IO Finals Notes
IO Finals Notes
IO Finals Notes
You're hired does not mean the end of your task in true)
IO P. Continually improving the skills of the
company's workforce is essential for staying ● Training - is systematic acquisition of
updated in the fast-moving business world. This is skills, rules, concepts, or attitudes that
the reason why training and development covers a result in improved performance
wide field in the world of I/O P. The I/O
psychologists have many career options: Coaching, ○ Rules – means what is the norm
training program implementation, instructional of the organization
design, training evaluation and management
training are just some path options available. It is a ● Knowledge - gained via learning and
rewarding and exciting part of I/O psychology. training
- Make the newly hired employers an Hypers - people who are already performing really
everyday hero. (To be more competent) well in their jobs (technical trainers)
Definition of the components of training and Hypos - High possibilities (In leadership, etc.)
Training is a short term for a specific purpose
● Learning - Is the act by which the
individual acquires knowledge skills and Development is long term and educational
attitudes that result in relatively
permanent change in behaviour. (What
Training Cycle 2. Task analysis - identifies which task is a
job should be targeted to improve
What is a need’s assessment? performance (specifics of the job) (based on
organizational analysis)
● Systematic analysis of specific training a. Job analysis
activities required for job holders i. Tasks
● Organization to achieve the objectives of ii. Conditions under which task
the job are performed
● (systematic - reach a certain subjects) iii. KSAO’s needed to perform
tasks under those conditions
Training Cycle b. Task analysis identifies how task are
1. Identification of training needs i. Expected at time of hire
Different types of processes ii. Easily taught on-the-job
1. Organizational analysis iii. Current training program
2. Task analysis iv. No training
3. Person analysis
3. Person analysis - identifies which individuals
- Comes up with training objectives within an organization should receive training
(identifies specific needs in a person's
2. Training and development attributes to improve in order for them to
1. Selection and design of the perform well. (-third and final for determining
programme training needs)
2. Presentation of the programme
3. Evaluation (should hit the target) - Every employee needs to be trained
4. Development of criteria
● Performance appraisal scores -
5. Use of evaluation modes
the easiest method of needs
Training need - there is always a gap when analysis to use. However, rating
identifying a training need eros can reduce the accuracy of
performance appraisal scores
● Very first step in developing your employee and system may not provide the
training system type of information needed
● Purpose of needs analysis - determine the ● Surveys- asks employees what
type of training needed in a type of knowledge and skills they
organization. believe should be included in
● Identify gap future training
● Discrepancy between actual performance
and ● Interviews - more in-depth
○ An ideal answers about training needs.
○ A norm Data are often difficult to quantify
○ A minimum and analyze
○ A desired state
○ An expected state ● Skill and knowledge tests-
employees are tested to
What is need’s assessment? determine training needs.
Usually to test knowledge or
● Tells us the types of training (if any) that are concepts
needed in an organization
● Critical incidents (from employee
Analysis of need (4 key questions) - There should records)- written notes or test
be an ROI return of investment in making a training files employees who have either
proposal done outstanding job or had a
problem with an assignment or
1. What are we trying to accomplish? customer
2. Why do we think there is a need for our
training program 2nd video
3. Is there an actual need for our training
program Developing training program
4. Is our idea for a training program practical/
Establishing goals and objectives
3 methods for determining training needs
1. Organizational analysis - determine what ● What do you want to accomplish?
organizational factors facilitate or inhibit ○ Knowledge
training ○ Skills
● Goals and objectives ● What goals should be
● Economic analysis ○ Concrete
● Organizational climate ○ Attainable
○ Employee readiness ● Can you accomplish your objectives
■ Attitudes ● Set goals
■ Time ○ What’s expected
■ Commitment ○ Level at which it’s expected
○ Management support ○ Condition at which it’s expected
● Resource analysis
Examples: ➢ Confident
➢ Speak at normal pace
By the end of the training session you will be able ❖ Make the presentation
to answer customer questions about loan rates Training methods
without asking others 90% of the time
1. On the job training
By the end of the training session you will be able 1. To learn by doing itself
to balance teller drawer without assistance in 30 2. Learns the method involved and
minutes with no errors gets perfection over a specific task
3. On experience, job performance will
Motivating employees be high and become more efficient
2. Demonstration
To encourage attendance, provide incentives 1. Describes and displays
2. More effective - mechanical
● Self-improvement related to immediate operations
job 3. Combined with lectures and group
● money, promotion opportunities, college discussions
credit, certificates 3. Job instruction training (IJT)
● Let employees choose the training
● Offer food and reduce workload
Developing training programs
- The process involves setting a safe tone, Evaluation: Was it worth it?
