The Incarnate v4.2
The Incarnate v4.2
The Incarnate v4.2
Battle for
Battle for your
your soul
soul against
against the
the primordial
primordial forces
forces of
of life
life and
and destruction
Battle for
for your
your soul
soul against
against the
the primordial
primordial forces
forces of
of life
life and
and destruction
look of panic in his eyes, the self-exiled human
clothed in rags runs as fast as he can from a
scene of smoldering devastation. He let his
guard down, let one too many insults from
mocking eyes get to him, and destruction was
the consequence of his lapse in focus.
Deep underground, in the lowest reaches of
the Underdark, bright eyes glow amid a gathering of
prostrated drow. Their heads are bowed in fear and respect
towards the manifestation of ancient power, whose wrath
could be unleashed at the barest slight.
As a rogue and riled frost giant approaches the gates of her
town, the elf closes her eyes and inhales deeply. She would
defend the life she built here, even if it meant she would owe
the tavern keeper a new roof.
The soul of an incarnate is inextricably linked with that of
an ancient primordial force. Some may learn to harness its
power, but for many, it is an incredible burden. Incarnates
are often hunted and executed. Fear, however, is a powerful
trigger, and should the primordial within them manifest more
acutely, entire cities could be laid to waste in their efforts to
escape with their life.
Soulbound to Primordial Beings
Long before all recorded history, when the crust of the world
was still molten, the first beings—primordials—arose from
the chaos of creation. Somewhere between gods and
mortals, these were the first living creatures. Precursors to
modern-day life, they stood, titanic against the backdrop of Creating an Incarnate
the newborn forests and mountains that they roamed. Still, When creating an incarnate, try to choose ahead of time
eons later, they live. Buried somewhere in slumber, in which primordial your soul is linked to. The nature of your
locations few know, and even fewer dare to venture. primordial will shape the behavior of your incarnate.
The will of a primordial is vast and inscrutable, much like Once this is done, think about your character’s
that of the gods. Very rarely, the subconscious of one of these motivations. How does your character view the primordial
great titans reaches out through The Weave, and takes hold inside them: as a force of terrible destruction or untapped
of a mortal’s soul the moment it comes into existence. This potential? Does your character feel they are cursed, or do
event binds the two souls together. An incarnate, two beings they perhaps feel blessed that they were chosen as the
sharing one body, is the result. conduit of a greater being? Has your character lived a life on
Outcasts from Birth the run, or did they manage to settle down somewhere,
The link between a mortal and a primordial is a source of feeling they have firm control of their own body? Has your
great power, often too great. If an incarnate’s will is weak, the character contemplated the nature of their combined souls,
primordial soul inside them will take control, morphing their or do they take their life as an incarnate one day at a time?
body to the primordial’s likeness and wreaking havoc on Are they perhaps barely even aware of their nature?
whatever it pleases. Not all primordials are so destructive,
but all demand the respect deserved to them as the first.
These destructive outbursts often lead to an incarnate’s exile Quick Build
or execution, as their peers now see a monster where once You can make an incarnate quickly by following these
they saw family or a friend. suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Wisdom,
Those incarnates lucky enough to avoid being beheaded followed by Constitution. Second, choose the urchin
outright often spend the rest of their lives on the run. Aware background.
of the devastation that lies inside them, floating just beneath
the surface, they never stay tied down for too long and often
live in poverty. The burden of knowing what lurks within
hampers every aspect of their lives, but the will of those
incarnates who live long enough to see this lifestyle is
stronger than even the toughest soldiers. It is their will that
pushes them forward from one day to the next.
The Incarnate
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Primordial Die Primordial Dice Mutations Titanus Uses
1st +2 Primeval Ferocity, Unarmored Defense d6 2 — —
2nd +2 Mutations, Savage Response d6 3 1 —
3rd +2 Primordial Soul, Titanus Form (Large) d6 3 1 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement d6 4 1 1
5th +3 Extra Attack, Primordial Passage d8 4 2 1
6th +3 Soul Feature, Superiority d8 4 2 1
7th +3 Bow to None d8 4 3 1
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement d8 5 3 2
9th +4 Eminence d8 5 4 2
10th +4 Soul Feature d8 5 4 2
11th +4 Let Them Fight, Titanus Form (Huge) d10 5 5 2
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement d10 6 5 2
13th +5 — d10 6 6 3
14th +5 Soul Feature d10 6 6 3
15th +5 Older than Death d10 6 7 3
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement d10 7 7 3
17th +6 Reflection, Titanus Form (Gargantuan) d12 7 7 3
18th +6 — d12 7 8 4
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement d12 7 8 4
20th +6 Acceptance d12 7 8 4
By 9th level, the voice of titans has filled your throat. You can Handbook, here’s what you need to know if you choose
incarnate as one of your classes.
use your action to expend one Primordial Die and let out a
deafening roar. Each hostile creature within 120 feet of you Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character you must
that can hear and is your size or smaller must make a have a Constitution and Wisdom score of at least 13 to take
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a target is deafened a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you
and frightened by you for 1 minute. already are an incarnate.
