Dra38 Darkmasters

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1st-level Abyssal Prince Patron feature
The corruption of the abyss has taken hold of You gain the boons of various demons.
you, and one of its princes has sought you out. Whenever you take a long rest, select one of the
In the dark of night you were offered power in following:
exchange for help finding a place in the world Mind of Baphomet. You can add 1d4 to all
for the Abyss to infest and spread, to protect Intelligence based checks and gain proficiency
the Demonic seeds that grow there. The dark in one tool of your choice.
temptation was too much, and now you feel Yeenoghu’s Savagery. You can add 1d4 to all
those same seeds of the Abyss inside your own melee and ranged weapon attacks.
soul. The Will of Orcus. Once a day when reduced
to 0 hit points, you instead go to 1 hit point.
EXPANDED SPELL LIST Heads of the Demigorgon. You gain
1st-level Abyssal Prince Patron feature advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and
can take one additional reaction each round.
The Abyssal Prince lets you choose from an
expanded list of spells when you learn a
warlock spell. The following spells are added to SENSE WEAKNESS
the warlock spell list for you. 6th-level Abyssal Prince Patron feature
Your eyes gain an inhuman and unnatural
Abyssal Prince Expanded Spells appearance. You gain advantage on Wisdom
Warlock (Insight) checks. You can use an action to make
Spell an Wisdom (Insight) check against a creatures
Charisma (Deception) check to learn one
1st Grease, Inflict Wounds resistance, immunity or vulnerability chosen
randomly by the DM.
3rd Alter Self, Phantasmal Force
5th Bestow Curse, Stinking Cloud 10h-level Abyssal Prince Patron feature
7th Your reflexes become accelerated, your foes
Black Tentacles, Vitriolic Sphere movements sluggish to your unnatural
instincts. If you use your reaction to make an
9th Cloudkill, Contagion attack and succeed on that attack, you
immediately regain the use of your reaction.
You can only benefit from this ability once per
round. In addition if you reduce a creature to 0
hit points with a spell you can cast a cantrip as a

14th-level Abyssal Prince Patron feature
You can use an action to transform into any
Fiend (demon) with a challenge rating equal to
half your level (rounded down) for 1 minute.
You can use this ability once a day,
recovering the use after a long rest.
10th-level Archedevil Patron feature
You met a charming stranger in a tavern who You gain proficiency in the Charisma
proposed a deal to you everything you desire (Persuasion) or Charisma (Deception) skill and
for a short while as his acolyte, his servant, his gain the cantrip Vicious Mockery if you didn’t
pawn on the material plane. But what is a already have it. If a target fails the saving throw
‘short while’ to a devil? What are a few against Vicious Mockery it must use its
millennia to a ruler from the Nine Hells? reaction to make a melee weapon attack against
a creature of your choosing within range.
At 15th level this ability can force a creature
EXPANDED SPELL LIST to make a ranged weapon attack.
1st-level Archedevil Patron feature
The Archdevil lets you choose from an PUNISHMENT OF DISPATER
expanded list of spells when you learn a
warlock spell. The following spells are added to 14th-level Archedevil Patron feature
the warlock spell list for you. You gain the ability to unleash the torturous
pain of the Nine Hells on your enemies. You
select a creature within 30 feet of you to suffer
Archdevil Expanded Spells 1d10 damage of each of the following types;
Warlock Slashing, Poison, Bludgeoning, Fire, Cold,
Spell Psychic, Acid, Piercing and Necrotic.
You can use this ability once, recovering the
1st Bless, Burning Hands uses after a short rest.
3rd Lesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing

5th Bestow Curse, Revivify

7th Faithful Hound, Wall fo Fire

9th Flame Strike, Hallow


1st-level Archedevil Patron feature
You gain proficiency with light and medium
armor. In addition you gain proficiency in 2
martial weapons of your choice.

