An Ant Colony Approach For Clustering

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Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161

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Integration of graph clustering with ant colony optimization for feature

Parham Moradi ⇑, Mehrdad Rostami
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Feature selection is an important preprocessing step in machine learning and pattern recognition. The
Received 18 August 2014 ultimate goal of feature selection is to select a feature subset from the original feature set to increase
Received in revised form 16 January 2015 the performance of learning algorithms. In this paper a novel feature selection method based on the
Accepted 6 April 2015
graph clustering approach and ant colony optimization is proposed for classification problems. The pro-
Available online 9 April 2015
posed method’s algorithm works in three steps. In the first step, the entire feature set is represented as a
graph. In the second step, the features are divided into several clusters using a community detection algo-
rithm and finally in the third step, a novel search strategy based on the ant colony optimization is devel-
Feature selection
Ant colony optimization
oped to select the final subset of features. Moreover the selected subset of each ant is evaluated using a
Filter method supervised filter based method called novel separability index. Thus the proposed method does not need
Graph clustering any learning model and can be classified as a filter based feature selection method. The proposed method
integrates the community detection algorithm with a modified ant colony based search process for the
feature selection problem. Furthermore, the sizes of the constructed subsets of each ant and also size
of the final feature subset are determined automatically. The performance of the proposed method has
been compared to those of the state-of-the-art filter and wrapper based feature selection methods on
ten benchmark classification problems. The results show that our method has produced consistently bet-
ter classification accuracies.
Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction A common way to deal with such problems is the feature selec-
tion technique. The feature selection methods can be classified into
In recent years, with the advance of science and technology, the four categories including filter, wrapper, embedded, and hybrid
amount of data has been growing rapidly and thus pattern recog- models [51]. The filter approach requires the statistical analysis
nition methods often deal with samples consisting of thousands of the feature set without utilizing any learning algorithm. In con-
of features. This problem is called curse of dimensionality and trast, wrapper-based feature selection methods apply a learning
reduction of the datasets’ dimensionality becomes crucial to make algorithm to evaluate the quality of feature subsets in the search
them tractable [7,45,61]. Dimensionality reduction methods pro- space iteratively. In the embedded model the feature selection pro-
vide a way of understanding the data better, improving prediction cedure is considered as a part of the process of building models. On
performance and reducing the computation time in pattern recog- the other hand, the goal of the hybrid-based methods is to use the
nition applications. As a general rule, for a classification problem computational efficiency of the filter model and the proper perfor-
with D dimensions and C classes, a minimum of 10  D  C train- mance of the wrapper model.
ing samples are required [9]. While it is practically impossible to In recent years many evolutionary and swarm-based methods
acquire the required number of training samples, reducing features such as Genetic Algorithm (GA) ([8,56], ant colony optimization
reduces the size of the training sample required and consequently (ACO) [1,11,17,54,60]), particle swarm optimization (PSO) [27,58]
helps to improve the overall performance of the classification and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) [36,44] and Harmony Search algo-
algorithm. rithm (HSA) [62] have been utilized to tackle the feature selection
problem. Among the swarm intelligence-based methods, ACO has
been successfully used in the feature selection area of research.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 8733668513. The ACO is a metaheuristic algorithm for solving hard combinator-
E-mail addresses: (P. Moradi), ial optimization problems [35]. This algorithm has been success-
(M. Rostami). fully applied to a large number of difficult combinatorial
0950-7051/Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161 145

problems such as vehicle routing [47], graph coloring [16], and the features of the next selected cluster. This process is continued
communication network [68]. ACO is a multi-agent system and it until all of the clusters are visited. Therefore, the number of fea-
has some advantages such as positive feedback, the use of a dis- tures which are selected by each ant in each cycle and also the final
tributed long-term memory, nature implementation in a parallel feature subset can be automatically determined based on the num-
way, functions similar to those of reinforcement learning sche- ber of clusters in the problem space.
mata, and a good global and local search capability due to stochas- This approach is quite different from those of the existing
tic and greedy components in the algorithm. Moreover, ACO has schemes [48,52,54], where the size of the constructed subset is
been successfully applied for feature selection problem defined by a fixed number. Furthermore, the aim of using commu-
[1,11,12,17,26,31,32,37,52,54,67]. Although, ACO has been shown nity-based representations of the problem space is to group highly
as an effective approach to finding optimal (or near optimal) fea- correlated features into the same cluster. Therefore the ACO-based
ture subsets while it suffers from several shortcomings which are search process is guided in such a way that relatively less corre-
listed as follows: lated features are injected in a high proportion with respect to
more correlated features to the consecutive iteration. Besides, the
1. Graph representation: In many ACO-based feature selection similarity between features is considered in computation of feature
methods the problem space is represented by a fully connected relevance, which minimizes the redundancy between selected fea-
graph except a work [11] in which the problem space was tures. Therefore, the clustering-based strategy of the proposed
represented by a directed graph with only 2n arcs where n method has a high probability of identifying a subset of useful
denotes the number of features. In the case of fully connected and independent features. Moreover, clustering the features in
graphs, in each step (i.e., step t) each ant should compute the the problem space results in reduction of the computation com-
probability rule for unselected features (i.e., n  t þ 1, where n plexity of probability values because when an ant is placed in a
denotes the number of features) which leads to increase the given cluster, the probability value is computed only for features
time complexity of the algorithm. For example if the ant needs in the current cluster. Furthermore, unlike most of the existing
to traverse m numbers of nodes in the graph, ðnÞ!=ðn  mÞ! com- ACO-based feature selection methods which use a learning algo-
putations are needed; therefore one can reduce these rithm [1,11,37] to evaluate the constructed subsets, in this paper
computations. a feature subset is evaluated by means of a separability index
2. Updating pheromone: Most ACO-based feature selection meth- matrix without using any learning models. Therefore the proposed
ods employed a learning model in their search process to evalu- method can be classified as a filter-based approach and thus it will
ate a constructed feature subset, and thus they are classified as be computationally efficient for high-dimensional datasets.
the wrapper model [1,37,60]. While, the wrapper based meth- The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews
ods need high computational time especially on the datasets related works on feature selection. A detailed description of our
with a large number of features. On the other hand, only in proposed method, including the complexity analysis of the differ-
three cases instead of the learning model, information theoretic ent steps, is presented in detail in Section 3. In Section 4 we com-
measures are used to update the pheromone [32,48,52,54]. pare the proposed algorithm with other existing feature selection
3. Selecting redundant features: In most of ACO-based feature methods. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the present study.
selection methods, the possible dependency between the fea-
tures is ignored in the search process [1,11,60]. These methods
assume that the features are conditionally independent and 2. Related works
thus, while the ant selects the next feature, the dependency of
the feature on previously selected ones is ignored in the com- The main idea behind feature selection is to choose a subset of
putations. Therefore, the constructed subset may contain the available features, by eliminating irrelevant features with little or
redundant features, which reduces the classifier performance. no predictive information, as well as redundant features that are
4. Final subset size: The number of selected features which defines strongly correlated. To find the optimal feature subset one needs
traverse path length of the ants, imposes another challenge on to enumerate and evaluate all the possible subsets of the features.
ACO-based methods. In most of the ACO-based feature selection The entire search space contains all the possible subsets of fea-
methods the number of traversed nodes should be pre-deter- tures, meaning that the search space size is 2n where n is the
mined before the ant starts their search processes [48,52,54]. dimensionality of the problem (i.e., the number of original fea-
Moreover the accuracy of these methods depends on optimally tures). Therefore, the problem of finding the optimal feature subset
defining the size of feature subset. is NP-hard [10,19]. Since evaluating the entire feature subsets is
computationally expensive, time consuming and also impractical
To overcome the mentioned shortcomings, in this paper we even for moderate sized feature sets, the final solution should be
propose a novel filter-based feature selection method based on found in a feasible computational time with a reasonable trade-
ACO algorithm. The method attempts to select high-quality fea- off between the quality of the found solution and time–space cost.
tures within a reasonable time. The proposed algorithm which is Therefore, many feature selection algorithms involve heuristic or
called Graph Clustering based ACO feature selection method, in random search strategies to find the optimal or near optimal sub-
short GCACO, works in three steps. In the first step, the problem set of features in order to reduce the computational time. Feature
space is represented as a graph in which each node denotes a fea- selection is a fundamental research topic in machine learning with
ture and the edges weights are similarities between features. In the a long history since the 1970s, and there are a number of attempt
second step, features are divided into several clusters by employ- to review the feature selection methods [10,51].
ing an efficient community detection algorithm [59]. Finally in The feature selection methods can be classified into four cate-
the third step, a novel ACO-based search strategy is proposed for gories including filter, wrapper, embedded, and hybrid models.
selecting the final feature subset. In this strategy an ant which is The filter approach requires only a statistical analysis on a feature
placed on a randomly selected cluster, in each step, decides to set for solving the feature selection task without utilizing any
select the next position in the current cluster or move to another learning algorithms. Therefore, the methods in this approach are
cluster. In the case of remaining in the same cluster, the probability typically fast. The filter-based feature selection methods can be
values are computed only for the features of this cluster. In con- classified into univariate and multivariate methods. In the univari-
trast for the other cases the probability values are computed for ate methods, the informativeness of each feature is evaluated
146 P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161

individually, according to a specific criterion, such as the Table 1

Information gain [33], Gain Ratio [39], Term Variance [55], Gini Outlining the reviewed papers.

