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Meters and Instruments

Products and Services

2 | Dresser
The ROOTS® Meter Advantage
For almost a century, ROOTS® meters have been used for billing of commercial and industrial gas loads. Accuracy,
dependability, and low maintenance are of key importance in custody transfer measurement applications. The time-
proven ROOTS® meter is the preferred rotary positive displacement gas meter in distribution, transmission and produc-
tion segments for accurate measurement of gas from the well to the burner.
To meet the evolving needs of our customers, our product line has expanded to include a large variety of control and
measurement equipment. Dresser Meters & Instruments is much more than just a meter supplier. We offer a wide range
of products and services.

Proven Accuracy
■ Volumetric accuracy is permanent and non-adjustable
■ Measuring characteristics established by the precision machined contours of non-wearing fixed and rotating parts
■ Durable components ensure a long life expectancy under normal operating conditions
■ Increased rangeability due to closer tolerances improve performance regardless of pressure and flow

Meters For Commercial & Industrial Applications

■ Line Mount Meters
■ Foot Mount Meter
■ High Pressure Meters

Magnetically Coupled Accessory Units

■ Large variety of readout and output options
■ Non-pressurized and interchangeable modular design simplifies conversion between accessory types
■ Permanently lubricated Series 3 Accessories combine a long life expectancy with a reduction in maintenance
■ Commonality of Series 3 Accessory components reduces inventory requirements

Full Line of Electronic Instrumentation

■ Pressure (P), Temperature (T), and PTZ Correctors with Differential Pressure Monitoring options
■ Solid State Pulsers to interface with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) devices and for remote readings
■ High Frequency outputs to interface with flow capacities
■ Loggers with options for one or two pressures and a temperature probe

Customer Service
Our unsurpassed customer service is provided through the combined efforts of our Customer Service, Technical
Support, and Product Services Departments. Each department takes pride in their ability to deliver courteous and
professional care to all customers in a timely manner. As described below, the departments are structured to efficiently
support all customer service requirements:
■ Customer Service representatives for inquiries and order placement
■ Technical Services staff for product application assistance and training
■ Product Services Department for remanufacturing and testing services

Meters and Instruments | 3

The ROOTS® Meter Operating Principle
The ROOTS® meter is designed to measure the volume of gases and gas mixtures with a high degree of accuracy.
The industry accepted rotary type positive displacement operating principle ensures permanent, non-adjustable
accuracy by using precision machined two-lobe impellers encased within a rigid measuring chamber.
Unlike other meter types, measurement accuracy is not affected by changes in gas specific gravity, pressure, or
fluctuating flow. ROOTS® meters may be used from a few ounces to full capacity up of the meter’s maximum
pressure rating with highly accurate measurement over a wide operating range. This equates to a lower total cost.
The condition of a ROOTS® rotary meter can be verified by performing a differential pressure test while the meter
is still in service. This simple and cost-effective preventive maintenance procedure contributes to a significant
reduction in the whole life cost of the meter.

Precision machined for exceptional accuracy

As shown in the picture, two contra-rotating impellers of two-lobe or “figure 8” design are encased within a rigid
measuring chamber, with inlet and outlet connections on opposite sides. Precision machined timing gears keep the
impellers in correct relative position. Optimal operating clearances between the impellers, cylinder and headplates
provide a continuous, non-contacting seal.

ROOTS® Meter Product Line

A complete line of rotary meter sizes are available to measure a wide range of gas volumes for the majority of
commercial and industrial applications in custody transfer applications. Refer to the Meter Sizing Chart in this
brochure to determine the correct meter size for cost effectiveness and accurate measurement.
ROOTS® meters are suitable for handling most types of clean, common gases at either constant or varying flow
rates and pressure. They are ideal for applications throughout the meter’s operating range, from a few ounces to
full maximum allowable operating pressure.
Our meters are widely recognized for their highly accurate measurement capabilities at both the low and high end
of their rated capacity. The meter’s rangeability (ability to measure gas over a wide flow range within a specified
accuracy) provides the best over-all measurement accuracy on a “day-after-day” basis.

4 | Dresser
ROOTS® Series B3 Line Mount Meters

8C/11C/15C 2M/3M/5M 7M/11M/16M

Right Size the Meter to the Application

Series B3 meters are designed to provide accurate gas measurement over
widely fluctuating flow, pressure, and temperature conditions. For further
versatility, the five smallest meter sizes (8C through 3M) have 2” (50 mm)
flanged connections, and a 6-3/4” (171 mm) flange-to-flange dimension.
If application requirements change, this unique, cost-effective feature allows
a quick and easy meter exchange without the need to re-pipe the meter set.
Other key features include:
■ Capacity ratings from 800 CFH to 56,000 CFH (22,6 m3/h to 1,585 m3/h)
■ Maximum operating pressure rating of 175 PSIG (12 Bar)
■ Models 8C through 5M are available with a 200 PSIG (13,8 Bar) rating
upon request
■ Models 8C through 2M are available with a 1-1/2” nippled connections
upon request
■ Operating temperature range from -40°F to +140°F (-40°C to +60°C)
For operating requirements beyond those listed, please contact your Dresser
Meters & Instruments representative.

23M232 Meter with 4” Flanged Connection

Our 23M232 includes four inch flanged connections and
a 232 PSIG (16 bar) maximum working pressure. This
design complements our standard six inch 23M175. With a
maximum capacity of 385 MSCFH (10,895 Nm3 per hour)
the 23M is an ideal measurement solution for a wide array
of applications.

Meters and Instruments | 5

ROOTS® Series 3 Accessory Units
Designed for low maintenance and a long service life
■ Interchangeability among Series B meter bodies of the same size
■ Permanently lubricated for long life and virtually maintenance-free operation
■ Modular design allows a quick-change to a different version at a lower overall cost
■ Durable, weather resistant cover with improved sealing capability
■ Versatile and configurable odometer masking
■ Universal Instrument Drive (ID) assembly – one size fits all 8C-56M Series B Meters
■ Quick and easy field installation of the low cost Solid State Pulser
■ Available with factory pre-installed magnets for quick installation of the Solid State Pulser or
Model 5 Prover Field Counter Pulser Module

Counter (CTR) Solid State Pulser (ICPW/ITPW)

An 8 digit non-compensated index registers displaced volume The ROOTS® solid state pulser mounts directly to a
in Actual Cubic Feet (ACF) or in Actual Cubic Meters (m3). CTR/TC Unit, generating low frequency pulses representing
volumetric information for remote reading. Mechanical
switches have been eliminated for maximum reliability.
No battery or maintenance is required.

