from Saxena et al. (2019))
452 A. Kumar et al.
heavy metals is also changed. An increase in soil temperature tends to speed up the
concentration of metals in the soil due to increase rate of organic matter degrada-
tion. It was observed that high temperature is favorable for the absorption of heavy
metals. However, the temperature also affects the growth of fungi. So, fungi with
high temperature tolerance will be beneficial for the bioremediation process (Yadav
et al. 2018b, c). Fe and Mn are mobile in alternating in dry and wet conditions
(Boisselet 2012). pH
The redox potential affects the state of oxidation of the metals, as different forms
show different behaviors in solubility. Anaerobic conditions in deeper parts of the
soil for oxidoreductive reactions of microorganisms can accelerate the heavy metal
degradation. Redox potential along with pH affects the fungal-phyto interactions
with the soil components by altering the sorption capacity and influencing stability
of complexes.
Some of the heavy metals are present in the bound form of the other compounds
such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The remediation of such metals
can be achieved only after degradation of the host compound. Some fungal species
such as Agaricus bisporus, Pleurotus ostreatus, and Ganoderma lucidum are
observed to degrade the hydrocarbons in petroleum. Pleurotus ostreatus is benefi-
cial in degrading the PAH (García-Delgado et al. 2015).
Apart from the temperature, other factors such as moisture percentage, sugar and
other organic materials, oxygen, amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids, etc. are also
important for fungal growth. The change in these requirements can also enhance/
limit the fungal phytoremediation potential.
18 Fungal Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Resources: Current… 453
Different fungal species are having different capacity to remediate the heavy met-
als from the soil and water based on their internal genetic constitutes and external
growth and environmental factors. To check the any new/existing species reme-
diation potential, the arsenic test (preliminary assessment) will serve as good
choice. Later on, the heavy metals-based potential check can be made and com-
pared with the existing data. However, some of the fungal species can serve as a
bioindicator of particular heavy metals. In this case, these species serve as the
reference species for the remediation potential. For example, Lycoperdon perla-
tum may be employed as a bioindicator of heavy metals and selenium in soil pol-
lution (Quinche 1990).
Filamentous fungi are known to possess higher adsorption capacities for heavy
metal removal (Singh and Gauba 2014). Trichoderma and Mortierella species iso-
lated from the soil and Aspergillus and Penicillium species isolated from marine
and terrestrial environments, respectively, have the high ability to remediate con-
taminated environment (Thenmozhi et al. 2013). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus
Glomus mosseae formed a symbiotic associate of P. vittata L. and possessed sub-
stantial resistance to arsenic toxicity by increasing the plant biomass, and this
mycorrhiza can enhance the arsenic sink. Mycorrhiza can be a potential tool for
fungal phytoremediation by choosing the native species of fungi/host and altera-
tion in the a ssociation by changing any of the fungi/host or controlling factors or
inoculation of the new fungal strains. This can be achieved through re-vegetation
on the contaminated sites such as mine areas.
Some prerequisite precautions are needed for successful achievement of fungal phy-
toremediation which involves selection of correct fungal species for targeted metal
contamination for developing a screening protocol (Matsubara et al. 2006). Among
these precautions, major points have been prescribed in general which should be
considered. These involve as follows:
• The catabolic activity and capacity of organisms involved to transform the target
compound(s) and bring the concentrations to levels that meet regulatory
• The rate of bioremediation
• The possible production of toxic by-products at dangerous levels during the
remediation process
• Adaptability of the process to site conditions (environmental and
• Economic viability of the process
454 A. Kumar et al.
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Prof. Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal, Vice Chancellor,
Eternal University, Baru Sahib, Himachal Pradesh, India, for providing infrastructural facilities
and constant encouragement.
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Chapter 19
Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation
of Xenobiotic Compounds
19.1 Introduction
Peter Baker and Araven Tiroumalechetty contributed equally with all other contributors.
P. Baker · A. Tiroumalechetty
Department of Biology, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, USA
R. Mohan (*)
Department of Biology, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, USA
Department of Biology, Mercyhurst University, Erie, PA, USA
e-mail: rmohan@colgate.edu
enzymes are produced by a great diversity of fungi, but many are often produced by
a large physiological group called the white rot fungi. These fungi actively degrade
lignin – a large, complex, aromatic-containing networked polymer, creating a
bleached appearance in the host, hence the name white rot fungi (Pointing 2001).