index [42], Laplacian Score (L-Score) [64] and Fisher Score (F- Authors SI approach Evaluation criteria
Score) [41]. This means that each feature is considered separately, Unler et al. [58] PSO Wrapper
thereby ignoring feature dependencies, which may lead to worse Inbarani et al. [27] PSO Wrapper
classification performance when compared to other types of fea- Xue et al. [65] PSO Wrapper
ture selection methods. In order to overcome the problem of ignor- Raymer et al. [46] GA Wrapper
Ho et al. [24] GA Wrapper
ing feature dependencies, a number of multivariate filter methods Ros et al. [50] GA Wrapper
were introduced, aiming at the incorporation of feature dependen- Kabir et al. [38] GA Wrapper
cies to some degree. Multivariate approaches, on the contrary, Uğuz [57] GA Wrapper
evaluate the relevance of the features considering how they func- Schiezaro and Pedrini [36] ABC Wrapper
Forsati et al. [44] BCO Wrapper
tion as a group, taking into account their dependencies.
Al-Ani et al. [3] DE Wrapper
The wrapper model uses the learning algorithm as a predictor Han et al. [21] GSA Hybrid
and the predictor performance as the objective function to evalu- Wang et al. [62] HS Wrapper
ate the feature subset. The wrapper-based methods can be broadly Kabir et al. [37] ACO Wrapper
classified into sequential feature selection algorithms (SFS) and Vieira et al. [60] ACO Wrapper
Li et al. [67] ACO Wrapper
heuristic search algorithms. The sequential forward (backward)
Chen et al. [11] ACO Wrapper
selection algorithms start with an empty set (full set) and add fea- Forsati et al. [17] ACO Wrapper
tures (remove features) until the maximum objective function is Ke et al. [32] ACO Filter
obtained. On the other hand, the heuristic search algorithms evalu- Tabakhi et al. [54] ACO Filter
ate different subsets to optimize the objective function. Different
subsets are generated either by searching around in a search space
or by generating solutions to the optimization problem. The main Quick Reduct (PSO-QR) are proposed. Moreover, Huang and Dun
drawback of the wrapper model is the number of required com- [25] proposed a PSO–SVM model that hybridizes the PSO and sup-
putations to obtain the feature subset. To evaluate the feature sub- port vector machines (SVMs) to improve the classification accuracy
set, a learning algorithm is trained for each subset and tested to with a small and appropriate feature subset. Furthermore, Xue
obtain the classifier accuracy. Therefore, most of the execution et al. [65] proposed three initialization strategies and several
time of the algorithm is spent on the training of the predictor when updating mechanisms in PSO to develop feature selection
dealing with high-dimensional datasets. approaches. The goal of the method was to select smaller numbers
The hybrid model is a combination of the filter and the wrapper of features as well as to achieve better classification performance.
models and attempts to take advantage of both approaches. The Genetic algorithm (GA) is one of the most widely used
hybrid model mainly focuses on combining the filter and the wrap- techniques for feature selection problem [2,13–15,29,38,43,46,50,
per-based methods to achieve the best possible performance with 53,56,57,63,66]. In [46], a genetic algorithm is used simultaneously
a particular learning algorithm with time complexity similar to for feature selection and extraction and training classifier. Ho et al.
that of the filter-based methods. Moreover, the embedded model [24] designed an intelligent genetic algorithm (IGA) to tackle
tries to include the feature selection as a part of the classifier train- both instance and feature selection problems simultaneously by
ing process, like inherently binary decision tree classifiers do. In introducing a special orthogonal cross operator. Again, in
other words, the feature selection process is embedded into the Ramirez-Cruz et al. [43] GA and evolution strategies are combined
training of the learning algorithm. to select instances and weight the features. Similarly, in Ros et al.
Feature selection methods are modeled using different sorts of [50] a hybrid genetic approach is proposed which treats feature
optimization algorithms such as swarm intelligence (SI) or and instance selection problems as a single optimization problem.
evolutionary algorithms (EAs). Swarm intelligence has become a Ahn and Kim [2] used a genetic algorithm method to simultane-
research interest to many research scientists of related fields in ously optimize feature weighting and instance selection for case-
recent years. Swarm intelligence is a computational intelligence- based reasoning in the bankruptcy prediction problem. In Kabir
based approach which is made up of a population of artificial et al. [38] a hybrid genetic algorithm with a specific local search
agents and inspired by the social behavior of animals in the real is proposed for feature selection. In Uğuz [57] a two-stage feature
world. Each agent performs a simple task, while the colony’s selection method is proposed for text categorization by using infor-
cooperative work will solve a hard problem. In this section, feature mation gain, principal component analysis and genetic algorithm.
selection algorithms relying on the swarm intelligent methods A more comprehensive study of feature selection algorithms based
such as particle swarm optimization (PSO), artificial bee colony on genetic algorithm is provided in Tsai et al. [13].
optimization (ABC), differential evolution (DE), gravitational search The artificial bee colony algorithm is one of the recently intro-
algorithm (GSA), harmony search algorithm (HSA) and ant colony duced swarm-based algorithms. This algorithm was proposed to
optimization (ACO) are reviewed and outlined in Table 1. simulate the intelligent foraging behavior of honey bee swarms.
Particle swarm optimization is a powerful swarm-based meta- This method is also used for solving feature selection tasks in sev-
heuristic method, proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995 eral studies [36,44]. Schiezaro and Pederini [36] proposed a feature
[28]. PSO is motivated by social behaviors such as bird flocking selection method for data analysis based on the ABC algorithm that
and fish schooling. The particle swarm optimization method has can be used in several knowledge domains through wrapper and
recently gained more attention for solving the feature subset selec- forward strategies. Moreover, in Forsati et al. [44] the feature selec-
tion problem [6,25,27,58,65]. Unler et al. [58] proposed a hybrid tion task is formulated as an optimization problem and a feature
method called maximum relevance minimum redundancy PSO selection procedure based on Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) is
(mr2PSO), which integrates the mutual information-based filter proposed in order to achieve better classification results. The
model within the PSO-based wrapper model. Another hybridized Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is a well-known pop-
approach was proposed by Inbarani et al. [27] to solve the selection ulation-based algorithm which has been successfully applied to a
of appropriate features for the medical diagnosis problems. In this variety of pattern recognition applications as well as the feature
method, two hybrid supervised PSO-based feature selection meth- selection problem. Al-Ani et al. [3] proposed a wrapper-based fea-
ods called PSO-based Relative Reduct (PSO-RR) and PSO based ture selection method using differential evolution. The aim of the
P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161 147

method is to reduce the search space using a simple, yet powerful, were grouped into three clusters. Fig. 1(b) shows the clustering
procedure that involves distributing the features among a set of result for the graph. Finally Fig. 1(c) shows that the ants search
wheels. Moreover, Han et al. [21] presented a feature subset selec- for the optimal feature subset in the different groups of the fea-
tion search procedure using a modified gravitational search algo- tures. For example, as can be seen from Fig. 1(c) the ant starts to
rithm (GSA). Recently, a feature selection method based on move from cluster 1 and selects feature F 1 from this cluster. It
harmony search algorithm (HS) is proposed for email classification should be noted that the features in the clusters are selected based
[62]. on their probability values which can be obtained by applying the
In recent years, some ACO-based methods for feature selection fisher score measure and considering the similarity with the pre-
have been reported. Aghdam et al. [1] proposed an ACO-based fea- viously selected features. Then in the next step, the ant has two
ture selection algorithm to improve the performance of the text choices: remaining in the same cluster or going to another cluster.
categorization problems. In their method, the classifier perfor- In the case of remaining in the same cluster, the ant starts to
mance and the length of the selected feature subset are used to choose remaining features based on their probability values. On
adopt the heuristic information of the ACO. Moreover, Kabir et al. the other hand while the ant wants to go to another cluster, the
[37] proposed a hybrid ACO-based feature selection algorithm, next feature will be selected in this cluster. It can be seen from
called ACOFS, which uses the information gain method to define Fig. 1(c) that the ant goes to the cluster 2 and selects feature F 6
the heuristic information of the ACO for each feature and the neu- from this cluster. Moreover, in the third step the ant decides to
ral network predictor to evaluate the results of each ant. select the next position in the current cluster (i.e., cluster 2) and
Furthermore, Vieira et al. [60] proposed an ACO-based feature selects feature F 5 . Then in the fourth step feature F 8 from cluster
selection algorithm which uses two cooperative ant colonies. The 3 is selected. Finally, all of the clusters have been traversed and
goal of the first colony is to determine the number of features the ant has constructed the feature subset (i.e., fF 1 ; F 6 ; F 5 ; F 8 gg).
while the aim of the second one is to select the features based The obtained subset is evaluated using the separability index
on cardinality given by the first colony. In Li et al. [67], a two-stage matrix method and there is no need for any learning models. The
ACO-based feature selection called ACO-S was proposed to apply to additional details are described in the corresponding subsections.
microarray datasets. In the first stage of the method an ant system
is used to filter the non-significant genes and in the second stage 3.1. Graph representation
an improved ant colony system is applied to gene selection. Most
of the existing ACO-based feature selection methods need to tra- In general, to apply the ACO algorithm, the search space of the
verse a complete graph with Oðn2 Þ edges where n is the number feature selection problem should be represented by a fully con-
of original features. However, Chen et al. [11] present a different nected undirected graph. Thus, we attempt to model the feature
feature ACO-based algorithm in which the artificial ants traverse selection problem using a graph theoretic representation. To this
on a directed graph with only Oð2nÞ arcs. Recently, in Forsati end, the feature set is mapped into its equivalent graph
et al. [17], a new variant of ACO, called enRiched Ant Colony G ¼ ðF; E; wF Þ, where F ¼ fF 1 ; F 2 ; . . . ; F n g is a set of original features,
Optimization (RACO) was proposed for the feature selection task. E ¼ fðF i ; F j Þ : F i ; F j 2 Fg denotes the edges of the graph and wij indi-
In this method the information contained in the traversals of the cates the similarity between two features F i and F j connected by
previous iterations is modeled as a rich source that guides the ant’s edge ðF i ; F j Þ: The methods for measuring the similarity values
further path selection and pheromone updating stages. The men- (i.e., edge weights) critically determine the performance of the
tioned ACO-based methods are based on the wrapper model which subsequent graph-based feature selection algorithm. There are dif-
needs a learning algorithm to evaluate the results of each ant. On ferent similarity measures that can be used to determine the edge
the other hand, in Ke et al. [32] a filter ACO-based algorithm called weights and different methods may lead to different results.
ACOAR was proposed to deal with attribute reduction in rough set Therefore, we need to carefully select the most suitable measure.
theory. Recently, in Tabakhi et al. [54] a filter method based on the Generally, the Euclidean distance and Pearson’s correlation coeffi-
ACO algorithm, called UFSACO, was proposed. The method seeks cient are both widely used as similarity measures. In this work,
the optimal feature subset through several iterations without using the Pearson correlation coefficient measure is used to measure
any learning algorithms. the similarity value between different features of a given training
set. The correlation between two features F i and F j is defined as
3. Proposed method  
 p ðxi  xi Þðxj  xj Þ 
In this section a novel method is described which can efficiently wij ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
P qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
P  ð1Þ
 2 2
and effectively deal with both irrelevant and redundant features.  p ðxi  xi Þ p ðxj  xj Þ 
The proposed method consists of three steps: (1) Graph represen-
tation of the problem space, (2) Feature clustering and (3) where xi and xj denote the vectors of features F i and F j , respectively.
Searching for the optimal feature subset based on ACO. In the first Variables xi and xj represent the mean values of vectors xi and xj ,
step the feature set is represented as a graph in which each node in averaged over p samples. It is clear that the similarity value
the graph denotes a feature and each edge weight indicates the between two features which are completely similar will be equal
similarity value between its corresponding features. In the second to 1, and on the other hand for completely dissimilar features this
step, the features are divided into several clusters using a commu- value will be equal to 0. In most cases, the similarity values between
nity detection method [59]. The goal of features clustering is to features in these datasets are so close to each other. To overcome
group most correlated features into the same cluster. In the third this situation, a nonlinear normalization method called softmax
step a novel feature selection algorithm based on the search strat- scaling [55] is used to scale the edge weight into the range [0 1]
egy of the ACO is proposed to select the final feature subset. Fig. 1 as follows:
illustrates the overall schema of the proposed three-step method. 1
^ ij ¼
w   ð2Þ
In Fig. 1(a) the feature space is represented as a weighted graph w w
1 þ exp  ijr