6th-level Archedevil Patron feature
When you are hit with a melee attack you
can use your reaction to deal 2d6 fire
damage to the creature who hit you as long
as the creature is within 10 feet of you. You
can use this ability three times a day, recovering
the uses after a long rest.
At 12th level this increases to 3d6 and at
18th level this increases again to 4d6.
6th-level Corrupted King Patron feature
KING Starting at 6th level you gain the Eldritch Blast
cantrip if you did not already have it. You can
use a bonus action to transform your arm,
Greed lies in the hearts of all creatures. Beasts covering it in liquid gold for 1 minute. When
greedily devour each other, human climb their you hit a creature with the Eldritch Blast
fallen allies to rise to greatness. The Corrupted cantrip they must make a Wisdom saving
King knows this, and he is willing to help you throw against your spell save DC. On a failed
rise to glory. Gold, riches, a kingdom to rule. save the creature gains 1 point of corruption
All will be yours... for the small price of a soul. and suffers the effects from the table below.
This corruption manifests as physical or mental
EXPANDED SPELL LIST illnesses such as weakening their body, blinding
them or driving them mad. The creature loses 1
1st-level Corrupted King Patron feature point of corruption after a long rest.
The Corrupted King lets you choose from an
expanded list of spells when you learn a
warlock spell. The following spells are added to Corrupion Table
the warlock spell list for you. Corruption
Level Effect
Corrupted King Expanded Spells Creature has disadvantage one
Warlock one type of check of your
Spell choosing (Strength, Dexteriity,
Level 1-4 Constitution, Wisdom,
1st Alarm, Command Intelligence or Charism) until
they have 0 corruption points
3rd Calm emotions, Zone of Truth
Creature has disadvantage one
5th Speak with Dead, Speak with Plants one type of saving throw of your
choosing (Strength, Dexteriity,
5-9 Constitution, Wisdom,
7th Compulsion, Dominate Beast Intelligence or Charism) until
they have 0 corruption points.
9th Dominate Person, Geas
The creature gains 1 trait from
the true corruption table. You
DARKENED THOUGHTS may select any of the options as
1st-level Corrupted King Patron feature long as that option can effect that
creature. A creature without free
You can use an action to try trick the mind 10+ will cannot suffer the effects of
of a creature within 60 feet of you into “Thrall” but a creature without
becoming hostile to its allies. The target eyes but has Tremousense could
must make a Wisdom saving throw still suffer the effects of
“Encroaching Darkness” if your
against your spell save DC. On a failure the
creature becomes hostile to its allies for 1 DM allows it.
minute, repeating the saving throw at the
end of each of its turns. If it is hostile to
you it still regards you as an enemy.
You can use this ability three times a
day, recovering the uses after a long rest.
True Corruption Table THE PROMISE OF GLORY
Corruption Effect 10th-level Corrupted King Patron feature
Taregt creature has disadvantage You can whisper promises of glory to a
on strength and dexterity saving willing creature within 30 feet of you that
Bone Rot throws. In addition the creature shares a language with you. The inspired
will begin aging 10 times faster
than their natural rate. creature gains an additional 15 feet of
movement until the end of its next turn,
Target creature takes 10d10 any Save DC’s it has for spells or other
Destruction points of Force Damage. effects is increased by 2 and it gains +5 to
hit on all attacks until the end of its next
The Target creature is Blinded for 1 turn. Attacks against this creature have
Encroaching hour. A creature with blindsight
and tremor sense lose those senses advantage until the end of its next turn and
Dark when effected by this ability. the inspired creature has disadvantage on
all saving throws until the end of its next
Target creature becomes devoutly turn.
loyal for 24 hours, regarding you
as the only authority in the world You can use this ability twice a day,
Enthrall recovering the use after a long rest.
they should obey. Creatures
without free will cannot be
effected by this ability.
Target creature cannot regain hit 14th-level Corrupted King Patron feature
Infection points through natural or You can use an action to make a melee
magical means. spell attack. On a success the target takes
10d6 necrotic Damage. If a target is
Target creature begins to bleed
through its eyes, mouth, nose reduced to 0 hit pints by this effect they are
And ears. At the start of its turn petrified and turned to a golden statue.
Life Leak the creature takes 2D12 Necrotic This effect is only reversible by greater
Damage. This effect lasts 1 restoration or the wish spell.
minute. Undead and Constructs You have one use of this feature,
are immune to this effect. regaining the use after a long rest.
Midian Target creature is petrified in gold
Curse for 1d10 days.
Target creature has their
intelligence, charisma and
Mind of wisdom scores reduced to 4. In
Madness addition the creature goes insane,
acting erratically to illusions it
sees around it.

