Literature Review On Improper Waste Disposal

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Navigating the intricacies of crafting a literature review on improper waste disposal can be a

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Moreover, discerning relevant insights and organizing them into a coherent narrative presents its own
set of challenges.

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The first study investigates the environmental effectiveness of. All the steps involved in the
management of these wastes must be followed in sequence. It also pollutes surface soil rapidly by the
leachate product from the dump. Sustainable Practices of E-Waste Management: Keyactors,
Obstacles and Way-for. The rapid industrialization has been key to the economic growth. At a
corporate level, even the smallest business is touched by issues such as environmental regulations,
standardization and business standards, occupational health and safety, traffic congestion, land and
energy use, waste management and corporate social responsibility. Inappropriate solid waste disposal
is a major threat to the environments of developing countries since most of the solid waste generated
in developing countries end up directly in open dumps which are uncontrolled and overloaded.
Saving in waste disposal costs through reduction, reuse or recycling can be particularly significant,
and costs of waste disposal often tends to be underestimated, despite their recent substantial
increase in tapes. For any management of solid waste there is a huge back up from urban local
bodies. This practice gives rise to not only a tremendous volume of waste. Taking control of the way
company uses its resources improves management control as well as ensuring that the company
complies with legislation. A comprehensive survey was conducted and data were also collected from
local municipal department. If you take the time to send these items to recyclable locations, they can
be reused and returned to consumers, preventing them from becoming waste or harming the
environment. Tourist inflow is increasing rapidly and steadily with consequent increase in the
generation of the amount of solid wastes that has become a menace to the town itself. Due to
uncontrolled dumping of waste on street side, open ground various types of diseases are spreading, it
gives ugly look. Rats consume and spoil food and can damage the crops of farmers or crops of people
that have business on it, spread disease, damage electrical cables and other materials and inflict
unpleasant bites to humans. It is also disturbing and destroying the local ecosystem of Ratanpur area
and hence, it must be addressed and some effective measures needs to be formulated and executed in
order to restore the environmental balance of this stretch of the Coastal Regulation Zones. Each
domestic property is issued with 2 55 litre crates to make this service easier for sorting. The Central
Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has formulated guidelines and standards for facilitating better site
selection for TSDF and operation of its facilities. The effectiveness of organizations EMS's or
procedures will be part of our assessment for judging what does and does not constitute 'real' risk. I
feel that waste management is an important and integral part of our society and therefore needs to be
acknowledged as one of the few things that may help to preserve the beauty and splendour of the
Blue Mountains for future generations. Based on the research problem we can hypothesize: Yes,
waste management has a great impact on the environment. Waste management is the collection,
transport, processing, recycling or disposal, and monitoring of waste materials. However, containers
for used or disused pesticides, weedkillers, and rodenticides could be a health hazard to households
and sprayers. Sullage, also known as greywater, is water that has been used for washing in bathrooms
and kitchens; it does not include human waste (Basic Principles and Concepts of Waste
Management, n.d.). For Later 100% (4) 100% found this document useful (4 votes) 11K views 15
pages Improper Waste Disposal Can Create Environmental Problem Environmental Sciences Essay
Uploaded by Ayra Jezzamine Ramos AI-enhanced description Improper waste disposal can create
environmental problems by polluting the air, water, and land. The enormous increase in solid waste
generation particularly in large cities will have significant impact in terms of the land required for
waste disposal Keyword: Environmental, Modern technological, solid waste, disposal of solid waste,
unavailability of modern technological Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download
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and its impact on environmental pollution and public health Prof.Dr.Suaad AL-Taai The study of
waste is very important, and its decomposition into toxic substances as well as unpleasant odors. In
India, approach towards Solid waste management is still unscientific. You can describe the solid
waste from general housework as residential waste, garbage, household waste, or domestic waste.
The BMCC has two WMF’s one situated in Katoomba and the other in Blaxland of course there are
other waste management facilities in the Blue Mountains one in Blackheath and the other in Lawson
however both of these have been closed down and are no longer in use. The American Electronics
Association (AEA), which has 300 member. The price of waste disposal has increased significantly.
These wastes may cause damage during inadequate storage, transportation, treatment, or disposal
operations; therefore they need to be properly treated. Souabi Environmental Science Water, Air and
Soil Pollution 2023 The world’s population growth has resulted in an increase in wastewater, waste,
and leachate production, which can harm the environment and incur significant costs for society.
