So Important 4

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1-Which of the following is a term for when the muscle cannot

simultaneously contract maximally across 2 joints?

A. Active inversion
B. Passive inversion
C. Active insufficiency
D. Passive insufficiency

2/Which of the following is the direction of resistance applied

during resisted training?

A. In the line of movement

B. Parallel to the line of movement
C. Opposite to the line of movement
D. Perpendicular to the line of movement.

3/Which of the following muscles lowest work when a therapist

asks the patient to rise on the toes and push the body weight
directly upward?

A Soleus.
B. Peroneus longus .
C. Extensor halluces longus .
D. Extensor digitorum longus .
4/Which of the following muscles is an abductor of the shoulder
joint and responsible for the first 30 of
shoulder abduction?

A. Teres minor
B. Teres major
C. Subscapularis
D. Supraspinatus

5/Which of the following joints of the upper limb do protraction

and retraction take place?

O A. Glenohumeral
O B. Sternoclavicular
OC. Acromioclavicular
D Scapulothoracic interface

6/A 36-year-old woman comes to the Physical Therapy Clinic

with right heel pain for more than 3 months. The physical
therapist decides to do a gait analysis to this patient.
Which of the following is the most appropriate step length?

A. Distance between 2 consecutive foot flat .

B. Distance between 2 consecutive heel strikes
C. Distance between 2 consecutive foot flat by the same leg .
D. Distance between 2 consecutive heel strikes by the same leg .
7/A 28-year-old man presents to the clinic a pain in his right hip
before one month ago. The physical therapist applies a
measurement of the ground reaction force of the hip joint.
Where does the ground reaction force pass at heel strike during
normal gait?

A. Lateral
B. Central
D. Posterior

8/A 24-year-old man comes to the clinic with right knee pain
that started 3 weeks ago. The physical therapist applies a
measurement of the ground reaction force of the knee joint.
“Where does the ground reaction force pass at heel strike during
normal gait”?
A. Lateral
B Central
C. Anterior
D. Posterior

9/Which of the following positions is associated with the lowest

amount of muscle work?
A. Hanging
B. Standing
C. Lying prone
D. Lying supine
10/A middle-aged man is admitted to the Stroke Unit following
basal ganglia bleed. After 2 days, he is referred for chest
physiotherapy. Radiological examination confirms left basal
lobe collapse.

“Which of the following is the most appropriate auscultation

location for the posterior segment of the basal lobe”?
A. Between C7-T3.
B. Between L5-S1.
C. Between T3-T10.
D.Between 6th intercostal space.

11/A 40-year-old woman with hip dysfunction is referred to the

physical therapy. The physical therapist assessed the patient and
found tightness in the gluteus medius muscle.
Which of the following is recommended to stretch this muscle?

A. Adduction.
B Extension.
C. Abduction.
D.External rotation.
12/A 24-year-old bicyclist had repetitive injuries in the last 2
years after changing his bike. The physical therapist hypothesis
of the problem is that the weight of the bicyclist is not
distributed evenly after with the new bike.
Which of the following is the most appropriate kind of

A. Fitness.
B. Psychological.
C. Biomechanical.
D. Strengthening.

13/Which of the following is the appropriate label for "7" in this

schematic figure of the cross section
of the spinal cord (see image)?

A. Grey matter
B.Ventral root
C. Spinal nerve
D. Dorsal root ganglion
14/Which of the following is the appropriate label for "1" in this
schematic figure of a muscle spindle (see image)?

A. Capsule
B. Nuclear bag fibre
C Group I and Il afferent axons
D. Axons of gamma motor neurons

15/Which of the following endocrine glands causes acromegaly?

B. Thyroid
C. Pituitary
D. Adrenal gland
16/Which of the following anatomical data is about the indicated
muscle (see image)?

A. Supplied by the suprascapular nerve.

B.Produces the last degree of shoulder abduction .
C. The deltoid muscle supplied by
the axillary nerve .
D.Originated from the infraspinous fossa of scapula.

17/A motor unit is the smallest functional unit of the motor

system, and it consists of which of the following?

A. Motor neuron, its axon, and all the muscle fibres innervated
by the axon

B.Sensory neuron, its axon, and all the muscle fibres innervated
by the axon

C.Neurons in the white matter of the spinal cord, their axons,

and all the muscle fibres innervated by these neurons.