Given the complexity of lignin and the structural motifs common to both lignin and
various xenobiotics, these enzymes are well suited for xenobiotic detoxification
(Fig. 19.1). A few genera of fungi are used extensively in bioremediation processes;
these include Trametes, Pleurotus, Phanerochaete spp., etc.
In this chapter, we will review the utility of fungal enzymes in bioremediation
processes. In particular, we focus on the detoxification of organic xenobiotics by
oxidoreductase enzymes including the extracellular peroxidases and laccases as
well as the intracellular CYP450.
Synthetic dyes released from paper, textile, plastic, cosmetic, food, and drug indus-
tries can be toxic and carcinogenic (Asgher et al. 2008; Levin et al. 2005). Polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) like anthracene, pyrene, benzopyrene, and naphtha-
lene are toxic, potentially carcinogenic xenobiotics that are produced from fuel
combustion, gas plants, and industrial applications. Endocrine disrupting chemicals
(EDCs) include alkylphenols such as nonylphenol and octylphenol as well as biphe-
nyls such as bisphenol A (BPA), stilbene, and genistein estrogens. These are phar-
maceutically active compounds that disrupt endocrine homeostasis in animals and
are of grave concern to human health (Asgher et al. 2008). Other sources of xenobi-
otics include bleach plant effluents from paper and pulp industry, which contain
toxic polychlorinated phenols (PCPs) and other organic compounds used for bleach-
ing, and include dyes like azo dye and crystal violet (D'Souza et al. 2006).
Chlorinated aromatic compounds like dichloro- and trichlorophenol and derivatives
such as DDT, chlordane, and lindane are used in pesticides.
Fig. 19.1 The relationship and commonalities between organically produced lignin and varied
xenobiotic chemical structures. (a) The structure of lignin according to Laurichesse and Averous
(Laurichesse and Avérous 2014) and the monomeric alcohols which polymerize to form the cross-
linked complex. (b) Common xenobiotic classes and associated structures as lignin model com-
pounds targeted by lignin-degrading enzymes. Alkylated phenolic structures are common to both
EDCs and lignin, as is the geminal phenyl motif of BPA. Nitrogen is not commonly present in
lignin structures, nor are fused polycyclic aromatics nor polychlorinated phenols making lignin-
degrading enzymatic degradation of these compounds less obvious
19 Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Xenobiotic Compounds 467
19.4.1 Laccase
Margot et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2015). Laccases from Pycnoporus sanguineus,
Myceliophthora thermophila, Trametes trogii, and Ceriporiopsis subvermispora
effectively metabolized the toxic dyes like bromophenol blue, methyl violet, and
malachite green and other dyes used in the textile industry (Antosova et al. 2018;
Chmelova and Ondrejovic 2016; Mougin et al. 2009). Synthetic laccases are also
used in the paper and pulp industries to bleach paper and clothes (Sharma et al.
2018). The addition of mediator compounds can dramatically enhance the detoxifi-
cation of substrates as witnessed in the transformation of halogenated pesticides by
laccases from the fungus, Coriolopsis gallica (Torres-Duarte et al. 2009); in this
study, acetosyringone and syringaldehyde proved to be the most effective media-
tors. Finally, laccases from Trametes versicolor have been used to oxidize the phar-
maceutical drugs, diclofenac and mefenamic acid in municipal wastewater (Margot
et al. 2013). Beyond naturally occurring LACs, some researchers have explored the
possibility of engineering LACs with the intention of improving transformational
efficiency and demonstrating transient expression by means of directed evolution
(Camarero et al. 2012; Gu et al. 2014; Mate and Alcalde 2015; Theerachat et al.
2012; Wong et al. 2013b).
19.4.2 Peroxidase
LiPs are heme-containing enzymes which can metabolize various aromatic com-
pounds many of which are generally refractory to breakdown, with pH optima in
the acidic range (2–5) (Shrivastava et al. 2005). Since the 1983 discovery of P.
chrysosporium, LiP in extracellular media, isozyme forms among various basidio-
mycetes have been isolated ranging in weight from 38 kDa to 43 kDa (Falade et al.
2017). LiPs have been shown to completely oxidize both methylated lignin model
and non-methylated lignin model compounds as well as PAHs (Kadri et al. 2017).
Through powerful, nonspecific catalytic transformative activity, the aptly named
LiP is capable of direct transformation of up to 90% of lignin structural compo-
nents (Falade et al. 2017).
