Thesis Final123 F 2
Thesis Final123 F 2
Thesis Final123 F 2
leads to deeper learning through a variety of tasks and contexts. This comes as
skills. The authentic data calls for a review of students’ cognitive learning
the education system. This requires cognitive skill in word choice, language
can help students to deal successfully with their academic demands and to
perform effectively in their disciplines and in varied learning tasks (Adams and
Keene, 2020).
Proficiency in writing comes as a huge challenge especially among non-
even more difficult for students to comprehend and much less to write logical
sentences into paragraphs and organize the paragraphs into a larger piece can
National Achievement Test for Grade 12 (NATG12) for School Year (SY) 2022-
2023 in January 30 and 31, 2023. All the Grade 12 students in public and
private schools nationwide took the test through a paper-based modality. The
which was way too low as the National consolidated mean rating. The decline
in the English proficiency was attributed to the school closure for two years due
into the level of cognitive learning of Grade 9 students and in particular, their
Further, the result of this study will serve as an authentic information on the
learning gaps. May this paper contribute constructively in the field of education
for the benefit of all students.
Its impact on their writing skills. Their demographic profile will serve as
1.What is the level of Cognitive learning skills of grade 9 students along these
1.1 accommodation;
1.3 equilibration?
3.Is there a significant difference in the level of Cognitive Learning of the Grade
3.2. Age?
Theoretical Framework
Theory which explains how students process information when they learn.
According to Piaget, (as cited by Jacob and Reddy) learning is cumulative and
relative to each individual, when students learn, they start with a baseline of
knowledge and go from there. Further Piaget postulated that cognitive learning
(Kendra, 2020). Piaget's Cognitive theory implies that all children go through
the same sequence of development, but they do so at different rates. Along this
perspective, teachers are to provide extra efforts to hone the students’ ability in
study explores how free-writing can help students develop their writing fluency,
creativity, and critical thinking skills. By developing the students’ cognitive skills,
the teachers may be able to mold and develop the learners’ writing capabilities
proficiency. With the available data, they may be able to plan, design and
Teacher. With the information herein, they may peruse the data to craft
Students. The students may benefit from this study as the literature herein may
provide relevant insight that may supplement what they already know. With
solving abilities as they grow older. Positive parenting has an impact on their
responses and helps them develop into optimistic, civic minded citizens as they
grow older.
their academic courses, this will also help them to understand the importance of
cognitive learning on writing skills and how its affect their learning style. This will
Definition of Terms
helping students maximize their brain’s potential. Cognitive learning has the
Accommodation. This refers on how students modify what they already know
Equilibration. This refers to the balance between what students already know
Writing skills. This refers to the skills students use to write effectively and
succinctly. A good writer is someone who can communicate their point to their
audience without using too much fluff and in a way that the other person can
Spelling accuracy. This refers to the ability of the students to decipher and
encode words correctly. Learning how to spell correctly helps to develop literacy
the rules of grammar, the students are able to improve their writing proficiency.
that explains the variables and sub- indicators of the study and their implications
for the findings. It is divided into two sections namely: Impact of Cognitive
Cognitive Learning
know. So, it’s like building blocks of knowledge on top of each other. This idea of
components and the information that is processed through this complex network
(Neisser, 2017).
about human learning and behavior, they often differ regarding emphasis. Some
regulate attention, organize searches of the environment, and fill in the gaps”
Thus, the mind uses schemata to selectively organize and process all the
information individuals receive from the world (Baron & Byrne, 2018). This
the vast flow of sensory input (Blumenthal, 2020).
The system chooses, arranges and encodes for storage new information
(Bell-Gredler, 2019). Within this process, attention deals with what individuals
notice, while encoding involves the preparation of data for storage. When
encoding new information, schemata seldom copy the input exactly as received;
that which corresponds to the currently active script (Mayer, 2017). Therefore,
cognitive components. When one experiences sensory input, the raw data is
briefly captured in a sensory buffer. This receiver has unlimited capacity, but
stored knowledge to sensory input and consequently encode the stimuli into
This concept differs from the behavioral view of association which is based
on the learner’s actions rather than on events in the environment”. The roots of
cognitive theory can be traced to systems of ancient philosophy that date as far
back as 400 B.C. Plato’s idealism is based on the premise that reality only
consists of spirit and mind. According to Plato, the universe is comprised of good and perfect abs
vast system that revolves around just a few axioms (Bell-Gredler, 2018).