D. Neurons in the posterior horm of the spinal cord, their axons,

and all the muscle fibres innervated by these neurons.
18/Which of the following is Ruffini's end organs?
A. Rapidly adapting
B. Change in muscle length
C. Change in muscle tension
D. Monitor position of the limb in space.

19/A 37-year-old man complained of weakness in his arm. 6

weeks ago, he fell off his motorbike and landed on his shoulder.
Examination revealed wasting of the flexor surface of his arm
and difficulty with elbow flexion, especially with a supinated
elbow are noted. His shoulder, hand movements and elbow
extension were normal. “Which of the following nerves is most
likely injured”?

A. Ulnar
B Radial
C. Median
D. Musculocutaneous

20/A 6-month-old baby boy is referred by a neurosurgeon for

management. He has an adducted shoulder with a flaccid and
internally rotated arm and a pronated forearm. The boy's mother
has gestational diabetes and difficult labor. “Which of the
following is the most likely brachial plexus injury”?

A. Erb's palsy
B. Klumpke's palsy
C. Horner's syndrome
D Brachial plexus syndrome
21/A 60-year-old woman developed severe pain and restriction
of the shoulder movements in all directions. She was diagnosed
as a case of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder joint and
prescribed an intra-articular steroid injection. Following the
injection, she developed wasting at the injection site. How long,
in weeks, will it take before recovery from the wasting?
D. 25

22/A 60-year-old man sustained a fracture of the hip joint

following a fall. He was given skeletal traction for conservative
management of the fracture. He received regular physiotherapy
to prevent muscle wasting and has started regular cyclic loading
exercise plan. How long, in months, will it take him to regain
normal muscle strength?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

23/ Which of the following nerve injuries is a condition in which

degeneration of the axon takes place, but the sheath of the nerve
remains intact?
A. Neuropathy
B. Neurapraxia
C. Axonotmesis
D. Neurotmesis
24/Which of the following nerve injury blocks the nerve
conduction without degeneration?
A. Neuropathy
B. Neurapraxia
C. Axonotmesis
D. Neurotmesis

25/Which of the following nerve injuries is a condition in which

both the axon and the sheath of the nerve are destroyed?
A. Neuropathy
B. Neurapraxia
C. Neurotmesis
D. Axonotmesis

26/A 35-year-old man with right facial palsy presents to the

Physical Therapy clinic. During the examination of the facial
muscles, the patient is unable to close his mouth. “Which of the
following muscles is most likely damaged”?
A Frontalis
B. Masseter
C. Temporalis
D. Orbicularis oris
27/A 56-year-old man presents to the clinic after 1 month of
right forearm pain. Physical therapist tests a muscle that does
flexion, pronation and supination the forearm, and it inserts into
the distal radius.
“Which of the following muscles is being assessed in this case”?

A Brachialis
B Biceps brachii
C. Triceps brachii
D. Brachioradialis

28/A 34-year-old man with increased lumbar lordosis in a

standing position, but when the patient sits the lordosis decrease
or becomes absent. “Which of the following muscles should be
stretched in this case”?

A. Iliopsoas
B. Lumbar flexor
C. Gluteus maximus
D.Rectus abdominus

29/A 66-year-old patient complains of sensory changes due to a

narrowed spinal canal as a result of degeneration. Which of the
following postures is most likely recommended to increase the
canal size?

A.O-degree Flexion
B.15-degree Flexion
C.O-degree extension
D. 15-degree extension
30/A 47-year-old woman comes to the clinic for assessment of
pain in her right shoulder since 2 weeks ago. During the
assessment, the pain is aggravated when the patient initiates the
abduction of the arm.
“Which of the following muscles is most likely causing this
A. Teres minor
B. Teres major
C. Infraspinatus
D. Supraspinatus

31/Which of the following is the main moral duty of a physical

A. Respect the patient's dignity.
B. Disclose the patient's autonomy
C. Promote and protect the hospital interest.
D Protect the privacy and regards the employer.