in which the nodes represent the features, and also the edges
denote that the similarity value between the corresponding two  and r
where wij the similarity value between features F i and F j , w
features. After applying the graph clustering method, the features are respectively the mean and variance of indicates all of the
148 P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161

Fig. 1. Illustration of the proposed graph clustering ACO method for feature selection. (a) Graph representation of the original set. (b) Group the features into three clusters.
(c) ACO based search for the optimal feature subset.

^ ij indicates the normalized value of the simi-

similarity values, and w in advance. Generally defining the proper number of clusters needs
larity between features F i and F j . exhaustive trial-and-error. Second, the distribution of the data in a
cluster is an important factor and the existing methods do not con-
3.2. Feature clustering sider the variance of the underlying cluster in similarity com-
putation. Third, all features in a cluster have the same degree of
The main idea behind feature clustering is to group the original contribution to the resulting extracted feature. To deal with these
features into several clusters based on the similarity values issues in this paper a community detection method is applied to
between features. Therefore, the features in the same cluster are cluster the features.
similar to each other. Most of the existing feature clustering meth- Detection of communities in the weighted graph is significant
ods suffer from some shortcomings [30]. First, indicating the for understanding the graph structures and analysis of the graph
desired number of clusters, the parameter k, has to be specified properties. The goal of community detection in this study is to
P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161 149

cluster the similar highly correlated features into the same com- of each node is updated by applying a specified ACO-based updating
munity and separate them from the others. In this work, we have rule.
used the Louvain community detection algorithm to identify the The process is repeated until a given number of iterations;
feature clusters [59]. This algorithm detects the communities in then, the features are sorted based on their pheromone values
the graph by maximizing a modularity function. This is a simple, in decreasing order. Finally, the top k  x features with the high-
efficient and easy-to-implement method for identifying communi- est pheromone values are selected as the final feature subset,
ties in large networks. The computational complexity of the algo- where k denotes the number of clusters and x is a user-specified
rithm is Oðn log nÞ, where n is the number of the nodes in the parameter that controls the size of the final feature subset. The
graph, so it can be used to detect communities in very large net- details of our ACO-based search strategy algorithm are provided
works within short computing times. The method detects in Fig. 3.
communities of a network in two steps. In the first step each node
is assigned to a community chosen in order to maximize specific 3.3.1. Probabilistic decision rule
network modularity; and the second step simply makes a new net- In ACO a probabilistic decision rule, denoting the probability of
work by merging those of the previously found communities. Then selection of the nodes, is designed by combining the heuristic
the process iterates until a significant improvement of the network desirability and the pheromone density values of the nodes. In
modularity is obtained. This method has two advantages. First, its the proposed method, each ant traverses the graph using both
steps are intuitive and easy to implement, and second, the algo- greedy and probabilistic state transition rules. In the greedy
rithm is extremely fast. It should be noted that in the previous step method, the kth ant chooses the next feature F j applying the fol-
the problem space was represented by a fully connected graph. lowing formula:
Each edge in the graph was associated with a value which denoted
the similarity value between every two nodes. Therefore, before F j ¼ arg maxf½su a ½gðF u ; VF k Þb g; if q 6 q0 ð4Þ
F u 2UF ki
using the clustering method, the edges with associated weights
lower than the h parameter will be removed to improve the perfor- where UF ki is the set of unvisited features by ant k from the current
mance of the clustering method. The h parameter can be set to any cluster i, su denotes the pheromone intensity value associated with
value in the range [0 1], and thus when its value is small (large), feature F u , VF k is denotes the previously selected features (visited
more (fewer) edges will be considered in the graph clustering algo-
features) by ant k, gðF u ; VF k Þ indicates the heuristic information
rithm and the number of obtained clusters will be low (high). Fig. 2
function, parameters a and b determine the importance of the pher-
illustrates the feature clustering algorithm for Sonar dataset. In
omone versus the heuristic information value, q is a random num-
Fig. 2(a) the feature space is represented as a weighted complete
ber in the range [0, 1], and q0 is a predefined constant parameter
graph. After removing edge with associated weights lower than
(0 6 q0 6 1).
the h parameter the complete graph converted into sparse graph.
In this paper a specific heuristic information function is pro-
Fig. 2(b) shows this sparse graph. Finally Fig. 2(c) shows the clus-
posed. According to Eq. (5), features selected by ants are those with
tering result for the graph.
both minimum similarity to previously selected features and maxi-
mum dependency on the target class. This selection rule results in
3.3. ACO-based search strategy lower probability for redundant and irrelevant features to be
selected. This function is defined as follows:
In this subsection a novel ACO-based search strategy is pro- " #
posed to select a feature subset from a clustered graph. The algo- 1 X
gðF i ; VF k Þ ¼ F-ScoreðF i Þ  simðF i ; F x Þ ð5Þ
rithm is composed of several iterations. Before the iterations jVF k j F x 2VF
start, the amount of pheromone assigned to each node is initialized
to a constant value c. Also, the discrimination power of feature F i is where simðF i ; F x Þ denotes the similarity value between feature F i
evaluated using the Fisher score as follows: and features F x . In the probabilistic method, the kth ant selects
the next feature F j with a probability of Pk ðVF k ; F j Þ which is calcu-
Pc  2 lated as follows:
k¼1 ni xi  xi
F-ScoreðF i Þ ¼ Pc   ð3Þ 8 a
k 2

k¼1 ni ri < P ½sj  ½gðFaj ;VF k Þ ; if j 2 UF ki ; if q > q0

½su  ½gðF u ;VF k Þb
Pk ðF j ; VF k Þ ¼ u2UF k
i ð6Þ
where c is the number of classes of the dataset, ni is the number of 0; otherwise
samples in class i, xi shows the mean of all the patterns correspond-
The probabilistic decision rules (i.e., Eqs. (4) and (6)) depend on
ing to feature F i , and also xki and rki denote the mean and variance of
parameters q and q0 , which aims to provide a proper balance
class k corresponding to feature F i . A larger F-ScoreðF i Þ value implies
between exploration and exploitation. If q 6 q0 the ants select the
that feature F i has a greater discriminative ability. Similarly to
best feature in the greedy way (i.e., exploitation); otherwise, each
correlation values between features, all F-Scores are normalized
feature has a chance of being selected corresponding to its probabil-
using softmax scaling method [55]. Then, in each iteration, each
ity value which is computed using equation Eq. (6) (i.e., explo-
ant starts to move from a random cluster and then it selects a fea-
ration). It should be noted that the exploration property of the
ture from a given cluster. In this case the ant decides to choose the
search process prohibits the ants from converging on a common
next feature from the current cluster or go to the different cluster.
To this end a random value is generated and then if the generated
value is lower than a predefined e parameter, the ant chooses the
3.3.2. Pheromone updating rule
next feature from a different cluster; otherwise the ant will remain
At the end of each iteration, when all ants have completed their
in the current cluster. The ant continues to move until all the clus-
traverses on the graph, the pheromone level of each feature is
ters are selected. In the case of remaining in the current cluster, the
updated by applying the following updating rule:
ant selects the next feature based on a specified ACO-based proba-
bility rule. When all of the ants have finished their traverse on the X
graph, the quality of each solution (i.e., feature subset) is evaluated si ðt þ 1Þ ¼ ð1  qÞsi ðtÞ þ Dki ðtÞ ð7Þ
by applying a separability index and then the amount of pheromone k¼1
150 P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161

Fig. 2. Illustration of the feature clustering step for Sonar dataset. (a) Graph representation of the original set. (b) Remove the edges with associated weights lower that the h
parameter. (c) Apply Louvain community detection algorithm to identify the feature clusters.

