Selfread Customer Education Brochure V5

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Reading your own

electricity meter puts

you in charge of your
electricity bill

Reading your meter is easier than you think

Submit a reading using the MyEskom app

Submit a meter reading using Eskom’s

Customer Service Online function

Get to know your meter

Reading your own electricity meter puts you in Reading your meter is easier than you think
charge of your electricity bill
Many overseas utilities have their customers read their own meters and submit their Of all the means Eskom has for you toPOsubmit your
BOX 8610 JHBreadings,
2000 the easiest is either to
own meter readings. Utilities make various channels available so that customers can download the Eskom App (Andriod & Apple) onto your mobile phone or to submit
CONT ACT CENT RE: (0860) 037566
choose the option that best suits their needs. Here in South Africa the movement to your reading using the Eskom internetFAXportal
NO: CS-Online. 0862 437 566
a self-help service approach is taking off and thus Eskom would like to provide you with E-MAIL:
You need to submit your meter readings
ESK OM H OLD IN GS SOC LTD R EG NO 2002/015527/30
within a specific window period. To find out
various channels to submit your own meter readings too.VAT REG N O 4740101508 WEB: WWW.ESKOM.CO.ZA
what your window period is, look at your bill and find your next estimated reading
As an Eskom directly supplied customer, you can now read and submit your own YOURMouse
date. This is indicated on the sample bill below. ACCOUNToverNO 5497537521
the bill to find out more.
meter reading on a monthly basis using a channel of your choice. Submitting your own Your meter readings should be submitted one SECURITY
to two daysHELD
before this date. Any 11467.85
electricity usage means you know your bill is accurate and you can count on only paying readings submitted outside of this window periodBILLING DATE
will unfortunately not be 2016-11-11
used to NORTH
for what you used. calculate your next bill. TAX INVOICE NO 549759980300
0510 BANK:
VAT REG NO 4490111434 BANK

This tells you whether your
meter reading was an actual ACCOU
meter read or an estimate READING TYPE: ACTUAL READING DATES: 2016/10/11 - 2016/11/09 NO OF DAYS: 29 SEASON:
Your next estimated reading will be on 09/12/2016 NAME
read and the type of reading 319128 53862.0000 53862.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 014743
Meter number PREMISE ID NUMBER 6558615513 TARIFF NAME: Landrate 1,2,3


Always read your meter

Service and Administration Charge @ R20.58 per day for 29 days R 596.82
Meter reading for two days before this “Next
Network Capacity Charge @ R24.78 per day for 29 days R 718.62

this point of delivery estimated

Energy Charge reading”
0 kWh @ R0.9279 /kWh date. Billing Period R 0.00
The energy rate includes the 3.5 c/kWh cost of the environmental levy R 0.00

Reading your meter is easier ACCOUNT SUMMARY FOR NOVEMBER


a meter reading using Eskom’s

than you think Submit a reading using the MyEskom app Get to know your meter
BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD (Due Date 2016-11-07) Service Online function R 1,829.34
Using the MyEskom App

If you would like to submit your readings on the MyEskom app, you could follow this simple step by step guide to get you registered.

What you will do What you will see

Step 1 Login to the “MyEskom customer app” with your username and password Account Detail (My Current Bill)
Step 2 Under menu options, click on “Submit meter reading” “Meter reading capture” screen will display
Step 3 Click on “Please select a premise” Premise will display
Step 4 Click on the relevant premise for which you are submitting a reading “Meter reading capture” screen will be displayed again
Step 5 Select the date on which you are submitting your meter reading from the Selected date will display.
Step 6 Enter the meter reading for the first meter number in the “Enter your The captured reading for the first (or only) meter will be displayed
reading” field.
Step 7 If applicable: Enter the meter reading for the second meter number in the Selected date will display.
“Enter your reading” field.
Step 8 If applicable: Enter the meter reading for the third meter number in the Selected date will display.
“Enter your reading” field.
Step 9 Click on the “Submit” button Success page will display with the following message:
“Thank You - Your request has been submitted.
Your reference number will be sent to you shortly via SMS. Our target is to process
your submitted meter readings within 1 working day.
A copy of your request has been emailed to your registered address”.
You are done! Click on “Next” button on success page. “My accounts” page displays

Submit a reading using Submit a meter reading using Eskom’s

Reading your meter is easier than you think the MyEskom app Get to know your meter
Customer Service Online function
Submitting your meter reading using Eskom’s
Customer Service Online function
Follow these steps below if you would like to submit your meter readings via the Eskom CS Online.

What you will do What you will see

Step 1 Go to
Select the “Submit Meter Readings” button.

Step 2 Enter a “Reading Date” and “Reading Time”. Displayed on the page will
be your unique reading window.
NOTE: Your meter reading will not be used in the calculation of your
next bill if it falls outside of your unique window period.
Additional reasons why your meter reading may possibly not be on your
next bill appear at the bottom of the page.

