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Chapter 2 of any research document often entails a review of related literature and studies, a crucial

aspect in establishing the context and theoretical framework for the study. However, crafting a
comprehensive literature review can be a daunting task for many researchers.

The process involves sifting through a vast array of scholarly articles, books, and other academic
sources to identify relevant literature that contributes to the understanding of the research topic. It
requires critical analysis, synthesis, and interpretation of existing literature to highlight gaps, identify
trends, and establish the theoretical framework for the study.

Moreover, writing a literature review demands clarity, coherence, and precision in presenting the
information gathered from various sources. Researchers must effectively organize the literature,
provide concise summaries, and integrate findings to support their research objectives.

Given the complexity and time-consuming nature of writing a literature review, many researchers
find it beneficial to seek assistance from professional writing services. ⇒ ⇔ offers
expert assistance in crafting high-quality literature reviews tailored to the specific requirements of
each research project. Our team of experienced writers is adept at conducting thorough literature
searches, critically analyzing scholarly sources, and synthesizing information to produce well-
structured and insightful literature reviews.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and effort while
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However, a gap remains in the literature regarding the specific components of. We advocate for using
all tools that collectively embrace a holistic approach to all competency components within surgical
learning. On the other hand, the results also showed no significant relationship between Students’
Performance and Students’ Satisfaction (0.602) because the correlation p -values are greater than 0.5.
Interestingly, this result opposed the other related studies. Mastery learning - does the method of
learning make a difference in skills acquisition for robotic surgery. Modular teaching is concerned
with each student as an individual and with their specific capability and interest to assist each K-12
student in learning and provide quality education by allowing individuality to each learner.
Ownership Knowledge. General possession, principles, Specific information. Factors affecting the
development of confidence among surgical trainees. The application of SEM analyzed the correlation
among students’ background, experience, behavior, instructor interaction, performance,
understanding, satisfaction, academic achievement, and student perceived effectiveness. Availability
of data and materials The dataset supporting the conclusions of the current study is available from
the corresponding author on reasonable request. It has a substantial share of the famous Buluan
Lake. On the other hand, emotional participation is linked to how children react to their peers,
teachers, and school. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The researchers crafted a process framework
which may serve as basis in the modification of the implementation of modular distance learning
which included seven (7) strategic dimensions. Perceived effectiveness was significantly influenced
by students’ academic achievement and student satisfaction. Rosendal AA, Sloth SB, Rolfing JD,
Bie M, Jensen RD. Thus, competence testing protocols must be validated, and must be evidence
based. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. This indicates that, at least
implicitly, quite a few studies on surgical learning are drawing on a competence framework by
combining the learning of surgical skills and knowledge acquisition. The empirical evidence still
implies that such instructional methods can enhance surgical learning. Most studies focused on
objective assessments, yet the measurement and assurance of the transition from technical to clinical
proficiency remain areas for further exploration. According to Garrison (2000), transactional distance
theory is essential in directing the complicated experience of a cognitive process such as distance
teaching and learning. A modular earning is a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning
Modules (SLM) and is one of the highly convenient for most of the typical Filipino students.
However, in 19 studies, the training surgeons’ learning was a combination of several skills,
knowledge, and attitudes, most typically technical skills, and surgical knowledge. Reprints and
permissions About this article Cite this article. It is unscientific if related literature are presented and
of no. It is composed of seven barangays occupying a total land area of 69,950 hectares. In our
review, systematic approaches to address adverse events were notably absent. Behavioral
engagement refers to a student’s enthusiasm for academic and extracurricular activities. Hardware
Establishments of Import Products may preclude in the stride of. To browse and the
wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
This study aimed to perceive the impact of Modular Distance learning on the K-12 students amid the
COVID-19 pandemic and assess cognitive factors affecting students’ academic achievement and
satisfaction. Because this study aimed to boost academic achievement and satisfaction in K-12
students, the researcher thoroughly applied transactional distance theory (TDT) to understand the
consequences of distance in relationships in education. Guiamalon, SITTIE ALMIRAH ALON To
give consideration of the learners in rural areas where the internet inaccessible for online learning,
Modular Learning modality is currently used by all public schools in the Philippines. This trend
underscores the growing recognition of the value of collaborative learning environments, where peers
can share knowledge, challenge each other, and collectively develop the comprehensive skill set
required in modern surgical practice. There is a significant relationship between students’ satisfaction
and students’ perceived effectiveness. Learning outcomes can either cause or result in students and
instructors behavior. It aimed to assess the impact of modular distance learning on academic
achievement and student satisfaction among K-12 students. J Med Internet Res. 2019;21(3): e12994.
Graafland M, Schraagen JM, Schijven MP. Hardware Establishments of Import Products may
preclude in the stride of. Lizzio A, Wilson K. Action learning in higher education: an investigation of
its potential to develop professional capability. Additionally, this new learning platform, modular
distance learning, seems to have impacted students’ ability to discover and challenged their learning
