UAS Business Analytic

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BINUS University

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 Kemanggisan  Senayan  Semarang Academic Year :

 Alam Sutera  Bandung 2022 / 2023
 Bekasi  Malang
Exam Type* : Onsite / Online Faculty / Dept. : School of Information
Systems / Information
Day / Date** : Thursday/9 February 2023 Code - Course : ISYS6196003-Business
Time** : 13.00 WIB Code - Lecturer : Team
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Lay Christian (D5295) and sent to Department/Program on January 6th, 2023

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Lay Christian (D5295) and sent to Department/Program on January 6th, 2023

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Additional Instruction:

1. Answer the question in Excel spreadsheet only and upload the file into Binusmaya.


1. Khan open a pig satay street food at Pecinan, Cirebon. Each satay sold for Rp. 3.500,- with
cost for each satay is Rp. 500,-. Khan have to pay a fix cost Rp 750.000,- per month. From
his research estimated 35.000 satay demanded in one month.
a. Make a spreadsheet profit model for Khan to calculate the monthly profit. (4 points)
b. Help Khan to create a data table to see the profit if the cost for each satay are Rp. 350 ,
Rp. 400, Rp. 450 and Rp. 500. And the price for each satay start from Rp. 2.500 , Rp.
2.600, Rp. 2.700, … up to Rp. 3.500 ?(4 points)
c. Provide your answer with detail step-by-step with Screen shoot evidence on how you find
the answer of point b. (2 points)

2. Based on case no 1, Khan found out that the demand probability as below

Demand Probability
35.000 0,35
40.000 0,25
45.000 0,20
50.000 0,15
55.000 0,05

a. Create a profit simulation if the satay cost minimum Rp. 350,- and maximum Rp 500,-.
And Fix cost minimum Rp 500.000,- , maximum Rp. 1.000.000,- and most likely Rp.
7500.000,- (8 points)
b. Give your insight based on simulation results (2 points)
c. Provide your answer with final Screen shoot showing the formula on how you find the
answer of point b. (2 points)

3. Based on case no 2,

a. Analyse the results with summary statistic , frequency distribution, profit percentile ,
histogram. (6 points)
b. and give your insight based on the results. (2 points)
c. Provide your answer with final Screen shoot showing the formula on how you find the
answer of point b. (2 points)

4. Shima House in Bekasi have 75 employee to produce male and female shoes. 75% of the
employee assign to produce male and female shoes and the rest assign as finishing team (QA
and packaging). They work 5 days a week with working hours 7 hours per day. To create a
pair of man shoes need 2 hours and 1 hours for a pair of female shoes. Finishing proses need
0,2 hours for a pair of man shoes and 0,1 hours for a pair of female shoes. The owner
expected that the female shoes produced must be at least twice the number of male shoes
pair. Estimated profit for each pair of male shoes are Rp 60.000,- and Rp 90.000,- for each
pair of female shoes.
Verified by,

Lay Christian (D5295) and sent to Department/Program on January 6th, 2023

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a. Create a mathematical model for this case (6 Points)
b. Create a spreadsheet model for point a. (6 Points)

5. Based on question no 4, do the following task:

a. Create a graphical interpretation of the case and find the feasible region (5 points)
b. Find the optimal solution using excel solver(5 points)
c. Provide your answer with final Screen shoot showing the formula on how you find the
answer of point b. (2 points)

6. Basuki receive 10 order to create a furniture from several clients . The job, time needed
to finished it , and the due date can be seen as follows:

Job No Job Time in days Due Date in days

1 Job 1 – Furniture Client A 10 20
2 Job 2 – Furniture Client B 8 30
3 Job 3 – Furniture Client C 9 25
4 Job 4 – Furniture Client B 14 29
5 Job 5 – Furniture Client D 7 18
6 Job 6 – Furniture Client E 11 15
7 Job 7 – Furniture Client A 6 17
8 Job 8 – Furniture Client C 8 28
9 Job 9 – Furniture Client F 12 32
10 Job 10 – Furniture Client D 9 23

a. Create a job sequencing model for this case (5 points)

b. Find the optimal job sequencing for this case (5 points)
c. Provide your answer with final Screen shoot showing the formula on how you find the
answer of point b. (2 points)

7. Anna Hotel in Bali is considering to determine the best rates and room sizes to maximize
revenues. Currently, the hotel has 200 rooms with the following history:

Room Type Rate (in Thousand Daily Average Room

Rp) Sold
Single Bed Room 2000 80
Double Bed Room 2500 85
Family Room 3500 35

Market segment price/demand elasticity estimates as follows:

Room Type Price Elasticity of

Single Bed Room -1
Double Bed Room -2
Family Room -1

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Lay Christian (D5295) and sent to Department/Program on January 6th, 2023

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From the management meeting decision, the director want to keep the price of a single bed
room between Rp 1.500.000 and Rp 2.300.000, a Double bed room between Rp 2.300.000 and
Rp 2.800.000, and a Family room between Rp 3.200.000 and Rp 4.000.000.
a. Create a spreadsheet hotel price model for this case and find the optimal new price (4
b. How many estimated revenue increased if the director plan to open another 50 rooms (4
c. Provide your answer with final Screen shoot showing the formula on how you find the
answer of point b. (2 points)

8. Khan recently found a potential place for their shoes production at Sepatan and considering
moving its home industry at Bekasi to there. The Key considerations in this decision are the
transportation, labour, and production costs at the two place. Complicating matters is the
fact that marketing is predicting a decline in the demand for shoes. The company developed
three scenarios:
a. Demand falls slightly, with no noticeable effect on production with probability
b. Demand and production decline 20% with probability 25%.
c. Demand and production decline 35% with probability 40%.
The following table shows the total costs under each decision and scenario.

Slightly Decline 25% Decline 45% Decline

Stay in Bekasi Rp 60.000.000,- Rp 50.000.000,- Rp 40.000.000,-
Move to Sepatan Rp 50.000.000,- Rp 40.000.000,- Rp 30.000.000,-

Construct a decision tree and compute the roll-back values to find the best expected value
decision (10 Points)

9. Brain is deciding whether to invest in a stock market or a cryptocurrency market in 2023.

Both stock and Cryptocurrency funds are sensitive to changing in exchange market. Her
analysis reveals shown as below:

Exchange Market in Million Rupiah

Stable Decline Growing
Stock 300 100 450
Cryptocurrency 400 -100 1.200

And the probability of each scenario as below:

Exchange Market in Million Rupiah

Stable Decline Growing
Stock 35% 20% 45%
Cryptocurrency 6% 30% 64%

Construct a decision tree and compute the roll-back values to find the best expected value
decision (10 Points)

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Lay Christian (D5295) and sent to Department/Program on January 6th, 2023

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10. Create video that showing a step-by-step to create the answer of case no 2, 4 and 5 with
max video is 10 Minutes and provide the link to the video. You may upload the video to
your YouTube or Google Drive account. Recommended format for Video is MP4 or upload
your video to YouTube and share the URL on your spreadsheet. It is to make sure your
lecturer can open the video. (4 Points)

Verified by,

Lay Christian (D5295) and sent to Department/Program on January 6th, 2023

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