The Value of Cycle Tourism - Full Report
The Value of Cycle Tourism - Full Report
The Value of Cycle Tourism - Full Report
Cycle Tourism
Opportunities for the Scottish economy
Ivan Zovko
June 2 013
Executive Summary................................................................................................................................................................... 4
key recommendations............................................................................................................................................................5
1. Introduction
Structure and Content................................................................................................................................................................................................................9
References........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Appendix................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 50
Glossary................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 2 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 3
Executive Summary Key Recommendations
The report sets out ten recommendations aligned with the ‘Priorities for Action’ identified in the Scottish Tourism Alliance’s
BACKGROUND, SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THE REPORT 2012 strategy, Tourism Scotland 2020:
This report demonstrates the value of leisure cycle tourism to the Scottish economy and highlights opportunities for further
expansion of the sector. Through examination of existing research and by means of a business survey, the report delivers a STRENGTHENING LEADERSHIP AND COLLABORATION
comprehensive evidence-based analysis of the leisure cycling industry in Scotland. The report concludes by setting out a
strategic direction for cycle tourism stakeholders in determining investment roles and opportunities within the industry. 1. Strengthen leadership and coordination across the sector
2. Deliver better collaboration between local/regional stakeholders
The study identified four major areas of economic contribution from cycle tourism in Scotland. Their combined values range 3. Establish more comprehensive monitoring arrangements
between £117.2 million and £239 million per year, depending on the source used. Separate contributing elements are presented 4. Focus promotional activities on key market segments
in the table below: 5. Brand Scotland as a top destination for cycle touring
6. Develop key themed areas for leisure cycle tourism
Economic Values (£ millions)/year
Health benefits 4.0
7. Continue the development and marketing of cycle routes
Leisure cycle events 5.6 8. Enhance information provision and technology integration
Leisure cycle-related infrastructure 1.5
Expenditure by leisure cyclists 106.2 - 228.2
Total economic contribution 117.4 – 239.3 9. Continue to support cycle events, and extend this support to smaller events
10. Create a development strategy for the growth of cycle tourism
In addition to the monetised benefits identified above, leisure cycle tourism contributes £58.5 million to the Gross Value
Added (GVA) of Scotland.
When combined with mountain biking, for which separate prior research has been conducted by Ekos in 2009, the total value
of cycle tourism in Scotland is estimated to be between £241 million and £362 million per year, with a cumulative annual
contribution to GVA of £129m.
Keith Marshall
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 4 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 5
Tim Smith/SPOKES
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1.1. Structure and content
1. Introduction
Section 2 provides background information and a review of the current literature on leisure cycling in Scotland, while section
3 carries out analysis of the current economic value of cycle tourism to Scotland. Section 4 present the results of a survey
of businesses, while section 5 highlights a number of ‘good practice’ examples from overseas that could have relevance in
This report presents an economic appraisal of leisure cycle tourism, and seeks to demonstrate the value of the sector to
Scotland. In the final part of the document, we present recommendations and conclusions, indicating opportunities for further
the Scottish economy. In doing so, the report sets out a clear evidence base upon which the case can be made for further
development of the sector and ways of increasing the economic impact of leisure cycling in Scotland.
expansion of the sector in Scotland.
The review of the literature offers a better understanding of cycle users’ behaviour, patterns of expenditure, and activity
As there is already sufficient existing research on mountain bike tourism, this project complements those findings by focusing
preferences, amongst other things. As a result, it should assist stakeholders in understanding current trends and anticipated
on leisure cycle tourism and cycling activities. Putting both sets of findings together, we are able to present a complete
development opportunities. The report also features updated valuation methodology and calculations concerning leisure
picture of all cycle tourism in Scotland. In doing so, the report lays out a strategic direction for cycle tourism stakeholders in
cycling. The analysis of the peripheral and direct e!ects of leisure cycling activities provides a comprehensive view of the
determining investment roles within the industry at large.
contribution of this aspect of tourism in Scotland. Furthermore, the suggestions, recommendations, and evidence of successful
cycle tourism industries in other locations around the world will help stakeholders move toward better resource allocation,
Although this is not the first attempt to illustrate the value of leisure cycling in Scotland, this report is the first of its kind
overcoming identified barriers and enhancing progress.
in terms of its scope. It aims to deliver complete coverage of the economic value of leisure cycling in Scotland, including
peripheral activities (such as events and the business side of the industry). Integration of all these elements increases the
significance of this report to cycle tourism stakeholders: from public bodies involved in cycling, policy makers, cycle business
developers, and of course, cyclists themselves. In addition to delivering insight into leisure cycle tourism, this report identifies
gaps in existing research of the industry. This should provide valuable information on where to focus future measures related
to leisure cycle tourism.
The report concludes by presenting a list of recommendations that, firstly, identify the overarching issues identified with
cycle tourism, and, secondly, highlight the areas of greatest potential for future development.
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Background and Existing Findings
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2. Background and Existing Findings cycle holidays for a longer time (more days) would be likely to spend more money per day per cyclist. To prevent, or at least
minimise displacing expenditures from other activities, trips where cycling is the main activity should be preferred over
holidays where cycling is just one of many activities (Ekos, 2009).
Given the current absence of relevant data on leisure cycling in Scotland, the following assumptions have been made in order
2.1. Concepts to calculate Scotland’s share of leisure cycling within the UK:
Cycling, as an activity, has been defined in several different ways. Velo Mondial (2010), the European network for cycling • S cottish cycling share is proportionate to its population share in the UK – 8.4%
expertise, classified cycling into two main categories: utility and leisure, where the former finds purpose upon completion •T he share of leisure cyclists among the total number of cyclists in Scotland is 45%, based on UK wide research completed by
of journey (e.g. commuting), while the latter is instead “...a trip that is undertaken for the purpose of the journey itself Sustrans (2012).
and in this sense is not a form of transport”. Leisure cycling can be even further compartmentalised based on the level of •T he share of leisure cyclists among non-utility cyclists (holiday and recreation cycling) is 65%, based on the draft research
competitiveness: (I) time trials and competitions, and (II) leisure/family rides. In addition, the cycling industry identifies a from the Cycle Tourism Forum (2012a).
small sub-set of leisure/family rides named ‘sportives’ which add elements of competition designed for more advanced
leisure cyclists. Although sportives currently account for only a 20% share of cycle tourism, the potential for an increase is These figures will help in providing a value for different aspects of leisure cycling in Scotland.
high, as recognised by the Cycle Tourism Forum1 (2012a).
Another classification of leisure cycling is based on the type of surface upon which the activity takes place: (I) roads, (II) 2.3. Prior research
traffic-free paths (generally smooth bound or unbound surfaces and few steep gradients), (III) rougher off-road trails and
mountain-based activities. The focus of this report is on non-competitive, non-utilitarian, leisure cycling, i.e. cycle tourism Several prior studies have attempted to establish the value of cycle tourism in Scotland. Some of them have indicated that
based on quiet roads and traffic-free paths. Leisure cycle activities can be further classified by the duration of holiday activity: the findings are estimates (Sustrans, 2011), some covered only one aspect of leisure cycle tourism (Ekogen, 2010), while the
(I) day trips, which are the most frequent type of leisure cycling, followed by (II) holiday cycling, where cycling comprises others covered only a particular region within Scotland (Highland Cycle Forum, 2004) or paired cycling with other activities
only a part of overall holiday activities, and (III) cycling holidays, using pedal powered vehicles as the main transport mode/ like walking (Bryden et al., 2010). Although the attempt to deliver a figure on the value of cycling/cycle tourism/active
activity during the trip. holidays has been recognised, it lacks integration and definition.