32/ A 26-year-old football player developed severe pain in his

ankle following a twisting injury during a match. He was given
ice fomentation and anti-inflammatory medications. He had little
pain on rest. Physical examination revealed stress and palpation
produce severe pain (see report). X-ray of the ankle:
“Which of the following is the most likely grade of the sprain”?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
33/A 42-year-old woman presented to the clinic with right foot
pain 2 weeks ago. During the assessment, she says she had
severe foot pain in the morning when she started walking after
waking up.
” Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis”?

A. Ankle sprain
B. Stress fracture
C. Plantar fasciitis
D. Ankle impingement

34/ Which of the following sites of fracture involving the

humerus most likely causes radial nerve palsy?

A. Shaft .
B. Head .
C. Lower end .
D.Surgical neck.

35/A patient suffers from burns, which include the epidermis

layer of the skin and extend to the upper layer of the dermis.
Which of the following should be the classification of this burn?

A. Sub-dermal
B. Full-thickness
C. Deep partial-thickness
D. Superficial partial-thickness
36/A middle-aged diabetic patient enters into the Physiotherapy
Clinic with right lower limb pain. The patient complains of deep
pain in the right trunk, hip and knee joint while walking and
stairs climbing. However, he feels comfortable in sitting and
lying position.”

“ Which of the following is the most appropriate clinical


A. Hip joint pathology

B. Knee joint pathology
C. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
D.Lumber spine dysfunction

37/A 48-year-old woman has a pain in her right foot 3 months

ago receiving treatment in the clinic. During treatment, the
patient says she had severe foot pain in the morning when she
started to walk after wake up.

“Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis”?

A. Acute ankle sprain

B. Chronic ankle sprain
C. Acute plantar fasciitis
D. Chronic plantar fasciitis
38/A 52-year-old man has a pain in his right foot 3 days ago and
treated in Physical Therapy Clinic. The patient asked about the
mechanism of the injury and said he felt down where his foot
was in plantar flexion and inversion position.
” Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis”?
A. Medial ankle sprain
B. Lateral ankle sprain
C.Anterior ankle impingement
D. Posterior ankle impingement

39/Which of the following is the main aim of acute respiratory

distress syndrome treatment?
A. Pain relief.
B. Patient comfort.
C. Reduction in respiratory rate.
D. Removal of retained secretions.

40/ A 37-year-old man referred to the Physical Therapy Clinic

for back pain. The physical therapist needs to implement an
intervention according to the prognosis “Which of the following
refers to the term "prognosis"?

A. Predictable course of the condition.

B. Determining the nature of the condition.

C.Tests and measures findings related to the physical exam.

D.Tests and measures findings related to

medical history.
41/A 25-year-old man had pain in his left knee one week ago.
During treatment, there is pain behind kneecap when he walks
downstairs. “Which of the following is the most likely
A. Knee osteoarthritis
B. Chondromalacia patella .
C.Anterior cruciate ligament injury
D. Medial collateral ligament injury

42/A 44-year-old man with knee disorder was referred to the

Physical Therapy Clinic. After examining the patient, the
physical therapist goals were to decrease the pain, increase the
muscle strength, and increase the range of motion.

“Which the following components from the International

Classification of Functioning (ICF) is the physical therapist
aiming to improve”?
A. Personal factors
B. Activity limitation
C. Physical Impairment
D. Participation restriction

43/Which of the following is an example of monophasic

A. Faradic
B. Russian
C. Diadynamic
D. Interferential
44/Which of the following methods of energy transfer is used in
short wave diathermy?

A. Radiation
B. Conversion
C. Conduction
D. Convection

45/A 63-year-old woman referred to the Physical Therapy Clinic

for post-operative total knee arthroplasty rehabilitation. The
physical therapist decided to use hydrotherapy as part of the
rehabilitation .

“What is the feature that makes the water suitable to decrease

the weight on the knee”?

A. Buoyancy
B. Viscosity
C. Thermodynamic
D. Hydrostatic pressure

46/Which of the following transforms chemical energy into

mechanical energy?
A. Bone.
B. Stomach.
C.Small intestine.
D. Skeletal muscle.
47/A 29-year-old woman comes to the clinic after 1 month of
right foot tendon transfer. The physical therapist decides to start
with the faradic-type current for training a new muscle-action.

“What is the frequency of faradic-type current”?