Temperature Compensated (TC) Counter or Temperature Compensated

Temperature compensation, available in meter sizes 8C-16M, with Instrument Drive (CD/TD)
is accomplished by a mechanical computer with a spiral bi- The Universal Instrument Drive (ID) Assembly adapts to the
metallic thermocouple (probe) located in a sealed temperature CTR and TC Accessory for installation of a corrector, chart
well at the meter inlet. Series 3 TC Units provide corrected gas recorder, or other externally mounted, mechanically driven
volume readings to a 60˚F (15˚C) base temperature for readout device. The ID Assembly is mechanically linked to the CTR/
in Standard Cubic Feet (SCF) or Normal meters cubed (Nm3) TC mechanical gear reduction unit. One revolution of the
between flowing temperatures of -20˚F and +120˚F (-29˚C and instrument drive dog represents a specific displaced volume
+ 49˚C). measured by the meter.

6 | Dresser
ROOTS® Series 3A Accessory Units for
LMMA Meters
Dresser’s new S3A Accessory unit - that mounts to your LMMA meter - features the same
high quality and long-term reliability of the oil-free S3 Accessory unit.

Series S3A TC

Series A (LMMA) Meters with S3A CD


Series S3A CTR/AMR Adapter

(shown with Itron ERT installed)

Benefits are:
■ No Index maintenance. Oil is not required for the polymer bushings and pre-lubricated, shielded
ball bearings making the index environmentally friendly and easier to install and maintain.
■ Configurable Masking Options. The S3A’s versatile odometer masking design uses opaque or
semi-transparent covers, offering configurable, trouble-free masking with no moving parts, hinges,
flappers or magnets.
■ Easy-to-change ID Rotation. Simply remove two bolts and invert the gear module so the pinion
gear is driven at the bottom rather than the top of the horizontal bevel gear.
■ Conversion Kit Inventory Reduction. The S3A uses the same #399 conversion kits as the B3
meters. Now you can stock the same Instrument Drive, Pulser or AMR Adapter #399 Kits for both
Series Meters – LMMA and Series B3.
■ Proving Procedure Simplification. With the S3A, you can prove your LMMA meters the same
way you prove your B3 meters – off the odometer test wheel.
■ Lower Price. The S3A Accessory Units are less expensive than LMMA series units – especially in
the Instrument Drive and Pulser versions.
The no-maintenance, less expensive and easier-to-read S3A Accessory Unit extends the life
expectancy of your LMMA meter (LMMA meter line was obsoleted in 1998) providing many
additional years of reliable service.

Meters and Instruments | 7

ROOTS® AMR Adapters

Series B3 AMR Adapter for CTR and TC

Series A (LMMA) CTR AMR Adapter

Series A (LMMA) TC AMR Adapter

Dresser’s AMR Adapter is available for mounting residential AMR devices of various manufacturers’ directly
onto a ROOTS® Series B3 or A1 (LMMA) meter. Adapters are available to mount either the American or Sensus
footprint Itron 40G and 40GB ERTS, as well as the American footprint Itron 100G ERT and Itron 2.4 GZ Open
Way devices. In addition to these Itron kits, Dresser also has adapter kits available to mount residential AMR
devices manufactured by Cellnet, Sensus, TRACE, and Badger, directly to the ROOTS® meter.
The design utilizes a Series 3 Lexan® cover on Series B Counter and TC meters, and for LMMA meters that have
S3A units installed. There are also options for the older LMMA (Series A) accessory units – both TC and Counter
versions. The Lexan® covers have an opening designed to engage the AMR device in a direct drive link to the
gear reduction assembly of the meter’s accessory unit. The proven ID seal system between the adapter and the
Series 3 cover provides a barrier against moisture intrusion into the oil free cover. The AMR Adapter is fastened
to the Series 3 or Series A cover from the inside, providing a tamper proof design.
The direct drive AMR adapter offers a low cost, easy to install option for meters fitted with mechanical
Counter and TC accessory units.
In addition, to the AMR adapter kits, Dresser also offers a remote AMR device mounting kit, for use in
conjunction with the ROOTS® Micro Corrector, Model IMC/W2. This simple to install kit, allows the AMR device
to be installed on the back of the corrector, which eliminates the need for long lengths of cabling between the
corrector’s pulse output connector and the AMR device. This mounting kit can be assembled to the IMC/W2
meter at the factory or at the customer location.

8 | Dresser
ROOTS® Expanded Meter Line
B3-VRM Vapor Recovery Meter
Rated for a maximum capacity of 3000 actual cubic feet
per hour, the B3-VRM meters are specifically designed and
tested for vapor recovery applications and conform to the
California Air Resources Board specifications TP-201.1,
TP-201.1A, TP-201.2, and P-201.5, as applicable. The
extremely low pressure drop associated with the ROOTS®
positive displacement meter makes this meter ideal for the
accurate measurement in low pressure recovery systems.
Odometers on the vapor recovery meters are marked
at 0.02 cubic foot increments, which allows accurately
estimated readings in increments of 0.01 cubic feet. All Series B4 Rotary Gas Meter
B3-VRM meters are supplied with a 7 point certified The Series B4 meters have a permanently lubricated,
accuracy curve for reference. maintenance free uncorrected counter unit which can
be rotated 355°. One low frequency (LF) and one high
frequency (HF) pulse output are standard, a second low
frequency (LF) pulse output is available upon request.

Series A (LM-MA) Meters

The 8C175 compact meter, like the Series Z, is also ideal for
small commercial applications, but with a higher pressure
rating. This meter is rated for a 175 PSIG (12 Bar) working
pressure. Also available as a Vapor Recovery Meter that
is C.A.R.B. approved and available with a High Frequency
transmitter (PX).
Series Z Compact Meters
Ideal for small commercial loads at pressures up to 15 PSIG
(1 Bar), the aesthetically pleasing 5C15 (500 ACFH) and
8C15 (800 ACFH) meters are easy to install and conceal.
Series Z meters provide excellent measurement accuracy
starting at “pilot loads” and continuing throughout the
range of the meter. To match the meter configuration to the
application, the user selects the following parameters
when ordering:
■ Dial Imperial Wheel Index
■ Sealed Index Cover
■ Standard (Atmospheric) or 2 PSIG Compensated Index
■ Top or Bottom Inlet Series A1 Foot Mount Meter
■ Sprague 4 (male), 45 Light (male), or 1–1/2 inch The 102M125 Foot Mount meter is used for the measure-
NPT (female) Connections ment of high volume industrial gas loads for capacities up
■ Optional Inlet Strainer/Screen to 965.3 MSCFH at 125 PSIG (27,334 Nm3/h at 8,6 Bar).

