Tarr, Jon, Woke Fascism. The Real Threat To Democracy, 2022
Tarr, Jon, Woke Fascism. The Real Threat To Democracy, 2022
Tarr, Jon, Woke Fascism. The Real Threat To Democracy, 2022
Jon Tarr
This book is based on the author's interpretation of facts publicly available
and represents his personal opinion. Readers should not assume that any
individual mentioned in this book is a fascist. However, the author may
interpret various actions and activities by individuals, groups, and
organizations that he believes, in his considered personal opinion, appear to
the author, as similar to current or historical fascist behavior or statements
or which, again in his opinion, have the effect of inadvertently or
deliberately furthering the “fascist” or “Woke fascist” cause in the United
States or other countries. The reader is responsible for determining whether
or not a given person or organization is actually a fascist or intends harm to
others and is responsible for his or her own behavior or statements to that
Originally published as The Fascists Next Door: How Woke Fascism and
Progressives are Destroying America
Copyright © 2022 Jon Tarr All rights reserved. ISBN: 979-8-369-
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... i
1 AMERICA’S FASCIST MOMENT....................................... 1
2 WHO ARE THE FASCISTS NEXT DOOR?.................... 10
3 THE FASCIST SPECTRUM............................................... 17
4 A QUICK LOOK AT FASCISM IN ACTION ................... 20
5 AMERICA AND REVOLUTION....................................... 26
6 UTOPIAN DREAMS ........................................................... 34
7 FASCISM AND HATE ........................................................ 38
8 CRUSHING THE INDIVIDUAL...................................... 49
9 FASCISM PERVERTS ORIGINAL SIN............................ 55
10 THE WAR ON AMERICAN CULTURE ........................ 59
11 ATTACKING THE ROOTS OF CULTURE................... 66
12 DESTROYING THE RULE OF LAW............................. 82
13 RACE AND FASCISM........................................................ 93
14 RACISM AGAINST SOCIETY.......................................... 99
16 BIG TECH CENSORSHIP BY PROXY ........................ 127
17 BIG MEDIA CENSORS AMERICA............................... 141
18 PROPAGANDA: SELLING FASCISM........................... 152
19 THE ATTACK ON CIVIL LIBERTIES ........................ 170
20 MAKING SELF-DEFENSE ILLEGAL ......................... 176
22 DISARMING THE POLICE .......................................... 195
23 CHAOS IN THE STREETS ........................................... 207
24 EMERGENCIES AGAINST LIBERTY ........................ 226
25 A CALL TO ACTION...................................................... 240
APPENDIX A: SAMPLE CODE WORDS.......................... 249
APPENDIX D: WHO IS AN FND...................................... 259
BIBLIOGRAPHY AND READING LIST.......................... 262
SOURCE NOTES................................................................. 265
ABOUT THE AUTHOR...................................................... 279
Student to professor: "Where has communism ever actually worked? "
Professor: He pauses, smiles, and says, "For a few months in Barcelona
[Spain] in 1936." Student: "Just a few months? If it failed everywhere else,
why try it again?" Professor: "Because if we keep trying, we’ll get it right."
To apply communism is an aspiration; in fact it has never been applied
anywhere; it is really still a utopia. — Alejandro Castro Espin
This bizarre conversation between myself and a Marxist
professor of literature reveals the naivete and complacency of the
progressive movement. In effect, the professor said, "Yes, my Utopian
dreams have failed again and again at great cost in human misery. Yes, I
have learned nothing from those endless failures. Yes, I am willing to
subject countless millions of people to the endless repetition of physical,
social, political, and economic disaster in the name of my personal dream of
Safe and sound in a comfortable office, it was easy for a tenured, solidly
upper-middle-class professor at an ultra-liberal college to be complacent.
Not that the professor was an evil man. On the contrary, he was intelligent,
well-educated, and a decent person. Yet, he was willing to impose his
personal fantasies by force, if necessary, on the rest of us. In his view,
America was and is a terrible place, and therefore it is mandatory to
fervently pursue the destruction of our country, culture, faith, and history.
As you will see, the professor and a great many others like him are
indispensable enablers of fascism. They are the "Fascists Next Door"
(FND), Americans who knowingly or unwittingly support doctrines that
have generated more human misery and death than any other social or
political system in history. In the hands of ruthless politicians and activists,
people who think like the professor are the bricks and mortar of fascism's
Utopian fantasies. Without these zealous followers, fascism is just another
nasty political theory.
FNDs are strongly committed – emotionally and otherwise – to ideas,
tactics, and goals that are inimical to democracy and liberty. They generally
describe themselves as Democrats, progressives, Marxists, anti-fascists, or
woke. FNDs support or justify ideas and behavior common to fascism.
Most claim to believe in democracy, justice, equality, and so forth, but how
can that be if their values are shaped by the warmed-over features and
poisonous ideals of historical fascism?
"Woke fascism" is the term I use to describe today's "postmodern"
version of the old fascist "isms" – communism, Nazism, socialism, and
anarchism. Woke-fascist FNDs have adopted many of their predecessors'
core tactics and values, usually without fully understanding the
implications. For example, they are often racist, abhor Western
individualism, despise limits on power, attack civil liberties, and hate the
Constitution and Bill of Rights. They hold their enemies in contempt and
use violence, economic coercion, censorship, deception, and intimidation
against opponents. They undermine democracy, abuse government power,
and increasingly employ the criminal justice system against political
enemies. They are on a quest for absolute control over society and
American culture.
