The document outlines the structure and content of a Physics pre-board examination for Class 11. It contains 4 sections with multiple choice, very short, short, and long answer questions. Section A contains 10 multiple choice questions covering topics like momentum, force, acceleration, and thermodynamics. Sections B-D contain very short, short, and long answer questions respectively, asking students to state laws and concepts, derive equations, and solve problems involving projectiles, simple harmonic motion, capillarity, surface tension, and more. The exam aims to test students' understanding of key Physics concepts and their ability to apply equations and reasoning skills.
The document outlines the structure and content of a Physics pre-board examination for Class 11. It contains 4 sections with multiple choice, very short, short, and long answer questions. Section A contains 10 multiple choice questions covering topics like momentum, force, acceleration, and thermodynamics. Sections B-D contain very short, short, and long answer questions respectively, asking students to state laws and concepts, derive equations, and solve problems involving projectiles, simple harmonic motion, capillarity, surface tension, and more. The exam aims to test students' understanding of key Physics concepts and their ability to apply equations and reasoning skills.
The document outlines the structure and content of a Physics pre-board examination for Class 11. It contains 4 sections with multiple choice, very short, short, and long answer questions. Section A contains 10 multiple choice questions covering topics like momentum, force, acceleration, and thermodynamics. Sections B-D contain very short, short, and long answer questions respectively, asking students to state laws and concepts, derive equations, and solve problems involving projectiles, simple harmonic motion, capillarity, surface tension, and more. The exam aims to test students' understanding of key Physics concepts and their ability to apply equations and reasoning skills.
The document outlines the structure and content of a Physics pre-board examination for Class 11. It contains 4 sections with multiple choice, very short, short, and long answer questions. Section A contains 10 multiple choice questions covering topics like momentum, force, acceleration, and thermodynamics. Sections B-D contain very short, short, and long answer questions respectively, asking students to state laws and concepts, derive equations, and solve problems involving projectiles, simple harmonic motion, capillarity, surface tension, and more. The exam aims to test students' understanding of key Physics concepts and their ability to apply equations and reasoning skills.
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Subject- Physics Maximum Marks-70
Class – 11TH Time – 3 Hrs SECTION – A Q1Multiple choice questions (1x10=10) 1)In an explosion, a body breaks up into two pieces of unequal masses. In this (a) both parts will have numerically equal momentum (b) lighter part will have more momentum (c) Heavier part will have more momentum (d) both parts will have equal kinetic energy 2) If a stone is thrown out of an accelerated train, then acceleration of the stone at any instant depends on (a) force acting on it at that instant (b) acceleration of the train (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of these 3) If a light body and heavy body have same kinetic energy, then which one has greater-linear momentum? (a) Lighter body (b) Heavier body (c) Both have same momentum (d) Can't be predicted 4) Centre of mass of an isolated system has a (a) increasing velocity (b)Constant velocity (c)Decreasing velocity. (d) None of the option 5) Choose the correct alternative. Acceleration due to gravity is independent of the mass of the earth/mass of the body. 6) By the Zeroth law of Thermodynamics, the thermodynamic variable whose value is equal for two systems in thermal equilibrium is (a) Mass. (b) Pressure (c) Volume. (d) Temperature 7) The law of equipartition of energy is applicable to the system whose constituents are: (a) in orderly motion (b) at rest (c) in random motion (d) moving with constant speed 8) Which of the following have the same dimensions as Plank's constant? (a) Moment of momentum (b) Moment of force (c) Momentum/distance (d) Force/distance 9) What is the number of significant figures in (3.20 +4.80) × 10 5? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d)5 10) If the force applied to a body is doubled and the mass is cut in half, What would be the accelerations' ratio? a) 1:2 b) 2:1 C) 1:4 d) 4:1 Section-B--Very short type question. (2x9=18) Q11) The driver of a three-wheeler moving at a speed of 36 km/h sees a child standing in the middle of the road and brings his vehicle to rest in 4.0 s just in time to save the child. What is the average retarding force on the vehicle? The mass of the three-wheeler is 400 kg, and the mass of the driver is 65kg. Q12) State and prove work energy theorem. Q13) A body weighs 63 N on the surface of the earth. What is the gravitational force on it due to t earth at a height equal to half the radius of the earth? Q14) A piece of copper having a rectangular cross-section of 15.2 mm x 19.1 mm is pulled in tension with 44 500 N forre, producing only elastic deformation Calculate the resulting strain. Q15) State and derive radius of gyration. Q16) Define a) wein’s displacement law. b) stefan’s law. Q17) Discuss the concept of isobaric and isochoric process on the basis of first law of thermodynamics. Q18) Deduce the concept of kinetic interpretation of temperature. Q19) Difference between transverse and longitudinal wave motion. Section -C. - Short type question. (3x9=27) Q20) Derive an expression for vehicle on a level circular road. Q21) The sign of work done by a force on a body is important to understand. State carefully if the following quantities are positive or negative (a) Work done by a man in lifting a bucket out of a well by means of a rope fied to the bucket. (b) Work done by the gravitational force in the above case. (c) Work done by friction on a body sliding down an inclined plane. Q22) Define angular momentum. Show that angular momentum of a rotating body remains constant. Q23) Derive an expression for variation of acceleration due to gravity with depth. Q24) State and prove mayers formula. Q25) Derive an expression for specific heat of diatomic gas molecules. Q26) Derive an expression for equation of a plane progressive wave. Q27) The mass of a box measured by a grocer's balance is 2.30 kg. Two gold pieces of masses 20.15 g and 20.17 g are added to the box.What is (a) the total mass of the box (b) the difference in the masses of the pieces to correct significant figures? Q28) The ceiling of a long hall is 25 m high. What is the maximum horizontal distance so that a ball is thrown with a speed of 40m/s. can go without hitting the ceiling of the hall? Section-D-Long type question.(5x3=15) Q29) Define projectile. Derive an expression for path of projectile, time of flight, maximum height and horizontal range for an object is thrown with an initial velocity u making an angle with the ground. OR a)State and analytical proof of triangle law of vector addition. b) prove that dot product of two equal vector is equal to square of its magnitude. Q30) Define simple harmonic motion. Give its characteristics using geometrical interpretation. OR Define beat. Derive an expression for it. Prove that frequency of sound waves for maximum and minimum are equal. Q31) Define capillarity. Derive an expression for rise of liquid in a capillary tube. Give its two applications OR Define surface tension and surface energy with illustration. Also deduce the relation between them.