sharing your observations, and then
asking the right questions to start the ● Content validity - validity training is
discussion evaluated by comparing training content
with the knowledge skills and abilities
- Select scenario above to walk through required to perform a job
the process of Stating the Problem
● Employee reactions - (Reaction
Evaluation) considers topics such as
program content, program structure and
format, instructional techniques,
instructor abilities and style, quality of
the learning environment, the extent to
which training objectives were achieved Training effects to measure
and recommended for improvement
● Employee learning - evaluating the ● Reaction
learning after a training program ○ Evaluate trainees' reactions to the
answers the following questions program. Did they like the
○ What facts, principles, and programs?
concepts were learned in the ○ Did they think it worthwhile?
training program? ● Learning
- Learning evaluation is concerned ○ Test the rainees to determine
with how well the facts, principles whether they learned the
and skills were understood by principles, skills, and facts they
trainees. were supposed to learn
❖ Evaluation of training results ● Behaviour
➢s ○ The trainees on-the-job behavior
changed because of the training
➢ The post training program
appraisal should be made ● Results
several month Paper ○ Probably most important
and pencil or skill tests ○ What results did we achieve in
can be used to evaluate terms of the training objectives
learning. previously set?
➢ In order to obtain an
accurate picture of what
was learned, training
should be tested before
and after the training
● Application of training - Did the job
behavior of trainees change because of
the program?
- A systematic appraisal is made
on the job performance on a
before and after basis. This
means that the appraisal of
performance should be made by
the trainer, the trainee’s
supervisor, their subordinates or Succession Planning
their peers.
What is succession planning?
❖ Evaluation of training
results after the training - A deliberate and systematic effort by an
so that the trained have organization to ensure leadership
an opportunity to put into continuity in key positions, retain and
practice what they have develop intellectual and knowledge
learned capital for the future, and encourage
● Business impact individual advancement.
● Return of investment
What is bench strength?
- Some goals of performance appraisal Step 4 Select the best appraisal methods to
● Providing employee training and feedback accomplish your goals
● Determining salary increases (86%) ● 3 major decisions to make
● Making promotion decisions (45%)
● Making termination decisions (30%) a. Determine the focus of the
● Conducting personnel research (20%) appraisal dimensions
● At this point,
organizations must
decide how to rate the
○ Behavioral checklist
- Consists of lists of
behaviors, expectations,
or results for each
- Constructed by converting
task statements into
behavioral statements,
indicating the level of
performance expected
- Example:
- Task statement:Types
- Behavioral statement:
Types of Rating Scales
Correspondence is
typed accurately and
● Performance based (extent to which
does not contain
expectations have been met)
spelling or
○ Exceeds expectations
grammatical errors
○ Meets expectations
● Normative based (comparison to other
○ Above average
○ Average
● Frequency based
○ Always
○ Sometimes
Behavioral Checklist
§ Start out by breaking the ice The Termination Meeting (Prior to the Meeting)
§ Supervisor should communicate the following § Ensure that the legal process has been followed
§ Decide how much help you want to offer the
● The role of the performance appraisal employee
● How the performance appraisal was → References, severance pay,
conducted outplacement assistance
● How the evaluation process was § Choose a neutral, private place
accomplished § Plan enough time for the meeting
● The expectations that the appraisal § Schedule the meeting for the beginning of the
interview will be interactive week
● The goal of understanding and improving
performance The Termination Meeting (During the Meeting)
§ Get to the point
§ Next, the employees should give their ratings § Rationally state the reasons for the decision
along with their justifications for their ratings § Express gratitude for the employee's efforts (if
§ Offer whatever assistance you wish to provide EMPLOYMENT MOTIVATION
→ Severance pay
→ Recommendation Definition
§ Perform administrative duties ● IO Psychologists generally define work
§ Ask employee to gather personal belongings and motivation as the internal force that drives a
escort them out worker to action, as well as the external
factors that encourage the actions.
The Termination Meeting (After the Meeting) ● Motivation is a force that serves three
§ Maintain your self-esteem functions namely
§ Protect yourself from guilt by reviewing the facts ○ Energizes
→ “Through your behavior, you fired ○ Directs
yourself. I'm just completing the ○ And Sustains
§ Help other employees cope Motivation and work
→ Be honest with them ● Ability and skill determine that the employee
→ This will avoid "water cooler whispers" can do the job
§ Avoid negative public statements about the fired ● Motivation determines whether the
employee's character employee will do the job properly
§ Notify all organizational units affected by ● Generally psychologists agree that
employee's departure increased employee motivation results in
increased job performance
Underpayment inequity
Personality Perspectives
2. What type of people are satisfied with their
Compensation and Benefits