Review of Literature of Medicinal Plants in India

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Exploring the intricate world of medicinal plants in India is a journey filled with rich history, cultural

significance, and invaluable insights into traditional healing practices. However, delving into the vast
expanse of literature surrounding this subject can be a daunting task for many researchers and
enthusiasts alike.

Writing a literature review on medicinal plants in India requires meticulous attention to detail,
extensive research, and a deep understanding of botanical science, ethnobotany, pharmacology, and
traditional medicine systems such as Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani.

Navigating through the vast array of scholarly articles, research papers, books, and journals can often
feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Moreover, synthesizing the information obtained from
these sources into a cohesive and insightful literature review demands both time and expertise.

From identifying relevant studies to critically analyzing their findings and synthesizing the
information into a coherent narrative, every step of the literature review process presents its own set
of challenges. Researchers must sift through conflicting viewpoints, interpret complex data, and
discern the validity and reliability of the sources they encounter.

Furthermore, crafting a literature review that not only summarizes existing knowledge but also adds
new insights and perspectives to the discourse requires a high level of analytical thinking, writing
proficiency, and academic rigor.

In light of these challenges, many individuals may find themselves in need of expert assistance to
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Clinical trials, wherever conducted have been mentioned. This book brings out all this medicinal
plant wealth at one place. Both traditional uses and modern pharmaceutical uses have been given.
Some of these Indian Medicinal plants are easily available and can be grown at kitchen gardens in
the definite climate conditions. 1. Aloe Vera Image by PollyDot from Pixabay Aloe vera has been
one of the most favorite and beneficial herbal medicinal plants on the list. With the rising popularity
and the rediscovery of TCM in the western world, the impact of this holistic approach is far
reaching. The experiments conducted and the compiled data is subjected to careful scrutiny by the
experts of the scientific committee. It is addressed to undergraduate and postgraduate students of
botany, teachers, academicians, researchers, practitioners of traditional and alternative medicine and
all those interested in herbal medicine. Clinical trials, wherever conducted have been mentioned. The
samples are worked out for their pharmacognostic and phytochemical features through experiments
while the information on the distribution of the plants, vernacular names, chemical constituents,
pharmacological activity, safety aspects, clinical studies if any, therapeutic claims and any other
details are derived from the published literature and compiled in the form of a monograph, along
with complete references of the work cited. The regulatory authorities may also find it useful as a
reference. TLC is found to be more practically feasible and suitable to resolve most of the
components of the extract under study. If no specific toxicity is reported, it is considered to be safe
in the dose traditionally used. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil
impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis
dolor repellendus. These quality standards will be of great help to all those engaged in developing
various quality products from Indian medicinal plants. Read More, Rainbow Eucalyptus: The most
colorful tree on our earth Make sure you have at least one indoor herb in your house. As a result,
orders may take an extra 10-14 days for fulfilment. While, the domestic trade in herbal drug
preparations used in Indian Systems of Medicine is to the tune of Rs. 4200 crores per annum, the
annual export from India to the tune of Rs. 400 crores only. It is one of the most used plants by
Indians to treat inflammation, breakouts, burns, and other problems as well. This book is a timely
publication on the subject and deals with a series of selected 135 medicinal plants which are in
common use. The present volume is 14th in this series and contains monographs on 35 plants. Please
complete this form to request a complimentary copy. The experiments conducted and the compiled
data is subjected to careful scrutiny by the experts of the scientific committee. Medicinal plants in
India This is the list of Medicinal plants in India you should know about. As sold in the market, katha
is found in irregular pieces or small square blocks of grayish color, which after breaking show
crystalline fracture. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. But this approach
would have defeated the purpose of correlating the activity of a part of the plant used in Indigenous
Systems of Medicine with the constituents occurring in that respective part of the plant. The
Troubleshooting Science Books Method Validation in Pharmaceutical Analysis Food Science and
Technology Books Chocolate Science and Technology Book Weight Control And Slimming
Ingredients In Food Technology Snack Foods Processing by Edmund W. The book also lists the
distribution and popular nomenclature in english, sanskrit, hindi, malayalam and tamil. Therefore, in
the present business and industrial scenario, and considering the interest and faith that people have
on herbal products, the need for their standardization cannot be over emphasized. Such studies need
not follow the rigor of the study of new chemical drugs because the herbal drugs are already a drug
and are in use as drugs for thousands of years, hence they need just a re-valuation in a clinical
setting adapting 'Reverse Pharmacology' approach.