Target creature regards any allies

Treachery as its now sworn enemies.
6th-level Cursed Beast Patron feature
Deep in the forest you came across a hulking At the start of your turn, if a creature is within
creature, as old as time itself. Cursed by the 15 feet of you, you can mark that creature as
Gods, forced to hide away, this Cursed Beast your ‘Prey’ until the end of your turn. You deal
could destroy you in seconds. But you show an additional 1d6 damage to your Prey as long
kindness, not fear, and in return it shows you as they are within 15 feet of you.
mercy instead of death. He wishes to see the This damage increases to a d8 at 9th level
world through your eyes, and in return he offer and the range increases to 20 feet. At 15th level
great power, long forgotten by the civilized it increases to a d10 and the range increases to
world. 30 feet. At 15th level it increases to a d12 and
the range increases to 60 feet.
1st-level Cursed Beast Patron feature FEAST OF THE HUNTER
The Cursed Beast lets you choose from an 10th-level Cursed Beast Patron feature
expanded list of spells when you learn a When you kill a creature with a spell or cantrip
warlock spell. The following spells are added to with a range of touch, you regain hit points
the warlock spell list for you. equal to your warlock level. You can use this
ability once, regaining the use on a short rest.
Cursed Beast Expanded Spells At 15th level you gain an additional use of
this ability. At 20th level you gain a third use of
Warlock this ability.
1st Beast Bond, Wrathful Smite TRUE NATURE
3rd Alter Self, Barksin 14th-level Cursed Beast Patron feature
You gain the ability to shift into a beastial form.
5th Create Food and Water, Haste Your appearance becomes feral and your
language guttural. You gain the benefits of the
Freedom of Movement, Locate Enlarge, Spider Climb, Longstrider and Jump
7th spells while in this form. You can use an action
Commune with Nature, Tree to make three claw attacks and one bite attack
9th on your turn. Your attack modifier for these
attacks is proficiency + Charisma modifier, and
your damage modifier is your charisma
FERALITY modifier. You deal 2d6 magical slashing damage
1st-level Cursed Beast Patron feature with your claw attack and 2d10 magical
piercing damage with your bite. You remain in
Your body transforms into a more bestial, this form for 1 minute.
animalistic form. You gain a natural AC of 10 +
your Dexterity modifier + proficiency bonus You can use this ability once a day, regaining
and your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 slashing the use of this ability after a long rest.
In addition, whenever you cast a spell with a
range greater than touch, you can cast it as a
touch spell.
6th-level Diseased One Patron feature
Mortals are a plague, a sickness on the land. Whenever you take damage from a ranged or
Your hate for these mortals drew the attention melee weapon attack you can use your reaction
of a entity of Rot and Decay, one who to deal poison damage equal to your warlock
understands your hate for them. He will help level to a creature within 60 feet of you.
you wipe them out, cleanse the land of the rats You can use this ability twice a day,
that swarm it. And when the last one dies... regaining the uses after a long rest.
what will become of you?
EXPANDED SPELL LIST 10th-level Diseased One Patron feature
1st-level Diseased One Patron feature If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a
The Diseased One lets you choose from an spell that deals poison damage, you can expend
expanded list of spells when you learn a a spell slot to bring them back to life as your
warlock spell. The following spells are added to thrall. The creature’s appearance becomes
the warlock spell list for you. undead and rotting. The creature has hit points
equal to twice your warlock level + Charisma
modifier. As a bonus action you can command
Diseased One Expanded Spells the creature to perform one of its actions on its
Warlock turn. This creature retains all the abilities it had
Spell in life.
After 1 hour the thrall turns to a pile of
1st Bane, Ray of Sickness rotting flesh.
3rd Animal Messenger, Blindness/
5th Conjure Animals, Stinking Cloud 14st-level Diseased One Patron feature
Conjure Woodland Being, Giant Starting at 14th level you can send a blast of
7th poisonous gas 60 feet in every direction from
where you are standing. Creatures of your
9th Cloudkill, Contagion choosing in the area must make a Constitution
saving throw or take 8d8 poison damage, half
as much on a success. This damage ignores a
ROT BRINGER creatures resistance to poison damage. A
1st-level Diseased One Patron feature creature who rolls a 5 or lower on the dice is
also poisoned by this ability.
Whenever you deal poison damage to a
creature using a spell you can use your reaction You can use this ability once per day,
to maximize the poison damage of the spell and recovering the use after a long rest.
negate a creature’s resistance to poison damage.
You can do this twice regaining the use after
a short rest.
6th-level Faceless Deceiver Patron feature
DECEIVER Starting at 6th level whenever you kill a
creature you can use your reaction to make a
Charisma (Deception) check against a creature
A natural gift for lying has always been your who can understand you. The creature rolls an
way of making money. Gambling, working as a Wisdom (Insight) check against you. If you
con artist, whatever way you can use your silver succeed on the check you can convince the
tongue to find a few easy gold pieces. But one creature to use its reaction to make a melee or
day you crossed the wrong person, you ended ranged weapon attack, targeting a creature of
up their mark. You gambled your soul and you your choice.
lost - now work off the debt or find yourself
cast into oblivion.
EXPANDED SPELL LIST 10th-level Faceless Deceiver Patron feature
1st-level Faceless Deceiver Patron feature Starting at 10th level if you attack a creature
who does not regard you as hostile, your attack
The Faceless Deceiver lets you choose from an deals maximum damage.
expanded list of spells when you learn a
warlock spell. The following spells are added to
the warlock spell list for you. THE GREAT LIE
14th-level Faceless Deceiver Patron feature
Faceless Deceiver Expanded Spells You create a massive illusion field 30ft in every
Warlock direction from where you stand. You can
Spell choose what the area looks like (E.g: Everything
on fire, a simple home, a orb of darkness). Any
1st Disguise Self, Silent Image creature starting its turn in the area must make
an Intelligence Saving Throw (DC = your Spell
3rd Blur, Mystul’s Magic Aura Save DC) or take 2d6 Psychic Damage and
moves half its movement in a random
5th Feign Death, Magic Aura direction. Roll a D20, on an 11 or higher the
creature attacks one of its allies. If no allies are
within range it takes an additional 1d6 Psychic
7th Greater Invisibility, Nondetection Damage. You have one use of this ability,
regaining the use after a long rest.
9th Mislead, Seeming


