Task 4 Life Trhough The Metaphor
Task 4 Life Trhough The Metaphor
Task 4 Life Trhough The Metaphor
Group: 132
english IV
November 2022
Yeimi Biyanid Alejo Hernández
What is a metaphor?
The metaphor is a way of communicating daily, in our daily speech we use the
metaphor a lot to refer to something examples: what we did there, or as the poet X
something very basic for people, metaphors are considered not only for poets, they
shape our beliefs, attitudes and actions in ways that we do not even realize.
Metaphors are difficult to avoid, they are created from events that happened
A clear example of a metaphor can be: a love breakup, it is clear that it can be a
feelings are being repressed, there are also some metaphors that have become
The American linguist George Lakov called the orientation metaphors for the
ideas of ups and downs, money and time health, and here is an example: she is
sick she is aware of the situation he is under my control she was able to overcome
her emotions by dragging his level the conversation Lakov also helped develop the
idea of politically framing the words we choose, which in some way affect the way
we perceive or deal with social problems and help decide what becomes common
The importance of metaphor in cultures and societies stems from more people
who can impose their metaphors on the culture can define what we take to be true
Over the years we realize that sometimes life goes by in things that are not
productive and that perhaps we dedicate a lot of time to work that in a certain
way gives us the sustenance of the home but that possibly and in one way or
another It is becoming very routine, very everyday and that the things that we
Life history:
The year 2019 was the happiest year of my life since I fulfilled one of my dreams
which was to graduate from high school, I achieved it with a lot of sacrifice and
dedication. At the end of the year, everything was going very well. I had registered
on the Seine platform to take a face-to-face gastronomy course, which would end
in a year and a half and I would become a technologist. I had all my hopes pinned
on him. The only thing I wanted was to realize my dream of being chef and one day
being able to travel or set up my own restaurant "dreaming costs nothing", starting
in 2020 they reported the coronavirus as a deadly disease and that it was already
attacking countries in Asia and Europe, this filled me with fear to think that it would
reach Colombia and that I could not fulfill my dream as expected, I arrived in
confinement to avoid contagion, at that time I was a minor and they did not receive
me at work, so I had to stay at home, to my surprise I did not take the course and I
did not have enough money to buy a computer, pay for internet service or pay for a
university degree .
So, I had to stay at home in this way I learned that I had a very routine life I was
working and doing things around the house day after day and I did not have a
space to be in harmony or be with family and get closer to God the good Living in
able to go out, enjoy the open air and nature, I read books, I played sports at
home, I watched movies, I had a lot of time to decide what I wanted to do with my
because he hired me again at work and to improve I got a job elsewhere, from
there I saved money to pay for my first semester at the (UNAD) buy my computer
and put the internet service in my house, thank God he started studying and
working I had to leave one of the two jobs because I had a bad experience with the
to be, that I am passionate about English and that in a certain way in the future
which is what I really want and that will give my life an unexpected turn because I
What is a metaphor?
The metaphor is that word use for comparing two things that theoretically
indirectly changing any words with significant differences, but that share any tear of
the same.
The metaphors are created to start off with three elements: fundamentals:
meaning; that really is spoken, vehicle; the object that is name and fundamental;
as they are easiest to perceive and tend to stay for more time within our memory.
Through the metaphors we can refer cordially to other people. Also, having use of
them in our daily life we get expressions way clearer and more direct than other
All the world´s a stage and all the men and women are merely players. They
Each stage of our life is temporary and therefore will leave a mark and
teachings. In some moments we can be about to give up, but we always find a new
consequence. We are the ones who choose our own path, we own our life, and we
must keep in mind that not everything is forever. On some occasions there will be
moments of great happiness. There will also be others that will fill us with sadness,
fear, pain, and that is where we must take another course to continue fighting.
About two years ago I found that the economic situation was not very good for
me to make some mistakes. A day I was found with a friend that he invited to use
an application that they slow money for a period of time and to very low interest. I
decided to try, I started with a sum less than one hundred thousand pesos. As I
canceled the quantity of the loan, it was increasing. The time came when I had to
withdraw money on other platforms to be able to pay the first. I did not know what
to do, I lost my appetite, I just wanted to go away, and I never turn. The messages
that they came to me every day they tormented me more. The majority of time I
spent crying, I was just thinking when it came to this. I tried to find a refuge in that
friend who recommended them to me, but he only turned his back, nobody wanted
to help me.
One day my mother came to visit she and I realized that I was not getting
enough rest. She thought it was because of the work, I wasn't able to tell him what,
I was happening. One day I was where a friend nearby with whom I managed to
vent a little. I told her about the situation I was going through, she told me that she
had no money to help me, but that I should take refuge in God. I asked his
forgiveness, I approached him, and only there I managed to find the solution. I was
covered in strength; I called my mother, and I asked him to come home because I
had to tell him something and I needed his support. She did not hesitate for a
second and a few hours later she arrived. I told him what I had done, first of all she
scolded me, but above all she showed me his support. She lent me the money and
asked me never to do that again. She helped me realize that I almost lost my life
because of my bad decisions. Sincerely of this experience I learned many things.
