High Downforce Race Car Vertical Dynamics: Aerodynamic Index

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High downforce race car vertical dynamics: aerodynamic index

Article in Vehicle System Dynamics · December 2017

DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2017.1413196


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4 authors, including:

Roberto SPINOLA Barbosa Marco Gadola

University of São Paulo Università degli Studi di Brescia


Daniel Chindamo
Università degli Studi di Brescia


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Vehicle System Dynamics
International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility

ISSN: 0042-3114 (Print) 1744-5159 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/nvsd20

High downforce race car vertical dynamics:

aerodynamic index

Felipe Pereira Marchesin, Roberto Spinola Barbosa, Marco Gadola & Daniel

To cite this article: Felipe Pereira Marchesin, Roberto Spinola Barbosa, Marco Gadola & Daniel
Chindamo (2018) High downforce race car vertical dynamics: aerodynamic index, Vehicle System
Dynamics, 56:8, 1269-1288, DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2017.1413196

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00423114.2017.1413196

Published online: 14 Dec 2017.

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2018, VOL. 56, NO. 8, 1269–1288

High downforce race car vertical dynamics: aerodynamic

Felipe Pereira Marchesina , Roberto Spinola Barbosaa , Marco Gadola b and
Daniel Chindamo b
a Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; b Department of
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy


Race car performance is strongly affected by aerodynamics. Due to Received 14 May 2017
downforce generated by the vehicle floor (i.e. diffuser), vehicle ride Revised 18 October 2017
heights are key parameters to improve performance, and the cou- Accepted 24 November 2017
pling of aerodynamics and suspension is one of the key points of KEYWORDS
race car setting. This work focuses on the suspension and aerody- Aerodynamics; stability
namic coupling from the vertical dynamics point of view. Besides analysis; suspension systems
road holding performance, for race cars, aerodynamic performance
and stability are major factors. Downforce decreases laptime (the
main performance target) but pitch instability is a non-desired effect
that can happen in high downforce race cars. A new vertical dynamic
performance index is proposed through the use of simulation to
improve aerodynamic performance and understand the pitch insta-
bility phenomenon. This new index uses all relevant vehicle nonlin-
earities related to vertical dynamics and can handle a specific track
profile and vehicle speed range, allowing the analysis be conducted
according to a circuit specification. A previously validated Formula 3
car model was used as an example.

a distance from sprung mass centre of gravity to front axle
AB aerobalance
b distance from sprung mass centre of gravity to rear axle
Cm pitch moment coefficient
Cwr front damping coefficient at wheel
Cz downforce coefficient
Fa aerodynamic force
Famass aerodynamic force due added mass effect
Fspring force at suspension spring
Fwheel spring force at wheel
gap distance from the static position when the bump stop starts to be compressed
h ride height

CONTACT Felipe Pereira Marchesin felipemarchesin@yahoo.com

© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group


Kwr spring rate at wheel

L wheelbase length
Ma aerodynamic pitch moment
mns unsprung mass
ms sprung mass
MR suspension motion ratio
PMI pitch moment index
rh ride height
S vehicle frontal reference area
t time
V longitudinal speed
xspring spring displacement
xwheel relative displacement between wheel and sprung mass
zns unsprung mass vertical displacement
zr road displacement input to the tyre
zs sprung mass vertical displacement
ϕs sprung mass pitch angle
ρ air density
τ road input time delay from front to rear axle
ϑ air volume displaced

f front
r rear

1. Introduction
Nowadays the aerodynamic performance of open wheel race cars is a dominant effect over
several mechanical parameters. In Formula 1, mechanical systems designs are compro-
mised in order to improve aerodynamic performance [1]. Downforce improves braking,
cornering and acceleration performance [2], from both the longitudinal and lateral dynam-
ics point of view performance improvements can be calculated with simple quasi-static
models. The influence of aerodynamics in vertical dynamics is secondary compared to the
other two, but for a sport where one tenth of second can affect qualifying, this behaviour
becomes important as well.
In motorsport, performance related to vertical dynamics is generated from the minimi-
sation of the variation of tyre contact patch load from the mechanical and aerodynamic
point of view. Several works have examined this [3–9], the authors worked on particular
aspects concerning friction effects on race car vertical dynamics [10]. Vertical dynamics
also affects driver stress conditions and performance as shown in [11].
The current state of the art approach used by the motorsport industry is the indoor test
called 7 post rig [12–14], where the vehicle sprung mass is held by three actuators and there
is one actuator for each tyre contact patch. The analyses of test results can be conducted in
time or frequency domain. Basically, high budget series (i.e. Formula 1) use a time domain

