careful = cau ous (very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent(careful and
change = convert (change into another form)
cold = chilly (unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)
common = universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be every
compe tor = rival, opponent (especially in sports and poli cs)
complain = grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)
complex = intricate (if something is intricate, it o en has many small parts and
crazily = fran cally (used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and
uncontrolled way)
candy = sweet
to categorize = to classify
charter = cons tu on
cheesy = corny, tacky
chiefly = mainly
choosy = picky
IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn cách paraphrase từ choose ếng anh
to chop = to cut
chorus = refrain
cita on = quota on
to cite = to quote
class = lesson, course
clerk = recep onist
clever = intelligent
to close = to shut
to collapse = to break down
to collect = to gather
comfort = consola on
comic = comedian
commencement = gradua on
complete = total
completely = totally
concord = harmony
to condemn = to sentence
confederate = accomplice
to confine = to restrict
conflict = clash
to conform = to comply
to confuse = to mix up
to connect = to associate, to put through (telephone)
considerate = though ul
constancy = fidelity
constant = fixed
cons tu on = structure
construc on (lit.) = interpreta on
to consult = to refer to
contemporary = modern
con nuous = con nual
contrary = opposite
conven on = conference
to convey = to communicate
to cope = to manage
correct = right
couch = sofa
cura ve = healing
curler = roller
cussed = stubborn
Calm = Serene, Peace, Tranquil
Come = Approach, Arrive
Cool = Chilly, Frosty, Icy
Cut = Chop, Slash, Slit
enlarge = magnify (magnify means make something larger than it really is)
enthusiasm = zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)
expensive = exorbitant (it means too expensive that it should be)
eager = keen
earth = soil
economic = profitable
egocentric = selfish
to elevate = to raise, to promote
to emphasise = to stress
to encounter = to come across
enormous = huge, immense
to enquire = to inves gate
equity = fairness
especially = par cularly
IELTS TUTOR có hướng dẫn cách dùng especially ếng anh
essen al = fundamental
to establish = to set up
to evaluate = to assess
everlas ng = eternal
exactly = precisely
except = apart from
to expire = to run out
to explode = to blow up
extra = addi onal
End=Terminate, Conclude, Cessa on
Explain=Elaborate, Interpret
garbage = rubbish
garbage can = trashcan
to gli er = to sparkle
to grab = to seize
grasping = greedy
gravestone = headstone
to grouse = to grumble
gut = intes ne
Get=Acquire, Obtain, Secure, Procure, Gather
Good=Excellent, Fine, Wonderful, Superior, Gracious, Superb, Splendid, Genuine,
Sterling, Top-notch
Great=Worthy, Dis nguished, Grand, Considerable, Mighty
fair = impar al (someone who is impar al is able to give a fair opinion or decision
on something.)
fame = pres ge (describe those who are admired), reputa on
famous = dis nguished (used to describe people who are successful in their
IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn cách paraphrase từ famous
field = domain (a par cular field of thought, ac vi es or interest)
for my part, from my own perspec ve = in my opinion
force = coerce into (coerce means you make someone do something she/he does
not want to), compel
forever = perpetual (a perpetual state never changes), immutable (something
immutable will never change or be changed)
fragile = bri le, vulnerable (someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emo onally
or physically)
to fabricate = to manufacture
famous = famed, renowned
fana c = enthusiast
fantas c = great, brilliant
to float = to dri
fool = idiot
foolish = silly
forehead = brow
to foretell = to predict
formerly = previously
fortunate = lucky
fragrance = perfume
French dressing = vinaigre e
to func on = to operate
Fall=Drop, Descend, Topple
Famous=Well-known, Renowned, Eminent, Illustrious
Fast=Quick, Rapid, Hasty, Snappy
Fat=Stout, Corpulent, Chubby, Bulky
Funny=Amusing, Humorous, Droll
near = adjacent (two things next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)
neglect = ignore. (difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough
a en on to something; ignore means no a en on.)
