DKA, Tintinalli
DKA, Tintinalli
DKA, Tintinalli
TABLE 224-13 Antimicrobial Therapy in Infected Diabetes-Related Lower in preventing recurrent hypoglycemia. The ideal dosage and interval of
Extremity Ulcers octreotide are not well defined. Recommendations vary from a single
50- to 100-microgram SC injection after a single hypoglycemic episode,
Non–limb-threatening* to serial SC injections (50 to 100 micrograms every 6 to 8 hours) or con-
• Cephalexin, 500 milligrams PO every 6 h, 10-d course stant IV infusion (125 micrograms/h) after a second hypoglycemic epi-
Or sode. Some suggest that the addition of octreotide, 50 micrograms SC, to
• Clindamycin, 300–450 milligrams PO every 6–8 h, 10-d course standard therapy may result in a decrease in frequency of hypoglycemic
Or episodes and an increase in mean plasma glucose.45,46 Octreotide is only
recommended after initial glucose therapy has been initiated for
• Dicloxacillin, 500 milligrams PO every 6 h, 10-d course sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycemia and can be considered when the
Or response to dextrose is inadequate. It is primarily used to reduce the
• Amoxicillin-clavulanate, 875/125 milligrams PO every 12 h, 10-d course risk of recurrent hypoglycemia.
Or Glucagon is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration–approved alterna-
• Clarithromycin 500 milligrams PO every 12 h (in severe penicillin allergy) tive that may be used SC or IM in the absence of IV access. SC injection
of this polypeptide hormone can cause an approximate 100 milligram/
Limb-threatening* dL (5.55 mmol/L) increase in serum glucose of hypoglycemic patients.
Oral regimen†: Response to glucagon therapy is generally slower when compared with
• (Ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin or moxifloxacin) plus clindamycin IV dextrose, requiring 7 to 10 minutes for normalization of mental sta-
Or tus. Additionally, the response to glucagon administration may be short
• Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole plus amoxicillin-clavulanate lived. In adults, glucagon is administered at the dose of 1 milligram
as an SC or IM injection. Intranasal glucagon has also been used safely
IV regimens: in some studies for the treatment of hypoglycemia.46 In patients who are
• Ampicillin-sulbactam, 3 grams every 6 h thought to be glycogen-depleted (such as heavy alcohol users or mara-
Or thon runners after the race), glucagon therapy is not recommended.
• Piperacillin-tazobactam 4.5 grams every 6–8 h Glucagon is not recommended for sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycemia.
Or Diazoxide has also been used in the treatment of refractory
sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycemia. It acts by directly inhibiting insulin
• Clindamycin, 900 milligrams every 6 h plus secretion from pancreatic β cells. Diazoxide may cause hypotension and
• (ciprofloxacin, 400 milligrams every 8–12 h so should be administered as a slow IV infusion (300 milligrams over
Or 30 minutes every 4 hours).
• Ceftriaxone, 1 gram every 12 h)
IV regimens:
• Imipenem-cilastatin, 500 milligrams every 6 h Patients who experience hypoglycemia due to sulfonylureas, non–
short-acting insulins, or meglitinides should be admitted for serial
glucose monitoring and treatment. A patient with an isolated episode
• Meropenem 1 gram every 8 h of accidental hypoglycemia not resulting from oral hypoglycemic agents
Or of long-acting insulins, who has reliable follow-up, may be discharged
• Vancomycin, 15–20 milligram/kg every 12 h, plus metronidazole, 500 milligrams every from the ED upon completion of an uneventful 4-hour observation
8 h, plus (aztreonam, 2 grams every 6–8 h period.46
• Ciprofloxacin 400 milligrams every 8–12 h) REFERENCES
(if MRSA coverage is warranted)
The complete reference list is available online at
Abbreviation: MRSA = methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Note: Adjust all dosages for renal/hepatic function and monitor blood levels where appropriate.
See the section “Lower Extremity and Foot Complications” for definitions.
This approach is acceptable under special circumstances with close follow-up.
CHAPTER Diabetic Ketoacidosis
225 Andrew Nyce
Richard Byrne
TABLE 224-14 Differential Diagnosis of Hypoglycemia Cary L. Lubkin
• Stroke Michael E. Chansky
• Transient ischemic attack
• Traumatic head injury
• Brain tumor Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is an acute, life-threatening complication
• Narcolepsy of diabetes mellitus. DKA occurs predominantly in patients with type 1
(insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. The incidence of DKA in the
• Multiple sclerosis United Kingdom, United States, and other developed countries is com-
• Psychosis parable, with an annual incidence between 13.4 and 14.9 cases per 1000
• Sympathomimetic drug ingestion type 1 diabetics.1 There has been an increased number of DKA cases in
• Hysteria patients with newly diagnosed type 2 (non–insulin-dependent) diabetes
• Altered sleep patterns and nightmares mellitus, especially in African Americans and Hispanics. Ketosis-prone
type 2 diabetics have significant impairment in insulin secretion and
• Depression action that subsequently recovers after resolution of DKA.1 Over the
past decade in the United States, the frequency of DKA has increased into muscle cells with subsequent incorporation into muscle protein
by 30%, with close to 140,000 hospitalizations per year.2 A better under- while preventing the release of amino acids from muscle and hepatic
standing of the pathophysiology of DKA and an aggressive, uniform protein sources.
approach to its diagnosis and management have reduced mortality to Deficiency in insulin secretion due to loss of islet cell mass is the
<1% of reported episodes in experienced centers.1 However, mortality is predominant defect in type 1 diabetes mellitus. In the initial stages of
higher in patients from developing countries, those with comorbidities diabetes mellitus, the secretory failure of β cells impairs fuel storage
and the elderly.3 and may be evident only during a glucose tolerance test. As levels of
insulin decrease, fuel stores are mobilized during fasting, resulting in
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY hyperglycemia. When pancreatic β-cell reserve is present, hyperglyce-
mia may trigger an increase in insulin and a return to normal glucose
Figure 225-1 illustrates the complex relationships between insulin and concentration. With further disease progression, hyperglycemia can no
counterregulatory hormones. DKA is a response to cellular starvation longer trigger an increase in insulin activity. Despite the presence of
brought on by relative insulin deficiency and counterregulatory or elevated intravascular glucose, in the absence of insulin, cells are unable
catabolic hormone excess (Figure 225-1). Insulin is the only anabolic to use glucose as a fuel source. The body responds by breaking down
hormone produced by the endocrine pancreas and is responsible for protein and adipose stores to try to produce a usable intracellular fuel.