Meters and Instruments | 9

ROOTS® High Pressure Meters

Series B3-HPC Series B3-HPC with Integral Micro Corrector

Series B3-HPC (High Pressure Cartridge) Meters

This meter line features a common cast-steel housing for the 1M (1000 ACFH) and
3M (3000 ACFH) sizes as well as the 5M 1480 (5000 ACFH) and 7M 1480 (7000
ACFH) sizes of aluminum cartridges. Recently, the new 11M1480 meter was added,
further expanding the HPC meter line.The meters are available with either an ANSI
Class 300# flange for the 740 PSIG Meter lines or an ANSI Class 600# flange for the
1480 PSIG Meter lines. For 1M and 3M only.
The 5M(5000 ACFH), 7M (7,000 ACFH), and 11M (1100 ACFH) meters are designed
for higher capacity applications with a maximum allowable operating pressure of
1480 PSIG. The housing is cast steel to meet the demands of the higher flow rates
and pressures. Removable B3-HPC Cartridge

The cartridges are field replaceable and are interchangeable between housings
regardless of the pressure rating on the housing. As an option, a self-resetting full
flow internal bypass is available on new meters and on replacement cartridges for the
1M through 7M sizes. Since this meter utilizes the Series 3 Accessory Units, a full line
of mechanical index options is available.
The latest addition to the list of high pressure meter accessory unit options, is the
Integral Micro Corrector, Model IMC/W2. See page 12 for further details on the

Series B3-HP (High Pressure) Meters

For lower pressure loads, the 1M300 (1000 ACFH) and
3M300 (3000 ACFH) are viable alternatives for pressures
up to 300 PSIG. Based on the B3 meter line, the B3-HP
meters offer extremely low start and stop rates and a
compact design with a 6-3/4” flange-to-flange dimension
and a much lower weight than traditional high pressure
meters. This is achieved by using aluminum for all major
meter components. The Series B3-HP meters mate with
ANSI Class 300# FF flanges and are easily installed by one
person without the need for a lift or hoist.

10 | Dresser
ROOTS® Optional Electronic Products

Solid State Transmitter (XMTR) ROOTS® ICEX

■ High frequency pulse output ■ Provides a non-compensated, high frequency pulse output
■ 100 pulses per input shaft revolution ■ Mounts on all Series B meter bodies and Series A meters
■ Solid State circuitry provides a long life expectancy fitted with the S3A Accessory unit

■ Mounts on any standard Instrument Drive

■ Available factory installed or as a field installable
conversion kit
■ 10 to 15 VDC
■ Ensures maximum reliability by using Solid State
components to eliminate mechanical switches
■ Minimizes maintenance
■ Available in three connections styles: MS-style circular
connector, 1/2 inch liquid tight type conduit fitting,
or cable gland with 4-ft. cable.

Cable Gland Conduit Circular

Connector Connector Connector

Meters and Instruments | 11

ROOTS® Electronic Instrumentation
The ROOTS® Micro Corrector line of products, offers both the latest technology in electronic
volume correction and the best value that is available in the gas market today.

ROOTS® Micro Corrector

The Micro Corrector is available in two models – the Instrument
Drive/Wall mount version, and the IMC/W2 which can be
mounted integrally to the meter. The IMC/W2 is available for
mounting on the Series A and Series B ROOTS® meter line,
as well as Romet meters. Both the IMC/W2 and the MC2 are
available in PTZ+Log, P+Log, and T+Log versions.
Both models feature:
■ Intuitive User Terminal software
■ 3 separate logged data reports, which can be imported
into commercially available software platforms such
as MS Excel™
■ 3 user programmable pulse outputs included at no
additional charge: corrected volume, uncorrected volume,
and fault/alarm condition
■ Extremely reliable and accurate volume correction with
unprecedented nominal five year battery life – data
and configuration stored in E2PROM
ID Mount Version
■ Newly designed instrument drive assembly senses meter
rotation, eliminating the need to physically change the
rotational direction

IMC/W2 ptz-dp
The Differential Pressure (DP) Micro Corrector now offers an
integrated solution, which monitors rotary meter health by
constantly measuring the differential pressure drop across the
meter. The DP Micro adds diagnostic features to the proven
capabilities of the Integral Micro Corrector.
The DP Micro retains the last valid average differential pressure
measurement on the LCD of the corrector along with the date
when this occurred. It also displays the average line pressure,
IMC/W2 average line temperature and meter flow rate for that same
date. The differential pressure test information required to be
in compliance with state PUC requirements is available with
the push of a button! This is a significant cost savings as the
number of return trips to the meter set is greatly reduced, and
is environmentally friendly as it eliminates the need for venting
gas during periods of low consumption.
Developed from the proven IMC/W platform, the ROOTS®
Micro Corrector continues to provide industry-leading volume
correction through a simple-to-use interface. Features such as
improved low flow accuracy, greatly enhanced data logging
capability, and significantly reduced accuracy test times
combine to offer a complete solution with major customer
IMC/W2 ptz-dp

12 | Dresser
ROOTS® Communication Devices

Model GSM/GPRS Micro Modem

The Dresser Micro Modem, Model GSM/GPRS embeds a
wireless quad band GPRS modem. Opto-isolators provide
an intrinsically safe unit specifically designed to work with
the Dresser range of Micro Series products including volume
correctors & data loggers. The Dresser GSM/GPRS Modem
is designed to work directly with the MCNet SQL Database
software, and allows for simple mechanical and electrical GSM/GPRS Micro Modem

Telephone Line Micro Modem Model 108

The telephone line model of the Dresser Micro Modem takes
enough required power from the telephone line to handle one
data download per day.
Telephone Line
Micro Modem
Dresser Micro Power
The Dresser Micro Power is designed specifically for use
with the Dresser Micro Series range of products when an
intrinsically safe low power supply is required in the hazardous
area. This includes the MC2 and Micro Logger 2 products.
The Micro Power eliminates the need for battery changes in
applications where the unit is being interrogated frequently.

Micro Power

Dresser Micro Logger

Dresser Micro Logger 2 is an extension of the successful
Micro Series product line. It utilizes the same user friendly
Micro Corrector User Terminal Software and communication
cables and, is designed to be installed on any part of the
distribution or transmission system requiring accurate, safe,
and reliable data logging and network status monitoring.
The Micro Logger is available with single or dual pressure
transducers and a temperature probe. Micro Logger 2

Chatterbox-e Isolation Unit

The Chatterbox-e provides safety isolation between equipment
generating pulses in the hazardous area and non intrinsically
safe equipment located in the safe area. Chatterbox-e
operates from a self contained power supply and is suitable for
installation in remote and environments without the need for an
external power supply.

Chatterbox-e Isolation Unit

Meters and Instruments | 13

ROOTS® Communication Devices

Micro Series Corrector User Terminal

The Micro Series Corrector User Terminal software allows you
to configure, calibrate, log data, download data and monitor
alarms via the unique Live Data Screen feature. The data logs
can be downloaded serially using a laptop or remotely using
Micro Series Corrector
the Telephone Line Micro Modem Model 108.
User Terminal Software

Dresser Automatic Meter Reading &

Automatic Data Acquisition
Software – MCNet SQL
Dresser MCNet SQL receives data log emails from the MC2,
IMC/W2 or ML2. This process is fully automatic; 1, 2 or MCNet SQL Software
3 emails are generated from site each day, via the GPRS
network, and are forwarded to two email addresses
(To: & Cc:). No limit to the number of sites that can use this
system. An internet connection is all that is required.