skills. There is a significant relationship between students’ experience and students’ performance.
Effects of Silica Fume and Fly Ash as Partial Replacement of Cement on Water. European Union
permit parallel trade among those countries in virtually all. There is a significant relationship between
students’ behavior and students’ understanding. They are 'home facilitators,' the ' tagapagdaloy '
means channel, but they will not teach the subject matter. Understanding has a significant influence
on students’ satisfaction and academic achievement. Findings show that challenges include planning
and preparing the modules, teaching the courses, collection of information on student performance,
examined and assessed students' outputs, and provided feedback to students. It is the chapter in
which you analyse critically published works theoretical articles and research studies related to your
problem statement and research questions. It is composed of seven barangays occupying a total land
area of 69,950 hectares. Report Back from San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2023:
Spotlight. Surgical simulation training should become a mandatory part of orthopaedic education.
Interestingly, none of the studies address learning skills such as self- or co-regulated learning as part
of surgical learning. This concerning trend underscores the need for a holistic approach to surgical
education. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. This online descriptive quantitative research investigated the
extent of challenges faced by the Araling Panlipunan and Social Science teachers from the ten
districts of the Schools Division Office of Surigao City for the school year 2020-2021, in which
purposive sampling was used. The researcher utilized the combination of quantitative and qualitative
methods of research. Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences 5th Edition Gravetter Solutions.
Factors associated with burnout syndrome in surgeons: a systematic review. The results showed that
learning by doing, typically simulation, and learning through guided reflection were the most used
instructional methods to promote surgical residents’ and medical students’ surgical learning.
One of the elementary schools that selected Modular Distance Learning (MDL) as their primary
mode of instruction for various reasons is Antipuluan Elementary School, a public elementary school
in the Municipality of Narra, Palawan, the Philippines. Utility of a validated rating scale for self-
assessment in microsurgical training. Seil R, Hoeltgen C, Thomazeau H, Anetzberger H, Becker R.
Cognitive task analysis (CTA) was utilized in only two studies. A researcher-made questionnaire was
used to collect data, which was then analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and Pearson product-
moment correlation. This reflects a more modern understanding of learning in which varied
instructional methods should be used depending on the object of learning, participants, and context.
TDT Moore (1993) states that distance education is “the universe of teacher-learner connections
when learners and teachers are separated by place and time.” Moore’s (1990) concept of
”Transactional Distance” adopts the distance that occurs in all linkages in education, according to
TDT Moore (1993). The Department of Education (DepEd) has introduced modular distance
learning for K-12 students to ensure continuity of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Surgical
practical skills learning curriculum: implementation and interns’ confidence perceptions. This study
will help the government, teachers, and students take the necessary steps to improve and enhance
modular distance learning that will benefit students for effective learning. All articles that matched
the inclusion criteria were included in the review, resulting in 42 articles being included in the
review. Cognitive task analysis-based training: a meta-analysis of studies. Twenty-two studies
focused on the acquisition of surgical knowledge, such as general medical or surgical knowledge or
more specific knowledge of certain procedures. Resident perspectives on Effective Surgical training:
incivility, confidence, and Mindset. Chapter 2 thesis sample review of related literature. Effects of
Silica Fume and Fly Ash as Partial Replacement of Cement on Water. It is extensively cultivated as
an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions. The first is their demographic information,
including their age, gender, and grade level. Chapter 2 of your thesis is called the review of literature
or review of related literature or literature review. Teachers play an essential role in influencing
student academic motivation, school commitment, and disengagement. Additionally, respondents
declared that they were prepared to do the tasks related to teaching and learning processes. As stated
in the literature, the relationship between student satisfaction and the characteristic of a
psychological contract is illustrated. Advancing proficiency through adequate competency
assessment is crucial for effective surgical learning. Measuring patient views of physician
communication skills: development and testing of the communication assessment tool. Local
According to Lev Vygotsky (2000), Modular learning is a form of distance learning that uses Self-
Learning Modules (SLM) based on the Most Essential Learning competencies (MELCS). The
findings of the study in the respondent's demographic profile, sex, age, Who among the household
members can provide instructional support to the child's distance learning, devices available at home
that the learner can use for learning, Internet connection, preferred distance learning modalities and
challenges that may affect the child's learning process through distance education are in the
significant relationship between the academic performance of indigenous peoples learners. The
results showed that learning by doing, typically simulation, and learning through guided reflection
were the most used instructional methods to promote surgical residents’ and medical students’
surgical learning. CTA-based training was considered suitable for expediting learning but based on
our study cohort, it is scarcely applied. This involves analyzing the effectiveness and application of
different teaching strategies in nurturing a comprehensive set of surgical competencies, focusing on
integrating technical and non-technical skills. In addition, parents' three major limitations were: 1)
insufficient knowledge about the lessons; 2) difficulties in schedule of distribution and retrieval of
modules; and 3) working parents.
B. Sources of Related Literature and Studies: The sources of related literature and studies may
include. There is a significant relationship between students’ performance and student’s academic
achievement. The shift towards competency in surgical training is evident. The Chapter begins with