the metabolism and storage of carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Counter- Loss of the normal physiologic effects of insulin leads to secretion of
regulatory hormones include glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol, and catabolic (counterregulatory) hormones and resulting hyperglycemia
growth hormone. Complete or relative absence of insulin and the excess and ketonemia.
counterregulatory hormones result in hyperglycemia (due to excess
production and underutilization of glucose), osmotic diuresis, prerenal KETOACIDOSIS
azotemia, worsening hyperglycemia, ketone formation, and an elevated
anion gap metabolic acidosis.4 The response to cellular starvation seen with insulin insufficiency
is increased levels of glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol, and growth
hormone. Glucagon is the primary counterregulatory hormone. The
catabolic effects of these hormones include increased gluconeogenesis
Ingested glucose is the primary stimulant of insulin release from the and glycogenolysis, breakdown of fats into free fatty acids and glycerol,
β cells of the pancreas. Insulin’s main action occurs at the three principal and proteolysis with increased levels of amino acids. Increased levels of
tissues of energy storage and metabolism—the liver, adipose tissue, and glucogenic precursors, such as glycerol and amino acids, facilitate glu-
skeletal muscle. Insulin acts on the liver to facilitate the uptake of glucose coneogenesis, worsening hyperglycemia.
and its conversion to glycogen while inhibiting glycogen breakdown Free fatty acids released in the periphery are bound to albumin and
(glycogenolysis) and suppressing gluconeogenesis. The net effect of these transported to the liver, where they undergo conversion to ketone bod-
actions is to promote the storage of glucose in the form of glycogen. ies. The primary ketone bodies β-hydroxybutyrate (βHB) and aceto-
Insulin increases lipogenesis in the liver and adipose cells by produc- acetic acid (AcAc) account for the metabolic acidosis seen in DKA.
ing triglycerides from free fatty acids and glycerol while inhibiting the The two are in equilibrium: AcAc + NADH ⇋ βHB + NAD. AcAc
breakdown of triglycerides. Insulin stimulates the uptake of amino acids is metabolized to acetone, another major ketone body. Depletion of
Insulin Deficiency
and counterregulatory hormone (primarily glucagon) excess
Decreased GFR
Vomiting Anion gap Ketonuria
Metabolic acidosis
Severe hyperglycemia
Impaired Shock
FIGURE 225-1. Insulin deficiency. Pathogenesis of diabetic ketoacidosis secondary to relative insulin deficiency and counterregulatory hormone excess. GFR = glomerular filtration rate.
TABLE 225-1 Important Causes of Diabetic Ketoacidosis produces the characteristic fruity odor on the breath found in some
patients. The absence of fever does not exclude infection. Hypothermia
• Omission or reduced daily insulin injections is present occasionally because of peripheral vasodilation.
• Dislodgement/occlusion of insulin pump catheter Abdominal pain and tenderness associated with DKA generally corre-
• Infection late with the level of acidosis. Pain can be due to gastric dilatation, ileus,
• Pregnancy or pancreatitis, but any other acute abdominal disorder can also develop.
• Hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma, Cushing’s syndrome Due to the frequency of abdominal pain and the presence of an elevated
serum amylase or lipase level in both DKA and pancreatitis, distinguish-
• Substance abuse (cocaine) ing these two conditions may be difficult. An elevated serum lipase level
• Medications: steroids, thiazides, antipsychotics, sympathomimetics is more specific to pancreatitis, but it may also be elevated in DKA.
• Heat-related illness
• Cerebrovascular accident DIAGNOSIS
• GI hemorrhage
• Myocardial infarction A blood glucose level >250 milligrams/dL (13.9 mmol/L), an anion
gap >10 to 12 mEq/L (>10 mmol/L), a bicarbonate level <15 mEq/L
• Pulmonary embolism
(<15 mmol/L), and a pH <7.3 with moderate ketonuria or ketonemia
• Pancreatitis constitute the diagnosis of DKA.1,4,6 Traditionally, DKA is divided into
• Major trauma mild, moderate, and severe states based on total-body deficits of water
• Surgery and electrolytes. Mild DKA is defined as an arterial pH of 7.25 to 7.3, a
serum bicarbonate of 15 to 18 mEq/L (15 to 18 mmol/L), and an anion
gap >10 mEq/L, whereas moderate DKA is defined as arterial pH between
7.0 and 7.24, a serum bicarbonate of 10 to 15 mEq/L (10 to 15 mmol/L),
hepatic glycogen stores favors ketogenesis. Low or absent insulin levels and an anion gap >12 mEq/L in an alert to drowsy patient. Severe DKA is
decrease the ability of the brain and cardiac and skeletal muscle to use defined as a pH <7.00, bicarbonate <10 mEq/L (<10 mmol/L), and anion
ketones as an energy source, increasing ketonemia. The persistently gap >12 mEq/L in a stuporous to comatose patient.1
elevated serum glucose level eventually causes an osmotic diuresis. The
resulting volume depletion worsens hyperglycemia and ketonemia.