This book documents and exposes Woke fascism's assault on America.
It shows how progressives and left-wing politicians have adopted many of
the strategies and tactics used by Nazis, communists, and other fascists.
Much of this adaptation of fascist ideas stems from a conspiracy of values
among Marxist academics, politicians, activists, and hundreds, even
thousands, of organizations. The gradual infiltration by FNDs of
government, corporations, journalism, media, and education is the result of
decades of activity predicted and encouraged by 20th-century European
Marxists. (See Chapter 10)
What, then, is fascism? The answer is any political party or movement
that rejects virtually all rival social, economic, and cultural values and is
willing to do whatever it takes to dominate society completely. Its goal is to
create and maintain a permanent one-party state. All tactics are acceptable,
including violence, propaganda, racism, mass indoctrination, deception,
secret police, and persecution of opponents. It is Utopian in nature and
promises to rebuild the world as an earthly paradise. Fascism views the
"masses" not as individuals but as groups or classes of people expected to
conform to the party's wishes and support the state without question.
Liberty, freedom, and the rule of law receive little more than lip service.
The party, state, and ruling elites rule supreme. The masses obey.
The various flavors of communism, Nazism, and Italian Fascism, at first
glance, seem very different. However, the supposed differences between
them, which scholars have spent decades emphasizing, are far less
significant than the similarities. Academics claimed Nazism and
communism were dramatically different. They focused on Nazism's racism,
nationalism, and "cooperation" with "capitalism. " Left-wing historians
played down the role of race and nationalism in the Soviet Union. Instead,
they emphasized its seizure of all private property and the imposition of
Marxist-style economics on society. This distinction reflected a desire by
pro-Soviet professors to protect the "good name" of Marxism, which so
many of them use as the basis of their work. Since Nazism was
unquestionably awful, it was necessary to build a protective wall of
scholarship around the Soviet Union and to exaggerate the differences
between the two.
In fact, despite the apparent differences, both systems followed similar
patterns. Both persecuted innocent people for political reasons. The Nazis
exploited racial bias to generate support among voters. Jews were
scapegoats and blamed for everything wrong in the world. The Marxist
Soviet Union targeted wealthy "capitalists" and the middle classes, who
were depicted as evil, selfish exploiters. Communist leaders used relentless
propaganda against their "class" enemies to rally people behind their
oppressive policies. And, like the Nazis, the Soviet Union used race as a
weapon. It conducted massive assaults on various non-Russian minorities,
including Poles, Koreans, Karachays, Volga Germans, Ukrainians, Uzbeks,
Kazaks, and Chechens. These minorities faced executions, imprisonment,
starvation, and brutal treatment that killed thousands or hundreds of
thousands of adults and children.
There were many other similarities. Both systems used secret police to
crush and eliminate political opponents. Both states controlled the national
economy – the Nazis through state capitalism and monopolies, and the
Soviets through the direct seizure of factories, farms, and homes. Both
rigorously censored and controlled journalism, publishing, and all aspects
of culture. Both used education to indoctrinate children and convert them
into politically reliable servants of the state. The list of similarities could go
on, but the point is made for now.
My goal is to identify day-to-day examples of how Woke fascism has
adopted the convenient and useful techniques, tactics, and strategies of
earlier totalitarian parties. I catalog its unapologetic racism, assault on free
speech, violence, Utopian thinking, attack on the rule of law, and the Bill of
Rights. In short, this book is about the war on Americans and American
Woke fascism is not a massive, centrally controlled conspiracy but
rather a conspiracy of values shared by most FNDs. Yes, the Democratic
Party has been actively conspiring to undermine elections. Yes, there is a
very real organized political assault on Donald Trump and Republicans.
There is indeed a conspiracy by Democratic politicians, Deep State
officials, and their helpers in Big Tech and the mainstream media. However,
Woke fascism does not have a "Leader" or depend on a small cabal of
hidden revolutionaries issuing orders to highly organized agents. It is an
amorphous political movement of FNDs who have adopted various fascist
behaviors and ideas with the goal of transforming society. Biden is not the
political mastermind of fascism. He is merely the placeholder. Our
president is a political opportunist whose ambition led him to adopt
progressive causes for political reasons. He is a fascist by default, not a true
believer, merely a power-hungry politician.
Few, if any, FNDs, Democrat politicians, corporate big shots, left-wing
professors, or network executives think of themselves as "fascists." Every
progressive and Democrat on earth sincerely believes they are "anti-fascist"
to the core. Still, in my opinion, their behavior and goals tell a different
story. You don't have to call yourself a "fascist" to behave and think like
one. Certainly, some FNDs are hardcore fascists, but many merely "go
along" with Woke fascism without understanding the full implications of its
attack on American democracy and civilization.
