The Ronin (D&D 5th Ed.) - GM Binder
The Ronin (D&D 5th Ed.) - GM Binder
The Ronin (D&D 5th Ed.) - GM Binder
Ronin Creating a Ronin
'A long and sharp sword slices through an unrecognisable When building a Ronin, think about what made your
creature. "Forward! . ." they said. They did not know what they character escape, betray or abandon his/her path, or why it
were against.' though that wandering in a new world was a great idea.
Vengance or safety are great and simple words that you can
'A large silhouette runs in the night. Rushing with light feet, build your background around.
slashing his enemies throats. The group frightened, throwing
their torches at that thing trying to defend themselves, but Was there a greater mission? Was your master a tyrant? And
was in vain.' your family? Was it murdered/exiled? Are you skilled enough?
Were you useless?
'Sitting on a rock, with the moonlight reflecting on its clean
sword, lays a masked warrior counting the bodies of what These questions could be used as a guide to create a 'fallen'
once were his enemies.' background. As a counterpart, you can always say that you
where trained by a Ronin and use some of those questions as
No more Bushido Code a guide.
A warrior who swore to protect his master and allies under
the Bushido code. Justice, Courage, Compassion, Respect,
Honesty, Honor and Loyalty were his virtues, but that was no
more the code to follow, no more path to take, neither was
the morality of a warrior who lost it all fighting for what
previously thought was a good cause.
As an ex-Samurai, you travel, escaping your past and
following the steps of a vanishing future which lies about
freedom and peace, while searching for a new objective to
devote yourself to.
Without Owner
Previously, you owed your life to a Commander or a Leader,
not now. Your life is yours and surviving in this land, with your
hurt honor and soul only depends on you. Few called you a
'friend', and now, everyone can be your enemy. Your future is
blurry and every move, sweep and slash counts when
defending yourself.
Some Ronin were seen as adventures, others helped some
village's militia instead. There are myths talking about some
assasins that look like shadows using long and thin swords
and some demonic-faced gigantic warriors that destroy
complete armies with a single strike.
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Page Textures: /u/flamableconcrete (Jared
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