The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, activated by volume deple-
tion, exacerbates renal potassium losses already occurring from osmotic In contrast to the above DKA criteria, euglycemic ketoacidosis
diuresis. In the kidney, chloride is retained in exchange for the ketoanions (euDKA) (glucose <250 milligrams/dL or <13.9 mmol/L) can cre-
being excreted. The loss of ketoanions represents a potential loss of bicar- ate a diagnostic challenge. Situations in which euDKA occurs include
bonate. In the face of marked ketonuria, a superimposed hyperchloremic pregnant patients, young type 1 diabetics who are vomiting, patients
acidosis is also present. As adipose tissue is broken down, prostaglandins who present just after receiving insulin, patients with impaired gluco-
I2 and E2 are produced. Both account for paradoxical vasodilation that neogenesis (alcohol abuse or liver failure), and patients with low caloric
occurs despite profound levels of volume depletion. intake or starvation. Suspect euDKA in such patient populations even
in the presence of relative normoglycemia (Table 225-2).7,8 euDKA
CAUSES OF DKA has also recently been described as a potential adverse side effect in
patients taking sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors
Factors known to precipitate DKA are listed in Table 225-1.4 Additional (e.g., canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, or empagliflozin). Potential mecha-
risk factors include poor economic background, lack of insurance or nisms include decreased insulin dose requirements and higher gluca-
minority status, drug abuse, depression, and the presence of an eating gon levels.8 SGLT-2 inhibitors increase glucose secretion in the urine,
disorder. In many patients, no clear precipitating cause is found.4 thereby decreasing carbohydrate availability. The subsequent drop in
insulin release inhibits gluconeogenesis in the liver, in turn resulting
CLINICAL FEATURES in ketogenesis and the lower serum glucose levels commonly seen in
euDKA. A clinical suspicion for ketosis (nausea, vomiting, malaise) in
The clinical manifestations of DKA are related directly to hypergly- this unique subset of patients combined with the measurement of serum
cemia, volume depletion, and acidosis. The metabolic alterations of βHB (generally >3 mEq/L [>3 mmol/L]) can aid in the prompt diagnosis
DKA tend to evolve within 24 hours.4 Osmotic diuresis gradually leads of DKA.7-9 As outlined below, treatment includes dextrose containing
to volume loss in addition to renal losses of sodium, chloride, potas- fluids coupled with insulin therapy until ketosis resolves.
sium, phosphorous, calcium, and magnesium. Initially, patients may
compensate by increasing fluid intake, and polyuria and polydipsia are DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
usually the only symptoms until ketonemia and acidosis develop. As
acidosis progresses, ventilation is stimulated physiologically by acide- The differential diagnosis of DKA (Table 225-3) includes any cause of a
mia to diminish the Pco2 and to counter metabolic acidosis. Acidosis high anion gap metabolic acidosis. Patients with hyperosmolar, nonketotic
combined with the effects of prostaglandins I2 and E2 leads to peripheral
vasodilation despite profound levels of volume depletion. Prostaglandin
release is also felt to play a role in unexplained nausea, vomiting, and TABLE 225-2 Risk Factors for Diabetic Ketoacidosis Patients with Initial
abdominal pain that are seen frequently at presentation, especially in Glucose <250 milligrams/dL (13.9 mmol/L) (Euglycemic
children. Vomiting, which may be a maladaptive physiologic response to Ketoacidosis)
diminish the acid load, unfortunately exacerbates potassium losses. As • Patients presenting shortly after receiving insulin
volume depletion progresses, poor absorption of SC insulin renders its
administration less effective. Impaired mental status may develop and is • Type 1 diabetics who are young and vomiting
most likely multifactorial, related to metabolic acidosis, hyperosmolar- • Patients with impaired gluconeogenesis (alcohol abuse or liver failure)
ity, low extracellular fluid volume, and poor hemodynamics. Altera- • Low caloric intake/starvation
tion of consciousness seems to correlate better with elevated serum • Depression
osmolality (>320 mOsm/L or >320 mmol/kg) than with severity of • Pregnancy
metabolic acidosis.5
Tachycardia, orthostasis or hypotension, poor skin turgor, and dry • SGLT2 inhibitors*
mucous membranes result from volume depletion. Kussmaul respira- *
SGLT2 inhibitors = inhibitors of sodium-glucose transport protein 2 (e.g., dapagliflozin, canagliflozin,
tions, increased rate and depth of breathing, may be observed. Acetone empagliflozin).
TABLE 225-3 Differential Diagnosis for Diabetic Ketoacidosis the presence of an underlying metabolic acidosis otherwise masked by the
concomitant volume contraction–related metabolic alkalosis.
• Alcoholic ketoacidosis Venous pH has essentially replaced arterial blood gases in the assess-
• Starvation ketoacidosis ment of the acid-base status of the DKA patient. A strong correlation
• Renal failure exists between venous and arterial pH in patients with DKA, and the
• Lactic acidosis arterial blood gas value does not impact therapy.10 Venous pH is about
• Ingestions 0.03 lower than arterial pH. Venous pH obtained during routine phle-
botomy should be used to avoid arterial puncture, which is painful and
• Salicylates may cause arterial vascular complications.
• Ethylene glycol A low Pco2 determination usually reflects respiratory compensation
• Methanol for metabolic acidosis. If it is lower than explained by the degree of aci-
dosis, a primary respiratory alkalosis exists, which may be an early indi-
cation of pulmonary disease (e.g., pneumonia, pulmonary embolus) or
coma tend to be older, have a more prolonged course, and have prominent sepsis as a possible trigger of DKA. Chapter 15, “Acid-Base Disorders,”
mental status changes. Serum glucose levels generally are much higher details how compensatory changes in Pco2 can be distinguished from a
(>600 milligrams/dL or >33.3 mOsm/L), and there is little to no anion gap primary respiratory alkalosis.
metabolic acidosis.4 The ketosis in alcoholic ketoacidosis and starvation Potassium Total-body potassium is depleted by renal losses. How-
ketosis tend to be milder (βHB generally <3 mEq/L [<3 mmol/L], serum ever, the measured serum potassium level is normal or elevated in
bicarbonate usually >18 mEq/L [>18 mmol/L]), and the serum glucose most patients4 because of two important factors: extracellular shift of
level is usually low or normal. βHB predominates in alcoholic ketoacido- potassium secondary to acidemia and increased intravascular osmolar-
sis, so the urinary ketone test may be negative or trace positive. ity caused by hyperglycemia. Although the actual incidence of initial
Various toxic ingestions may also cause a high anion gap acidosis, so hypokalemia on laboratory testing in DKA is not known, a few studies
if a toxic ingestion cannot be excluded, serum osmolarity or drug-level report an occurrence of 4% to 6%.5,11,12 The decrease in serum potas-
testing is required. Renal failure, anion gap acidosis, and liver function sium during therapy is reported to be about 1.5 mEq/L (1.5 mmol/L)
abnormalities may be due to acetaminophen toxicity. Depending on the and parallels the drop in glucose and the dose of insulin.5,11
hemodynamic status, lactic acidosis (poor perfusion) may occur simul- ECG changes of hyperkalemia or hypokalemia may be seen. The ECG
taneously with DKA; in these cases, determination of the serum lactate also should be evaluated for ischemia because myocardial infarction
level is indicated. Patients taking metformin with new-onset renal may precipitate DKA.
