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Program Quick Feature List:

• Full college accreditation
• Continuous enrolment
• Pay-as-you-learn registration
• Hands-on lab experience through
software simulation
• 1-800 technical and tutorial support
• Online student support forum

About George Brown College

The Automation program, within George
Brown College’s School of Distance Education,
provides students with the practical know-
how and technical skills needed to become
more employable and successful in their fields.
GBC is a fully-accredited post-secondary
institution. GBC, Centre for Continuous
Learning (CCL), is the third largest provider of
distance education courses in North America.
With over 70,000 full- and part-time students,
GBC has 20,000 distance education students
in 40 countries.

Ask us about our Pay-as-you-learn registration

Speak to a Program Consultant Today

Call Toll-free: 1-888-553-5333 · www.automationprogram.com
THE AUTOMATION TECHNICIAN “The Automation Technician program was developed in
response to today’s requirements that technicians
CERTIFICATE PROGRAM have a comprehensive “inter-professional” knowledge
of electricity, electronics, electro-mechanics, robotic,
The Automation Technician program provides an introduction
to industrial automation including digital electronic, process and automation (PLCs).”
control and programming of PLCs, robotics and SCADA systems. Colin Simpson
Dean, Continuous Learning,
The program examines applications and examples of automated
George Brown College
manufacturing systems including both the theory and function
of digital and industrial electronics hydraulics and pneumatics,
robotics systems, digital programming languages and alarm
management. No background in Automation is required.
1. Introduction to Automation
2. Industrial Control Devices
3. Motors & Control Circuits
4. Digital Electronics
5. Analog & Digital Transducers
6. Industrial Process Control
7. Distributed Control Systems (DCS)
8. SCADA Systems
9. Introduction to PLCs
Automated examples are used throughout the program to demonstrate theory
and application 10. Ladder Logic Programming
11. PLC Timers
12. PLC Counters
13. PLC Data Handling
The program includes eighteen modules of interactive 14. PLC Math Instructions
curriculum using text, video, 2D and 3D animations, photos,
audio clips and interactive lab simulations. Pre-tests, 15. Introduction to Robotics
interactive exercises, sample exams, and online support 16. Robot Manipulators & End Effectors
prepare you for computer-based final exams. The average 17. Robot Vision, Touch, & Sound
completion time of the eighteen training modules is 18. Robot Programming
thirty-two weeks of part-time study.

Each of the 18 modules includes learning objectives, practical applications, technical

tips and review questions.
The program includes a wide variety of content including text, audio, 3D animations,
images and lab projects, including this plc controlled elevator example.
“The most amazing part of this program is the practical
side; the LogixSim simulation software gave me the
hands-on experience to build my skills and technique.”
Yousif Ahmed Balla

Call 1-888-553-5333 to speak to a Program Consultant Today

CircuitLogix is a software program that converts your computer
LABORATORY SIMULATIONS into a fully-functioning electronics laboratory with thousands of
components and devices that are easily interconnected. Circuit-
One of the main features of the Automation Technician program Logix is a SPICE-based 2D-schematic editor, which provides
is the integration of theory with laboratory experiments and simulation of analog, digital, and mixed-mode devices and circuits.
projects. Students who enrol in the program receive a licensed
copy of LogixSim, which includes both 2D- and 3D-simulation
software and features CircuitLogix, RoboLogix, PLCLogix, and
3DLab simulation products.

LogixSim is a suite of software products that provides “real
world” laboratory simulation of electricity, electronics, robotics,
and programmable logic controllers. It combines four simulators
and offers unlimited possibilities for the design, testing, and
debugging of control devices and automated equipment as well
as circuit schematics and systems. From the simplest control
circuits to the most complex, LogixSim has the versatility to suit
almost any requirement for real-world simulation. PLCLogix
PLCLogix 5000 is a PLC simulator that emulates the operation
3DLab of a RSLogix 5000 PLC. It provides users with the ability to write,
edit and debug programs written using the RSLogix 5000 tag-
3DLab is a simulated bench top, designed to closely replicate
based format. PLCLogix also features 12 “real world” 3D control
the appearance and functionality of actual electrical and
application environments including batch processing, elevators,
electronic devices and instruments. 3DLab features a workbench
traffic lights, car washes, etc.
and shelves containing over 30 realistic-looking devices
which are interconnected to perform a wide range of DC/AC
experiments and laboratory projects.

