Taylors Slope Stability Charts Revisited - 2011
Taylors Slope Stability Charts Revisited - 2011
Taylors Slope Stability Charts Revisited - 2011
Abstract: Two design charts for computing the safety factor of soil slopes are presented here. The first one is for an undrained (ϕu ¼ 0) soil
slope, similar to the one proposed by Taylor, but with significant differences. Taylor’s work is based on three types of failure circles: toe circle,
slope circle, and midpoint circle. It appears that there can also be compound circles that are made of two circular arcs separated by a straight
line at the interface with the stiff stratum. These are incorporated in the proposed design chart. The second chart is for drained (c0 ϕ0 ) soil
slope that enables the users to compute the safety factor of the slope without any iterative procedures that are required with the Taylor’s chart.
In c0 ϕ0 soils, Taylor assumed that the failure occurs along toe circles. The analysis presented herein shows that when the slope is very
shallow, it is possible to have midpoint circles. Both charts are quite simple and straightforward to use in engineering analysis of homo-
geneous slopes. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the use of the two design charts. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622
.0000093. © 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Limit equilibrium; Slopes; Safety; Soils.
Author keywords: Limit equilibrium; Soil slope; Safety factor; Taylor’s chart.
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Fig. 1. Slip circles: (a) toe circle; (b) slope circle; (c) base circle or midpoint circle
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30 kPa. If a 6-m-deep excavation is made at a slope of 25°, what or
would be the safety factor? What is the type of critical circle? c0 þ σ0 tan ϕ0 c0mob þ σ0 tan ϕ0mob
Solution σ0 tan ϕ0 σ0 tan ϕ0mob
tan ϕ0
F ϕ0 ¼ ð6Þ
tan ϕ0mob
A common method (Liu and Evett 2008; Das 2010) to solve this
problem is by assuming that the degree of mobilization is the same
in cohesive and frictional resistances, giving the same safety factors
with respect to cohesion and friction, that is
F c0 ¼ F ϕ0 ð7Þ
c0 c0mob
0 0 ¼ 0 Fig. 4. Taylor’s stability chart for c0 ϕ0 soil
σ tan ϕ σ tan ϕ0mob
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