Waste management is also carried out to recover resources from it. Industries have contributed to
water pollution by dumping industrial waste into the sea or rivers. Contents Page no. 2 of the study 3
Objectives of the study 3 Rationale of the study 3-4. Municipalities all around the world are dealing
with increasing levels of solid garbage and need to devise effective strategies to tackle the problem.
Naeem Published 11 November 2010 Environmental Science Social Work Solid waste damps are
seriously spoiling the environmental conditions in developing countries. This paper aims to analyse
the current status, problems and challenges in HW Management and future strategies for
improvement. The impact of waste on the environment and public health has become a serious
matter, and it is necessary to find an appropriate solution for it. Until recently, industrial hazardous
waste was not legally distinguished from municipal garbage and other solid wastes. By
contaminating the land, it can seep into our agricultural soil and even into our groundwater (Garbage
Reduction, n.d.). We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The enormous increase in
solid waste generation particularly in large cities will have significant impact in terms of the land
required for waste disposal Keyword: Environmental, Modern technological, solid waste, disposal of
solid waste, unavailability of modern technological Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Whether it's local
government, national government, suppliers or ultimately customers and the wider society in general,
the message is the same - reduce, reuse recover, recycle more and landfill less. However, further
investigation revealed that only about. Published in 2010 Environmental impacts of improper solid
waste management in developing countries: a case study of Rawalpindi City N. Ejaz N. Akhtar H.
Nisar U. Naeem Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar's Logo Figure 1 of 5 Stay Connected With
Semantic Scholar Sign Up What Is Semantic Scholar. Furthermore, sources, characteristics, effects
and treatment methods are within the scope of this paper. To break the transmission path of these
disease agents, there needs to be complete sanitation, which means the prevention of any human
contact with waste, i.e., no open defecation and the proper handling of solid waste. In the process of
evaluation of different models of EMS i.e. ISO 14001, ACRON (BS 8555), Environmental
Management and Audit System (EMAS), the study will evaluate the different systems and try to
conclude the best-fit system for the company through which waste management could be done. This
large margin reflects the results obtained by the US EPA’s. The research sheds light on the definition
of waste, the most important factors that contribute to the aggravation of waste accumulation, both
in cities and villages, and its most important types, including industrial, agricultural, household,
medical, solid, liquid, and others. Taking old paint to the hazardous facility, keeping recyclables out
of the trash, and various other rules of disposal are all designed as a form of protection for the world
around you. During the preparation of scientific research, we noticed a problem: “What is the
influence of the waste management on the environment?” Today, every person living on planet Earth
is worried about environmental pollution because the consequences faced every day, through the air
we breathe, the food and water we consume, through pollution and radiation we are exposed to.
They include kerbside recyclables, green waste, concrete rubble, scrap metal, car bodies and tires.
Waste produced in other areas is defined as industrial, commercial, institutional, or agricultural
waste, or street sweepings, depending on its source. However, after investigation, the AEA’s claim
was deemed unfounded. Everything that surrounds us is directly or indirectly connected to the
The questionnaire designed was based on best practice methodology and includes respondents'
knowledge on waste management, awareness of respondents' about what happens to their waste,
attitude concerning the methods of waste disposal, Identify perceived barriers and solutions to
managing waste and the possible ways to improve waste management. In the company, key staff
members and top management whose role involves active role in waste management has to be
selected for the interviews. Burning paper, plastics, and other materials can pollute the air. Rationale
of study: Sustainability has become a broad church in which the congregation ranges form
governments to multinational corporations from non-governmental organizations to medium-sized
and small companies and from aid charities to private individuals. By contaminating the land, it can
seep into our agricultural soil and even into our groundwater (Garbage Reduction, n.d.). There are
different categories of wastes but in this article our prime focus is on hazardous waste and also its
management, hazardous in simpler terms means toxic. The message bearing down on the business
community is clear- each organization must take the responsibility for reducing the impact of its
business on the environment. Plastics, metals, paper, and certain types of glass can all be recycled at
your local recycling center. Waste management is an important activity in the world. The second is to
protect the food from contamination, and the third is to protect the potential host, the person who
may become infected, from contaminated food, fingers, drinking water, or other objects. I feel that
waste management is an important and integral part of our society and therefore needs to be
acknowledged as one of the few things that may help to preserve the beauty and splendour of the
Blue Mountains for future generations. Other high-risk group includes population living close to a
waste dump and those, whose water supply has become contaminated either due to waste dumping
or leakage from landfill sites. Improper waste disposal means the lack of proper waste management
systems, which ensure the safe disposal of waste. To highlight the main causes of improper solid
waste management in developing countries, Rawalpindi city is selected as a case study. We are
experiencing very hot weather because of greenhouse effect and global warming. Also in India there
are few well established transport, storage and disposal facilities (TSDF). In the early 1990's work
was initiated by the British Standards Institution (BSI) to develop an EMS specification, which was
first published as BS 7750 (BSI, 1992). Interviews are an excellent way of gaining 'factual'
information such as in present details of company's policies and government initiatives. Waste needs
to be managed in order to prevent contact with humans or their immediate environment. Their
wealth was ruined by those storms, floods, etc. This natural biological decomposition process ensures
that, under the right conditions, these wastes do not accumulate in the environment (Basic rules and
concepts of waste management, n.d.). Environmental management systems have been adopted by
most of the organizations. The way an organization uses and disposes of resources has an impact on
both costs and an environment. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. If we
know how to use it by the concept of waste hierarchy, fewer problems will be encountered. What's
more, just about every element of our society demands it. Many e-waste recyclers charge fees to
cover costs such as labour. Few suggestions for betterment is also given at end of the paper. The
major sources of solid waste are hotel and restaurants, markets, tourist spots, households and others.