1st-level Faceless Deceiver Patron feature
Starting at 1st level you gain proficiency in the
Charisma (Deception) skill. If you are already
proficient, you can double your proficiency
bonus when making Charisma (Deception)
checks. If you converse with a creature who can
understand you for 1 minute you can make a
Charisma (Deception) check against the
creatures Wisdom (Insight) check. If you
succeed in this check the creature is charmed by
you for 1 hour.
6th-level Great Shadow Patron feature
SHADOW If you are standing in darkness you can use a
bonus action to teleport to an unoccupied
space up to 30 feet away that is also in darkness.
The world began in darkness, an empty void of
nothing where the Great Shadow was You can use this ability three times a day,
everywhere at once. Then the primordial recovering the uses after a long rest.
elements brought light and life to the world,
breaking the Great Shadow apart. But finally a
time of darkness has a chance to return, and in SHADOW WALKER SPEAR
the dark of night you foolishly agree to aid this 10th-level Great Shadow Patron feature
entity. You look to the sky and lament, the time Starting at 10th level you gain a unique
of light is coming to an end. magical focus in the form of a shadow spear.
You can use a bonus action to summon or
dismiss the shadow spear. The shadow spear
EXPANDED SPELL LIST has the stats of an ordinary spear but you can
1st-level Great Shadow Patron feature replace any strength requirements with your
The Great Shadow lets you choose from an charisma score. This spear gains a bonus to
expanded list of spells when you learn a attack and damage rolls equal to your Charisma
warlock spell. The following spells are added to modifier. If you hit a creature you are hidden
the warlock spell list for you. from with this spear, they suffer an additional
4d6 damage.
Great Shadow Expanded Spells
Spell 14th-level Great Shadow Patron feature
1st Color Spray, Disguise Self You can summon forth a massive sphere of
shadow 30 feet in every direction from you.
Blindness/Deafness, Pass Without When you use this ability you decide who is
3rd immune to the effects. Any creature not
immune must make a wisdom saving throw at
5th Bestow Curse, Blink the start of its turn or suffer the effects of the
Confusion Spell. A creature who succeeds is
7th Confusion, Evard’s Black Tentacles blinded until the start of its next turn.
You have one use of this feature, regaining
9th Dream, Mislead the use after a long rest.