A. 50-100 Hz
B. 150-200 Hz
C. 250-300 Hz
D. 350-400 Hz

48/Which of the following is the most appropriate frequency in

Hz to smooth contraction of skeletal muscles?
A. 20
B. 40
C. 60
D. 80

49/A 56-year-old man comes to the Physical Therapy Clinic

with low back pain for more than 3 months. During the
assessment, the physical therapist decides to reduce the patient's
pain by using an electric heating pad.

” Which type of heat transfer is done between pad and skin”?

A. Radiation
B. Convection
C. Conversion
D. Conduction
50/A patient with Bell's palsy was referred to the rehabilitation
department with a request to start electrical stimulation of the
facial muscle. The patient is referred back to the physician after
one month of treatment with complications of prolonged
electrical stimulation.” Which of the following is a common
complication of prolonged electrical stimulation”?
A. Burn.
B. Irritation of the skin.
C. Fibrosis of the affected muscles .
D.No side effect from prolonged electrical stimulation.

51/A 33-year-old patient comes to the Physical Therapy Clinic

with left shoulder pain. The physical therapist decides to use
short-wave diathermy.
What should the therapist use to ensure the short-wave
diathermy is working?
A. Neon tube .
B. Water bath.
C. Sound meter .
D. Energy meter.

52/A 33-year-old patient comes to the Physical Therapy Clinic

with chronic lateral elbow pain. The physical therapist decides
to use ultrasonic therapy for treatment. How is burn prevented
during ultrasonic therapy treatment?
A.Using big head
B. Using small head
C. Moving the head of the ultrasound
D. Constant the head of the ultrasound.
53/A 35-year-old man presents with a 6-month history of
trigeminal neuralgia.
Which of the following is the most appropriate pain
A. Laser
B. Ultrasound
C. Ultraviolet rays
D .Shortwave diathermy

54/Which medical condition is most commonly prevented by

using goggles while receiving ultraviolet therapy?
A. Infection
B. Painful eyes
C. Loss of vision
D. Conjunctivitis

55/A therapist is treating a patient with a strain at one of the

deep muscles and wants to reduce pain. Which of the following
is the most appropriate form of ultrasound that the therapist
should use?
A. Pulsed 1 MHz
B. Pulsed 3 MHz
C. Pulsed 5 MHz
D. Non-pulsed 1 MHz
56/A 25-year-old man with left lateral epicondylitis is treated in
the clinic. Low-level laser therapy is used by the physical
therapist to treat this patient. “What are the typical wavelengths
of low-level laser therapy”?

A. 100-500 nm
B. 600-1000 nm
C. 1500-2000 nm
D. 2500-3000 nm

57/A 45-year-old man sustained a gunshot wound to the knee.

He developed foot drop and loss of sensation on the dorsum of
the foot. Nerve conduction studies and electromyography
confirmed neurotmesis, the common peroneal nerve at the knee
with denervation potentials observed in tibialis anterior muscle.

“Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for

restoration of muscle power”?
( ‫)اي ممايلي العالج االنسب الستعادة قوة العضالت ؟‬

A. Faradic current
B. Interferential current
C.Interrupted direct current
D.Transcutaneous nerve stimulation
58/ When babies mature from infancy to 1 year of age,
neurologic maturity develops rapidly from proximal to distal.
What is the mean age for a baby in months to develop the ability
to sit
independently when placed?
( ‫)متى الطفل يقدر يقعد لحاله؟‬
A. 1
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6

59/Which of the following is the minimum separation, in cm, of

the rectus abdominis muscles in pregnancy that is considered
clinically significant?

60/Which of the following is the most common cause of

orthostatic hypotension during pregnancy?
‫(السبب االكثر شيوعا ً إلنخفاض ضغط الدم للمرأه الحامل) ؟‬
A. Anemia
B. Reduced blood flow
C. Reduced heart rate
D. Inferior vena cava compression
61/Which of the following is the mean age for a baby to develop
the ability to support the chest in a prone position?
A. 1 month
B. 3 months
C.4 months
D. 6 months

62/When placed supine, the baby adopts a position with

abducted shoulders, flexed elbows, adducted extended hips, and
extended knees and ankles (see image).
What is the term for this reflex?

