Danak The National Accreditation Body in Denmark

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19-02-2016 page 1 of 3

DANAK is the national accreditation body in Denmark in compliance with EU regulation No. 765/2008.

DANAK participates in the multilateral agreements (EA MLA1) and ILAC MRA2)) for testing and calibration under
European co-operation for Accreditation (EA)( http://www.european-accreditation.org/home)and under International
Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) (http://ilac.org/) based on peer-evaluation3). Accredited test reports and
calibration certificates issued by laboratories accredited by DANAK are recognized cross border by members of EA
and ILAC as equal to test reports and calibration certificates issued by these members’ accredited laboratories.

The use of the accreditation mark on test reports and calibration certificates or reference to accreditation,
documents that the testing/calibration has been provided as an accredited service under the company's DANAK

1) The EA Multilateral Agreement (EA MLA) is a signed agreement between the EA Full Members whereby the
signatories recognise and accept the equivalence of the accreditation systems operated by the signing members, and also
the reliability of the conformity assessment results provided by conformity assessment bodies accredited by the signing
members. The EA MLA is recognised at international level by ILAC (http://ilac.org/)(International Laboratory
Accreditation Cooperation) and IAF (http://www.iaf.nu/) (International Accreditation Forum). This means that a test
report or certificate accredited by an EA MLA signatory is also recognised by the signatories to the IAF and ILAC
multilateral agreements. In this way, the EA MLA acts as an international passport to trade.
Signatories of the EA MLA as per February 2016, see page 2. Updated list can be located via following link

2) The ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC MRA) provides significant technical underpinning to the
calibration, testing, medical testing and inspection results of the accredited conformity assessment bodies and in turn
delivers confidence in the acceptance of results.
The ILAC MRA enhances the acceptance of products across national borders. By removing the need for additional
calibration, testing, medical testing and/or inspection of imports and exports, technical barriers to trade are reduced. In
this way the ILAC MRA promotes international trade and the free-trade goal of “accredited once, accepted everywhere”
can be realised.
Signatories of the EA MLA as per 28-01-2016, see page 3. Updated list can be found via following link

3) The strength of the EA MLA and ILAC MRA is maintained through a robust peer evaluation process. The main
objective of the peer evaluation activities is to evaluate the on-going compliance of the national accreditation bodies to
the internationally agreed requirements and to ensure that regulators, stakeholders and the business community can have
confidence in certificates and reports issued by conformity assessment bodies under the EA MLA and the ILAC MRA.
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Signatories of the EA MLA as per February 2016
from http://www.european-accreditation.org/ea-members
EA’s membership is divided into full and associate accreditation body members. EA has 36 full members and 12
associate members. According to the Articles of Association, full members are accreditation bodies located in an
EU/EFTA Member State or a candidate country. Criteria for membership are set out in EA-1/17 Supplement 1.

EA full members as per February 2016

Albania Hungaria Republic of Croatia
Austria Iceland Romania
Belgium Ireland Serbia
Bulgaria Italy Slovakia
Cypres Latvia Slovenia
Czech Republic Lithuania Spain
Denmark Luxemburg Sweden
Estonia Malta Switzerland
Finland Montenegro The Former Yugoslav Republic Of
France Norway The Netherlands
Germany Poland Turkey
Greece Portugal United Kingdom

EA associate members as per February 2016

Algeria Georgia Morocco
Belarus Israël Republic Of Moldova
Bosnia & Herzegovina Jordan Tunisia
Egypt Kosovo Under The Unsc Resolution Ukraine
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Signatories to the ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement updated 28-01-2016

from http://ilac.org/signatory-search/

Argentina Hungary Romania

Australia India Russian Federation (testing)
Austria Indonesia Serbia
Bangladesh Ireland Singapore
Belgium Israel Slovakia
Bosnia & Herzegovina Italy Slovenia
Brazil Jamaica South Africa
Canada Japan Spain
Chile Kazakhstan Sri Lanka
China, People’s Republic of Republic of Korea Sweden
China, Honkong The Kygyz Republic (suspended) Switzerland
Colombia Luxemburg South African development
community Accreditation Services
(13 countries)
Costa Rica Malaysia Chinese Taipei
Croatia Mexico Thailand
Cuba Mongolia The Former Yugoslav Republic Of
Cyprus The Netherlands Tunisia
Czech Republic New Zealand Turkey
Denmark Nicaragua Ukraine
Ecuador Norway United Arab Emirates
Egypten Pakistan United Kingdom
El Salvador Papua New Guinea USA
Finland Paraguay Uruguay
France Peru Vietnam
Germany Philippines
Greece Poland
Guatemala Portugal

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