It is indeed ironic that Woke fascists accuse Republicans and "MAGA"
voters – all seventy-four million of them – of being fascists. Biden, as a
presidential candidate, promised to "unify" and "heal" America, but since
taking office, he has unleashed the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the
FBI on his political opponents. His notorious Soul of America speech,
delivered during prime time on September 2, 2022, accused half the
American people of being "semi-fascists" and "extremists." The lurid red
lighting and inky black background, complete with menacing Marine
guards, lent a Hitlerian tone to his angry facial expressions and
gesticulations. How ironic that Biden accuses others of being fascist while
he uses the DOJ to persecute political opponents and secretly encourages
Big Tech to censor his rivals!
In August 2022, the FBI conducted the first "raid" on a former president
in US history. The same month, Twitter blocked Libs of Tik Tok, a popular
account that gives people a chance to see the often bizarre and extreme
posts of "liberals. " Also, in August 2022, the CEO of Facebook publicly
admitted to Joe Rogan that he blocked the Hunter Biden laptop story just
before the 2020 election after the FBI warned him to beware of "Russian
disinformation." At almost the same moment, the Democratic governor of
New York publicly called on the five million Republican residents of the
state to move out. In Florida, the Democratic candidate for governor told
millions of Republicans he didn't want their votes. In the summer of 2022,
Google refused to allow Trump's Truth Social website on its platforms.
Meanwhile, some January 6 trespassers have been rotting in jail without
bail, some in solitary confinement, for over a year without trial. These are a
few of the many facts discussed in this book that show clearly that this
country's real fascists are not "MAGA," conservative voters, or
Republicans. The Fascists Next Door are America's authentic homegrown
fascist movement.
This book is based on my interpretation of publicly available facts. It
represents my personal opinion. I do not accuse any individual mentioned
in this book of being fascist except selected politicians. I am not a mind
reader and cannot look into another person's soul. However, I identify
possible activities of individuals, groups, and organizations that, in my
personal opinion, say or do things that appear similar to current or historical
fascist behavior or that, in my opinion, accidentally or perhaps deliberately
help the fascist cause in this country. That, of course, doesn't prove a
particular person or organization is a Woke fascist. It may or may not be my
opinion. The reader is welcome to decide for him or herself.
Anyone who calls out Woke fascism is inevitably subject to the
possibility of personal attacks designed to intimidate, humiliate, and punish.
FNDs feel free to use any imaginable accusation or manufactured evidence
to silence the opposition. In my view, Woke fascism's willingness to employ
intimidation, deception, economic pain, censorship, and occasional violence
confirms their fascism and verifies my analysis of events.
The baseline assumption of this book is that American civilization, its
democracy, Constitution, culture, economic system, and way of life are
utterly superior to any other country larger than a postage stamp. Woke
fascist attacks on American society are a direct assault on the original
concept of the United States as a place where individuals have protected
liberties and an absolute right to have a say in how they are governed. As
Gouverneur Morris, one of the Founders, once said, "the people are the
king" (S1) – not Joe Biden, billionaire political donors, corporate
executives, political activists, The New York Times, BLM, Antifa, or
Marxist professors at Sarah Lawrence College. Democracy, despite the best
efforts of FNDs, is the only form of government worth having, and we need
to protect it.
December 15, 2022
A Word About Notes: notes labeled S1, S2, S3, etc. contain references
for readers who may wish to see where many (but not all) particular facts,
data, or quotes referred to in the text originated.
Hope springs eternal in the human breast. — Alexander Pope, An Essay on
Be very wary of people who declare that they're going to create heaven
on earth, they almost invariably create hell. — François Lelord (S13)
There is a tyranny in the womb of every Utopia. — Bertrand De Jouvenel
A "Utopia" is an imaginary society where people live in "a place of
ideal perfection, especially in laws, government, and social conditions." In a
Utopia, everything is perfect. People do the right thing. Leaders are selfless
and wise. Citizens behave with justice and humility. Life is endlessly good
and happy, and evil is defeated and banished forever. The Utopian ideal
appears in religions throughout the world. Christianity has Heaven, Islam
offers Paradise, and the Old Testament recalls the joys of the Garden of
Eden. Utopias are just earthly versions of an idealized society — a "heaven
on earth."
Fascism offers an earthly Utopia for people dissatisfied with the real
world. Leaders and intellectuals honestly believe they can build a version of
heaven on earth. Their Utopia guarantees to banish the evils of class, race,
unfairness, hardship, conflict, and pain forever, but not without
"revolutionary struggle." Naturally, fascist politicians and intellectuals
appoint themselves as the leaders of the new Utopia. Sadly, the earthly
Utopias offered by Nazis, communists, progressives, and other fascists
always seem to result in violence, oppression, disruption, economic
collapse, and misery. Fascism invariably produces a hellish dystopia.
Previous failures never deter future generations from trying to get it right
next time — which is why Marxist English professors never learn anything
important from history.
The psychological appeal of Utopia is based on the very human desire
to return to our youth. Childhood is the hidden psychological prototype of
Utopia in which parents assume the burdens and troubles of daily life while
children obey and live without worry or fear. Parents protect their helpless
children from the real world. They create a safe space and defend against
pain, frustration, and anxiety. Though we grow up and leave our infantile
paradise behind, the vague memories of those happy days remain. The
memories may be half-forgotten, but the deep impressions of our infantile
Utopia influence our grown-up thoughts, relationships, expectations,
emotions, ideas, and – dangerously – our politics.