the Introduction, See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Ownership Knowledge.
General possession, principles, Specific information. A major distinction of this study from the other
previous studies is that focuses an. Modelling the effect of age, semester of study and its interaction
on self-reflection of competencies in medical students. Partly mixed resulted in terms of the
effectiveness of the method for novice and more advanced surgical students. Independent learners
may be able to do so, but they Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES
Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES. The necessity of related
literature search and review exercises in dissertati. To be included in the review, the articles had to
fulfil the following criteria: be original empirical studies. Manila: Canlaon Publishing Company,
Inc.,1981, P102. The researcher created the questionnaire to examine and discover the probable
cognitive capacity influencing K-12 students’ academic achievement in different parts of Occidental
Mindoro during this pandemic as well as their satisfaction with modular distance learning. Potential
of Physical Culture and Sports in Higher Education Institutions, Challenges of Training and. Dawe
SR, Pena GN, Windsor JA, Broeders JA, Cregan PC, Maddern GJ. Items about student satisfaction
with modular distance learning correspond to forming a psychological contract in factor analytic
studies. However, on the first few months of its implementation, several concerns where observed.
These schools were located at Buluan where strategically located in the southern tip of the
Maguindanao Province of Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).
Funding Statement This research received no external funding. However, further studies on its
ramifications on clinical outcomes are needed. Conditionally-Free Import Theory is formulated by
the Import Regulations. While we attempted to acquire a comprehensive picture of the pedagogical
surgical landscape, we may have yet to detect some reports. To browse and the wider
internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Nontechnical
skills in surgery: a systematic review of current training modalities. Surgeons gaining false self-
confidence through inadequate testing may increase the risks of adverse events in clinical
applications. In addition, the GFI and AGFI values were 0.828 and 0.801, respectively, indicating
that the model was also good. During the first time period (April 20-May 14), the range of the AMs
on the vessels was 1.9-24.2 ppm THC. Exposures were lower during the second period (May 15-July
15) when dispersant was used to reduce air concentrations (0.1-14.6 ppm). After top-capping the
well, a substantial. The questionnaire was designed through Google drive as people’s interactions are
limited due to the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ethics declarations Ethics approval and
consent to participate. The model used in this research illustrates cognitive factors associated with
adopting modular distance learning based on students’ academic achievements and satisfaction.
In this view, distance learning is primarily determined by the number of dialogues between student
and teacher and the degree of structuring of the course design. The current study underlines that
combining TDT and BTT can positively impact the research outcome. Surgical residency is
demanding in many aspects, not the least timewise. Pragmatic considerations indicate that
modularisation, which has significant advantages, is likely to continue to be an important mode of
Modular Approach: Its Effect on Learners' Reading Attitude and In March 2020, the coronavirus
disease (COVID-19) pandemic forced schools in the Philippines to stop face-to-face learning
activities and abruptly shift to modular approach. Mean and standard deviation were the statistical
tools used to treat the data. Report Back from San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS)
2023: Spotlight. Reliability of observational assessment methods for outcome-based assessment of
surgical skill: systematic review and Meta-analyses. A proficiency based stepwise endovascular
curricular training (PROSPECT) program enhances operative performance in real life: a randomised
controlled trial. The sample size in this study was small, at only 252. Gentry SV, Gauthier A,
L’Estrade Ehrstrom B, Wortley D, Lilienthal A, Tudor Car L, et al. This study aimed to determine
the effectiveness of the modular learning approach to students' academic performance. As presented
in Table 6, the IFI, TLI, and CFI values were greater than the suggested cutoff of 0.80, indicating
that the specified model’s hypothesized construct accurately represented the observed data.
Inclusion criteria and study selection We applied five inclusion criteria for the data. In this method
the ideas, facts or principles, although they have the same. Integrative Cortex is rel Page 68 and 69:
Bruner also favors this statement t Page 70 and 71: The exponents of gestalt theory are Page 72 and
73: learning styles on different format Page 74 and 75: 2.9 Researches on Learning Styles S Page 76
and 77: higher grades. We advocate for using all tools that collectively embrace a holistic approach
to all competency components within surgical learning. Federal government websites often end Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site.
The included studies in the present review employed various instructional methods ranging from
learning by doing to mentoring and teaching fellow residents. However, it is an additional workload
to working parents, there is limited teacher-learner interaction, learners lack socialization with other
children. In other words, the performance of a particular job affects. This will also present synthesis,
theoretical framework, and conceptual paradigm. Moreover, Table 4 demonstrates the descriptive
statistical results of each indicator. However, further studies on its ramifications on clinical outcomes
are needed. Evaluation of a novel surgical skills training course: are cadavers still the gold standard
for surgical skills training. Mastery learning - does the method of learning make a difference in skills
acquisition for robotic surgery. One of the sectors impacted has been education, resulting in the
suspension of face-to-face classes to avoid spreading the virus. It aimed to assess the impact of
modular distance learning on academic achievement and student satisfaction among K-12 students.
Surgical practical skills learning curriculum: implementation and interns’ confidence perceptions.
There is a significant relationship between students’ experience and students’ performance. This also
included 13 literature reviews that were excluded from the study as they were not empirical.

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