A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the Proficiencies Gained. If incarnate is not your initial class, you
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a only gain proficiency with simple weapons.
Saving Throws STR +(PB + WM + SM) Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +PM to hit, reach 5 ft. + 5 ft. times
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing SM, one target. Hit: 1d12 + WM + SM bludgeoning damage, and
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Tremorsense 60 ft. (requires 6th level) you can expend one Primordial Die. If you do, add it to the
Languages Understands your languages but cannot speak damage roll, and the target must succeed on a Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water. Primordial Breath. Expend up to PB Primordial Dice to make the
following attack:
Keen Senses. You have Advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks. Ranged Spell Attack +PM to hit, range 60 ft. times SM, one target.
Hit 2 Primordial Die force damage for each die expended, and for
Critical Overload (Overloaded Only). You gain one additional each die expended beyond the first, the target is pushed back 10
Primordial Die at the start of your turn. feet. If the target collides with a creature or solid object, both it
Molten Scales (Overloaded Only). Each creature that starts its turn and the object or creature take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for
every 10 feet the target was pushed.
within 5 feet times SM of you takes CM force damage.
Saving Throws STR, INT, CHA: +(PB + WM + SM) Web. Ranged Weapon Attack: +PM to hit, range 30/60 ft., one
Damage Resistances Radiant; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and target. Hit: the target is restrained if it is your size or smaller, and
Slashing you can expend one Primordial Die to automatically hit another
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Truesight 120 ft. (requires 14th level) creature within 5 ft. of it.
Languages Your languages, Telepathy 120 ft.
A restrained creature can use its action to make a Strength check
against your Primordial save DC, bursting the webbing on a
Unusual Nature. You do not need to breathe. success. The webbing can also be attacked. It has an AC of 10 +
A ctions SM, and hit points equal to your incarnate level. The webbing is
vulnerable to fire damage and immune to bludgeoning, poison,
Multiattack (requires 5th level). You make two melee attacks, or and psychic damage.
you can use Web and make one melee attack. B onus A ctions
Raptorial Limbs. Melee Weapon Attack: +PM to hit, reach 5 ft. Celestial Healing. Expend up to PB Primordial Dice to choose a
times SM, one target. Hit: 1 Primordial Die + WM + SM slashing creature you can see within 60 feet of you. That creature regains
1 Primordial Die + CM hit points for each die expended.
Saving Throws STR +(PB + WM + SM) Missile. Ranged Weapon Attack: + PM to hit, range 30/120 ft., one
Damage Resistances Fire, Thunder; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and target. Hit: 1 Primordial Die + WM + SM piercing damage. When
Slashing you attack with this weapon, you can expend one Primordial Die
Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic to attack from up to 120 feet without disadvantage, dealing an
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, additional 1 Primordial Die fire damage on a hit.
Senses Blindsight 30 ft. times SM, Darkvision 120 ft. Gravity Bomb (SM/Titanus Form). Expend three Primordial Dice to
Languages Understands your languages but cannot speak choose a point on the ground that you can see within 60 feet of
you. Each creature within a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on
that point must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save,
Machine Spirit. You ignore the effects of exhaustion. a creature takes 3 Primordial Die + SM Primordial Die force
Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against damage and is pulled up to 20 feet toward the center of the
sphere. On a success, a creature takes half as much damage and
spells and other magical effects.
is not pulled.
Unusual Nature. You do not need to breathe.
Primordial Breath. Expend up to PB Primordial Dice to make the
Overdrive (Attuned Only). You gain one additional Primordial Die following attack. You gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll for every
at the start of your turn. two dice expended.
Rapid Calculation (Attuned Only). When you would roll one or Ranged Spell Attack +PM to hit, range 60 ft. times SM, one target.
more Primordial Dice, you can forgo rolling to get a score equal Hit 2 Primordial Die force damage for each die expended.
to PB + 1 on each die.
B onus A ctions
A ctions Arcane Dash. Expend one Primordial Die to move up to your
Multiattack (requires 5th level). You make two weapon attacks. speed. Roll the expended die and add the number rolled to your
AC until the beginning of your next turn.
Draconic Manifestation
6th-level Soul of the Dragon feature
You can use the Lightning Blast action from your Titanus
Form (your Size modifier is 0). You must finish a short or
long rest before you can use Lightning Blast in normal form
You can also use Lightning Blast once per long rest (in Each time you deal damage to a charmed creature, it can
normal or Titanus Form) without expending any Primordial make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, it is no longer
Dice. charmed by you.