Ironically, the idyllic fantasy of a return to the bliss of early life is an
essential factor in the origin of fascism — an ideology that, in effect,
promises a return to that happy time. The Utopian urge is a repeat of our
infantile desire to return to the safety of parents and home—even a return to
the womb. This is what various forms of fascism offer us.
Karl Marx promised followers that a violent revolution and struggle
between economic groups would create an earthly paradise ruled by the
downtrodden. The evil capitalists and their supporters will be eliminated.
The government will "wither away." People will get along and do the right
thing. Everyone will be a good communist and have enough of whatever
they need. Social and economic problems, at last, will be solved. Like
children, the people will all live in harmony with a boundless future of
opportunity and happiness. A socialist Utopia forever. Well, not quite; the
Soviet Union lasted about 70 years, killed, persecuted, and terrorized
millions of its citizens, and eventually collapsed.
Progressives, Marxists, socialists, anarchists, and BLM make similar
claims. They believe we live in a time of rampant economic and racial evil.
America is supposedly in a period of class conflict and struggles against
"systemic racism." The revolutionary attitude is almost biblical in tone. The
old system will be destroyed. Justice will prevail. America will be
"transformed." The poor must be raised up, and the rich and "white
privilege" defeated. The new society will resolve all of mankind's problems.
Fascism will replace mom and dad. The people will be taken care of from
the cradle to the grave by the government. There will be an endless future
of justice and harmony. Everyone will be treated fairly and have plenty to
eat, free education, a car to drive, free money, and cheap cell phone service.
No one will have to work, and everybody will live happily ever after. So
they think.
Hitler also offered an earthly Utopia. He promised that the Nazi Party
would rise to power after a period of struggle to unite Germany. The people
(the "Volk") will be purged of Jews and other undesirables. Germany will
become rich and powerful. All social and economic problems will be
solved. The Volk will live together in harmony and peace as masters of the
universe. Every German's needs and desires will be fulfilled by a benign
and all-knowing state that would last "a thousand years." It lasted twelve
(1933 to 1945).
All fascist Utopian fantasies are fundamentally alike. Essentially, there
is a period of struggle against the forces of evil — a heroic battle against an
unjust society. The dominant enemies, capitalists in the case of communists,
Jews per the Nazis, non-revolutionary "white" Americans, and Trump
followers, will be crushed. Communists, Nazis, progressives, or socialists
will lead the people to victory. Society will be transformed by wise, benign,
and allknowing leaders, and the old ways will be cast out forever. A
superpowerful global state will create an earthly paradise run by wise,
parent-like leaders and selfless bureaucrats.
Inevitably, the psychology of Utopia is based on the infantile model of
parents taking care of children. Leaders of a fascist state assume the role of
parents. They take responsibility for caring for their children — the
ordinary people fascists call the "masses," "workers," "full-blooded"
Germans, or "people of color." In return, their childlike followers are
expected to obey their betters enthusiastically and unquestioningly.
Unfortunately, ordinary citizens in fascist states cease to be autonomous
adults. They cede their liberty and individuality to the state. They no longer
take responsibility for their own welfare. In effect, they elect to play the
role of grown-up children. Fascist leaders and their associates are the only
autonomous adults in a fully developed fascist state. In Joe Biden's
America, the adults are progressive and Democrat politicians, Big Tech
CEOs, Wall Street billionaires, media executives, and top government
Fascism offers supporters an easy way out of the dilemma of living in a
free society. Sigmund Freud, the founder of modern psychotherapy, wrote,
"most people do not really want freedom because freedom involves
responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility." (S15)
Freedom is challenging. Decisions have consequences. Independent
thinking is difficult. Social psychologist Erich Fromm theorized that life in
a free society — making choices and taking responsibility — generates
anxiety. He suggested that the stress of living in a free community makes
some people open to oppressive systems of government. Who could be
more anxious than a woke adult child obsessed with racism, climate change,
and the other carefully constructed woes of the internet generation?
The Utopian model explains fascist psychology, but other influences
exist. On a personal level, fascists have a hunger for power over others.
Some find pleasure in having power for its own sake and enjoy playing
parent to a hapless mob of woke progressives. Fascism offers leaders a
chance to play God. Imagine the inner world of progressive politicians like
California governor Gavin Newsom or New York governor Andrew Cuomo
barking out warnings, orders, and pronouncements during the Covid-19
crisis. Can anyone doubt the soul-satisfying, probably sadistic, pleasure of
commanding obedience from millions of fearful citizens?
Many fascists behave like, and often are, sociopaths. They are attracted
to the opportunity to act out their aggressive impulses and exhibit a lack of
real empathy for others. Fascists are notoriously careless with the lives of
their child followers. Fascism encourages supporters to adopt their leaders'
hostile and hateful attitudes as their own norms. Fascism (both left and
right) normalizes racism, tribalism, economic envy, and violence against the
"other." It dehumanizes followers by encouraging them to release their own
inner aggression and nurtures their lust for power. FNDs act out anger and
aggression encouraged and justified by their leaders and by the relentless
discourse of fascist Utopianism.
Every fascist state, its leaders, and followers imagine constructing a
Utopia where the immoral, old society and its evil ways are swept away
under their leadership. They use whatever methods seem necessary to
accomplish their goal — perversion of the rule of law, verbal and physical
intimidation, violence, propaganda, censorship, government-controlled
education, economic bullying, and so on. Perhaps most importantly, they
"transform" culture according to their Utopian ideals and fantasies – with
generally disastrous results.
