Atterberg Limit Test

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University of Baghdad

College of engineering

Transportation Lap

Transportation Lap
Atterberg limit test

4rd year class (D)

Date :2023/10/29

Definition: Atterberg limits are boundary water contents. Depending on these limits, fine-
grained soils can be divided into four states of consistency, namely solid, semisolid, plastic and
liquid states.

Purpose and significance:

• To determine the Liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index of finegrained soils.
• It is used to classify the fine-grained soils.
• It is used to correlate with engineering behavior such as compressibility, hydraulic conductivity
(permeability), compatibility, shrink-swell, and shear strength.

Standard Reference: ASTM D 4318 - Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and
Plasticity Index of Soils

The liquid limit is determined by performing trials in which a portion of the specimen is spread
in a brass cup, divided in two by a grooving tool, and then allowed to flow together from the
shocks caused by repeatedly dropping the cup in a standard mechanical device. The multipoint
liquid limit requires three or more trials over a range of water contents and the data from the
trials plotted to make a relationship from which the liquid limit is determined. The one-point
liquid limit uses the data from two trials at one water content multiplied by a correction factor
to determine the liquid limit.

1. Liquid limit device with Casagrande grooving tools.
2. Sieve No. 40 (425 μm).
3. Soil-mixture equipment: porcelain/mixing dish, spatula, plastic squeeze bottle.
4. Balance readability of 0.01 g.
5. Container for the determination of water content.
6. Oven maintaining a uniform temperature of 110 ∓ 5 °C.

Test Procedure:

Casagrande apparatus – Multipoint method

1. Using a spatula, place a portion of the previously prepared soil in the cup of the liquid limit
device at the point where the cup rests on the base. Squeeze it down to eliminate air bubbles
and spread it into the cup to a depth of about 1 cm at its deepest point. The soil pat should
form an approximately horizontal surface.

2. Form a groove in the soil pat using the grooving tool to cut a clean straight groove from back
to front through the sample at the center of the cup. The tool should remain perpendicular to
the surface of the cup as groove is being made. 3. Turn the crank of the apparatus at a rate of
2 rps. Count the number of drops required to close the groove along a distance of 13 mm. If
the number of drops exceeds 50, then go directly to step 5, otherwise record the number of
drops (𝑵) on the data sheet.

4. Take a sample, using the spatula, from edge to edge of the soil pat where the groove came
into contact for water content determination. Place the sample into a container of known
mass ( ), immediately weigh the container with the wet soil, record its mass (𝒘𝒄+𝒘𝒔), and
place it into the oven. Leave it in the oven overnight and then weigh the container containing
the dry soil (𝒘𝒄+𝒅𝒔). Return the soil remaining in the cup to the dish. Wash and dry the cup
and grooving tool for the next trial.

5. Remix the entire soil specimen in the mixing dish. Add a small amount of distilled water to
increase the water content and decrease the number of drops required to close the groove.

6. Repeat the previous steps for at least two additional trials producing successively lower
numbers of drops to close the groove. It is recommended that the three trials cover the drops
range of (25-35) (20-30) and (15-25), respectively.

Containers NO. 1 2 3
Weight empty container, 10g 10g 13g
W1, gm

Weight(container + wet 52g 55g 53g

soil), W2, gm

Weight(container + dry 41g 44g 43g

soil), W3, gm

Weight(dry soil), W4= W3- 31g 34g 33g

W1 gm

Weight Water, W5= W2- 11g 11g 10g

W3, gm

Water Content, W1%= 35% W2%= 32% W3%= 30%

W=(W5/W4)*100, %

No. of Blows, N 11 24 35

Liquid Limit Data Plot



Water Content




1 10 25
No. of Blows, N

LL = 31%

Plastic Limit
• The plastic limit (PL) is determined by rolling out a thread of the fine portion of a soil on a flat, non- porous surface.
The procedure is defined in ASTM Standard D 4318. If the soil is at a moisture content where its behavior is plastic, this
thread will retain its shape down to a very narrow diameter. The sample can then be remolded and the test repeated. As
the moisture content falls due to evaporation, the thread will begin to break apart at larger diameters.

• The plastic limit is defined as the gravimetric moisture content where the thread breaks apart at a diameter of 3.2 mm
(about 1/8 inch). A soil is considered non-plastic if a thread cannot be rolled out down to 3.2 mm at any moisture
possible. Apparatus and Tools

1. Soil Sample passing sieve No. 4.

2. Water

3. Smooth glass plate

4. Containers

5. Spatula

6. Electric balance

7. Oven (Put the soil sample for 24 hrs. at 60 °C)

Containers NO 1
Weight empty container, W1, gm 7g
Weight(container + wet soil), W2, gm 12g
Weight(container + dry soil), W3, gm 10g
Weight(dry soil), W4= W3-W1, gm 3g
Weight Water, W5= W2-W3, gm 2g
Water Content, W=(W5/W4)*100, % W% = 66

From the results above, we find that in the plasticity limit

calculations, the moisture content is very high, and this indicates
that there is an error either in the test or taking the readings.

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