approach as they can access enough trackside data, while medium and low budget series
use the frequency domain.
There are advantages and disadvantages of both methods. Time domain simulation is
done with an artificial or replicated signal of the track profile. It can use an Interactive
Control System strategy, based on an interactive process that analyses the outdoor test sig-
nal and tries to replicate it creating a displacement profile in the actuators. According to
some works [6] the replication process must have at least eight iterations to replicate a full
race lap. To replicate a track profile, the time domain approach needs: acceleration data
from the four unsprung masses, relative displacement from unsprung to sprung mass and
at least one accelerometer and two gyros (pitch and roll) in the sprung mass. As shown by
researchers [7] this process assures the replication of upright vertical accelerations, but it
doesn’t mean that the track profile is recreated. A similar method is also used by MTS [15].
Several racing series have limitations for the number of data acquisition channels as a
cost control tool, and also, it is sometimes forbidden to test during events. In those cases the
approach used is in the frequency domain. It is done by exciting all four wheels with a sine
sweep displacement signal with decreasing amplitude with rise of frequency. Some works
show improvement in performance (ranging from high downforce open wheel formulas
cars to touring cars) [4,6]. These works are based on the theory that when pitch response
is minimised for a bounce input it will reduces aerodynamic instability, as the longitudinal
position of the centre of pressure is related to pitch attitude, resulting in a gain of mechan-
ical grip reported by the drivers. This is based on the assumption that when the car pitches
it transfer load from one axle to the other resulting a reduction of grip in one axle and an
increase in the other one, changing the car balance.
Two disadvantages observed in both methods are: suspension nonlinearities are
removed (e.g. bump stops) and aerodynamic coefficients are assumed constant with sprung
mass movements. In time domain the aerodynamic loads are replicated from a run, but
if the car settings are changed, the loads will not be the same and the replication will
have errors. In frequency domain the aerodynamic forces are recreated by compressing
the sprung mass over the unsprung mass through air springs (with near zero stiffness so as
not to change system response) using loads calculated from steady state wind tunnel data
keeping them constant through the full run. In this approach car attitude does not change
the aerodynamic loads as it does on track and as can be observed from wind tunnel mea-
surements [16]. The test is sometimes also conducted together with simulations in order
to reduce the number of runs [14].
Race car configurations (i.e. aerodynamic and suspension settings) change according to
race track characteristics. The track layout will determine the speed range the race car will
operate in. Table 1 shows the characteristics of different tracks, the aerodynamic configura-
tion used, bump level (qualitative information about unevenness of the road excluding the
curbs), and speed range. Even with the same aerodynamic configuration, the speed range
This work presents a method of calculating an aerodynamic performance index related
to vertical dynamics transient response using simulation. This index is calculated in fre-
quency domain and represents the aerodynamic pitch moment statistical variance over a
speed range for a specific vehicle configuration (i.e. wings setting, springs and bump stops).
Tyre grip is a function of vertical load and friction coefficient. The more steady the aero-
dynamic loads are, the less variation the wheel loads will have and the better will be the

Table 1. Track characteristics differences from five different circuits.

Speed (km/h)
Circuit Aerodynamic configuration Bump level min max
circuit 1 High downforce high 56 216
circuit 2 High downforce low 80 224
circuit 3 High downforce low 66 238
circuit 4 Medium downforce medium 62 245

overall vehicle performance. This new method will include both aerodynamic and suspen-
sion nonlinearities in the car model, and will be simulated at different longitudinal speed
ranges, characterising the vertical dynamics behaviour as a function of speed.

2. Proposed model
The half car model is a classic model used to evaluate vertical dynamics. In its complete
form it has four degrees of freedom; pitch and bounce (angular and vertical movements of
mass centre) for sprung mass, and front and rear unsprung mass vertical displacements.
The model described below is an upgrade from the classic half car model, it incorporates
a nonlinear suspension and an aerodynamic model. The suspension damping and tyre
stiffness are linear. Figure 1 shows the model degrees of freedom and the reference system.
The aerodynamic model is divided into downforce and pitch moment, the pole being
where the front axle crosses the ground. Equations (1)–(4) represent: pitch, bounce, front
unsprung and rear unsprung equations of motion respectively.