The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether
Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any
property they can call their own… and themselves consigned to a state of
wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of
unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct
of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of
brave resistance, or the most abject submission. — George Washington
This book has documented the relentless Woke fascist assault on you,
your family, friends, and fellow Americans. The facts are clear. Woke
fascism is determined to destroy or transform every aspect of society.
Everything is under attack. Every belief, social activity, or cultural practice
has been undermined, delegitimized, and even outlawed. Americans' most
basic rights and heritage are under attack: free speech, freedom of the press,
parental rights, democracy, work, sexuality, history, education, self-defense,
and even the right to eat meat. The entire system of culture, law, and
economy is being dragged down to destruction and ruin.
These and other outrages are being inflicted on America and Americans
every day. What is to be done? What can ordinary people and readers do to
fight against this intolerable wave of fascism sweeping the country? The
answer is…
Become a "Revolutionary"
Yes, a revolutionary, not a dishonest, hypocritical, souldestroying Woke
fascist revolutionary eager to impose his or her will upon others, but like
the Founders, an American revolutionary who respects and defends the
Constitution and American civilization. We are engaged in a culture war for
the soul of America, and it can only be won with your participation and
help. As George Washington asked, "Where are our Men of abilities? Why
do they not come forth to save their country?" (S314) Be one of those men
and women.
Think for Yourself
First of all, think for yourself. (If you're reading this book, you already do.)
Fascist-friendly politicians, Big Tech, Big Media, Big Education,
progressive billionaires, activists, and celebrities are eager to impose their
ideas and whims on society, don't let them. Reject their propaganda, bizarre
notions, and twisted thinking. Take everything they say with a proverbial
"grain of salt." Never forget that the left always has an agenda for what they
say and what they don't say. The New York Times, CBS, and MSNBC did
not accidentally ignore the Hunter Biden laptop story. They deliberately
kept it out of the news for political reasons. It would still be front-page
news years later had the story been about Donald Trump and his family.
Therefore, be skeptical. Don't believe left-wing government officials,
mainstream media, and Big Tech without plenty of solid evidence to back
up their claims. Always ask yourself, what is their agenda in this particular
story? For example, many school boards insist that they are not teaching
"CRT" to children but at the same time, resist releasing actual teaching
materials and course outlines to the public. Why? What are they concealing
from parents who dare ask questions? Despite denials, CRT and similar
fascist ideas are taught in schools across America as a part of the radical
agenda of many teachers and administrators. The same is true for those
teachers using a "trans" agenda to groom young children sexually. Kids are
often warned not to tell their parents about activities promoting gender
neutrality or other sexualized concepts. The goal is to influence children,
change their thinking, and convert them to radical ideas early enough to
circumvent parental rights until intervention is too late. Remember that
Woke fascism always puts its agenda ahead of other considerations,
including truth.
Thinking independently means using multiple sources of news and
information. Don't rely on just one news organization. The best way to
avoid the relentless brainwashing of the left is to reduce the footprint of Big
Media and Big Tech websites and programs in your life. If you must use
them, be skeptical and never let down your guard. In the author's opinion,
they are hopelessly biased and influenced by Woke fascism. However, they
can be a source of useful news and information if viewed with caution on a
case-by-case basis. For example, while writing this book, the author
gathered information from many sources, including left-wing news
organizations like the New York Times or local CBS News outlets. The trick
is to be skeptical of their interpretations of fact and always suspicious of
their motives.
Speak Up
The time has come for thinking individuals to speak out. If you don't like
the country's direction, "say something." Be heard. Don't let FNDs
dominate the conversation or the national discourse. If you and other
Americans remain silent, then politicians, corporations, and the government
will only hear the continual drumbeat of Woke fascism. Ordinary
Americans, once known as the "silent majority," have become an oppressed
majority because we have remained quiet; "silence gives consent."
Speaking out works. It may take time, but if enough people speak up, they
will be heard. Contact your state legislators, congressmen, senators, and
local officials. Let them know what you think of their policies or actions.
Go to school board or town council meetings and speak out. Call and
complain. Let your local cable company know whether you like or dislike a
program on one of their channels. Speak up if you are offended by Woke
fascist content in an article or editorial on the internet or newspaper. If you
disagree with a corporate policy – perhaps like Disney's promotion of the
"trans" lifestyle to young children, let them know. Your individual voice
Don't be silenced by the left. Politely stand up to your FND relatives, co-
workers, friends, teachers, or employers. People on the left assume no one
will dare challenge their often-incoherent opinions and assumptions. Instead
of being silent or shrugging your shoulders, respectfully give them the facts.
Use logic against their emotional arguments. Challenge their
misinformation and demands. Ask them for evidence to back up their
Reject Woke Fascist Labels and Language
Don't accept the insulting and misleading terminology of the left. No
American who believes in freedom and the Constitution should accept the
validity of Woke fascist language. Women are not "menstruating people! "
A mother is not a "birthing person." Woke fascism uses language as a
weapon to intimidate opponents and undermine the cultural values of
mainstream America. We are all familiar with the relentless outpouring of
insults directed against whites and Asian Americans who are accused
unfairly of being racists, "homophobes," or "transphobic." Terms like white
supremacy, white privilege, and white fragility, supposedly meant to be
descriptive, are really nothing more than insults designed to label and
intimidate political opponents of Woke fascism. They are used as rallying
cries to browbeat other Americans into compliance and obedience. Refuse
to adopt their politicized and phony word games.