Moreover, you gain an additional Mutation, but it doesn’t
count against the number of Mutations you have. Tyranny from the Stars
Bow Down 14th-level Soul of the Dragon feature
When you enter your Titanus Form, you can choose to
10th-level Soul of the Dragon feature
When you use Eminence, creatures that fail the saving become overloaded with primordial power. When you do, you
throw also fall prone if they are smaller than you, and Large gain access to the Overloaded traits of your Titanus Form.
or bigger creatures become charmed by you for the duration Once you enter your overloaded Titanus Form, you must
of the effect. finish a long rest before you can do so again.
9-10. Blinding Rain The target is blinded until the beginning of its R eactions
next turn. Draconic Ward. In response to taking damage, you can expend
11-12. Thunderous Bolt The target is stunned until the beginning one Primordial Die to gain resistance to one type of that damage
until the beginning of your next turn.
of its next turn.
Fire Form. You can move through spaces as narrow as 1 inch Molten Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +PM to hit, reach 5 ft. times
wide without squeezing. SM, one target. Hit: 2d6 + WM + SM piercing damage, and you
can expend one Primordial Die. If you do, add it to the damage
Any creature that touches you or hits you with a melee attack roll, and if the target is no more than one size larger than you, it
while within 5 feet of you takes SM Primordial Die fire damage. must succeed on a Strength saving throw or become grappled by
In addition, you can enter a hostile creature’s space and stop you (Escape DC is your Primordial save DC) and pulled into your
there. The first time you share a space with a creature on a turn, space. You cannot attack other creatures with your talons while a
that creature takes 1 Primordial Die + SM fire damage. creature is grappled this way.
Flyby. You don’t provoke opportunity attacks when you fly out of Flaming Spiral (SM/Titanus Form). Expend three Primordial Dice
a hostile creature’s reach. to create a spiral of fire in a line with a width of 5 feet + 15 feet
times SM and a length up to your flying speed. You move to the
Illumination. You shed bright light in a 20-foot times SM radius end of this line (without expending movement), passing through
and dim light for an additional 20 times SM feet. the space of any creatures in your path, and each creature in the
line must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3 Primordial Die
Searing Inferno (Attuned Only). Your Weapon attacks and your Fire fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Form deal an additional 1 Primordial Die fire damage. success.
Titanus Fey
3rd-level Soul of the Fey feature
Your Titanus Form takes on the likeness of a noble
creature of the Feywilds. Its stat block is shown below.
Form and Function
3rd-level Soul of the Fey feature
While both of your hands are free, you can use the Furious
Fist attack from your Titanus Form (your Size modifier is 0
and your reach is 5 feet), which counts as a natural weapon.
You also gain the Rabid Evasion Mutation or another
Mutation of your choice if you already have it, but it doesn’t
count against the number of Mutations you have.
Fey Magic
3rd-level Soul of the Fey feature
The scent in the air around you changes based on your
mood. You learn to speak, read, and write Sylvan, and when
you make an ability check using Dexterity or Charisma, you
can expend one Primordial Die to add it to the roll.
You also gain Soul Spells at the incarnate levels listed.
Level Spells
3 faerie fire, herosim
5 calm emotions
9 hypnotic pattern
13 confusion
17 hold monster
Tricky Steps
6th-level Soul of the Fey feature
You can use the Fey Step bonus action of your Titanus
Moreover, when you use Fey Step, roll the expended die
and add the number rolled to your AC until the beginning of
your next turn.
Vanishing Battalion
10th-level Soul of the Fey feature
You gain the Camouflage Mutation or another Mutation of
your choice if you already have it, but it doesn’t count against
the number of Mutations you have.
When you use the Disappear Mutation Power, you can
expend additional Primordial Dice up to your proficiency
bonus, choosing a creature within 30 feet of you for each die
expended. If you do, you and the chosen creatures each gain
the benefits of Disappear and can teleport up to 60 feet to
unoccupied locations each of you can see.
Additionally, the range of your Fey Step is doubled, and
when you use it, you become invisible until the beginning of
your next turn.
For the Kingdom
14th-level Soul of the Fey feature
Soul of the Fey When you enter your Titanus Form, you can choose to
Beneath the Feywilds, its great protector lies in slumber. attune yourself to the magic of the Feywild. When you do, you
Said to be the origin of monarchy itself, this primordial ruled gain access to the Attuned traits of your Titanus Form.
over and protected the Feywilds from any threat it deemed Once you enter your attuned Titanus Form, you must finish
worth addressing, and it did so with finesse and fury. a long rest before you can do so again.
Ageless Skill (Attuned Only). You have advantage on all attack R eactions
rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. Other creatures have Energy Reflection. Expend one Primordial Die when you are hit by
disadvantage on attack rolls against you, and on saving throws a spell attack or forced to make a saving throw against a
against your Air of Nobility. damage-dealing spell that targets only you. Reduce the damage
A ctions you take by 2 Primordial Die + your incarnate level + CM. If you
reduce the damage to 0, the spell is negated and you can make a
Multiattack (requires 5th level). You make two melee attacks. Solar Rays attack against the caster if you can see them, without
expending Primordial Dice.