where q is a pheromone decay parameter, si ðtÞ and si ðt þ 1Þ repre- where pj is the a priori probability that a pattern belongs to a par-
sent the amounts of pheromone on feature F i at times t and t þ 1, ticular class j, Rj is the sample covariance matrix of class j, lj is the
respectively, A is the number of ants, and Dski ðtÞ is the extra phero- sample mean vector of that class and MO is the sample mean vector
mone increment to feature F i by ant k, and is defined as follows: of the entire data points calculated as Mo ¼ cj¼1 pj lj .
( This evaluation function presents two main advantages: (1) This
cðFSk ðtÞÞ if F i 2 FSk ðtÞ
Dki ðtÞ ¼ ð8Þ index measures statistical properties of the feature subset and does
0 Otherwise not depend on any specific learning algorithms and (2) it does not
require that the dimensionality of the searched subspace (i.e., the
where FSk ðtÞ is the feature subset founded by ant k at iteration t, and
actual number of features to be used) is a priori fixed.
cðFSk ðtÞÞ is the evaluation function which measures the quality of
solution FSk ðtÞ. 3.4. Complexity analysis
In this paper the quality of each ant’s solution is evaluated by
means of a specifically devised separability index. The separabil- In the first step of the proposed method to represent the graph
ity index has been derived from the multiple discriminant analy- it is needed to compute the similarity values between each two
sis (MDA) approach. MDA is an extension to c-class problems features, so the time complexity of this step is Oðn2 pÞ where n is
(c > 2) of the Fisher’s Linear Discriminant [23], which has been the number of the original features and p denotes the number of
defined for finding the best linear combination of features in patterns. Moreover, in the second step, the Louvain community
case of two class problems. The class separability index is detection algorithm is used to group the features into several clus-
defined by cðFSÞ ¼ trace W T , where W is the transformation ters and the time complexity of this algorithm is Oðn log nÞ.

matrix from the original n-dimensional space to the l-dimen- Furthermore, in the third step, first of all, the relevance values of
sional subspace corresponding to the selected subset FS, Sw is the features are evaluated using the Fisher score measure while
the within scatter matrix, SB is the between scatter matrix which the time complexity is OðncpÞ, where c is the number of classes.
are calculated as: Then a specific ant colony based search strategy is used to select
the final features. Based on this strategy each ant starts to search
the solution space from different points. The search process will
Sw ¼ p j Rj ð9Þ
be repeated for a number of iterative cycles (i.e., I). Thus, the time
complexity of this part is OðIAkfk Þ, where A is the number of the
c ants, k is the number of the clusters and f k denotes the average
SB ¼ ðlj  M O Þðlj  MO ÞT ð10Þ number of features in each cluster which approximates n=k, so this
j¼1 complexity can be represented by OðIAnÞ. In addition if the ants run
P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161 151

Fig. 3. Pseudo code of the proposed feature selection method.

in a parallel way, the computational complexity will be reduced to 4. Experimental results

OðInÞ. Moreover, at the end of each iteration in the third step, the
quality of each constricted subset is evaluated by means of a sep- In order to evaluate the proposed method several experiments
arability index. The time complexity of the separability index is were conducted in terms of the classification accuracy, the number
Oðs2 npÞ, where s is the cardinality of the selected subset. When of selected features and the execution time to obtain the final fea-
the ACO algorithm is over, all of the features are sorted based on ture subset. Generally, the classification accuracy is used as a mea-
their pheromone values with the time complexity of OðnlognÞ sure to evaluate the performance of the feature selection
and then the m features with highest values are selected as the algorithms. This is due to the fact that the relevant features are
final subset of features. Therefore, the time complexity of the third usually not known in advance, and we cannot directly evaluate
step is Oðncp þ In þ s2 np þ nlognÞ. Consequently, the final time how good a feature selection algorithm is by the features selected.
complexity of the GCACO method is Oðn2 p þ n log n þ ncp þ Inþ The classification accuracy is defined as the proportion of the total
s2 np þ n log nÞ. When the number of features which are selected number of predictions that were correct. Moreover, for each data-
by each ant (i.e., s) is much smaller than the number of original set, the classification accuracy is obtained over ten independent
features (s2  nÞ, the computational complexity of the proposed runs to achieve relatively accurate and stable estimations. In each
method can be reduced to Oðn2 p þ InÞ. run, first of all, the normalized datasets were randomly split into a
152 P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161

training set (2/3 of dataset) and a test set (1/3 of dataset). The Moreover, the detailed descriptions of the datasets, employed
training set was used to select the final feature subset while the classifiers, user-specified parameters, experimental results, and
test set was used to evaluate the selected features using a learning sensitivity analysis are discussed in the following subsections.
model. Then to attain fair results, all the methods will be
performed on the same train/test partitions. According to the
4.1. Datasets
randomness of the datasets and also the randomness in the
proposed method, we reported both the average and the standard
In this paper, several datasets with different properties were
deviation of the classification accuracy. The experiments have
used in the experiments to show the effectiveness of the proposed
been run on a machine with a 3.2 GHz CPU and 2 GB of RAM.
method. These datasets include Wine, Hepatitis, WDBC, Ionosphere,
Moreover, the proposed method was compared to the well-known
Spambase, Sonar, Arrhythmia, Madelon, Colon, and Arcene. The basic
and state of the art filter-based feature selection methods which
characteristics of these ten datasets are summarized in Table 2. The
are listed below:
detailed descriptions of these datasets except Madelon and Arcene
datasets are available in the University of California Irvine machine
Laplacian Score (L-Score) [64] is a feature selection method
learning repository [5]. Moreover, Madelon and Arcene datasets are
that has been designed for serving both supervised and
collected from NIPS2003 feature selection challenge, available at
unsupervised learning. The basic idea behind L-Score is to
its website1 Some of these datasets contain attributes with missing
evaluate the features according to their locality preserving
values; therefore, to deal with these types of values in the experi-
ments, each missing value was replaced with the mean of the avail-
Fisher Score (F-Score) [41] is a supervised feature selection
able data on the respective feature [55]. Moreover, in many practical
algorithm that seeks features with the best discrimination abili-
situations a designer is confronted with features whose values lie
ties. Moreover, similarly to the other filter-based methods, the
within different ranges. Thus, the features associated with large
F-Score selects some top high-ranked features that have maxi-
range values dominate those associated with small range values.
mum locality preserving power computed in terms of the
To overcome this problem, a nonlinear normalization method called
Laplacian score.
softmax scaling [55] is used to scale the datasets.
Relevance–redundancy feature selection (RRFS) [4] is an
efficient feature selection technique based on relevance and
4.2. Used classifiers
relevance/redundancy analyses, which uses a specific criter-
ion to choose an adequate number of features. RRFS has
To show the generality of the proposed method, the classifica-
log-linear time complexity, with respect to the number of
tion prediction capability of the selected features was tested using
several well-known classical classifiers, i.e., Support Vector Machine
Minimal-redundancy–maximal-relevance (mRMR) [22] is a
(SVM), Decision Tree (DT), Naïve Bayes (NB), k-Nearest Neighbor
solid multivariate filter approach which returns a feature subset
(kNN) and Random Forest (RF). These classifiers are the most influ-
with features that are mutually far away from each other (mini-
ential algorithms that have been widely used in the data mining
mizing the redundancy) as well as highly correlated with the
community. Moreover, the Weka (Waikato Environment for
classification label (maximizing the relevance).
Knowledge Analysis) software Hall et al. [20], which is a collection
ReliefF [49] is an extension of the Relief algorithm, which
of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks, was used as
applies a feature weighting scheme and searches for several
a workbench in the experiments to evaluate the selected feature. In
nearest neighbors. A key idea behind the original ReliefF algo-
this work, SMO, J48 (implementation of the C4.5 algorithm), Naïve
rithm is to estimate the quality of attributes according to their
Bayes, IBk and RandomForest as WEKA implementation of SVM,
ability to distinguish between instances that are close to each
DT, NB, kNN and RF were used, respectively. Furthermore, the
parameters of the mentioned classifiers for each experiment were
Unsupervised feature selection method based on ant colony
set to the default values of the Weka software.
optimization (UFSACO) [54] is an ACO-based method, pro-
posed to find an optimal solution to the feature selection prob-
lem, which tries to minimize the redundancy of the selected 4.3. User-specified parameters
features without using any learning models. The UFSACO can
be classified as a filter-based multivariate method. There are several user-specified parameters used in the meth-
ods of the experiments and thus their corresponding values should
In addition, the proposed method was compared to state of the be determined by the user. Note that some of these parameters are
art wrapper-based feature selection methods which are listed not specific to the proposed method, and are generally required for
below: most of the ACO-based feature selection methods. These parame-
ters were chosen after a number of preliminary runs, and were
Hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection (HGAFS) [38] not meant to be optimal. Since a and b parameters in the ACO-
is a method that integrates two quite different new techniques based methods determine respectively the relative importance of
in genetic algorithm for feature selection problem. This method the pheromone and the heuristic information, proper selection of
limits the number of selected features and the local search these parameters is needed to achieve an effective balance
operation. between exploitation and exploration. Table 3 shows the parame-
Ant colony optimization algorithm for feature selection ters and their corresponding values.
(ACOFS) [37] is a hybrid ant colony optimization algorithm
for feature selection. ACOFS uses a hybrid search technique 4.4. Results
that combines the advantages of wrapper and filter
approaches. In this subsection, we present the experimental results in terms
Particle swarm optimization for feature selection (PSOFS) [6] of the classification accuracy, the number of selected features and
is PSO-based feature selection method to selecting a smaller the execution time. Also, for the purpose of exploring the statistical
number of features and achieving similar or even better classi-
fication performance than using all features. 1
P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161 153