The truth is that none of these terms have any real legitimacy outside of
left-wing university English departments or Wokefriendly media. Even
words like "racist" or "racism" have lost their original force and meaning.
In the past, these words described actual bias and discrimination based on
racial stereotypes. Today, they have become stereotyped insults used against
political opponents and betray the "racist" content of modern-day fascism.
These and other terms often say more about the accuser than the accused.
Woke fascism itself is a racist enterprise that freely uses blatant
oldfashioned racism in the same way as Nazis – for political intimidation
and hate. Their terms and insults are the vocabularies of aggression against
society and against those who disagree with their program. Reject them!
Make Some Small Sacrifices
What is freedom worth to you? How about democracy or the American way
of life? The answer is measured by the effort you are willing to make.
Without sacrifice, it's all talk. The Founding Revolutionaries made
enormous sacrifices for the cause of liberty. George Washington left his
comfortable estate to spend seven years in the field commanding the
Continental Army. John Adams made the arduous two-week-long, 400-mile
trip on horseback from Boston to Philadelphia many times, even through
snow and ice and over dirt roads. His wife, Abigail Adams, stayed behind
on her own to take care of their children and faced epidemics of smallpox
and dysentery far more deadly than Covid-19. Thousands of Americans
sacrificed their lives in battle, fighting for freedom. Many others lost
homes, and farms were looted and burned to the ground by British troops.
So, the question is, are you willing to make small sacrifices to defeat the
assault on America, your values, and your way of life?
Sacrifice means dedicating a little time, effort, and money to support the
fight for freedom. Don't give your hard-earned money to corporations
whose social policies are offensive or promote policies that advance Woke
fascism. If you don't like Disney's agenda of social and sexual manipulation
of children, don't visit their theme parks or let your kids watch the Disney
Channel. Avoid their products even if you have to find substitutes or visit a
more familyfriendly theme park. For instance, you might boycott Coca-
Cola's products if you don't like their biased hiring policies that appear to
set quotas based on race and sex. Cancel your subscription to Netflix if its
left-leaning programs offend you. Consider dropping Twitter, Facebook,
and other social media that censor free speech and undermine your personal
values and ideals. Apply the same logic to local businesses when they
support Woke fascism. After the BLM riots, some restaurants refused to
serve police officers. If you disagree with the anti-cop attitude of a local
business, you might stop going there even if you like their food. You might
also politely tell them the reason. Why give money to a company that
supports politics and culture you dislike?
Contributing to political campaigns means sacrificing time and money to
elect or re-elect politicians who fight fascism and defend the Constitution.
Paying attention to the news and keeping track of Biden's latest antics are
essential but take time. Remember that FNDs in schools, government, and
corporations assume you won't notice their cultural agenda. And it is a
small but definite financial sacrifice to subscribe to conservative or
libertarian websites and publications that defend free speech and oppose
Get Involved
There are many interactive ways to get involved and make a difference.
Refusing to do business with a woke corporation is one method. If you're a
parent or just a concerned citizen, take the time to go to school board
meetings, ask questions, and express your support or opposition to school
policies. Go to county, city, or town hall meetings to see what local officials
support or oppose. Go out and make your voice heard.
Join grassroots organizations that support parent rights, oppose defunding
the police, or advocate for preserving constitutional liberties. Volunteer as a
campaign worker for local, state, or federal politicians who fight for
American cultural values and democracy. Actively participate in the effort
to recall district attorneys who refuse to enforce the law by putting
criminals ahead of law-abiding citizens. Go to political rallies and meet-the-
candidate events to support people dedicated to protecting your values. Start
your own grassroots organization if you have the time and are so inclined.
Buy a few shares of stock in a woke-friendly corporation, attend the annual
stockholder's meeting, peacefully confront company officials and call out
their anti-American policies. (The left has done this effectively for
Another way to get involved is to support the "infrastructure" of American
conservatives and libertarians battling Woke fascism. Subscribe to your
favorite conservative or pro-freedom websites and magazines. Buy books
by conservatives or libertarians. Contribute to or even join conservative
organizations that actively promote your values. Create a blog, write
articles, or a book.
Most important of all, always vote in every election, including primaries.
Support candidates who have a track record of opposing Democrats and
Woke fascism. Vote against "RINOs" in primary elections. Oppose
"Republicans" who sell out your values, compromise with fascism, and do
the bidding of wealthy campaign donors. Encourage your friends and
family to vote. Go to political rallies. Give money to candidates you like
(but don't be discouraged if they sometimes let you down). Contact
politicians and officeholders and let them know how you feel about their
job performance – good or bad. Visit their local offices and ask to speak to
the office manager and give your opinion peacefully and respectfully. Make
an appointment to meet your local state legislator or congressman. They
will probably avoid you but try. If you have an opportunity to meet with an
official, politely speak your mind.