Soul of the Fiend You also learn to speak, read, and write Abyssal and Infernal,
and you gain resistance to fire and poison damage.
Among the lower planes exists all manner of evil and Finally, you gain Soul Spells at the incarnate levels listed.
debaucherous creatures, but the Primordial Fiend is a terror
unlike any other. Wanting nothing but destruction, it brings Level Spells
death with a speed few can match. It is said Asmodeus 3 expeditious retreat, zephyr strike
himself keeps it locked beneath the Nine Hells. 5 blur
9 haste
Titanus Fiend
13 dimension door
3rd-level Soul of the Fiend feature
Your Titanus Form takes on the likeness of a horrid 17 steel wind strike
dragonfly with four demonic wings. Its stat block is shown Execution Flourish
below. 6th-level Soul of the Fiend feature
Burning Gaze You can use the Blitz bonus action from your Titanus
Form (your Size modifier is 0).
3rd-level Soul of the Fiend feature
You can use the Eye Rays attack from your Titanus Form. Moreover, when you use Blitz, add 1 Primordial Die to the
Ranged attacks you make with it are considered Ferocious damage roll of the first attack you make before the end of
attacks. your turn, if it hits.
Fiendish Speed Sonic Boom
10th-level Soul of the Fiend feature
3rd-level Soul of the Fiend feature
Your flesh warps, creating aerodynamic holes in your As an action, you can teleport up to 90 feet to an
limbs. You gain the Call of the Hunt Mutation or another unoccupied space you can see. Immediately after you
Mutation of your choice if you already have it, but it doesn’t disappear, a sonic boom erupts, and each creature in a
count against the number of Mutations you have. sphere centered on the space you left with a radius of 20 feet
+ 10 feet times your Size modifier (0 in normal form) must
make a Constitution saving throw.
First of Annam (Overloaded Only). You can invoke each of your R eactions
runes twice, and you can invoke up to two runes each turn.
Invoke Frost Rune (1/Titanus Form). Expend one Primordial Die
A ctions when a creature hits you with an attack to become coated in ice.
Roll the expended die and add the number rolled to your AC
Multiattack (requires 5th level). You make two melee attacks. against the attack. Hit or miss, if the attacker is within 5 feet + 5
feet times SM of you it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
Giant’s Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +PM to hit, reach 5 ft. times or take 3 Primordial Die cold damage
SM, one target. Hit: 1d12 + WM + SM bludgeoning damage, and
once each turn you can expend one Primordial Die to make Invoke Cloud Rune (1/Titanus Form). Expend one Primordial Die
another giant’s fist attack as part of the same action. when you see a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell to
make a Runecarver attack against that creature. On a hit, the
Runecarver. Melee Weapon Attack: +PM to hit, reach 5 ft. times target takes an additional 3 Primordial Die thunder damage and
SM or range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1 Primordial Die + WM + must make a Consitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
SM slashing damage, and you can expend one Primordial Die to spell dissipates with no effect, and the action, bonus action, or
invoke one of the following runes: reaction used to cast it is wasted. If that spell was cast with a
spell slot, the slot isn’t expended.
Saving Throws STR +(PB + WM + SM) Primordial Breath. Expend up to PB Primordial Dice to make the
Damage Resistances Necrotic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and following attack:
Senses Darkvision 120 ft. Ranged Spell Attack +PM to hit, range 60 ft. times SM, one target.
Languages Understands your languages but cannot speak Hit 2 Primordial Die necrotic damage for each die expended, and
if more than one die was expended, the target must make a
Constitution saving throw.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
On a failed save, for every 2 dice expended, the target takes an
Anaerobic (Overloaded Only). When you hit a creature that is not a additional CM necrotic damage and becomes progressively
construct or undead with an attack, the target takes an additional poisoned, blinded, and then stunned for one minute, based on
1 Primordial Die necrotic damage. how many pairs of dice were expended. A creature can repeat the
A ctions saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending these effects
on itself on a success.
Multiattack (requires 5th level). You make two melee attacks.
Annihilation (Overloaded Only). Expend up to PB Primordial Dice
Deoxidizing Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +PM to hit, reach 5 ft. to release a blast of necrotic energy in line 5 feet times SM wide
times SM, one target. Hit: 1 Primordial Die + WM + SM slashing and 100 feet times SM long from your chest in a direction you
damage, and once each turn you can expend one Primordial Die choose. Each creature in the affected area must make a
to make another claw attack as part of the same action. Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2
Primordial Die necrotic damage for each die expended and is
Pincer Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +PM to hit, reach 5 ft. + 5 ft. poisoned for 1 minute. On a success, a creature takes half as
times SM, one target. Hit: 2d6 + WM + SM piercing damage, and much damage and is not poisoned.
