So Important 4
So Important 4
So Important 4
A. Active inversion
B. Passive inversion
C. Active insufficiency
D. Passive insufficiency
A Soleus.
B. Peroneus longus .
C. Extensor halluces longus .
D. Extensor digitorum longus .
4/Which of the following muscles is an abductor of the shoulder
joint and responsible for the first 30 of
shoulder abduction?
A. Teres minor
B. Teres major
C. Subscapularis
D. Supraspinatus
O A. Glenohumeral
O B. Sternoclavicular
OC. Acromioclavicular
D Scapulothoracic interface
A. Lateral
B. Central
D. Posterior
8/A 24-year-old man comes to the clinic with right knee pain
that started 3 weeks ago. The physical therapist applies a
measurement of the ground reaction force of the knee joint.
“Where does the ground reaction force pass at heel strike during
normal gait”?
A. Lateral
B Central
C. Anterior
D. Posterior
A. Adduction.
B Extension.
C. Abduction.
D.External rotation.
12/A 24-year-old bicyclist had repetitive injuries in the last 2
years after changing his bike. The physical therapist hypothesis
of the problem is that the weight of the bicyclist is not
distributed evenly after with the new bike.
Which of the following is the most appropriate kind of
A. Fitness.
B. Psychological.
C. Biomechanical.
D. Strengthening.
A. Grey matter
B.Ventral root
C. Spinal nerve
D. Dorsal root ganglion
14/Which of the following is the appropriate label for "1" in this
schematic figure of a muscle spindle (see image)?
A. Capsule
B. Nuclear bag fibre
C Group I and Il afferent axons
D. Axons of gamma motor neurons
B. Thyroid
C. Pituitary
D. Adrenal gland
16/Which of the following anatomical data is about the indicated
muscle (see image)?
A. Motor neuron, its axon, and all the muscle fibres innervated
by the axon
B.Sensory neuron, its axon, and all the muscle fibres innervated
by the axon
A. Ulnar
B Radial
C. Median
D. Musculocutaneous
A. Erb's palsy
B. Klumpke's palsy
C. Horner's syndrome
D Brachial plexus syndrome
21/A 60-year-old woman developed severe pain and restriction
of the shoulder movements in all directions. She was diagnosed
as a case of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder joint and
prescribed an intra-articular steroid injection. Following the
injection, she developed wasting at the injection site. How long,
in weeks, will it take before recovery from the wasting?
D. 25
A Brachialis
B Biceps brachii
C. Triceps brachii
D. Brachioradialis
A. Iliopsoas
B. Lumbar flexor
C. Gluteus maximus
D.Rectus abdominus
A.O-degree Flexion
B.15-degree Flexion
C.O-degree extension
D. 15-degree extension
30/A 47-year-old woman comes to the clinic for assessment of
pain in her right shoulder since 2 weeks ago. During the
assessment, the pain is aggravated when the patient initiates the
abduction of the arm.
“Which of the following muscles is most likely causing this
A. Teres minor
B. Teres major
C. Infraspinatus
D. Supraspinatus
A. Ankle sprain
B. Stress fracture
C. Plantar fasciitis
D. Ankle impingement
A. Shaft .
B. Head .
C. Lower end .
D.Surgical neck.
A. Sub-dermal
B. Full-thickness
C. Deep partial-thickness
D. Superficial partial-thickness
36/A middle-aged diabetic patient enters into the Physiotherapy
Clinic with right lower limb pain. The patient complains of deep
pain in the right trunk, hip and knee joint while walking and
stairs climbing. However, he feels comfortable in sitting and
lying position.”
A. Radiation
B. Conversion
C. Conduction
D. Convection
A. Buoyancy
B. Viscosity
C. Thermodynamic
D. Hydrostatic pressure
A. 100-500 nm
B. 600-1000 nm
C. 1500-2000 nm
D. 2500-3000 nm
A. Faradic current
B. Interferential current
C.Interrupted direct current
D.Transcutaneous nerve stimulation
58/ When babies mature from infancy to 1 year of age,
neurologic maturity develops rapidly from proximal to distal.
What is the mean age for a baby in months to develop the ability
to sit
independently when placed?
( )متى الطفل يقدر يقعد لحاله؟
A. 1
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6
A. Moro
B. Tonic labyrinth
C.Symmetric tonic neck
D .Asymmetric tonic neck
(placed supine, the baby adopts a position with abducted
shoulders, flexed elbows, adducted )
63/A 6-month-old patient with Erb's palsy, leading to loss of
elbow flexion power and supination of the forearm, is being
treated in the Physical Therapy Pediatric Clinic.
Which nerve root is affected?
A. C3-C4.
B. C5-C6.
C. C7-C8.
D T1-T2.
A. Internal rotators
B. Popliteus muscle
C. Trapezius muscle
D.Elbow flexors and supinator
A. Chair-stand
B. 6-minute walk Time up and go
D. Physical performance
69/An 11-year-old child with the diagnosis of "Legg-Calvé-
Perthes disease" referred to the physical therapist.
A. Low intensity
B. High intensity
C. Extreme intensity
D. Moderate intensity
A. Diastasis recti
B. Placenta previa
C. Severe anemia
D. Gestational diabetes
74/ A 70-year-old man presented with a history of frequent falls.
He has been screened for visual acuity issues, which was normal
with glasses. His clinical examination was unremarkable, except
signs of vestibular dysfunction. His blood tests including plasma
glucose levels are well and within normal limits.
A. Electronystagmography
B. Snellen chart assessment
C. Frenkel coordination exercises
D. Hip girdle strengthening exercises