RoboLogix is a robotics simulation software package that is
designed to emulate real-world robotics applications using
a five-axis industrial robot based on the FANUC LR-series of
robots. RoboLogix allows you to write, test, and de-bug robotics
programs and observe the robot’s operation using a realistic-
looking manipulator in a 3D simulation environment.

Register at www.automationprogram.com
STUDENT SUPPORT The Student Support Center
To fully support your distance education learning experience The GBC Student Support Center is open Monday through
in our program, George Brown College (GBC), School of Distance Friday 9 am - 10 pm & Saturday from 10 am - 5 pm (EST). Calling
Education (SDE) provides a comprehensive student support into the Support Center is free using our 1-800 toll-free number.
system that gives our students every opportunity to get technical, Technical, tutorial and
tutorial or administrative help, when and how you need it. administrative support is
available to you by phone
Exams or email during these hours.
Our Program Consultants
Being tested is always a stressful and challenging part of your
and Tutorial Support Staff can
student experience. To help you prepare for testing, our program
assist you with any questions
includes detailed practice exams covering the material in each
you might have, from installing
module. If you complete these practice exams and work with
the program material, to
our program tutors to resolve any problem areas, you will be
solving content-based tutorial
well prepared to excel on the online exams taken at the
questions, to helping you
end of each module.
register for more modules.

Online Resources
Our online student support website provides a wide range
of resources, including access to your “Account”, online
forums, testing, videos, animations, images and additional
supplementary learning materials.

Welcome to the Automation Learning Resource Center

Online Forums
The Automation Discussion Forum provides our students with an
online community in which to meet other students within the
program and discuss topics of mutual interest. It is also where
students access our online program tutor and a library of tutorial.

Call 1-888-553-5333 to speak to a Program Consultant Today

George Brown College

FOR MORE School of Distance Education
INFORMATION 160 Kendal Street, C420
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 2T9
PLEASE CONTACT 1-888-553-5333
US AT : info@gbctechtraining.com


Self-paced, flexible, skills-based training

in industrial automation.

Call Toll-free: 1-888-553-5333 · www.automationprogram.com


Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Automation 11. PLC Counters
2. Industrial Control Devices 12. PLC Timers
3. Motors & Control Circuits 13. PLC Data Handling
4. Digital Electronics 14. PLC Math Instructions
5. Analog & Digital Transducers 15. Introduction to Robotics
6. Industrial Process Control 16. Robot Manipulators & End Effectors
7. Distributed Control Systems (DCS) 17. Robot Vision, Touch, & Sound
8. SCADA Systems 18. Robot Programming
9. Introduction to PLCs
10. Ladder Logic Programming

Call Toll-free: 1-888-553-5333 • www.automationprogram.com

We bring the classroom to you


This module provides a general overview of automation systems and the role of automation in industry. It also covers the basic
principles of flexible automation and flexible manufacturing systems. The advantages of automation are outlined and the main
components associated with automation systems are explored. Automation safety is also discussed in detail. An introduction to
automation simulation is presented with an emphasis on practical application.
Learning Outcomes: • Differentiate between economy of scale and economy of scope.
• Define the term “automation”. • List three examples of continuous flow processes.
• List three advantages of using automation systems. • Describe the purpose of a flexible manufacturing system.
• Name six factors affecting the original design of PLCs. • Explain the difference between DCS, RCS and CCS.
• Describe the role of automation in industry. • Define automation simulation and explain its advantages.
• Define flexible automation. • Name three considerations for automation safety.


Industrial Control Devices provides an overview of devices such as switches, actuators and relays and their industrial applications.
The student will learn troubleshooting techniques and the principles of relay and ladder logic. This module also covers solenoids and
control valves with an emphasis on practical applications.
Learning Outcomes: • Define the term holding contract and its application in
• Define inductive arcing and explain how it can be prevented. control circuits.
• Name three types of mechanical switches. • Explain the difference between a control relay and a solenoid.
• Describe the basic operating principle of a control relay. • List three applications of rotary actuators.
• Explain the purpose of overload relays. • Name three types of time-delay relays.