you can expend one Primordial Die. If you do, add it to the
damage roll, and if the target is no more than one size larger A poisoned creature takes 1 Primordial Die necrotic damage at
than you, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or become the start of each of its turns, and repeats the saving throw at the
grappled by you (Escape DC is your Primordial save DC). You end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Soul of the Ooze If your ooze drops to 0 hit points, it withers to dust. You can
expend one Primordial Die as a bonus action to regenerate
Modern oozes are thought to be the spawn of the demon lord your ooze membrane, and it regenerates automatically when
Juiblex, which brings into question the exact nature of the you finish a short or long rest. You can only have one
Primordial Ooze. Regardless of its legacy, it is an unthinking membrane ooze at a time. If you use this feature while you
force of hunger, set on consuming everything in its path. No already have one, your previous ooze withers to dust.
one is sure what drives it, and those who have studied it In combat, it shares your initiative and takes its turn
believe it may likely be nothing at all. It seeks consumption immediately after yours. You can perceive through your
for consumption’s sake. ooze’s senses as long as you are on the same plane of
Titanus Ooze When you enter your Titanus Form while your membrane
3rd-level Soul of the Ooze feature ooze is separated from you, and when you command your
Your Titanus Form takes on the likeness of an enormous, ooze to separate from you while in Titanus Form, you can
corrosive ooze. Its stat block is shown below. reduce your size by one level to empower your ooze. Its game
Membrane statistics are replaced with those of your Titanus Form (it
does not gain any of your other features), though it lacks the
3rd-level Soul of the Ooze feature Multiattack action, it keeps its hit points, and its size is the
A thin membrane of ooze covers your entire body. This same as yours. It also gains the same amount of temporary
ooze membrane is a creature under your control, whose hit points that you have.
statistics are shown below in the Ooze Membrane stat block. When your ooze uses a feature that requires expending
As an action, you can mentally command your ooze to Primordial Dice, it can expend your dice.
separate from you, moving to a space within 5 feet of you. It
can use its action to reattach to you while it is within 5 feet of
Acidic Composition
3rd-level Soul of the Ooze feature
You gain the Acid Spit Mutation or another Mutation of
your choice if you already have it, but it doesn’t count against
the number of Mutations you have.
While covered in your membrane, you can use the
Pseudopod attack from your Titanus Form (your Size
modifier is 0 and your reach is 5 feet), which counts as a
natural weapon, and you gain the following benefits:
You have resistance to acid damage.
Creatures grappled by you take 1 Primordial Die acid
damage at the start of each of their turns.
You can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on
ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
6th-level Soul of the Ooze feature
Membrane Ooze As a bonus action, you can expend one Primordial Die to
Tiny Ooze, unaligned magically become amorphous and highly flexible, granting
Armor Class 8 + WM
you the following benefits for 1 minute:
Hit Points 5 times your Incarnate level + CM (the ooze has a You can move through spaces as narrow as 1 inch wide
number of Hit Dice [d4s] equal to your incarnate level) without squeezing.
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft., swim 10 ft. Your movement is unaffected by difficult terrain.
Spells and other magical effects can neither reduce your
STR, INT, CHA 6 speed nor cause you to be paralyzed or restrained.
DEX, CON, WIS Use your scores You can spend 5 feet of movement to automatically
Skills Stealth: +(WM + PB)
escape from nonmagical restraints.
Damage Resistances Cold, Fire, Lightning, Slashing Rupturing Ejection
Damage Immunities Acid 10th-level Soul of the Ooze feature
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, When your membrane ooze separates from you, there is
Frightened, Prone enough left for you to still be covered with it.
Senses Blindsight 60 ft. (separated only, blind beyond this As an action, you can launch a glob of ooze, filling a 30-
radius) foot-radius circle on the ground centered on a point you can
Languages Understands your languages but cannot speak
see within 90 feet of you. The ooze is difficult terrain for
Challenge 1/2
hostile creatures, and when a hostile creature enters the
affected area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn
Amorphous. The ooze can move through a space as narrow as 1 there, it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 3
inch wide without squeezing. Primordial Die acid damage and be restrained by the ooze.
A restrained creature takes 3 Primordial Die acid damage
Membrane. While attached to you, the membrane cannot take at the start of each of its turns, and it can use its action to
actions or make opportunity attacks and it is immune to all make a Strength or Dexterity check (its choice) against your
damage and conditions. It can still take reactions. Primordial save DC. On a success, it frees itself.
The ooze lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose concentration
Spider Climb. The ooze can climb difficult surfaces, including
(as if concentrating on a spell). Once you use this feature, you
upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability
can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you
expend four Primordial Dice to use it again.
A ctions
Voracious Corrosion
Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +PM to hit, reach 5 ft. times 14th-level Soul of the Ooze feature
SM, one target. Hit: 1d4 + WM bludgeoning damage plus 1 When you enter your Titanus Form, you can choose to
Primordial Die acid damage. become overloaded with primordial power. When you do, you
R eactions gain access to the Overloaded traits of your Titanus Form.
Your membrane ooze also gains those traits if it is separated
Coalesce (Attached Only, requires 6th level). The ooze expends one from you.