Table 2 achieved the first rank with a margin of 3.61% compared to the
Characteristics of the used datasets. UFSACO which obtained the second best average classification
Dataset Features Classes Patterns accuracy (i.e., 81.23).
Wine 13 3 178 Furthermore, Table 5 reports the results over DT classifier. It can
Hepatitis 19 2 155 be seen from Table 5 results that in most cases the GCACO obtained
WDBC 30 2 569 the highest classification accuracy compared to those of filter-
Ionosphere 34 2 351 based methods and acquired the second place only for the WDBC
Spambase 57 2 4601
Sonar 60 2 208
dataset. For example, for the Colon dataset, GCACO obtained an
Arrhythmia 279 16 452 80.00% (5.38) classification accuracy (standard deviation) while
Madelon 500 2 4400 for L-Score, F-Score, RRFS, mRMR, ReliefF and UFSACO this value
Colon 2000 2 62 was reported 66.67% (5.03), 69.05% (6.05), 73.33% (5.11), 71.43%
Arcene 10,000 2 900
(4.49), 69.53% (6.05) and 71.91% (6.52), respectively. Moreover,
Tables 6–8 reported similar results for the NB, kNN and RF classi-
fiers, respectively. It can be seen from the results that the proposed
Table 3 methods achieved the best classification accuracy compared to the
Common parameters for all datasets. other methods. Consequently, it can be concluded from Tables 4–8
results that the proposed method obtained the best results for the
Parameter Notation Method Value
datasets with large numbers of features. For example, from Table 8
Maximum number of cycles I GCACO, UFSACO,ACOFS, 50
results we can see that the differences between the obtained clas-
Ant number A GCACO, UFSACO, ACOFS 100 sification accuracy of the proposed method and that of the second
The initial amount of c GCACO, UFSACO,ACOFS 0.2 best ones were reported 5.13 (i.e., 71.45–66.32) and 4.42 (i.e.
pheromone 82.28–77.86) for the Arcene (10,000) and Colon (2000) datasets
Pheromone evaporation q GCACO 0.9 (number of features), respectively. Moreover, for the proposed
Pheromone evaporation q UFSACO 0.2
method, the best result was reported for the NB classifier. The
coefficient NB classifier supposes that the features are conditionally indepen-
The exploration/exploitation q0 GCACO, UFSACO 0.7 dent from each other. On the other hand, in univariate methods
parameter (i.e., L-Score, F-Score and ReliefF), each feature is considered sepa-
Relative importance of the a GCACO, UFSACO 1
rately, thereby ignoring feature dependencies. While in these data-
pheromone value
Relative importance of the b GCACO, UFSACO 1 sets, there are redundancies between features and thus, univariate
heuristic information methods will simply fail in the case of NB classifier. However, the
Threshold for remain in e GCACO 0.4 proposed GCACO method considers the dependency of the selected
current cluster features and selects a subset of features with minimum redun-
dancy between them, thus in this case the best results were
reported for the NB classifier.
significance of the results, we performed a nonparametric For the purpose of exploring the relationship between the fea-
Friedman test [18] to statistically compare different methods on ture selection methods and the classifiers, i.e., which method is
multiple datasets. more suitable for which classifier, seven feature selection methods
is ranked according to their obtained classification accuracy for a
4.4.1. Classification accuracy given dataset and for a specific classifier as reported in Tables 4–
In the experiments, first of all the performance of the proposed 8. To this end, the rank values of the feature selection methods
method was evaluated over different classifiers. Tables 4–8 show for each dataset are provided in these tables. Moreover, the aver-
the average classification accuracy (in %) of the proposed method age ranks of each method over all the datasets are reported. The
(i.e., GCACO) with ten independent runs over the SVM, DT, NB, results show that the proposed GCACO method achieved the best
kNN and RF classifiers, respectively. The best result for each dataset rank among the other methods for all of the employed classifiers.
is shown in bold face and the numbers in the parentheses show the For example the GCACO obtained the average 1.1 rank for the DT
rank of the algorithms. Moreover, the results are compared with classifier while this value was reported 6.3, 4.1, 3.8, 3.7, 5.6 and
those of the filter methods including L-Score, F-Score, RRFS, 3.2 for L-Score, F-Score, RRFS, mRMR, ReliefF and UFSACO,
mRMR, ReliefF and UFSACO. respectively.
Table 4 compares the classification accuracy of the proposed
method with those of the other filter based methods over SVM 4.4.2. Number of selected features
classifier. From the results it can be observed that in most cases Table 9 shows the number of selected features of the different
the GCACO obtained the highest classification accuracy compared feature selection methods over ten independent runs. From the
to those of filter-based methods. For example, for the Colon dataset, results it can be observed that, generally all the feature selection
GCACO obtained a 81.42% classification accuracy while for L-Score, methods achieve significant reduction of dimensionality by select-
F-Score, RRFS, mRMR, ReliefF and UFSACO this value was reported ing only a small portion of original features. Moreover, the results
67.14%, 69.52%, 71.91%, 73.34%, 70.48% and 72.86%, correspond- show that the GCACO, on average, selected the lowest number of
ingly. Moreover, compared to the original dataset (i.e., that all fea- features. For example from the results it can be seen that the pro-
tures), the average classification accuracy over all datasets using posed method selected the average number of 23.1 features, while,
the SVM classifier improved by 5.17 (i.e., 82.26–77.09), 0.64 (i.e., the other feature selection methods, on average selected 28.5
77.73–77.09), 0.51 (i.e., 77.60–77.09) and 1.56 (i.e., 78.65–77.09) features.
percentage points, where GCACO, F-Score, RRFS, and UFSACO were Moreover, several experiments were conducted to compare the
respectively used for selecting the final feature subset. accuracy of the proposed method with the other feature selection
Unfortunately, in this case the average classification accuracy of methods based on the different numbers of selected features.
L-Score, mRMR and ReliefF decreased by 1.38, 0.82 and 2.15 per- Figs. 4 and 5 plot the classification accuracy (average over 10
centage points, respectively. Furthermore, the results show that independent runs) curves of SVM and DT classifiers on
the GCACO obtained 82.26 average classification accuracy and Arrhythmia and Colon datasets, respectively. In these plots, the x-
154 P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161

Table 4
Average classification accuracy (Acc) and standard deviation (Std) over ten independent runs using SVM classifier. The best result for each dataset between all feature selection
methods is shown in bold face and the numbers in the parentheses show the rank of the algorithms.

Dataset Feature selection method

GCACO L-Score F-Score RRFS mRMR ReliefF UFSACO All features
Wine Acc (%) 94.09 (3) 89.01 (6) 92.29 (4) 96.55 (1) 80.48 (7) 91.63 (5) 94.26 (2) 96.88
Std 2.58 2.68 3.54 1.80 2.11 2.37 3.01 0.93
Hepatitis Acc (%) 84.52 (1) 80.93 (7) 82.63 (4) 82.44 (5) 83.38 (2) 83.01 (3) 82.25 (6) 75.27
Std 1.90 2.25 3.18 2.81 3.18 3.20 1.31 6.38
WDBC Acc (%) 94.14 (2) 91.08 (7) 91.54 (6) 91.85 (4) 94.24 (1) 91.75 (5) 92.06 (3) 95.65
Std 1.36 0.63 0.81 0.88 2.32 1.20 0.77 1.65
Ionosphere Acc (%) 90.41 (1) 86.13 (6) 87.39 (5) 87.81 (4) 88.90 (2) 85.96 (7) 87.92 (3) 86.46
Std 1.90 1.44 1.85 1.44 1.71 1.58 0.76 1.39
Spambase Acc (%) 88.38 (1) 83.96 (7) 86.55 (5) 87.71 (3) 87.51 (4) 86.14 (6) 87.92 (2) 88.81
Std 1.33 2.10 1.60 1.29 1.21 1.60 0.76 0.51
Sonar Acc (%) 82.38 (1) 71.26 (6) 72.67 (4) 73.23 (3) 72.53 (5) 70.98 (7) 76.75 (2) 75.63
Std 1.51 3.46 4.26 3.63 3.40 3.64 4.65 3.32
Arrhythmia Acc (%) 60.51 (1) 53.56 (6) 54.28 (5) 58.37 (3) 58.50 (2) 53.11 (7) 55.70 (4) 56.03
Std 5.42 1.44 1.50 4.87 4.80 1.49 3.63 2.98
Madelon Acc (%) 78.42 (1) 74.59 (3) 76.83 (2) 63.34 (5) 60.29 (6) 58.23 (7) 71.67 (4) 56.38
Std 2.34 1.94 1.68 2.57 2.64 1.72 3.12 2.01
Colon Acc (%) 81.42 (1) 67.14 (7) 69.52 (6) 71.91 (4) 73.34 (2) 70.48 (5) 72.86 (3) 65.23
Std 3.51 4.74 5.59 5.24 4.01 4.92 6.36 5.05
Arcene Acc (%) 68.38 (1) 59.45 (6) 63.67 (3) 62.85 (5) 63.56 (4) 58.19 (7) 65.14 (2) 74.56
Std 1.79 2.34 2.13 1.78 2.64 2.43 2.06 1.46
Average Acc (%) 82.26 (1.3) 75.71 (6) 77.73 (4.3) 77.60 (3.6) 76.27 (4) 74.94 (5.8) 78.65 (3.1) 77.09
Std 2.36 2.30 2.61 2.63 2.80 2.41 2.64 2.56

Table 5
Average classification accuracy (Acc) and standard deviation (Std) over ten independent runs using DT classifier. The best result for each dataset is shown in bold face and the
numbers in the parentheses show the rank of the algorithms.