As a comprehensive report on the economic value of mountain biking (MTB) in Scotland was published by Scottish Enterprise In 2009, the European Parliament published a comprehensive study on the value of the European cycle network (EuroVelo),
in 2009, there is now a need to understand and quantify the value of the road/path-based segment of leisure cycling. in which Scotland is represented by means of two routes: the North Sea and Atlantic Sea Cycle Routes. In addition to
Combined, these reports will provide a comprehensive picture of the value of leisure cycle tourism in Scotland. providing insight on a variety of aspects related to the EuroVelo cycle network, the EU report presents up-to-date figures
on expenditures from cycle tourists. It was estimated that there are 2.295 billion cycle tourism trips in Europe with a value
The term “leisure cycling” used within this report refers to cycling on roads and traffic-free paths, omitting mountain biking. in excess of £35.5 billion per annum (Weston et al., 2012). Although overnight trips contribute only 20.4 million trips per year
in the EU, their economic contribution of more than £7.2 billion generates significant revenues for the leisure cycle tourism
The need for support and development of cycle tourism in Scotland has been recognised by the public sector. As a result, a industry.
national Cycle Tourism Forum was established in 2010 to enable interested public sector agencies and private representatives In 2003, VisitScotland, the Scottish national tourism agency, delivered a
to work collaboratively to improve the development, delivery and promotion of cycle tourism in Scotland. The Forum report on the expenditure of UK residents’ cycling holidays in Scotland,
comprises several key cycle and tourism stakeholders such as Sustrans Scotland, Cycling Scotland, Scottish Cycling, identifying £219 million that was contributed by these cyclists. This
VisitScotland, Scottish Enterprise, Cyclists Touring Club, Scottish Natural Heritage, EventScotland, Forestry Commission report did not include international visitors to Scotland who cycled
Scotland, ScotRail, Wild Scotland and Velodays. while on holiday. According to the International Passenger Survey,
2% of overseas visitors to Scotland cycle while on holiday, while the
number of overseas visitors that cycle during their holiday in the UK
2.2. Economics of leisure cycling in Scotland is 1.5% according to the research by VisitBritain.4 Although these two
resources might be using different research methodology, it is obvious
To understand expenditure behaviours, leisure cycle trips are separated into two groups based on the duration of the activity: that Scotland attracts more people to cycle while on holiday than the
(I) single day trips and (II) multiple day tours. Single day cycle trips are almost 100 times more frequent in volume to those UK average. As these figures include cycle tourism in general, and do not
covering more than one day. (Eijgelaar, Peeters & Piket, 2011). Including mountain biking, the UK hosted 149 million day-trips separately account for mountain biking as opposed to leisure cycling
and 1.23 million overnight cycle trips, contributing £1.83bn2 and £0.41bn to its economy, respectively (Weston et al., 2012). activities, care should be taken — since the Scottish MTB industry is
Although overnight trips make up less than 1% of the overall volume, their economic contribution is just under 20% of the well developed, it is possible that it makes higher contribution to this
total value of cycle tourism. The significant difference between the value and volume can be attributed to the expenditure difference in cycle share.
behaviour patterns and the contribution of accommodation costs to the total expenditure. Expenditure from single-day
trips averages £15, and mainly includes the cost of food and refreshments (Adam & Munro, 2009; Ekos, 2009; Sustrans, 2011), The proportion of cycle tourists from all Scottish tourists varies
while accommodation expenditure for overnight trips alone averages £27 per person per night (Weston et al., 2012). The same depending upon the data source, and fluctuates anywhere between 1
authors show that the average multi-day cycle trip is 7.7 days and the direct expenditure per trip averages £350. and 4% (in some locations even 7%) (Cycle Tourism Forum, 2012a; Velo
Mondial, 2010; Lumsdon, 1999; Highland Cycle Forum, 2004). However,
As such, it will be beneficial to focus development of leisure cycle activities on multiple day tours rather than single day trips.3 in spite of this variation, sources most often cite 3% as the contribution.
This is mainly due to accommodation expenses, but also to the greater propensity to spend more on multi-day trips. Not only Therefore, this figure will be used as a base for further calculations
should multiple day tours be encouraged by leisure cycle promoters, but research has shown that larger groups tend to spend within this paper.
more per cyclist per day (Lumsdon, Downward & Cope, 2004). The same study shows that those who are on
1 The Cycle Tourism Forum draft report is unpublished work. 4 Both figures are cited by Cycle Tourism Forum (2012).
2 All figures derived from Euro (€) are expressed in Pound Sterling (£) using average exchange rate of 0.8046, retrieved from The Financial Times on
3 Expenditure on multi-day trips can rise to more than 300% of expenditure for those covering only a single day.
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 12 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 13
2.4. Trends Furthermore, there is an interesting connection between group size and the average expenditure per person per day, whereby
an increase in the size of the group results in greater expenditure per capita. Not only does group size relate to the amount
In spite of clear negative trends on the volume and value of tourism activities in many Western European countries (Weston of expenditure, it is also linked to the duration of the journey. In other words, the larger the cyclist group the longer it stays,
et al., 2012), including Scotland, (VisitBritain, 2010), cycle tourism has not been equally affected by recent economic turmoil. resulting in a higher expenditure per cyclist. Interestingly, there is no link between the experience level and expenditure,
In general, cycling is experiencing an upward trend, which is expected to both continue and increase (Mintel, 2009; Weston, suggesting that measures to develop cycle tourism can be equally applied to a wide range of cyclists.
et al., 2012). Moreover, the change in trend is visible, as the opinion of many experts is that the market for cycle tourism is
increasing, denoting a change from previous “static” estimates (Weston et al., 2012). Usage data from the Scottish section of Another important aspect of cycle tourists is their need to travel light, carrying as little as possible on the bike. This has an
the National Cycle Network (NCN) also supports these estimates. By comparing figures from several Sustrans monitoring important effect of generating economic activity in smaller and more remote locations. Motorised tourists, on the other
reports, there has been an increase of 170% UK-wide in the number of trips on the NCN between 2003 and 2010 (Sustrans, hand, even when their (main) activity is outdoor-based, are more likely to pack necessities at the beginning of the trip and
2003; Sustrans 2007; Sustrans 2012). Although this growth was anticipated, the 7% increase between 2009 and 2010 indicates carry them to their destination, thereby reducing the contribution to the local economy. Furthermore, since cyclists consume
that the active holiday market is increasing in Scotland, despite other economic difficulties and the global downward trend more energy per day (up to 5000 calories for touring cyclists (Livestrong, 2011)), food and refreshments are going to have
in the tourism sector. Between 2007 and 2010, growth in the number of cycling trips on the NCN in Scotland has been almost a greater share in their budget. Also, since cyclists tend to use rural and low traffic roads they are more likely to visit less-
double the national average, 44% compared to 23% across the UK. Assuming a close relationship between the number of traditional facilities compared to motorised tourists, thus widening income distribution (Highland Cycle Forum, 2004).
cyclists and the number of trips undertaken, it is reasonable to further assume an increase in the number of leisure cyclists.
Although the vast majority of cycle tourists in Scotland come from within the UK, their share varies dependent on the data
In 2003, a study on cycle tourism strategy in Scotland counted 1.1 million (non-utility, holiday-related) cyclists (The Market source and the destination location. For example, according to research on cycle tourism in the Highlands, overseas cyclists
Specialists, 2003). Given the lack of a recent count on the number of leisure cyclists in Scotland, for the purposes of certain account for around 30% of all cycle tourists in the area. (Highland Cycle Forum, 2004), which is significantly greater than
calculations within this report, a 60% increase over the intervening decade has been used in order to estimate the number the national average of 2% (Office for National Statistics, 2012). Furthermore, overseas tourists make 20% greater per capita
of leisure cyclists in Scotland in 2012. This is considered a conservative estimate given that this represents only 35% of total contribution to tourism expenditure than domestic tourists (Scottish Government, 2011). Therefore, cycle tourists from
growth in UK cycling over the same period. Using this assumption, there are a total of 1.76 million holiday cyclists in Scotland. outside the UK should be recognised as a valuable market segment.
Therefore, in order to examine the leisure cycle segment (excluding mountain biking), 1.15 million leisure cyclists (65% of all
holiday cyclists) has been set for all calculations within the report.
2.7. Manufacture, retail, rental and maintenance
Figures provided by the Association of Cycle Traders (2012) show there are around 2,500 cycle shops in the UK (Scottish share
2.5. Cycle tourism during times of economic hardship not identified), contributing to sales of 3.7 million bicycles worth £1.62 billion (Grous, 2011). Since 2010, there has been a 28%
increase in sales, clearly indicating that cycle expenditure is buoyant in spite (or even because of) the economic difficulties.
There are a number of important factors that could cause an increase in cycle tourism during an economic downturn, which Although the Scottish contribution is not disclosed, applying a Scottish per capita share of 8.4% to the total value of cycle
would normally be expected to result in a decrease in tourism activities. These include personal financial constraints that retail (sales, maintenance and accessories), the value of cycle sales in Scotland can be expected to contribute around £200m
encourage people to take fewer overseas and more domestic holidays, thereby increasing the likelihood of taking bikes with to the Scottish economy.6 However, although more than 95% of cycle tourists visiting Scotland come from within the UK,
them on their trips. As perhaps only 3% of cycle tourists come to Scotland from overseas, 5 increases in domestic travel will a great number bring their bikes, as opposed to purchasing them in Scotland. Those holidays where cycling is not the main
have a greater impact on cycle tourism than losses from potential reductions in cycle tourists from overseas. Furthermore, activity tend to see tourists rent bicycles if they participate in cycling. Since holidays where cycling is just one of the activities
an increase in leisure cycle activities is not only linked to changes in domestic holiday travel patterns, but also in a greater make up 90% of all cycling trips in volume (Bryden, 2004), the importance for offering rental services is high.
awareness of active holidays, an increase in the popularity of sportive events, (Cycle Tourism Forum, 2012a) and an increase in
the overall number of cyclists (Grous, 2011).