1st-level Great Shadow Patron feature
Whenever you make a Dexterity (Stealth)
check, you may add 1d4 to the roll. If you are
in dim light or darkness you instead roll a 1d6.
At 12th level this die benefit increases to
1d6, and 1d8 in dim light or darkness.
6th-level Herald of Doom Patron feature
DOOM You can spend an action to turn all terrain
within 30 feet of you into jagged rocks,
unstable ledges and floating rocks. This area is
You made a deal with an entity which comes to considered difficult terrain to all creatures
bring the end of days. Ragnarok, Judgment except you.
Day, The End Times; he brings doom for all
the world to witness, and you are his link to the At 12th level you can designate a number of
world. As long as you live, his doom comes. creatures equal to your Charisma modifier to
be immune to this effect.


1st-level Herald of Doom Patron feature
10th-level Herald of Doom Patron feature
The Herald of Doom lets you choose from an
expanded list of spells when you learn a You can tear a rift in reality, which causes
warlock spell. The following spells are added to unstable energy to bleed into the world. As an
the warlock spell list for you. action you can create this 15 foot aura that
moves with you. Any creature of your choosing
that starts their turn inside the area takes take
Herald of Doom Expanded Spells 4d6 damage, the type determined by the
Warlock random damage table.
Level Random Damage Table
1st Chaos Bolt, Chromatic Orb d8 Damage Type
1 Fire
3rd Shatter, spike Growth
2 Cold
5th Erupting Earth, Fireball 3 Lightning
4 Thunder
7th Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere 5 Acid
6 Poison
9th Destructive Wave, Maelstrom 7 Force
8 Necrotic

1st-level Herald of Doom Patron feature
14th-level Herald of Doom Patron feature
You can use your reaction to impose
disadvantage on an attack against you. If a Starting at 14th level you can spend an action
creature rolls a 1 on an attack against you, they to summon a vision of the Herald to a creature
take 4d4 psychic damage. within 30 feet of you. The creature you select
must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a
You can use this ability 3 times, recharging failure the creature takes 10d6 damage, the type
on a short rest. determined by the random damage table, and
be stunned for 1 minute. The creature can
repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its
6th-level Lich Patron feature
You begin the process of ascension, creating a
Eternal life, freedom for death, the power to die dark formula that changes your body forever.
over and over and never meet oblivion. You You gain immunity to poison. Twice a day you
found one who achieved this before you, you can attempt to paralyze a foe by making a melee
learned the steps to follow his path. The deal, spell attack against the creature. On a hit the
the formula, the ritual, the ascension; the four creature takes 1d6 cold damage and is paralyzed
steps to the infinite future. What does your until the start of its next turn. You recover any
undead master want in return? Only time will expended uses of this feature after a long rest.
At 10th level this increases to 2D6. At 15th
level this increases to 3D6.
1st-level Lich Patron feature THIRD RITUAL: SOUL REND
The Lich lets you choose from an expanded list 10th-level Lich Patron feature
of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The
following spells are added to the warlock spell You abandon your soul in the pursuit of this
list for you. dark power. You can cast the fear spell without
expending a spell slot. A creature that fails its
saving throw suffers damage equal to your
Lich Expanded Spells Warlock level.
Warlock Spell
1st Magic Missile, Shield 14th-level Lich Patron feature
You have ascended to Lichdom. Once a day you
3rd Acid Arrow, Detect Thoughts can send out a swarm of dark energy to strip
the life from your foes. Each non-undead
5th Animate Dead, Fireball creature of your choice within 30 feet of you
must make a DC 20 Constitution saving
7th Death Ward, Greater Invisibility throw, taking 8D6 necrotic damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful
one. If this ability would kill a creature roll a
9th Cloudkill, Teleportation Circle D20. On an 8 or higher the creature rises as an
undead at the start of its next turn and is an ally
to you for 24 hours, becoming hostile to all
creatures after those 24 hours is up.
FIRST RITUAL: DARK You regain the use of this feature after a
BARGAIN long rest.
1st-level Lich Patron feature
You strike a deal with a power
lich in an attempt to ascend to
Lichdom. You no longer require
food, air or sleep to survive. In
addition, you gain resistance to necrotic
MAKER OF of you using your spell attack modifier. The
Roc deals 1d8 slashing Damage. This increases
to 2d8 at 6th level and 3d8 at 14th level.
MONSTERS Behir. You summon a spectral Behir at a point
You hear the Makers call, awakening a truth within 30ft of you. At the end of your turn the
inside of you. You aren’t what they told you - Behir fires a line of lightning 30ft in a direction
you are a monster. You are above them, the of your choosing. Any creature in the line must
human filth that infests the land. But the make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your
Maker has a plan, a way for it’s children to take spell save DC. On a failed save the creature
over the land. It only needs one thing from you takes 1d6 Lightning Damage. This increases to
- for you to grow in power. 2d6 at 6th level and 3d6 at 14th level.
You have 2 uses of this ability, recovering the
uses after a long rest.
1st-level Maker of Monsters Patron feature
The Maker of Monsters lets you choose from ABANDON YOUR FORM
an expanded list of spells when you learn a 6th-level Maker of Monsters Patron feature
warlock spell. The following spells are added to You can use a bonus action to grow one of the
the warlock spell list for you. following monstrous limbs for 1 minute. You
have 2 uses of this ability, recovering the uses
Maker of Monsters Expanded Spells after a long rest.
Warlock Stinger. You can use your action to make a
Spell melee spell attack. On a hit the creature takes
1D6 Piercing Damage and must make a
1st Earth Tremor, Hunter’s Mark constitution saving throw. On a failed save the
creature takes 2D6 Poison damage. This
3rd Alter Self, Enlarge/Reduce damage is increased to 2D6 Piercing and 4D6
Poison Damage at 12th level.
5th Erupting Earth, Haste Spike Tail. You can use your action to make 3
ranged spell attacks. On a hit the creature takes
7th Confusion, Locate Creature 1D6 + Spell Casting Modifier as Piercing
9th Awaken, Contagion Tentacle. You can use your bonus action to try
grapple a creature within 20ft of you.