insufficiency are at risk for developing type B (aerobic) lactic acidosis. Sodium and Other Electrolytes Osmotic diuresis leads to excessive
renal losses of sodium chloride in the urine. However, the presence
LABORATORY TESTING of hyperglycemia tends to artificially lower the serum sodium levels.
Standard teaching is that 1.6 mEq (1.6 mmol) should be added to
Obtain a rapid bedside glucose level, urinalysis, and ECG to assess for the reported sodium value for every 100 milligrams (5.55 mmol)
evidence of hyperkalemia, and obtain a CBC, serum electrolytes, BUN of glucose >100 milligrams/dL (>5.5 mmol/L). However, the cor-
and creatinine, urinalysis, venous blood gas, and phosphate, magne- rection factor is probably 2.4, especially for blood glucose levels
sium, and calcium levels. Calculate the anion gap [Na – (Cl + HCO3]). >400 milligrams/dL (>22.2 mOsm/L).13 Osmotic diuresis also causes
Blood cultures and other laboratory tests should be done as clinically urinary losses and total-body depletion of phosphorous, calcium, and
indicated. Arterial blood gas determinations are optional but may be magnesium. Hemoconcentration frequently leads to initially elevated
required for the diagnosis and monitoring of critically ill patients. levels of these electrolytes in serum. As therapy progresses, lower serum
Ketone Bodies In DKA, elevated serum levels of βHB and AcAc cause levels of each will be evident.
acidosis and ketonuria. The nitroprusside reagent normally used to Other Laboratory Values Serum creatinine frequently may be
detect urine and serum ketones only detects AcAc; acetone is only elevated factitiously if the laboratory assay for creatinine is inter-
weakly reactive and βHB not at all. Gas chromatography can be used to fered with by the nitroprusside assay. Some elevation in creatinine
detect serum acetone but is expensive and time consuming. is expected due to prerenal azotemia. Liver function studies may be
NADH accumulation in mitochondria, as may occur with lactic aci- elevated because of fatty infiltration of the liver, which gradually corrects
dosis or alcohol metabolism, favors the βHB side of equilibrium noted as the acidosis is treated. Leukocytosis is often present because of hemo-
earlier (AcAc + NADH ⇋ βHB + NAD). Paradoxically, as the patient is concentration and stress. However, a WBC count >25,000 mm3 and/or an
being treated and clinically improves, ketone levels will increase as the absolute band count of 10,000 mm3 or more is suggestive of infection.2
body converts the more acidic βHB to AcAc. Therefore, the urine and/ Elevation of C-reactive protein may reflect the proinflammatory state
or blood ketone test (Acetest®) that uses the nitroprusside reaction is not found in DKA; elevated levels of cytokines may also be present.
a reliable measure for diagnosis or monitoring of DKA. Compared to a
urine dipstick for ketones, a more reliable and preferred test for ketone-
mia in DKA is a quantitative βHB serum level. In general, during DKA, TREATMENT
the βHB level is greater than 3 mEq/L (3 mmol/L), and this test should
The diagnosis of DKA should be suspected at triage. Begin aggressive fluid
be obtained with other initial laboratory testing, as outlined above.3
therapy before receiving laboratory results4 (Figure 225-2). The goals of
Drugs with a sulfhydryl group, such as the angiotensin-converting
therapy are (1) volume repletion, (2) reversal of the metabolic conse-
enzyme inhibitor captopril, interact with the reagent in the nitroprusside
quences of insulin insufficiency, (3) correction of electrolyte and acid-base
test, producing a potential false-positive urine test for ketones. Consider
imbalances, (4) recognition and treatment of precipitating causes, and (5)
the clinical presentation and other biochemical markers when interpret-
avoidance of complications. Place patients on a cardiac monitor and begin
ing a positive urine nitroprusside test in this subset of patients.1
at least one large-bore (16- to 18-gauge) IV infusion of isotonic crystalloid.
Acid-Base Abnormalities DKA leads to a wide anion gap metabolic A second IV line with 0.45% normal saline at minimal rate to keep the
acidosis. Hyperchloremic acidosis also occurs on the basis of ketoanion IV line open can be considered. The order of therapeutic priorities is
exchange for chloride in the urine and is especially common in patients volume first and foremost, correction of potassium deficits, and then
who maintain good hydration status and glomerular filtration rate despite insulin administration. Metabolic disturbances should be corrected at
ketoacidosis. Metabolic alkalosis may occur secondary to vomiting, the approximate rate of occurrence or over 24 to 36 hours.
osmotic diuresis, and concomitant diuretic use. Rarely, some patients with Meeting the goals of safely replacing deficits and supplying miss-
DKA may present with normal-appearing [HCO3–] or even an elevated ing insulin requires monitoring every 2 hours of electrolytes (glucose,
[HCO3–], if coexisting metabolic alkalosis is severe enough to mask the potassium, and anion gap), vital signs, level of consciousness, and
acidosis. In such situations, an elevated anion gap may be the only clue to volume input/output until recovery. The goal of treatment is glucose
After NS bolus: Generally for eunatremia or If anion gap <25 and glucose <800 (44 mmol/L)
hypernatremia give 0.45 NS @250-500 ml/hr and no significant comorbidity, consider floor or
with K+ supplement as above. For diabetic unit disposition
hyponatremia continue NS at 250-500 ml/hr
Rate of hydration dependent on hemodynamics,
If pH <6.9 may give 100 mmol NaHCO3 in
hydration status, urine output
400 ml of water with 20 eq KCL at 200 ml/hr.