Many companies do not know what they spend on waste, and few companies are aware that the real
cost of waste (including the value of raw materials, energy and wasted labor) can be up to 20 times
the cost of disposal alone. These management standards have created an international blue print for
integrating environmental issues into management structure of an organization. Waste management is
an area that directly affects most businesses and is highly legislated by laws that can be difficult to
apply and interpret. What are the current challenges faced by engineers and. Businesses and
industries with environmentally aware practices are prospering and making savings. People have
become aware of the presence of what is called a carbon footprint. We are experiencing very hot
weather because of greenhouse effect and global warming. Negative environmental impacts from
improper solid waste dumping can be easily observed everywhere in the developing world. It can be
very diverse in its constituents (Basic rules and concepts of waste direction, n.d.). It discusses
essential topics, including the impact of waste on the environment and its significant impact on air,
water, and soil pollution, the diseases it causes to humans, and the losses it inflicts on the countries'
economies. The residue that accumulates in sewerage intervention workss is called sludge ( or
biosolids ). The Western Courier reports that as plastic water bottles break down, they can release
DEHA, a type of carcinogen that can cause reproductive problems, liver issues, and weight loss. The
article provides literature on the sources of industrial waste and their harmful effects on the body.
Study and work has been done in metro and large cities while medium scale and small scale towns
and villages are neglected for municipal solid waste management. The main aim of the study has to
be fulfilled through establishing relationship between waste generated and material used. Many
places in the Philippines are down to flood every time when typhoon comes. This approach is
insensitive technocratic compartmentalized and authoritarian, centralize and non-sustainable and is
based on command and coercion i.e. forceful implementation of development plan not caring for
needs and aspiration of large section of society. Business needs to be more aware of how its actions
impact on the environment and human health. Already, many cities are having trouble in disposing
of mounting heaps of trash. Sullage, also known as greywater, is water that has been used for
washing in bathrooms and kitchens; it does not include human waste (Basic Principles and Concepts
of Waste Management, n.d.). In the early 1990's work was initiated by the British Standards
Institution (BSI) to develop an EMS specification, which was first published as BS 7750 (BSI,
1992). The solid waste produced could contain chemicals, wood, metal, ceramic, or other
components (Basic rules and concepts of waste direction, n.d.). Apart to that unplanned urban
settlement and encroachments are also responsible for poor waste collection and disposal system. The
enormous increase in solid waste generation particularly in large cities will have significant impact in
terms of the land required for waste disposal Keyword: Environmental, Modern technological, solid
waste, disposal of solid waste, unavailability of modern technological Download Free PDF View
PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. At a
corporate level, even the smallest business is touched by issues such as environmental regulations,
standardization and business standards, occupational health and safety, traffic congestion, land and
energy use, waste management and corporate social responsibility. Excessive Increment in E-Waste
System and its Prohibition through Green Compu. We guarantee authentic, quality, 100% plagiarism
free work or your money back. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and
is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics. At the next
level, a questionnaire has to be administered on the larger sample size. Neighboring areas are reluctant
to serve as the cities dumps and locations, that are suitable for land fill operations are getting scarce.