This module will focus on the principles of DC and AC motors and the various types used in industry. The student will learn the
fundamentals of speed control including dynamic and regenerative braking. It also introduces the student to electronic speed control
of DC motors including the installation and operation of DC drives. In addition, the fundamentals of alternating current motors and
AC variable speed control systems are presented. The principles of Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) and their control circuits are
discussed in detail. In addition, VFD applications in industry are covered with a focus on their use in HVAC systems, Water Treatment
Plants (WTPs) and Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs)
Learning Outcomes:
• Explain the purpose of a commutator in DC motors. • Define the terms dynamic and regenerative braking.
• Differentiate between a stator and an armature. • Describe the operating principles of an AC induction motor.
• Define torque and counter emf. • List three advantages of universal motors over induction motors.
• Name three typical dynamo configurations. • Differentiate between a cycloconverter and an inverter.
• Explain the basic operating principle of servomotors. • Explain the basic operation of a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD).
• Explain how Pulse Width Modulation is used in speed control. • List five applications for VFDs in industry.


This module covers a wide variety of topics relating to digital electronics including number systems, logic gates, flip flops and
counters. Boolean algebra and DeMorgan’s theorem is also introduced as well as troubleshooting and problem solving techniques
for digital logic circuits. The logic gates presented in the course include AND, OR, NOR, NAND and inverters.
Learning Outcomes: • Understand the ASCII code.
• Explain the binary number system. • Apply truth tables to troubleshooting digital circuits.
• Convert binary numbers to decimal and decimal numbers to binary. • List five logic gates.
• Explain the hexadecimal number system. • Describe the basic operation of an inverter.
• Convert hexadecimal numbers to binary and binary numbers • Explain the purpose of Boolean algebra.
to hexadecimal. • Understand logic gate combinations.
• Differentiate between natural binary and Binary Coded • Name eight Boolean theorems.
Decimal (BCD). • Apply basic troubleshooting techniques to digital circuits.
This module will build on previous topics by presenting an introduction to transducers used in both analog and digital applications.
It also covers temperature, pressure, and flow transducers as well as other detection devices such as optical encoders and Hall-
effect sensors. Capacitive, ultrasonic and thickness sensors are also presented using practical and theoretical examples of industrial
applications of these devices.
Learning Outcomes: • Describe how load cells are used for flow measurement.
• Differentiate between a thermocouple and a thermopile. • Name three types of photoelectric devices.
• Explain the advantages of using pyrometers for • Briefly describe the components used in fibre optic systems.
temperature measurement. • Define lasers and explain why they are used in industrial
• Define the terms RTD and thermistor. electronic controls.
• Name two types of pressure transducers. • Explain the basic operating principle of an optical shaft encoder.


It is in this module that the student learns the principles of industrial control systems including open- and closed-loop control.
Proportional, Integral and Derivative control are covered with an emphasis on practical application and design. An introduction
to algorithms, flow charts and fuzzy logic is also presented in this module.
Learning Outcomes: • List the five basic components in a closed-loop control system.
• Define the terms process, process variable and controlled variable. • Name the four variables that are generally used to evaluate the
• Name four applications for control systems. performance of a closed-loop control system.
• Explain the advantage of using block diagrams. • Define dead time.
• Describe the relationship between the set point, error signal • Explain the basic operating principles of on off, proportional,
and measured value. integral, derivative and PID control.
• Differentiate between open-loop control and closed-loop control. • Describe the purpose of feedforward control in process systems.


This module is intended to familiarize the student with the most important aspects of Distributed Control Systems. Topics covered
in the module include remote terminal units (RTUs), HMIs and an introduction to LANs. The student will also learn the differences
between star, bus and ring topology and their applications in automation systems. In addition to covering system architecture and
algorithms, the module also provides detailed information on practical applications for DCS. Emphasis is placed on design, problem
solving and analysis of industrial automation systems.
Learning Outcomes: • Name four common uses for HMI in DCS applications.
• Differentiate between DCS and SCADA. • Explain the function of a local area network (LAN).
• List the three main elements in a DCS. • Identify three components of quality of use in HMI.
• Identify the difference between uptime and system latency. • Define the terms topology and Ethernet.
• Explain the purpose of a remote terminal unit (RTU). • Compare software-based alarms with hardware-based alarms.
• Define task architecture and hardware architecture. • List five applications for DCS.
• Describe the reason why algorithms are popular in DCS. • Name the four elements in a typical OTS.