In such a rising global market trend and scientific awareness of medicinal plant products, there exist
many fold opportunities in various segments such as traditional medicines, home remedies,
nutraceuticals, phytopharmaceuticals, natural drug molecules, gums, mucilages, natural dyes, insect
repellants, insecticides, pesticides etc. Illustrated figures and photographs are also given. This has
been done purposely to meaningfully correlate the biological activity exhibited by a medicinal plant
or a particular part thereof under description with the chemical constituent(s) occurring in the plant
or the particular part. In an effort to address this problem, the Indian Council of Medical Research
initiated work on the preparation of standards for herbal raw material involving several reputed
research institutes in the country. I agree to the use and processing of my personal information for
this purpose. Further, the increase in the incidence of toxicity reported due to the indiscriminate use
of herbal preparations available over the counter and as food supplements make it important to
ensure their safety and efficacy. The present volume is 9th in this series and contains monographs on
35 plants. All returned items must be in new and unused condition, with all original tags and labels
attached. I agree to the use and processing of my personal information for this purpose. A Task
Force was constituted, list of plants drawn and the work was carried out at four institutions viz.,
B.Y. Patel Pharmaceutical Education and Research Development Centre, Ahmedabad; National
Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow; National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and
Research, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) and Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute,
Thiruvanthapuram. It is also common in the dry plains and lower hill forests of upper and lower
Burma. I hope that just like the first volume, the second volume will also be of great help to
medicinal plant based drug industry, drug regulatory authorities, researchers and academicians
involved in work on medicinal plants. In this Supplement, natl stands for Natural and Nat for
National whereas the international standards demand vice versa. Better quality would inevitably help
in raising the acceptance of Indian plant based health care products. CONTENTS: Introduction
Aromatherapy Fragrance Extraction Distillation Orange Oil Mentha Arvensis Oil Peppermint Oil
Mentha Arvensis Oil Cedarwood Lemon Eucalyptus Globulus Litsea Cubeba Clove Spearmint Rose
Oil Cananga Odorata Vanilla Sandalwood Mandarin Orange Cinnamon Cymbopogan Rose Hip
Bibliography Call Us Get Details Indian Medicinal Plants A Compendium of 500 Species Approx.
The medicinal plants are not only major components of the many formulations used in Indigenous
Systems o Medicines but also of a large number of drugs in Allopathic. Toxicity details in cattle and
poultry, wherever available, have been given. In such a scenario proper quality control of the herbal
raw material as well as finished products becomes essential. ABROMA AUGUSTA (Linn.) L. f.
Family: STERCULIACEAE Vernacular names — Sanskrit, Pinchaskarpas; Hindi, Olat kambal;
English, Devil’s cotton; Bengali, Olatkambal; Nepalese, Mhashukapay; Sanukpasi, Sinhalese,
Peevary; Japanese, Aogiri; Chinese, Taimeo; German, Abrome; Unani, Ulat kambal. This has serious
implications, and physicians and manufacturers of ayurvedic medicine have therefore had a critical
interest in obtaining authentic descriptions of medicinal plants in currently valid taxonomic terms.
They have likewise been interested in documenting the local-common names, the properties of
specific parts which have medicinal value, and botanically accurate illustrations. Over three-quarters
of the world population rely on the use of traditional medicines for their primary health care needs.
Features: Highly demanded Reasonable price Highly appreciated Call Us Get Details Kava from
Ethnology to Pharmacology Approx. In all the cases, sample preparation is optimized to enable
complete extraction of compounds of interest. Inadequacy or lack of standardization of raw materials
has been one of the most constraining factors in our ability to exploit the fast growing world market
of herbal drugs to the required extent, despite India being credited with unique heritage of abundant
biodiversity. Clinical trials, wherever conducted have been mentioned. The structures of important
compounds and active principles (if known) are given. If no specific toxicity is reported, it is
considered to be safe in the dose traditionally used. The information is derived in majority of the
cases from the original published articles in journals of repute. The only thing to take care of is that,
don’t consume this herb randomly like another one from the list. In such a scenario proper quality
control of the herbal raw as well as the finished products becomes essential.