Dataset Feature selection method

GCACO L-Score F-Score RRFS mRMR ReliefF UFSACO All features
Wine Acc (%) 93.76 (1) 88.52 (6) 91.47 (4) 91.96 (3) 80.81 (7) 90.65 (5) 92.94 (2) 90.81
Std 2.87 2.89 4.14 4.85 2.05 2.89 3.09 4.24
Hepatitis Acc (%) 84.33 (1) 81.69 (6) 83.01 (7) 81.12 (3) 83.38 (2) 82.63 (4) 82.07 (5) 77.73
Std 2.18 2.52 3.20 1.98 3.18 3.18 0.99 5.24
WDBC Acc (%) 92.27 (2) 91.34 (7) 91.44 (6) 92.06 (3) 93.98 (1) 91.80 (5) 91.96 (4) 90.41
Std 0.62 0.54 0.69 0.94 2.56 1.42 0.74 2.45
Ionosphere Acc (%) 89.74 (1) 85.37 (7) 87.64 (3) 87.55 (4) 89.23 (2) 85.71 (6) 86.88 (5) 86.71
Std 2.01 1.38 2.05 1.57 1.17 1.68 1.68 1.30
Spambase Acc (%) 89.21 (1) 85.32 (7) 86.86 (5) 86.97 (4) 87.20 (3) 85.81 (6) 88.01 (2) 88.93
Std 0.98 2.08 1.43 1.87 1.57 1.60 0.78 0.57
Sonar Acc (%) 79.57 (1) 72.25 (6) 73.65 (4) 73.94 (3) 73.23 (5) 70.70 (7) 76.61 (2) 74.22
Std 3.99 4.45 4.09 3.70 3.63 3.80 4.56 3.11
Arrhythmia Acc (%) 60.38 (1) 53.30 (6) 54.47 (5) 57.07 (3) 58.37 (2) 52.78 (7) 55.57 (4) 55.02
Std 5.54 1.57 1.57 4.41 4.88 1.33 3.62 2.52
Madelon Acc (%) 82.73 (1) 77.64 (5) 80.38 (2) 75.69 (6) 77.96 (4) 73.43 (7) 79.96 (3) 58.62
Std 2.38 1.69 2.14 2.13 1.64 1.84 1.95 1.75
Colon Acc (%) 80.00 (1) 66.67 (7) 69.05 (6) 73.33 (2) 71.43 (4) 69.53 (5) 71.91 (3) 63.33
Std 5.38 5.03 6.05 5.11 4.49 6.05 6.52 3.22
Arcene Acc (%) 67.24 (1) 56.67 (7) 60.95 (5) 62.87 (3) 62.17 (4) 57.25 (6) 64.78 (2) 70.79
Std 2.32 2.14 2.56 1.45 1.94 1.84 1.46 2.87
Average Acc (%) 81.92 (1.1) 75.87 (6.3) 77.89 (4.1) 78.25 (3.8) 77.77 (3.7) 76.02 (5.6) 79.06 (3.2) 75.65
Std 2.82 2.42 2.79 2.80 2.71 2.56 2.53 2.72

axis denotes the subset of selected features, while the y-axis is the when 40 features were selected, the classification error rates were
average classification accuracy. Fig. 4(a) shows that the GCACO is around 66%, 69%, 71%, 71%, and 80% for L-Score, F-Score, mRMR,
superior to the other methods applied on the SVM classifier when UFSACO and GCACO, respectively.
the number of features is less than 40. Moreover it can be seen
from the results that for higher numbers of features the proposed 4.4.3. Compare with wrapper based methods
method obtained the second place after the F-Score method. In The performance of the proposed method has been compared to
addition, Fig. 4(b) represents similar results when the GCACO those of the wrapper-based feature selection methods including;
was applied on the DT classifier. HGAFS [38], ACOFS [37] and PSOFS [65] on the different datasets.
Moreover, Fig. 5(a) illustrates that the performance of the pro- Table 10 reports the average classification accuracy over ten
posed method is superior to the performances of all methods for independent runs for HGAFS, ACOFS, PSOFS and GCACO methods
different numbers of selected features when the SVM classifier using SVM and NB classifiers. It can be seen from the results that
and Colon dataset are used in the experiments. The results in the proposed method obtained the highest classification accuracy
Fig. 5(b) report similar results and demonstrate that the GCACO while it was applied on the Wine, Hepatitis, Ionosphere,
is significantly superior to all of the other methods. Especially, Spambase and Madelon datasets for the NB classifier. Moreover
P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161 155

Table 6
Average classification accuracy (Acc) and standard deviation (Std) over ten independent runs using NB classifier. The best result for each dataset is shown in bold face and the
numbers in the parentheses show the rank of the algorithms.

Dataset Feature selection method

GCACO L-Score F-Score RRFS mRMR ReliefF UFSACO All features
Wine Acc (%) 95.73 (1) 89.17 (6) 90.98 (4) 95.08 (2) 82.78 (7) 89.99 (5) 94.42 (3) 91.80
Std 2.76 2.58 4.03 5.24 2.22 3.32 2.70 4.37
Hepatitis Acc (%) 84.71 (1) 81.12 (7) 82.82 (3) 83.01 (2) 82.06 (6) 82.44 (4) 82.25 (5) 76.41
Std 2.26 2.35 3.13 3.44 2.98 2.36 0.97 5.91
WDBC Acc (%) 93.67 (1) 91.54 (7) 91.80 (5) 92.84 (3) 93.57 (2) 91.75 (6) 92.16 (4) 90.41
Std 1.50 0.34 0.93 2.23 2.37 1.62 0.62 2.45
Ionosphere Acc (%) 90.24 (1) 82.68 (7) 86.97 (5) 89.07 (2) 88.73 (3) 85.96 (6) 87.13 (4) 86.55
Std 3.38 4.67 1.98 0.88 1.38 1.58 1.37 1.18
Spambase Acc (%) 88.22 (1) 81.96 (6) 86.62 (2) 83.04 (5) 80.50 (7) 85.50 (4) 86.48 (3) 83.05
Std 0.52 4.30 1.41 5.85 6.16 1.55 3.52 5.80
Sonar Acc (%) 77.60 (1) 71.26 (7) 75.34 (2) 73.23 (5) 73.94 (4) 71.68 (6) 75.06 (3) 75.49
Std 5.32 3.46 3.40 3.63 3.71 4.17 5.10 3.19
Arrhythmia Acc (%) 60.38 (1) 53.89 (5) 59.34 (2) 54.86 (4) 52.78 (6) 52.46 (7) 55.44 (3) 54.28
Std 5.54 1.62 4.81 2.92 4.23 0.79 3.66 1.19
Madelon Acc (%) 79.32 (1) 71.45 (3) 73.45 (2) 60.45 (6) 61.45 (5) 58.74 (7) 68.28 (4) 59.27
Std 2.14 2.04 2.43 1.96 2.83 2.67 2.59 2.27
Colon Acc (%) 79.04 (1) 63.32 (7) 69.05 (4) 71.43 (3) 70.00 (6) 65.23 (5) 72.39 (2) 65.73
Std 2.45 2.29 5.15 4.49 4.52 5.05 6.26 4.39
Arcene Acc (%) 68.94 (1) 59.35 (6) 62.45 (4) 61.32 (5) 64.72 (3) 58.39 (7) 66.56 (2) 72.36
Std 2.17 1.35 1.67 1.29 1.93 2.13 1.67 1.82
Average Acc (%) 81.78 (1) 74.57 (6.1) 77.88 (3.3) 76.43 (3.7) 75.05 (4.9) 74.21 (5.7) 78.01 (3.3) 75.53
Std 2.80 2.50 2.89 3.19 3.23 2.52 2.84 3.25

Table 7
Average classification accuracy (Acc) and standard deviation (Std) over ten independent runs using kNN classifier. The best result for each dataset is shown in bold face and the
numbers in the parentheses show the rank of the algorithms.

Dataset Feature selection method

GCACO L-Score F-Score RRFS mRMR ReliefF UFSACO All features
Wine Acc (%) 93.11 (3) 89.50 (6) 91.63 (4) 94.42 (1) 81.63 (7) 90.81 (5) 93.93 (2) 96.71
Std 3.16 3.01 3.58 1.58 2.76 3.01 2.89 0.77
Hepatitis Acc (%) 85.84 (1) 81.88 (7) 82.44 (6) 83.01 (5) 83.76 (4) 84.32 (3) 84.90 (2) 77.73
Std 1.33 1.82 3.21 3.44 2.83 3.67 1.54 5.24
WDBC Acc (%) 92.27 (2) 90.87 (7) 91.44 (5) 92.11 (3) 92.58 (1) 91.23 (6) 91.85 (4) 94.09
Std 0.62 0.65 0.69 0.68 1.67 1.07 0.69 2.50
Ionosphere Acc (%) 89.40 (1) 85.87 (6) 86.97 (4) 87.89 (3) 88.90 (2) 85.29 (7) 86.46 (5) 85.71
Std 2.17 1.23 1.86 1.54 0.86 1.49 1.60 1.48
Spambase Acc (%) 88.94 (1) 83.09 (7) 86.41 (2) 85.40 (4) 84.45 (6) 85.62 (3) 85.16 (5) 88.62
Std 1.06 1.66 1.57 1.73 3.81 1.66 1.49 0.41
Sonar Acc (%) 80.41 (1) 71.68 (7) 73.37 (6) 74.64 (3) 73.94 (5) 74.36 (4) 77.46 (2) 76.33
Std 2.14 4.17 4.42 3.63 3.71 4.08 4.09 3.16
Arrhythmia Acc (%) 60.25 (1) 53.11 (6) 54.60 (5) 57.07 (3) 55.96 (4) 52.91 (7) 57.91 (2) 56.78
Std 5.69 1.25 1.45 4.41 3.58 1.50 5.38 3.31
Madelon Acc (%) 74.82 (1) 67.58 (6) 70.48 (2) 68.69 (5) 70.47 (3) 60.58 (7) 69.48 (4) 60.63
Std 1.79 1.78 2.64 2.39 1.85 2.64 2.17 1.79
Colon Acc (%) 80.47 (1) 68.10 (6) 70.01 (5) 72.86 (3) 71.90 (7) 71.44 (4) 75.24 (2) 63.85
Std 4.72 4.53 5.27 5.04 4.73 3.89 6.26 4.60
Arcene Acc (%) 66.14 (2) 56.34 (7) 63.52 (3) 61.85 (5) 62.17 (4) 57.61 (6) 66.78 (1) 72.82
Std 1.32 1.82 2.64 1.46 2.73 2.05 2.31 1.27
Average Acc (%) 81.16 (1.4) 74.80 (6.5) 77.08 (4.2) 77.79 (3.5) 76.57 (4.3) 75.41 (5.2) 78.91 (2.9) 77.32
Std 2.40 2.19 2.73 2.59 2.85 2.50 2.84 2.45