As much as I think that everything is going wrong, I must analyze the situation and
the consequences and then make a good decision. Also, that I have confidence in
my mother that, despite everything will be the only one who will be in our bad
Leidy Dayana Rico:
What is a metaphor?
meaning between two words or terms to express a relationship that gives it certain
characteristics, which share some similarity in meaning to substitute one for the other. In
other words, it's about naming something after something else to create an analogy between
the two. We can use it in literary language (especially in poetry) and also in everyday life,
since it allows what people say to have more power of understanding than direct speech,
three elements: Who is really speaking (tenor)? The summoned or named object (vehicle).
interact with other people, then reflect and interact with our actions in the world. Metaphors
appear as a unit that builds everyday language and are created as tools for understanding
concepts, reasoning, and the construction of new fields of meaning. Children may seem
ideal for metaphors, but age has nothing to do with it. Everyone's brain receives easy,
practical information and creates internal connections that process it more efficiently.
This metaphor refers to the tranquility that reflects the performance of good deeds that
build a healthy conscience. In this way, we can obtain calm in our lives. Christmas is peace.
Experience of my life
However, they always instilled in me that conscience was the best pillow and that
taking care of conscience is one of the most important things because it never escapes
from it. My life was not easy. The relationship with my family had deteriorated. My
brother was aggressive for as long as I can remember, and he always treated my mom
and me very badly. I decided to report him. He was in jail, and my family turned their
back on me. They didn't help me and they kicked me out of the house. This generated
insecurities and resentments that, until recently, I realized that I had not been able to
overcome. I was 18 years old when I started working as a teacher. That was always my
dream, and I wanted to make a change for my students, but it had been bad for many
months because at work and in my personal life were going too badly. I had no
patience, I was irritated, I didn't trust people, and I felt constantly sad, thinking about
everything I had to go through and how lonely I was. I never thought about how my
past traumas were affecting me in my current life. I began to work on myself and my
conscience so that I could feel calm and satisfied with who I was. I was able to free
myself from incessant thoughts that did not let me get anywhere, that did not leave me
alone. And so I was able to change my situation, my way of seeing life and its value. I
learned that self-awareness definitely had a great weight in my life. Each one decides if
the weight will be negative (hate, fear, sadness, resentment) or positive (happiness,
tranquility, and pleasure with oneself), because it depends on whether you can live or
not in peace.
Diego Fernando Velasco Ardila
What is a metaphor?
parts, it means that, when there is something that is difficult to explain, you can use
It is used to refers to something using differents words but these meaning the
same thing.
The subject that is really being discussed is called Tenor, the element that is
named is called Vehícle and the relationship between the two terms is called the
Functional definition
Metaphors are of great importance in the different cultures of the society, we all
use metaphors in our daily lives and in our personal relationship, metaphors were
born many years ago, civilizations in the need to communicate needed to say
It is also something that has always been in our thoughts and that we express in
Language is part of social life, and new forms of language emerge in the
and human beings will always have the need to communicate with other cultures
However, there are also people who think that metaphors are more a resource
Throughout our lives, human beings live moments that remain engraved in our
memory, these memories are part of our conscience, and it is said that experience
is our best teaching, then our conscience from the experience is the compass that
B). As for the story, I remember that about six years ago I lived a moment that
was perhaps one of the most difficult, I had decided with a friend named Daniel to
form a micro business selling cell phones, I met Daniel in a company called Virgin
Mobile, we became good friends and wanted to take a very important step for our
This was in the middle of 2016, we were young men of 23 years old with many
dreams and a lot of want to succeed in life, so we started our project by saving
money and we would also borrow money to complete the total investment.
When we had the money. We started to buy the materials to build our store,
bought showcases, tables, chairs, bulbs, lights, and everything we needed to make
our store look great, and then we would buy everything related to sales items such
as: cell phones, tablets, smart watches, glasses, headphones, chargers, etc.
I remember that we started our business, things were going well, we were in
good spirits and we were very happy, but after two months of opening, the
problems started, sales were not good, we had to pay a lot of things and the
Together with my friend Daniel we tried to keep calm so as not to make things
worse, but the days went by and sales were low, we made promotions of our
products, we changed the place, we brought new products, but after a while we
discovered that the place we had chosen, apparently it was a neighborhood where
improve we had to close our business, our dream; we learned that it is better to
have patience and plan things better, and then over the years this adventure and
anecdote is the compass when undertaking a new dream, today I think things
Biyanid Alejo
Rosset, E., & Lait, B. A. (1999). English grammar 3: Vol. 2nd ed. Stanley
Hall, Diane, Foley, Mark. (2003). Modal verbs. Irún, Spain: Stanley Editorial.
BBC ideas (2021, 08 de Agosto) How metaphors shape the way you see the