Use the Courts
If you or someone in your family is fired or harassed for your beliefs, race,
religion, or sex, find an aggressive lawyer and sue for damages. Be a good
employee but bring a lawsuit if your legal or constitutional rights are
violated—sue for wrongful discharge. Consider suing your employer if you
suffer racial or ethnic-based discrimination in the workplace. It is illegal to
discriminate in hiring or promotion based on race, sex, or gender. Sue for
slander, libel, or defamation if an organization or individual makes baseless
accusations against you, your family, or your business. Fight back.
For example, in 2016, an employee at Gibson's Bakery caught a black
student from Oberlin College student allegedly shoplifting. Students at
Oberlin protested and accused the bakery of "racism." The school's student
government supported the claims of racism, and a college dean distributed
fliers denouncing the bakery. The company was falsely accused of a history
of racial discrimination, and the college stopped buying its products. The
bakery proclaimed its innocence, sued Oberlin for libel and won a $31
million judgment upheld on appeal.
Biden's America in 2033
Without your active help and that of millions of Americans like you, our
country will descend into a catastrophe of gigantic proportions. In less than
two years, Joe Biden and his supporters have done untold damage to the
United States. The borders are open, and up to five million illegal
immigrants have entered the country. Violent crime is rampant. The
economy is ravaged by nearrecord inflation. The country is in recession
(even though Biden denies the obvious.) Schools sexually groom young
children and teach them to hate themselves, their families, and their own
country. Woke corporations and media censor free speech at unprecedented
levels. A new and virulent form of racism is turning Americans against each
other. Crime is literally out of control.
This is just the beginning if you don't join the fight. What will America look
like in a decade? If you read this book, you understand that most of the
things in the scenario described below are already occurring in blue states
and, to a lesser extent, across America.
Here is the world Woke fascists plan for you and your children. If it all
seems unlikely, keep in mind that many items listed below are already a
reality in many parts of America:
In 2033, a mere ten years away, America is ruled by the Democrats as a de
facto one-party state. Elections are rigged. Republicans lack power or
influence but are tolerated strictly for show. "RINO" officeholders quietly
cooperate with the regime. For all practical purposes, there is no political
opposition. There is an alliance between the Democratic Party and the
"donor class" – the billionaire oligarchs who own or control most prominent
corporations and industries. The government encourages and protects
monopolies that cooperate with the regime. Small businesses are
disappearing; those that remain are crippled by regulation and taxes. The
needs and desires of the citizenry are ignored. Party politicians and officials
are openly corrupt. Police and FBI "task forces" raid the homes of political
opponents. Enemies of the regime are arrested on various trumped-up
charges and imprisoned without bail, sentenced to jail terms, have their
bank accounts seized, lose their jobs, and are blacklisted.
Propaganda relentlessly promotes hatred and jealousy between races, sexes,
genders, and economic classes to divert attention from the apparent decay
of society and culture. The mainstream media eagerly manufactures news
that supports and glorifies Party leaders and their policies. Doubters or
opponents are depicted as evil, meanspirited, and stupid. Information and
opinions contrary to the Party line are suppressed. Entertainment content
relentlessly promotes Woke fascist cultural values.
The Constitution exists in name only. The rule of law has disappeared.
There is a blatant double standard. Ordinary citizens have no enforceable
rights. Citizens are tracked and monitored by advanced technology.
Corporations impose a social credit system on "customers." Dissenters are
punished by losing banking, streaming, internet, and other services. High-
level regime officials, supporters, oligarchs, and their families are immune
to prosecution. Public schools teach children to eagerly accept the regime
and its Utopian culture and be "good citizens."
America's cities are decrepit. Homeownership for the average citizen has
been replaced mainly by mass housing and rentals owned by giant
corporations. Private farms have gone corporate. Party elites and oligarchs
live privileged and protected lives far from the chaos and poverty of
American society. The homeless fill the streets. Car ownership is
increasingly rare. Most Americans travel to work on worn-out,
overcrowded buses and trains. Politicians, officials, oligarchs, and well-
connected regime supporters travel by limo and private jets, surrounded by
heavily armed bodyguards. Crime is out of control. Murder and violence are
common everyday occurrences. Gangs of thugs loot stores at will.
Politicians downplay or ignore crime and its victims. Criminals have more
rights than citizens. Selfdefense is illegal. Guns have been confiscated. The
jails have been emptied. Non-political criminals are returned to the streets
with little or no punishment.
The borders are wide open and provide cheap labor for the oligarchs and
their corporations. Most city neighborhoods are terrorized by violent
criminals, gangs, addicts, the homeless, and aggressive mental cases. Parks
are dangerous, run-down, and filled with substance abusers. Random
violence is everywhere. Drug smuggling is out of control. Overdoses kill
hundreds of thousands each year. People no longer dress up or wear jewelry
in public in a desperate effort to avoid being assaulted or robbed. Politicians
ignore problems, make excuses, and blame society or racism for crime and
disorder, never themselves.
Healthcare insurance companies are gone. The government manages and
finances the health system. Only the rich and officials have access to good
quality medical care. Healthcare is "free" but mediocre. The declining
middle class has to pay extra. Access to medical care is openly based on
racial or sexual considerations. It takes months to see a doctor. Patients
often wait years for "elective" surgery. Hospitals are overcrowded and run
down. Expensive treatments are unavailable to most people. Poor quality
care increases mortality rates from cancer and heart disease. The life
expectancy of the average American keeps dropping. Government agencies
encourage euthanasia for the elderly and the disabled to keep medical costs
down. Party officials, the wealthy, and their families live longer than ever.
