HM10 Bluetooth Module Datasheet
HM10 Bluetooth Module Datasheet
HM10 Bluetooth Module Datasheet
Datasheet V507
² SIG members
acquisition module
---- Master and slave role in one
---- Remote control without other MCU
---- The PIO data acquisition without other MCU
1. Product parameters
Ø BT Version: Bluetooth Specification V4.0 BLE
Ø Send and receive no bytes limit.
Ø Working frequency: 2.4GHz ISM band
Ø Modulation method: GFSK(Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying)
Ø RF Power: -23dbm, -6dbm, 0dbm, 6dbm, can modify through AT
Command AT+POWE.
Ø Speed: Asynchronous: 6K Bytes
Synchronous: 6K Bytes
Ø Security: Authentication and encryption
Ø Service: Central & Peripheral UUID FFE0,FFE1
Ø Power: +3.3VDC 50mA
Ø Long range: Open space have 100 Meters with iphone4s
Ø Power: In sleep mode 400uA~1.5mA, Active mode 8.5mA.
Ø Working temperature:–5 ~ +65 Centigrade
Ø Size: HM- 10 26.9mm x 13mm x 2.2 mm; HM-11 18*13.5*2.2mm
2. Product overview
Thanks for you choose our products. If you want to know more, can help you (Videos, New version datasheet, Module work
flow, project Codes, etc.)
HM Bluetooth module use CSR BlueCore or TI CC2540, Master and slave
roles in one, transmission version and remote control version and PIO state
acquisition functions in one, Support the AT command modify module
parameters, Convenient and flexible.
Transmission version can be used to transmit data between two Bluetooth
Remote Control version can be used to Control PIO ports output high or
low level without any other MCU.
The PIO state acquisition version can be used to acquisition PIO ports
state without any other MUC. (Only support Bluetooth V2.1)
HM-01, HM-02, HM-03, HM-04, HM-05, HM-06, HM-07, HM-08, HM-09 is
Bluetooth V2.1 version. Use CSR Chip.
HM-10, HM-11, HM-12 is Bluetooth V4.0 BLE version. Use TI Chip.
HM-01, HM-02, HM-09, HM-10 have same size and same pins.
HM-05, HM-06, HM-07, HM-11 have same size and same pins.
3. Product model
4. Product certificate
5. Product pictures
Dual mode
HM-11 HM-12
BLE 4.0 HM-13
No Name Description
10 NC NC
11 RESETB Reset if low >100ms.
12 VCC 3.3V
13 GND Ground
14 GND Ground
15 USB_D- USB interface
16 NC NC
17 NC NC
18 NC NC
19 NC NC
20 UB_D+ USB interface
21 GND Ground
22 GND Ground
No Name Description
1 UART_RTS UART interface
2 UART_TX UART interface
9 VCC V3.3
10 NC NC or VCC
7. System function
How to wake up module from sleep mode?
There are two ways to wake up module from sleep mode.
7.1 Send “I am iron man, I am iron man, I am iron man I am iron…..” string.
Yes, that is a joke, in sleep mode, you can send a long string (Length >
80 or more), that string can made module wake up, and you will receive
“OK+WAKE” string through UART. That string can’t include any AT commands.
7.2 Long press system KEY >=1000 ms.
After wake up module, you can send and receive AT commands.
How to let module into sleep mode?
In discoverable mode, send “AT+SLEEP” string through UART, if all is okay,
module will return “OK+SLEEP” string and into sleep mode.
System KEY function (PIO0)
Press if Low > 1000ms:
1. Test Command
Send Receive Parameter
AT OK None
If Module is not connected to remote device will receive: “OK”
If Module has connected, module will disconnected from remote device, if “AT
+ NOTI” is setup to 1, will receive: “OK+LOST”
2. Query module address
Send Receive Parameter
Setup baud:
Send: AT+BAUD1
Receive: OK+Set:1
Note: If setup to Value 7, After next power on, module will not support any
AT Commands, until PIO0 is pressed, Module will change Baud to 9600.
4. Clear Last Connected device address
Send Receive Parameter
Notice: Only Central role is used.
5. Try connect to last succeeded device
Send Receive Parameter
2: 0 Mode + 1 Mode
Default: 0
In mode 2, all data received from UART or remote device will be handled and
11. Query/Set Notify information
Send Receive Parameter
AT+NOTI? OK+Get:[para1] Para1: 0, 1
AT+NOTI[para1] OK+Set:[para1] 0: Don’t Notify
1: Notify
Default: 0
If this value is set to 1, when link ESTABLISHED or LOSTED module will
send OK+CONN or OK+LOST string through UART.
12. Query/Set Module name
Send Receive Parameter
change module name to bill_gates
Send: AT+NAMEbill_gates
Receive: OK+SetName:bill_gates
13. Query/Set Parity bit
Send Receive Parameter
Query PIO2
Send: AT+PIO2?
Setup PIO2 output high
Send: AT+PIO21
Receive: OK+PIO21
Default: 1
Only support peripheral role.
1:Don’t Save
Default: 0
This value is only used for Central Role, when module has Last Connected
29. Query/Set Module Bond Mode
Bluetooth Module 2.1 datasheet:
Bluetooth Module 4.0 datasheet:
Bluetooth Module 4.0 USB Dongle
Bluetooth 2.1 Com Assistant for android:
Bluetooth 4.0 Com Assistant for android 4.3:
Bluetooth 4.0 IOS Code:
Before August 2013, sales of the HM-10, when one of the reserve
components damage, can lead to a module can't work normally, this
component is no effect, you can choose to remove this component, I draw
it on the picture.
Thanks for you choose our products. If you want to know more, can help you (Videos, New version datasheet, Module
work flow, project Codes, etc.)