expectancies are fulfilled, then they are confirmed and remain part of one’s
experiments, three sets formats ran a maze daily for several weeks. The first
group -received food at the end of the maze while the second did not. The last
group received no food for the first ten days, but was then given the reward on
the eleventh day. The third group’s performance subsequently improved to the
extent that its error rate virtually matched that of the first group (Bell-Gredler,
When the individual encounters a region of life space with two positive
child were going to a playground with others, he or she would get to play with
the friends in addition to enjoying the rides. When both positive and negative
upon which other theorists would later build; for example, Bernard Weiner’s
influential attribution theory expounded upon Lewin’s cognitive motivation by studying success an
pictures, they would constantly fabricate the final display before seeing it. In
fact, they even stated that they remembered specific details in the initial
displays that did not actually exist (Bartlett, 2019). As Bartlett states, “the
observers were constantly ‘filling up gaps’ without waiting for the confirmation of
between his or her experiences and mental actions. The world is represented
and language that directly relate to concrete objects. Within these operations,
present. During the formal operations stage (ages 10-14), the child can delve
Accommodation and assimilation are the key terms, including in the theory
human progress. The former concept is critical for describing the way people
learn by interacting with the world, and it means the process of forming
information, and it implies the application of critical thinking for comparing old
and new models of one’s behavior to find what is credible (Nickerson, 2021).
development. However, James Mark Baldwin had already used the terms to
generalization in advanced mathematics. They offer a theoretical argument and empirical examp
are three very important factors that are attributed to development: maturation,
experience, and the social environment. But where his theory differs involves
attempt to keep its cognitive schemes in balance". Also see Piaget (1977), &/or
understanding of it, and therefore, to flourish in it. This is where the concept of
equilibration comes into play. If a child is confronted with information that does
not fit into his or her previously held schemes, disequilibrium is said to occur.
This, as one would imagine, is unsatisfactory to the child, so he or she will try to
fix it. The incongruence will be fixed in one of three ways. The child will either
scheme. Using any of these methods will return the child to a state of
Writing Skills
teachers would be aware of the writing process this would help in teaching
appropriate strategies and that would also improve the writing skills of the
students. (Oberman et all 2019).
students don’t know how to express themselves in writing, they won’t be able to
communicate well with others. (Walsh, 2020). This idea of Walsh 2020 states
that if the students manage to learn the material in their classes or out in the
Writing is one of the skills that must be learnt in teaching learning English.
explorer thoughts and ideas, make them visible and concrete. Writing
action to share and convey information by using written language as the media.
Therefore, writing means that the student can communicate their ideas and their
thought to others through written from such as letters, message or invitation for
effective, using the right choice of words, and conventions that are correct and
communicate in order that reader can easily to read and comprehend writing
explicitly to make reader easy to understand the message or ideas that are
Spelling Accuracy
more difficult task for students who are blind because they have to learn to read
and write signs, abbreviations and contractions in braille and yet need to learn
by heart the full spelling of a word to produce a print copy (Arter, 2018). There is
evidence that children with severe visual impairment are more likely to
Braille writing is a tactile code of raised dots that enables individuals with low or
cell, which consists of six raised dots distributed into the scheme of two
columns and three rows. The pattern of the raised dots creates a total of 63
technical writing. The lists were designed to facilitate pruning of errors from our
eliminate the simple mistakes that were notorious for irritating our reviewers and
editors, and that were equally notorious for slipping our minds. The checklists
and colleagues, who passed them along to others. Our hope is that this
guidance will make writing, editing, and publishing more pleasant and efficient
for others as well. Little of it is of our own making. Most was gleaned from those
irritated reviewers and editors, and from books and articles authored by
Conformity of style does not mean that technical writing must be boring
and dull. The successful technical writer focuses on writing documents that
engage the reader, ease understanding, and low logically, and that place the
needs of the reader above all else. For example, readers have certain
expectations about the structure and organization of writing (Gopen and Swan
(Gopen and Swan 2020).
Written Expression
planning and revision see, for example, Bereiter and Scardamalia (2020).