Iy α̈ns = Ma + aFa + Fwheelf a + Fwheelr b + cwf (−żs + ϕ̇s a + żnsf )a

+ cwr (żnsr − żs − ϕ̇s b)b, (1)

ms z̈s = −Fa + Fwheelf + Fwheelr + cwf (żs − ϕ̇s a − żnsf ) + cwr (żnsr − żs − ϕ̇s b), (2)

Figure 1. Half car model.


mnsf z̈nsf = +Fwheelf + cwf (żs − ϕ̇s a − żnsf ) + ktf (zrf − znsf ), (3)

mnsr z̈nsr = Fwheelr + cwr (żnsr − żs − ϕ̇s b) + ktr (zrr − znsr ). (4)
The spring forces were modelled as nonlinear forces with spring displacements. The
Equations (5) and (6) present the time delay between front and rear axle inputs due to
surface roughness.
zrr (t) = zrf (t − τ ), (5)
τ= . (6)
The aerodynamic forces and the spring stiffness are treated as nonlinear functions. The
first is nonlinear mainly because of the ground effect, downforce increases when an aero-
foil/diffuser is closer to the ground due mainly to the interruption of the tip vortices [2].
The second, because of the need to resist high aerodynamic loads, the suspension has a
nonlinear stiffness device in parallel to the spring to progressively increase the total system
stiffness (e.g. bump stop). As the vehicle speed increases, downforce increases, the suspen-
sion is compressed and ride height is lower. Lower ride heights increase the downforce
coefficient because of the ground effect.

2.1. Aerodynamic forces

The aerodynamic force and pitch moment are calculated using Equations (7) and (8).
Fa = ρSCz V 2 = pSCz , (7)
Ma = ρSCm LV 2 = pLSCm . (8)
The nonlinear aerodynamic coefficients presented in Equations (9)–(11) are based on
methods used by other authors [16] and by the industry [15].
∂Cz ∂Cz ∂ 2 Cz 2 ∂ 2 Cz 2 ∂ 2 Cz
Cz = Cz0 + hf + hr + hf + hr + hf hr , (9)
∂hf ∂hr ∂h2f ∂h2r ∂hf ∂hr

∂Cm ∂Cm ∂ 2 Cm 2 ∂ 2 Cm 2 ∂ 2 Cm
Cm = Cm0 + hf + hr + h + h + hf hr , (10)
∂hf ∂hr ∂h2f f ∂h2r r ∂hf ∂hr
∂AB ∂AB ∂ 2 AB 2 ∂ 2 AB 2 ∂ 2 AB Cm
AB = AB0 + hf + hr + h + h + h h
f r = 1 + .
∂hf ∂hr ∂h2f f ∂h2r r ∂hf ∂hr Cz
The vehicle used as example presents a maximum error of 3% between the regression
and the experimental data, Figure 2 presents a comparison between the proposed model
(dashed lines) and wind tunnel measurements (solid lines). Both downforce coefficient
(left plot) and aerobalance (right plot) present less than a 1% error and the pitch moment
coefficient (middle plot) presents a higher error mainly due to diffuser stall (rear ride height
lower than 20 mm) while in the in the other regions the model represents the coefficient

Figure 2. Comparison between the regression model and wind tunnel measurements for downforce
coefficient, pitch moment coefficient and aerobalance at different front and rear ride heights. The plots
show relative values as data is classified.

In general, the pitch moment coefficient is not used by the motorsport industry. The
race car manufacturers supply a parameter called aerobalance [16,17–20], it represents the
percentage of the total downforce acting on the vehicle front axle. It is very useful for quasi-
static analysis as it is compared to the vehicle static weight distribution in order to have
an idea of how much understeer/oversteer tendency (i.e. car balance) is expected at high
speeds. For the purpose of this work it is not the main parameter to be analysed. Aerobal-
ance is not directly a function of speed, it changes because of sprung mass movements. The
pitch moment is the pitch moment coefficient multiplied by the dynamic pressure, which
makes the moment increase with the square of speed. Also the pitch moment coefficient is
a combination of both downforce coefficient and aerobalance, as showed in Equation (11).
This means that it combines the variation of both. As an example, increases of aerobalance
with decrease of downforce do not change aerodynamic pitch moment and aren’t impor-
tant from the pitch performance/stability point of view. The pitch moment coefficient is
also used by the aerospace industry to analyse flight dynamics [21].
The aerodynamic coefficients from wind tunnel measurements, normally use front and
rear ride heights as variables. In order to relate pitch moment to pitch displacement, the
front ride height will be kept as a variable, Equation (12), and rear ride height will be
substituted by pitch angle, according to Equation (13). This new aerodynamic reference
coordinate system also has been chosen for the front axle in order to make it possible to
compare different cars, as the centre of mass position changes from car to car.

z = hf , (12)

hr − hf
ϕ= . (13)
The equations for the aerodynamic coefficients in the new reference system are pre-
sented in Equations (14) and (15) and will be used in quasi-static calculations.
∂Cz ∂Cz ∂ 2 Cz 2 ∂ 2 Cz 2 ∂ 2 Cz
Cz = Cz0 + z+ ϕ+ z + ϕ + zϕ. (14)
∂z ∂ϕ ∂z2 ∂ϕ 2 ∂z ∂ϕ

∂Cm ∂Cm ∂ 2 Cm 2 ∂ 2 Cm 2 ∂ 2 Cm
Cm = Cm0 + z+ ϕ+ z + ϕ + zϕ. (15)
∂z ∂ϕ ∂z2 ∂ϕ 2 ∂z ∂ϕ
In transient behaviour the aerodynamic coefficients are linearised for each value of lon-
gitudinal speed. Using this approach, equations were formulated, for both downforce and
moment, as presented in Equations (16)–(18).