Repeat every 2 hours until pH >7.0. Check [K+] 2 hrs Patients with pH >6.9 do not require NaHCO3
q 2 hrs.
Re-check glucose, lytes, AG, VBG, mental status,
Active -Adequate fluid infusion I/O’s, check results of initial phosphate,
Goals: -Insulin infusing magnesium, calcium. Check lytes every
-Maintain [K+] 3.3-5.2 2 hrs initially in ED. Check glucose hourly
-Lower glucose by 75 milligram/dl/hr
-Maintain adequate electrolytes If glucose does not decrease by 10% after one
(Ca, Mg, Phos) hour of insulin therapy, give 0.14 U/kg bolus then
resume previous rate
When glucose approaches 200 (11 mmol/L),
change IV to D51/2NS with 20-40 meq KCL/L.
If glucose decreasing faster than 50-75 milligrams/
Decrease insulin rate to 0.02-0.05 U/kg/hr
3-12 hrs dl/hr, (2.8-4.2 mmol/L) decrease insulin drip in half.
Check glucose hourly
Correct estimated fluid deficits in the first In young and new onset diabetics avoid excess
24-36 hours free water, monitor carefully for development of
cerebral edema, and have mannitol at the bedside
Maintain serum glucose 180-200 (10-11mmol/L)
and continue insulin drip for at least 12 h or until Re-check lytes, glucose, AG: repeat in 4 hr
DKA resolves: glucose <200 (11 mmol/L) If taking PO, consider oral K, Phos, Mg
and Anion Gap normal, pH >7.3 and HCO3>15 replacement as needed
Late complications:
Feed patient. Start SC insulin regimen
Refractory acidosis (sepsis)
(0.5-0.8 U/kg in insulin naïve patients). 12-48 hrs
Cerebral edema
Continue IV insulin for 1-2 hrs AFTER SC
Vascular thrombosis (rare)
insulin started
FIGURE 225-2. Timeline for the typical adult patient with suspected diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). *IV insulin infusion <1.0 unit/kg/h may require a bolus dose of regular insulin (0.1 unit/kg).4
AG = anion gap; ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome; BS = blood sugar; ICU = intensive care unit; I/Os = inputs/outputs; NS = normal saline; TKO = to keep vein open; VBG = venous
blood gas.
<200 milligrams/dL (<11.1 mmol/L), bicarbonate ≥18 mEq/L (≥18 ketone levels.4 Rehydration improves the response to low-dose insu-
mmol/L), and venous pH >7.3. lin therapy.4 The average adult patient has a water deficit of 100 mL/
kg (5 to 10 L) and a sodium deficit of 7 to 10 mEq/kg (7 to 10 mmol/L/
kg).4 Normal saline is the most frequently recommended fluid for initial
volume repletion even though the extracellular fluid of the patient is
Fluid helps restore intravascular volume and normal tonicity, perfuse vital initially hypertonic.14 Normal saline does not provide “free water” to cor-
organs, improve glomerular filtration rate, and lower serum glucose and rect intracellular fluid loss, but it does prevent an excessively rapid fall in
extracellular osmolarity and the potential devastating transfer of excessive the first few hours of therapy, measure the plasma potassium level ini-
water into the CNS. Large-volume resuscitation with normal saline may tially every 2 hours. If oliguria or renal insufficiency is present, withhold
result in hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, prolonging time to resolution or decrease potassium replacement.
of acidosis in DKA. Further, there is a possible association between nor- Initial hypokalemia (<3.3 mEq/L or <3.3 mmol/L) is uncommon but
mal saline resuscitation and increased mortality in septic shock patients necessitates a more aggressive replacement before insulin therapy.4 In
when compared to balanced fluid resuscitation.15 Replacing normal saline this setting, give potassium IV at 20 to 30 mEq/h (20 to 30 mmol/h)
with lactated ringer’s solution or another balanced electrolyte solution and hold insulin until [K+] is ≥3.5 mEq/L (≥3.5 mmol/L).6,7 There is no
may help to slightly speed resolution of acidosis16 and prevent hyper- advantage to using potassium phosphate (K2PO4) compared to potas-
chloremic acidosis17 without any reduction in mortality. Without clear sium chloride because K2PO4 may result in hypocalcemia and metastatic
evidence of superiority, it is reasonable to select either normal saline, precipitation of calcium phosphate in tissues. Oral potassium replace-
lactated ringer’s, or a commercially available balanced crystalloid ment is safe and effective and is the preferred route of replacement
solution for volume replacement in DKA. There is no consensus on as soon as the patient can tolerate oral fluids. In DKA, initial potas-
the best fluid choice in DKA. A recent large randomized trial compar- sium replacement is usually by an intravenous line. Each institution
ing outcomes with use of balanced crystalloid or normal saline was not may have specific guidelines for potassium replacement, but a general
specific to DKA patients, but supports the use of balanced crystalloids in approach is a rate no faster than 10 mEq/h (10 mmol/h) via peripheral
critically ill patients.18 After initial resuscitation with isotonic crystalloid, IV or 20 mEq/h (20 mmol/h) via central line access. Continuous cardiac
change fluids to 0.45% normal saline once the corrected serum sodium is monitoring is generally recommended while replacing potassium in the
normal or elevated.6,7 severely hypokalemic patient. During the first 24 hours, 100 to 200 mEq
Based on clinical suspicion alone and before initial electrolyte results, (100 to 200 mmol) of KCl is usually required.
administer the initial fluid bolus of isotonic crystalloid at a rate of 15
Hyperkalemia Obtain an ECG immediately and check for signs of
to 20 mL/kg/h during the first hour unless there are mitigating circum-
hyperkalemia once DKA is suspected.