The economy is in ruins. Taxes on the middle and working classes are
heavy. Wages are kept low by relentless immigration. Artificial Intelligence
(AI) and automation have eliminated millions of jobs. Population growth is
out of control. Poverty is rampant. Jobs are exported, and only one-third of
working-age Americans work. Many, if not most, people have given up
looking for employment. The middle class is disappearing. Foods like meat,
chicken, and fish are unaffordable for most people except on special
occasions. Coal, oil, gas, and nuclear power have been replaced by
expensive and inefficient renewable energy. Shortages of electricity,
blackouts, and brownouts are normal occurrences. Cities enforce limits on
thermostat settings in winter and summer. The electrical power grid is
failing. Electricity is rationed and very expensive. Clean water is in short
supply. Some cities limit water use.
If this sounds familiar, nearly everything mentioned above already exists to
a significant degree in the US right now. But it's not too late. Get involved
and help make a difference!
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Teleprompter And Without A Teleprompter Is Scary,
thefederalist.com September 3, 2020
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IV. marx-ists.org
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S42 tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00405841.2019.1665415
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S87 APA Dictionary of Psychology. Washington DC 2007
S88 Dr. Corinne Galgay, a staff psychologist at the Washington DC VA
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areracist-cant-handlebeing-called-racist-theory-white-fragility S90 The
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Silicon Valley is under Democratic fire. Center for Responsive Politics via
Washington Post, October 16, 2019
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banningmisleading-content.html article: Mailchimp issues new terms of
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S168 nypost.com/2020/06/12/450-nyc-businesses-damaged-duringgeorge-
S169 mediaite.com/tv/jake-tapper-confronts-ilhan-omar-on-
S170 freebeacon.com/biden-administration/harris-tosses-pro-israel-credout-
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a-lie-but-a-lie-told-a-thousand-times-becomes-the-truth.php S175
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ahead-of-2020-election-and-got-out-the-dem-vote/ S183 Speech delivered
at the Lustgarten, May 1, 1939
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S189 rmx.news/article/macron-rejects-self-defense-after-a-farmer-kills-
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content/uploads/StandYourGround.pdf S197 bu.edu/articles/2019/state-gun-
laws-that-reduce-gun-deaths/ S198 merriam-webster.com
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governor Sir William Keith, The Debates in the Several State Conventions
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Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 86-87
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right-of-the-people-or-a-privilege-of-the-few S211 goodreads.com
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dialogoamericas.com/articles/armed-civilians-the-maduro-militia/ S218
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amassedrecords-54-million-gun-owners-2021-new-crackdown.html S220
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S222 youtube.com/watch?v=u8fJdBusMWE
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joe-biden-doesnt-want-ban-handguns/ S224 thegunsource.com/most-
popular-handguns-in-america/ S225 checkyourfact.com/2019/02/11/fact-
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S227 cnn.com/2019/09/12/politics/beto-orourke-hell-yes-take-ar-15-
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S231 McDonald v. Chicago
S232 workers.org/2020/06/49477/
S233 Lenin, V. I., The Tasks of the Proletariat in the Present Revolution,
Pravda April 7, 1917
S234 Lenin, V. I., The State and Revolution; After the revolution, "the
police and the standing army will be abolished and replaced by... a people's
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S237 cnn.com/2020/10/29/us/philadelphia-city-council-protests-
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Implications of "Broken Windows" Policing in NYC and General NYPD
Accountability to the Public; A Briefing Report of the New York Advisory
Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. March 2018.
usccr.gov/files/pubs/2018/03-22-NYSAC.pdf qualified immunity S243
More than 50 Advocacy Organizations Call on Mayor de Blasio to Suspend
Broken Windows Policing and Reduce NYPD Enforcement Actions as
Coronavirus Spreads
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nypost.com/2022/01/01/nyc-recorded-485-murders-in-2021/ S245
abc7ny.com/new-york-city-crime-statistics-subway/11618737/ S246
story-national-wave-of-police-resignations-moralequitting; city-
sh=3f91b4818cf2; klewtv.com/news/nation-world/24-ofpolice-officers-in-
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joiningdepartment/ November 20, 2021
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in2020; Statis-ta.com, Murder in the U.S.: number of victims in 2020, by
race/ethnicity and gender
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September 20, 2016, 2:09 PM EDT Time Magazine.
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(ACLED); New Study Shows 95 Percent of Riots This Year are Linked to
Black Lives Matter; red-state.com September 16, 2020 S283 O'Neill, Jesse
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protests/article_db673920-34ab-11eb-9431-a3e24704f86a.htm S287
on-response-to-ongoing-anti-government-activity S288 Payne, page 91
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details-on-response-to-ongoing-anti-government-activity S290
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S299 politico.com/news/2021/05/26/facebook-ban-Covid 19-manmade-
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S303 webmd.com/lung/news/20220204/lockdowns-Covid-deaths-study
S304 foxnews.com/media/johns-hopkins-university-study-
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openvaers.com/Covid 19-data downloaded February 16, 2022 S312
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S315 inspiringquotes.us/author/3513-benito-mussolini
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