∂Cz ∂Cz
Cz(v) = Czbase + ϕ+ z, (16)
∂ϕ (v) ∂z (v)

∂Cz ∂Cz ∂ 2 Cz ∂ 2 Cz
= +2 2 ϕ+ z, (17)
∂ϕ (v) ∂ϕ ∂ϕ ∂z ∂ϕ

∂Cz ∂Cz ∂ 2 Cz ∂ 2 Cz
= +2 2 z+ ϕ. (18)
∂z (v) ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂ϕ
In order to input the transient aerodynamic forces, the approach used follows works
published concerning unsteady aerodynamics in ground effect [22]. They show that three
main effects are important for unsteady aerodynamics: the ground clearance, the induced
angle of attack and the added mass. They are proportional to vertical displacement (stiff-
ness), speed (damping) and acceleration (inertia) respectively. Each one of them has its
main effect in a specific range of frequency response.
In the present model the effect of added mass (inertia effect) will be neglected as it affects
high frequencies and the main effects of interest are below 60 Hz. The excitation frequency
range (0.1–60 Hz) chosen includes the sprung mass and the unsprung mass natural fre-
quencies over all the speed range as presented in Figure 7 (from 3.5 Hz up to 47 Hz). The
added mass effect for a bounce displacement can be estimated by Equation (19) [22]. The
vehicle floor area [19] and displacement amplitude were estimated as 3.5 m2 and 10 mm.

d2 z
Famass (t) = ρϑ . (19)
dt 2

From Equation (19), the maximum downforce induced by the added mass effect can be
estimated as presented in Equation (20).

Famassmax = ρϑzmax (2π f )2 . (20)

Using Equation (20) and the estimated data, the maximum downforce would be around
60 N at 60 Hz. As it is low compared to other effects it can be neglected.
However, aerodynamic damping and stiffness affects low and medium range frequen-
cies. The stiffness was already computed in Equations (14) and (15) as they are functions
of the sprung mass displacement (pitch and bounce). The damping, on the other hand,
must be added. If the air flow keeps attached to the aerodynamic surface the angle of
attack can be substituted by the induced angle of attack [20]. In this way, the pitch angle
will be a function of pitch displacement, pitch speed and bounce speed, as presented in

Equation (21).
L żs
+ .
ϕ = ϕs + ϕ̇s (21)
To convert the aerodynamic coefficients coordinates system into the equations of motion
coordinate system (origin at centre of gravity), the front axle displacement must be rear-
ranged to be a function of centre of mass, and sprung mass pitch displacement according
to Equation (22).
z = zs + ϕs a. (22)
Using both the induced angle of attack presented in Equation (21), and the new reference
for vertical displacement presented in Equation (22) into Equation (16) for both coeffi-
cients, they can be calculated as presented in Equations (23) and (24). These equations
calculate the downforce and pitch moment coefficient using pitch and bounce displace-
ment and also their first derivative over time. This approach includes aerodynamic stiffness
and damping in the model. They are used in the transient model, and their terms are
included in the equations of motion in state space format presented in Equation (34).
∂Cz ∂Cz ∂Cz L
Cz(v) = Cz(v) + a+ ϕs + ϕ̇s
∂z (v) ∂ϕ (v) ∂ϕ (v) V
∂Cz ∂Cz 1
+ zs + żs , (23)
∂z (v) ∂ϕ (v) V

∂Cm ∂Cm ∂Cm L
Cm(v) = Cm(v) + a+ ϕs + ϕ̇s
∂z (v) ∂ϕ (v) ∂ϕ (v) V
∂Cm ∂Cm 1
+ zs + żs . (24)
∂z (v) ∂ϕ (v) V

2.2. Spring model

Race cars must adjust the suspension system to maximise performance on track. This
implies that the car ground clearance must be as low as possible. Due to aerodynam-
ics, as speed increases, the suspension is subjected to higher loads and ground clearance
decreases. At first glance, the key point is to set the race car to avoid touching the ground
and because of that the suspension stiffness must be high. Nonlinear springs are not as
common on race cars as on road cars, and normally a bump stop is used to help the spring
to set the proper ground clearance against speed.
In order to include the effects of the bump stop, a nonlinear spring stiffness curve was
used. Figure 3 shows the relationship between force and displacement for a bump stop from
measurement data. This force was modelled using a fourth-order polynomial regression
and used in the quasi-static calculations.
The bump stop is not always being compressed, a gap measured at the static position
between the bump stop and the damper body is used to set its starting position. Equation
(25) presents how the model was implemented.