Micro Generator
The Micro Generator uses cutting edge technology to convert
the rotation of the meter impellers into electrical energy, while
simultaneously providing volume pulses to the Micro Corrector.
■ Reduces Battery Replacement Costs
■ Increases Life of Main Battery
■ Easy to Install
Micro Generator
■ Converts Rotation of Meter Impellers into Electrical Power
■ Available for both Series B and Series A (LMMA) meters

The Dresser SmartProve™ Interface is a user friendly approach
to testing the ROOTS® Micro Corrector, Models IMC/W2, and
MC2, when using the ROOTS® Model 5 Transfer Prover. The
specially designed cable and software allow for a combined
accuracy test of the corrector and the meter. The SmartProve
package consists of a Model 5 Prover software upgrade CD,
the SmartProve Interface Cable, and instructions for use.

14 | Dresser
Model 5 ROOTS® Provers
Model 5 Transfer Provers feature an integrated computer controlled system for verification and testing of rotary,
diaphragm, and turbine gas meters. After the field meter is connected to the Prover and the test sequence
is selected, the remainder of the operation is “hands-off.” Test sequencing is automatically controlled by the
software settings and the test results are displayed on the computer screen.
For ease of testing and recording, the Model 5 Prover system will:
■ Store unlimited predetermined field meter test configurations
■ Perform and display all calculations at the end of each test and allow for saving to disk
■ Provide user-friendly menu prompts
■ Allow easy access to extensive Help Files
The primary components for all Model 5 Prover systems include highly accurate ROOTS® master meters as
measurement standards, easy-to-use Windows®-based software, and a blower system to provide a stable air
flow through the system.

10M or 2M/10M Prover

■ 10M or 2M/10M master meters
2M: 35 to 2,300 ACFH (1 to 65.1 m3/h)
10M: 100 to 10,000 ACFH
(2.83 to 283 m3/h)
■ Suitable for both field and shop use
■ Easily transported in a van or truck


5M/20M Prover
The cart-mounted prover gives you the increased
capability to prove rotary, turbine and diaphragm
meters up to 20,000 acfh, while occupying
minimal floor space.
5M: 35 to 5,650 ACFH
(.41 to .60 m3/h)
20M: 160 to 20,000 ACFH
(4,5 to 566 m3/h)


Meters and Instruments | 15

ROOTS® Provers & Accessories

10M/80M Proving System

■ 10M and 80M master meters
10M: 100 to 10,000 ACFH
(2.83 to 283 m3/h)
80M: 1,600 to 80,000 ACFH
(45,3 to 2265,3 m3/h)
■ Skid Mounted Shop System
10M/80M ■ Ideal for testing large capacity rotary and
turbine type gas meters

Windows®-based Software
Easy-to-use software with icons and menus typical of Windows-based
programs allow you to increase your productivity and work more intuitively
with the computer. The new software is designed for all Model 5 Prover
Systems and is compatible with Windows® 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP, NT 4.0
and VISTA.

USB to Serial Port Converter Cable
This converter will allow users with existing Windows® - based Model 5
Software and computers without a serial port to connect to their Model
5 Provers. The Converter Kit consists of a converter cable and Model
5 Upgrade CD. Minimum System requirements are a computer with
500MHz processor, 128MB RAM, 400MB hard disk space, Windows®
98, XP professional, an open USB port, and the Windows® - based
Model 5 Software.

USB Converter Cable

RS Optical Scanner
The optional RS Optical Scanner is used to facilitate meter testing using
an automatic testing sequence. This eliminates the potential for human
error associated with a manual test. The Scanner can be used on dial
indexes and odometers with black and white graduated marks.


Acoustic Filter
When testing turbine-type gas meters with a transfer prover,
an Acoustic Filter should be installed between the Field Meter (meter
under test) and the ROOTS® master meter. The Acoustic Filter reduces
or eliminates the resonance phenomena induced by pulsation from the
master meter at most flow rates. An Acoustic Filter is ideal for shop use
with a 2M/10M Model 5 ROOTS® prover.

Acoustic Filter

16 | Dresser
ROOTS® Test Equipment

Smart Manometer
The Smart Manometer is a pressure measuring instrument with
an accuracy of ± 0.025% of full scale at a truly low cost. As a
replacement for glass manometers, this microprocessor based
system, manufactured by Meriam Instrument, is suitable for the
measurement of differential pressures across a rotary meter.

Smart Manometer

Differential Testing Acceptance

Calculator Software
The new DTA Calculator lets you quickly verify the operational
condition of your ROOTS® Meter. Print or Save data for future
comparisons. Just “clock” your meter, take your differential
pressure reading, plug in your value, and the software does
Differential Testing Software the rest.

Meters and Instruments | 17

ROOTS® Meter Sets & Piping Specialty Accessories
A full line of meter set components are available for a one-stop-shopping approach to meter set design and
installation. Reduce your installation cost with a professionally designed and tested ROOTS® meter set.

Pre Fabricated Meter Sets

Dresser offers both Standard and Customer Specified designs. These
modular meter sets are packaged for economical shipping and storage.
Benefits include design standardization, reduced inventories, and lower
overhead costs.

Pre-Fabricated Sets

Ultraseal® Gas Meter Valves

Ultraseal® valves are permanently lubricated and bi-directional. They
meet NPFA standards and continue to maintain a bubble-tight seal after
qualification testing to over 10,000 cycles. Torque values remain low
even at subzero temperatures. Locking plates are also available.

UltraSeal® Valve

Pipeline Strainers
These strainers are designed to protect meters and other precision
devices from the damaging effects of entrained system debris. A low
pressure drop is achieved through a large element area and venturi port
design. The debris bowl is tapped for cleaning.

Pipeline Strainer
Gasket Strainers
Using a 20 mesh stainless steel screen, the Gasket Strainer helps
protect against potential damage to precision pipeline measurement
and regulation equipment caused by occasional introduction of weld
slag, plastic pipe shavings, or other debris.

Gasket Strainer

18 | Dresser
ROOTS® Accessories

Restricting Flow Orifice Plates

Sized orifice plates provide low cost protection against meter overspeed.
The plates are designed to choke gas flow at 100% for meters rated
over 300 psig. Plates are installed 2 to 4 pipe diameters downstream for
maximum effectiveness.

Restricting Orifice Plates

Companion Flange Assemblies

These kits include all the equipment necessary for mounting a meter in a
pipeline. The kit consists of flanges, coated flange bolts, and gaskets.

Companion Flange Accessories

Flange Gaskets
LineBacker™ gaskets, with their unique sealing element, use the lowest
possible clamp and compressive load to eliminate flange leaks.

Flanged Gaskets
Coated Flange Bolts
These bolts have a lubricious, polymer-based coating to help prevent
galling of the threads in the meter body.

Differential Test Plugs
Allows user to take pressure and temperature readings quickly while
eliminating the cost of leaving gauges or temperature indicators in line.
Pete’s Plug II® test plug is still the only pressure and temperature test
plug with two self-closing valves and is rated to a maximum pressure of
500 psig at 200°F.