A. Moro
B. Tonic labyrinth
C.Symmetric tonic neck
D .Asymmetric tonic neck

(placed supine, the baby adopts a position with abducted
shoulders, flexed elbows, adducted )
63/A 6-month-old patient with Erb's palsy, leading to loss of
elbow flexion power and supination of the forearm, is being
treated in the Physical Therapy Pediatric Clinic.
Which nerve root is affected?
A. C3-C4.
B. C5-C6.
C. C7-C8.
D T1-T2.

64/Which of the following scales is used in the assessment of

pediatric spasticity?
( ‫)اي من المقاييس يستخدم لتقيم التشنج لالطفال؟ ؟‬
A. Borg.
B. Berg balance.
C. Motor dependency .
D. Modified Ashworth.

65/One of the most common congenital anomalies that is

discovered immediately after birth is "spina bifida".

“Which of the following is characteristic of spina bifida”?

(‫)اي من االختيارات تعتبر من الخصائص‬

A. Enclosure of pia mater.

B. Enclosure of vertebral body.
C. Hyperextension of knee joint.
D.Lateral curvature of the spine.
66/What muscles should the therapist expect to be affected when
the therapist is evaluating children with "Erb's palsy"?
( ‫)ايش العضالت الي تتوقعين تأثرت ؟‬

A. Internal rotators
B. Popliteus muscle
C. Trapezius muscle
D.Elbow flexors and supinator

67/Which of the following ages, in months, do most children

display a hand preference?
A. 06
B. 12
C. 18
D. 24

68/A 65-year-old man with "Congestive Heart Failure"is

referred to the Physical Therapy Department for gait training.

Which assessment test is the most reliable to calculate exercise

(‫)ايش االختبار لتقييم يقصد "حساب قدرة التمرين "؟‬

A. Chair-stand
B. 6-minute walk Time up and go
D. Physical performance
69/An 11-year-old child with the diagnosis of "Legg-Calvé-
Perthes disease" referred to the physical therapist.

“Which of the following applies regarding Legg-Calvé-Perthes

‫( اي ممايلي ينطبق على هذا المرض ) ؟‬
A. Tuberculosis of the hip joint.
B. Transient synovitis of the hip.
C. Slipped proximal femoral epiphysis.
D. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head.

70/Which of the following is the general recommendation

regarding exercise for normal older adults?
( ‫)اي ممايلي يعتبر توصيه عامه لكبار السن ؟‬

A. Low intensity
B. High intensity
C. Extreme intensity
D. Moderate intensity

71/Which of the following is most effective in mobility?

A. Hypnotics.
B. Beta agonist.
C. H2, receptor antagonist.
D. Beta adrenergic blockers.
72/Which of the following is the most appropriate
recommendation for exercise to assist in fall prevention?
A. Stretching
B. Aerobic exercises
C. Electrical modalities
D.High resistance training

73/A 27-year-old woman who is a 3-month pregnant, presented

at the clinic. She has experienced multiple episodes of high
blood pressure and was recently diagnosed with gestational
diabetes. Her hemoglobin is well within normal limits. Her
gynecologist is interested in controlling her diabetes with regular

"Which of the following is the most likely contraindication to

exercise in
pregnancy? "
(‫)ايش الموانع للمارسه الرياضه اثناء الحمل‬

A. Diastasis recti
B. Placenta previa
C. Severe anemia
D. Gestational diabetes
74/ A 70-year-old man presented with a history of frequent falls.
He has been screened for visual acuity issues, which was normal
with glasses. His clinical examination was unremarkable, except
signs of vestibular dysfunction. His blood tests including plasma
glucose levels are well and within normal limits.

"Which of the following is the most appropriate management to

future falls? "
( ‫)اي ممايلي هو انسب إلدارة منع السقوط في المستقبل ؟‬

A. Electronystagmography
B. Snellen chart assessment
C. Frenkel coordination exercises
D. Hip girdle strengthening exercises

75/ A 60-year-old obese, hypertensive, and diabetic patient was

referred for a physical fitness program and reduction of body

"Which of the following is the most appropriate fitness

program? "
( ‫)اي ممايلي هو أنسب برنامج للياقه ؟‬

A. 15-minute fast running

B. 50-minute slow running
C. 20-minute brisk walking
D.30-minute brisk walking

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