470 P. Baker et al.
MnPs are also heme-containing secreted enzymes which function under relatively
less acidic conditions (pH 4–7) than those of LiP (Asgher et al. 2008). As a heme
peroxidase, MnPs share much of their characteristics and mechanism with LiPs
(Deshmukh et al. 2016). MnP appears not to occur in the same large gene families
characteristic of other ligninolytic enzymes such as LAC (Torres-Farrada et al.
2017) and is only found in Basidiomycota (Harms et al. 2011). MnP is capable of
aromatic ring cleavage within monoamino-dinitrotoluene and chlorophenol deriva-
tives (Harms et al. 2011). The oxidative potential of MnP relies on the oxidation of
Mn2+ to Mn3+ by the enzyme followed by the indirect, single-electron oxidation of
subsequent substrates as Mn3+ is reduced, thereby reverting to Mn2+.
Due to the indirect mechanism, the substrate range is broad, and the extent of
transformation of resulting metabolites is near complete. MnP oxidizes phenols,
aromatic amines, and dye compounds as well as mineralizes CO2 from various qui-
nones – common products of PAH radical polymerization – by ring fission transfor-
mations. MnPs isolated from Anthracophyllum discolor clearly demonstrate this
PAH-substrate promiscuity as they are able to oxidize pyrene, anthracene, fluoran-
thene, and phenanthrene as well as various derivatives of these compounds
(Pozdnyakova 2012). A MnP from the white rot fungus, Trametes, displayed a
strong ability to degrade azo and indigo dyes as well as PAHs (Zhang et al. 2016).
Another MnP from Peniophora incarnata not only displayed the potential to break
down the PAH anthracene, but this ability was transferable by heterologous expres-
sion in yeast, signifying a bioremediatory potential. MnP from Ganoderma lucidum
used as cross-linked enzyme aggregates efficiently degraded the endocrine disrupt-
ing nonylphenol and triclosan (Bilal et al. 2017a).
MnP is of great interest in bioremediation efforts as it has been shown to be sta-
ble under adverse conditions; however, a complicating factor of its use in remedia-
tion effort and applications is the mechanistic need for a suitable chelator (Bogan
et al. 1996). Such chelators are commonly organic acids such as oxalic or malonic
19 Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Xenobiotic Compounds 471
acid derivatives (Kadri et al. 2017). These compounds complex with Mn3+, enabling
the oxidation of substrate lignin model compounds. In addition to a mechanistic
dependence on chelators, MnP activity significantly increases in the presence of
redox mediators such as Tween 80. With the added effect of Tween 80, MnP has
been shown to transform compounds with ionization potentials of 8.2 eV. Despite
the powerful oxidative potential and resistance to adverse conditions of MnP, the
application of these enzymes in biotechnical pursuits is complicated by not only
chelator requirements and redox mediator reliance for elevated efficiency but also
by LAC-dependent initiation of Mn3+ complexing (Schlosser and Hofer 2002). No
Mn3+ complexing was observed in in vitro mixtures of semi-purified MnP, Mn2+,
and oxalate or malonate when H2O2 sources were excluded. However, the addition
of LAC stimulated Mn3+ complexing and ultimate MnP-stimulated substrate oxida-
tion. In response to PAH-polluted media, MnP secretion by Fomes is very high,
reaching concentrations of approximately 1299 U/L after 21 days of xenobiotic
exposure (Godoy et al. 2016).
Versatile peroxidases (VP) are a hybrid between LiPs and MnPs as they contain a
heme group and oxidize Mn2+to Mn3+, inducing indirect oxidations, as well as oxi-
dize phenolic and non-phenolic substrates; VPs conjoin mechanisms and substrate
ranges between these two enzymes (Kues 2015; Pozdnyakova 2012). VPs have thus
far only been identified in Basidiomycetes (Harms et al. 2011). In the initial charac-
terization of the first identified VP – specifically, PS1 isolated from Pleurotus eryn-
gii – it was shown to possess both the Mn oxidation domain of MnPs and the
aromatic substrate oxidation center (AS) of LiPs (Camarero et al. 1999). Furthermore,
PS1 and subsequently characterized VPs have been shown to actually retain LiP- or
MnP-like enzymatic activity in conditions that would inactivate LiPs or MnPs,
respectively. Little is understood about the role of VPs in the mediation of xenobi-
otic transformation; however, it is known that VP production is induced by the pres-
ence of PAH pollutants (Pozdnyakova et al. 2018b). In addition to PAHs, VPs can
also degrade polyhalogenated aromatic pesticides containing diverse functional
groups as demonstrated by VP isolated from Bjerkandera adusta which success-
fully transformed dichlorophen (an antimicrobial polycyclic), bromoxynil (a nitrile
herbicide), and pentachlorophenol (PCP) – a potent pesticide (Davila-Vazquez et al.