The details provided under the following sub-heads are mentioned as under. As a result, orders may
take an extra 10-14 days for fulfilment. The compilation is also intended to serve as an inventory of
the Indian medicinal plants, which have been investigated. The result of their painstaking effort is
this treatise in five volumes, the last of which includes the bibliography and index. Better quality
would inevitably help in raising the acceptance of Indian plant based health products. It is one of the
richest country in plant wealth and medicinal plant heritage. The long pepper plant is a herb that is
mostly combined with some other essentials from the books of Ayurveda create amazing medicines.
While making the structures of the chemical constituents, stereochemistry is also taken into
consideration wherever information on stereochemistry of specific compounds is available. With
thousands of years of proven use, Chinese medicinal plants have demonstrated their efficacy and
safety and will continueto make new contributions to the cosmetic and personal care industry. We
only use this information to personally address you in your newsletter. Habitat — Throughout India
from the Himalayas down to southern India and Sri Lanka. Careful inhalation of the oils can also
provide therapeutic benefit as the oil molecules enter the lungs and are absorbed into the
bloodstream. In India the raw material for herbal medicinal products is mostly procured from wild
sources, there is every possibility of vast variation of chemical constituents in the material collected
from different geographical sources. I agree to the use and processing of my personal information
for this purpose. The samples are worked out for their pharmacognostic and phytochemical features
through experiments while the information on the distribution of the plants, vernacular names,
chemical constituents, pharmacological activity, safety aspects, clinical studies if any, therapeutic
claims and any other details are derived from the published literature and compiled in the form of a
monograph, along with complete references of the work cited. But wherever such correlation exists,
the same has been highlighted. As before, the information on plants is arranged alphabetically
according to their botanical names. These quality standards will be of great help to all those engaged
in developing various quality products from Indian medicinal plants. Medicinal Plants Unit of the
Indian Council of Medical Research has initiated a programme for the preparation of quality
standards for herbal raw materials involving several research institutes of Country to address this
problem. The experiments conducted and the compiled data is subjected to careful scrutiny by the
experts of the scientific committee. The studies complemented by literature backup has resulted in
the preparation of monographs on 32 individual medicinal plants which have been covered in the
present first volume. The present volume is 6th in this series and contains monographs on 35 plants.
It is easy to grow as well as maintain in any space either indoors or outdoors. Additional information
on regional names, habit and habit uses ascribed, ethno botanical studies, etc. Special features
Scientific name and name of the plant family. You can select express shipping while checking out on
the website. As a result, orders may take an extra 10-14 days for fulfilment. The information is
derived in majority of the cases from the original published articles in journals of repute. Various
international agencies like World Health Organization have been emphasizing on the importance and
need of standardization of herbal raw material. If no specific toxicity is reported, it is considered to
be safe in the dose traditionally used.
Thus, the need for development of quality standards and preparation of monographs there on, cannot
be over emphasized. Female flowers in cones consisting of scale-like open carpels which are flat and
bear 1 to 2 naked ovules. The current publication is the second volume of the above series. In such a
scenario, proper quality control of the herbal raw material becomes essential. The chemical
constituents are listed under two sub heads, viz., major and others. Under the former category, the
chemical constituents which are either present in significant amount in the drug or are important
from the activity point of view (active principle of the drug), even if present in relatively small
amounts. It is believed that the key to successful medication is the use of the correct herb. The plants
Achras Zapota and Agati species have not been included due to change of nomenclature status of
the plant species of Manilkara Zapota and Sesbania species, respectively. Medicines in india are used
by about 60 per cent of the world s population. More than 200 medicinal plants are used in modern
medicine. Similarly, the names of the families have been given according to the currently accepted
pattern. The seeds are poisonous when ground into a paste and made into needles which are inserted
under the skin of animals to kill them. He is also director of S.K.A. Ayurveda, Milan, Italy. Professor
Pullaiah has published 23 books, 180 research papers and 35 popular articles. Ayurveda, the ancient
Indian system of medicine fully recognises and utilises the medicinal properties of plants. These
monographs are outcome of the ICMR programme carried out at Agharkar Research Institute, Pune;
BV Patel Pharmaceutical Education and Research Development Centre, Ahmedabad; Captain Srini
vasa Murti Drug Research Institute for Ayurveda, Chennai; Centre for Medicinal Plants Research,
Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal and National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow. The original work
which drew on classical texts, current research as well as the oral medical knowledge of tribal groups
has been updated by scholars associated with the Arya Vaidya Sala in Kottakkal, India. He is an
Editor of Journal “New Botanist” for forestry Sector. The main texts present properties and uses in a
format which cites ancient verse texts and ethno botanical sources. It is mainly used to cure problems
targeting liver problems, tumors, ulcers and sores, urinary complaints, intestinal worms, swelling, and
seizures, and as a heart tonic. This endevour may help in improving quality of plant based drugs in
our country. While making the structures of the chemical constituents, stereochemistry is also taken
into consideration wherever information on stereochemistry of specific compounds is available.