This module is intended to provide the student with an introduction to SCADA using automation systems and peripherals. The
principles of alarm management are presented along with an overview of the alarm management lifecycle and an introduction to
Six Sigma. SCADA security and authentication methodologies are also discussed in detail. Practical examples of SCADA applications
are presented and include a discussion of SCADA simulation techniques.
Learning Outcomes: • List the 10 stages of an alarm management lifecycle.
• Describe the basic function of a SCADA system. • Describe how Six Sigma is applied to alarm management.
• List four examples of SCADA systems. • Explain the purpose of a firewall in a SCADA system.
• Define SCADA architecture. • Define the term SCADA security.
• Identify seven elements in a SCADA system. • Name the two most common authentication methodologies.
• Explain the purpose of alarm management. • Describe the benefits of SCADA simulation.
• Identify three types of changes noted by alarms and events.
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We bring the classroom to you


This module provides a general overview of PLCs and their application in industry. The origins of the PLC and its evolution are
covered in detail. The advantages of PLCs are also outlined, and the main components associated with PLC systems are explored.
An introduction to ladder logic is presented and the most common types of PLC signals are covered with an emphasis on practical
Learning Outcomes: • Name three advantages of PLCs compared to relay logic systems.
• Describe the purpose of a control panel. • List the three main components in a PLC system.
• Define a programmable controller. • Understand the term ladder logic.
• List six factors affecting the original design of programmable • Describe the application of PLC signals.
controllers. • Explain the difference between a bit and a word.


This module provides an introduction to ladder logic programming techniques using laboratory simulation software. The lab
component of the module provides the student with an opportunity to write ladder logic programs and test their operation through
PLC simulation. Topics covered in the module include I/O instructions, safety circuitry, programming restrictions and I/O addressing.
Learning Outcomes: • Differentiate between a branch and a nested branch.
• Define ladder logic. • Describe the controller scan operation.
• Convert relay logic schematics to ladder logic. • Name two programming restrictions.
• Write a ladder logic program using PLCLogix. • Describe the use of Force instructions in PLC applications.
• Define the terms examine on and examine off. • Explain the purpose of bit status flags.
• Explain the purpose of a latching relay instruction.

Module 11 – PLC TIMERS

This module is intended to provide students with an overview of PLC timers and their application in industrial control circuits.
Allen-Bradley timing functions such as TON, TOF, and RTO are discussed in detail and the theory is reinforced through lab projects
using lab simulation software. In addition, students will learn practical programming techniques for timers including cascading and
reciprocating timing circuits.
Learning Outcomes: • Write a ladder logic program using timers.
• Name two types of relay logic timers. • Describe the operating principle of retentive timers.
• List the four basic types of PLC timers. • Explain the purpose of cascading timers.
• Describe the function of a time-driven circuit. • Define reciprocating timers.
• Differentiate between an ON-delay and an OFF-delay instruction.

Module 12 – PLC COUNTERS

This module provides students with a broad overview of PLC counters and their application in control systems. Allen-Bradley
counting functions such as CTU and CTD are presented in detail and the theory is reinforced through lab projects using lab
simulation software. In addition, students will learn practical programming techniques for counters including cascading counters
and combining counting and timing circuits.
Learning Outcomes: • Describe the function of an event-driven circuit.
• Name two types of mechanical counters. • Design an up/down counter.
• Define the two basic types of PLC counters. • Define cascading counters.
• Write a ladder logic program using CTU, CTD and RES. • Explain the advantages of combining timers and counters.
• Explain the terms underflow and overflow.