2005). Given the hybridization of LiP and MnP substrate ranges, they have the
potential to be a major component of the subsequent remediation of many chemi-
cally diverse xenobiotics. Due to their broad substrate range and various transfor-
mation mechanisms, VPs warrant further characterization and investigation
regarding their potential application in bioremediation and biotechnical efforts.
Examples of fungal laccases and peroxidases employed for xenobiotic detoxifica-
tion are presented in Table 19.1.
472 P. Baker et al.
Table 19.1 Details of microbes producing laccase and peroxidase in the bioremediation of xenobiotics
Enzyme source Xenobiotic Compounds Mediator Reference
Trametes PAH Anthracene, benzopyrene ABTS Dodor et al.
versicolor (2004)
T. versicolor, PCB Hydroxy PCBs TEMPO Keum and Li
Pleurotus (2004)
P. ostreatus Insecticides, VX, Russian VX, ABTS Amitai et al.
nerve agents diisopropyl-Amiton 1998)
P. pulmonarius Toxins Aflatoxin B1 ABTS, AS, Loi et al. (2016)
T. sanguineus Endocrine Bisphenol A, benzopyrene, ABTS Balcazar-Lopez
disruptor, phenanthrene et al. (2016)
Echinodontium Azo dyes Brilliant Violet 5R, Direct Lignin Han et al. (2014)
taxodii Red 5B, Direct Black 38 derivatives
Clavariopsis Endocrine Nonylphenol ABTS Junghanns et al.
aquatic disruptor (2005)
Trametes spp. Dyes, PAH Indigo, anthraquinone, azo, – Zhang et al.
triphenylmethane, fluorene, (2016)
fluoranthene, pyrene,
phenanthrene, anthracene
Peniophora PAH Anthracene – Lee et al. (2016)
Irpex lacteus Dyes Azo, indigo dyes – Qin et al. (2014)
Phanerochaete PCB 2,4-dichlorophenol – Chen et al.
chrysosporium (2011)
Penicillium Dyes Cotton blue – Shedbalkar et al.
chrochloron (2008)
ABTS 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline)-6-sulfonic acid, AS acetosyringone, PAH polyaro-
matic hydrocarbons, PCB polychlorinated biphenyls, TEMPO 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-
N-oxyl radical, SA syringaldehyde
UPOs are secreted hybrid enzymes which combine the functionalities of heme
peroxidases and P450 monooxygenases (Karich et al. 2017). Among this class of
peroxygenases, two common structural motifs have been observed: short UPOs are
approximately 29 kDa, while long UPOs are approximately 44 kDa. Short UPOs
are found across all fungal phyla, but long UPOs are exclusive to ascomycetes and
basidiomycetes. Both short and long UPOs have immense substrate ranges, acting
in association with hydrogen peroxide as a cofactor, a marketed improvement in
simplicity from the nuanced requirements of MnP. Furthermore, 41 of EPA-listed
priority pollutants have been shown to be transformed by UPOs, and more than 300
other aromatic, poly- and heterocyclic, and aliphatic substrates have been identified
thus far. Despite the recent findings regarding xenobiotic substrates, the physiologi-
cal role of UPOs remains to be identified (Olicon-Hernandez et al. 2017); however,
Karich et al. theorized that UPOs and P450s may work in harmony with UPOs
crudely transforming xenobiotics extracellularly to reduce negative biological
effects, while P450s “fine-tune” the resulting metabolites so that they may be fur-
ther transformed and rendered inert within the cell or even consumed as carbon
sources due to the incredibly diverse functionality of these enzymes. Thus far, pres-
ent understanding explains that UPOs’ substrate transformations are limited by ste-
ric hindrance, bioavailability and potential substrate solubility, or strong inactivation
of an aromatic ring by electron withdrawing groups (Karich et al. 2017). Despite
these regulatory factors in UPOs’ substrate specificity, UPO isolated from Agrocybe
aegerita demonstrated significant transformation of naphthalene, phenol, anisole,
toluene, ethylbenzene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene,
anthracene, pyrene, benzo[a]anthracene, 1,2-diphenylhydrazine, benzidine, and
2,4-dimethylphenol as well as various phthalate esters, nitroarenes, and polychlori-
nated benzenes (Karich et al. 2017). Among these known substrates exist several
previously only thought to be transformed by P450s or MnPs and LiPs, again dem-
onstrating the remarkable potential of these enzymes. Such versatile enzymes in
extracellular degradation processes carry great implications for biotechnical devel-
opment of xenobiotic mitigation strategies.