the GCACO method acquired the second best results for WDBC and wrapper based feature selection methods require a classifier (i.e.
Arcene datasets. While for the other cases the wrapper based a learning model) to evaluate the selected feature subset in each
methods achieved the best results compared to the proposed iteration. Up to now, these methods have been employed different
method. Consequently, it can be concluded from the reported classifiers such as DT, NN, kNN, SVM and RF. For example the
results that the overall performance of the GCACO method is com- HGAFS a specific NN classifier to calculate the fitness value of the
parable with those of the state of the art wrapper feature selection particles. The computational complexities of these classifiers are
methods. different from each other. Therefore into report the computation
complexity of the wrapper based methods (i.e. ACOFS, HGAFS
4.4.4. Computational complexity and execution time comparison and PSOFS) we referred to OðclassifiereÞ in their corresponding
The aim of this section is to compare the computational com- computational complexity formula.
plexity and execution time of the aforementioned methods. Furthermore, several experiments were performed in order to
Table 11 shows the computational complexity of filter and wrap- compare the execution time of the feature selection methods. In
per based feature selection methods. Moreover, descriptions of these experiments, the average execution times (in milliseconds)
notations are also provided in the table. It should be noted that of filter and wrapper based methods are respectively reported in
156 P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161

Table 8
Average classification accuracy (Acc) and standard deviation (Std) over ten independent runs using RF classifier. The best result for each dataset is shown in bold face and the
numbers in the parentheses show the rank of the algorithms.

Dataset Feature selection method

GCACO L-Score F-Score RRFS mRMR ReliefF UFSACO All features
Wine Acc (%) 96.19 (1) 88.02 (6) 93.32 (3) 91.55 (4) 82.34 (7) 90.63 (5) 95.32 (2) 96.74
Std 2.32 2.18 2.87 1.89 2.78 2.24 2.48 1.62
Hepatitis Acc (%) 83.32 (2) 81.25 (6) 82.74 (3) 81.34 (5) 83.81 (1) 80.18 (7) 81.82 (4) 76.67
Std 1.39 2.63 2.61 2.92 2.16 2.73 1.63 3.24
WDBC Acc (%) 95.36 (1) 90.18 (6) 92.68 (3) 91.57 (5) 94.42 (2) 89.32 (7) 92.53 (4) 94.42
Std 1.71 0.82 0.98 1.73 2.74 1.46 1.68 1.81
Ionosphere Acc (%) 90.76 (1) 85.53 (6) 86.34 (5) 87.93 (2) 87.07 (4) 84.49 (7) 88.16 (2) 87.45
Std 1.56 1.67 1.84 1.69 1.38 1.49 0.76 1.86
Spambase Acc (%) 89.19 (1) 81.69 (7) 85.46 (5) 86.38 (4) 87.82 (2) 84.39 (6) 87.45 (3) 88.24
Std 1.68 2.63 1.84 1.92 1.94 2.42 0.83 1.09
Sonar Acc (%) 81.43 (1) 72.35 (5) 73.64 (4) 72.19 (6) 76.53 (2) 71.88 (7) 75.68 (3) 74.13
Std 1.67 2.67 3.59 3.72 3.81 3.47 3.82 3.67
Arrhythmia Acc (%) 61.58 (1) 51.45 (6) 52.46 (5) 57.59 (3) 60.75 (2) 51.07 (7) 56.19 (4) 55.18
Std 4.45 1.32 1.87 3.79 3.61 1.86 3.72 2.63
Madelon Acc (%) 76.36 (2) 75.19 (3) 77.93 (1) 72.86 (5) 69.29 (6) 63.84 (7) 73.94 (6) 57.18
Std 2.74 1.80 2.84 2.97 2.25 1.08 3.73 2.15
Colon Acc (%) 82.28 (1) 69.46 (7) 70.71 (6) 72.89 (4) 71.34 (5) 73.86 (3) 77.86 (2) 69.38
Std 3.93 4.72 4.47 4.68 3.89 3.16 4.59 4.37
Arcene Acc (%) 71.45 (1) 60.16 (6) 63.45 (5) 64.19 (4) 64.36 (3) 58.48 (7) 66.32 (2) 75.66
Std 1.68 2.96 2.68 1.82 2.49 2.37 2.13 1.48
Average Acc (%) 82.79 (1.2) 75.52 (5.8) 77.87 (4) 77.84 (4.3) 77.77 (3.4) 74.81 (6.3) 79.52 (3) 77.50
Std 2.31 2.34 2.55 2.71 2.70 2.22 2.53 2.39

Table 9 be computationally less expensive than the multivariate methods.

Number of selected features of feature selection methods over ten independent runs. Moreover, the reported results show that the proposed method is
Dataset Feature selection method faster than other ACO-based feature selection method (i.e.,
Score Score Additionally, the execution time of the proposed method has
Wine 6 5 5 5 5 5 5
been also compared to those of the wrapper-based feature selec-
Hepatitis 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 tion methods on the different datasets and the obtained results
WDBC 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 are reported in Table 13. The reported results show that in most
Ionosphere 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 cases the execution time of the proposed method is lower than
Spambase 24 30 30 30 30 30 30
the wrapper based methods. For example it can be seen from the
Sonar 24 30 30 30 30 30 30
Arrhythmia 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 results that the GCACO selected the final subset of features for
Madelon 40 60 60 60 60 60 60 Spambase dataset after 6846 ms. While in this case the HGAFS,
Colon 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 ACOFS and HGAFS selected the final subset after 98,328, 87,193
Arcene 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 and 531,439 ms respectively. In this case the results show the pro-
Average 23.1 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 posed method is nearly 88 times faster than the PSOFS method.
While the results of Table 10 show that the accuracy of PSOFS
method is only 0.5 times higher than GCACO method. Moreover,
Tables 12 and 13. Form Table 12 results, it can be seen that the uni- the results show that for very large datasets such as Arcene the
variate feature selection methods (i.e., F-Score, and ReliefF) are execution time of the HGAFS and ACOFS methods are lower than
much faster than the multivariate feature selection methods (i.e., the proposed method. This is due to the fact that these methods
mRMR, UFSACO and GCACO). This is due to the fact that in the uni- are executed in two steps. In the first step they applied a filter
variate methods, the possible dependency between features is based method (such as Information gain or Gini-index) to rank
ignored in the feature selection process; thus, these methods can the features independently and then a small size subset (i.e. a

(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Average classification accuracy (in %) over ten independent runs, with respect to the number of selected features with different methods on: (a) Arrhythmia dataset
with SVM. (b) Arrhythmia dataset with DT.
P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161 157

(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Average classification accuracy (in %) over ten independent runs, with respect to the number of selected features with different methods on: (a) Colon dataset with
SVM. (b) Colon dataset with DT.

Table 10 mentioned feature selection methods on multiple datasets, with

Classification accuracy of proposed method compared with wrapper-based feature different classifier. The Friedman test can be used to compare k
selection methods using SVM and NB classifiers. The best result for each dataset is
shown in bold face and underlined and the second best is in bold face.
methods over N datasets by ranking each method on each dataset
separately. The method that obtains the best performance gets the
Dataset Feature selection method rank of 1, the second best ranks 2, and so on. We have used the
GCACO HGAFS ACOFS PSOFS SPSS statistics acquired by IBM [40] for this purpose. The reported
Wine SVM 94.09 92.78 93.44 94.42 results show that the Friedman test reported a p-value of 0.000008
NB 95.73 94.09 91.14 92.78 for the classification accuracy values of the SVM classifier in
Hepatitis SVM 84.52 81.50 82.63 83.95 Table 4; since this value is below 0.05, we can claim the statistical
NB 84.71 80.18 82.51 84.17
significance of the proposed method results. Moreover, the
WDBC SVM 94.14 93.15 92.76 94.81
NB 93.67 91.60 92.95 94.69 Friedman test reported 0, 0, 0.000003 and 0.000001 p-values for
Ionosphere SVM 90.41 87.97 89.49 90.75 the other classifiers including DT, NB, kNN and RF, respectively.
NB 90.24 86.13 88.65 88.06 Since, these classifiers have p-values below 0.05 making these
Spambase SVM 88.38 85.04 87.30 88.69
results statistically significant. Also, the Friedman test is also per-
NB 88.22 82.11 84.45 85.58
Sonar SVM 82.38 76.33 79.29 78.72
formed for the reported results of the wrapper based methods
NB 77.60 80.70 79.99 80.13 (i.e. Table 10). In this case the statistical test reported the p-values
Arrhythmia SVM 60.51 60.06 61.68 62.52 of 0.000026 and 0. 085801 for SVM and NB classifiers, respectively.
NB 60.38 61.42 63.11 62.55 In SVM classifier, the obtained p-value lower than 0.05, thus, it can
Madelon SVM 78.42 76.89 77.84 80.06
be concluded that the achieved classification accuracy results over
NB 79.32 77.35 77.12 79.17
Colon SVM 81.42 83.81 83.80 85.23 the SVM classifier are statistically significant. In contrast in the
NB 79.04 79.52 82.37 83.33 case of the NB classifier, the corresponding results are not sta-
Arcene SVM 68.38 64.57 66.12 71.42 tistically significant and it can be inferred that none of the feature
NB 66.53 62.74 63.82 69.78
selection methods performed consistently better than the others.
Average SVM 82.26 80.21 81.43 83.05 Furthermore, additional statistical tests are also conducted for
NB 81.54 79.58 80.61 82.02
other measures such as number of features and also the execution
time. The conducted Friedman test on the reported execution time
results (i.e. Table 12) achieved a p-value of 6.4036E8  0.05 and
thus these results are statistically significant. The performed
subset with only 100 top ranked features) are selected to be incor-
Friedman statistical test on the results of Table 9, reported a p-
porated a wrapper based method in the second step. While in this
value of 0.423, thus it cannot be concluded the statistically signifi-
case the proposed method is applied over all of the original fea-
cant of the results.
tures. On the other hand Table 10 results show that in this case
the classification accuracy of the proposed method is much higher
than the HGAFS and ACOFS methods. 4.4.6. Sensitivity analysis of the parameters
Furthermore, from the reported results on classification accu- Like many other feature selection methods, the proposed
racy (i.e. Tables 4–8 and Table 10) and also the execution time method requires the x and h parameters. The x is a user-specified
(i.e. Tables 12 and 13) of the filter and wrapper based methods, it parameter that controls the size of the final feature subset.
can be concluded that the computational complexity and the qual- Accurate setting of the x parameter substantially influences the
ity of the selected feature subset are two main goals of the search results of the GCACO method. This parameter can be set to any
methods. These goals are generally in conflict with each other and value in the range ½1::n and still x  k should be smaller than
improving one of them causes the others to worsen. In other words, the number of original features (i.e., x  k 6 n). If its correspond-
the filter-based feature selection methods have paid much atten- ing value is set to a high value, thus too many features will be
tion to the computational time, while the wrapper feature selection selected and natural patterns in the data will be blurred by noise
methods usually consider the quality of the selected features. and the redundant features can be selected with a high probability.
Therefore, a trade-off between these two issues has become an On the other hand when the parameter is set to a small value, too
important and necessary goal to providing a good search method. few features are chosen and thus, there will not be enough infor-
mation for the classification task. Moreover, in order to explore
4.4.5. Statistical test results the proper determination of the x parameter values, several
In the experiments, a specific significance test known as the experiments were performed to reveal how the classification accu-
Friedman test [18] was employed to further compare the racy is changing with different values of the parameter.
158 P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161

