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No. A-33022/23/2023-Admn-I Government of India istry of Electronics & Information Technology National Informatics Centre A- Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110003 Dated: 06.02.2024 CIRCULAR ‘Subject: Nomination of suitable technical expert at Washington DC & IORA Secretariat, Port Louis (Mauritius). A D.O, letter No. Q/PA-II{FSB)/578/80/2023 dated 28" December 2023 & 02 January 2024 from Ms. Udita Gaurav, IFS, Deputy Secretary (FSP & Cadre), Ministry of External Affairs on the above cited subject is circulated herewith for information of all eligible officers. 67-4 (Mahesh) Joint Director (Adm.) Encl: As above To All eligible officers. ‘fater terror, ag feet MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFARB Udit TES Demy Secretary (ESP & Cadre) Tel. 011-2301 1650 No. Q/PA-II(FSB)/S78/80/2023 02 January 2024 Dear Sir, ‘The High Commission of India in London and;Embassy of India in Washington DC urgently require a suitable technical expert for handling/managing of issues such as monitoring network activity and user activity; network audit and computer audit; mitigation of technological vulnerabilities; cyber security; overall maintenance and upkeep of the computers and software system(s) in the Mission, firewall/ICT management; computer hardware repair and maintenance of printers, scanner, minor repair ‘issues related to change of hardware components of CPUs; TV network connections, Telephone connection and troubleshooting; Network security. ‘Equipment including connections, minor repair of fire ‘switches and other network components etc. 2. The Ministry is, therefore, interested in availing the services of a qualified technical expert, at the level of Under Secretary tobe deputed to our Mission in London and Washington DC. The selected officers ‘would be appointed as Second Secretary (IT) in these Missions for a period of three years. It is requested , hata panel of suitable technical experts, may kindly be forwarded to this Ministry, along with their bio- profile, service records, ACR dossiers, Vigilance and cadre clearance. Request your urgent consideration and attention in this matter. We look forward to hearing from (C at the earliest. With kind regards, 1 ‘Yours sincerely, eg ie) on ” ps eh faurav) ye i we ‘Shri Rajesh Gera Director General ‘National Informatics Centre ‘Deparment of Information Technology A-Block, CGO Complex, ]odhi Road ‘New Dethi- 110003 ‘Tel: 011-24361504 > email: dg@nicin Ss Udita Gauray, IFS Deputy Secretary (FSP & Cadre) Tel. 011-2301 2925 No. Q/PA-IICFSB)/578/72/2023 28 December 2023 Dear Sir, Reference our letter of even number dated 12.12.2023 seeking nomination of suitable technical officers of Section Officer/ equivalent rank IC for secondment as Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) Advisor atthe Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) ‘Secretariat, Port Louis (Mauritias), 2 vointat hereby Fequested to kindly expedite the process and forward a panel of suitable officers for appointment to the aforementioned post at the earliest With regards, Yours sincerely, Gaurav) National Informatics Centre De of Information Technology A:Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road ‘New Dethi — 110003 Tel: 011-24361504

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