Fig. 19.2 Simplified mechanism of fungal enzymes used in bioremediation. (a) Laccase enzy-
matic cycle. Mediators include veratry alcohol (VA), Tween 80, and other small organic molecules.
(b) Lignin peroxidase enzymatic cycle. Both oxidized states of LiP are able to oxidize substrates
and mediators. Mediator molecules are used when the substrates cannot access enzyme active site.
(c) Manganese peroxidase enzymatic cycle. MnP preferentially oxidizes Mn2+ in the first redox
reaction but can also oxidize other mediators. Mn2+ oxidation is highly specific for the second
redox reaction which restores the base state. (d) CytP450 enzymatic cycle. The reduction of heme-
bound molecular oxygen is either directly catalyzed by the reductase coenzyme or indirectly via
the use of cytochrome B5 as a redox mediator. (Adapted from Kues (2015) and Guengerich
19.5.1 Laccases
Laccases are multicopper oxidases with low substrate specificity. Within basidio-
mycetes these families range from 5 to 17 isozymes (Yang et al. 2017). Within
LAC isozymes, enzymatic copper involvement is conserved with four copper
atoms at +2 oxidation states in the resting enzyme. The four copper atoms are
characterized as T1, T2, and T3 – which is binuclear. The T1 copper facilitates
substrate oxidation, while T2 and T3 copper atoms store the resulting electrons
which then convert diatomic oxygen to water. They catalyze coupled redox reac-
tion between a substrate and molecular oxygen resulting in the formation of a
radical cation and water, respectively. The type I copper is found in a wide cavity
of the enzyme surface, which allows it to bind to many different types of substrates
(Su et al. 2018).
The significance of LACs in the remediation of xenobiotics is only amplified by
laccase-mediator systems (LMSs) which act as electron transfer chains and thereby
476 P. Baker et al.
further broaden the substrate range as well as increase kinetic favorability of trans-
formation (Wong 2013a). LMSs share the common mechanism of facilitating the
indirect oxidation of a substrate following the primary oxidation event of the media-
tor by LAC. The enzymatic cycle of laccases can be simplified as a four-electron
abstraction from the substrate by the oxidized enzyme followed by the reduction of
molecular oxygen to water to regenerate the active enzyme (Fig. 19.2a). The enzyme
primarily exists in the resting oxidized state (RO) with each of the copper atoms
oxidized. The catalytic reaction is initiated by the donation to the type I copper of
four electrons from suitable substrates (reductants). Three electrons are transferred
through a conserved His-Cys-His sequence of amino acids to the trinuclear cluster
(TNC) consisting of the type II copper and the two type III copper atoms, resulting
in the fully reduced enzyme. The electrons are used to reduce molecular oxygen
which binds to the TNC, forming a peroxide intermediate (PI). The reduction then
proceeds by donation of a hydrogen by a nearby glutamic acid residue resulting in
the cleavage of the oxygen-oxygen bond and the native intermediate (NI) state of
the enzyme. This state can directly proceed to the fully reduced state in the presence
of large amounts of suitable substrates, producing two water molecules or proceed
to the fully oxidized state with loss of a single water molecule in the absence of
significant levels of reductants (Jones and Solomon 2015).
Laccases tend to accommodate substrates with relatively low redox potentials
such as phenolic compounds which are oxidized to phenoxyl radicals which may
undergo coupling reactions or isomerization to form quinones. Laccases are gener-
ally unable to directly oxidize compounds with high redox potentials or steric hin-
drance. Instead, such compounds are oxidized via the laccase-mediator system
which involves oxidation of micromolecular organics which can then oxidize target
compounds through redox reactions leading to cleavage of bonds (Su et al. 2018).