Primordial Die when you take damage to coalesce at the point of Once you enter your overloaded Titanus Form, you must
impact, absorbing as much of the attack’s damage as possible finish a long rest before you can do so again.
up until the ooze has 1 hit point left (the ooze is not immune to
this damage).
Spider Climb. You can climb difficult surfaces, including upside When an engulfed creature drops to 0 hit points, its flesh is
down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. dissolved and you gain one Primordial Die. You also regain 2
Primordial Die hit points. You release anything remaining from
Aerosolized Enzymes (Overloaded Only). When a creature comes the creature into an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you when
within 10 feet times SM of you for the first time on a turn or your Titanus Form ends.
starts its turn within that range, it must make a Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2 Primordial Die Aerogel. Expend one Primordial Die to become lighter than air,
acid damage and until the start of its next turn, it can’t breathe or gaining a flying speed of 40 feet. While you have this flying
speak, and its speed is halved. On a success, a creature takes speed, you are incapacitated. You can lose this flying speed at
half as much damage but suffers no other effects. any time (no action required).
Soul of the Undead from your Titanus Form (your Size modifier is 0 and your
reach is 5 feet), which counts as a natural weapon.
The Negative Plane holds a titan of its own. An immense
force of death that seeks to negate all life it encounters. It is Necrotize
theorized the Primordial Undead arises when necessary to 3rd-level Soul of the Undead feature
cull cosmic overpopulation. Or, perhaps we are simply lucky Your bond to the Negative plane grants you the following
to have avoided its approach in our lifetime. benefits:
Titanus Undead You have resistance to necrotic damage.
3rd-level Soul of the Undead feature When a creature hits you with a melee attack while you
Your Titanus Form takes on the likeness of a massive have temporary hit points, it takes 1 Primordial Die
undead reptilian creature with an endless tail. Its stat block is necrotic damage.
shown below. When you deal necrotic damage to a creature, it can’t
Withering Touch
regain hit points until the beginning of your next turn.
3rd-level Soul of the Undead feature
You also gain Soul Spells at the incarnate levels listed.
The flesh of your hands and arms appears withered. While
one of your hands are free, you can use the Life Drain attack
Level Spells
3 hex, ray of sickness
5 blindness/deafness
9 summon undead
13 blight
17 negate energy flood
6th-level Soul of the Undead feature
You gain the Persistent Evolution Mutation or another
Mutation of your choice if you already have it, but it doesn’t
count against the number of Mutations you have.
When you use Adapt to gain resistance to lightning,
necrotic, or force damage, you regain hit points equal to 1 roll
of your Primordial Die.
Necrotic Catastrophe
10th-level Soul of the Undead feature
As an action, you can choose a number of creatures up to
half your incarnate level that you can see within 150 feet of
you. Each of those creatures must make a Dexterity saving
throw, taking 6 Primordial Die necrotic damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a success.
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you
finish a long rest, unless you expend four Primordial Dice to (d10s) equal to your incarnate level. The avatar has all your
use it again. Mutations, though you share the uses of any limited-use
Manifest Death Mutation Powers. When the avatar uses a feature that
requires expending Primordial Dice, it can expend your dice.
14th-level Soul of the Undead feature
When you would enter your Titanus Form, you can choose You control the avatar. In combat, it shares your initiative
to become attuned to the Negative Plane. If you do, rather count but takes its turn immediately after yours. You can
than entering your Titanus Form, you summon an avatar of perceive through your avatar’s senses as long as you are on
your primordial. the same plane of existence.
The avatar uses your ability scores, proficiency bonus, The avatar disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or
Primordial attack modifier and save DC, and your Titanus when you finish a long rest. If you would drop to 0 hit points,
Form’s stat block (its size is Large). Its hit points equal 6 you can sacrifice the avatar if it is within 120 feet of you,
times your incarnate level, and it has a number of hit dice killing it instantly. You then regain hit points equal to the hit
points the avatar had before it died.
Unusual Nature. You do not need to breathe.
The Primordial Undead
Large Undead (Adaptable, Energized [necrotic], Unusual) A ctions
Armor Class 14 + CM + SM Multiattack (requires 5th level). You make two melee attacks.
Speed 20 ft.
Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +PM to hit, reach 5 ft. times SM,
STR Equals your Wisdom score + SM one target. Hit: 1 Primordial Die + WM + SM necrotic damage,
DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA Use your scores and you can expend one Primordial Die. If you do, add 1
Primordial Die + SM Primordial Die to the damage roll, and you
Saving Throws STR +(PB + WM + SM) regain hit points equal to half the necrotic damage dealt.