1st-level Maker of Monsters Patron feature 10th-level Maker of Monsters Patron feature
You gain the ability to create spectral After you finish a long rest you can choose one
Monstrosities. As a bonus action you can of the followingc benefits to gain until your
summon forth one of these aspects. These last next long rest.
1 minute or until you use another aspect.
Amphibious. You gain a swim speed equal to
Hydra. You summon a spectral hydra head at a your walking speed and can breath underwater.
point of your choosing within 20 feet of you.
At the end of your turn the Hydra attacks a Winged. You gain a flight speed equal to your
creature of your choosing within 20 feet of it walking speed.
using your spell attack modifier as the attack
bonus. The hydra deals 1d10 Piercing Damage.
This increases to 2d10 at 6th level and 3d10 at TRUE MONSTER
14th level. 14th-level Maker of Monsters Patron feature
Roc. You summon a spectral Roc in the sky Starting at 14th level you can cast True
above you. At the end of your turn the Roc Polymorph once, regaining the user after a short
attacks a creature of your choosing within 60ft rest.
6th-level Reaper Patron feature
Your magic drains the life force from your
You need to feed the beast within you, and it’s enemies. When you damage a creature with a
hunger is ever growing. Ever since you were spell or cantrip you deal an additional 1d8
touched by the reaper’s essence you cannot necrotic damage. You gain a number of
stop the growing bloodlust within you. As this temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt.
hunger grows, so does the power of the Reaper.


10th-level Reaper Patron feature
1st-level Reaper Patron feature
Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points,
The Reaper lets you choose from an expanded you can use your reaction to regain 1 spell slot.
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell.
The following spells are added to the warlock You have 2 uses of this feature, regaining the
spell list for you. uses after a long rest.