19.5.2 Peroxidases
Of the various peroxidases discussed herein, only the general mechanism of lignin
peroxidase and manganese-dependent peroxidases has been elucidated. The shared
mechanism of these two types of peroxidases involves the oxidation of the enzyme
by two electron abstractions by the H2O2 cosubstrate followed by two one-electron
transfer steps where the oxidized enzyme abstracts an electron from the substrate
(Mougin et al. 2009).
In LiPs, Fe(III) in the heme ring is coordinated with four heme tetrapyrrole nitro-
gens and to a histidine residue. LiP has been shown to fold into a globular profile
measuring about 50 × 40 × 40 ¯ ; this form is subdivided into proximal and distal
19 Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Xenobiotic Compounds 477
domains relative to the heme group. Two small molecular channels allow for heme
accessibility despite its fixed position within the protein’s tertiary structure. LiPs are
capable of cleaving Cα-Cβ bonds as well as bonds between aryl Cα (Kadri et al.
2017). LiP is further differentiated from other peroxidases by the optimal pH of
approximately 3.0 (Falade et al. 2017). Lignin peroxidases are activated by a two-
electron oxidation of the native enzyme by the cosubstrate H2O2 (Mougin et al.
2009). This results in compound I which is reduced by the substrate as part of a
one-electron redox reaction to compound II. Compound II then abstracts a second
electron from the substrate resulting in regeneration of the native enzyme. The acti-
vated forms of the enzyme have a high redox potential allowing it to oxidize com-
pounds such as lignin that other peroxidases are unable to transform. LiPs act
through three different mechanisms based on the availability of its heme cofactor
toward the substrate. First, LiPs act directly on certain phenolic and non-phenolic
compounds which can access the heme group. This can lead to breakage of carbon-
carbon bonds in substrates leading to conformational changes (Fig. 19.2b). The sec-
ond lignin peroxidase mechanism is indirect, acting through a redox mediator to
oxidize compounds that cannot access the heme group (Fig. 19.2b). Lignin peroxi-
dase oxidizes mediators such as veratryl alcohol (VA) to a cation radical (VA+)
which then oxidizes compounds through a redox reaction. The third mechanism
occurs through further reactions of VA. The cation radical oxidizes organic acids
into anion radicals which act as reductant. These radicals can also reduce molecular
oxygen to a dioxygen anion which acts as a reductant. Through the reduction of fer-
rous ions, this dioxygen anion can also reduce hydrogen peroxide to a hydroxyl
radical which can oxidize compounds through the non-enzymatic Fenton’s reaction
(Christian et al. 2005b).
Either fungi or enzymes isolated from fungi could be used for the detoxification of
xenobiotic compounds. Some fungal phyla possess more versatile degradation sys-
tems relative to bacterial strains (Pozdnyakova et al. 2018a). The fundamental limi-
tations in using isolated fungal enzymes include productivity as well as stability and
retention of activity (Sharma et al. 2018). Laccases, for example, have an acidic pH
optimum that may not be available in effluent soils and waters, presenting a major
limitation to their use. Furthermore, cost of application, intolerance of enzymes to
high levels of cosubstrate hydrogen peroxide, and issues with enzyme reusability
have hampered the application of these enzymes in the field (Nicell and Wright
1997). Once applied to sites for remediation, the enzymes are also under threat of
denaturation and destruction by physical and chemical forces and by the action of
microbes and their enzymes. Besides, excessive exposure of heme-containing pro-
teins to oxidative species can lead to inactivation and subsequent degradation of the
protein (Valderrama et al. 2002). Indeed, these limitations are so critical that they
have delayed or limited large-scale application of these enzymes in bioremediation
processes (Ayala et al. 2008).
One approach to the identification of potential fungal strains with significant
remediation potential and biotechnical application is to isolate populations from
xenobiotic-polluted environments (Godoy et al. 2016). Doing so results, in part, in
fungi with innate tolerance to the environmentally present pollutants. The pollutant-
resistant detoxifying fungi often produce biodegradative enzymes that are too lim-
ited in amount to isolate and utilize. To scale up production of these enzymes,
genetic engineering could be used to overexpress fungal enzymes in fungi, plants,
or other organisms that could colonize the polluted substratum. Alternatively,
enzymes could be mass-extracted from such organisms by heterologous expression
and utilized for bioremediation. This is a cost-effective strategy that not only allows
purification of large amounts of enzyme with stability and activity, the purification
process of recombinant proteins is also simpler as they can be isolated using cleav-
able tags (Alcalde et al. 2006). Furthermore, the stability, activity, and other features
of an enzyme can also be enhanced using genetic and enzyme engineering
approaches. By introducing mutations using strategies like DNA shuffling, error-
prone PCR, and site-directed mutagenesis (Dua et al. 2002), enzyme engineering
could be accomplished, where a change in protein sequence from mutations results
in a possible change in enzyme structure or regulation with improved traits includ-
ing increased stability and activity; increased xenobiotic substrate specificity or
wider substrate range; tolerance to a wider range of pH, temperature, and stress
conditions; and decreased susceptibility to proteases in the natural environment
(Rayu et al. 2012). One such mutated laccase protein from Pleurotus ostreatus iden-
tified in a screen gained greater enzymatic activity and higher stability at acidic pH,
widening its pH tolerance in detoxifying toxic industrial dyes (Miele et al. 2010).