2.8. Environmental impacts
However, care must be taken when estimating additions of value to tourism from an increase in leisure cycling activity. Adding
new activities, similar in type to those already present in the market, frequently causes displacement; instead of attracting Cycle tourism brings significant environmental benefits, compared to many other types of tourism, for several reasons. Cycle
new users, current ones move from existing activities. Therefore, additional value from the new activity might to a certain tourists tend to have a higher propensity to use public transport when reaching the start point for their tour, or for making
extent be at the cost of current ones, distorting the overall value of active holidays (Bryden et al., 2010). Industry experts onwards connections (Weston et al., 2012). Not only do cyclists use personal motorised transport to a lesser extent, but
expect that a significant proportion of future growth in cycle tourism will come specifically from displacing other activities even when they drive to reach cycle starting points, the distance travelled tends to be shorter than ones made by more
(Ekos, 2009). Noting this factor is important to prevent double counting and inflating the potential additional benefit of conventional holiday-makers.
leisure cycling.
Furthermore, it has been recognised by Gomez et al (2005) that holiday cyclists have a higher propensity towards active
type commuting (such as cycling, walking, using public transport) than non-cycle holiday-makers. Cycle holidays thus also
2.6. Behaviour and market characteristics serve as a platform to engage people in other modes of cycling, in particular to commuting, where environmental impacts of
substituting motorised transport are high.
According to survey data collected by Sustrans, the majority of cycle tourists travel alone (41.4%) or in small parties of two or
three (49.5%) (Lumsdon, Downward & Cope, 2004). The same study shows that leisure cyclists are predominately male (72%)
between the ages of 30 and 50 years. Given the current age demographic of cycle tourists, there will be benefit in further
market development to attract cyclists of different ages (Lumsdon, 2004). However, care must be taken not to displace
economic activity from other types of active holidays. Nonetheless, progress could be made by attracting a younger, affluent
population with an already developed propensity towards cycling.
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 14 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 15
The Contribution of Cycle Tourism
to the Scottish Economy
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 16 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 17
3. The Contribution of Cycle Tourism to the Scottish Vlc=Nsc×Vuk⁄Nuk
VLC – Value of health benefits to Scottish economy related to leisure cycling
3.1. Research limitations NSC – Number of leisure cyclists that reside in Scotland
VUK – Value of cycle related health benefits to UK economy
Due to the nature of leisure cycling, different sources have recognised that monitoring behaviour or sourcing quantified NUK – Number of cyclists in UK
information is notoriously difficult (Weston et al., 2012; Cycle Tourism Forum, 2012a; Bryden et al. 2010). Leisure cycling is
not location based, i.e. cyclists do not require a specific location to perform activities; therefore, this makes monitoring and
measuring it a more challenging task. As opposed to other activity based holidays, such as kayaking, golfing, sailing or even
mountain biking, there is rarely a “hub” (“base” or “centre”) for leisure cycling. Therefore, it is difficult to access information on This would indicate that the Scottish economy stands to benefit by almost £4 million in savings from reduced absenteeism.
leisure cycling due to its fundamental characteristic of being a geographically spread and independent activity. Furthermore,
the lack of a body/organisation that controls assets used by leisure cyclists and monitors their economic behaviour
compounds this issue even more. As no similar research equal in scope or comprehensiveness to the one represented here 3.4. Leisure cycle events
has been published yet, the data for establishing the value of Scottish leisure cycling is scarce, scattered and diverse in
Cycle events are an important contributor to the promotion, engagement and development of cycle tourism. Their role in
source. This issue has also been identified by the European Parliament in its most recent report on cycle tourism (Weston et
contributing to the value of cycle tourism is receiving recognition and a corresponding continued growth in these events’
al. 2012). Due to these issues, there is sub-optimal data availability on the economics of leisure cycling in Scotland. However,
market share is expected.
the analysis conducted in this report does provide a sound basis upon which the value of the industry can be demonstrated.
Therefore, and in order to minimise these issues and increase the robustness of the research, several different methodological The concept of cycle events varies from single day cycle-related activities aimed at families and children (such as ‘The
approaches have been applied to the data presented within this paper. Highland Perthshire Big Day’), to cycling festivals featuring various cycle-related activities aimed at many types of visitor, to
more competitive and specialised multi-day events (such as the ‘Tour of Britain’). Regardless of the structure and focus of the
3.2. Multipliers event, it is unquestionable that events promoting cycling bring significant contribution to the overall value of leisure cycling in
Scotland. Therefore, this report has looked in more detail and examined the role and value of leisure cycle events in Scotland.
When assessing the impact of tourism activity, in addition to direct expenditure, wider economic effects, such as supplier Research conducted as a part of this project, and featured later in the document, supports the finding that these cycle events
and income effects have been included. The ‘supplier effect’ represents an increase in sales as a result of increased economic provide high value to businesses in their vicinity.
activity that will lead to more goods being ordered and thus benefitting supplier(s). An ‘income effect’ reflects an increase
in employment or locally spent income as a result of more sales. Adding these two factors to the direct expenditure on Due to the geographical characteristics of Scotland, and the (recent) strong development of mountain bike tourism, a number
cycle related activities results in better representation of its economic impact. Therefore, these income and supplier of off-road, trail-based events have contributed to many local economies. As mountain bike events are usually less dispersed
effects have been represented by a single multiplier value of 1.57. The figure is based on impacts identified from the Scottish and geographically more concentrated than road/cycle path-based touring and sportive events, the economic contribution of
Tourism Multiplier Study (STMS). The multiplier is used with some calculations to better reflect cycle tourism’s economic a MTB event to a particular area is much more obvious. Nonetheless, the contribution of leisure (non-competitive) road/cycle
contribution.7 paths-based events to the overall value of leisure cycle tourism is considered to be high. In order to quantify the value, we
have identified leisure cycle events in Scotland and established their economic value. As this data is not centrally collected
3.3. Health impacts or monitored, this report has relied on the cooperation of event organisers to provide the information required for valuation.
Since attempts to source information for this study have received limited response, the figures presented are less robust and
It is well-known that active travel provides an extensive range of health benefits, both physical and mental. For example, precise than we would like. Nevertheless, they provide a good indication of the importance of cycle events.
the Transform Scotland Trust in its 2008 report ‘Towards a Healthier Economy’ calculated the monetised health benefits of
moving from Scottish to Continental shares of cycle use. The document concluded that benefits from reduced morbidity Event participants are frequently accompanied by their friends and/or family members, who often make an equal if not greater
were between £1 to £2 billion per annum (Warren, 2008). However, as cycle tourism is not expected to create a significant contribution to the expenditure since participants spend most of their time cycling. The report on the economic impact of the
shift in modal share towards cycling overall, a different methodology is used to monetize the current health benefits from 2009 ‘Caledonian Etape’ recognises this and values guests/visitors as significant economic contributors (Adam & Munro, 2009).
leisure cycling. Therefore, in order to establish the economic value of a cycle event, the total number of visitors (including participants) is included.
A recent study from the London School of Economics (Grous, 2011) indicates UK-wide benefits of £128 million per year from Apart from a few larger ones, the majority of cycle events are small in size, attracting a few dozen to a hundred cyclists and have
cycle-related savings in absenteeism. The study examines the costs to the UK economy from the lack of physical activity limited staffing. Therefore organisers rarely monitor the economic impact of the event, and can provide only limited, if any, data.
that can be offset by cycling. A similar approach to the one featured in Grous’s report is used here to calculate health related As counting participants only will not show the correct value, we estimate the addition of 1.5 visitors per participant is included in
economic benefits of leisure cycling in Scotland. the calculation. This number is based on a visitor study of the Caledonian Etape where spectator to participant ratio was 1.6 to 1
(Adam & Munro, 2009). A similar relationship was found with the 2012 ‘Ride of the Falling Rain’ and the 2011 ‘Tweedlove Bike Week’
According to the NHS (2012), 37.2 million people ride a bike every year. Taking the figure of 1.15 million leisure cycle tourists events. As most often the number of participants per event is an easily accessible figure, the approximation of the total number of
that reside in Scotland8, it is possible to calculate the value of health savings from the reduction in absenteeism due to people and their expenditure per event is generated. In addition to visitors that attend as participants’ guests, a number of general
engagement in leisure cycling. The following formula has been applied: spectators also attend the event, and their contribution is recorded as well.
