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6 Accounts Insurance Claims

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MK’s Classes Accounts Intermediate


Insurance Claims
Insurance is a contract of Indemnity. The insurance company indemnifies the loss of property of the insured from the
specified risks like fire, flood, natural calamities etc. Fire insurance policy is take to cover the stock of the concern, sundry
assets and sometimes the profit that may be lost due to dislocation caused by fire. Hence there may be computation of
claims in respect of Loss of stock and/or loss of Profits (consequential loss) Policy with adjustment for average clause.
Loss of Stock.
Under this the closing stock on the date of fire is to be determined. The starting point will be the date when the last stock
value in available, generally the last balance sheet date. Then memorandum trading account is prepared as below\
Memorandum Trading Account

Particulars Amount (Rs) Particulars Amount(Rs)

To Opening Stock XXX By Sales XXX

To Purchases XXX By Closing Stock (Balancing XXX

figure) –stock on the date of fire

To Direct Expenses XXX

To Gross Profit(estimated by applying the

normal GP Rate to the Turnover/Sales)



1. If abnormal items like slow moving items etc, are also in stock, the GP should be calculated for normal and
abnormal items separately.
2. Similarly any errors in the above figures exist; they should be first rectified and then considered.
3. Adjusted GP rate to be applied where there is a change in the trend as compared to the earlier years.
4. Salvage value to be determined
5. Gross claim is the closing stock arrived at above less the salvage value.
6. If average clause is applicable, then the Gross claim should be reduced accordingly to arrive at the net claim.

Consequential Loss/Loss of profits Policy

Computation of claim for loss of profits is done as below:-

Particulars Amount

a. Compute the adjusted GP Ratio

Adjusted GP Ratio= (Net profit + Insured Standing Charges) for the last
accounting year/sales for the last accounting year X 100 (This should be adjusted
as discussed under note (3) of loss of stock above

b. Compute Short Sale

Short Sale= Standard Sale less Actual sale during the indemnity period

c. Compute the loss of gross profit

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Loss of gross profit=Short Sales (as per b above) X Adjusted GP Rate(as per a


Add: Increased cost of working XXX

Less: Saving in Insured Standing charges(if any) XXX

Gross Claim XXX

Application of Average clause only if the insured value is less than full insurance to arrive
at the net claim

Note: The Increased cost of working is computed as the least of the following-:

(i) Actual Amount incurred

(ii) Gross profit on increased sale as a result of the increased cost of working
(iii) * Gross Profit on adjusted Annual Turnover X Additional expenses
Gross Profit as above + uninsured Charges

* Alternative formula also used.

Loss of Stock

1. A fire occurred in the premised of A on 22th August, 2012 when a large part of the stock was destroyed. Salvage
value was Rs 15,000. A gives you the following instruction for the period of January 1st 2012 to August 22th 2012-
a. Purchases Rs 85,000
b. Sales Rs 90,000
c. Goods costing Rs 5000 were taken by A for personal use.
d. Cost price of stock on January 1st 2012 was Rs 40,000
Over the past few years, A has been selling goods at a consistent gross profit margin of 33 1/3%. The insurance
Policy was Rs 50,000. It included an average clause. A asks you to prepare a statement of claim to be made on
the insurance company

2. On 1st April 2012 a fire occurred in the workshop of Mr. R where a large part of the stock was destroyed. Mr. R
gives the following information
Particulars Amount Rs
Stock at cost 1 January 2011 73,500
Stock at cost -31st December 2011 79,600
Purchases year ended 31 December 2011 398,000
Sales year ended 31st December 2011 487,000
Purchases 1-1-2012 to 31-3-2012 162,000
Sales 1-1-2012 to 31-3-2012 231,200

In valuing the stock for the balance sheet at 31st December 2011 Rs 2300 had been written off on certain stock which
a poor was selling line having the cost of Rs 6900. A portion of these goods were sold in March 2012 at loss of Rs 250
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on original cost of Rs 3450. The reminder of this stock was now estimated to be worth its original cost. Subject to the
above exception, gross profit had remained at a uniform rate throughout the year.

The value of stock salvaged was Rs 5800. The policy was for Rs 50,000 and was subject to the average clause. Work
out the amount of the claim of loss by fire.

3. On 2.6.2019 the stock of Mr. Black was destroyed by fire. However, following particulars were furnished from the
records saved:
Stock at cost on 1.4.2018 135,000
Stock at 90% of cost on 31.3.2019 162,000
Purchases for the year ended 31.3.2019 645,000
Sales for the year ended 31.3.2019 900,000
Purchases from 1.4.2019 to 2.6.2019 225,000
Sales from 1.4.2019 to 2.6.2019 480,000

Sales upto 2.6.2019 includes Rs.75,000 being the goods not dispatched to the customers. The sales invoice price is

Purchases upto 2.6.2019 includes a machinery acquired for Rs.15,000.