This module provides students with an introduction to the principles of Logix 5000 data handling, including bits, words and
arrays. Using PLCLogix simulation, various aspects of data transfer will be demonstrated and students will program and observe
transfer instructions such as MOV, FIFO and LIFO. An introduction to shift registers is also presented with an emphasis on practical
applications in industrial control circuits.
Learning Outcomes: • Write a ladder logic program using an MOV instruction.
• Name the three main data handling functions. • Describe the purpose of an array to array move.
• Differentiate between words and arrays. • Name two types of shift registers.
• Convert data from one form to another. • Differentiate between FIFO and LIFO instructions.
• Explain the purpose of a move instruction. • Transfer data between memory locations.


This module provides an overview of basic and advanced mathematical functions found in the Logix 5000 PLC. It provides thorough
coverage of data comparison instructions such as SQR, EQU, LES and GRT. In addition, this module provides a foundation for more
advanced programming techniques including analog input and output control. Topics such as combining math functions, averaging,
scaling and ramping are presented with an emphasis on practical application and are demonstrated using PLCLogix lab simulation.
Learning Outcomes: • Define the terms scaling and ramping.
• Name the four main PLC mathematical functions. • Use LES, GRT and EQU instructions in a ladder logic program.
• List three types of data comparison. • Write a program using the SQR instruction.
• Add and subtract numbers using PLC instructions. • List three advanced math operations.
• Write a ladder logic program using MUL and DIV instructions. • Describe the purpose of an AVE instruction.


This module is designed to introduce the student to the fundamental concepts of robotics and describe some basic applications.
It covers operating principles of a manipulator and describes four types of actuators found in industry. The history of robotics is
presented, as well as an overview of the main applications of industrial robots. The advantages of robots are also outlined, and the
main components associated with robotic systems are explored. An introduction to robot cost/benefit analysis is presented and the
most common non-industrial applications of robots are explored.
Learning Outcomes: • List five non-industrial applications of robots.
• List the main components of a robot. • Explain the purpose of a controller in a robotic system.
• Describe the operating principles of a manipulator. • Describe two cost/benefit analysis factors related to
• Identify four types of actuators. production volumes.
• Explain the role of Devol and Engelberger in robotics history. • Identify seven factors which should be considered when
• Define the terms ROV and TROV. selecting a robot.
• Name the two types of robot arms.


This module is designed to cover the fundamentals of manipulators, links and joints. A discussion of kinematics and haptic technology
is presented, as well as dextrous manipulation, and an overview of the basic coordinate systems for a robot manipulator. The
theoretical and practical aspects of manipulators and spatial analysis are introduced in this module using a combination of video,
animation laboratory projects and featuring Robotics simulation software.
Learning Outcomes: • List the four general categories of robotic manipulation.
• Name the most common type of manipulator. • Differentiate between velocity manipulability and velocity
• Differentiate between robot links and joints. workspace analysis.
• Define major axes and minor axes. • Describe the function of dexterous manipulation.
• Explain the purpose of kinematics in robotic systems. • Name the three basic co-ordinate systems for a robot manipulator.
• Describe screw theory in kinematic applications. • Explain the operation of a gantry robot.
• Name the three types of revolute joints. • List six end effectors used in industrial robotics.
• Define haptic technology. • Determine the shape of a work envelope.

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We bring the classroom to you


It is in this module that the student learns the principles of robotic vision systems including cameras, frame grabbers and vision
algorithms. 3D vision, photogrammetry and tactile sensing are covered with an emphasis on practical application and design. An
introduction to robot inspection and speech recognition is also presented. In addition, this module also provides an overview of CCD
and CMOS cameras and describes their application in industrial robotics. The student will learn design techniques and the principles
of F/T sensing as well as the most common characteristics of touch sensors.
Learning Outcomes: • Calculate the field of view for a vision system.
• Explain the purpose of a robot pose. • Discuss the purpose of a frame grabber in a vision system.
• Name the two most important sensors for a robot. • List the three basic techniques used for 3D vision.
• List five functions performed by vision and touch sensors. • Define the term slip sensing.
• Explain the three steps required for a vision system to process data. • Differentiate between touch sensing and F/T sensing.
• Describe the two levels of world modeling. • Name six desirable characteristics of touch sensors.
• Define the term photogrammetry. • Define robot audition.
• Compare CCD and CMOS cameras.