480 P. Baker et al.
The isolation of enzymes from marine organisms can select for traits such as heat
and cold tolerance and salt and pressure tolerance (Lima and Porto 2016).
Recently, non-protein enzyme mimics or next-generation artificial enzymes in
nanoparticles or nanocomposites have been used to replace enzymes in bioremedia-
tion processes (Gao and Yan 2016). Desired for their low cost and higher stability,
these structures display enzyme-like properties under physiological conditions.
Nanozymes, although lacking an active site, bind substrates specifically and cata-
lyze their transformation. The Fe3O4-based magnetic nanoparticles mimic peroxi-
dases and can degrade toxic dye compounds like methylene blue (Wu et al. 2015).
Carbon-based nanomaterials made of graphene oxide (GO) also display peroxidase-
like activity (Ma et al. 2017). Similarly, a guanosine monophosphate (GMP) coor-
dinated copper nanocomposite mimicked laccases in being able to degrade phenolic
compounds including hydroquinone and naphthol (Liang et al. 2017).
Although it is desirable to identify and isolate detoxification enzymes in polluted
environments, a basic handicap is the ability to culture these microbial species.
Only a handful of microbes are culturable, and these may not include the microbes
that make the enzyme of interest. This problem is circumvented by recent develop-
ments in metagenomics which can identify potential detoxification enzyme-coding
genes. These genes could be expressed in the heterologous system to mass-produce
the enzymes of interest for bioremediation. Clues to the functionalities of these
genes could be revealed by metatranscriptomic and metaproteomic approaches,
which could also reveal biochemical pathways and synthetic pathways for xenobi-
otic-transforming enzyme production.
In silico approaches can be employed to understand the evolution of xenobiotic
detoxification by phylogenetic analyses. More recently, bioinformatic analysis in
the form of molecular docking tools has been developed to predict pollutant sub-
strates of the detoxification enzymes. This approach has been particularly useful for
laccases which have broad substrate specificity; in one study, laccase enzyme struc-
tures were screened against a database of toxic compounds to identify putative sub-
strates (Suresh et al. 2008). The study found that 30% of the studied compounds that
were recognized as environmental pollutants could be potentially metabolized by
fungal laccases. Similar approaches could be employed for other enzymes with
known structures to test if they could be used to detoxify pollutants of interest.
Increased global industrialization has presented many challenges including the pro-
duction of ecotoxic industrial wastes that also present health threats as xenobiotic
compounds. Fungi have specialized enzymes that are highly efficient in detoxifying
these pollutants. Harnessing the power of these enzymes is proving to be an effec-
tive strategy for the bioremediation of the xenobiotic compounds. In particular, oxi-
doreductase enzymes including laccase, peroxidase, and oxygenases like CYP
from various fungal species are employed to detoxify a wide range of pollutants.
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19 Fungal Enzymes for Bioremediation of Xenobiotic Compounds 489
This book contains current knowledge about fungi; their biodiversity from diverse
sources including natural as well as extreme, associated with plants (epiphytic,
endophytic, and rhizospheric); and potential biotechnological applications of fungi
and fungal products for different processes in agriculture, industry, pharmaceutical,
food and feed processing, and environments for sustainable developments. Fungi
are prominent sources of pharmaceuticals and are used in many industrial fermenta-
tive processes such as the production of enzymes, vitamins, pigments, lipids, glyco-
lipids, polysaccharides, and polyhydric alcohols. In the past 50 years, several major
advancements in medicine came from lower organisms such as molds, yeasts, and
the other diverse fungi. Fungi are extremely useful in making high-value products
like mycoproteins and act as plant growth promoters and disease suppressors.