EventScotland, a government agency involved in supporting events in Scotland, has invested more than £12 million in various
cycling events since 2003 (Event Scotland, 2012). Its support for cycling events has increased over recent years, and reached
£2.24m in 2011. However, the majority of the events that EventScotland supports are either mountain biking events such as
7 The source (STMS) is somewhat dated. However, correspondence with Scottish Enterprise has indicated that more recent input/output table multipliers the ‘Mountain Bike World Cup’ or the ‘IXS Downhill Cup’, or competitive, specialised road events such as the ‘Tour of Britain’
for “hotels, catering & pubs” (which best reflects where tourists spend their money) has indicated a multiplier of 1.56. As such, we have decided to retain or ‘UCI Track World Cup’. EventScotland has, however, supported leisure cycling-related events like ‘Tweedlove Bike Week’
the multiplier value sourced from the STMS. and ‘Highland Perthshire Cycling Festival’. These events are comprised of different activities ranging from off-road, trail-based
8 85% of all cycle tourists in Scotland, according to Ekos (2009). mountain biking to road competitions and family-focused cycle activities.
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 18 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 19
Apart from direct contributions from cycle events through an increase in sales and economic activities in the area, events Table 1: Sample list of leisure cycle events in Scotland9.
contribute to wider, indirect economic benefits through the promotion of cycle routes, destinations, facilities and activities. 10
For example, investment in road signage initiated by a cycling event is expected to increase the accessibility of the route even Name of the Event Number of Participants & Visitors10 Economic Impact
when the event has concluded, generating more cycle tourism in that area. Holding an event in a less developed area will also
in 2012.
increase that location’s public recognition through the direct involvement of participants and media coverage of the event. As
a result, additional visitors and tourism traffic are expected to be generated in the area. However, events also tend to increase TweedLove Bike Week 1200 £780,000
the effect of economic displacement, as people who would otherwise contribute to expenditure are being discouraged from Highland Perthshire Cycling Festival 7773 £2,136,000
visiting the area because of the event’s implications for traffic and the availability of accommodation.
Ride of the Falling Rain 135 £26,000
Furthermore, a certain proportion of the expenditure might not stay within Scotland creating a leakage effect, where Tour O’ Borders 400 £31,000
economic benefits leave the country. For example, if staff involved at the event and organisations involved are sourced from Cycle Fun Day 1550 £68,000
outside Scotland, a proportion of economic benefits from the event will leak outside the country.
Big Kirkcaldy Bike Day 400 £19,000
Although these implications can in some cases severely affect expenditure and the contribution to the national economy, the Ullapool Sportive 500 £86,000
quantification of those kinds of indirect and wider economic effects are not covered in the scope of this paper. Nevertheless,
Pedal for Scotland 16000 £1,028,000
it would be reasonable to assume that wider economic benefits outweigh leakage and displacement effects and thus improve
the economic picture of a certain area that in some cases might otherwise stay excluded from tourism-related activities. BealachMor 1430 £423,000
BealachBeag 726 £209,000
Another important economic aspect of cycle events is their role in extending the cycling season, decreasing the present
issue of seasonality with outdoor-based tourism in Scotland. As the majority of nature/outdoor based tourism activities are
Skye Sportive 328 £124,000
held between April and September, placing an event at the fringe, or even outside, of these months can help to lengthen the Stewartry Sportive 468 £137,000
season and bring more economic benefit due to better distribution of tourism activities throughout the year. Galloway reCycle Sportive 554 £139,000
Solway Sportive 380 £64,000
Economic impact of events The Mull Cyclosportive 370 £129,000
Cairngorm Classic 195 £154,000
Upon analysis of the data provided by event organisers and that available through event related reports, an average estimated
expenditure per event visitor has been calculated. Direct expenditure mainly results from food and refreshment, transport Tour the Forth 1000 £80,000
and accommodation costs for overnight visitors. Analysis of results found that on average event participants staying away TOTAL 33409 £5,633,000
from home overnight spent £65.90 per day, while visitors staying only for a single day spend £16.40.
As seen from this report, cycle-related events are a significant contributor to economic activity from cycle tourism. An estimated
Values presented in the table below take account of variations across events in terms of such factors as: the ratio of overnight direct contribution to the Scottish economy of £5.6 million is only one of several benefits associated with these events. Visible from
vs. day visits; the number of participants to spectators; and fixed to variable costs. Given difficulties in securing precise data our business research, among others, cycle events create a positive economic effect in their wider geographical area. Regardless of
for certain values (e.g. percentage of participants staying away from home overnight or participants’ spend on transport), whether an event is aiming to attract families and lay cyclists, or enthusiasts and competitors, its contribution is unquestionably
some are estimates based on data from previous research on cycle events and communication with event organisers. noticed, in particular in more rural areas where (cycle) tourism is a well-developed source of income. Cycle events serve as a
platform not only to engage people in leisure cycling but also to use bicycles for utility/commuting as well (Gomez et al., 2005). This
Detailed analysis has revealed the total economic contribution of 17 events featured in table 1 of £5.6 million. In addition to effect creates additional benefits from cycling, reaching beyond the direct economic and health benefits from leisure cycle activity.
direct expenditure (food, accommodation, refreshments, etc.), it includes estimated costs to the participants and spectators
(travel expenses, entry fee, etc.) multiplied by a factor of 1.57 to include wider economic effects. The table does not represent Furthermore, cycle events can be a platform to decrease the negative effect of seasonality. By placing cycle events and related
the full list of cycle events. When the value of small events is included, and those where data has not been revealed or programmes outside the months of April and September, economic benefits can be further increased. Also, preventing overlapping
received from the organisers, it is anticipated that the total impact of leisure cycle events in Scotland could be easily double and grouping of the events within the narrow summer time period might attract returning cyclists to participate in more events per
the £5.6 million. year as they are more evenly spread.
Although benefits from professional, spectator-focused competitive events such as the Tour of Britain or Halfords Tour In order to maximise the potential of cycle events, Scottish industry experts recognise the need to create a funding stream to support
Series are not included within the scope of this report, they positively influence the whole cycle industry, therefore bringing smaller events. As EventScotland supports some of the larger cycle events, there is a need to balance this and establish financial support
benefits to cycle tourism as well. For example media coverage and related cycle-focused commercial activities aimed to for smaller events. This measure is expected to generate even stronger economic benefit, spreading the impact more widely and involving
attract spectators to events are expected to encourage more people to get involved in cycling, even as cycle tourists. In 2011, small local communities. This external funding would also help the organisation of fringe and low-season events.
the Scottish stage of the Tour of Britain attracted 12,500 spectators with almost £1 million of net impact to the Scottish
Borders and Dumfries and Galloway (Cycle Tourism Forum, 2012b). Cycle events that attract overnight visitors generate significantly higher economic activity. Overnight stays generate on
average more than four times the expenditure compared to day cyclists.11
Furthermore, accommodation services (unless privately organised by sleeping in motor homes, wild camping sites, etc.) directly
benefit local communities, thus minimising (if not eliminating) the leakage effect, keeping money within the area. Therefore, in order
to maximise economic yield, the focus should be on multiday events, or those encouraging visitors to stay overnight.
9 The list does not represent every leisure cycle event in Scotland, but the ones listed by Event Scotland,, and websites.
10 In some cases, the number of participants, visitors or impact has been estimated.
11 £65.9 for overnight and £16.4 for day cyclists, respectively
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 20 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 21
3.5. Infrastructure and employment is compensated by the need to source provisions locally. This means that businesses along the route and local communities
are likely to benefit more from leisure cyclists than general tourists who might purchase food and other provisions at the
It is clear that investment in cycle infrastructure unquestionably benefits not only cyclists, but also the wider economy, as location of departure. As previously mentioned, the increased consumption of energy for active holiday-makers is expected
according to Grous (2011) the benefit to cost ratio of investment in cycling infrastructure is 19 to 1. Similarly, a report from the to generate even more revenue to local businesses. Furthermore, this expenditure has an extended effect on the economy
European Cyclists’ Federation (2012) indicates that the benefit of investment in cycle infrastructure significantly outweighs through its impact on the supply and income of the stakeholders involved. Therefore, similar to calculating the value of cycle
development costs. The report found that while the expected cost of building the EuroVelo network is between £1.2bn and events and infrastructure, a multiplier of 1.57 is applied to account for this effect.
£2bn, its direct contribution to the economy is £4-£5.7bn.
In order to increase robustness, due to the diverse and deficient data set, several different data sources were used to
However, if the infrastructure is not primarily developed for or used by leisure cyclists, and also accommodates utility cyclists, calculate the value of leisure cycling in Scotland. To calculate the expenditure of leisure cyclists in Scotland, the following
it is difficult to segregate users and precisely define the contribution from leisure cycling alone. Sustrans has been monitoring formulas are used:
some of the 2,100 miles of the National Cycle Network (NCN) routes in Scotland by placing automatic cycle counters along
the paths and surveying users by ‘intercept surveys’ (interviewing people on the route). These reports show leisure cycling Leisure cycle share from Scottish tourism income
in the UK accounts for 45% of all trips on the National Cycle Network, which represents the largest share among all cyclists Leisure cycle value based on the value of day and overnight leisure trips
(Sustrans, 2012). Furthermore, outside urban areas, the share of leisure trips is expected to be significantly higher, in particular Scottish leisure cycle share based on the value of cycle tourism in the UK
on some routes connecting England through the Central Belt to the Highlands and Islands: for example National Routes 1, Scottish leisure cycle share based on the value of overnight cycle trips in the UK
7 and 77. Routes passing through western Scotland and the West Coast such as Route 78 are also focused primarily on the
accommodation of leisure cyclists touring through Scotland. Sustrans has calculated indicative estimates of leisure cycling on
the National routes in Scotland to be £100 million per annum (Sustrans, 2011); this provides a good indicator of the value of
leisure cycle infrastructure to the Scottish economy.