This module provides an introduction to robot software, programming languages and various programming techniques associated
with industrial robots. On-line and off-line programming, teach pendants and automatic programming are presented using a
combination of theoretical and laboratory exercises utilizing robotics simulation software. In addition, this module also introduces
the student to web-based programming and open architecture programming and provides coverage of some of the major robot
programming languages and techniques.
Learning Outcomes: • Identify five types of motion instructions.
• Explain the purpose of a layered system for robot programming. • Describe the most popular type of robot programming language.
• Name the two major categories of robot programming. • Explain how program touch-up is used when programming.
• List five criteria for standardized programming languages. • List two types of simulation used in industry.
• Define software architecture. • Compare keyframing and skeletal animation in 3D modeling.
• Differentiate between manual and automatic programming. • Discuss the benefits of open-architecture programming.
• Name three types of non-proprietary robot languages. • Name four characteristics of DSSP in Microsoft Robotics Studio.

George Brown College also offers the Electronics Technician, the Electromechanical Technician, the PLC Technician, PLC Technician II
and the Robotics Technician Certificate programs that are delivered through a similar distance learning approach.

Electronics Technician Certificate Program

The Electronics Technician Certificate program provides flexible, skills based
training in electronics fundamentals. It has been developed for
adult learners pursuing basic technician level training through
independent study. The computer-based program presents 24
modules covering content equivalent to a two year college
electronics technician curriculum.

Electromechanical Training Certificate Program

The Electromechanical Technician Certificate program provides a basic
introduction to electronics and electromechanical systems for
individuals working in industries using traditional manufacturing
methods and automated systems.

Robotics Training Certificate Program

The Robotics Technician Certificate program provides an introduction to
industrial robotics and explains how they are used in plant or
manufacturing systems. This program focuses on automated
manufacturing processes and the role of robots within them.
Program material is delivered by a combination of disk-based and
online resources.

PLC Technician II Training Certificate Program

The PLC Technician II Certificate program introduces the theory behind
Programmable Logic Controllers, while maintaining an emphasis on the
application of PLCs in plant and manufacturing systems. This program
covers advanced PLC topics and related ladder logic programming,
facilitated by the use of the advanced 5000 PLC system.

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This fact sheet presents some of the more commonly asked questions about the Automation, Electronics,
Electromechanical, Robotics, PLC and PLC Technician II programs at George Brown College.

Q1: What do the programs cost and what payment options are available?
A. The total cost of the Automation Technician Certificate program is $1780. There are two payment options;
Option 1 - Full Registration: $1780
Students register and pay for the complete program at one time.
Option 2 - Pay-As-You-Learn Registration
Initial registration is $560 (includes web-based curriculum, laboratory simulation software and
Module 1 exam) and registration for each of the remaining 17 can be purchased singly or in groups at a later

The total cost of the Electronics Technician Certificate program is $1760. There are two payment options;
Option 1 - Full Registration: $1760
Students register and pay for the complete program at one time.
Option 2 - Pay-As-You-Learn Registration
Initial registration is $380 (includes web-based curriculum, laboratory simulation software and Module 1
exam) and registration for each of the remaining 23 modules is $60/module. Students may register for one or
more modules at any time.

The total cost of the Electromechanical Technician Certificate program is $1760. There are two payment
Option 1- Full Registration: $1760
Students register and pay for the complete program at one time.
Option 2 - Pay-As-You-Learn Registration
Initial registration is $380 (includes web-based curriculum, laboratory simulation software and Module 1
exam) and registration for each of the remaining 23 modules is $60/module. Students may register for one or
more modules at any time.

The total cost of the PLC or PLC Technician II Certificate program is $1700 each. There are two payment
Option 1 - Full Registration: $1700/program
Students register and pay for the complete program at one time.
Option 2 - Pay-As-You-Learn Registration
Initial registration is $440 (includes web-based curriculum, laboratory simulation software and Module 1 exam)
for each of PLC or PLC II. Registration for each of the remaining 18 modules is $70/module. Students may
register for one or more modules at any time.