Table 11
Comparison of computational complexity of different feature selection methods.

Method Type Computational complexity Description of notations

L-Score [64] Filter 2 p: number of patterns (or number of instances)
Oðp nÞ
F-Score [41] Filter OðncpÞ n: number of original features
Supervised c: number of classes
mRMR [22] Filter OðnmpÞ m: number of selected features (m  n)
ReliefF [49] Filter OðIpnÞ I: maximum number of iterations
UFSACO [54] Filter Oðn2 p þ ImnÞ k: number of particles (PSO and GA), number of ants (ACO)
PSOFS[65] Wrapper OðIknOðclassifierÞÞ OðclassifierÞ: the complexity of executing a classifier for wrapper based methods.
Usually kNN classifier is used to evaluate a particle. The complexity of k-NN is
Oðnm þ nlognÞ
HGAFS [38] Wrapper Oðn2 p þ Ink þ IkOðclassifierÞÞ
ACOFS [37] Wrapper Oðn2 p þ Imnk þ IkOðclassifierÞÞ
GCACO (Proposed method) Filter Oðn2 p þ InÞ

Table 12
Average execution time (in ms) of proposed method compared with filter feature selection methods over ten independent runs.

Dataset Feature selection method

Wine 882 111 12 4 1187 79 1044
Hepatitis 995 82 23 18 2348 161 1548
WDBC 1814 1863 29 26 3161 1464 2275
Ionosphere 1738 897 38 35 2595 963 2392
Spambase 6846 132,678 167 158 14,968 128,052 7279
Sonar 2653 457 48 39 3362 769 3981
Arrhythmia 15,157 5354 56 48 4879 3657 20,190
Madelon 307,493 312,423 569 3247 5759 184,734 351,823
Colon 102,384 1457 92 83 11,776 2389 131,476
Arcene 326,881 12,681 218 13,632 15,482 264,671 425,634
Average 76684.3 46800.3 125.2 1729 6551.7 58693.9 94764.2

Sonar datasets for different values of x in the range of ½2::6. The

Table 13 obtained results indicated that in most cases, when the parameter
Average execution time (in ms) of proposed method compared with wrapper feature was set to 4 (i.e., x ¼ 4), the proposed method obtained the best
selection methods over ten independent runs. results.
Dataset Feature selection method Furthermore, in the second step (i.e., feature clustering) the
GCACO HGAFS ACOFS PSOFS edges with associated weights lower that the h parameter are
removed. The result of the feature clustering algorithm depends
Wine 882 753 639 1250
Hepatitis 995 3367 2596 3742 on the value of h. This parameter can be set to any value in the
WDBC 1814 9354 6327 8926 range of [0 1]. When this value is set to a small value, more edges
Ionosphere 1738 14,172 12,387 14,731 are considered in the graph clustering algorithm and the number of
Spambase 6846 98,328 87,193 531,439 obtained clusters is low. On the other hand when the parameter is
Sonar 2653 42,108 37,481 45,983
set to a high value, the graph clustering algorithm identifies more
Arrhythmia 15,157 67,912 63,471 648,238
Madelon 307,493 174,921 151,870 25,486,251 clusters. In this study several experiments were also performed to
Colon 102,384 27,812 24,971 672,827 analyze the h parameter. Table 14 shows the average SVM classifi-
Arcene 326,881 89,381 78,509 67,245,317 cation accuracy results of over 10 independent runs for different
Average 76684.3 52810.8 46544.4 9465870.4
values of the h parameter for the Hepatitis, WDBC, Ionosphere and
Sonar datasets. Moreover, the number of obtained clusters is also
reported in Table 14. The obtained results indicated that in most
Fig. 6(a) and (b) shows the x parameter sensitivity analysis for cases when the parameter was set to 0.6, the proposed method
SVM and DT classifiers respectively. The results compare the clas- obtained the best results. It can be concluded from the results that
sifier accuracy on the Hepatitis, WDBC, Ionosphere, Spambase and when the parameter was set to a small value, the graph clustering
P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161 159

(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Average classification accuracy (in %) over ten independent runs, with different x values on Hepatitis, WDBC, Ionosphere and Sonar datasets with: (a) SVM classifier
and (b) DT classifier.

Table 14
the fact that the selected features may not constitute the best
Average classification accuracy for different values of the h parameter over ten representative set although they are highly dissimilar to each
independent runs. The best average classification accuracy is marked in boldface. other. To this end, we have developed a novel method which
Dataset h #Obtained clusters Acc (in %)
can efficiently and effectively deal with both irrelevant and
redundant features. In the proposed method each ant selects
Hepatitis 0.2 2 83.01
0.4 3 84.71
the features with minimum similarity with those of the pre-
0.6 4 88.10 viously selected ones while it maximizes the dependency on
0.7 6 79.05 the target class. By applying this kind of selection rules, the
WDBC 0.2 2 91.23 redundant and the irrelevant features have a lower probability
0.4 3 95.90 to be selected.
0.6 6 95.17 2. One of the main shortcomings of existing univariate filter-based
0.7 7 95.38
feature selection methods is ranking the features independently
Ionosphere 0.2 2 81.67 without considering their dependency on the other features. In
0.4 3 86.71
this case some of the features with lower ranks may have strong
0.6 4 88.98
0.7 6 85.20 discriminatory power while they are considered with the other
features in a group. To overcome this problem, we focus on
Sonar 0.2 2 67.60
0.4 3 76.05 exploring a new framework to retain the useful structure
0.6 4 85.34 among features as many as possible. In the proposed method,
0.8 5 83.65 based on the probabilistic decision rule, to avoid being trapped
into a local optimum, each feature has a chance of being
selected corresponding to its probability value which is com-
puted using Eq. (6). Also, the proposed updating rule takes into
algorithm identified a lower number of clusters. Therefore in this account all of the features based on their quality in the con-
case the proposed method selects a smaller number of features structed feature subset. Pheromone updating rule is intended
and thus most representative features cannot be selected, which to allocate a greater amount of pheromone to better solution.
reduces the classifier accuracy. Thus, individually weak and collectively strong features
increase their selection probability.
4.5. Discussion 3. The GCACO method integrates the graph clustering method
with the search process of the ACO algorithm. Using the feature
This subsection briefly explains why the performance of the clustering method improves the performance of the proposed
GCACO is better than those of the other feature selection methods. method in several aspects. First, the time complexity is reduced
There are three differences that might contribute to better perfor- compared to those of the other ACO-based feature selection
mance of GCACO compared to the other methods. methods. This is due to the fact that the ant does not need to
traverse a complete graph; thus, the probability computation
1. Irrelevant features, along with redundant features, severely in a clustered graph is reduced compared to that of the com-
affect the accuracy of the learning algorithm [8,10,34]. Thus, pleted graph. Second, the search process is guided in such a
feature selection should be able to identify and remove as many way that at least one feature is selected per cluster, along the
of the irrelevant and redundant features as possible. Of the search process of each ant, and also relatively fewer correlated
many feature selection methods, some can effectively remove features are injected in a high proportion with respect to more
irrelevant features but fail to handle the redundant features. correlated features to the consecutive iteration.
In the univariate methods (i.e., L-Score, F-Score and RelifF) the
relevance of a feature is measured individually and the possible 5. Conclusion
dependency between features is ignored in the feature selection
process; thus, these methods cannot remove the redundant fea- Feature selection plays an important role in the world of
tures precisely. On the other hand, some of the multivariate fea- machine learning and more specifically in the classification task.
ture selection methods only eliminate the redundant features. Moreover, the computational cost is reduced and on the other
For example, the main goal of the UFSACO method is to select hand, the model is constructed from the simplified data and this
a subset of features with minimum redundancy and there is improves the general abilities of classifiers. In this paper, a novel
no guarantee to select the optimal feature set. This is due to feature selection method has been developed by integrating the
160 P. Moradi, M. Rostami / Knowledge-Based Systems 84 (2015) 144–161

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