According to a report on employment in the sustainable transport sector, an average of £210,000 is spent by each local
authority every year on cycling infrastructure in the UK, adding 2.11 full time jobs per authority (Ekogen, 2010). This figure is
supported by the most recent report on cycling expenditure by Spokes (2012). It finds that Scottish local authorities spend
£7.5m from their own budgets on cycle related capital expenditure, an average of £235,000 per authority.
VLC – Value of expenditure from leisure cycling in Scotland
VT – Tourism expenditure in Scotland
In order to calculate the value of infrastructure development for leisure cycling, the following formula has been applied:
PC – Percentage of expenditure cycle tourists contribute to total tourism expenditure
PLC – Percentage of leisure cyclists in the total number of cycle tourists
M – Supplier and Income multiplier
Vlc=£41,000,000×8.4%×45% According to a report from VisitScotland, total tourism expenditure of both domestic and international tourists in Scotland in
2011 was £3.47 billion12 (VisitScotland, 2011). Applying a leisure cycle contribution of 3% and the income and supplier multiplier,
Where: the total value of expenditure from cycle tourism in Scotland is £106.23 million.
VLC – Value of leisure cycle-related infrastructure in Scotland
VUK – Value of cycle-related infrastructure in the UK To further increase the robustness of these calculations, a different methodology was used, where the calculation was based
PP – Percentage of the Scottish population in the total UK population on the number of leisure cycle trips multiplied by the expenditure involved. The Dutch Centre for Sustainable Tourism and
PLC – Percentage of the leisure cyclist in the total number of cyclists Transport (Eijgelaar, Peeters & Piket, 2011) indicates 149 million and 1.23 million cycle trips for day and overnight tourism-
related cycling, respectively, in the UK in 2012 (Weston et al., 2012). Applying an 8.4% Scottish share to the UK figure, Scotland
generated 12.51 million day and 103,320 overnight trips. Overnight trips are comparable with values in the 2003 cycle study
on Scottish cycling tourism (The Market Specialists, 2003). Although the expenditure of day tourists varies depending on the
Although cycling infrastructure is not developed equally throughout Scotland, the average cumulative amounts spent by all source, between £9.29 (Sustrans, 2011), £15 (Ekos, 2009), to more than £16 (Adam & Munro, 2009), the value of £15 will be used,
32 local Scottish authorities is greater than £6.5 million, providing substantial benefit to the Scottish construction sector. being the most recent value featured in a cycling report from the European Parliament (Weston et al., 2012).
Furthermore, a study made by the London School of Economics in 2011 (Grous, 2011) on the value of cycling in the UK shows
that the economic contribution from cycle infrastructure related employment is £41 million in salaries and £9 million in taxes Daily expenditure from overnight cycle tourists is between £30 (Sustrans, 2011) and £60.5 (Adam & Munro, 2009), with £46
at the UK level. Salaries from infrastructure related to leisure cycling in Scotland contribute just over £1.5 million per year to identified by VisitScotland (2011) as the average day spend for overnight tourists in Scotland. With an average overnight trip
the overall value of the industry. lasting 7.7 days, direct expenditure is just over £350.
12 The report states that the GB/domestic market is valued at £3.018bn and accounts for 85% of the total tourism market in Scotland. Therefore domestic
and international markets combined are valued to £3.4707bn.
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 22 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 23
To calculate the total expenditure of leisure cycle tourists in Scotland, the following formula has been applied: 3.7. Total value of leisure cycle tourism in Scotland
As anticipated, direct expenditure accounts for the largest portion of the overall value obtained from leisure cycling.
However, as can be seen in the above calculations, the value of this direct expenditure varies significantly depending on the
methods and data source used.
Regardless of the approach, the total contribution of leisure cycle tourism to the Scottish economy will be a sum of different
factors within the industry. Above we have presented calculations of the value of benefits from cycle tourism events,
infrastructure development, direct cyclists’ expenditure and health savings. This is now brought together to generate the
VLC – Value of expenditure from leisure cycling in Scotland
complete picture. Therefore applying the following formula, the total monetised value of leisure cycle tourism in Scotland is
NOT – Number of overnight tourism trips in Scotland
between £117.20 and £239 million per year, depending on the methodology and data used.
EOT – Expenditure from overnight trips
NDT – Number of day trips
EDT – Expenditure from day trips
PLC – Share of leisure cycling in total cycle tourism
M – Supplier and Income multiplier ∑V=H+E+I+X
∑min V=£3,960,000+£5,633,000+£1,549,000+£106,234,000
∑max V=£3,960,000+£5,633,000+£1,549,000+£228,247,000
Therefore, the value of expenditure from leisure cycle tourism in Scotland using the ‘number of trips’ method is £228 million
per year. Where:
H – Savings from health
Applying similar methodology to the following formula using £2.3bn, the value of UK cycle holidays identified in the study by E –Value of leisure cycle events
the EU Parliament (Weston et al., 2012), the Scottish share in the value of leisure cycling is £125.58 million. I – Value of leisure cycle-related infrastructure jobs
X – Value of expenditure from leisure cycle tourists
VLC – Value of expenditure from leisure cycling in Scotland
VUK – Value of cycle tourism in UK
PP – Percentage of the Scottish population in the total UK population
PLC – Percentage of leisure cyclists in the total number of cycle tourists
We have also replicated and adjusted the methodology used in the 2003 report by VisitScotland examining the value of
cycle holidays in Scotland. Using the volume and value of cycle trips in UK, we identified the value of leisure cycle tourism in
Scotland. The following formula has been applied:
VLC – Value of expenditure from leisure cycling in Scotland Keith Marshall
VOT – Value of overnight cycling trips in the UK
VDT – Value of day cycle trips in the UK
PP – Percentage of the Scottish population in the total UK population
PLC – Share of leisure cycling in total cycle tourism Keith Marshall
The European Parliament identified that the UK hosts 149 million day trips and 1.23 million overnight trips per year. Their
value has been estimated at £1,838.7m and £433.58m for day and overnight trips, respectively (Weston et al., 2012). Therefore,
applying the Scottish share in leisure cycling to UK cycle tourism activities, the estimated contribution of leisure cycling
(excluding MTB) in Scotland is £124 million.
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 24 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 25
3.8. Gross Value Added 3.9. Summary of economic impacts
An important element for the assessment of economic impact is the establishment of the activity in question’s role in the The table below summarises the contribution from the five different segments of economic impact discussed in the sections
value of goods and services produced on a national (Scottish) level. This is most easily understood as Gross Value Added above.
(GVA). It is the value of goods and services produced in Scotland deducted from intermediate consumption, e.g. taxes. When
adjusted for inflation, Scottish tourism’s 2012 GVA is just over £3bn (Scottish Government, 2010a). In order to calculate the Method Value
contribution from leisure cycle tourism, the following formula is applied:
Health Scottish share of leisure cycle related health benefits £4.0 million
GVAlc=GVAs×Pc×Plc to the UK economy
Events Value of (identified) leisure cycle related event £5.6 million
Where: activities
GVALC –Gross Value Added of leisure cyclists in Scotland
Infrastructure Scottish leisure cycle share of the annual value £1.5 million
GVAS –Gross Value Added of tourism activities in Scotland
PC – Percentage of cycle tourists in the total number of tourists in Scotland from employment in cycle related infrastructure
PLC – Percentage of leisure cyclists in the total number of cycle tourists construction in the UK
Leisure cycle share derived from the Scottish tourism £106.2 million
Applying a cycle tourism market share (3% of total tourism expenditure) and the assumption that the value of leisure cycle Value of leisure cycle derived from the value of leisure £228.2 million
will follow its market share of 65%, the GVA of Scottish leisure cycling is £58.5 million. cycle trips in Scotland
Direct Expenditure
Scottish leisure cycle share derived from the value of £125.6 million
cycle tourism in the UK
Gross Value Added Scottish leisure cycle tourism market share in the £58.5 million
Scotland-wide tourism GVA
Keith Marshall
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 26 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 27
Business Research
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 28 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 29
4. Business Research looking for a complete package of activities (including transport, repair service, quality accommodation, side activities,
etc.). An increase in the number of new cyclist segments combined with a decrease in overseas cycle tourists was recognised
by some accommodation providers, and aligns with our earlier expectation of a shift towards more domestic tourism
destinations during times of economic hardship.