Dubai is one of the growing business and industrial. RELATED PAPERS Vocabulary and syntactic
knowledge factors in 5th grade students’ reading comprehension Dale Niederhauser Download Free
PDF View PDF. There are two main issues associated with dealing with waste arising. In addition,
the hazardous waste may end up in landfills not intended or permitted for those type of wastes
which could in turn impact groundwater. Longer-term changes can be incorporated into and
environment management system (EMS) which can be independently audited if required. A case
study of one of the solid waste dumping site in Mavallipur village, Bangalore Urban Distrct, India,
has been conducted by interaction with BBMP officials, householders of village, and NGO of ESG
were interviewed to examine current practices and related environmental problems. The overall
environmental impacts associated with current practice of waste disposal in Mavallipur dumping site
is presented in this paper. A survey of 359 electronics manufacturers in Greater. Treatment and
disposal of sewerage sludge are major factors in the design and operation of all effluent intervention
workss. Balitaan 2019 The generation of hazardous waste is a necessary side effect of modern
industrial production. Download Free PDF View PDF MEMORANDUM To The MINISTRY OF
WASTE MANAGEMENT (MSWM) Syed Zainal Download Free PDF View PDF
MUNICIPALITY IJESRT Journal Municipal solid waste is nowadays becoming more area of
concern due to increase in population and decrease in area for disposal of the same. Quayyum
Environmental Science Buildings and Cities 2021 Two Dhaka, Bangladesh, landfills are explored to
understand how management practices impact environmental quality and public health in the
surrounding areas. Foul smells prevail almost always near the dumping sites and during monsoon,
rainwater mixed with organic waste pollute both the surface and ground water. This category of
waste is composed of both hazardous (infectious) and non-hazardous wastes (also referred to as
general waste) (Basic rules and concepts of waste direction, n.d.). There are concerns over medical
consequences from landfill sites and older incinerators, including cancer, mortality, birth defects and
low birth weight. The dumping of waste materials in open areas, unauthorized landfills, the dumping
of the waste materials in the creek, pond and other open areas are also termed as potentially
dangerous means of waste disposal. Integrating responsibility for environmental issues into day-to-
day work ensures that initiatives last beyond initial enthusiasm. Vidal (2005) reports: “More than
1,000 tonnes of contaminated household. Municipalities all around the world are dealing with
increasing levels of solid garbage and need to devise effective strategies to tackle the problem. There
is also a risk of greenhouse gases being released. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. In Pakistan, due to a
lack of proper planning and funding, the solid waste management scenario is becoming worse day by
day. Decomposing waste produces a mix of water and toxins called leachates that can enter the
public water supply. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency links the improper burning of solid
waste dumps to harmful chemical explosions and climate change on a global scale. Secondly the
reason that waste management is important is that without it diseases may break loose through poor
hygiene, pollution and possible extinction of some species would definitely be major issues that
would need to be addressed. Interview area commonly used method in development research
because of its range of information that can be obtained. Over time, the chemicals can build up in the
ozone layer (Boehlke, 2010). Each domestic property is issued with 2 55 litre crates to make this
service easier for sorting. Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or
disposal, and monitoring of waste materials. Proactive approach to environmental management is
based on the skill of anticipation of environmental problems to occur and hence there should be
proper ways of predictions of certain problems arising out of uses of natural resources. At treatment
plants, hazardous waste interferes with the biological treatment process by killing bacteria and
contaminating the effluent that runs into the ocean and the biosolids which cannot then be reused as
fertilizer. What are the general approaches taken to overcome the issues.
