Essay Writing: Group 1

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essay writing GROUP 1:

Gilang Ariesko
Muhammad Novialdi
Salsabilla Marsa Putri
Yoga Hamda
question 1
Is a paragraph similar
with an essay?, explain A paragraph is different with an essay. A good
your answer with paragraph makes a point and each sentence
reason! supports and expand on that one point.
Traditionally, paragraph should be include in 4
to 5 sentences.

Beside that, a good essay include thesis

statement that can be expanded to make
many point that relate back to it. Essay takes
quite a bit more preparation than a single
paragraph. Few essay include less than 5
So it can be concluded that, an essay cannot be created
without paragraphs because an essay is formed from a
collection of several paragraphs that discuss the same topic
in more detail. while a paragraph is a collection of
sentences that discuss the same topic but briefly and not in
too much detail
Elements of paragraph
question 2 1. Topic sentence
What are the elements A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a
paragraph because it contains the main idea of the
of a paragraph and an
paragraph. A good topic sentence has two parts: the
essay? topic and controlling idea. The topic is the is the subject
of your paragraph. The controlling idea limits the topic
of your paragraph.

2. The body ( supporting sentence)

Supporting sentence explain the topic sentence. The
one way to do this is with facts.

3. The concluding sentence

The concluding sentence of a paragraph is generally
needed in a stand-alone paragraph. Usually, a
concluding sentence is a restatement of the topic
A Sad Valentine

Valentine's Day makes me feel bad if I am alone. For example, last Valentine's Day, I was
alone because I had broken up with my boyfriend the week before. Instead of celebrating like
I did the year before, I stayed in and ate a frozen pizza and a candy bar in front of the TV. I
was so upset. Then I found the present that I was going to give him on Valentine's Day. It
was a cute teddy bear holding a big heart that said, "I love you!" As I held it. I realized that
the only Valentine card I had received was from my grandmother. I started to cry. In
conclusion, Valentine's Day can only be a happy day for me if I have someone to share it

Topic sentence
Supporting sentence
Concluding sentence
Elements of essay

Research Outline Introduction

To write a perfect essay, you will

Outlines help writers make sure A good introduction also includes
need to know exactly what point you
they cover all of the necessary background information on the
are trying to prove and have enough
points for their essay and that each topic, such as historical context or
background knowledge of the topic
point flows into one another. information on the current climate
to convince the reader of your point,
that relates to your topic.
argument, or idea.
Elements of essay

Body Conclusion

A key element of writing a successful essay is to An excellent conclusion should consist of

have strong body paragraphs that support your a sentence that is direct and to the point.
thesis and provide in-depth analysis. It can also include a quote from a notable
person or reference to another source you
used in your essay, such as an article or
book on the topic.
thank you

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