Nike's Talent Management and Succession Plannig
Nike's Talent Management and Succession Plannig
Nike's Talent Management and Succession Plannig
Question 1: Rationale
Research question (topic): The research question focuses on analyzing Nike’s talent management and
succession planning strategies for long term viability of the business.
Aim and Objectives: The aim of the proposal is to investigate analyze the success of Nike's present hiring
practices, employer branding, and onboarding procedures in relation to talent acquisition and examine
how well Nike's training and development initiatives fill skill shortages, support employees' career goals,
and increase engagement
(“Reviewing the Relation between Human One of the top seven requirements for human resource
Resources Practices, Talent Management managers in public sector organizations to provide their
and Succession Planning in UAE Public employees the training they need to accomplish strategic
Sector,” 2023). goals is a competent labour force
(“Impact of Talent Management and Human resources are extremely important in public sector
Succession Planning on the Organizational organizations in the United Arab Emirates that further
Competitiveness in the UAE Public contribute to the social, economic, political, and cultural
Authors Key Findings
The proposed methodology includes a mixed-method approach to gather data, combining quantitative
and qualitative techniques. A representative sample of workers from different departments and levels
will be given an employee survey. Statistical software will be used to analyze quantitative data from
surveys and performance data in order to find patterns, trends, and correlations. By combining
information from many sources, such as surveys and interviews, triangulating the results will guarantee
their validity and reliability. Clear communication to each participant the goals of the study, the methods
used, and any possible risks or rewards. Employees, HR staff, and anybody else participating in data
collecting fall under this category.
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