It will also state some measures of how can solid waste pollution can be reduced or controlled. What
are the general approaches taken to overcome the issues. Inappropriate solid waste disposal is a major
threat to the environments of developing countries since most of the solid waste generated in
developing countries end up directly in open dumps which are uncontrolled and overloaded. Unlike
other animals, humans create too much waste for nature to keep up. The council is trying to convey
the message across to people to cut down on waste. Environmental pollution is present from the very
beginning of life, but today it is a serious problem that threatens the survival of mankind. Waste
management. What is it, some may ask, “why should I care about what a few dry old men want to
do with my trash?”-my little brother. Surveys such as MetaFacts’ send signals to industry that. The
lifespan of this facility may be cut down even further due to aboriginal land claims over the valley in
which the facility is located. However, further investigation revealed that only about. The next major
target is an average waste collection rate of four kilograms. The paper also focuses on impact of
hazardous waste landfill site to explore environmental impacts relating to disposal facility. Where
further reduction is not practicable, products and materials can sometimes be reused, either for the
same or a different purpose (Pike et al., 2000). Recycling recovers materials from waste and converts
them into a marketable or usable product. In Pakistan, due to a lack of proper planning and funding,
the solid waste management scenario is becoming worse day by day. Newspapers or paper that
contains ink can also be toxic to the soil. The proposal has since been through revisions and the. Each
domestic property is issued with 2 55 litre crates to make this service easier for sorting. Around our
community you will find the following recycle services, the Bottle drop off recycling centers found
in Glenbrook, Springwood, Winmalee, Hazelbrook, Katoomba and Blackheath. A careful evaluation
on the environmental impacts of different waste management facilities is thus recommended, in
particular for incineration Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading
Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. This is where environmental management systems
and procedures can reduce the risk of environmental accidents. Decomposing waste produces a mix
of water and toxins called leachates that can enter the public water supply. The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency links the improper burning of solid waste dumps to harmful chemical explosions
and climate change on a global scale. What are the current challenges faced by engineers and
industry to eliminate e-waste?. 9. Proactive approach to environmental management is based on the
skill of anticipation of environmental problems to occur and hence there should be proper ways of
predictions of certain problems arising out of uses of natural resources. Management of solid waste is
an essential service delivered by the municipalities to the society. It is necessary to know the
properties of the waste so as to assess whether its uncontrolled release to the environment would lead
to toxic effects on humans or other living organism in ecosystem of Bilaspur area. William (2004)
also found that “in contrast with many. Various criteria and tests have been devised by different
agencies to determine the toxicity of a given substance. So as you can see there is an abundance of
space up here in the Blue Mountains. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Air
pollution from landfill emissions, ground water pollution from leachates, health problems due to
breeding of disease causing pests and social problems such as decreasing land values and aesthetic
appeal of an area etc.
The new laws, if implemented in a timely fashion, will help. This is not an example of the work
written by our professional essay writers. You can describe the solid waste from general housework
as residential waste, garbage, household waste, or domestic waste. And worst, a large number of
families have lost their shelters and have nothing left for them. Due to shortage of storage bins,
collection efficiency is very low which has severely damaged the environmental condition and also
induces to stray dog population phenomenally. All of these are the effects of improper waste
management. Therefore, these items should be safely removed in collaboration with the agricultural
development extension agents in your kebele (Basic rules and concepts of waste direction, n.d.). In
recent times, E-waste and plastic waste also contribute considerably to total waste stream due to
utilization of electronic and other items. These wastes may cause a potential hazard to human health
or environment if any of the aspects of solid waste management is not managed effectively.
Yaghmaeian, Fatemeh Momeniha Download Free PDF View PDF Environmental pollution and
waste management Suad Becirovic This paper will discuss the problem of environmental pollution
and waste management. Good environmental performance goes hand in hand with good business
performance has been well documented. The service is conducted on the same day as our domestic
waste collection. The results suggested that in most of cases MSW is being dumped openly along
roadsides and open spots in the city. Public dumped the wastes in open ground or side of the market
without proper segregation which is difficult for the municipal cooperation to collect. Chartered
Management Institute Oral presentation recycling paper peshi Oral presentation recycling paper peshi
marudiaz77 Final Thesis Msc. Where further reduction is not practicable, products and materials can
sometimes be reused, either for the same or a different purpose (Pike et al., 2000). Recycling
recovers materials from waste and converts them into a marketable or usable product. The garbage is
separated and placed in to piles and is ether berried or is recycled. This large margin reflects the
results obtained by the US EPA’s. Examples include open burning of plastic waste, exposure to. This
practice gives rise to not only a tremendous volume of waste. Although most definitions describe
what it means for. The most common chemicals involved are petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents,
pesticides, lead and other heavy metals. Let be our doings be the model of proper waste
management. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The strictest regulations
regarding the Basel Convention are the. Download Free PDF View PDF Solid Waste Management:
A Case Study of Digha, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal Ashis Sarkar Digha is one of the fastest
growing tourist towns inWest Bengal. The carbon footprint is the carbon dioxide emissions or
equivalents we leave behind from our consumption patterns. Like the Katoomba facility the same
materials are taken away to be recycled, but there are no facilities to recycle engines and car oil. Such
wastes are mostly non-hazardous and biodegradable in nature. However, these products may become
dangerous and hazardous when used, stored or disposed of carelessly.

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