If xspring < gap,


Figure 3. Bump stop force and displacement curve.

Fspring = Kxspring ,
Fspring = Kxspring + a1 (xspring − gap) + a2 (xspring − gap)2 + a3 (xspring − gap)3
+ a4 (xspring − gap)4 . (25)
The hysteresis effects of the bump stop were not included in the model as they are another
nonlinear effect and their magnitude is small if compared to the damper characteristics
(some suspension configurations can use high hysteresis bump stops [23], but they aren’t
used in the current work). The authors previous work in race car suspension hysteresis
influence on vertical dynamics show its undesirable effects [10].
The spring force is calculated using a linear motion ratio, Equation (26). The spring’s
displacement uses the same approach, as presented in Equations (27) and (28) for front
and rear axle, respectively.
Fwheel = , (26)
xwheelf = xspringf MR = (−zs + ϕs a + znsf )MR, (27)

xwheelr = xspringf MR = (znsr − zs − ϕs b)MR. (28)

In the transient calculations, the stiffness is linearised for each value of longitudinal
speed (trim position).

3. Results
The following results are divided into quasi-static and transient. The quasi-static results
are used to show why some nonlinearities must be included in a high downforce racecar
vertical dynamics model in order to achieve meaningful results and also, to calculate the
trim positions to be used in the transient model. The transient results present the frequency
responses that will be used to calculate the proposed index.
Simulations are based on a Formula 3 car used in competition from 2012 up to 2016.
All data used to supply the model comes from measurements (courtesy of Fortec Motor-
sports), the model has been validated for work application purposes (quasi-static ride

height prediction, lap time simulation and driver simulator) and also used in a previous
work [24].

3.1. Quasi-static
One of the key indicators in quasi-static vertical dynamics is the dynamic ride height, it is
the axle ride height as function of the speed. The race car model presented in Equations
(1)–(4) is subjected to a longitudinal speed sweep (from 0 km/h up to 230 km/h), neglecting
longitudinal and lateral acceleration. This is a common procedure to calculate quasi-static
ride heights [25]. Figure 4 shows the race car ride heights, pitch angle and tyre deflection
in this condition.
In the far left graph of Figure 4, it is possible to see that the rear ride height changes its
trend (due a change in suspension stiffness) while the front doesn’t. This occurs because
the front suspension at static position already touches the bump stop (zero gap), while the
rear suspension has a gap of 6 mm to touch the bump stop. The left hand graph in Figure 4
also shows the bump stop entry at 100 km/h, at around 24 mm rear ride height (12 mm of
ride height displacement), and the right hand graph shows that at 100 km/h the rear tyres
are compressed by around 3.5 mm, meaning a suspension displacement of 8.5 mm at this
speed. As the bump stop needs some compression in order to build up a force that can
change the suspension behaviour, the 6 mm gap in the rear suspension starts to affect the
system around 100 km/h.
Another particularity from race cars are the tyres; they generally are of high profile and
are designed mainly to maximise grip. Because of that, the vertical stiffness is generally
less than a road tyre. This, in combination with a high stiffness suspension, can achieve
a stiffness ratio around 1:1. At high speed the suspension can have its stiffness increased
by the bump stop, which can lead suspension vertical stiffness to be much higher than tyre

Figure 4. Dynamic ride heights pitch displacement and tyre deflection.


Figure 5. Aerodynamic parameters as function of speed.

stiffness. If tyre stiffness is less than suspension stiffness it becomes a dominant factor in the
dynamic behaviour, and the spring and damper start to have less contribution to the system
response, leaving the system almost undamped. In Figure 4, of 22 mm total displacement
of the front axle, 15 mm is tyre deflection, and of 36 mm at the rear axle, 18 mm belongs to
tyre deflection.
At a second glance, but no less important, the dynamic ride heights affect the aerody-
namic performance. Because the car ground clearance is very low, it benefits from ground
effect in generating more downforce. As the aerodynamic coefficients are a function of
front and rear ride heights, setting the correct dynamic ride heights for each track can
optimise overall performance. Figure 5 shows the downforce coefficient, aerobalance and
pitch moment coefficient for the longitudinal speed sweep (from 0 km/h up to 230 km/h).
The inflection point in the downforce coefficient at 150 km/h presented in the left plot
of Figure 5 is a typical diffuser stall, which happens when the rear ride height becomes too
low. This drop of downforce also results a drop in drag, desirable at high speeds to increase
straight line speed. As the pitch moment coefficient is a function of both downforce
coefficient and aerobalance, it shows a sharper inflection point than aerobalance.