stances.6 The rate of hydration should depend on hemodynamic stability,
Giving potassium to a patient in a hyperkalemic potentiating state
hydration status, urine output, and serum electrolytes. After the initial
(e.g., acidemia, insulin deficiency, volume contraction, renal insuf-
bolus, administer normal saline at 250 to 500 mL/h in hyponatremic
ficiency) may dangerously increase the extracellular potassium level
patients, or give 0.45% normal saline at 250 to 500 mL/h for eunatremic
and precipitate fatal dysrhythmias. The initial measurement of serum
and hypernatremic patients.7 In general, the first 2 L are administered
electrolytes, ECG review for signs of hyperkalemia, and the presence
rapidly over 0 to 2 hours, the next 2 L over 2 to 6 hours, and then an
of urine output determine initial potassium therapy. An initial serum
additional 2 L over 6 to 12 hours. This replaces approximately 50% of
potassium level >5.2 mEq/L usually reflects a more profound acidemia
the total water deficit over the first 12 hours, with the remaining 50%
and volume depletion or renal insufficiency. Fluid and insulin therapy
water deficit to be replaced over the subsequent 12 hours.
alone usually will lower the serum potassium level rapidly. Albuterol
When the blood glucose level falls to about 250 milligrams/dL (13.9
nebulization can provide an additional quick potassium-lowering
mmol/L), change to 5% dextrose in 0.45% normal saline. Patients
effect. See Chapter 17, “Fluids and Electrolytes,” for further treatment
without extreme volume depletion can be managed safely with a more
of hyperkalemia.
modest fluid replacement regimen such as 250 to 500 mL/h for 4 hours.
Closely monitor the volume status in the elderly or in those with heart
or renal disease. Excess fluid may contribute to the development of adult INSULIN
respiratory distress syndrome and cerebral edema.
Low-dose regular insulin administration by an infusion pump is simple
and safe, ensures a steady blood concentration of insulin, allows flex-
ibility in adjusting the insulin dose, and promotes a gradual decrease
Patients in DKA usually present with profound total-body potassium in serum glucose and ketone body levels.4 The half-life of IV insulin is
deficits in the range of 3 to 5 mEq/kg (3 to 5 mmol/kg).4 This deficit is 4 to 5 minutes, with an effective biologic half-life at the tissue level of
created by insulin deficiency, metabolic acidosis, osmotic diuresis, and approximately 20 to 30 minutes.
frequent vomiting. Only 2% of total-body potassium is intravascular. IV Insulin After the initial fluid bolus, or simultaneously in a second
The initial serum concentration is usually normal or high because of the IV line, administer insulin at a rate of 0.1 to 0.14 unit/kg/h with no
intracellular exchange of potassium for hydrogen ions during acidosis, insulin bolus once hypokalemia ([K+] <3.3 mEq/L [<3.3 mmol/L])
the total-body fluid deficit, and diminished renal function. Initial hypo- is excluded. An alternative insulin regimen is 0.1 unit/kg bolus IM, if
kalemia indicates severe total-body potassium deficits, and large it is difficult to establish another IV line,19 followed by a drip rate at 0.1
amounts of replacement potassium are usually necessary in the first unit/kg/h.7 An IV loading dose of insulin is not recommended in chil-
24 to 36 hours. dren and new-onset young adult diabetics and is optional in adults.19,20
Correction of the acidosis predicts the change in serum potassium Plasma glucose concentration typically decreases by 50 to 75 milligrams/
concentration. For each 0.1 decrease in pH, serum potassium concen- dL/h (2.8 to 4.2 mmol/L/h), but if the blood glucose fails to drop by 10%
tration rises approximately 0.5 mEq/L (0.5 mmol/L), and the same 1 hour after initial therapy, or 3 mmol/L/h, (assuming adequate hydra-
relationship holds as the pH increases. This can be used as a guide for tion), give a 0.14 unit/kg bolus and resume insulin drip rate.6,7 Another
estimating the serum potassium concentration when pH balance is option is to increase the insulin infusion rate by 1 unit/h.19 The inci-
restored. dence of nonresponse to low-dose continuous IV insulin administra-
Hypokalemia During initial therapy for DKA, the serum potassium tion is 1% to 2%, with infection being the primary reason for failure to
concentration may fall rapidly, primarily due to the action of insulin respond.
promoting reentry of potassium into cells and, to a lesser degree, the Resolution of hyperglycemia usually occurs earlier than resolution
dilution of extracellular fluid, correction of acidosis, and increased of the anion gap, so once the serum glucose is 250 milligrams/dL
urinary loss of potassium. If these changes occur too rapidly, precipi- (11 mmol/L), add dextrose to the IV fluids and reduce the insu-
tous hypokalemia may result in fatal cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory lin drip rate to 0.02 to 0.05 unit/kg/h. Maintain the serum glucose
paralysis, paralytic ileus, and rhabdomyolysis. The rapid development between 150 and 200 milligrams/dL (8.3 and 11 mmol/L) until the reso-
of severe hypokalemia is potentially the most life-threatening electro- lution of DKA.7 Occasionally, a 10% dextrose solution may be needed
lyte derangement during the treatment of DKA.4 to maintain glucose levels.19 Continue the insulin infusion until the
As a general guideline, an initial serum potassium level >3.3 mEq/L resolution of DKA—glucose <200 milligrams/dL (<11 mmol/L) and
(>3.3 mmol/L) but <5.2 mEq/L (<5.2 mmol/L) (before fluid resuscita- two of the following: a serum bicarbonate level >15 mEq/L, a venous
tion and insulin, coupled with urine output) calls for 20 to 30 mEq/L pH >7.3, and/or a normal calculated anion gap.1,7 Monitor laboratory
(20 to 30 mmol/L) for at least 4 hours to keep potassium between 4 and values every 1 to 2 hours to ensure that insulin is being administered in
5 mEq/L (4 and 5 mmol/L).6 Because the most rapid changes occur during the desired amount.