nowadays = currently
part = component (the components of something are the parts that it is made of)
pathe c = lamentable (very uncomfortable and disappoin ng)
poor (soil) = barren, infer le (used to describe the soil is so poor that plants
cannot be planted on it)
possible = feasible (if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved)
praise = extol (stronger than praise), compliment(polite and poli cal)
primary = radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental
pursue = woo (man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek (if you seek sth, you try to
obtain it. FORMAL)
puzzle = perplex (something perplex someone means it confuses and worries
him/her because he/she does not understand it)
Place=Draw, Map, Diagram, Procedure, Method, Blueprint
ugly = hideous (if something is hideous, it is very ugly or una rac ve)
unbelievable = inconceivable (if you deem something inconceivable, you think it
very unlike to happen )
use = Employ, U lize, Exhaust, Spend
hall = corridor
to hand sth. out = to distribute
handsome = good-looking
IELTS TUTOR có tổng hợp từ vựng mô tả ngoại hình
hang-out = haunt
happily = fortunately
hard = tough
to hawk = to peddle
to hazard = to endanger
hearsay = rumour
herme c = air ght
highbrow = intellectual
hint = trace, p
hole = gap
home = domes c
homicide = murder
housebreaking = burglary
hunger = starva on
to hurry = to rush
hypothesis = specula on
Happy=Pleased, Delighted, Elated, Joyful, Ecsta c, Jubilant, Jaunty
Hate=Despise, Loathe, Abhor, Abominate
Have=Possess, Own, Acquire,
Help=Aid, Assist, Support, Encourage, Relieve
Hide=Conceal, Cover, Mask, Veil
if = whether
IELTS TUTOR có hướng dẫn cách dùng mệnh đề if
to ignore = to disregard
illiberal = intolerant
to illuminate = to clarify; to light up
to illustrate = to demonstrate
to imagine = to suppose, to assume
to imitate = to mimic
immediate = instant
immobile = mo onless
immoderate = excessive
immodest = conceited
to impact = to affect
impar al = neutral
impasse = deadlock
impassive = emo onless
impediment = obstacle
impera ve = vital
impolite = rude
incidentally = by the way
inconsiderate = thoughtless
indisputable = undeniable
infamous = notorious
to infect = to contaminate
inflexible = rigid
inflow = influx
informal = casual
infrequent = rare
inheritor = heir
innocent = harmless
insolvent = bankrupt
to inspect = to examine
ins nct = intui on
instruc ons = direc ons
insufferable = unbearable
insufficient = inadequate
insupportable = intolerable
insurgent = rebel
intellectual = mental
to intend = to mean
to intensify = to heighten
interplay = interac on
inventory = stock
invoice = bill
to involve = to entail
isolated = lonely
Idea=Thought, Concept, No on
Important=Necessary, Vital, Cri cal, Indispensable, Valuable, Essen al, Famous,
Interes ng=Fascina ng, Engaging, Spirited, Intriguing, Gripping, Enthralling,
Cap va ng
jealous = envious
joy = delight
knowingly = deliberately
lacking = missing
last = final
leading = main
to learn = to memorize
legi mate = valid, legal
lethal = deadly
livable = habitable
livid = furious
lousy = awful
Li le=Tiny, Diminu ve, Exiguous, Dinky, Cramped
Look=Gaze, Glance, Peek, Glimpse, Stare, Leer
Love=Like, Admire, Fancy, Care for, Adore
madness = insanity
magician = conjuror
magistrate = Jus ce of the Peace
to magnify = to exaggerate
to maintain = to preserve
manmade = ar ficial
mannequin = model
material = fabric
ma ers = things
maybe = perhaps, possibly
in the mean me = meanwhile
measure = degree
mee ng = assembly
merciless = cruel
middleman = intermediary
midway = halfway
to migrate = emigrate
mild = gentle
to mimic = to imitate
mind = intellect
mindless = senseless
to minimize = to play down
to mirror = to reflect
IELTS TUTOR có hướng dẫn dùng các danh từ như động từ
to misconceive = to misunderstand
miserable = depressing
misery = distress
misread = misinterpret
missing = lost
mistrust = distrust
moderately = reasonably
modern = contemporary
more and more = increasingly
moreover = in addi on
movie = film
murderer = assassin
Make=Create, Originate, Invent, Construct, Manufacture, Produce, Compose
Move=Plod, Creep, Crawl, Drag, Toddle, shuffle, Trot, Lumber, Meander
naked = bare
nameless = anonymous
napkin = servie e
to narrate = to relate
a narra ve = a story
a na ve = a local
to near = to approach
necessary = essen al
nigh all = dusk
nobility = the Aristocracy
to nominate = to appoint
non-stop = con nuous
noon = midday
noted = famous
to no fy = to inform
notwithstanding = however
Numerous = many
Neat=Orderly, Tidy, Trim, Na y, Smart, Elegant
New=Unique, Modern, Current, Recent