3.2. Transient
Race car vertical dynamics is a compromise between aerodynamic stability and road hold-
ing. The first one is affected by the pitch moment and the second is affected by the tyre
contact patch load variation. When speed increases, the race car ground clearance and
the suspension stiffness change, and because of these effects, vehicle frequency response
changes as well.
The equations of motion presented before, Equations (1)–(4), have their suspension
stiffness and aerodynamic coefficients linearised for a range of speed values (from 0 km/h
up to 230 km/h) and transformed into a first-order state space differential system of equa-
tions as presented in Equation (29). Pitch and bounce displacement, aerobalance and pitch
moment are calculated as outputs as shown in Equation (30). Aerodynamic pitch moment
was chosen as an output instead of the pitch moment coefficient, as it increases with speed.
A small variation of the coefficient at high speed is magnified due to the speed value. Matrix
A is not diagonal, resulting in coupled modes. This means that the vehicle doesn’t behave

in pitch and bounce movements in an uncoupled way. The coupled modes are nominated:
front-end bounce and rear-end bounce [26]. Additionally, the rear tyre input was modelled
with a time delay – last item of Equation (29) – a function of speed and wheelbase length,
as formulated in Equation (6).
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
żs zs 0 0
⎢ α̇s ⎥ ⎢ αs ⎥ ⎢0⎥ ⎢0⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ żnsf ⎥ ⎢ znsf ⎥ ⎢0⎥ ⎢0⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ żnsr ⎥ ⎢ znsr ⎥ ⎢0⎥ ⎢0⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ω̇s ⎥ = A. ⎢ vs ⎥ + ⎢0⎥ u(t) + ⎢0⎥ u(t − τ ), (29)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ v̇s ⎥ ⎢ ωs ⎥ ⎢0⎥ ⎢0⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣v̇nsf ⎦ ⎣vnsf ⎦ ⎣1⎦ ⎣0⎦
v̇nsr vnsr 0 1

⎡ ⎤
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
⎡ ⎤
z ⎢ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ∂AB ∂AB ∂AB 1 ∂AB L ⎥
⎢ ϕ ⎥ ⎢ ∂AB ⎥
⎢ ⎥=⎢ a+ 0 0 0 0⎥
⎣AB⎦ ⎢ ∂z (v) ∂h (v) ∂ϕ (v) ∂ϕ (v) V ∂ϕ (v) V ⎥
⎢   ⎥
M ⎣ ∂Cm ∂Cm ∂Cm ∂Cm 1 ∂Cm L ⎦
pLS pLS a+ 0 0 pLS pLS 0 0
∂z (v) ∂z (v) ∂ϕ (v) ∂ϕ (v) V ∂ϕ (v) V
⎡ ⎤
⎢ αs ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎡ ⎤
⎢ znsf ⎥ 0
⎢ ⎥
⎢ znsr ⎥ ⎢0⎥
×⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ vs ⎥ + ⎣0⎦ u(t). (30)
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ωs ⎥ 0
⎢ ⎥
⎣vnsf ⎦

Using the equations derived above, the transfer functions were obtained and shown in
Figures 6. The effect of wheelbase filtering [27] in the frequency response is shown by the
peaks and valleys presented in the front-end and rear-end bounce modes plotted at the left
side of Figure 6. The peaks and valleys mean a specific input frequency that, because of the
time delay between front and rear inputs, will maximise one mode response while almost
not affecting by the other mode. As the vehicle goes faster, the difference in frequency
values between the two consecutive peaks and two consecutive valleys becomes smaller.
This effect is not included when the vehicle is subjected to a bounce sine sweep input as
used in the 7 post rig test, representing one more improvement from the present approach.
The left plots of Figure 6 show the two modes of the sprung mass (front and rear end
bounce). Besides the effects of wheelbase filtering, they show that the modes change their
natural frequency and damping as speed increases. This is expected as the suspension stiff-
ness increases, due to bump stop nonlinearity, and also the aerodynamic forces change
stiffness and damping in the system. A quantitative analysis from these plots was made in
Figure 7, showing the system natural frequencies and damping as function of speed. The
right side plots of Figure 6 shows aerobalance and aerodynamic pitch moment frequency
response. A comparison between them shows that at high speeds the aerodynamic pitch

Figure 6. System sprung modes displacement, aerobalance and aerodynamic pitch moment frequency
response (speed range from 70 km/h up to 230 km/h, being higher speeds in darker colours).

