File Sih
File Sih
File Sih
Problem Statement
Ministry/Organization Name/Student Innovation:
PS Code:
Team Name:
Institute Name:
Theme Name:
Idea/Approach Details
Describe your idea/Solution/Prototype here:
We are looking for a solution by creating an web- based application that will
serve as a Platform for student which will provide Opportunity to share and grow
by sharing the project idea and by contributing In the exciting and innovative
• the primary purpose of the website, such as facilitating project submissions, Add process flow chart or simulated image
showcasing student work, or providing resources for academic projects.
of prototype or any relevant image related to
• Both options are available; they can visit that project and can contribute to your idea
the exciting project's ideas.
• Implement a user registration system with secure authentication to ensure
that only authorized users can submit projects.
• Allow students to create profiles with their personal and academic Describe your Technology stack here:
information, including name, institution, field of study, and contact details
• Common technologies may include HTML/CSS, JavaScript, a backend
programming language (e.g., Python, Ruby, PHP), and a database
management system (e.g., MySQL
• students get cashback points on submission of their projects it can
be redeemed in various forms such as discounts ,deals , exciting prizes.
• Allow users to rate and provide feedback on submitted projects, fostering
engagement and improvement.
Idea/Approach Details Describe your Dependencies / Show stopper here
The website's creation depends on web development
Describe your Use Cases here technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a
• Register yourself in the website by simply sign up and backend programming language A DBMS like MySQL,
After logging in, the student explores the website's MongoDB is essential for storing project data, user
project listings. information, and project-related files.
• The student decides to submit their academic project. The website relies on hosting services (e.g., AWS, Azure,
or a dedicated server) to ensure it is accessible to users.
• Also they fill out a project submission form, including Security tools and practices, including encryption
details such as project title, abstract, methodology, and (SSL/TLS), firewalls, and intrusion detection systems, are
associated files. crucial for protecting user data and preventing cyberattacks.
• The website uses HTML forms and a backend Technologies and coding practices for responsive design
framework to process and store the submitted project ensure that the website is accessible and functional across
data, including file uploads. different devices and browsers.
• Once approved, the project becomes visible to other The website may implement revenue generation strategies,
users. other students can provide feedback and ratings such as displaying advertisements or offering premium
for the project using the website's rating and features to generate income for maintenance and
commenting system, which is implemented with development.
JavaScript and a database.
Allow educational institutions, research organizations, or
• Users' personal information and project files are companies to sponsor or promote specific projects.
securely stored and transmitted using encryption Sponsored projects can receive higher visibility, and
technologies. sponsors can benefit from branding and exposure to the
student community.
Team Member Details
Team Leader Name: Type Your Name Here
Branch (Btech/Mtech/PhD etc): Stream (ECE, CSE etc): Year (I,II,III,IV):
Team Member 1 Name: Type Your Name Here
Branch (Btech/Mtech/PhD etc): Stream (ECE, CSE etc): Year (I,II,III,IV):
Team Member 2 Name: Type Your Name Here
Branch (Btech/Mtech/PhD etc): Stream (ECE, CSE etc): Year (I,II,III,IV):
Team Member 3 Name: Type Your Name Here
Branch (Btech/Mtech/PhD etc): Stream (ECE, CSE etc): Year (I,II,III,IV):
Team Member 4 Name: Type Your Name Here
Branch (Btech/Mtech/PhD etc): Stream (ECE, CSE etc): Year (I,II,III,IV):
Team Member 5 Name: Type Your Name Here
Branch (Btech/Mtech/PhD etc): Stream (ECE, CSE etc): Year (I,II,III,IV):
Team Mentor 1 Name: Type Your Name Here
Category (Academic/Industry): Expertise (AI/ML/Blockchain etc): Domain Experience (in years):
Team Mentor 2 Name: Type Your Name Here
Category (Academic/Industry): Expertise (AI/ML/Blockchain etc): Domain Experience (in years):
Important Pointers