Pete’s Plug II®

Meters and Instruments | 19

ROOTS® Accessories
ROOTS® Meter Oil
Approved for use in all ROOTS® meters. The oil is packaged in
quantities from 4 ounces to 55 gallons.

Meter Oil

ROOTS® Services
Product Repair Service
Our Product Services Department offers repair,
remanufacturing, testing and calibration service
for all ROOTS® meters, provers, and instrumen-
tation. At Dresser Meters & Instruments, our
focus is on customer satisfaction. Let the experts
handle your ROOTS® products repair and
calibration needs.
The overall cost effectiveness of factory service
is enhanced by:
■ Standardized and competitive service levels
■ Specialization in contract services
■ Inspection for warranty and upgrades
■ Line Mount Meters returned freight prepaid
to the first point of delivery within the
United States

20 | Dresser
Imperial Sizing Charts
Line Mounted
Model 8C175* 11C175* 15C175* 2M175* 3M175* 5M175* 7M175 11M175 16M175 23M175 23M232 38M175 56M175 102M125
*Also available in 200 PSIG Rating
Rating 800 1100 1500 2000 3000 5000 7000 11000 16000 23000 23000 38000 56000 102000
PSIG Corrected Capacity at Metering Pressure – in MSCFH
1 0.84 1.15 1.57 2.09 3.1 5.2 7.3 11.5 16.7 24.0 24.0 39.7 58.5 106.6
3 0.95 1.30 1.77 2.36 3.5 5.9 8.3 13.0 18.9 27.2 27.2 44.9 66.2 120.5
5 1.05 1.45 1.98 2.63 4.0 6.6 9.2 14.5 21.1 30.3 30.3 50.0 73.8 134.3
10 1.33 1.82 2.48 3.31 5.0 8.3 11.6 18.2 26.5 38.1 38.1 62.9 92.8 168.9
15 1.60 2.20 2.99 3.99 6.0 10.0 14.0 22.0 31.9 45.9 45.9 75.8 111.8 203.6
20 1.87 2.57 3.50 4.67 7.0 11.7 16.3 25.7 37.4 53.7 53.7 88.7 130.8 238.2
25 2.14 2.94 4.01 5.35 8.0 13.4 18.7 29.4 42.8 61.5 61.5 101.6 149.8 272.9
30 2.41 3.32 4.52 6.03 9.0 15.1 21.1 33.2 48.2 69.3 69.3 114.5 168.8 307.4
40 2.95 4.06 5.54 7.39 11.1 18.5 25.9 40.6 59.1 84.9 84.9 140.3 206.8 376.7
50 3.50 4.81 6.56 8.74 13.1 21.9 30.6 48.1 70.0 100.6 100.6 166.1 244.8 445.9
60 4.04 5.56 7.58 10.10 15.2 25.3 35.4 55.6 80.8 116.2 116.2 191.9 282.9 515.2
70 4.58 6.30 8.59 11.46 17.2 28.6 40.1 63.0 91.7 131.8 131.8 217.7 320.9 584.5
80 5.13 7.05 9.61 12.82 19.2 32.0 44.9 70.5 102.5 147.4 147.4 243.5 358.9 653.7
90 5.67 7.80 10.63 14.18 21.3 35.4 49.6 78.0 113.4 163.0 163.0 269.3 396.9 723.0
100 6.21 8.54 11.65 15.53 23.3 38.8 54.4 85.4 124.3 178.6 178.6 295.1 434.9 792.1
110 6.76 9.29 12.67 16.89 25.3 42.2 59.1 92.9 135.1 194.2 194.2 320.9 472.9 861.4
120 7.30 10.04 13.69 18.25 27.4 45.6 63.9 100.4 146.0 209.9 209.9 346.7 511.0 930.6
125 7.57 10.41 14.2 18.93 28.4 47.3 66.2 104.1 151.4 217.7 217.7 359.6 530.0 965.3
135 8.11 11.16 15.21 20.29 30.4 50.7 71.0 111.6 162.3 233.3 233.3 385.4 568.0
150 8.93 12.28 16.74 22.32 33.5 55.8 78.1 122.8 178.6 256.7 256.7 424.1 625.0
175 10.29 14.14 19.29 25.72 38.6 64.3 90.0 141.4 205.7 295.7 295.7 488.6 720.1
200 11.64 16.01 21.83 29.11 43.7 72.8 334.8
232 384.7
175 PSIG Standard MAOP on sizes 8C175-56M175
* 200 PSIG MAOP Rating Optional. Contact Factory.


Model 1M300 1M740 1M1480 3M300 3M740 3M1480 5M1480 7M1480 11M480 To select the proper meter size, use the
Minimum Operating Pressure and the Maximum
Rating 1000 1000 1000 3000 3000 3000 5000 7000 11000 Instantaneous Hourly Flow Rate. Do not exceed
meter’s maximum allowable operating pressure.
PSIG Corrected Capacity at Metering Pressure - MSCFH
To prevent oversizing of a meter, sizing should
125 9.5 9.5 9.5 28.4 28.4 28.4 47.3 66.2 104.1 be based upon the total connected load giving
150 11.2 11.2 11.2 33.5 33.5 33.5 55.8 78.1 122.8 consideration to the load diversity. When using this
method to size a meter, a selected diversity factor
175 12.9 12.9 12.9 38.6 38.6 38.6 64.3 90.0 141.4 times the total connected load will be used as
200 14.6 14.6 14.6 43.7 43.7 43.7 72.8 102 160.1 the Maximum Instantaneous Flow Rate for sizing
250 18.0 18.0 18.0 53.9 53.9 53.9 89.8 126 197.4
A diversity factor of 0,85 is commonly used for
300 21.3 21.3 21.3 64.0 64.0 64.0 107 149 234.8 a single application where two or more major
350 24.7 24.7 74.2 74.2 124 173 272.1 appliances are in use (i,e, boilers, furnaces, space
heaters, etc,).
500 34.9 34.9 105 105 175 244 384.1
As the number of appliances considered when
600 41.7 41.7 125 125 209 292 458.8 determining a connected load increases, the
740 51.2 51.2 154 154 256 359 563.4 diversity factor will typically decrease. For
applications such as multiple ranges and water
800 55.3 166 276 387 608.2 heaters, some examples of commonly used
900 62.1 186 310 435 682.9 diversity factors are:

1200 82.4 247 412 577 906.9 Qty Factor Qty Factor*

1480 102 305 508 711 1116.0 0-5 1 6 0.9

7 0.85 8 0.83
Energy Value
NOTE: All capacities listed are Standard Cubic Feet per Hour (SCFH) *The diversity factors listed above are estimates.
and based upon Average Atmospheric Pressure (14.4 PSIA), Base Gas BTU/Cu. Ft. For proper sizing, consult your company or
Pressure (14.73 PSIA), and Base Temperature (60°F). Tables do not Acetylene 1498 industry standards for determining accepted
take into account Supercompressibility. Please refer to RM-135 for values.
further information on the Application of Temperature and/or Pressure Butane 3200
Correction Factors in Gas Measurement. Ethane 1758
Ethylene 1606
Methane 997
Natural 965/1055
Propane 2550 Meters and Instruments | 21
Metric Sizing Charts
Line Mounted - Metric
Model 8C175* 11C175* 15C175* 2M175* 3M175* 5M175* 7M175 11M175 16M175 23M232 23M175 38M175 56M175 102M125
*Also available in 200 PSIG Rating

Rating 22,7 31,2 42,5 56,6 85 141,6 198,2 311,5 453,1 651,3 651,3 1076 1585,7 2888,3
PSIG kPa Bar Corrected Capacity at Metering Pressure – in Nm /H
1 6,9 0,1 23,7 32,6 44,4 59,2 88,8 148,0 207,2 325,7 473,7 680,9 680,9 1125,0 1657,9 3019,7
3 20,7 0,2 26,8 36,8 50,2 66,9 100,3 167,2 234,1 368,0 535,2 769,3 769,3 1271,1 1873,2 3411,9
5 34,5 0,3 29,8 41,0 55,9 74,6 111,9 186,5 261,1 410,2 596,7 857,8 857,8 1417,2 2088,5 3804,0
10 68,9 0,7 37,5 51,6 70,4 93,8 140,7 234,5 328,3 516,0 750,5 1078,9 1078,9 1782,4 2626,8 4784,5
15 103,4 1,0 45,2 62,2 84,8 113,0 169,6 282,6 395,6 621,7 904,3 1299,9 1299,9 2147,7 3165,0 5764,9
20 137,9 1,4 52,9 72,7 99,2 132,3 198,4 330,6 462,9 727,4 1058,1 1521,0 1521,0 2513,0 3703,3 6745,3
30 206,8 2,1 68,3 93,9 128,0 170,7 256,1 426,8 597,5 938,9 1365,7 1963,2 1963,2 3243,5 4779,8 8706,1
40 275,8 2,8 83,6 115,0 156,8 209,1 313,7 522,9 732,1 1150,4 1673,3 2405,3 2405,3 3974,0 5856,4 10667,0
50 344,7 3,4 99,0 136,2 185,7 247,6 371,4 619,0 866,6 1361,8 1980,8 2847,5 2847,5 4704,5 6932,9 12627,8
60 413,7 4,1 114,4 157,3 214,5 286,0 429,1 715,1 1001,2 1573,3 2288,4 3289,6 3289,6 5435,0 8009,4 14588,7
70 482,6 4,8 129,8 178,5 243,3 324,5 486,7 811,2 1135,8 1784,8 2596,0 3731,8 3731,8 6165,5 9086,0 16549,5
80 551,6 5,5 145,2 199,6 272,2 362,9 544,4 907,3 1270,3 1996,2 2903,6 4173,9 4173,9 6896,0 10162,5 18510,3
90 620,5 6,2 160,5 220,8 301,0 401,4 602,1 1003,5 1404,9 2207,7 3211,2 4616,1 4616,1 7626,5 11239,1 20471,2
100 689,5 6,9 175,9 241,9 329,8 439,8 659,8 1099,6 1539,5 2419,2 3518,8 5058,2 5058,2 8357,0 12315,6 22432,0
125 861,8 8,6 214,4 294,8 401,9 535,9 803,9 1339,9 1875,9 2947,8 4287,7 6163,6 6163,6 10183,3 15006,9 27334,1
150 1034,2 10,3 252,8 347,7 474,0 632,0 948,1 1580,2 2212,3 3476,5 5056,7 7269,0 7269,0 12009,6 17698,3
175 1206,6 12,1 291,2 400,5 546,1 728,2 1092,3 1820,5 2548,7 4005,2 5825,6 8374,4 8374,4 13835,8 20389,6
200 1379,0 13,8 329,7 453,4 618,2 824,3 1236,5 2060,7 9479,7
232 1599,6 16,0 10894,6
175 PSIG Standard MAOP on sizes 8C175-56M175.
* 200 PSIG MAOP Rating Optional. Contact Factory.

High Pressure Meters - Metric

Model 1M300 1M740 1M1480 3M300 3M740 3M1480 5M1480 7M1480 11M1480
Rating 28,3 28,3 28,3 85,0 85,0 85,0 141,6 198,2 311,5
PSIG kPa Bar Corrected Capacity at Metering Pressure - in Nm3/H
125 861,8 8,6 268,0 268,0 268,0 803,9 803,9 803,9 1339,9 1875,9 2943,2
150 1034,2 10,3 316,1 316,1 316,1 948,1 948,1 948,1 1580,2 2212,3 3471,0
175 1206,6 12,1 364,1 364,1 364,1 1092,3 1092,3 1092,3 1820,5 2548,7 3998,9
200 1379,0 13,8 412,2 412,2 412,2 1236,5 1236,5 1236,5 2060,7 2885,2 4526,7
250 1723,7 17,2 508,3 508,3 508,3 1524,8 1524,8 1524,8 2541,3 3558,0 5582,4
300 2068,4 20,7 604,5 604,5 604,5 1813,2 1813,2 1813,2 3021,9 4230,8 6638,1
350 2413,2 24,1 700,6 700,6 2101,5 2101,5 3502,5 4903,7 7693,7
400 2757,9 27,6 796,7 796,7 2389,9 2389,9 3983,1 5576,5 8749,4
500 3447,4 34,5 989,0 989,0 2966,6 2966,6 4944,2 6922,2 10860,7
600 4136,9 41,4 1181,2 1181,2 3543,3 3543,3 5905,4 8267,9 12972,1
700 4826,3 48,3 1373,5 1373,5 4120,0 4120,0 6866,6 9613,6 15083,4
740 5102,1 51,0 1450,4 1450,4 4350,7 4350,7 7251,0 10151,9 15928,0
800 5515,8 55,2 1565,8 4696,8 7827,7 10959,3 17194,8
900 6205,3 62,1 1758,0 5273,5 8788,9 12305,0 19306,1
1000 6894,8 68,9 1950,3 5850,2 9750,1 13650,7 21417,4
1200 8273,7 82,7 2334,8 7003,6 11672,4 16342,0 25640,1
1300 8963,0 90,0 2527.1 7580,3 12635,4 17686,0 27751,5
1480 10204,2 102,0 2873,1 8618,4 14363,7 20110,0 31551,9