Figure 7. System natural frequencies and damping ratio.

moment gain increases while the aerobalance decreases. This happens mainly because
aerodynamic pitch moment increases with the square of speed, while the aerobalance
changes according to vehicle attitude.
Figure 7 presents the natural frequencies and the damping ratios. The rear bump stop
starts to increase rear suspension stiffness around 100 km/h, as also shown in Figure 4. The
consequences in both natural frequency and damping are shown in Figure 7 by the black
arrows. Rear-end bounce natural frequency starts to increase after the bump stop engages
in the suspension system, while the front-end bounce is always increasing as the bump
stop is being compressed from static position onwards. A similar behaviour is shown in
the damping, the increase of bump stop stiffness decreases the damping. In the rear-end

Figure 8. System Eigen values as function of speed (darker values represent high speeds, from 0 km/h
up to 230 km/h).

bounce mode, before the bump stop is engaged, the damping is constant, and after it
starts working damping decreases. In the front-end bounce mode the damping is always
decreasing as the front gap is 0 mm. The diffuser stall can also be observed: between 100
and 150 km/h rear-end bounce damping changes its trends. Before the stall the damping
decreases and after it the damping starts to increase again. The right plot from Figure 7
shows the front-end bounce has negative values of damping at high speeds. These negative
values mean that the mode is unstable in this speed range, any input from the road will
lead to vertical vibrations that keep increasing.
There is also one more important effect to analyse, the pitch instability. Figure 8, presents
the system roots as a function of speed (darker values represent high speeds, the range
is from 0 km/h up to 230 km/h), and shows that the front-end bounce migrates to insta-
bility (positive values in the real axis). Changes in car settings (e.g. suspension stiffness,
damping and ride height) can make the system stable. The standard approach is less stiff-
ness (softer bump stop or bigger gap) and more damping (adjustable by changes to the
damper). An extrapolation from the results present in Figure 7 show that bigger gaps and
softer bump stops would shift system natural frequencies and the damping inflection point
(black arrow). Another way is the use of high hysteresis bump stops [24].
Although the rear axle has a loss of downforce because of the diffuser stall, it is on the
front axle that aerodynamics is critical. Damping ratios are very high at low speed, but
they become lower at higher speeds. The closer to the ground the front axle is, the higher
the front suspension stiffness becomes (needing more damping), and the aerodynamics
become more sensitive, resulting in a decrease of front-end modal damping (negative
values over 180 km/h) and leading to instability.

4. Proposed performance index

The proposed performance index (pitch moment index – PMI) calculates how much pitch
moment variability a specific vehicle configuration has in a specific speed range. In order
to create this, the aerodynamic pitch moment transfer function for a full operation speed
range (in the example from 0 km/h up to 235 km/h, in steps of 2.5 km/h) is used together
with an artificial road profile (asphalt roughness type ‘C’ – ISO standard) to calculate
the pitch moment gain for each speed step (Figure 10). The integration of each pitch

Figure 9. Index calculation flow chart.

Figure 10. Aerobalance and pitch moment gain functions as functions of speed (dark values represent
higher speeds).

moment gain curve over the frequency range gives a pitch moment variability density (also
described as statistical variance) as a function of speed (Figure 11). The PMI is calculated
integrating the pitch moment variability density over the speed range. Figure 9 explains
the performance index calculation process. For comparison purposes, the same procedure
was conducted with aerobalance frequency response.
Figure 10 presents the aerobalance and pitch moment gain as a function of frequency for
the artificial road used. Aerobalance increases its gain with speed at frequencies under 1 Hz
and at 7 Hz (close to front-end bounce natural frequency), for all other frequency ranges
it decreases. After 7 Hz, the gain decreases more sharply up to 60 Hz. On the other hand,
pitch moment has a small decrease in frequencies under 4 Hz at medium speeds (diffuser
stall), but overall higher gains at higher speeds. After 10 Hz, the gain starts to decrease. The
higher gain of pitch moment at higher speeds is caused by its increase with the square of
the speed. Both plots have a similar shape as pitch moment is a function of aerobalance
and downforce – Equation (11). They will present peaks at the system natural frequencies:
front-end bounce (between 3.5 and 5.5 Hz) and rear-end bounce (between 6.3 and 7.5 Hz),
as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 11 shows the pitch moment and aerobalance variability density as a function
of speed, for a speed range from 0 km/h up to 235 km/h. The sudden decrease around

Figure 11. Pitch moment and aerobalance variability density.