Transition from IV Insulin After DKA Correction A transition from initial hypomagnesemia or hypocalcemia or if symptoms suggestive of
the IV insulin infusion to SC insulin is necessary to avoid relapse to hypomagnesemia or hypocalcemia occur.
hyperglycemia or DKA when the insulin infusion is stopped. Relapse
can occur quickly, within an hour after IV insulin is stopped due to
the short duration of action of IV insulin. The method of insulin tran-
sition varies, and there is no set protocol. Once the patient eats, the glu- Acidotic patients routinely recover from DKA without alkali therapy.4
cose infusion can be stopped, but it is important to overlap the IV and Although it may take hours, the slowing of ketoacid production from
SC insulin for 2 to 4 hours to avoid potential relapse to hyperglycemia infused insulin allows the generation of bicarbonate ions as ketoacids
or DKA. It is best to collaborate with the inpatient team or endocrinolo- are oxidized. This production in bicarbonate during DKA treatment
gist to develop a protocol for the transition to SC insulin. New-onset may be decreased if the brain and kidney oxidize fewer ketoacids.28 Give
diabetics can be started on a total daily dose of 0.5 to 0.8 unit/kg/dL, bicarbonate if the initial pH is <6.9, but do not give bicarbonate if
whereas previously treated diabetic patients can be restarted on their the pH is ≥6.9.1,3,7,29
previous insulin dosage. It is generally preferred to transition from IV to Severe metabolic acidosis is associated with numerous cardiovascular
SC by using long-acting (glargine) and rapid-acting (lispro, glulisine) SC (impaired contractility, vasodilation, and hypotension) and neurologic
insulin regimens that mimic normal insulin physiology as opposed to (cerebral vasodilation and coma) complications. Theoretical advantages
intermediate-acting insulin (NPH) and regular human insulin. The long of bicarbonate include improved myocardial contractility, elevated ven-
and rapid acting insulin analogs may have a lower incidence of hypogly- tricular fibrillation threshold, improved catecholamine tissue response,
cemia.21 One method is to give 50% of the usual long-acting insulin dose and decreased work of breathing. The disadvantages of bicarbonate
2 hours before the IV insulin infusion is stopped (see Figure 223-1 for include worsening hypokalemia, paradoxical CNS acidosis, worsening
onset and duration of action of long-acting insulins). Additional glucose intracellular acidosis, impaired (shift to left) oxyhemoglobin dissocia-
coverage can be provided with short-acting insulin as needed. Continue tion, hypertonicity and sodium overload, delayed recovery from ketosis,
glucose checks every hour for 2 hours. Further intervals for glucose elevation of lactate levels, and possible precipitation of cerebral edema.3
checks and the need for additional SC regular insulin dosing depend on Although there is a lack of literature supportive of improved outcome
the patient’s response and institutional protocols. measures with the use of bicarbonate in the severely acidotic DKA
SC Insulin In carefully selected cases of uncomplicated mild to moder- patient, the decision to use bicarbonate should be based on the clinical
ate DKA, the use of rapid-acting SC insulin may be another treatment condition and pH of the patient.1,30 Potential benefits of bicarbonate in
option. Small studies have demonstrated no difference in terms of time the elderly with cardiovascular instability must be balanced against the
to resolution of hyperglycemia or acidosis when comparing serial doses potential disadvantages.4 There may be selected patients who benefit
of SC short-acting insulins (lispro, aspart) with IV infusions of regular from cautious alkali therapy, including those with decreased cardiac
insulin.22-26, Suggested dosing regimens of SC lispro include an initial contractility and peripheral vasodilatation, and patients with life-
injection of 0.3 unit/kg followed by 0.1 unit/kg every hour,2 or an initial threatening hyperkalemia and coma. Patients with severe acidosis may
dose of 0.3 unit/kg followed by 0.2 unit/kg every 2 hours until blood be at higher risk for clinical deterioration, so adults with a pH <6.9 can
glucose is <250 milligrams/dL (<13.9 mmol/L).25 Then, the insulin dose be given 100 mEq (100 mmol) of sodium bicarbonate in 400 mL of
is decreased by half and administered every 1 or 2 hours until resolution water with 20 mEq (20 mmol) KCl at 200 mL/h for 2 hours until the
of DKA.2,26 This can avoid intensive care admissions and lower hospi- venous pH >7.0. If the pH remains <7.0 despite the infusion, repeat
tal costs but still requires close nursing monitoring that is difficult to the infusion until pH >7.0.6,7 Remember to check [K+] every 2 hours.
accomplish in the ED or nonmonitored setting. Severe acidosis (pH <7.0) and worsening pH despite aggressive therapy
for DKA should prompt investigation for other causes of metabolic
acidosis (see Chapter 15).
Serum phosphate levels often are normal or increased on presentation of DISEASE COMPLICATIONS
DKA and do not reflect the total-body phosphate deficits secondary to
enhanced urinary losses.11 Phosphate (similar to glucose and potassium) COMPLICATIONS RELATED TO ACUTE DISEASE
reenters the intracellular space during insulin therapy, resulting in low
phosphate concentrations. Hypophosphatemia is usually most severe 24 In general, the greater the initial serum osmolality, BUN, and blood
to 48 hours after the start of insulin therapy. Acute phosphate deficiency glucose concentrations, and the lower the serum bicarbonate level (<10
(<1.0 milligram/dL) can result in hypoxia, skeletal muscle weakness, mEq/L), the greater is the mortality.
rhabdomyolysis, hemolysis, respiratory failure, and cardiac dysfunction. Infection and myocardial infarction are the main contributors to
There is no established role for initiating IV K2PO4 for DKA in the mortality. Additional factors that increase morbidity include old age,
ED.4,7,11 In general, do not give IV phosphate unless the serum phos- severe hypotension, coma, and underlying renal and cardiovascular dis-
phate concentration is <1.0 milligram/dL (0.323 mmol/L). Significant ease. Severe volume depletion leaves the elderly at risk for deep venous
hypophosphatemia tends to develop many hours into therapy, after the thrombosis.
patient is already admitted. Undesirable side effects from IV phosphate
administration include hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hypomag-
nesemia, metastatic soft tissue calcifications, hypernatremia, and vol-
ume loss from osmotic diuresis. If absolutely necessary (a phosphate Major complications related to therapy of DKA are listed in Table 225-4.
