Principles and Methods of Teaching Accounting
Principles and Methods of Teaching Accounting
Principles and Methods of Teaching Accounting
SMART learning objectives refer to intended learning outcomes that follow a certain structure. SMART is an acronym
for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound.
1. SPECIFIC- State clear and specific outcomes 3. ACHIEVABLE- Is the level of learning achievable in
2. MEASURABLE- Can be measured through one semester
assessment/evaluation 4. RELEVANT- Relevant in relation to the
program/subject description and field/discipline
5. TIME-LIMITED- Can be achieved within the time
available in the semester
1. Evaluation 4. Application
• To be able to assess or judge the value, or • Ability to apply what you have learned to solve a
quality of ideas based on criteria problem
• (Recomend a Solution) (Critique a proposal) • (Prepare, Produce, and Modify information &
(Judge the merit of an idea) ideas)
2. Synthesis 5. Comprehension
• The ability to bring together ideas to form new • Knowing/Comprehending what a message
solutions means so that you can explain it to someone
• (Organize - Plan - Construct - Create) else
3. Analysis 6. Knowledge
• The ability to break down knowledge into • Recall information learned
discrete parts • (Define terms & memorize facts)
• (to effectively analyze a situation to solve a
• refers to the general principles, pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom instruction.
• Your choice of teaching method depends on what fits you — your educational philosophy, classroom demographic,
subject area(s) and school mission statement.
• Teaching theories can be organized into four categories based on two major parameters: a teacher-centered
approach versus a student-centered approach, and high-tech material use versus low-tech material use.