Fungal secondary metabolites are important to our health and nutrition and have
tremendous economic impact. In addition to this, fungi are extremely useful in car-
rying out biotransformation processes. Recombinant DNA technology, which
includes yeasts and other fungi as hosts, has markedly increased the market for
microbial enzymes (Fig. 20.1).
Today, fungal white biotechnology is a major participant in the global industry
due to its mind-blowing potential in medical with pharmaceutical importance. The
secondary metabolites with pharmaceutical importance of Aspergillus nidulans and
other fungi could be used as drug worldwide (Keller et al. 2005). Ergot alkaloids
(ergometrine and Ergotamine) and lovastatin, a popular cholesterol-lowering drug,
are the secondary metabolites (Beekman and Barrow 2014). Fungal metabolites
have antitumour, antiviral, antibacterial, and immunosuppressant activities. Fungi
are used as high-cost food because of its high protein and low calorific value (Siso
1996). Some of the edible fungi (mushrooms) are used such as Agaricus bisporus
(white button mushroom), Agaricus campestris, Morchella (temperate zone
A. N. Yadav (*)
Department of Biotechnology, Akal College of Agriculture, Eternal University,
Baru Sahib, Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh, India
Fig. 20.1 Biotechnological applications of fungi and their value-added products in agriculture,
health, industry, and environments. (Adapted with permission from Kour et al. (2019a))
Fig. 20.2 White fungal biotechnology applications. (Adapted with permission from Challa et al.
Fig. 20.4 Classification and biological activity of fungal natural products. (Adapted with permis-
sion from Gholami-Shabani et al. (2019))
Fig. 20.5 Fungal enzymes and their biotechnological applications in diverse sectors. (Adapted
with permission from Kour et al. (2019a))
diverse applications. So far, large numbers of enzymes have been purified from
fungal cultures and characterized in terms of their biochemical and catalytic proper-
ties. It possesses antimicrobial activities and is used in bio-mineralization, as a food
for its high protein contents and as a biofertilizer.
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the Department of Biotechnology, Akal College of
Agriculture, Eternal University, Baru Sahib, and Department of Environment, Science and
Technology, Shimla, HP-funded project “Development of microbial consortium as bio-inoculants
for drought and low temperature growing crops for organic farming in Himachal Pradesh,” for
providing the facilities and financial support to undertake the investigations. There are no conflicts
of interest.
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in medical, 491 X
renewable natural resources, 496 Xenobiotic compounds, 463
White rot fungi (WRF), 3, 6, 9, 10, 73, 153, Xenobiotic detoxification
173, 203, 224, 225, 356, 386–389, LACs, 475, 476
391, 464, 482 peroxidases, 476–478
colour reduction levels, 89 silico approaches, 481
decolouration, 90 Xenobiotic pollutants, 465
dye degradation, 86–88 Xenobiotic remediation
En3, 90 bioremediation processes, 467
enzymes, 89 fungal strains, 479
laccases, 80, 81, 83 heme peroxidases, 467, 479
ligninolytic enzymes, 73 heterologous expression, 479, 482
lignolytic systems, 85 LACs, 468, 469
LiP, 81 mediators, 467
manganese peroxide and lignin oxidoreduction-catalyzing enzymes, 467
peroxide, 84 peroxidases (see Peroxidaes)
MnP, 81 Xenobiotics, 242
nitrogen, 85 Xenome, 464
nitrogen-limited glucose ammonium Xylan, 307
media, 88 Xylanase, 9, 12, 132, 133, 307–309
oyster mushroom, 74 Bacillus pumilus SV-205, 308
recalcitrant nature, 93 biological treatment, 309
toxicity and xenobiotic nature, 92 biopulping process, 307
types, 81 deinked ONP pulp, 309
xenobiotic degradation capacity, 73 hydrolysis, hemicellulose, 307
Wood optimizing submerged fermentation
biopulping, 310 conditions, 308
cheap source, paper pulp, 312 pollution free environment, 308
chipping, 307, 310 SSF, 308, 309
debarking, 307 xylano pectinolytic, 309
lignin biodegradation, 297 Xylanolytic enzyme system, 356–358
pulp and paper industry, 297, 313 Xyloglucans, 1
screening, 307 Xylulose, 391
triglycerides, 312
Wood-degrading fungi, 2, 4, 7–9
Wood-rotting fungi, 106 Z
Woollen industry, 76 Zygospores, 241