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Tail Swipe. Expend up to SM Primordial Dice to swing your tail in
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison
a cone with a size of 30 feet times SM. Each creature in the cone
Condition Immunities Poisoned must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
Senses Darkvision 120 ft.
takes 1 Primordial Die bludgeoning damage + bludgeoning
Languages Understands your languages but cannot speak damage equal to the expended dice and is knocked prone. On a
success, a creature takes half as much damage and is not
Creeping Doom. Hostile creatures that start their turn within 10 knocked prone.
feet times SM of you take 1 Primordial Die necrotic damage.
Primordial Breath. Expend up to PB Primordial Dice to target one
Death Incarnate. When you deal necrotic damage to a creature, creature within 150 feet of you for each die expended. The
its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the chosen targets must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3
necrotic damage taken. This reduction lasts until the creature Primordial Die necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
finishes a long rest. damage on a success. A target chosen multiple times makes only
one saving throw, taking 2 Primordial die necrotic damage for
Undead Spirit. You ignore the effects of exhaustion. each time it was chosen on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a success.
Mutations Explosive Leap
Your feet become elongated. While in your normal form, your
Below are the Mutations available to the Incarnate. Some jump distance is tripled, and if you are not prone or
Mutations have prerequisites you must meet to take them. A incapacitated, any fall damage you take is reduced by 5 times
level prerequisite refers to your level in this class, while your incarnate level.
others are based on your Titanus Form. Vault. As a bonus action, you can expend one Primordial
Each time you gain an incarnate level, you can replace one Die to jump up to 30 feet in any direction.
Mutation you have with another Mutation of your choice.
Approach of the Monster Primordial Awareness
Your skin and hair turn pale. You gain a bonus to Stealth Your ears or nose lengthen, or you grow a new sensory
checks equal to your Primordial Die. organ. You have blightsight out to 10 feet.
Perceive. When you make a Perception check, you can
Ambush. As an action, you can create a 30-foot-radius
sphere of fog centered on a point you can see within 60 feet expend one Primordial Die to add it to the roll. You can do so
of you. The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is after the initial roll, but before the roll’s effects occur.
heavily obscured. It lasts for 1 hour, until a wind of moderate Primordial Vigor
or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it, or Your muscles grow larger. You treat any levels of exhaustion
until you lose concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). you have as if they were one less. You still die if you reach 6
You can expend a number of Primordial Dice up to your levels of exhaustion.
proficiency bonus to increase the radius of the sphere by 10 Endure. As an action, you can gain temporary hit points
feet per die expended. equal to your Primordial Die + your Constitution modifier.
Once you use Ambush, you can’t again until you finish a
short or long rest. Rabid Evasion
Bulwark Your frame thins. You can take the Disengage action as a
You grow a thick layer of fat. Your hit point maximum gains a bonus action.
Escape. As a reaction when you take damage, you can
bonus equal to your incarnate level. This bonus increases as expend one Primordial Die to move up to your speed without
you gain levels in this class. provoking opportunity attacks.
Brace. As a reaction when you fail a Strength,
Constitution, or Charisma saving throw, you can expend one Rapid Metabolism
Primordial Die to add it to the roll, potentially turning the Your body fat decreases. When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit
failure into a success. points and the number rolled is less than your Constitution
Burdened Soul modifier, treat that number as your Constitution modifier.
Heal. When you regain hit points from a source other than
Small and tiny beasts instinctually avoid you. You gain a Hit Dice, you can expend one Primordial Die to regain
bonus to Wisdom saving throws equal to your Primordial additional hit points equal to the expended die + your
Die. Constitution modifier.
Reflected Fear. As a reaction when you succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw from a creature you can see, you can Thick Hide
expend one Primordial Die to force that creature to make a Your skin becomes thick hide, or you grow scales. While not
Wisdom saving throw. The creature must subtract the wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.
expended die from their saving throw total. On a failure, the Cushion. As a reaction when you take bludgeoning,
creature is frightened of you for 1 minute. It can repeat the piercing, or slashing damage, you can expend one Primordial
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending this effect Die to reduce that instance of damage by the expended die +
on itself on a success. your incarnate level + your Constitution modifier.
Call of the Hunt Acid Spit
Your legs lengthen. While in your normal form, your walking
speed is increased by 10 feet if you aren’t wearing any armor. 3rd-level incarnate, Adaptable
Your saliva becomes dangerously acidic. You learn the acid
Hunt. As a bonus action, you can expend one Primordial
Die to move up to your speed toward a hostile creature you splash cantrip. You can cast it without spell components, and
can see or hear. the DC when you do is your Primordial save DC.
Spit. When you cast acid splash, you can expend one
Eyes of the Apex Primordial Die to increase the size of the damage dice from
Your eyes morph to match the eyes of your primordial. You d6s to your Primordial Die. For example, at 5th level, you
have darkvision out to 120 feet. would roll 2d8 instead of 2d6.
Focus. As a bonus action, you can expend one Primordial
Die to sharpen your vision. For the next minute, your
darkvision is unimpeded by magical darkness, and dim light
doesn’t impose disadvantage on your Perception checks. The
first Perception check you make that relies on sight during
that minute gains a bonus equal to your Primordial Die.