The total cost of the Robotics Technician Certificate program is $1660. There are two payment options;
Option 1- Full Registration: $1660
Students register and pay for the complete program at one time.
Option 2 - Pay-As-You-Learn Registration

George Brown College, School of Distance Education Technical Distance Education Programs FAQ pg. 1
Initial registration is $490 (includes web-based curriculum, laboratory simulation software, user guides and
Module 1 exam) and registration for each of the remaining 13 modules is $90/module. Students may register
for one or more modules at any time.

Q2: Are the programs accredited?

A: Yes, our programs are credit-bearing. George Brown College is a fully-accredited post-secondary institution
operating under the authority of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities in the Province of Ontario.
The College received its Charter in 1967 and operates three campuses in Toronto, Canada with over 15,000
full-time and 64,000 continuing education students. All certificates, diplomas, and degrees conferred by George
Brown College are done so under the power vested in its Board of Governors through the Government of
Ontario. George Brown College is a member of the Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) which is Canada’s
higher education sector leading organization consisting of over 200 post-secondary institutions.

Q3: Are there prerequisites for these programs?

A: Students entering these programs should have a high school diploma with credits at, or above, the general
level or mature student status. An electronics background is helpful but not essential.

Q4: Do the programs have a specific start and end date?

A: No, the Electronics, Electromechanical, Automation, PLC, PLC II and Robotics programs are open enrollment
programs with no predetermined time limits. That means you can start at your convenience and finish at your
own pace.

Q5: How long does it take to complete each Certificate program?

A: The average completion time is between 28-34 weeks of part-time study. The flexible computer-based
modules are designed to fit into your schedule, not ours, so you can work at your own pace to complete the

Q6: Are there exams and how are they written?

A: Yes, there are exams. The exams are written online using a computer-based testing package. A timed, 90
minute exam is taken to confirm a student’s mastery of the material in each module. The exams are
downloaded by the student from our web site, completed by the student and then returned to us
electronically for grading.

Q7: What is the passing grade for the programs?

A: You must obtain a 60% or higher to successfully complete each module of each program.

Q8: Do I ever have to physically attend the college?

A: No, these programs are offered entirely by distance education.

Q9: What’s included in the Interactive Learning Package?

A: The Interactive Learning Package includes

• Web-based based curriculum

• Lab simulation software

pg. 2
• Tutorial and Technical Support
• Access to additional online program resources
• Online Testing
Q10: How do I access the program?

A: Our program curriculum products are now available by direct download. Once a registration is confirmed,
we will provide new students with a download link from which to download and install the web-based
curriculum software.

Q11: What kind of technical and tutorial support is offered?

A: While enrolled, students receive technical and tutorial support from the program's Student Support Center.
The Student Support Center is open Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am until 10:00 pm and Saturday &
Sunday from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm (EST) and can be contacted by calling 1-866-279-1457 or by email at
support@gbctechtraining.com. We also have dedicated Discussion Forums, where students can direct specific
questions to our online tutor, seek assistance from and interact with other students, and view tutorials and
previous discussion threads about difficult program content.
Q12: How can I use these programs to obtain a diploma or degree?

A: Graduates of the certificate programs can continue their studies, online, to obtain a diploma or degree
through the following options;

Electronics Engineering Technician Diploma at George Brown College

Graduates of our Electronics Certificate program apply the credits earned from our program directly towards a
diploma. Seven more credits, including four general education courses and three communications courses,
must be taken to complete the fully accredited Electronics Engineering Technician Diploma.

Bachelor of Science offered through Athabasca University (AU) and George Brown College

Graduates of the Electronics Technician Certificate can transfer into the second year of studies and continue to
earn a 4-year Bachelor of Science degree.

Bachelor of Science, Technology Management Degree offered through Indiana State University and George
Brown College

Students who have completed the Electronics Technician Certificate (plus 7 General Education courses)
through George Brown College, can directly transfer into the third year of studies at Indiana State University
and continue on to complete a 4 year Bachelor of Science degree.

Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies offered through Neumann University and George Brown College

Students who have completed the Electronics Technician Diploma and one of the PLC or PLC Technician II
Certificate program through George Brown College, can transfer directly into the fourth year of studies at
Neumann University to complete a 4 year Bachelor of Science Degree.

Q 13: What is the difference between the PLC Technician program and the PLC Technician II program?