22 | Dresser
ROOTS® G-Rating Sizing Charts
Line Mounted
Model G16 G25 G40 G65 G100 G160 3” G160 4” G250 G400 4” G400 6” G650 G1000
Base Rating (m3/h) 25 40 65 100 160 250 250 400 650 650 1000 1600
Meter Oper. Press.
Corrected Capacity at Metering Pressure in Nm3/h
PSIG kPa Bar
3 21 0,2 29,5 47,3 76,8 118,1 189,0 295,3 295,3 472,5 767,8 767,8 1181,3 1890,0
5 34 0,3 32,9 52,7 85,6 131,7 210,7 329,3 329,3 526,8 856,1 856,1 1317,0 2107,3
10 69 0,7 41,4 66,3 107,7 165,6 265,0 414,1 414,1 662,6 1076,7 1076,7 1656,5 2650,4
15 103 1,0 49,9 79,8 129,7 199,6 319,3 499,0 499,0 798,4 1297,4 1297,4 1995,9 3193,5
20 138 1,4 58,4 93,4 151,8 233,5 373,7 583,8 583,8 934,1 1518,0 1518,0 2335,4 3736,6
30 207 2,1 75,4 120,6 195,9 301,4 482,3 753,6 753,6 1205,7 1959,3 1959,3 3014,3 4822,8
40 276 2,8 92,3 147,7 240,1 369,3 590,9 923,3 923,3 1477,3 2400,5 2400,5 3693,1 5909,0
50 345 3,4 109,3 174,9 284,2 437,2 699,5 1093,0 1093,0 1748,8 2841,8 2841,8 4372,0 6995,2
60 414 4,1 126,3 202,0 328,3 505,1 808,1 1262,7 1262,7 2020,4 3283,1 3283,1 5050,9 8081,5
70 483 4,8 143,2 229,2 372,4 573,0 916,8 1432,5 1432,5 2291,9 3724,4 3724,4 5729,8 9167,7
80 552 5,5 160,2 256,3 416,6 640,9 1025,4 1602,2 1602,2 2563,5 4165,6 4165,6 6408,7 10253,9
90 621 6,2 177,2 283,5 460,7 708,8 1134,0 1771,9 1771,9 2835,0 4606,9 4606,9 7087,6 11340,1
100 689 6,9 194,2 310,7 504,8 776,6 1242,6 1941,6 1941,6 3106,6 5048,2 5048,2 7766,5 12426,3
125 862 8,6 236,6 378,5 615,1 946,4 1514,2 2365,9 2365,9 3785,5 6151,4 6151,4 9463,7 15141,9
150 1034 10,3 279,0 446,4 725,5 1116,1 1785,7 2790,2 2790,2 4464,4 7254,6 7254,6 11160,9 17857,4
175 1207 12,1 321,5 514,3 835,8 1285,8 2057,3 3214,5 3214,5 5143,2 8357,8 8357,8 12858,1 20573,0
200 1379 13,8 946,1* 1455,5* 2328,9* 3638,8* 3638,8* 5822,1* 9461,0*
232 1600 16,0 1087,3* 1672,8* 2676,4* 4181,9* 4181,9* 6691,1* 10873,0*

12 bar MAOP Standard *16 bar MAOP optional on sizes G40-G400 4”. Contact Factory.

ROOTS® High Pressure Meters

Model G16-300 G25-300 G40-300 G65-300 G16-740 G25-740 G40-740 G65-740 G16-1480 G25-1480 G40-1480 G65-1480 G100-1480
Base Rating (m /h) 25 40 65 100 25 40 65 100 25 40 65 100 160
Meter Oper. Press.
Corrected Capacity at Meter Pressure -in Nm3/H
PSIG kPa Bar
125 862 9 236,6 378,5 615,1 946,4 236,6 378,5 615,1 946,4 236,6 378,5 615,1 946,4 1514,2
150 1034 10 279,0 446,4 725,5 1116,1 279,0 446,4 725,5 1116,1 279,0 446,4 725,5 1116,1 1785,7
175 1207 12 321,5 514,3 835,8 1285,8 321,5 514,3 835,8 1285,8 321,5 514,3 835,8 1285,8 2057,3
200 1379 14 363,9 582,2 946,1 1455,5 363,9 583,2 946,1 1455,5 363,9 582,2 946,1 1455,5 2328,9
250 1724 17 448,7 718,0 1166,7 1795,0 448,7 718,0 1166,7 1795,0 448,7 718,0 1166,7 1795,0 2872,0
300 2068 21 533,6 853,8 1387,4 2134,4 533,6 853,8 1387,4 2134,4 533,6 853,8 1387,4 2134,4 3415,1
350 2413 24 618,5 989,5 1608,0 2473,9 618,5 989,5 1608,0 2473,9 3958,2
400 2758 28 703,3 1125,3 1828,6 2813,3 703,3 1125,3 1828,6 2813,3 4501,3
500 3447 34 873,0 1396,9 2269,9 3492,2 873,0 1396,9 2269,9 3492,2 5587,5
600 4137 41 1042,8 1668,4 2711,2 4171,1 1042,8 1668,4 2711,2 4171,1 6673,7
700 4826 48 1212,5 1940,0 3152,5 4850,0 1212,5 1940,0 3152,5 4850,0 7759,9
740 5102 51 1280,4 2048,6 3329,0 5121,5 1280,4 2048,6 3329,0 5121,5 8194,4
800 5516 55 1382,2 2211,5 3593,8 5528,9 8846,2
900 6205 62 1551,9 2483,1 4035,0 6207,7 9932,4
1000 6895 69 1721,7 2754,7 4476,3 6886,6 11018,6
1200 8274 83 2061,1 3297,8 5358,9 8244,4 13191,0
1300 8963 90 2230,8 3569,3 5800,1 8923,3 14277,3
1480 10204 102 2536,3 4058,1 6594,4 10145,3 16232,5

Meters and Instruments | 23

Technical Data Units 8C175* 11C175* 15C175* 2M175* 3M175* 5M175* 7M175 8.8M175 11M175 16M175 23M175 23M232
Base Rating (Q Max.) acfh 800 1100 1500 2000 3000 5000 7000 N/A 11000 16000 23000 23000
m3/h 22,6 31,0 42,5 56,6 85,0 141,5 200,0 250,0 310,0 450,0 650,0 650,0
Max. Operating Pressure (MAOP)* psig 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 N/A 175 175 175 232