level <1.0 milligram/dL early in therapy), IV phosphate replacement These include hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, acute
should be administered as IV K2PO4, 2.5 to 5 milligrams/kg (0.08 to respiratory distress syndrome, and cerebral edema. Check QTc intervals
0.16 mmol/kg).26 Monitor serum calcium level if giving supplemental before giving symptomatic pharmacotherapy.
phosphate. Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a rare complication of ther-
apy but may develop particularly in the elderly and those with impaired
myocardial contractility. Overly aggressive fluid therapy decreases
plasma oncotic pressure and raises left atrial end-diastolic pressure,
Osmotic diuresis may cause hypomagnesemia and deplete magnesium favoring a shift of fluid across the pulmonary capillary membrane.
stores from bone. Hypomagnesemia may inhibit parathyroid hormone In very young children, new-onset diabetics, and adolescents with
secretion, causing hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia. If the serum DKA, cerebral edema remains the most common and feared cause of
magnesium concentration is <2.0 mEq/L (<1.0 mmol/L) or symptoms mortality31-35 (see Chapter 147, “Diabetes in Children”). Young age and
are suggestive of hypomagnesemia, give magnesium sulfate 2 grams IV new-onset diabetes (particularly in young adolescents) are the only
over 1 hour. Obtain serum magnesium and calcium levels on presenta- identified potential risk factors. There are no evidence-based recom-
tion and 24 hours into therapy. Monitor levels every 2 hours if there is mendations for adults.4 Cerebral edema usually develops within 4 to
12 hours but can present up to 24 to 48 hours after starting treatment metabolic acidosis resolves during recovery as bicarbonate is regener-
and carries a high mortality.2,33-35 One hypothesis is that the osmotic ated and excess chloride is excreted in the urine.
diuresis promotes loss of water and sodium from both intra- and extra- Late vascular thrombosis may occur in any muscular artery, although
cellular spaces. Hyperglycemia leads to a hyperosmolar extracellular the cerebral vessels appear to be most susceptible. Volume depletion, low
state. Brain cells enzymatically produce osmotically active particles that cardiac output, increased blood viscosity, and underlying atherosclerosis
protect cells from further loss of water and shrinkage. During therapy may predispose the elderly to this complication. Thrombosis may occur
with IV fluid and insulin, water moves into brain cells faster than several hours or days after institution of therapy and after resolution of
osmotically active particles can dissipate, promoting cellular swelling. ketoacidosis. Despite this increased risk, no studies support prophylactic
There are no specific presentation or treatment variables that predict anticoagulant use, although some experts suggest the use of heparin may
or contribute to the development of cerebral edema.32,33 Monitor the be beneficial in DKA if there is no associated bleeding disorder.7,14
relationship between the increase in sodium compared to the decrease Mortality in DKA results mainly from sepsis or pulmonary and
in plasma glucose levels during the initial treatment phase of DKA. cardiovascular complications in the elderly and fatal cerebral edema in
Gradual replacement of water and sodium deficits and slow correction children and young adults (Table 225-6).
of hyperglycemia may lessen the risk of cerebral edema by avoiding
rapid changes in water movement between the intracellular and extra- DISPOSITION AND FOLLOW-UP
cellular spaces.26
Premonitory symptoms are severe headache, incontinence, change The great majority of patients require hospitalization in a monitored
in arousal or behavior, pupillary changes, blood pressure changes, sei- setting where there is nursing experience with IV insulin infusions.
zures, bradycardia, or disturbed temperature regulation. Any change in In many institutions, patients are cared for initially in an intensive or
neurologic function early in therapy is an indication for IV mannitol intermediate care unit. A select group of patients with an anion gap
(1 to 2 grams/kg).35 Mannitol should be given before respiratory failure of <25, a glucose level of <600 milligrams/dL (<33.3 mmol/L), and no
or obtaining confirmatory CT scans because serious morbidity and comorbidity at the time of disposition decision may be managed safely
mortality may be prevented. Hypertonic saline (3%), 5 to 10 mL/kg over on an inpatient unit with nursing expertise using insulin infusions and
30 minutes, may be an alternative to mannitol.2,29,33 Intubation and fluid managing diabetic patients. Some institutions may have protocols for
restriction are generally necessary. There are no data supporting gluco- the use of SC rapid-acting insulin on a medical floor. Patients presenting
corticoid use in DKA-related cerebral edema. early in the course of their illness who can tolerate oral liquids may be
managed safely in the ED or observation unit and discharged after 6 to
LATER COMPLICATIONS 12 hours of therapy.
Metabolic acidosis refractory to routine therapy may be secondary
to unrecognized infection (lactic acidosis), rarely insulin antibodies, SPECIAL POPULATIONS
or improper preparation or administration of the insulin drip. Shock
that is unresponsive to aggressive fluid therapy suggests gram-negative RECURRENT DKA PATIENTS
bacteremia or silent myocardial infarction. Hyperchloremic non–anion Patients who present to the ED with recurrent episodes of DKA should
gap metabolic acidosis can develop during therapy due to rapid volume have barriers to care access addressed while in the ED or during their
expansion in the face of reduced bicarbonate. In addition, bicarbonate
equivalents are excreted in the urine as ketones and are replaced with
chloride provided by the normal saline. This emphasizes the impor-
tance of monitoring the anion gap during therapy. The non–anion gap TABLE 225-6 Complications of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Related to Acute Disease Related to Therapy Later Complications
Loss of airway Hypokalemia Recurrent anion gap
TABLE 225-5 Best Practice to Prevent Cerebral Edema metabolic acidosis
• Slow reduction of osmolality during treatment Sepsis Hypophosphatemia Non–anion gap metabolic
• Avoid large volumes of hypotonic fluid acidosis
• Drop blood glucose slowly during treatment Myocardial infarction Acute respiratory distress Vascular thrombosis
• Do not allow plasma Na+ to fall during treatment syndrome
• Avoid unnecessary bicarbonate during treatment Hypovolemic shock Cerebral edema Mucormycosis
• Avoid hypoxia, hypo-K+, PO4, Mg Hypoglycemia