A: The PLC Technician program provides a foundation to PLCs in manufacturing and includes PLCLogic 500, our
lab simulator for the Rockwell 500 series PLC control software. The PLC Technician II program provides a more
advanced study of PLCs in manufacturing including DCS & SCADA systems. PLCLogix 5000 simulator integrated
within in the program emulates the Rockwell 5000 series PLC control software.
Q 14: Can I enroll in the PLC II program without taking the first PLC program?

A: Yes, however we recommend taking the first PLC program if you have little or no background in PLCs,
but the first program is not a prerequisite for PLC II. PLC Technician II can be completed without taking the
first PLC program however it is more challenging to learn since it uses tag-based addressing versus
traditional addressing found in most other PLCs.

Q 15: If each certificate program teaches a different type of PLC, which PLC is the most popular in industry?

A: The first PLC program covers PLCs such as Allen-Bradley SLC 500 and Rockwell RSLogix 500 while PLC
Technician II covers the Rockwell RSLogix 5000 series. The RSLogix 5000 PLC uses tag-based addressing and is
replacing older systems due to its flexibility, power, and unique capabilities. To really understand PLCs you
should know both methods of I/O addressing, traditional and tag-based, since both are very popular in

Q16: How do you obtain hands-on-experience with these programs?

A: All of our programs use state-of-the-art simulators that act as real world tools. With the Electronics and
Electromechanical simulators (CircuitLogix and 3DLab) you also can design test and debug analog, digital and
mixed mode circuits. With the PLC simulators, PLCLogix 500 and PLCLogic 5000, you can write and run real PLC
programs and verify their operation. Robologix, the Robotics simulator, allows for the programming, testing,
and debugging of robot-control programs. LogixSim, the simulator included in Automation program, includes
both 2D- and 3D-simulation software and features CircuitLogix, RoboLogix, PLCLogix 5000, and 3DLab
simulation products.
Q17: Do these programs have industry recognition?

A: The Electronics, Electromechanical, Automation, PLC, PLC II and Robotics Certificate programs were created
in direct response to requests from industry. The programs were developed to meet the emerging
requirements of industry and to provide the highest quality education and relevant training to students.

Q18: What computer hardware and software is needed to complete these programs?
A: Students must have access to a personal computer with the following minimum configuration;

• Intel Pentium or equivalent

• 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
• 250 MB available disk space
• Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows8.1/Windows 10
• 32 and 64 bit compatible
• Internet Access
• Email account
Note: Our program software is strictly made for Windows Operating Systems and will therefore only run-on
Windows-based computers. It will NOT work on Apple computers running Mac Operating Systems such as
Macbook, Chromebook computers running Chrome Operating Systems such as Google Pixelbook or any
device running Linux Operating Systems.

Q19: What is the Honor System Policy?

A: Once enrolled in the Electronics, Electromechanical, Automation, PLC, PLC II or Robotics programs, you are
responsible for obeying and supporting an honor system that prohibits lying, cheating, or stealing in relation to
the academic practices of George Brown College. The honor system also requires you to refrain from conduct

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that significantly impairs the welfare or the educational opportunities of others in the George Brown College
community. You are expected to do your own work in all aspects of your course.

Q20: What is the withdraw, drop and refund policy for these programs?

A: To receive tuition refund, a student must provide the Distance Education Support Services Center with a
written Request to Withdraw letter no later than ten business days after receiving the program materials.
There will be a$20 administration fee charged, per module, to process the refund.

Please note that there is no refund on the program web-based curriculum material. Please also note that the
textbooks cannot be returned for a refund.

Allow 4 to 6 weeks for processing and mail delivery of tuition refund checks. If you do not receive your tuition
refund check within 6 weeks of submitting your Request to Withdraw letter please contact the Distance
Education Support Services Center toll-free at 1-888-553-5333.

Please include the following information in your Request to Withdraw letter:

1. Name
2. Student Number
3. Course Registration Number
4. Reason for withdrawal
5. Signature

A Request to Withdraw refund letter should be faxed to the Distance Education Support Services Center at
(416) 415-4683 or emailed to info@gbctechtraining.com or mailed to George Brown College, School of Distance
Education Distance Education Support Services Center, PO Box 1015 Station B, Toronto, Ontario Canada, M5T

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