Paper 2189
Paper 2189
Paper 2189
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
Abstract: The paper addresses a simple and effective coordination of overcurrent relays in distribution
network As far as the distribution network is concerned, the over current relays are the major protection
devices. Back up protection is intended to operate when a fault is not cleared or an abnormal condition
is not detected in required time because of failure or inability of other protection to operate or failure of
the appropriate Circuit Breakers to trip. In the distribution network, the relays have to be coordinated
properly in order to avoid unnecessary outage of healthy part of system. In this work, an attempt has
been made to study the coordination amongst various over current relays by simulating unsymmetrical
fault in various locations of distribution network. The simulation work is carried out in Matlab for 3-bus
system. The protection settings were tested and from the simulation results it was found that the
coordination among the relays achieved properly.
Keywords: Over Current Relay, Relay Setting and Coordination, Distribution Network
In the modern distribution system, the protection of the electrical components is one of the most important tasks for
electrical engineers during the fault condition. The main aim of electrical network protection systems is to isolate the
faulty part of network quickly to prevent further damage to the system and also to maintain continuous power supply to
healthy section. For the protection of electrical network protective relays play a vital role to isolate the faulty section.
The over current (OC) relays are essential for distribution and sub-transmission networks. During the fault condition, if
the primary relay fails to operate, a secondary relay is provided to operate at specified time interval. During operation
of over-current relays, minimum time gaps are required to maintain the coordination between these two relays both
relays is called as CTI (coordination time interval). Heavy fault current flows in the event of faults at the loads
connected in distribution system, to protect these loads, circuit breakers and relay are required at appropriate places
with proper coordination between them. In case of any failure occur the relay can be operated and give the command
signal to the corresponding Circuit Breaker. This relay is called as primary relay. In case of failure of primary relay,
backup relay will operate after sufficient time discrimination. Relay coordination is an important aspect in the
protection system design as coordination schemes must guarantee fast, selective, and reliable to isolate the power
system from faulted sections. However, protective relay are used to detect any abnormalities in a power system and
isolate the faulty section of the system in the shortest time, in order to minimize disturbances caused by to ensure
continues power delivery. In the beginning, the trial and error finding in the relay settings can be studied in[1], The
design of protective relaying has to ensure that relays will be able to detect abnormal or undesirable conditions and then
trip the circuit breaker to disconnect the affected area without affecting other undesired areas. According to statistical
evidence, large numbers of relay tripping are due to improper or inadequate settings rather than to genuine faults in[2].
In [3], implementation of Coordination of Over-Current Relays using 3 bus and 4 bus test models was simulated . The
simulation models were developed to support and enhance Power System protection courses. The results can be
displayed in the form of graphs or imported to document for visual inspection by [4]. In [5], model and simulation
software were developed specifically for teaching protective relaying application and design concepts by introducing
new libraries of signal sources and relay elements developed for the SIMULINK environment of MATLAB. Combined
Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/568 298
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
with the power block set toolbox of MATLAB, the mentioned libraries allow for a variety of studies aimed at better
understanding protective relay design approaches, and related applications.
applications In [6], presented
ed a set of newly developed
modeling, simulation and testing tools aimed at better understanding the design concept and related applications for
protective relaying solutions for the electrical network.
network Model and Performance Simulation of Over current Relay and
Fault-Circuit-Breaker Using Simulink were proposed by Martín, Sergio Sebastian. It is an interactive software tool for
modeling, simulating and analyzing dynamic systems, which is showing optimum results in all fields of engineering.
He explains how a model of a circuit breaker controlled by an over current relay and selecting power network
protection elements under stable, transient or no voltage power conditions in[7]. The he dynamic performance oof
interconnected power systems was analyzed and examined
e the characteristics of the various components of a power
system during normal operating conditions
ditions and during disturbances in [8].
requires the knowledge of maximum possible load and fault current for each possible fault location to cover whole
network with primary and backup over current protection. The optimal relay coordination guarantees the correct relay
operating sequence with the least fault clearing time for each fault location. Let consider the fault is created in the
location A. For ensuring safety, relay 1 should be acting as a primary relay because it is near to the fault location A. In
case if relay 1 fails to operate, then the relay 2 must be acting as backup relay in order to protect the system. so this
action based upon the basic constraints of the each relay was discussed in section II.
Figure 4.1: Flow Chart for Relay Coordination
The fig 4.1 result displayed the functioning of relay coordination . All The input data variables entered with entire
row and column through the matlab simulink.
simulink. These data are stored and imported into the matlab environment. Once
the values are imported then the matlab can read the data and the output will show the values of PSM, TDS, operating
time of the relay and CTI of each relay.. The output values can be tabulated in table 4.1. Thus the relay coordination of
over current relays on 3- bus radial distribution system has been completed.
Table 4.1: Relay and Its Optimized Outputs
RELAY NUMBER PSM TDS OPERATING TIME (S) Coordination time interval
1 1 0.40 0.9069 0
2 1 0.54 1.2243 0.3
3 1.12 0.3400 1.5671 0.3
4 1.14 0.5600 1.6232 0.3
5 1.18 0.62 1.777 0.3
6 2.10 0.71 2.2026 0.3
The above table 4.1 represents the output value of each relay in the system. From the table the operating time of each
relay is higher than another nearest relay. Table 4.2 displays the
he primary relay and its corresponding backup relay based
upon the operating time which may understand easily from the table 4.1.
In this work, the setting of primary and backup relays and the relay coordination for radial distribution system was
simulated using MATLAB simulink. Here, three bus radial distribution system was taken as a test model and the relay
coordination was studied. In this test model the fault was created in various locations and the setting of relays were
obtained from Matlab coding for reliable service. Once the fault occurs, the values such as discrimination time, PSM,
TDS and the operating time of the relays were given by the developed coding in order to achieve safe operation and
rapid fault clearance. It is observed that the relay working time is decreasing with the optimal setting of TDS value
irrespective of the values of TDS. Hence it is concluded that with the use of optimized protection schemes and proper
relay coordination between primary and backup relays, the unwanted outage of feeders could be avoided.
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[2]. M.S. Sachdev M. Nagpal T. Adu, 1990,“Interactive software for evaluating and teaching digital relaying
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[4]. X. Luo and M. Kezunovic, 2005, “A Novel Digital Relay Model Based on SIMULINK and Its Validation
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