The simple view of writing (SVW; Berninger et al., 2018) is likely the
framework with the most research and direct implications for practice. Much like
the SVR, writing is seen as the combination of transcription (ability to make the
the moderating variable. The indicators of the demographic profile are; gender
and age. The cognitive learning is the independent variable with its indicators;
variable of this study is the writing skills with its indicators; spelling accuracy,
Independent VariableDependent Variable
The null hypothesis stated in this study at the 0.05 alpha level of significance
are the following:
Research Design
In this study, the researchers will employ the quantitative method and
learning and writing skills of grade 9 students. Furthermore, this design will also
learning, and the dependent variable is the writing skills of junior high school
Research Locale
Incorporated, located at Dura Tibas Street, Poblacion, Kiblawan Davao del Sur
students whom 75% of the population will be the respondents of the study.
Table 1. The population of grade 9 students.
Narra 25
Molave 25
Total 50
Sampling Procedure
To estimate the sample size needed for the study, the researchers will employ
the random sampling technique, wherein 75% of grade 9 students will serve as
the respondents to this study. The random sampling technique will be used so
that there is an equal probability of each student being chosen. A sample will be
work will be done, that includes the following: (1) tallying and scoring of
from the study. The interpretation of scores of Grades 9 students of the level of
relationship between the cognitive learning and writing skills of the Grade 9
Table 1. The scale for the interpretation of the degree of students’ responses on
the mean scores on Cognitive Learning of Grade 9 Junior High School
Scale Verbal Interpretation
5 Very High Measures of cognitive learning are always manifested.
4 High Measures of cognitive learning are often manifested.
3 Moderate Measures of cognitive learning are sometimes
2 Low Measures of cognitive learning are seldom manifested.
1 Very Low Measures of cognitive learning never manifested.
Table 2.The scale for the interpretation of the degree of students’ responses on
the mean scores of Grade 9 students’ Writing skills
Scale Verbal Interpretation
5 Exemplary The students have assessed their writing skills
as high proficiency
4 High The students have assessed their writing skills
as above proficiency
3 Moderate The students have assessed their writing skills
as middle proficiency level.
2 Low The students have assessed their writing skills
as low proficiency level.
1 Did not The students have assessed their
meet writing skills as very low proficiency
expectations level.
Table 3. The scale for the interpretation of the degree of a significant relationship
between the level of cognitive learning and the level of writing skills of Grade 9 Junior
High School students.
r Value Degree of Relationship
+1.00 Perfect positive (negative) correlation
+0.00 No correlation
Research Instrument
the field. The questionnaire will contain three parts, which will be answered by
the Grade 9 students. The first part will look into the students’ demographic
profiles as grade 9 students. The second part will look at the level of students’
cognitive learning skills. However, the third part will look at their level of writing
The researchers will gather data for the Grade 9 Junior High School
researchers will also gather the demographic profile of the students, specifically
their gender and age. The respondents will answer the survey questionnaire
with their full responsibility for participation in the conduct of the study.
1. First and Foremost, obtain permission from the office of the Education
3. The researchers will then furnish a copy of the endorsement letter to the
principal of SCBMCI to inform her about the objectives of the study and that the
participation of Grade 8 students is voluntary.
4. A consent letter will be given to the grade 8 students to assure them that
their participation is purely voluntary. All the consent letters signed by the grade
voluntarily participated in the study. If the students find the study contrary their
views and opinions, they will be given freedom to back out without any
to statistical treatment.
Statistical Tools
standard deviation.
3. The ANOVA shall be used to establish the significant difference in the level
cognitive learning of grade 9 students according to their demographic profile.
4. The ANOVA shall be used to establish the significant difference in the level
Ethical Consideration
Before data is collected, ethical concerns and issues will be taken into
account when conducting this study. The researchers shall seek approval to
conduct the study from the office of the Education Program Chair. The
researcher will comply with this policy by ensuring the suitability of the
economic). The consent forms for the study’s participants will be provided, and
they will be made to sign voluntarily. Every respondent will be given the
assurance that their rights will be treated fairly, especially when it comes to the
Voluntary Participation. The primary goal of the study will be explained to the
student respondents in this survey, along with the fact that their participation is
entirely voluntary. They will be free to withdraw from the study without facing
the organizations or location’s consent. To get approval to carry out the study in
the designated research location, the researchers will send letter of consent to the Education Pro
Plagiarism. To carefully convey the information from the other researchers, the
researchers in this study will paraphrase it. No attempt will be made in this
study to claim someone else’s work as their own. At the exact time the
researchers mention a piece of work, the researchers will give the author’s full
won’t involve any high-risk situations that the participants might encounter. The
stringent IATF guidelines shall be followed. Using a face mask while conducting
the study will strictly not be prohibited. The rights of the study’s respondents will
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