Several factors are known to influence the quality of the herbal raw material. TLC is found to be
more practically feasible and suitable to resolve most of the components of the extract under study.
Chemical constituents — it contains a crystalline alkaloid Known as taxin. Over three-quarters of
the world population rely on the use of traditional medicines for their primary health care needs. The
results of experiments conducted and the compiled data are subjected to careful scrutiny by the
experts of the Technical Review Committee. In such a scenario the proper quality control of the
herbal raw material as well as the finished products become essential. This activity has necessitated
the requirement of good quality of raw material, consequently it became important to establish
quality parameters of the raw materials. As a result, the demand for herbal raw material also
increased. Both traditional uses and modern pharmaceutical uses have been given.
Medicinal Plants Division of the Indian Council of Medical Research has initiated a programme for
the preparation of quality standards for herbal raw materials involving several research institutes of
country to address this problem. Mucilaginous cavities, starch grains, and rosette crystals of calcium
oxalate have been reported in root and stem, as well as the other normal tissues. If no specific
toxicity is reported, it is considered to be safe in the dose traditionally used. They both have many
uses, for example, both are used as flavourings and as a medicine. Features: Quality Bound Excellent
layout Affordable costs Book discusses the medicinal values of mint Call Us Get Details Lavender
The Genus Lavandula Approx. The seeds are reported to be a hot, dry tonic and an aphrodisiac. His
treatise on 500 medicinal plants chosen by him perhaps at random, forms the nucleus of the present
compendium. Vital has resulted in the production of this volume, which is first in the series and
deals with 32 medicinal plants. The compendium should also be of relevance to the fields of ethno
botany and Sanskrit studies. Clinical trials, wherever conducted have been mentioned. Nambiar,
Warrier, V. P. K., Ramankutty, C and P.K. are the ones responsible for the publication of the book.
First of all, it grows very easily in your inner space and doesn’t require much sunlight or heat. If no
specific toxicity is reported, it is considered to be safe in the dose traditionally used. In such a
scenario proper quality control of the herbal raw material and finished products become essential. He
was a Post Doctoral Fellow at Moscow State University, Russia during 1976-78. Encyclopedia of
Medicinal Plants by Andrew Chevallier. All returned items must be in new and unused condition,
with all original tags and labels attached. The samples are worked out for their pharmacognostic and
phytochemical features through experiments while the information on the distribution of the plants,
vernacular names, chemical constituents, pharmacological activity, safety aspects, clinical studies if
any, therapeutic claims and any other details are derived from the published literature and compiled
in the form of a monograph, along with complete references of the work cited. A review of the
valuable Ayurvedic texts like 'Caraka Samhita' and 'Susruta Samhita' manifests that an incredible
1600 of the 2000 odd Ayurvedic formulations are plant based. The information is derived in
majority of the cases from the original published articles in journals of repute. Retusa Sida spinosa
Smilax china Solanum anguivi Solanum melongena Solanum nigrum Solanum surattense Solanum
tuberosum Solena amplexicaulis Spermacoce hispida Sphaeranthus indicus Spondias pinnata
Sterculia foetida Stereospermum colais Streblus asper Strychnos nux-vomica Strychnos potatorum
Swertia chirayita Symplocos cochinchinensis ssp. But before all this we need the presently existing
information about each plant drug and the present book produced by Dr. Ptakash Paranjpe is a good
help in this regard. At places, wherever available, the relevant information and comparative features
of the adulterants and substitutes have also been given. But wherever such correlation exists, the
same has been highlighted. The experiments conducted and the compiled data is subjected to careful
scrutiny by the experts of the scientific committee. At the end Index to Sanskrit Names and Index to
Trade Names have been given. The samples are worked out for their pharmacognostic and
phytochemical features through experiments while the information on the distribution of the plants,
vernacular names, chemical constituents, pharmacological activity, safety aspects, clinical studies if
any, therapeutic claims and any other details are derived from the published literature and compiled
in the form of a monograph, along with complete references of the work cited. In India the raw
material for herbal medicinal products is mostly procured from wild sources, there is every
possibility of vast variation of chemical constituents in the material collected from different
geographical sources. Learn more here. What is the difference between the pricing plans. A number
of factors such as age and origin of the plant, time of its collection, method of drying, garbling,
storage etc.