Reaper Expanded Spells THE REAPING SCYTHE

Warlock 14th-level Reaper Patron feature
Level You can use your action to summon a spectral
scythe in the air nearby. The scythe can be
1st Bane, Inflict Wounds summoned within 30 feet of you and moves up
to 30 feet each round. It can make 2 attacks
3rd Blur, Ray of Enfeeblement each round using your spell attack modifier.
These attacks deal 4d10 necrotic damage. A
5th Bestow Curse, Feign Death creature damaged by this weapon cannot be
healed until it takes a short or long rest. You
7th Death Ward, Vampiric Touch have 1 uses of this ability, regaining the use
after a long rest..
9th Cloudkill, Raise Dead


1st-level Reaper Patron feature
The reapers gifts allow you unnatural life. You
gain resistance to necrotic damage.
In addition you can cast the spell Misty Step
3 times a day without expending a spell slot.
1st-level Specter Patron feature
You gain the Chill Touch cantrip if you did not
A near death experience, a family curse, already have it.
whatever the cause, you find yourself infested
with the spirit of an entity from beyond the In addition you can cast the spell Meld Into
realm of the living. While the presence Stone without expending a spell slot, but the
unnerves you and its desires are a mystery - it casting time is 1 minute.
grants you power over life and death.
EXPANDED SPELL LIST 6th-level Specter Patron feature
1st-level Specter Patron feature When you deal damage to an enemy with a
The Specter lets you choose from an expanded spell or cantrip, you gain temporary hit points
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. equal to your charisma modifier.
The following spells are added to the warlock
spell list for you.
Specter Expanded Spells 10th-level Specter Patron feature
You can spend an action to let the spirit within
Warlock materialize, striking fear into the hearts of your
Level enemies. Any number of creatures within 20
1st Dissonant Whispers, Cause Fear feet of you must make a Wisdom Saving throw.
If they fail the creature is frightened of you, and
may repeat the save at the end of their turn
3rd Invisiblity, Levitate each round. Any creature who fails this save by
10 or more takes 8d6 Necrotic damage. This
5th Bestow Curse, Vampiric Touch ability recovers after a long rest.

7th Blight, Phantasmal Killer

9th Dominate Person, Contagion 14th-level Specter Patron feature
You can spend an action to release the spirit
within you and attempt to possess a humanoid
within 30 feet of you. The target must make a
Charisma saving throw or be possessed. The
possessed target is controlled by your DM and
acts in the interests of the Spirit. This
possession lasts for 1 minute. At the end of this
minute if the possessed humanoid has less than
50 hit points, they die. If the possessed creature
is slain the Spirit is temporarily lost, returning
to your body at the end of your next long rest.
6th-level Vampire Patron feature
Once a day you can summon a Swarm of Bats
A charming individual you met one evening or a Giant Bat to fight your side. These
after the sun had set turned out to be so much creatures share you initiative and act at the end
more than you thought. Now you find yourself of your turn, appearing within 5 feet of you
enthralled by their power, the promise of life when you use this feature. These creatures add
ever lasting in exchange for servitude. your proficiency bonus to their attack and
damage rolls.
In addition you gain the ability to
EXPANDED SPELL LIST transform into a Bat twice a day, regaining the
uses of these abilities after a long rest.
1st-level Vampire Patron feature
At 12th level the number of Giant Bats and
The Specter lets you choose from an expanded Swarm of Bats you can summon increases to 2.
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. At 18th level the number increases to 3.
The following spells are added to the warlock
spell list for you.
Vampire Expanded Spells 10th-level Vampire Patron feature
Warlock You can use an action to attempt to charm a
Level humanoid creature. The creature must make a
wisdom saving throw against your spell save
1st Bane, Zephyr Strike DC. A creature who fails this save becomes
charmed by you for 24 hours. While charmed it
3rd Pass Without Trace, Zone of Truth considers you its greatest ally who must be
protected above all else. You may only have 1
5th Revivify, Speak with Dead creature charmed this way at a time.

7th Compulsion, Death Ward LIFE DRINKER’S AURA

9th Dominate Person, Geas 14th-level Vampire Patron feature
You can pass your hunger to nearby allies,
letting them drain their foes of life. As an
LIFE DRINKER action you create an aura of blood lust 15 feet
in every direction. This aura moves with you.
1st-level Vampire Patron feature Whenever a creature of your choosing deals
Starting at 1st level whenever you hit a creature damage to a creature within the aura that is not
with a spell you can use your reaction to regain an undead or construct, they regain hit points
hit points equal to your Warlock level + equal to your Warlock level + Charisma
Charisma modifier. modifier. An ally can benefit from this aura
once per round.

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