In addition to looking at the value of cycle tourism, attention must be given to the supply side. As already mentioned, the
present lack of data highlights the need for primary research. In response to this, we carried out a survey questionnaire. It
Products sought
aimed to receive responses from businesses that provide products and services to cyclists, such as accommodation facilities,
Businesses indicated that customers frequently sought information on bike hire facilities near their place of accommodation.
food and refreshment providers, bike rentals and cycle tour operators. By acquiring information from those businesses that
Local area cycling maps were also frequently requested, as well as basic cycle-related facilities such as clothes washing, drying
operate within cycle tourism, it is then possible to better understand some important issues with cycle tourism, such as:
rooms and secure cycle storage. Businesses surveyed also frequently recognised the need to offer services cyclists would
(I) factors that prevent stronger development of leisure cycling (and are mainly affecting the supply side), and (II) measures
like to spend money on, as cycling is sometimes being regarded as being a ‘free holiday’. Offering services and setting up
that would benefit not only cyclists (being the demand side of the industry), but also businesses providing services to leisure
commercial facilities should increase the opportunities for cyclists to spend on things which are of value to them.
Although obtaining quantitative information would be preferred, the lack of available data renders this approach impossible
Obstacles and opportunities for the development of cycle tourism
at present. Furthermore, it is unlikely that this information can be obtained from local business owners and operators that
Businesses recognise the value that leisure cycle tourists bring to their premises. The majority of respondents identified
may be providing services to cycle tourists (e.g. accommodation, renting and retail businesses) because in many cases small
cycle tourists as a valuable segment of the customer base and expressed a desire to extend their involvement in this market.
business owners are focused on their own operations and ultimately have limited insight into the overall economics and wider
However, a significant number of respondents stressed the need for greater involvement from local authorities, tourist
impacts of their cyclist patrons. This observation was also confirmed by the questionnaire results.
agencies, and other bodies responsible for the promotion of tourism. Many businesses feel “too small” to have an impact on
increasing the number of cycle tourists. Suggestions to establish partnerships between cycle tourism agencies and business
As neither Scotland nor its sub-regions have a central or official body that monitors the performance of leisure cycle tourism
operators or even between businesses themselves have been proposed, as this is believed to bring synergetic benefits.
operators, we had to get the information on the value from businesses operating in Scotland. As many service providers
are not easily identified, we found that even indexing suppliers would be a task in itself. Our initial research showed (I)
Greater investment in communicating what (rural) Scotland has to offer to leisure cyclists is the single most frequent
difficulties in identifying the share of cycle tourism in businesses’ income, and (II) a complete lack of monitoring of economic
suggestion among survey respondents. Mapping long distance (circular) routes to match an increase in the number of long
performance (mainly with small cycle tourism service providers, e.g. B&Bs, small event organisers, family run cafés).
distance cyclists should help to meet the need of this rising cycling segment. Respondents believe that cyclists are unaware of
the benefits of cycling in rural Scotland, such as quiet roads, varied landscape, challenging hills, and attractive scenery.
These issues led us to develop a different, qualitative approach to get more useful information from businesses involved in
cycle tourism. By sharing thoughts, anticipations, observations and experiences, we have managed to get a better insight into
Better integration with public transport has also been recognised as an opportunity to engage more people in holiday cycling.
the issue.
An example was suggested of enabling cyclists to ‘hop on/off’ buses with their bikes, similar to the opportunity often offered
to recreational walkers.
4.1. Questionnaire survey Furthermore, a specific recommendation was introduced by a cycle tour operator with an idea to create a hill-climb challenge
similar to those walkers and hikers have. Identifying a handful of hills with good road or path surfaces that every enthusiast
A questionnaire with seven open-ended questions (see appendix [A]) was designed to reach key stakeholders within the cycle
cyclist should climb could be a response to an already recognised increase in the number of road cyclists.
industry. The questionnaire was distributed through email and an online survey tool. Respondents were businesses within the
hospitality, retail and cycle services (cycle-tour agencies, bike hires, etc.) operating in Scotland.
4.3. Survey conclusions
The questions were designed to provide information on:
The underlying conclusions of the business survey are:
• The type of business and its role within the industry.
• Trends within cycle tourism related to the business. • S tronger engagement is required from local authorities/tourism agencies in communicating and promoting leisure cycle
• The role of cycle tourism to the business. destinations and routes. Similar engagement is wanted in establishing partnerships to promote cycle destinations and
• Barriers and opportunities for the further development of cycle tourism. routes.
•T he need to provide more services that cyclists are willing to spend money on.
•B etter transport integration in rural areas to decrease (or eliminate) dependency on private transport to bring cyclists to the
4.2. Survey results start/end point of their cycle trip.
As the questionnaire aimed to provide qualitative type responses rather than quantitative figures, a relatively small response
sample was sought. From more than 100 questionnaires sent using both email and online survey channels, 37 responses were
received, out of which 26 were fully completed, providing sufficient volume of information to engage in qualitative analysis.
The largest segment of respondents (46%) operated within the accommodation sector, representing B&Bs, hotels, hostels and
campsites, followed by retail, repair and service facilities (bike shops, cafés, food places) and cycle tour operators, with 30%
and 23%, respectively. Although responses varied in content length and depth, several distinct conclusions can be drawn.
A general trend among different cycle-related service suppliers is an observed increase in the total numbers of road cyclists.
In some cases this has been at the expense of other activities like MTB cyclists, which indicates the possibility of the
displacement effect from these other activities. A further trend is an increase in leisure cyclists, such as families and women
engaging in cycling as part of their holiday activity. Cycle tour operators see an increase in novice but more affluent cyclists
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 30 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 31
Good Practice
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 32 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 33
5. Good Practice 5.3. Transport integration
The picture in Scotland is mixed with regards to bike-rail integration. On the positive side, bikes are allowed on trains on most
rail routes in Scotland free of charge. However, there remains significant room for improvement if cycle tourism requirements
are to be met. Key constraints highlighted by stakeholders include (I) that the number of bicycles allowed on a train is
Scotland is a well-developed and world-famous tourist destination, attracting great numbers of visitors from both overseas typically very limited, and (II) that bicycle carriage often requires mandatory prior booking. These factors are likely to provide
and within the UK. Its attributes of unspoilt nature and pristine landscape are combined with a great cultural and historical a significant discouragement to allowing larger groups to travel together, and reduce flexibility in travel planning (in the event
heritage. This sets Scotland apart from many countries with similar tourism offerings and provides a strong competitive of bad weather, mechanical failures or illness).
advantage for outdoor-based active holidays. It also makes active holidays in Scotland, in particular cycling and walking,
a product that is “easy to sell”. However, Scotland is not the only destination attracting leisure cyclists for its landscape, We recognise that it is not a trivial task to accommodate the requirements of cycle users. The procurement of new rolling
scenery and natural heritage. Numerous countries have realized the value of leisure cycling and have developed programmes stock, or the refurbishment of the existing fleet, to better accommodate cycle requirements is likely to be costly. However, it
to capture the benefits that it brings. This report therefore looks at good practice in cycle tourism development strategies would seem appropriate that government and the rail industry raise their expectations regarding bike carriage when procuring
from some of the leading cycle destinations in Europe and elsewhere, and suggests where some of these practices could be new rolling stock for use on lines with significant leisure cycle tourism potential. One of the solutions could be to follow the
implemented in Scotland. Swiss initiative to legally require providers of public transport to accommodate bicycles on board on popular cycle routes
(Weston, 2012).
5.1. Stakeholder support
Few bus operators allow cycles on board and some place the decision at drivers’ discretion. This particularly affects islands and
A common factor identified across the overseas experience is the high level of the support and cooperation between popular places outside the rail network. Uncertainty about the option to carry your bike on public transport in cases of mechanical
the industry’s stakeholders: businesses operating in the cycle tourism sector, agencies promoting cycling and tourism failure, bad weather, injury or just tiredness might deter some cyclists, in particular families and those new to cycling.
development, local authorities, and similar interested parties. Initial engagement to establish, develop and maintain cycle
tourism programmes has frequently been set up by a government-related or supported body. Even in the US (or Canada) Good examples in transport integration can be found in the US and Canada where buses are an integral part of the cycle
where the private, market economy is strong and government participation is generally low, successful examples show network. Three-quarters of city buses in the US and Canada are equipped with cycle racks, while in certain cities, such as
initial involvement/support from the local authority or state government. Examples supporting the need for public sector Portland, this share increases to 100% (Pucher, Garrard & Greaves, 2011). The same authors show numerous international
engagement are numerous, with examples from Europe as a whole, and specific countries such as Denmark, The Netherlands examples where better transport integration allowing cycles on buses can compensate for gaps in cycle paths and trails
and Switzerland. However, examples from further afield, such as Minnesota, USA, and Victoria, Australia also clearly indicate (Pucher, Buehler & Seinen, 2011). In addition to increasing the number of cyclists in rural destinations, studies show that bus-
these benefits. cycle integration is a cost-effective measure in bringing more revenue than the initial cost of installing racks (Hagelin, 2005).
