Safety First Culture
Safety First Culture
Safety First Culture
If you’ve heard the phrase, “the way we do things around here,” then you’re already
familiar with the concept. Safety culture stems from the organizational culture and can be
explained as the behaviour, practice, and values employees share regarding safety in the
workplace. Workplace-related injuries often result from inadequate or inattention to
policies or procedures related to safety. But, through a commitment to safety and
continued hazards and safety training, an organization can nurture a functional safety
According to OSHA, occupational injuries and illnesses cost businesses $170 billion per
year. This affects not only workers’ compensation costs but costs due to retraining, both of
which come directly out of company profits. By simply implementing a functional safety
culture, companies can reduce costs from injuries and illnesses anywhere between 20 and
40 percent.
It’s not just about saving money, though. Every employee plays a critical role in the
workplace. Establishing a safety culture creates mutual trust among employees and
fosters a community that encourages learning and open and honest reporting of injury or
violations. This rewards innovation and suggestions, allowing safety procedures to
continuously improve. In short, a safety culture creates a more positive community within
the workplace.
Here are a few factors that may indicate a substandard safety culture in the workplace:
Decision making that puts production or cost before safety – Health and safety are
considered to be extra costs to the company. Creating maximum profit is the main
priority, and extra costs should be avoided.
You should certainly express your deep level of concern for safety to your employees.
If there’s a way within your organization to tie safety culture to direct reward or
compensation, it’s worth looking into. It’s central, however, to reiterate that safety is still
the most important incentive.
Ultimately, all levels have to be involved. Management should monitor safety practices and
consider delegating additional safety monitoring responsibilities to an employee with an
exceptional attitude toward safety culture. Not only can this individual report any
incidents, they can also determine ways to continue fostering a safe culture throughout
the organization.
Visible management
Evaluate risks - Analyse past incidents and near misses; identify the risks before they
result in loss.
Design a plan to keep safe - Get commitment throughout the workforce, stay focused, and
prioritize efforts.
Implement plan - Actively and openly communicate the plan with employees. Require
frequent training sessions and drills.
Monitor, evaluate, and improve your plan - Monitor, plan, and collect feedback. Make
adjustments when necessary, and recognize success.
To change your organization’s culture, the leaders must lead the way. If they take safety
seriously, eventually employees will follow suit and actively work toward improving the
culture. Keep safety a part of the conversation, whether in a meeting or at the water
fountain. It also helps to have routine drills and training. With commitment from the top,
continued practice, training, and time, your organization will see a marked improvement
in the attitude and culture surrounding safety throughout the workplace.