Amphibious Anchor. If you would be forcibly moved or knocked prone,
you can expend one Primordial Die to prevent it, unless the
3rd-level incarnate, Aquatic
You grow gills. While in your normal form, you gain a effect is being physically applied by a creature two or more
swimming speed equal to your walking speed and can sizes larger than you.
breathe underwater. If you already have a swimming speed, it Persistent Evolution
increases by 10 feet.
Blood Rush. While completely submerged in water, you
5th-level incarnate, Adaptable
can expend one Primordial Die as a bonus action to move up Your features are constantly shifting to match your
to your swimming speed. You must remain in the water environment. You have advantage on saving throws to avoid
during this movement. You can then make a weapon attack the effects of extreme heat, cold, and environmental hazards
at advantage. such as freezing water or quicksand.
Adapt. As a reaction when you take damage, you can
Conduit expend one Primordial Die to gain resistance to one damage
3rd-level incarnate, Energized type that hit you.
Energy roils beneath your skin. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a Primal Intuition
damage die for your Energized damage, you can reroll that
die, but you must use the new roll. 5th-level incarnate
Your eyes grow larger. You can’t be surprised while you
Sear. When you deal your Energized damage, you can
expend one Primordial Die to add it to the damage roll. are conscious.
Intuit. When you make a Wisdom (Insight) check, you can
Extraplanar Psionics expend one Primordial Die to add it to the roll. You can do so
3rd-level incarnate, Extraplanar after the initial roll, but before the roll’s effects occur.
Your head grows larger or grows antennae. You can Primordial Fortitude
telepathically speak to any creature you can see within 60
feet of you. You don’t need to share a language with the 5th-level incarnate
You grow a foot taller. When you enter your Titanus Form,
creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but roll a number of Primordial Dice equal to your Constitution
the creature must be able to understand at least one modifier. You regain hit points equal to the total rolled.
language. If the creature does share a language with you, it Renew. When you use Fortitude to gain temporary hit
can respond telepathically to you, if you allow it. points, you can also expend and roll one Hit Die to regain hit
Telepath. You can expend one Primordial Die to cast
detect thoughts, without using a spell slot or any
points equal to the number rolled + your Consitution
components. The DC is your Primordial save DC. You can modifier.
use Telepath a number of times equal to your proficiency Soul Mote
bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a
long rest. 5th-level incarnate, Extraplanar
You can partition part of your soul into a gemstone. When
Passive Sustentation you finish a long rest while in contact with a gem worth at
least 100 gp, you can store one Primordial Die in the gem for
3rd-level incarnate, Unusual
You do not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, and you each 100 gp the gem is worth (a gem worth 500 gp can hold
can’t be forced to sleep by any means. To gain the benefits of 5 dice), up to a maximum of 10 dice. You can only have one
a long rest, you can spend all 8 hours doing light activity, of these gems at a time, but you can add more dice to it while
such as keeping watch. it’s in your possession each time you finish a long rest, up to
Inure. As a bonus action, you can expend one Primordial
its maximum.
Release. As a bonus action, you can release the energy
Die to end the poisoned condition on yourself. inside the gem, transferring any number of Primordial Dice
Breath of Destruction inside it to you, up to your Primordial Die maximum. If you
transfer the last Primordial Die out of the gem, roll a d20. On
5th-level incarnate, Titanus Form with a Primordial Breath
action a 1, it shatters.
You develop a pulsing bioluminescence. When you roll a 1 Skyborn
or 2 on a damage die for your Primordial Breath, you can
reroll that die, and you must use the new roll. 5th-level incarnate, Aerial
You grow minor versions of your primordial’s flying
Exhale. You can use the Primordial Breath action of your
Titanus Form, though you may only expend up to two appendages. You can use your reaction when you fall to
Primordial Dice on it. It counts as a Ferocious attack, and reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal to 5
you use 1 for your Size modifier. times your incarnate level.
Soar. As a bonus action, you can expend one Primordial
Immovable Die to gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed until
the start of your next turn. If you are airborne at the start of
5th-level incarnate
Your legs thicken. You have advantage on Athletics checks that turn, you fall unless you immediately use this bonus
made to prevent or escape a grapple. action again.
Art Credits:
Jenn Ravenna - Cover
Antonio José Manzanedo - pg 1
Zezhou Chen - pg 5
Svetlin Velinov - pg 6
Antonio Jose Manzanedo - pg 7
Chase Stone - pg 8
Nick Southam - pg 9
Kotakan - pg 11
Nicholas Gregory - pg 12
Johann Bodin - pg 14
Slawomir Maniak - pg 15
Hayama Kohei - pg 17
Chris Rahn - pg 18
Joz - pg 20
Lucas Graciano - pg 22
Torstein Nordstrand - pg 24
Yigit Koroglu - pg 26
Lius Lasahido - pg 31
Jonas De Ro - Back Cover