Special features Scientific name and name of the plant family. Ever since ancient times to modern
methodologies, this ingredient has been a cult favorite in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, aromatherapy,
perfume industry, and soap industry as well. Moreover, the quality of raw materials used in the
herbal drugs assumes special significance particularly in context of conducting experimental studies,
clinical trials and their therapeutic value. The oil extracted from tulsi leaves is used against insects
and bacteria. Vital has resulted in the production of this volume, which is first in the series and deals
with 32 medicinal plants. Medicines in india are used by about 60 per cent of the world s population.
There are a number of challenges in sustainable industrial exploitation of medicinal plants bioresource
for all the segments mentioned. It is very useful in treating dysentery, constipation, and diarrhea. All
returned items must be in new and unused condition, with all original tags and labels attached. It
smells amazing and also is extremely beneficial as well. He has also pursued the full course in Italian
language of Italian Embassy Cultural Centre, at Deccan College, Pune. These monographs are
outcome of the ICMR programme carried out at Agharkar Research Institute, Pune; BV Patel
Pharmaceutical Education and Research Development Centre, Ahmedabad; Captain Srini vasa Murti
Drug Research Institute for Ayurveda, Chennai; Centre for Medicinal Plants Research, Arya Vaidya
Sala, Kottakkal and National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow. He is an advisor of the
Government of India for whole Eastern Region on Floristic Research and a member of FLORA
INDIA. The commendable efforts and co-operation of the Chairman and the members of Scientific
Advisory Group, the Task Force, the Technical Review Committee as also the investigators and the
research institutions in bringing out this publication are appreciable. It is thus, reasonable to use the
naturally occurring wholesome medicinal plant material for standardization. The present volume is
6th in this series and contains quality standards of another 35 plants. Some of these Indian Medicinal
plants are easily available and can be grown at kitchen gardens in the definite climate conditions. 1.
Aloe Vera Image by PollyDot from Pixabay Aloe vera has been one of the most favorite and
beneficial herbal medicinal plants on the list. The chemical constituents are listed under two sub
heads, viz.; major and others. Under the former category, the chemical constituents which are either
present in, significant amount in the drug or are important from the activity point of view (active
principle of the drug), even if present in relatively small amounts are given. Under the second
category of other chemical constituents which are in small amount or their contribution towards the
activity of the drug is not known, are listed. Hederagenin, as saponin has beep retained because of
the residual sugar moiety in the genin. ?-Sitosterol is a mixture of j3-sitosterol and campesterol, as
per Thomson et al., Steroids, 1963, 2, 505. Some confusion has therefore prevailed and has led to a
situation where the same plant might be known by different names, or where widely differing species
share the same names. It is one of the most used plants by Indians to treat inflammation, breakouts,
burns, and other problems as well. Male flowers in deciduous catkins with scale-like stamens bearing
2 to 5 one-celled pollen sacs on the lower surface. The book is included in the Industrial Profiles-
Aromatic and Medicinal plants section. She has taught for 7 years and has 18 research papers to her
credit, published in peer reviewed research journals, and has authored three books. The appendices
section is followed by indices on the botanical names, chemical constituents and names of plants in
other languages. The appendices section is followed by indices on the botanical names, chemical
constituents and names of plants in other languages. This has serious implications, and physicians
and manufacturers of ayurvedic medicine have therefore had a critical interest in obtaining authentic
descriptions of medicinal plants in currently valid taxonomic terms. They have likewise been
interested in documenting the local-common names, the properties of specific parts which have
medicinal value, and botanically accurate illustrations. The endeavour yielded very fruitful results
evidenced by the publication of 10 volumes of Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants
containing 344 monographs. As before, the information on plants is arranged alphabetically
according to their botanical names.