150 km/h in the pitch moment is caused by the diffuser stall, while the aerobalance does not
show any influence of the diffuser stall. This is one of the main reasons that pitch moment
was chosen over aerobalance to represent system response to aerodynamic effects.
In order to check the influence of vehicle configuration in the proposed index, a value
sweep of some parameters was conducted and presented in Figure 12. A baseline configu-
ration (low ride heights with stiff suspension configuration) is also present in all plots for
comparison purposes. The left hand graphs show a ride height sweep (front ride height
on top and rear on the bottom), the middle graphs show a gap sweep (front gap on top
and rear on the bottom), and the right hand graphs show on top a comparison moving the
centre of pressure forward and backwards (Cm minus 2% and Cm plus 2%) and on the
bottom the comparison of the baseline with a configuration where the suspension is soft
and tyre stiffer. From all the configurations tested the only one, which avoids the diffuser
stall is when the rear ride height is over 37 mm (bottom left graph of Figure 12). All other
configurations, even those not avoiding the diffuser stall, affect the pitch moment variabil-
ity density, showing that the proposed index (PMI) is sensitive to vehicle configuration
changes, as it is a function of pitch moment variability density (Figure 9).
Figure 13 shows the aerodynamic parameters (downforce coefficient, pitch moment
coefficient and aerobalance) for the configurations in the first and second columns pre-
sented in Figure 12 (ride heights and gaps). The diffuser stall is also noticed in the coeffi-
cients plots (inflection of downforce coefficient curve, plots in the top row of Figure 13). It
also shows that aerobalance has no inflection point (plots of the third row of Figure 13) in
comparison to the pitch moment coefficient (plots in the second row of Figure 13) when
the diffuser stalls. Pitch moment coefficient was used to calculate pitch moment, Equation
(8), which increases with the square of speed, magnifying the effect of speed and also the
small variations of the pitch coefficient at high speeds. Figure 13 also shows that the pitch
moment coefficient changes over the full speed range with rear ride height sweep whilst the
others parameters affects mainly low speed. As the speed value after the inflection point

Figure 12. Pitch moment variability density sensibility check.

Figure 13. Aerodynamic coefficients for the configurations used in the sensibility check.

is high, the Pitch Moment will be magnified by it, increasing the influence of the configu-
ration change even at high speeds. These observations show that pitch moment is a better
choice as performance index than the pitch moment coefficient and is also better than

Figure 14. PMI comparison.

Integrating the curves from Figure 12, the PMI was calculated and shows how much
statistical variance from the aerodynamic pitch moment is expected for each configura-
tion in comparison to the baseline (the values were normalised by the baseline) and this is
presented in Figure 14. The integration was conducted for the speed ranges from circuit 1
and circuit 2 presented in Table 1.
Besides the differences in the pitch moment variability density showed in Figure 12, the
PMI shows, as expected, different values according to different target speed ranges. One
of the most important aspects is that some configurations show different trends. For both
circuits analysed, the increase of front ride height increases the index, but for a rear ride
height of 38 mm, for example, the index is smaller than the baseline in circuit 1 and higher
in circuit 2. The differences will be bigger when comparing circuits with a big difference in
speed ranges and in aerodynamic packages as well.
Figure 14 also shows that an increase of both front and rear ride heights lead to an
increase of PMI, while aerobalance (third row of Figure 13) will decrease with a higher
front ride height (meaning understeer) and will increase with rear ride height (meaning

5. Conclusions
In this work a novel vehicle performance index related to design and setup parameters has
been presented. This index evaluates the pitch moment statistical variance over a specific
speed range defined by each specific race track.
A 4-DoF model with nonlinear suspension and aerodynamic forces has been used to
evaluate the index effectiveness and reliability. This model has been validated in a previous
work and it also includes transient effects such as the influence of angle of attack.
Compared to current standard techniques where suspensions are fully linearised and
aerodynamic forces are reduced to a fixed load, the proposed approach shows an improve-
ment through a more complete description of the vehicle.
Aerobalance, pitch moment coefficient and pitch moment have been compared in order
to define which parameter can better represent the aerodynamic variance. Pitch moment
has been found to be the best approach as it uses the pitch moment coefficient multiplied by
speed squared. It has also shown how some setup configurations can lead to aerodynamic
instability. In that case, the pitch moment statistical variance has been calculated using the
pitch moment gain for each track profile. Therefore, the proposed performance index is
the integration of the statistical variance of the pitch moment over a specific speed.

A good sensitivity to vehicle parameters variation has been shown to be as expected

during track testing. One of the most interesting aspects found in results concerns the pos-
sibility of having a vehicle setup which moves aerobalance towards the rear while increasing
the pitch moment variance. The front ride height sweep is a good example of this trend.
The proposed method also features the ability to employ different ISO road profiles
avoiding the need of measuring track roughness which represents an extra cost for the
teams. The index can therefore be valid for a specific track while other standard approaches
are not circuit dependent so they are not efficient everywhere.
Finally, it is worth highlighting that the proposed performance index can also be repli-
cated using a special arrangement of a 7-post rig. The air springs must be replaced by spring
and dampers that match the stiffness and damping at each trim value.

The authors would like to thank Fortec Motorsport (UK) for supplying raw data and the discussions
about the actual 7 post rig results value and utility.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Marco Gadola http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5632-590X
Daniel Chindamo http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0902-7472

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