24 | Dresser
kPa 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1600
Rangeability +/- 1% ratio 26:01:00 31:01:00 40:01:00 68:01:00 76:01:00 120:01:00 67:01:00 70:01:00 124:01:00 116:01:00 40:01:00 169:01:00
Start Rate cfh 2.8 2.3 1.9 1.01 2.1 1.2 5.3 N/A 3.9 3.2 23 10.33
m3/h 0,0790 0,0651 0,0549 0,0538 0,0595 0,0340 0,1509 0,1510 0,1099 0,0917 0,6513 0,2926
Stop Rate cfh 2 1.7 1.6 0.82 1.8 0.8 3.4 N/A 3.2 1.9 18 5.75
m3/h 0,0575 0,0493 0,0445 0,0311 0,0510 0,0227 0,096 0,0960 0,0915 0,0535 0,5097 0,1628
Avg. Differential, 100% Flow in. w.c. 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.7 1.1 1.1 1.6 N/A 1.6 2.1 1.3 2.08
mbar 1,1 1,5 1,9 1,6 2,6 2,6 4,0 2,8 4,0 5,2 3,1 5,18
Drive Rate CTR, CD cf/rev 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 N/A 10 100 100 100
m3/rev 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Drive Rate TC, TD cf/rev 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 1000 N/A N/A
m3/rev 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 10 10 N/A N/A
Nominal Pipe Size in. 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 N/A 4 4 6 4
mm 50 50 50 50 50 80 80 80 or 100 100 100 150 100
Flange-to-Flange in. 6/3/04 6/3/04 6/3/04 6/3/04 6/3/04 6/3/04 9/1/02 N/A 9/1/02 9/1/02 16 9/1/02
mm 172 172 172 172 172 172 241 241 241 241 406,4 241
Flange Connection ANSI 150#FF 150#FF 150#FF 150#FF 150#FF 150#FF 150#FF 150#FF 150#FF 150#FF 150#FF 150FF
Net Weight - CTR Version lbs. 18 22 24 26 29 35 52 N/A 60 85 202 100
kg 8,2 10,0 10,9 11,8 13,2 15,9 23,6 29,0 or 31,0 27,2 38,6 91,6 45,4

Technical Data Units 38M175 56M175 102M125 1M300 1M740 1M1480 3M300 3M740 3M1480 5M1480 7M1480 11M1480
Base Rating (Q Max.) acfh 38000 56000 102000 1000 1000 1000 3000 3000 3000 5000 7000 11000
m3/h 1050,0 1575,0 2875,0 28,3 65,0 65,0 85,0 85,0 85,0 141,5 200,0 310
Max. Operating Pressure (MAOP)* psig 175 175 125 300 740 1480 300 740 1480 1480 1480 1480
kPa 1200 1200 860 2065 5100 10200 2065 5100 10200 10200 10200 10204
Rangeability +/- 1% ratio 90:1 53:1 38:1 30:1 18:1 18:1 50:1 77:1 77:1 28:1 60:1 55:1
Start Rate cfh 27 40 120 1.9 2.5 2.5 2.1 3 3 7.6 5.8 12.83
m3/h 0,7646 11,327 33,980 0,0538 0,0708 0,0708 0,0595 0,0850 0,0850 0,133 0,1642 0,363
Stop Rate cfh 20 29 110 1.1 2 2 1.8 2.5 2.5 4.6 4.6 4.65
m3/h 0,5663 0,0283 31,149 0,0311 0,0566 0,0566 0,0510 0,0708 0,0708 0,057 0,1303 0,132
Imperial and Metric Technical Data

Avg. Differential, 100% Flow in. w.c. 1.9 2.2 2 0.2 0.4 0.3 1 1.3 1.35 0.9 2 1.04
mbar 4,7 5,5 5,0 0,5 1,0 0,7 2,5 3,2 3,4 2,24 4,26 0,029
Drive Rate CTR, CD cf/rev 100 100 100 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
m3/rev 1 10 10 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 1 1 N/A
Drive Rate TC, TD cf/rev N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
m3/rev N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Nominal Pipe Size in. 6 8 10 1-1/2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4
mm 150 200 250 40 50 50 50 50 50 80 80 100
Flange-to-Flange in. 18 21 28 6/3/04 10/3/04 10/3/04 6/3/04 10/3/04 10/3/04 14-3/4 14-3/4 14-3/4
mm 457,2 533,4 711,2 172 273 273 172 273 273 374,65 374,65 374,65
Flange Connection ANSI 150#FF 150#FF 125#FF 300#FF 300#RF 600#RF 300#FF 300#RF 600#RF 600#RF 600#RF 600#RF
Net Weight - CTR Version lbs. 244 284 2390 26.5 107 107 29 107 107 215 220 277
kg 110,7 128,8 1084,1 12,0 48,5 48,5 13,2 48,5 48,5 97,52 99,79 125,65
* Available with 200 PSIG Rating.
G-Rating Technical Data
Technical Data Units G16 G25 G40 G65 G100 G160-3" G160-4" G250
Base Rating (qMax.) m3/h 25,0 40,0 65,0 100,0 160,0 250,0 250,0 400,0
Max Operating Pressure (MAOP)* bar 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Rangeability +/- 1% ratio 28:1 37:1 78:1 89:1 135:1 70:1 70:1 103:1
Start Rate m3/h 0,0790 0,0549 0,0538 0,0595 0,0340 0,1510 0,1510 0,0917
Stop Rate m /h 0,0575 0,0445 0,0311 0,0510 0,0227 0,0960 0,0960 0,0535
Avg. Differential, 100% Flow mbar 1,6 1,9 2,2 3,2 3,7 2,8 2,8 3,9
Drive Rate CTR, CD m /rev 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Nominal Pipe Size mm 50 50 50 50 80 80 100 100
Flange-to-Flange mm 172 172 172 172 172 241 241 241
Flange Connection ANSI 150# FF 150# FF 150# FF 150# FF 150# FF 150# FF 150# FF 150# FF
Net Weight - CTR Version kg 8 11 12 13 16 29 31 39
* 16 bar optional on sizes G40-G160 upon request.

Technical Data Units G400 G650 G1000

Base Rating (qMax.) m3/h 650,0 1000,0 1600,0
Max Operating Pressure (MAOP) bar 12 12 12
Rangeability +/- 1% ratio 40:1 85:1 53:1
Start Rate m3/h 0,6513 0,7646 1,1327
Stop Rate m3/h 0,5097 0,5663 0,8212
Avg. Differential, 100% Flow mbar 3,1 4,7 5,5
Drive Rate CTR, CD m3/rev 1,0 1,0 10,0
Nominal Pipe Size mm 150 150 200
Flange-to-Flange mm 406,4 457,2 533,4
Flange Connection ANSI 150# FF 150# FF 150# FF
Net Weight - CTR Version kg 92 111 129

Meters and Instruments | 25

About Dresser® Products About Dresser, Inc.
Dresser brand products are highly engineered, technically Dresser, Inc. is a leader in providing highly engineered
superior and are designed to help global customers meet and infrastructure products for the global energy industry. The
exceed requirements for mission critical energy applications. company has leading positions in a broad portfolio of products,
including valves, actuators, meters, switches, regulators, piping
products, natural gas-fueled engines, retail fuel dispensers
and associated retail point-of-sale systems, and air and gas
handling equipment. Leading brand names within the Dresser
portfolio include Dresser Wayne® retail fueling systems,
Waukesha® natural gas-fired engines, Masoneilan® control
valves, Consolidated® pressure relief valves, and Roots®
blowers. It has manufacturing and customer service facilities
located strategically worldwide and a sales presence in more
than 100 countries.

Dresser, Inc.
16240 Port Northwest Drive
Houston, TX 77041-2645
Inside US Ph: 800.521.1114 Fax: 800.355.5224
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