Published by Dorling Kindersley Publishers in 2001. Consequently it became important to establish
quality parameters for the herbal raw material. Action and uses — Kafpit samak, raktsodhak,
kustaghan, soth har, asthamban, krimighan. In addition there is a possibility of deliberate adulteration
or substitution of the genuine raw material. Ayurveda is the oldest and most widely practiced
traditional system of India, known for its preventive, restorative and holistic mode of treatment. The
information is derived in majority of the cases from the original published articles in journals of
repute. Ayurveda presents an interesting concept of 'Prabhava', meaning that certain drugs produce
specific effects irrespective of the Pancabhautika composition and Rasa-Gune- Vipaka. The
appendices section is followed by indices on the botanical names, chemical constituents and names
of plants in other languages. Besides teaching, Dr. Singh has been engaged with independent
research in project of Government of India as Principal Investigator. The book shows some signs of
wear from use but is a good readable copy. Illustrated figures and photographs are also given.
Doctors usually recommend these to menopausal women who find it difficult to sleep. 8. Curry
Leaves Image by Tanuj Handa from Pixabay You are probably bound to find no home in India which
does not use curry leaves in their everyday life. If no specific toxicity is reported, it is considered to
be safe in the dose traditionally used. Under the second category, the chemical constituents which
are either present in small amount or their contribution towards the activity of the drug is not known,
are listed. They are usually of bright scarlet color with a black spot at one end. As far as possible,
fingerprint profiles are given along with a marker compound. The present publication is an outcome
of the ICMR programme under which work was carried out at Agharkar Research Institute, Pune,
Maharashtra; Captain Srinivasa Murti Drug Research Institute for Ayurveda and Siddha, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu; Centre for Medicinal Plants Research, Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, Kerala; Institute of
Chemical Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra; Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi and L. M. College of
Pharmacy, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Under this continuing programme, this fourteenth volume of
Quality Standards of another 35 Indian Medicinal Plants is being published. The Indian Council of
Medical Research took initiative to lay down standards for herbal raw material from important
medicinal plants, involving reputed research institutes of India. The analytical limits therefore, cannot
be expected to be as precise as for the single pure synthetic drug. She has taught for 7 years and has
18 research papers to her credit, published in peer reviewed research journals, and has authored three
books. The focus has been on pharmacognostic, photochemical, Pharmacological, clinical,
toxicological studies and Ayurvedic description. The increase in the reported incidence of toxicity,
indiscriminate use and easy availability of herbal preparations and food supplements makes it
imperative to lay down standards which could ensure their quality, safety and efficacy. In all the
cases, sample preparation is optimized to enable complete extraction of compounds of interest. The
next three volumes covering over 600 plant species are also being published simultaneously. The
endeavour yielded very fruitful results evidenced by the publication of 10 volumes of Quality
Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants containing 344 monographs. He traveled widely in Europe and
visited Universities and Botonical Gardens in about 16 countries. Retusa Sida spinosa Smilax china
Solanum anguivi Solanum melongena Solanum nigrum Solanum surattense Solanum tuberosum
Solena amplexicaulis Spermacoce hispida Sphaeranthus indicus Spondias pinnata Sterculia foetida
Stereospermum colais Streblus asper Strychnos nux-vomica Strychnos potatorum Swertia chirayita
Symplocos cochinchinensis ssp. Seed paste is used as rubefacient in sciatica, stiff shoulders,
paralysis, and other nervous diseases. Chemical constituents — The main constituents of the
heartwood are catechin and catechutannic acid; the catechin content varies from 4 to 7%.

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