Therefore, integrating bicycles as part of a wide range of public transport modes is expected to create additional benefits to
Federal support in developing cycle-related programmes in several US states is the best example of close relations between certain popular, but remote cycle locations in Scotland.
a growth in cycling and public stakeholders’ support. In the last two decades, the number of cycle trips in general in the US
more than tripled, reaching the UK modal share of 1% (Pucher, Buehler & Seinen, 2011). Although there are many factors that 5.4. Information and promotion
contributed to this increase, the most significant is federal support in providing funds. Between 1988 and 2009 government
spending on walking and cycling increased from $5 million to almost $1 billion. A very similar situation is visible in Canada, Technology development, mainly in terms of mapping, navigation and mobile technology has played a role in developing
where growth in the number of cycle trips showed a strong increase and cycle modal share exceeded 1.3% due to support cycling in many countries. Smartphones and similar portable devices with built-in navigation and internet connectivity
from public sector bodies. Notably, the increase in road safety due to infrastructure development is closely linked with an functions are suitable platforms for better technology integration allowing cyclists easier access to planning and information
increase in the number of women cycling. on leisure cycle activities. Mobile applications and (often) free mapping (e.g. Google, Microsoft) allows integration of
information and creation of centralised hubs for cycle routes, cycle events and similar cycle-related material. Mobile
To further support the argument for public stakeholders’ support, examples where leisure cycle share is low or has even faced applications allow better technology integration which has led to an increase in the number of (urban) cyclists in Vancouver,
a decrease in recent years are strongly related to lack of engagement from the relevant bodies. For example, between 2000 Canada, which in turn has enabled better route planning and route familiarity (Su et al., 2010).
and 2005 Ireland faced a dramatic 53% decrease in the number of overseas leisure cyclists (Fáilte Ireland, 2007). The same Online mapping and route planning, coordinated development of cycle events and special cycle rides promoting leisure
report, supported by Sustrans, recognised the difficulties national cycle tourism was facing and therefore developed a set of cycle activities have contributed to the strong development of cycling in Germany (Pucher & Beuhler, 2007). A doubling in
measures and areas of focus. As a result, the downward trend is now being stabilised and is instead experiencing growth. The cycle share (from 5% to 10%) between 1990 and 2001 was unquestionably supported by the introduction and implementation
predominant reason for change in this trajectory is involvement from cycling development bodies. of technology. Although a significant share of that increase is associated with utility cycling, the measures implemented
benefited development of the leisure cycling industry as well. Similar applications of technology are visible in other urban
Although cycle tourism in Scotland is significantly better developed compared to Ireland (or many other developed centres around the world, even within the UK, allowing advanced planning and cycle information feed. Therefore, there is
countries), the cases identified above show the importance of engagement and support from authorities, government and no reason why mobile technology should not be applied to promote ex-urban, leisure cycling, mainly in terms of providing a
public agencies. platform for cycle routes.
5.2. Next steps It is difficult to identify a single measure that would be applicable and would successfully work in every location. However,
all of the examples featured above resulted in an increase in cycling activity and thus give a good indication which measures
Laying cycle paths and building infrastructure is only one aspect of stakeholder involvement; the integration of various are more successful than others. Creating a full set that will introduce a variety of approaches and measures (some identified
cycle-related operations is also required if we are to see leisure cycling developed. For example, continuous involvement in above) would unquestionably result in a stronger increase in cycling activity. As identified by Erik Nijland, director of
the promotion and maintenance of routes is an essential part of developing leisure cycle activity. The example from the US Netherlands Cycling platform, success in cycle tourism lies in the integration of measures. During the 2012 Cycling Scotland
state of Minnesota indicates just how important this is. The lack of marketing and promotion of certain parts of the cycle Conference in Edinburgh Nijland presented key success factors in cycle tourism development in the Netherlands (Nijland,
network have led either to a failure to attract cyclist in the first place or to maintain their number at a later point (Pratte, 2012). The Dutch recognised and exploited their attractive landscape as a basis for the development of cycle tourism. Building
2006). This unsurprisingly has resulted in a decline in the overall numbers of cyclists, and subsequent economic activity on roads and paths (infrastructure) to create a network of routes created access to enable cycle activity. Providing services and
the route. Moreover, a Transport for London study (2004) has shown that the number of cyclists doubled after resurfacing developing products to suit cyclists, such as accommodation and refreshment facilities, complemented the initial demand
roads. Numerous international examples stress the need for an integrated and comprehensive approach involving policies, for leisure cycling. Marketing and information provision helped to create cyclists’ demand. Surrounding all these measures
programmes, information provision, land use planning (infrastructure), etc. Studies show that only combined measures result by a constant pursuit of quality has created additional economic value beyond the provision of cycle infrastructure and
in a greater increase in cycling activity (Pucher, Dill & Handy, 2010; Pucher et al., 2010). refreshment facilities. A single leisure cycling organisation, Fietsplatform, ensured strong coordination between different
geographical regions and implementation of measures.
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 34 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 35
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 36 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 37
6. Recommendations This report concludes that there is a need for better, more consistent use of cycle counters and associated data collection.
There is also a need to gather knowledge to better understand the motivation and expectations of cycling visitors so that
Scotland can make better provision for them. Ideally, one organisation would be made responsible for collating, analysing and
disseminating data.
The recommendations set out below align with the framework used by the Scottish Tourism Alliance in the strategy
document, Tourism Scotland 2020.13 They are grouped in the four ‘Priorities for Action’ categories used in the Strategy: (I) We recommend that the monitoring of cycle tourism be considered alongside the refresh of the Cycling Action Plan for
‘Strengthening leadership and collaboration’, (II) ‘Knowing our markets’, (III) ‘Managing the customer journey’ and (IV) ‘Building Scotland (CAPS). Furthermore, steps should be taken to explore how monitoring cycle tourism could be coordinated amongst
sustainable tourism’. partners and groups (e.g., the National Cycling Interest Group and the Cycle Tourism Forum). This would feed into and support
the key set of indicators for CAPS at a national level, as well as local authority priorities at a more local/regional level.
The work of the coordinating body would be augmented by greater private sector involvement. As such, it is recommended Recommendation 5: Brand Scotland as a top destination for cycle touring
that stronger links be forged with the Scottish Tourism Alliance, an industry-led consortium of tourism-related operators, in
order to deliver a more comprehensive approach to the development of the sector. Links already exist with the ‘Developing Establishing Scotland as a must-see destination for long distance cyclists would serve as a vehicle to attract increasing
Mountain Biking in Scotland’ initiative (DMBinS14) and could be developed further. Whatever model is pursued, there would be numbers of cycle tourists worldwide and particularly from across the Continent. A lead organisation should be given the role
a requirement for funding to support and enable the body to develop a strategic work plan and to coordinate delivery. of working with industry to develop appropriate branding for Scottish leisure cycle tourism. Although Scotland is already well
known for what it can offer to mountain bikers, it is necessary to increase the profile of the leisure cycle tourism offer. As
opposed to mountain biking, where participants access only one or a few destinations/centres, leisure cycling takes cyclists
through different types of landscapes, covering a much greater variety of scenery; it also introduces cultural and historical
elements, already very well developed and promoted.
Public sector Industry Recommendation 6: Develop key themed areas for leisure cycle tourism
stakeholders CTF stakeholders
Attention should be given to developing themed areas for leisure cycle tourism. Theming could generate higher economic
returns, as cycle tours could be set up to be (i) multi-day, (ii) around rural, less developed tourist areas, (iii) linked to already
well-established tourist attractions, (iv) a way to attract new market segments to cycling. The coordinating body could be
tasked with, firstly, developing guidelines on theming and, then, working with collaboration with local/regional stakeholders
in putting in place themed routes.
Recommendation 2: Deliver better collaboration between local/regional stakeholders
Stronger leadership is required to facilitate greater collaboration between local, regional and national stakeholders.