Submit a meter reading using

Reading your meter is easier than you think Submit a reading using the MyEskom app Eskom’s Customer Service Get to know your meter
Online function
What you will do What you will see
Step 3 Select the meter that you would like to enter a reading for, by selecting a
meter number in the data grid provided. Enter the reading in the “Please
enter a reading field”, and select the “Capture Meter Reading”. This step
will be repeated 3 times for 3 phase meters. Select the “Submit Request”
when all readings have been entered. NOTE: If the meter readings fall
outside of your unique window period, they may not be used in the
calculation of your next bill. Additionally, see the bottom of the page for
reasons as to why your meter reading may possibly not be used on your
next bill.

Step 4 On the confirmation page, select the “Final Submit” button.

Note: To edit a meter reading, select the “Edit Meter Readings” button
and navigate back to the screen in step 3. Step 3 and step 4 may be
repeated, until you select the “Final Submit” button.

You are done! Your reference number will appear.

Submit a meter reading using

Reading your meter is easier than you think Submit a reading using the MyEskom app Eskom’s Customer Service Get to know your meter
Online function
Get to know your meter

There are various types of electromechanical meters. The diagrams below show the 4, 5 and 6 dial meters.
Meters could have up to 9 numbers, the comma could be in black or your meter could not have a comma at all.

0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0
Read four numbers from left to right Read five numbers from left to right
Exclude any numbers to the right of the comma Exclude any numbers to the right of the comma

0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Read six numbers from left to right Read six numbers from left to right
Exclude any numbers to the right of the comma Other meters have 7,8 and 9 numbers

Submit a meter reading using Eskom’s Get to know your meter

Reading your meter is easier than you think Submit a reading using the MyEskom app Customer Service Online function
Figure 1: The Schlumberger kWh meter Figure 2: Itron kWh meter with 5 Figure 3: Actaris kWh meter with 6 Figure 4: Mitsubishi kWh meter with 6
with 5 numbers. All 5 of the numbers numbers. All 5 of the numbers must numbers and one decimal. Read the numbers. This reading would be 041107
up to the comma must be read, be read including any zeros before the first six numbers only, do not read the
including any zeros. This reading would comma. This reading would be 00002 far right number after the comma. This
be 00000 reading would be 000007

Note: If you have difficulty in seeing

numbers through a dirty or damaged glass,
let us know, and we will gladly rectify this.
If a sticker appears on your meter indicating
a constant, please contact the Eskom
Contact Centre for assistance on how to
read your meter.
How to submit your meter reading
Eskom recommends the two best channels
to submit your readings are:
Figure 5: Elster kWh meter with 6 Figure 6: Landis + Gyr E550 meter with 1. Downloading the [MyEskom Customer
numbers. All 6 of the numbers must 6 dials. App] (Windows, Android and IOS), or
be read including any zeros before the Figure 7: Elster kWh meter with 6
All 6 of the dials or numbers must be numbers. All 6 of the numbers to 2. Registering on the Eskom customer
comma. This reading would be 000000
read including any zeros before the the left of the comma must be read portal [CS Online] (
comma. Do not read the numbers to including any zeros. This reading would csonline)
the right of the decimal.This reading be 000001 Words in [ ] should link to the page that
would be 000010. displays this tool

Submit a meter reading using Eskom’s Get to know your meter

Reading your meter is easier than you think Submit a reading using the MyEskom app Customer Service Online function
What to do if your bill looks too high We all need to pay for what we use

It is useful to familiarise yourself with your households usage pattern to detect any Remember, in order for you to keep on enjoying the benefits of electricity, and for
significant changes in your consumption. us to keep on supplying it, you are required to keep your payments up to date – this
If your account is higher than normal: is your responsibility. This liability is based on both common and contractual law.
• Check to see if there are additional charges on your account that month. Should you have a large amount to pay because of corrections Eskom will negotiate
These could be call-out fees, meter test fees or increased deposit installments. a [re-payment period] with you, with legal principles being applied. Recovery will
• Your account may have been under estimated occasionally and an actual read be effective at the historic applicable tariffs. But note that interest may not be
now creates a large account. This means a billing correction has been made. charged. Link to a page that give more information on how to get this service.
• Should you be on a time-of-use tariff, bear in mind that there will be significant
changes in your total bill when the tariff changes from the Low Demand
(September – May) to the High Demand (June-August) season.
• Generally in winter, usage increases due to hot baths, heaters being used and Eskom is happy to assist you with your queries.
using lights for longer hours due to it getting dark earlier. Click here for more
energy efficiency tips for the household.
If you have questions on what has been shared here please feel free to click
on these links for further guidance .

Website link:

or call 08600 37566 (ESKOM)

Together we can make a difference

Issued by Energy Advisory Service September 2020. Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Reg No 2002/015527/30 Job 3869

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