Purchases upto 2.6.2019 does not include goods worth Rs.30,000 received from suppliers, as invoice not received upto
the date of fire. These goods have remained in the godown at the time of fire.
Value of stock salvaged from fire Rs.22, 500 and this has been handed over to the insurance company.
The insurance policy is for Rs.1, 20,000 and it is subject to average clause. Ascertain the amount of claim for loss of

4. On 11.11.2019 the premises of Rocky Ltd. was destroyed by fire. The following information is made available:
Stock as on 1.4.2018 375,000
Purchases from 1.4.2018 to 31.3.2019 520,000
Sales from 1.4.2018 to 31.3.2019 855,000
Stock as on 31.3.2019 200,000
Purchases from 1.4.2019 to 11.11.2019 341,000
Sales from 1.4.2019 to 11.11.2019 435,500
In valuing the stock on 31.3.2019, due to damage 50% of the value of the stock which originally cost Rs.22,000 was
written off.

In June, 2019 about 50% of this stock was sold for Rs.5,500 and the balance of obsolete stock is expected to realize the
same price (i.e., 50% of the original cost).

The gross profit ratio is to be assumed as uniform in respect of other sales. Stock salvaged from fire amounts to

Compute the value of stock lost in fire.

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Loss of profits

5. X Ltd has insured itself under a loss of profit policy for Rs 363,000. The indemnity period under the policy is six
months. On 1st September, 2019 a fire occurred in the factory of X ltd and the normal business was affected upto 1st
March 2020.
The following information is compiled for the year ended on 31st March 2019

Sales 20,00,000
Insured Standing charges 2,40,000
Uninsured standing charges 20,000
Net Profit 1,20,000
Following further details of turnover are furnished:

a. Turnover during the period of 12 months ending on the date of fire was Rs 22,00,000
b. Turnover during the period of interruption was Rs 2,25,000
c. Actual turnover during the period from 1.9.2018 to 1.3.2019 during the preceding year corresponding to the
indemnity period- Rs 750,000/-.
X Ltd spent an amount of Rs 40,000 as additional cost of working during the indemnity period.

On account of this additional expenditure:

(i) There was a saving of Rs 15,000 in insured standing charges during the period of indemnity
(ii) Reduced turnover avoided was Rs 100,000 ie but for this expenditure, turnover after the date of fire would
have been only Rs 125,000.
A special clause in the policy stipulates that owing to the reasons acceptable to the insurer under the special
circumstances the following increases are to be made:-

(i) Increase of turnover –Standard and actual by 10%

(ii) Increase in rate of gross profit by 2% from previous year’s level.
X Ltd asks you to compute the claim for loss of profit. All Calculation should be made to the nearest rupee.

6. On account of fire on 15th June 2019 in the business house of a company, the working remained disturbed upto 15th
December 2019 as a result of which, it was not possible to affect any sales. The company had taken out an
insurance policy with an average clause against consequential loss for Rs 140,000 and a period of 7 months has
been agreed upon as indemnity period. An increase of 25% was marked in the current year’s sales as compared to
last year. The company incurred an additional expenditure of Rs 12,000 to make sales possible and made a savings
of Rs 2000 in the insured standing charges.
Ascertain the claim under the consequential loss policy keeping the following additional information in view:

Actual Sales from 15th June 2019 to 15th December 2019 70,000
Sales from 15th June 2018 to 15th December 2018 240,000
Net profit for the last financial year 80,000
Insured standing charges for the last financial year 70,000
Total standing charges for the last financial year 120,000
Turnover for the last financial year 600,000
Turnover for one year 16th June 2018 to 15th June 2019 560,000

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7. CCL wants to take up a loss of profit policy. Turnover during the current year is expected to increase by 20%. The
company will avail overdraft facilities from its bank @ 15% interest to boost up the sales. The average daily
overdraft balance will be around Rs 3 lakhs. All other fixed expenses will remain same. The following further
details are also available from the previous year’s account:

Total variable expenses 24,00,000

Fixed Expenses
Salaries 330,000
Rent, rates and taxes 30,000
Travelling expenses 50,000
Postage, Telegram, Telephone 60,000
Director’s fee 10,000
Audit fees 20,000
Miscellaneous income 70,000
Net profit 420,000

8. From the following details, calculate consequential loss claim:

1. Date of fire: 1st September;
2. Indemnity period: 6 months;
3. Period of disruption: 1st September to 1st February;
4. Sum insured: Rs. 1,08,900;
5. Sales were Rs. 6,00,000 for preceding financial year ended on 31st March;
6. Net profit for preceding financial year Rs. 36,000 plus insured standing charges Rs. 72,000;
7. Rate of Gross profit 18%;
8. Uninsured standing charges Rs. 6,000;
9. Turnover during the disruption period Rs. 67,500;
10. Annual turnover for 12 months immediately preceding the date of fire Rs. 6,60,000;
11. Standard turnover i.e. for corresponding months (1st September to 1st February) in the year preceding the date
of fire Rs. 2,25,000;
12. Increase in the cost of working capital Rs. 12,000 with a saving of insured standing charges Rs. 4,500 during
the disruption period;
13. Reduced turnover avoided through increase in working capital Rs. 30,000;
14. Special clause stipulated:
(a) Increase in rate of G.P. 2%.
(b) Increase in turnover (standard and annual) 10%. Nov 2008

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