Networks and partnerships need to be strengthened. Small businesses (e.g. accommodation providers, event organisers, Recommendation 7: Continue the development and marketing of cycle routes
cycle tour operators, food & refreshment facilities) on their own can have only limited reach in communicating opportunities
for leisure cycle tourism. Creating partnerships amongst local/regional cycle-related service providers would increase the In order to meet the CAPS (Scottish Government, 2010) target of 10% of all journeys by bike by 2020, there is a need for local
recognisability of particular areas, and would assist in attracting more cyclists, and hence more income. Not only does there and national government to continue investment in the development of new cycle routes and the maintenance of those
need to be greater integration between private and public bodies, but there also needs to be greater coordination across already in place. The economic benefits of investment in cycle infrastructure are extraordinarily high, often demonstrating
public bodies in different geographical regions. benefit-cost ratios as high as 19:1 (Grous, 2011). Therefore it is clear that even moderate investment in assisting the
development of leisure cycle development would create multiple benefits. For example, while two EuroVelo routes currently
KNOWING OUR MARKETS run through Scotland, (EuroVelo Route 1 – The Atlantic Coast Route and EuroVelo Route 12 – The North Sea Cycle Route),
they are not being developed, advertised and promoted to their full extent.
Recommendation 3: Establish more comprehensive monitoring arrangements
Attention needs to be given to improving monitoring of cycle tourism, specifically with regard to the economic impacts of
cycling and in particular with regards to its wider impacts in more rural areas.
15 Developing “hill-climb” type challenges, discussed above, can also serve to create a continuous demand from specialised cyclists. Not linking those
challenges with a particular event would encourage individual or small groups of cyclists to engage independently (the majority of cyclists cycle
individually or in small groups). This can be expected to attract more cyclists and would likely spread cycling activity more equally throughout the year.
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 38 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 39
Recommendation 8: Enhance information provision and technology integration
There is a need for greater centralisation of information on leisure cycle tourism opportunities (as has been provided for
mountain biking through the DMBiS project). At present, information is spread around different websites, making finding
THEMED CYCLE TOUR OPPORTUNITIES suitable routes a time-consuming task. A central body could work with local authorities, cycle clubs and cycle operators
to identify, create and promote routes, thereby providing cyclists with a better experience in finding information on where
Scotland’s natural landscape is rich and diverse, appealing to a wide range of cyclists. It varies to cycle. Work is already underway to improve the cycling information available on and to make that
in scenery, terrain challenges and length between service points. The need to identify and information more accessible. In addition, consideration could be given to creating a central web portal to direct users to all
communicate these benefits is essential in attracting more people to leisure cycling. sources of cycling information across Scotland.
An opportunity exists to utilise digital technology to access, communicate and understand cyclists’ needs and preferences
There are numerous examples from around the world where links have been forged between before, during and after their visit; this could increase the efficiency of targeting customers and developing products and
cycling and the natural and/or cultural environment. For example, cycle tours have built up services to suit them. Greater integration of these technologies (such as portable GPS-enabled navigation devices and social
around vineyards in areas associated with wine production. New Zealand, California, South media channels) with cycle tourism marketing and communications activities could play a significant role in contributing to an
Africa and France link their wine regions’ already established wine production reputation with understanding of cycle tourism-related market behaviours.
cycling. Cycle routes developed around a specific theme can help create a brand and wider
recognition of the area, and assist in reaching new markets that are not already engaged in BUILDING SUSTAINABLE TOURISM
leisure cycling.
Recommendation 9: Continue to support cycle events, and extend this support to smaller events
A natural association in Scotland would be to use its worldwide recognition as the birthplace
In order to maximise the potential of cycle events, a funding stream should be put in place to support smaller events. As
of whisky, along with several other strong touristic associations with rural Scotland, such EventScotland supports some of the larger cycle events, there is a need to balance this and establish financial support for
as culture (castles) and wildlife (birds), amongst others. The development of cycle routes smaller events. This measure is expected to generate strong economic benefit, spreading impact more widely and involving
built around whisky distilleries could work well due to several factors: (I) almost all whisky small local communities. The external funding would also help organising fringe and low-season events.
distilleries are set up and situated in rural areas often surrounded by scenic landscape, away
from high levels of traffic, (II) a majority of single malt distilleries are concentrated in the Recommendation 10: Create a development strategy for the growth of cycle tourism
Speyside area, making it favourable for the development of less challenging routes of shorter The Scottish Tourism Alliance strategy states that there is a ‘need to work together at business, local and national level
distance, and (III) general whisky tours mainly attract similar age groups to those already to maximise the potential of our rich tourism assets’. To coordinate and support further progress of cycle tourism in
participating in touring/leisure cycling. Scotland, there is a need to have clearly defined goals and objectives. Developing a strategy to support current growth and
further progress of cycle tourism is an essential part of progressing with a sustainable tourism agenda in Scotland. If an
adequately resourced central coordinating body is established for cycle tourism, this would provide a basis from which to
encourage coordination between the industry’s key stakeholders and initiate development and delivery of a comprehensive
development strategy for the growth of cycle tourism in Scotland.
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Summary and Conclusion
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 42 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 43
7. Summary and Conclusion As well as the aggregate economic impact of leisure cycle tourism, the report highlights certain particular facets of the sector.
It highlights the role of leisure cycling in improving economic progress of rural, less developed destinations. The report also
demonstrates specific characteristics of cycle tourism: where a significant portion of expenditure and overall economic
benefits are being retained within the local community, this creates additional (economic) value that other types of tourism
This report demonstrates the economic importance of leisure cycle tourism to the Scottish economy. The sector provides activities are less likely to show. Compared to many other types of activity holiday, the overall benefits of cycling are far
between £106 and £228 million in direct expenditure and £58.5m in gross value added (GVA). Combined with other economic greater than direct economic impact, reaching from health to environment and a shift away from sedentary lifestyles.
contributors such as health benefits, employment from leisure cycle related infrastructure, and cycle events, the total value
is estimated to be between £117.2m and £239m.16 The value of direct expenditure from leisure cycling aligns with the £119m Having established the economic value of leisure cycle tourism, this report goes on to present a set of recommendations
presented in the economic study of mountain biking in Scotland (Ekos, 2009). Similarly, the mountain biking contribution of that could lead to a systematic and strategic approaches to the development of leisure cycling. A key recommendation is the
£68m to Scottish GVA is comparable to that found by this report. further establishment of a coordinating body for the sector, to plan and coordinate monitoring, support and development
for the leisure cycle sector. Returning to the overall theme of the report, we expect that implementation of these
Taking the economic contribution from the mountain biking and leisure cycle tourism sectors together, the combined value recommendations will lead to a further expansion in leisure cycle tourism’s contribution to the Scottish economy.
is between £236.2m and £358m per year17, with the cumulative contribution to GVA of £129m. This represents up to a 63%
increase in nominal value from the £219m figure produced by VisitScotland in 2003.
16 The relatively high difference in values is due to the different data sets used and methodology applied.
17 2009 MTB values are inflation-adjusted.
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Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 48 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 49
Appendix: Glossary
Survey questions used in business questionnaire
Active holiday Holiday where physical activity takes major or important part of
Questions holiday time.
Cycling holiday (cycle tourism) Holidays using pedal powered vehicles as the main transport
1. What is the size of your operations in Scotland? (Please provide an answer with
information on number of people employed, customers served or financial turnover.) mode/activity during the trip.
2. What is the value and importance of cycle tourism to your organisation? (Please provide Gross Value Added The value of goods and services produced in Scotland deducted
an answer in words, numbers or percentages.) from intermediate consumption, e.g. taxes.
3. Do you see any trends in cycle tourists visiting your business? (e.g. change in their number, Holiday cycling Holiday where cycling comprises only a part of overall holiday
product/service preferences) activities.
4. What services/products do cycle tourists demand most from your organisation? (e.g. Leisure cycle tourism / leisure Gravel and road surfaced cycling where a trip is undertaken for the
maps, types of products/services, information on where to cycle, attractions/facilities/ cycling purpose of the journey itself and hence excludes utility cycling.
events) For the purpose of this report, leisure cycling does not include
5. Where do you see the most potential for increasing cycle tourism-related business for mountain biking.
your organisation? (e.g. type of product/service you offer, market segments of cyclists Mountain biking (MTB) Cycling off road on mountainous terrain, not including cycling on
that you serve)
(cycle) paths.
6. What do you feel are the key barriers to growth of cycle tourism for your organisation?
Multiplier effect Effect in economics where an initial amount of spending leads to
(e.g. state of cycling infrastructure, road safety, transport integration, price of bicycles
and equipment, access or quantity/quality of cycling attractions, number of supporting increased consumption spending and so results in an increase in
services (repair shops, cafes, places to eat), or internal factors such as insufficient budget national income greater than the initial amount of spending.
or managerial support) Sportives Leisure cycle events with added elements of competition (e.g. time
7. Do you have any other comments that might help us better understand the value of cycle challenges), designed for more advanced leisure cyclists, and non-
tourism in Scotland (either related to your organisation or the industry in general)? professional cyclists.
Utility cycling Cycle activities where purpose is found upon completion of
Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 50 Transform Scotland The Value of Cycle Tourism Report June 2013 51
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